Peter Dave Hello 5cbe90c79f
chore: further improve and update zh-TW translation (#4558)
This is a follow up of #4345, to continue improve the translation
quality, as the original translation was more Simplified-Chinese, and
there are also some new strings need to be translated.
2024-01-31 20:17:35 +08:00

1248 lines
42 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"appName": "AppFlowy",
"defaultUsername": "我",
"welcomeText": "歡迎使用 @:appName",
"welcomeTo": "歡迎來到",
"githubStarText": "在 GitHub 點星",
"subscribeNewsletterText": "訂閱電子報",
"letsGoButtonText": "開始使用",
"title": "標題",
"youCanAlso": "你也可以",
"and": "和",
"blockActions": {
"addBelowTooltip": "點選以在下方新增",
"addAboveCmd": "Alt+點選",
"addAboveMacCmd": "Option+點選",
"addAboveTooltip": "在上方新增",
"dragTooltip": "拖曳以移動",
"openMenuTooltip": "點選以開啟選單"
"signUp": {
"buttonText": "註冊",
"title": "註冊 @:appName",
"getStartedText": "開始使用",
"emptyPasswordError": "密碼不能為空",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "確認密碼不能為空",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "確認密碼與密碼不符",
"alreadyHaveAnAccount": "已經有帳號了嗎?",
"emailHint": "電子郵件",
"passwordHint": "密碼",
"repeatPasswordHint": "確認密碼",
"signUpWith": "透過以下方式註冊:"
"signIn": {
"loginTitle": "登入 @:appName",
"loginButtonText": "登入",
"loginStartWithAnonymous": "以匿名身份開始",
"continueAnonymousUser": "以匿名身份繼續",
"buttonText": "登入",
"signingInText": "正在登入...",
"forgotPassword": "忘記密碼?",
"emailHint": "電子郵件",
"passwordHint": "密碼",
"dontHaveAnAccount": "還沒有帳號?",
"repeatPasswordEmptyError": "確認密碼不能為空",
"unmatchedPasswordError": "確認密碼與密碼不符",
"syncPromptMessage": "同步資料可能需要一些時間。請不要關閉此頁面",
"or": "或",
"LogInWithGoogle": "使用 Google 登入",
"LogInWithGithub": "使用 GitHub 登入",
"LogInWithDiscord": "使用 Discord 登入",
"signInWith": "透過以下方式登入:"
"workspace": {
"chooseWorkspace": "選擇你的工作區",
"create": "建立工作區",
"reset": "重設工作區",
"resetWorkspacePrompt": "重設工作區將刪除其中所有頁面和資料。你確定要重設工作區嗎?或者,你可以聯絡支援團隊來恢復工作區。",
"hint": "工作區",
"notFoundError": "找不到工作區",
"failedToLoad": "出了些問題!無法載入工作區。請嘗試關閉 AppFlowy 的任何開啟執行個體,然後再試一次。",
"errorActions": {
"reportIssue": "回報問題",
"reachOut": "在 Discord 上聯絡我們"
"shareAction": {
"buttonText": "分享",
"workInProgress": "即將推出",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"csv": "CSV",
"copyLink": "複製連結"
"moreAction": {
"small": "小",
"medium": "中",
"large": "大",
"fontSize": "字型大小",
"import": "匯入",
"moreOptions": "更多選項"
"importPanel": {
"textAndMarkdown": "文字 & Markdown",
"documentFromV010": "來自 v0.1.0 的文件",
"databaseFromV010": "來自 v0.1.0 的資料庫",
"csv": "CSV",
"database": "資料庫"
"disclosureAction": {
"rename": "重新命名",
"delete": "刪除",
"duplicate": "複製",
"unfavorite": "從最愛中移除",
"favorite": "加入最愛",
"openNewTab": "在新分頁中開啟",
"moveTo": "移動到",
"addToFavorites": "加入最愛",
