Kilu.He 23c67bcdba
feat: support publish document (#5576)
* feat: support a event for getting encoded collab of document

* feat: support publish view and unpublish views

* feat: publish page to the web

* chore: refacotor share bloc

* feat: call the publish event

* feat: support publish view and unpublish views

* feat: integrate publish api

* feat: integrate unpublish api

* feat: fetch the publish info to show the publish status

* feat: support publish interfaces

* fix: lint error

* fix: modified web server

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: update codes

* fix: update codes

* fix: update codes

* fix: update codes

* fix: update codes

* chore: refactor publish bloc

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: the name is too long to publish

* chore: change color

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* feat: refacotor share menu UI

* fix: some style

* fix: lint

* fix: some style

* feat: refacotor export-as

* fix: some style

* chore: refactor share menu colors

* fix: rust ci

* fix: some style

* fix: some style

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: bugs

* fix: rerelease

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: deploy

* fix: og image

* fix: support copy button

* fix: support copy button

* fix: support copy button

* chore: add a params

* feat: use default publish name

* chore: update copy

* feat: show a confirm deletion dialog if the deleted page contains published page

* feat: add copy toast in publish tab

* fix: to 404

fix: to 404

fix: to 404

fix: the error to 404

* feat: unpublish the page auto when moving it to another space

* feat: improve confirm deletion dialog

* feat: show unpublish error

* chore: use

* feat: disable publish in non-apppflowy-cloud user mode

* fix: modified bullted icon style

* fix: the dark mode color

* fix: save the dark mode in local storage

* fix: text color

* chore: make bash script more portable (#5679)

* fix: title longer

* chore: move the files and modified the en

* chore: update

* chore: modified Dockerfile

* chore: modified server.cjs to server.js

* chore: modifed server.js to server.ts

* chore: replace publish url

* chore: remove todo list hover

* chore: show confirm dialog before deleting page

* fix: unpublish the pages before deleting

* fix: table cell bg color

* fix: callout icon

* fix: list number

* fix: emoji

* fix: number icon

* fix: callout icon position

* fix: add margin bottom

* fix: code block

* fix: support scroll for breadcrumbs

* fix: the breadcrumb doesn't update after moving page

* fix: 0705 issues

* fix: update publish status afer deleting page

* chore: add hover effect for visit site button

* fix: remove puiblish url text field enable border color

* chore: update delete page copy

* chore: enable debug category

* fix: only render sidebar if the spaces are ready

* fix: the breadcrumb doesn't update after moving page

* fix: auto code

* fix: add emoji

* fix: add emoji

* fix: favicon

* fix: cypress test

* fix: remove deploy ci

* fix: default url

* chore: revert launch.json

* fix: docker ci

* fix: change favicon

* fix: flutter integration test

* feat: add hover effect to share menu

* chore: add a checkmark if the page has been published

* chore: revert space deletion


Co-authored-by: Lucas.Xu <>
Co-authored-by: Zack <>
2024-07-08 13:45:57 +08:00

95 lines
2.8 KiB

FROM archlinux/archlinux:base-devel as builder
RUN chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo && chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo
# Upgrade the system
RUN pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
# Set up makepkg user and workdir
ARG user=makepkg
RUN pacman -S --needed --noconfirm sudo
RUN useradd --system --create-home $user && \
echo "$user ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
ENV PATH="/home/$user/.pub-cache/bin:/home/$user/flutter/bin:/home/$user/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin:${PATH}"
USER $user
WORKDIR /home/$user
# Install yay
RUN sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm curl tar
RUN curl -sSfL \
--output yay.tar.gz \ && \
tar -xf yay.tar.gz && \
sudo mv yay_12.3.3_x86_64/yay /bin && \
rm -rf yay_12.3.3_x86_64 && \
yay --version
# Install Rust
RUN yay -S --noconfirm curl base-devel openssl clang cmake ninja pkg-config xdg-user-dirs
RUN xdg-user-dirs-update
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
RUN source ~/.cargo/env && \
rustup toolchain install 1.77.2 && \
rustup default 1.77.2
# Install Flutter
RUN sudo pacman -S --noconfirm git tar gtk3
RUN curl -sSfL \
--output flutter.tar.xz \ && \
tar -xf flutter.tar.xz && \
rm flutter.tar.xz
RUN flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
RUN flutter doctor
RUN dart pub global activate protoc_plugin 21.1.2
# Install build dependencies for AppFlowy
RUN yay -S --noconfirm jemalloc4 cargo-make cargo-binstall
RUN sudo pacman -S --noconfirm git libkeybinder3 sqlite clang rsync libnotify rocksdb zstd mpv
RUN sudo ln -s /usr/bin/sha1sum /usr/bin/shasum
RUN source ~/.cargo/env && cargo binstall duckscript_cli -y
# Build AppFlowy
COPY . /appflowy
RUN sudo chown -R $user: /appflowy
WORKDIR /appflowy
RUN cd frontend && \
source ~/.cargo/env && \
cargo make appflowy-flutter-deps-tools && \
cargo make flutter_clean && \
OPENSSL_STATIC=1 ZSTD_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 ROCKSDB_LIB_DIR="/usr/lib/" cargo make -p production-linux-x86_64 appflowy-linux
FROM archlinux/archlinux
# Upgrade the system
RUN pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
# Install runtime dependencies
RUN pacman -S --noconfirm xdg-user-dirs gtk3 libkeybinder3 && \
pacman -Scc --noconfirm
# Set up appflowy user
ARG user=appflowy
ARG uid=1000
ARG gid=1000
RUN groupadd --gid $gid $user
RUN useradd --create-home --uid $uid --gid $gid $user
USER $user
# Set up the AppFlowy app
WORKDIR /home/$user
COPY --from=builder /appflowy/frontend/appflowy_flutter/build/linux/x64/release/bundle .
RUN xdg-user-dirs-update && \
test -e ./AppFlowy && \
file ./AppFlowy
CMD ["./AppFlowy"]