SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_REQUEST_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE (779): This error value is returned if the RmRestart function is called with a valid session handle before calling the RmShutdown function.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_FAIL_RESTART (352): One or more applications could not be restarted.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT (121): A Restart Manager function could not obtain a registry write mutex in the allotted time. A system restart is recommended because further use of the Restart Manager is likely to fail.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_CANCELLED (1223): This error value is returned by the RmRestart function when the request to cancel an operation is successful.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS (160): One or more arguments are not correct. This error value is returned by the Restart Manager function if a NULL pointer or 0 is passed in a parameter that requires a non-null and non-zero value.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_WRITE_FAULT (29): An operation was unable to read or write to the registry.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY (14): A Restart Manager operation could not complete because not enough memory was available.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (6): No Restart Manager session exists for the handle supplied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: RestartManager was unable to restart Windows Explorer. ErrorCode = {ex.ErrorCode}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex,$"WinLibrary/RestartExplorer: General exception when trying to restart Windows Explorer!");