2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using ATI.ADL ;
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles ;
using DisplayMagicianShared ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
namespace DisplayMagicianShared.AMD
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public class ADLWrapper : IDisposable
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Static members are 'eagerly initialized', that is,
// immediately when class is loaded for the first time.
// .NET guarantees thread safety for static initialization
private static ADLWrapper _instance = new ADLWrapper ( ) ;
private bool _initialised = false ;
// To detect redundant calls
private bool _disposed = false ;
// Instantiate a SafeHandle instance.
private SafeHandle _safeHandle = new SafeFileHandle ( IntPtr . Zero , true ) ;
static ADLWrapper ( ) { }
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public ADLWrapper ( )
int ADLRet = ADL . ADL_FAIL ;
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SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( "ADLWrapper/ADLWrapper: Intialising ADL library" ) ;
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
if ( ADL . ADL_Main_Control_Create ! = null )
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Second parameter is 1: Get only the present adapters
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Main_Control_Create ( ADL . ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc , 1 ) ;
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
if ( ADLRet = = ADL . ADL_SUCCESS )
_initialised = true ;
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( "ADLWrapper/ADLWrapper: ADL library was initialised successfully" ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Error ( "ADLWrapper/ADLWrapper: Error intialising ADL library. ADL_Main_Control_Create() returned error code " + ADLRet . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Error ( "ADLWrapper/ADLWrapper: Exception intialising ADL library. ADL_Main_Control_Create() caused an exception" ) ;
~ ADLWrapper ( )
// If the ADL library was initialised, then we need to free it up.
if ( _initialised )
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Main_Control_Destroy )
ADL . ADL_Main_Control_Destroy ( ) ;
// Public implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers.
public void Dispose ( ) = > Dispose ( true ) ;
// Protected implementation of Dispose pattern.
protected virtual void Dispose ( bool disposing )
if ( _disposed )
return ;
if ( disposing )
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Main_Control_Destroy )
ADL . ADL_Main_Control_Destroy ( ) ;
// Dispose managed state (managed objects).
_safeHandle ? . Dispose ( ) ;
_disposed = true ;
public bool IsInstalled
get { return _initialised ; }
public static ADLWrapper GetLibrary ( )
return _instance ;
2021-06-15 09:55:15 +00:00
public List < string > GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers ( )
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Getting AMD active adapter count" ) ;
int ADLRet = ADL . ADL_FAIL ;
int NumberOfAdapters = 0 ;
int NumberOfDisplays = 0 ;
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get )
ADL . ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get ( ref NumberOfAdapters ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Number Of Adapters: {NumberOfAdapters.ToString()} " ) ;
if ( NumberOfAdapters > 0 )
// Get OS adpater info from ADL
ADLAdapterInfoArray OSAdapterInfoData ;
OSAdapterInfoData = new ADLAdapterInfoArray ( ) ;
IntPtr AdapterBuffer = IntPtr . Zero ;
if ( ADL . ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get ! = null )
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get DLL function exists." ) ;
// Figure out the size of the AdapterBuffer we need to build
int size = Marshal . SizeOf ( OSAdapterInfoData ) ;
AdapterBuffer = Marshal . AllocCoTaskMem ( ( int ) size ) ;
Marshal . StructureToPtr ( OSAdapterInfoData , AdapterBuffer , false ) ;
// Get the Adapter info and put it in the AdapterBuffer
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Running ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get to find all known AMD adapters." ) ;
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get ( AdapterBuffer , size ) ;
if ( ADLRet = = ADL . ADL_SUCCESS )
// Use the AdapterBuffer pointer to marshal the OS Adapter Info into a structure
OSAdapterInfoData = ( ADLAdapterInfoArray ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( AdapterBuffer , OSAdapterInfoData . GetType ( ) ) ;
int IsActive = ADL . ADL_TRUE ; // We only want to search for active adapters
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Successfully run ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get to find information about all known AMD adapters." ) ;
// Go through each adapter
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfAdapters ; i + + )
// Check if the adapter is active
if ( ADL . ADL_Adapter_Active_Get ! = null )
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Adapter_Active_Get ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex , ref IsActive ) ;
if ( ADLRet = = ADL . ADL_SUCCESS )
// Only continue if the adapter is enabled
if ( IsActive ! = ADL . ADL_TRUE )
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: AMD Adapter #{i} isn't active ({OSAdapterInfoData.ADLAdapterInfo[i].AdapterName})." ) ;
continue ;
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: AMD Adapter #{i} is active! ({OSAdapterInfoData.ADLAdapterInfo[i].AdapterName})." ) ;
/ * Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter is : " + ( 0 = = IsActive ? "DISABLED" : "ENABLED" ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter Index: " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter UDID : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . UDID ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Bus No : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . BusNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Driver No : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DriverNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Function No : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . FunctionNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Vendor ID : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . VendorID . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter Name : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterName ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Display Name : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DisplayName ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Present : " + ( 0 = = OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . Present ? "No" : "Yes" ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Exist : " + ( 0 = = OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . Exist ? "No" : "Yes" ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Driver Path : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DriverPath ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Driver Path X: " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DriverPathExt ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "PNP String : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . PNPString ) ; * /
// Get the unique identifier from the Adapter
int AdapterID = 0 ;
if ( ADL . ADL_Adapter_ID_Get ! = null )
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Adapter_ID_Get ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex , ref AdapterID ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: AMD Adapter #{i} ({OSAdapterInfoData.ADLAdapterInfo[i].AdapterName}) AdapterID is {AdapterID.ToString()}" ) ;
// Get the ADapter Capabilities
IntPtr AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer = IntPtr . Zero ;
//ADLAdapterCaps AdapterCapabilities;
//ADLAdapterCaps AdapterCapabilities = new ADLAdapterCaps();
//AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(AdapterCapabilities));
//Marshal.StructureToPtr(OSAdapterInfoData, AdapterBuffer, false);
//IntPtr vtablePtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(instancePtr, 0);
//IntPtr AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ADLAdapterCaps)));
if ( ADL . ADL_Adapter_Caps ! = null )
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Adapter_Caps ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex , out AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer ) ;
//Marshal.PtrToStructure(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer, AdapterCapabilities);
//ADLAdapterCaps AdapterCapabilities = (ADLAdapterCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer, typeof(ADLAdapterCaps));
IntPtr AdapterCapabilitiesPtr = Marshal . ReadIntPtr ( AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer , 0 ) ;
ADLAdapterCaps AdapterCapabilities = Marshal . PtrToStructure < ADLAdapterCaps > ( AdapterCapabilitiesPtr ) ;
//AdapterCapabilities = (ADLAdapterCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer, AdapterCapabilities.GetType());
//AdapterCapabilities = (ADLAdapterCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(AdapterCapabilities)), AdapterCapabilities.GetType());
//AdapterCapabilities = (ADLAdapterCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer, AdapterCapabilities.GetType());
//Marshal.PtrToStructure<ADLAdapterCaps>(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer, AdapterCapabilities);
//Marshal.PtrToStructure(AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer, AdapterCapabilities.GetType());
Console . Write ( AdapterCapabilities . AdapterID ) ;
//AdapterCapabilitiesBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(AdapterCapabilities)) ;
//AdapterCapabilities = (ADLAdapterCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(Marshal.SizeOf(AdapterCapabilities), AdapterCapabilities.GetType());
// Get OS adpater info from ADL
//AdapterCapabilitiesData.dw size = Marshal.SizeOf(AdapterCapabilitiesData);
//AdapterCapabilities = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)size);
//Marshal.StructureToPtr(AdapterCapabilitiesData, AdapterCapabilities, false);
//AdapterCapabilitiesData = (ADLAdapterCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(AdapterCapabilities, AdapterCapabilitiesData.GetType());
// Obtain information about displays
ADLDisplayInfo oneDisplayInfo = new ADLDisplayInfo ( ) ;
if ( ADL . ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get ! = null )
IntPtr DisplayBuffer = IntPtr . Zero ;
int j = 0 ;
// Force the display detection and get the Display Info. Use 0 as last parameter to NOT force detection
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex , ref NumberOfDisplays , out DisplayBuffer , 0 ) ;
if ( ADLRet = = ADL . ADL_SUCCESS )
List < ADLDisplayInfo > DisplayInfoData = new List < ADLDisplayInfo > ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumberOfDisplays ; j + + )
// NOTE: the ToInt64 work on 64 bit, need to change to ToInt32 for 32 bit OS
