mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:39 +00:00
* refactor: rename structs * chore: read database id from view * chore: fix open database error because of create a database view for database id * chore: fix tests * chore: rename datbase id to view id in flutter * refactor: move grid and board to database view folder * refactor: rename functions * refactor: move calender to datbase view folder * refactor: rename app_flowy to appflowy_flutter * chore: reanming * chore: fix freeze gen * chore: remove todos * refactor: view process events * chore: add link database test * chore: just open view if there is opened database
240 lines
6.6 KiB
240 lines
6.6 KiB
"appName": "Appflowy",
"defaultUsername": "我",
"welcomeText": "欢迎使用 @:appName",
"githubStarText": "Star on GitHub",
"subscribeNewsletterText": "消息订阅",
"letsGoButtonText": "开始",
"title": "标题",
"signUp": {
"buttonText": "注册",
"title": "注册 @:appName 账户",
"getStartedText": "开始",
"emptyPasswordError": "密码不能为空",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "确认密码不能为空",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "两次密码输入不一致",
"alreadyHaveAnAccount": "已有账户?",
"emailHint": "邮箱",
"passwordHint": "密码",
"repeatPasswordHint": "确认密码"
"signIn": {
"loginTitle": "登录 @:appName",
"loginButtonText": "登录",
"buttonText": "登录",
"forgotPassword": "忘记密码?",
"emailHint": "邮箱",
"passwordHint": "密码",
"dontHaveAnAccount": "没有已注册的账户?",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "确认密码不能为空",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "两次密码输入不一致"
"workspace": {
"create": "新建空间",
"hint": "空间",
"notFoundError": "未知的空间"
"shareAction": {
"buttonText": "分享",
"workInProgress": "敬请期待",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"copyLink": "复制链接"
"disclosureAction": {
"rename": "重命名",
"delete": "删除",
"duplicate": "复制"
"blankPageTitle": "空白页",
"newPageText": "新页面",
"trash": {
"text": "回收站",
"restoreAll": "全部恢复",
"deleteAll": "全部删除",
"pageHeader": {
"fileName": "文件名",
"lastModified": "最近修改",
"created": "创建"
"deletePagePrompt": {
"text": "此页面已被移动至回收站",
"restore": "恢复页面",
"deletePermanent": "彻底删除"
"dialogCreatePageNameHint": "页面名称",
"questionBubble": {
"whatsNew": "新功能?",
"help": "帮助 & 支持",
"debug": {
"name": "调试信息",
"success": "将调试信息复制到剪贴板!",
"fail": "无法将调试信息复制到剪贴板"
"menuAppHeader": {
"addPageTooltip": "在其中快速添加页面",
"defaultNewPageName": "未命名页面",
"renameDialog": "重命名"
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"undo": "撤销",
"redo": "恢复",
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"italic": "斜体",
"underline": "下划线",
"strike": "删除线",
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"bulletList": "无序列表",
"checkList": "任务列表",
"inlineCode": "内联代码",
"quote": "块引用",
"header": "标题",
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"lightMode": "切换到亮色模式",
"darkMode": "切换到暗色模式",
"openAsPage": "作为页面打开",
"addNewRow": "增加一行",
"openMenu": "点击打开菜单"
"sideBar": {
"openSidebar": "打开侧边栏",
"closeSidebar": "关闭侧边栏"
"notifications": {
"export": {
"markdown": "导出笔记为Markdown文档",
"path": "Documents/flowy"
"contactsPage": {
"title": "联系人",
"whatsHappening": "这周发生了哪些事?",
"addContact": "添加联系人",
"editContact": "编辑联系人"
"button": {
"OK": "确认",
"Cancel": "取消",
"signIn": "登录",
"signOut": "登出",
"complete": "完成",
"save": "保存"
"label": {
"welcome": "欢迎!",
"firstName": "名",
"middleName": "中间名",
"lastName": "姓",
"stepX": "第{X}步"
"oAuth": {
"err": {
"failedTitle": "无法连接到您的账户。",
"failedMsg": "请确认您已在浏览器中完成登录。"
"google": {
"title": "Google 账号登录",
"instruction1": "为了导入您的 Google 联系人,您需要在浏览器中给予本程序授权。",
"instruction2": "单击图标或选择文本复制到剪贴板:",
"instruction3": "进入下面的链接,然后输入上面的代码:",
"instruction4": "完成注册后,点击下面的按钮:"
"settings": {
"title": "设置",
"menu": {
"appearance": "外观",
"language": "语言",
"user": "用户",
"open": "打开设置"
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"themeMode": {
"label": "Theme Mode",
"light": "日间模式",
"dark": "夜间模式",
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"settings": {
"filter": "过滤器",
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"hide": "隐藏",
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"dateFormatLocal": "月/日/年",
"dateFormatUS": "年/月/日",
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"invalidTimeFormat": "时间格式错误",
"timeFormatTwelveHour": "12小时制",
"timeFormatTwentyFourHour": "24小时制",
"addSelectOption": "添加一个标签",
"optionTitle": "标签",
"addOption": "添加标签",
"editProperty": "编辑列属性",
"newColumn": "增加一列",
"deleteFieldPromptMessage": "确定要删除这个属性吗? "
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"duplicate": "复制",
"delete": "删除",
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"create": "新建",
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"blueColor": "蓝色",
"deleteTag": "删除标签",
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"panelTitle": "选择或新建一个标签",
"searchOption": "搜索标签"
"menuName": "网格"
"document": {
"menuName": "文档",
"date": {
"timeHintTextInTwelveHour": "01:00 PM",
"timeHintTextInTwentyFourHour": "13:00"
"board": {
"column": {
"create_new_card": "新建"
"menuName": "看板"
} |