"copyLink": "複製連結"
"blankPageTitle": "空白頁面",
"newPageText": "新頁面",
"newDocumentText": "新文件",
"newGridText": "新網格",
"newCalendarText": "新日曆",
"newBoardText": "新看板",
"trash": {
"text": "垃圾桶",
"restoreAll": "全部還原",
"deleteAll": "全部刪除",
"pageHeader": {
"fileName": "檔案名稱",
"lastModified": "最後修改時間",
"created": "建立時間"
"confirmDeleteAll": {
"title": "您確定要刪除垃圾桶中的所有頁面嗎?",
"caption": "此操作無法復原。"
"confirmRestoreAll": {
"title": "您確定要還原垃圾桶中的所有頁面嗎?",
"caption": "此操作無法復原。"
"mobile": {
"actions": "垃圾桶操作",
"empty": "垃圾桶是空的",
"emptyDescription": "您沒有任何已刪除的檔案",
"isDeleted": "已刪除",
"isRestored": "已還原"
"deletePagePrompt": {
"text": "此頁面在垃圾桶中",
"restore": "還原頁面",
"deletePermanent": "永久刪除"
"dialogCreatePageNameHint": "頁面名稱",
"questionBubble": {
"shortcuts": "快捷鍵",
"whatsNew": "有什麼新功能?",
"help": "幫助 & 支援",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"debug": {
"name": "除錯資訊",
"success": "已將除錯資訊複製到剪貼簿!",
"fail": "無法將除錯資訊複製到剪貼簿"
"feedback": "意見回饋"
"menuAppHeader": {
"moreButtonToolTip": "移除、重新命名等等...",
"addPageTooltip": "快速在此新增頁面",
"defaultNewPageName": "未命名",
"renameDialog": "重新命名"
"noPagesInside": "內部沒有頁面",
"toolbar": {
"undo": "復原",
"redo": "取消復原",
"bold": "粗體",
"italic": "斜體",
"underline": "底線",
"strike": "刪除線",
"numList": "編號清單",
"bulletList": "項目符號清單",
"checkList": "核取清單",
"inlineCode": "程式碼",
"quote": "區塊引述",
"header": "標題",
"highlight": "醒目提示",
"color": "顏色",
"addLink": "新增連結",
"link": "連結"
"tooltip": {
"lightMode": "切換至亮色模式",
"darkMode": "切換至深色模式",
"openAsPage": "以頁面開啟",
"addNewRow": "新增一行",
"openMenu": "點選以開啟選單",
"dragRow": "長按以重新排序行",
"viewDataBase": "檢視資料庫",
"referencePage": "這個 {name} 已被引用",
"addBlockBelow": "在下方新增一個區塊",
"urlLaunchAccessory": "在瀏覽器中開啟",
"urlCopyAccessory": "複製網址"
"sideBar": {
"closeSidebar": "關閉側欄",
"openSidebar": "開啟側欄",
"personal": "個人",
"favorites": "最愛",
"clickToHidePersonal": "點選以隱藏個人區塊",
"clickToHideFavorites": "點選以隱藏最愛區塊",
"addAPage": "新增頁面",
"recent": "最近"
"notifications": {
"export": {
"markdown": "已將筆記匯出成 Markdown",
"path": "Documents/flowy"
"contactsPage": {
"title": "聯絡人",
"whatsHappening": "這週有什麼新鮮事?",
"addContact": "新增聯絡人",
"editContact": "編輯聯絡人"
"button": {
"ok": "確定",
"done": "完成",
"cancel": "取消",
"signIn": "登入",
"signOut": "登出",
"complete": "完成",
"save": "儲存",
"generate": "生成",
"esc": "ESC",
"keep": "保留",
"tryAgain": "再試一次",
"discard": "放棄變更",
"replace": "取代",
"insertBelow": "在下方插入",
"insertAbove": "在上方插入",
"upload": "上傳",
"edit": "編輯",
"delete": "刪除",
"duplicate": "複製",
"putback": "放回",
"update": "更新",
"share": "分享",
"removeFromFavorites": "從最愛中移除",
"addToFavorites": "加入最愛",
"rename": "重新命名",
"helpCenter": "支援中心",
"add": "新增",
"yes": "是",
"Done": "完成",
"Cancel": "取消"
"label": {
"welcome": "歡迎!",
"firstName": "名",
