mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:39 +00:00
* feat: implement encrypt and decrypt * feat: encrypt and decrypt * feat: update user profile with encrypt * chore: store encryption sign * fix: login in setting menu * chore: show encryption account name * chore: fix test * ci: fix warnings * test: enable supabase test * chore: fix test and rename column * fix: update user profile after set the secret * fix: encryption with wrong secret * fix: don't save user data if the return value of did_sign_up is err * chore: encrypt snapshot data * chore: refactor snapshots interface * ci: add tests * chore: update collab rev
684 lines
22 KiB
684 lines
22 KiB
"appName": "AppFlowy",
"defaultUsername": "Me",
"welcomeText": "Welcome to @:appName",
"githubStarText": "Star on GitHub",
"subscribeNewsletterText": "Subscribe to Newsletter",
"letsGoButtonText": "Quick Start",
"title": "Title",
"youCanAlso": "You can also",
"and": "and",
"blockActions": {
"addBelowTooltip": "Click to add below",
"addAboveCmd": "Alt+click",
"addAboveMacCmd": "Option+click",
"addAboveTooltip": "to add above",
"dragTooltip": "Drag to move",
"openMenuTooltip": "Click to open menu"
"signUp": {
"buttonText": "Sign Up",
"title": "Sign Up to @:appName",
"getStartedText": "Get Started",
"emptyPasswordError": "Password can't be empty",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "Repeat password can't be empty",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "Repeat password is not the same as password",
"alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Already have an account?",
"emailHint": "Email",
"passwordHint": "Password",
"repeatPasswordHint": "Repeat password",
"signUpWith": "Sign up with:"
"signIn": {
"loginTitle": "Login to @:appName",
"loginButtonText": "Login",
"loginAsGuestButtonText": "Get Started",
"continueAnonymousUser": "Continue in an anonymous session",
"buttonText": "Sign In",
"forgotPassword": "Forgot Password?",
"emailHint": "Email",
"passwordHint": "Password",
"dontHaveAnAccount": "Don't have an account?",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "Repeat password can't be empty",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "Repeat password is not the same as password",
"signInWith": "Sign in with:"
"workspace": {
"create": "Create workspace",
"hint": "workspace",
"notFoundError": "Workspace not found"
"shareAction": {
"buttonText": "Share",
"workInProgress": "Coming soon",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"copyLink": "Copy Link"
"moreAction": {
"small": "small",
"medium": "medium",
"large": "large",
"fontSize": "Font Size",
"import": "Import",
"moreOptions": "More options"
"importPanel": {
"textAndMarkdown": "Text & Markdown",
"documentFromV010": "Document from v0.1.0",
"databaseFromV010": "Database from v0.1.0",
"csv": "CSV",
"database": "Database"
"disclosureAction": {
"rename": "Rename",
"delete": "Delete",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"unfavorite": "Remove from favorites",
"favorite": "Add to favorites",
"openNewTab": "Open in a new tab",
"moveTo": "Move to",
"addToFavorites": "Add to Favorites",
"copyLink": "Copy Link"
"blankPageTitle": "Blank page",
"newPageText": "New page",
"trash": {
"text": "Trash",
"restoreAll": "Restore All",
"deleteAll": "Delete All",
"pageHeader": {
"fileName": "File name",
"lastModified": "Last Modified",
"created": "Created"
"confirmDeleteAll": {
"title": "Are you sure to delete all pages in Trash?",
"caption": "This action cannot be undone."
"confirmRestoreAll": {
"title": "Are you sure to restore all pages in Trash?",
"caption": "This action cannot be undone."
