Nathan.fooo 6bb1c4e89c
feat: run rustfmt with custom defined fmt configuration ()
* chore: update rustfmt

* chore: apply rustfmt format
2023-02-13 09:29:49 +08:00

464 lines
11 KiB

use crate::node::script::NodeScript::*;
use crate::node::script::NodeTest;
use lib_ot::core::{placeholder_node, NodeData, NodeDataBuilder, NodeOperation, Path};
fn operation_insert_op_transform_test() {
let node_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").build();
let node_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2").build();
let op_1 = NodeOperation::Insert {
path: Path(vec![0, 1]),
nodes: vec![node_1],
let mut insert_2 = NodeOperation::Insert {
path: Path(vec![0, 1]),
nodes: vec![node_2],
// let mut node_tree = NodeTree::new("root");
// node_tree.apply_op(insert_1.clone()).unwrap();
op_1.transform(&mut insert_2);
let json = serde_json::to_string(&insert_2).unwrap();
fn operation_insert_one_level_path_test() {
let node_data_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").build();
let node_data_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2").build();
let node_data_3 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_3").build();
let node_3 = node_data_3.clone();
// 0: text_1
// 1: text_2
// Insert a new operation with rev_id 2 to index 1,but the index was already taken, so
// it needs to be transformed.
// 0: text_1
// 1: text_2
// 2: text_3
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: node_data_1.clone(),
rev_id: 1,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_data_2.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_data_3.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
AssertNode {
path: 2.into(),
expected: Some(node_3.clone()),
// If the rev_id of the node_data_3 is 3. then the tree will be:
// 0: text_1
// 1: text_3
// 2: text_2
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: node_data_1,
rev_id: 1,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_data_2,
rev_id: 2,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_data_3,
rev_id: 3,
AssertNode {
path: 1.into(),
expected: Some(node_3),
fn operation_insert_with_multiple_level_path_test() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let node_data_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1")
let node_data_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2")
let node_data_3 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_3").build();
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: node_data_1,
rev_id: 1,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_data_2,
rev_id: 2,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_data_3.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
AssertNode {
path: 2.into(),
expected: Some(node_data_3),
fn operation_insert_node_out_of_bound_test() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let image_a = NodeData::new("image_a");
let image_b = NodeData::new("image_b");
let image = NodeDataBuilder::new("image_1")
let text_node = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").add_node_data(image).build();
let image_c = NodeData::new("image_c");
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: text_node,
rev_id: 1,
// 0:text_1
// 0:image_1
// 0:image_a
// 1:image_b
InsertNode {
path: vec![0, 0, 3].into(),
node_data: image_c.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
// 0:text_1
// 0:image_1
// 0:image_a
// 1:image_b
// 2:placeholder node
// 3:image_c
AssertNode {
path: vec![0, 0, 2].into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: vec![0, 0, 3].into(),
expected: Some(image_c),
AssertNode {
path: vec![0, 0, 10].into(),
expected: None,
fn operation_insert_node_when_parent_is_not_exist_test1() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let text_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").build();
let text_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2").build();
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: text_1,
rev_id: 1,
// The node at path 1 is not existing when inserting the text_2 to path 2.
InsertNode {
path: 2.into(),
node_data: text_2.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
AssertNode {
path: 1.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: 2.into(),
expected: Some(text_2),
fn operation_insert_node_when_parent_is_not_exist_test2() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let text_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").build();
let text_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2").build();
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: text_1,
rev_id: 1,
// The node at path 1 is not existing when inserting the text_2 to path 2.
InsertNode {
path: 3.into(),
node_data: text_2.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
AssertNode {
path: 1.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: 2.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: 3.into(),
expected: Some(text_2),
fn operation_insert_node_when_its_parent_is_not_exist_test3() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let text_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").build();
let text_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2").build();
let mut placeholder_node = placeholder_node();
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: text_1,
rev_id: 1,
// The node at path 1 is not existing when inserting the text_2 to path 2.
InsertNode {
path: vec![1, 0].into(),
node_data: text_2.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
AssertNode {
path: 1.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node),
AssertNode {
path: vec![1, 0].into(),
expected: Some(text_2),
fn operation_insert_node_to_the_end_when_parent_is_not_exist_test() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let node_0 = NodeData::new("0");
let node_1 = NodeData::new("1");
let node_1_1 = NodeData::new("1_1");
let text_node = NodeData::new("text");
let mut ghost = placeholder_node();
// 0:0
// 1:1
// 0:1_1
// 1:ghost
// 0:text
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: node_0,
rev_id: 1,
InsertNode {
path: 1.into(),
node_data: node_1,
rev_id: 2,
InsertNode {
path: vec![1, 0].into(),
node_data: node_1_1.clone(),
rev_id: 3,
InsertNode {
path: vec![1, 1, 0].into(),
node_data: text_node.clone(),
rev_id: 4,
AssertNode {
path: vec![1, 0].into(),
expected: Some(node_1_1),
AssertNode {
path: vec![1, 1].into(),
expected: Some(ghost),
AssertNode {
path: vec![1, 1, 0].into(),
expected: Some(text_node),
fn operation_insert_node_when_multiple_parent_is_not_exist_test() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let text_1 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_1").build();
let text_2 = NodeDataBuilder::new("text_2").build();
let path = vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let mut auto_fill_node = placeholder_node();
let mut iter_node: &mut NodeData = &mut auto_fill_node;
let insert_path = path.split_at(1).1;
for (index, _) in insert_path.iter().enumerate() {
if index == insert_path.len() - 1 {
} else {
iter_node = iter_node.children.last_mut().unwrap();
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: 0.into(),
node_data: text_1,
rev_id: 1,
InsertNode {
path: path.clone().into(),
node_data: text_2.clone(),
rev_id: 2,
AssertNode {
path: vec![1].into(),
expected: Some(auto_fill_node),
AssertNode {
path: path.into(),
expected: Some(text_2),
fn operation_insert_node_when_multiple_parent_is_not_exist_test2() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
// 0:ghost
// 0:ghost
// 1:ghost
// 0:text
let mut text_node_parent = placeholder_node();
let text_node = NodeDataBuilder::new("text").build();
let mut ghost = placeholder_node();
let path = vec![1, 1, 0];
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: path.into(),
node_data: text_node.clone(),
rev_id: 1,
// 0:ghost
// 1:ghost
// 0:ghost
// 1:ghost
// 0:text
AssertNode {
path: 0.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: 1.into(),
expected: Some(ghost),
AssertNumberOfChildrenAtPath {
path: Some(1.into()),
expected: 2,
AssertNode {
path: vec![1, 1].into(),
expected: Some(text_node_parent),
AssertNode {
path: vec![1, 1, 0].into(),
expected: Some(text_node),
fn operation_insert_node_when_multiple_parent_is_not_exist_test3() {
let mut test = NodeTest::new();
let text_node = NodeDataBuilder::new("text").build();
let path = vec![3, 3, 0];
let scripts = vec![
InsertNode {
path: path.clone().into(),
node_data: text_node.clone(),
rev_id: 1,
// 0:ghost
// 1:ghost
// 2:ghost
// 3:ghost
// 0:ghost
// 1:ghost
// 2:ghost
// 3:ghost
// 0:text
AssertNode {
path: 0.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: 1.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNode {
path: 2.into(),
expected: Some(placeholder_node()),
AssertNumberOfChildrenAtPath {
path: Some(3.into()),
expected: 4,
AssertNode {
path: path.into(),
expected: Some(text_node),