"middleName": "中間名",
"lastName": "姓",
"stepX": "第 {X} 步"
"oAuth": {
"err": {
"failedTitle": "無法連接至您的帳號。",
"failedMsg": "請確認您已在瀏覽器中完成登入程序。"
"google": {
"title": "GOOGLE 登入",
"instruction1": "若要匯入您的 Google 聯絡人,您必須透過瀏覽器授權此應用程式。",
"instruction2": "點選圖示或選取文字以複製程式碼:",
"instruction3": "前往下列網址,並輸入上述程式碼:",
"instruction4": "完成註冊後,請點選下方按鈕:"
"settings": {
"title": "設定",
"menu": {
"appearance": "外觀",
"language": "語言",
"user": "使用者",
"files": "檔案",
"notifications": "通知",
"open": "開啟設定",
"logout": "登出",
"logoutPrompt": "您確定要登出嗎?",
"selfEncryptionLogoutPrompt": "您確定要登出嗎?請確保您已複製加密金鑰",
"syncSetting": "同步設定",
"cloudSettings": "雲端設定",
"enableSync": "啟用同步",
"enableEncrypt": "加密資料",
"cloudURL": "基礎網址",
"invalidCloudURLScheme": "網址格式無效",
"cloudServerType": "雲端伺服器種類",
"cloudServerTypeTip": "請注意,切換雲端伺服器後可能會登出您目前的帳號",
"cloudLocal": "本地",
"cloudSupabase": "Supabase",
"cloudSupabaseUrl": "Supabase 網址",
"cloudSupabaseUrlCanNotBeEmpty": "Supabase 網址不能為空",
"cloudSupabaseAnonKey": "Supabase 匿名金鑰",
"cloudSupabaseAnonKeyCanNotBeEmpty": "如果 Supabase 網址不為空,則匿名金鑰不得為空",
"cloudAppFlowy": "AppFlowy 雲端測試版 (Beta)",
"cloudAppFlowySelfHost": "AppFlowy 雲端自建",
"appFlowyCloudUrlCanNotBeEmpty": "雲端網址不能為空",
"clickToCopy": "點選以複製",
"selfHostStart": "若您尚未設定伺服器,請參閱",
"selfHostContent": "文件",
"selfHostEnd": "以瞭解如何自建您的伺服器",
"cloudURLHint": "請輸入您伺服器的基礎網址",
"cloudWSURL": "Websocket 網址",
"cloudWSURLHint": "請輸入您伺服器的 Websocket 位址",
"restartApp": "重新啟動",
"restartAppTip": "重新啟動應用程式以使變更生效。請注意,這可能會登出您目前的帳號",
"changeServerTip": "更換伺服器後,必須點選重新啟動按鈕以使變更生效",
"enableEncryptPrompt": "啟用加密以保護您的資料。請妥善保管這個金鑰;一旦啟用,將無法關閉。如果遺失,您的資料將無法恢復。點選這裡複製",
"inputEncryptPrompt": "請為 {username} 輸入您的加密金鑰",
"clickToCopySecret": "點選以複製金鑰",
"configServerSetting": "設定您的伺服器選項",
"configServerGuide": "在選擇「快速開始」之後,請前往「設定」並選擇「雲端設定」,以進行自託管伺服器的設定。",
"inputTextFieldHint": "您的金鑰",
"historicalUserList": "使用者登入歷史",
"historicalUserListTooltip": "此列表顯示您的匿名帳號。您可以點選帳號以檢視其詳細資訊。透過點選「開始使用」按鈕來建立匿名帳號",
"openHistoricalUser": "點選以開啟匿名帳號",
"customPathPrompt": "將 AppFlowy 資料資料夾儲存在如 Google 雲端硬碟等雲端同步資料夾中可能會帶來風險。如果該資料庫在多處同時被存取或修改,可能會導致同步衝突和潛在的資料損壞",
"importAppFlowyData": "從外部 AppFlowy 資料夾匯入資料",
"importingAppFlowyDataTip": "資料正在匯入中。請勿關閉應用程式",
"importAppFlowyDataDescription": "從外部 AppFlowy 資料夾複製資料並匯入到目前的 AppFlowy 資料夾",
"importSuccess": "成功匯入 AppFlowy 資料夾",
"importFailed": "匯入 AppFlowy 資料夾失敗",
"importGuide": "欲瞭解更多詳細資訊,請查閱參考文件"
"notifications": {
"enableNotifications": {
"label": "啟用通知",
"hint": "關閉以停止顯示本機通知。"
"appearance": {
"resetSetting": "重設",
"fontFamily": {
"label": "字型",
"search": "搜尋"
"themeMode": {
"label": "主題模式",
"light": "亮色模式",
"dark": "暗色模式",
"system": "依照系統設定"
"documentSettings": {
"cursorColor": "文件游標顏色",
"selectionColor": "文件選取顏色",
"hexEmptyError": "Hex 顏色不能為空",