"deletePagePrompt": {
"text": "This page is in Trash",
"restore": "Restore page",
"deletePermanent": "Delete permanently"
"dialogCreatePageNameHint": "Page name",
"questionBubble": {
"shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"whatsNew": "What's new?",
"help": "Help & Support",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"debug": {
"name": "Debug Info",
"success": "Copied debug info to clipboard!",
"fail": "Unable to copy debug info to clipboard"
"feedback": "Feedback"
"menuAppHeader": {
"moreButtonToolTip": "Remove, rename, and more...",
"addPageTooltip": "Quickly add a page inside",
"defaultNewPageName": "Untitled",
"renameDialog": "Rename"
"toolbar": {
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"underline": "Underline",
"strike": "Strikethrough",
"numList": "Numbered List",
"bulletList": "Bulleted List",
"checkList": "Check List",
"inlineCode": "Inline Code",
"quote": "Quote Block",
"header": "Header",
"highlight": "Highlight",
"color": "Color",
"addLink": "Add Link",
"link": "Link"
"tooltip": {
"lightMode": "Switch to Light mode",
"darkMode": "Switch to Dark mode",
"openAsPage": "Open as a Page",
"addNewRow": "Add a new row",
"openMenu": "Click to open menu",
"dragRow": "Long press to reorder the row",
"viewDataBase": "View database",
"referencePage": "This {name} is referenced",
"addBlockBelow": "Add a block below"
"sideBar": {
"closeSidebar": "Close side bar",
"openSidebar": "Open side bar",
"personal": "Personal",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"clickToHidePersonal": "Click to hide personal section",
"clickToHideFavorites": "Click to hide favorite section",
"addAPage": "Add a page"
"notifications": {
"export": {
"markdown": "Exported Note To Markdown",
"path": "Documents/flowy"
"contactsPage": {
"title": "Contacts",
"whatsHappening": "What's happening this week?",
"addContact": "Add Contact",
"editContact": "Edit Contact"
"button": {
"OK": "OK",
"Done": "Done",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"signOut": "Sign Out",
"complete": "Complete",
"save": "Save",
"generate": "Generate",
"esc": "ESC",
"keep": "Keep",
"tryAgain": "Try again",
"discard": "Discard",
"replace": "Replace",
"insertBelow": "Insert Below",
"upload": "Upload",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"done": "Done",
"putback": "Put Back"
"label": {
"welcome": "Welcome!",
"firstName": "First Name",
"middleName": "Middle Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"stepX": "Step {X}"
"oAuth": {
"err": {
"failedTitle": "Unable to connect to your account.",
"failedMsg": "Please make sure you've completed the sign-in process in your browser."
"google": {
"title": "GOOGLE SIGN-IN",
"instruction1": "In order to import your Google Contacts, you'll need to authorize this application using your web browser.",
"instruction2": "Copy this code to your clipboard by clicking the icon or selecting the text:",
"instruction3": "Navigate to the following link in your web browser, and enter the above code:",
"instruction4": "Press the button below when you've completed signup:"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"menu": {
"appearance": "Appearance",
"language": "Language",
"user": "User",
"files": "Files",
"open": "Open Settings",
"logout": "Logout",
"logoutPrompt": "Are you sure to logout?",
"selfEncryptionLogoutPrompt": "Are you sure you want to log out? Please ensure you have copied the encryption secret",
"syncSetting": "Sync Setting",
"enableSync": "Enable sync",
"enableEncrypt": "Encrypt data",
"enableEncryptPrompt": "Activate encryption to secure your data with this secret. Store it safely; once enabled, it can't be turned off. If lost, your data becomes irretrievable. Click to copy",
"inputEncryptPrompt": "Please enter your encryption secret for",
"clickToCopySecret": "Click to copy secret",
"inputTextFieldHint": "Your secret",
"historicalUserList": "User login history",
"historicalUserListTooltip": "This list displays your anonymous accounts. You can click on an account to view its details. Anonymous accounts are created by clicking the 'Get Started' button",
"openHistoricalUser": "Click to open the anonymous account"
"appearance": {
"resetSetting": "Reset this setting",
