Nathan.fooo 14dee6b797
test: filter integration (#2821)
* test: add checklist filter test

* fix: widget reference to invalid databaseController

* fix: SelectOptionFilterList doesn't expand to fill the CustomScrollView

* test: add single select and multi-select filter test

* ci: set protoc version
2023-06-16 14:32:32 +08:00

78 lines
1.6 KiB

script = """
npm install -g protoc-gen-ts typescript@4.9.5
script_runner = "@shell"
script = """
sudo npm install -g protoc-gen-ts typescript@4.9.5
script_runner = "@shell"
script = """
sudo npm install -g protoc-gen-ts typescript@4.9.5
script_runner = "@shell"
mac_alias = "install-protobuf"
windows_alias = "install-protobuf-windows"
linux_alias = "install-protobuf"
condition_script = [
if ! command -v protoc-gen-dart
exit 0
# installed
exit 1
run_task = { name = ["install_flutter_protobuf_compiler"] }
script = """
ret = which dart
if is_empty ${ret}
echo Please make sure flutter/dart is properly installed and in PATH env var
exit -1
ret = which protoc-gen-dart
if is_empty ${ret}
exec cmd.exe /c dart pub global activate protoc_plugin 20.0.1
ret = which protoc-gen-dart
if is_empty ${ret}
home_dir = get_home_dir
echo Please add '${home_dir}\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Pub\\\\Cache\\\\bin' into PATH env var
exit -1
script_runner = "@duckscript"
script = """
echo "Install protoc_plugin (Dart)"
dart pub global activate protoc_plugin 20.0.1
script_runner = "@shell"
script = """
echo "Install protoc_plugin (Dart)"
dart pub global activate protoc_plugin 20.0.1
script_runner = "@shell"