"hexLengthError": "Hex 值必須為 6 位數",
"hexInvalidError": "無效的 Hex 值",
"opacityEmptyError": "不透明度不能為空",
"opacityRangeError": "不透明度必須在 1 到 100 之間",
"app": "App",
"flowy": "Flowy",
"apply": "套用"
"layoutDirection": {
"label": "版面配置方向",
"hint": "控制螢幕上內容的流向,從左到右或從右到左。",
"ltr": "LTR",
"rtl": "RTL"
"textDirection": {
"label": "預設文字方向",
"hint": "指定文字應從左邊或右邊開始為預設。",
"ltr": "LTR",
"rtl": "RTL",
"auto": "AUTO",
"fallback": "與版面配置方向相同"
"themeUpload": {
"button": "上傳",
"uploadTheme": "上傳主題",
"description": "使用下方的按鈕上傳您自己的 AppFlowy 主題。",
"loading": "我們正在驗證並上傳您的主題,請稍候...",
"uploadSuccess": "您的主題已成功上傳",
"deletionFailure": "刪除主題失敗。請嘗試手動刪除。",
"filePickerDialogTitle": "選擇 .flowy_plugin 檔案",
"urlUploadFailure": "無法開啟網址:{}"
"theme": "主題",
"builtInsLabel": "內建主題",
"pluginsLabel": "外掛",
"dateFormat": {
"label": "日期格式",
"local": "本地",
"us": "美國",
"iso": "ISO",
"friendly": "友善",
"dmy": "日/月/年"
"timeFormat": {
"label": "時間格式",
"twelveHour": "12 小時制",
"twentyFourHour": "24 小時制"
"showNamingDialogWhenCreatingPage": "建立頁面時顯示命名對話框"
"files": {
"copy": "複製",
"defaultLocation": "AppFlowy 資料儲存位置",
"exportData": "匯出您的資料",
"doubleTapToCopy": "點選兩下以複製路徑",
"restoreLocation": "恢復為 AppFlowy 預設路徑",
"customizeLocation": "開啟其他資料夾",
"restartApp": "請重新啟動應用程式以使變更生效。",
"exportDatabase": "匯出資料庫",
"selectFiles": "選擇需要匯出的檔案",
"selectAll": "全選",
"deselectAll": "取消全選",
"createNewFolder": "建立新資料夾",
"createNewFolderDesc": "選擇您想儲存資料的位置",
"defineWhereYourDataIsStored": "定義您的資料儲存位置",
"open": "開啟",
"openFolder": "開啟一個已經存在的資料夾",
"openFolderDesc": "讀取並寫入到現有的 AppFlowy 資料夾",
"folderHintText": "資料夾名稱",
"location": "建立新資料夾",
"locationDesc": "為您的 AppFlowy 資料夾選擇一個名稱",
"browser": "瀏覽",
"create": "建立",
"set": "設定",
"folderPath": "儲存資料夾的路徑",
"locationCannotBeEmpty": "路徑不能為空",
"pathCopiedSnackbar": "儲存檔案的路徑已被複製到剪貼簿!",
"changeLocationTooltips": "更改資料目錄",
"change": "更改",
"openLocationTooltips": "開啟另一個資料目錄",
"openCurrentDataFolder": "開啟目前資料目錄",
"recoverLocationTooltips": "重設為 AppFlowy 的預設資料目錄",
"exportFileSuccess": "匯出檔案成功!",
"exportFileFail": "匯出檔案失敗!",
"export": "匯出"
"user": {
"name": "名稱",
"email": "電子郵件",
"tooltipSelectIcon": "選擇圖示",
"selectAnIcon": "選擇圖示",
"pleaseInputYourOpenAIKey": "請輸入您的 OpenAI 金鑰",
"pleaseInputYourStabilityAIKey": "請輸入您的 Stability AI 金鑰",
"clickToLogout": "點選以登出目前使用者"
"shortcuts": {
"shortcutsLabel": "快捷鍵",
"command": "指令",
"keyBinding": "鍵盤綁定",
"addNewCommand": "新增指令",
"updateShortcutStep": "按下您想要的鍵盤組合並按下 ENTER",
"shortcutIsAlreadyUsed": "此快捷鍵已被使用於:{conflict}",
"resetToDefault": "重設為預設鍵盤綁定",
"couldNotLoadErrorMsg": "無法載入快捷鍵,請再試一次",
"couldNotSaveErrorMsg": "無法儲存快捷鍵,請再試一次"
"mobile": {
"personalInfo": "個人資料",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"usernameEmptyError": "使用者名稱為必填",