"fontFamily": {
"label": "Font Family",
"search": "Search"
"themeMode": {
"label": "Theme Mode",
"light": "Light Mode",
"dark": "Dark Mode",
"system": "Adapt to System"
"themeUpload": {
"button": "Upload",
"description": "Upload your own AppFlowy theme using the button below.",
"failure": "The theme that was uploaded had an invalid format.",
"loading": "Please wait while we validate and upload your theme...",
"uploadSuccess": "Your theme was uploaded successfully",
"deletionFailure": "Failed to delete the theme. Try to delete it manually.",
"filePickerDialogTitle": "Choose a .flowy_plugin file",
"urlUploadFailure": "Failed to open url: {}"
"theme": "Theme",
"builtInsLabel": "Built-in Themes",
"pluginsLabel": "Plugins"
"files": {
"copy": "Copy",
"defaultLocation": "Read files and data storage location",
"exportData": "Export your data",
"doubleTapToCopy": "Double tap to copy the path",
"restoreLocation": "Restore to AppFlowy default path",
"customizeLocation": "Open another folder",
"restartApp": "Please restart app for the changes to take effect.",
"exportDatabase": "Export database",
"selectFiles": "Select the files that need to be export",
"selectAll": "Select all",
"deselectAll": "Deselect all",
"createNewFolder": "Create a new folder",
"createNewFolderDesc": "Tell us where you want to store your data",
"defineWhereYourDataIsStored": "Define where your data is stored",
"open": "Open",
"openFolder": "Open an existing folder",
"openFolderDesc": "Read and write it to your existing AppFlowy folder",
"folderHintText": "folder name",
"location": "Creating a new folder",
"locationDesc": "Pick a name for your AppFlowy data folder",
"browser": "Browse",
"create": "Create",
"set": "Set",
"folderPath": "Path to store your folder",
"locationCannotBeEmpty": "Path cannot be empty",
"pathCopiedSnackbar": "File storage path copied to clipboard!",
"changeLocationTooltips": "Change the data directory",
"change": "Change",
"openLocationTooltips": "Open another data directory",
"openCurrentDataFolder": "Open current data directory",
"recoverLocationTooltips": "Reset to AppFlowy's default data directory",
"exportFileSuccess": "Export file successfully!",
"exportFileFail": "Export file failed!",
"export": "Export"
"user": {
"name": "Name",
"icon": "Icon",
"selectAnIcon": "Select an icon",
"pleaseInputYourOpenAIKey": "please input your OpenAI key",
"clickToLogout": "Click to logout the current user"
"shortcuts": {
"shortcutsLabel": "Shortcuts",
"command": "Command",
"keyBinding": "Keybinding",
"addNewCommand": "Add New Command",
"updateShortcutStep": "Press desired key combination and press ENTER",
"shortcutIsAlreadyUsed": "This shortcut is already used for: {conflict}",
"resetToDefault": "Reset to default keybindings",
"couldNotLoadErrorMsg": "Could not load shortcuts, Try again",
"couldNotSaveErrorMsg": "Could not save shortcuts, Try again"
"grid": {
"deleteView": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?",
"createView": "New",
"settings": {
"filter": "Filter",
"sort": "Sort",
"sortBy": "Sort by",
"properties": "Properties",
"reorderPropertiesTooltip": "Drag to reorder properties",
"group": "Group",
"addFilter": "Add Filter",
"deleteFilter": "Delete filter",
"filterBy": "Filter by...",
"typeAValue": "Type a value...",
"layout": "Layout",
"databaseLayout": "Layout"
"textFilter": {
"contains": "Contains",
"doesNotContain": "Does not contain",
"endsWith": "Ends with",
"startWith": "Starts with",
"is": "Is",
"isNot": "Is not",
"isEmpty": "Is empty",
"isNotEmpty": "Is not empty",
"choicechipPrefix": {
"isNot": "Not",
"startWith": "Starts with",
"endWith": "Ends with",
"isEmpty": "is empty",
"isNotEmpty": "is not empty"
"checkboxFilter": {
"isChecked": "Checked",
"isUnchecked": "Unchecked",
"choicechipPrefix": {
"is": "is"
"checklistFilter": {
"isComplete": "is complete",
"isIncomplted": "is incomplete"
"singleSelectOptionFilter": {
"is": "Is",
"isNot": "Is not",
"isEmpty": "Is empty",
"isNotEmpty": "Is not empty"
"multiSelectOptionFilter": {
"contains": "Contains",
"doesNotContain": "Does not contain",
"isEmpty": "Is empty",
"isNotEmpty": "Is not empty"
"field": {
"hide": "Hide",
"insertLeft": "Insert Left",
"insertRight": "Insert Right",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"textFieldName": "Text",
"checkboxFieldName": "Checkbox",
"dateFieldName": "Date",
"updatedAtFieldName": "Last modified time",
"createdAtFieldName": "Created time",
"numberFieldName": "Numbers",
"singleSelectFieldName": "Select",
"multiSelectFieldName": "Multiselect",
"urlFieldName": "URL",
"checklistFieldName": "Checklist",
"numberFormat": "Number format",
"dateFormat": "Date format",
"includeTime": "Include time",
"dateFormatFriendly": "Month Day, Year",
"dateFormatISO": "Year-Month-Day",
"dateFormatLocal": "Month/Day/Year",
"dateFormatUS": "Year/Month/Day",
"dateFormatDayMonthYear": "Day/Month/Year",
"timeFormat": "Time format",
"invalidTimeFormat": "Invalid format",
"timeFormatTwelveHour": "12 hour",
"timeFormatTwentyFourHour": "24 hour",
"clearDate": "Clear date",
"addSelectOption": "Add an option",
"optionTitle": "Options",
"addOption": "Add option",
"editProperty": "Edit property",
"newProperty": "New property",
"deleteFieldPromptMessage": "Are you sure? This property will be deleted",
"newColumn": "New Column"
"sort": {
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"deleteAllSorts": "Delete all sorts",
"addSort": "Add sort"
"row": {
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"delete": "Delete",
"textPlaceholder": "Empty",
"copyProperty": "Copied property to clipboard",
"count": "Count",
"newRow": "New row",
"action": "Action"
"selectOption": {
"create": "Create",
"purpleColor": "Purple",
"pinkColor": "Pink",
"lightPinkColor": "Light Pink",
"orangeColor": "Orange",
"yellowColor": "Yellow",
"limeColor": "Lime",
"greenColor": "Green",
"aquaColor": "Aqua",
"blueColor": "Blue",
"deleteTag": "Delete tag",
"colorPanelTitle": "Colors",
"panelTitle": "Select an option or create one",
"searchOption": "Search for an option"
"checklist": {
"panelTitle": "Add an item"
"menuName": "Grid",
"referencedGridPrefix": "View of"
"document": {
"menuName": "Document",
"date": {
"timeHintTextInTwelveHour": "01:00 PM",
"timeHintTextInTwentyFourHour": "13:00"
"slashMenu": {
"board": {
"selectABoardToLinkTo": "Select a Board to link to",
"createANewBoard": "Create a new Board"
"grid": {
"selectAGridToLinkTo": "Select a Grid to link to",
"createANewGrid": "Create a new Grid"
"calendar": {
"selectACalendarToLinkTo": "Select a Calendar to link to",
"createANewCalendar": "Create a new Calendar"
"selectionMenu": {
"outline": "Outline"
"plugins": {
"referencedBoard": "Referenced Board",
"referencedGrid": "Referenced Grid",
"referencedCalendar": "Referenced Calendar",
"autoGeneratorMenuItemName": "OpenAI Writer",
"autoGeneratorTitleName": "OpenAI: Ask AI to write anything...",
"autoGeneratorLearnMore": "Learn more",
"autoGeneratorGenerate": "Generate",
"autoGeneratorHintText": "Ask OpenAI ...",
"autoGeneratorCantGetOpenAIKey": "Can't get OpenAI key",
"autoGeneratorRewrite": "Rewrite",
"smartEdit": "AI Assistants",
"openAI": "OpenAI",
"smartEditFixSpelling": "Fix spelling",
"warning": "⚠️ AI responses can be inaccurate or misleading.",
"smartEditSummarize": "Summarize",
"smartEditImproveWriting": "Improve writing",
"smartEditMakeLonger": "Make longer",
"smartEditCouldNotFetchResult": "Could not fetch result from OpenAI",
"smartEditCouldNotFetchKey": "Could not fetch OpenAI key",
"smartEditDisabled": "Connect OpenAI in Settings",
"discardResponse": "Do you want to discard the AI responses?",
"createInlineMathEquation": "Create equation",
"toggleList": "Toggle List",
"cover": {
"changeCover": "Change Cover",
"colors": "Colors",
"images": "Images",
"clearAll": "Clear All",
"abstract": "Abstract",
"addCover": "Add Cover",
"addLocalImage": "Add local image",
"invalidImageUrl": "Invalid image URL",
"failedToAddImageToGallery": "Failed to add image to gallery",
"enterImageUrl": "Enter image URL",
"add": "Add",
"back": "Back",
"saveToGallery": "Save to gallery",
"removeIcon": "Remove Icon",
"pasteImageUrl": "Paste image URL",
"or": "OR",
"pickFromFiles": "Pick from files",
"couldNotFetchImage": "Could not fetch image",
"imageSavingFailed": "Image Saving Failed",
"addIcon": "Add Icon",
"coverRemoveAlert": "It will be removed from cover after it is deleted.",
"alertDialogConfirmation": "Are you sure, you want to continue?"