"about": "關於",
"pushNotifications": "推播通知",
"support": "支援",
"joinDiscord": "加入我們的 Discord",
"privacyPolicy": "隱私權政策",
"userAgreement": "使用者協議",
"termsAndConditions": "條款與條件",
"userprofileError": "載入使用者檔案失敗",
"userprofileErrorDescription": "請嘗試登出並重新登入以確認問題是否仍然存在。",
"selectLayout": "選擇版面配置",
"selectStartingDay": "選擇一週的起始日",
"version": "版本"
"grid": {
"deleteView": "您確定要刪除此檢視嗎?",
"createView": "建立",
"title": {
"placeholder": "未命名"
"settings": {
"filter": "篩選",
"sort": "排序",
"sortBy": "排序方式",
"properties": "屬性",
"reorderPropertiesTooltip": "拖曳以重新排序屬性",
"group": "群組",
"addFilter": "新增篩選器",
"deleteFilter": "刪除篩選器",
"filterBy": "以……篩選",
"typeAValue": "輸入一個值……",
"layout": "配置",
"databaseLayout": "配置",
"viewList": "資料庫檢視",
"editView": "編輯檢視",
"boardSettings": "看板設定",
"calendarSettings": "日曆設定",
"createView": "建立檢視",
"duplicateView": "複製檢視",
"deleteView": "刪除檢視",
"numberOfVisibleFields": "{} 顯示"
"textFilter": {
"contains": "包含",
"doesNotContain": "不包含",
"endsWith": "以……結尾",
"startWith": "以……開頭",
"is": "是",
"isNot": "不是",
"isEmpty": "為空",
"isNotEmpty": "不為空",
"choicechipPrefix": {
"isNot": "不是",
"startWith": "以……開頭",
"endWith": "以……結尾",
"isEmpty": "為空",
"isNotEmpty": "不為空"
"checkboxFilter": {
"isChecked": "已勾選",
"isUnchecked": "未勾選",
"choicechipPrefix": {
"is": "是"
"checklistFilter": {
"isComplete": "已完成",
"isIncomplted": "未完成"
"singleSelectOptionFilter": {
"is": "是",
"isNot": "不是",
"isEmpty": "為空",
"isNotEmpty": "不為空"
"multiSelectOptionFilter": {
"contains": "包含",
"doesNotContain": "不包含",
"isEmpty": "為空",
"isNotEmpty": "不為空"
"dateFilter": {
"is": "是",
"before": "在……之前",
"after": "在……之後",
"onOrBefore": "在……之前或當天",
"onOrAfter": "在……之後或當天",
"between": "在……之間",
"empty": "為空",
"notEmpty": "不為空"
"field": {
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"smartEditCouldNotFetchResult": "無法取得 OpenAI 的結果",
"smartEditCouldNotFetchKey": "無法取得 OpenAI 金鑰",
"smartEditDisabled": "在設定連結 OpenAI ",
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"placeholder": "請輸入提示讓 OpenAI 生成圖片"
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"pleaseInputYourOpenAIKey": "請在設定頁面輸入您的 OpenAI 金鑰",
"pleaseInputYourStabilityAIKey": "請在設定頁面輸入您的 Stability AI 金鑰",
"saveImageToGallery": "儲存圖片",
"failedToAddImageToGallery": "無法將圖片新增到相簿",
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"deleteColumnConfirmation": "這將刪除此群組及其中所有卡片。\n您確定要繼續嗎"
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"unhideGroupContent": "您確定要在看板上顯示此群組嗎?",
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"errorDialog": {
"title": "AppFlowy 錯誤",
"howToFixFallback": "對於給您帶來的不便,我們深表歉意!在我們的 GitHub 頁面上提交描述您的錯誤的問題。",
"github": "在 GitHub 上檢視"
"search": {
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