"mathEquation": {
"addMathEquation": "Add Math Equation",
"editMathEquation": "Edit Math Equation"
"optionAction": {
"click": "Click",
"toOpenMenu": " to open menu",
"delete": "Delete",
"duplicate": "Duplicate",
"turnInto": "Turn into",
"moveUp": "Move up",
"moveDown": "Move down",
"color": "Color",
"align": "Align",
"left": "Left",
"center": "Center",
"right": "Right",
"defaultColor": "Default"
"image": {
"copiedToPasteBoard": "The image link has been copied to the clipboard"
"outline": {
"addHeadingToCreateOutline": "Add headings to create a table of contents."
"textBlock": {
"placeholder": "Type '/' for commands"
"title": {
"placeholder": "Untitled"
"imageBlock": {
"placeholder": "Click to add image",
"upload": {
"label": "Upload",
"placeholder": "Click to upload image"
"url": {
"label": "Image URL",
"placeholder": "Enter image URL"
"support": "Image size limit is 5MB. Supported formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG",
"error": {
"invalidImage": "Invalid image",
"invalidImageSize": "Image size must be less than 5MB",
"invalidImageFormat": "Image format is not supported. Supported formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG",
"invalidImageUrl": "Invalid image URL"
"codeBlock": {
"language": {
"label": "Language",
"placeholder": "Select language"
"inlineLink": {
"placeholder": "Paste or type a link",
"openInNewTab": "Open in new tab",
"copyLink": "Copy link",
"removeLink": "Remove link",
"url": {
"label": "Link URL",
"placeholder": "Enter link URL"
"title": {
"label": "Link Title",
"placeholder": "Enter link title"
"mention": {
"placeholder": "Mention a person or a page or date...",
"page": {
"label": "Link to page",
"tooltip": "Click to open page"
"board": {
"column": {
"create_new_card": "New"
"menuName": "Board",
"referencedBoardPrefix": "View of"
"calendar": {
"menuName": "Calendar",
"defaultNewCalendarTitle": "Untitled",
"navigation": {
"today": "Today",
"jumpToday": "Jump to Today",
"previousMonth": "Previous Month",
"nextMonth": "Next Month"
"settings": {
"showWeekNumbers": "Show week numbers",
"showWeekends": "Show weekends",
"firstDayOfWeek": "Start week on",
"layoutDateField": "Layout calendar by",
"noDateTitle": "No Date",
"noDateHint": "Unscheduled events will show up here",
"clickToAdd": "Click to add to the calendar",
"name": "Calendar layout"
"referencedCalendarPrefix": "View of"
"errorDialog": {
"title": "AppFlowy Error",
"howToFixFallback": "We're sorry for the inconvenience! Submit an issue on our GitHub page that describes your error.",
"github": "View on GitHub"
"search": {
"label": "Search",
"placeholder": {
"actions": "Search actions..."
"message": {
"copy": {
"success": "Copied!",
"fail": "Unable to copy"
"unSupportBlock": "The current version does not support this Block.",
"views": {
"deleteContentTitle": "Are you sure want to delete the {pageType}?",
"deleteContentCaption": "if you delete this {pageType}, you can restore it from the trash."
"colors": {
"custom": "Custom",
"default": "Default",
"red": "Red",
"orange": "Orange",
"yellow": "Yellow",
"green": "Green",
"blue": "Blue",
"purple": "Purple",
"pink": "Pink",
"brown": "Brown",
"gray": "Gray"
"emoji": {
"filter": "Filter",
"random": "Random",
"selectSkinTone": "Select skin tone",
"remove": "Remove emoji",
"categories": {
"smileys": "Smileys & Emotion",
"people": "People & Body",
"animals": "Animals & Nature",
"food": "Food & Drink",
"activities": "Activities",
"places": "Travel & Places",
"objects": "Objects",
"symbols": "Symbols",
"flags": "Flags",
"nature": "Nature",
"frequentlyUsed": "Frequently Used"
} |