oneDisplayInfo = ( ADLDisplayInfo ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( new IntPtr ( DisplayBuffer . ToInt64 ( ) + ( j * Marshal . SizeOf ( oneDisplayInfo ) ) ) , oneDisplayInfo . GetType ( ) ) ;
DisplayInfoData . Add ( oneDisplayInfo ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Console . WriteLine ( "Exception caused trying to access attached displays" ) ;
continue ;
Console . WriteLine ( "\nTotal Number of Displays supported: " + NumberOfDisplays . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "\nDispID AdpID Type OutType CnctType Connected Mapped InfoValue DisplayName " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumberOfDisplays ; j + + )
// Skip non connected displays
//if ()
int InfoValue = DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayInfoValue ;
string StrConnected = ( 1 = = ( InfoValue & 1 ) ) ? "Yes" : "No " ;
string StrMapped = ( 2 = = ( InfoValue & 2 ) ) ? "Yes" : "No " ;
int AdpID = DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayID . DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex ;
string StrAdpID = ( AdpID < 0 ) ? "--" : AdpID . ToString ( "d2" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayID . DisplayLogicalIndex . ToString ( ) + " " +
StrAdpID + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayType . ToString ( ) + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayOutputType . ToString ( ) + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayConnector . ToString ( ) + " " +
StrConnected + " " +
StrMapped + " " +
InfoValue . ToString ( "x4" ) + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayName . ToString ( ) ) ;
// Create an array of all the important display info we need to record
List < string > displayInfoIdentifier = new List < string > ( ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( "AMD" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterName ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Adapter Name from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Adapter Index from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . VendorID . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD VendorID from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( "1002" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Adapter Index from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfoIdentifier . Add ( "#" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get() returned error code " + ADLRet . ToString ( ) ) ;
// Release the memory for the DisplayInfo structure
if ( IntPtr . Zero ! = DisplayBuffer )
Marshal . FreeCoTaskMem ( DisplayBuffer ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "ADL_Adapter_Active_Get() returned error code " + ADLRet . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get() returned error code " + ADLRet . ToString ( ) ) ;
// Release the memory for the AdapterInfo structure
if ( IntPtr . Zero ! = AdapterBuffer )
Marshal . FreeCoTaskMem ( AdapterBuffer ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Error ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: There were no AMD adapters found by AMD ADL." ) ;
return null ;
/ * foreach ( NvAPIWrapper . GPU . PhysicalGPU myPhysicalGPU in myPhysicalGPUs )
// get a list of all physical outputs attached to the GPUs
NvAPIWrapper . GPU . GPUOutput [ ] myGPUOutputs = myPhysicalGPU . ActiveOutputs ;
foreach ( NvAPIWrapper . GPU . GPUOutput aGPUOutput in myGPUOutputs )
SharedLogger . logger . Debug ( $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: We were able to detect {myGPUOutputs.Length} outputs" ) ;
// Figure out the displaydevice attached to the output
NvAPIWrapper . Display . DisplayDevice aConnectedDisplayDevice = myPhysicalGPU . GetDisplayDeviceByOutput ( aGPUOutput ) ;
// Create an array of all the important display info we need to record
List < string > displayInfo = new List < string > ( ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "NVIDIA" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . ArchitectInformation . ShortName . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Architecture ShortName from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . ArchitectInformation . Revision . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Architecture Revision from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . Board . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Board details from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . Foundry . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Foundry from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . GPUId . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA GPUId from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . GPUType . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA GPUType from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( aConnectedDisplayDevice . ConnectionType . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Connection from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( aConnectedDisplayDevice . DisplayId . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA DisplayID from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
// Create a display identifier out of it
string displayIdentifier = String . Join ( "|" , displayInfo ) ;
// Add it to the list of display identifiers so we can return it
displayIdentifiers . Add ( displayIdentifier ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Debug ( $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: DisplayIdentifier: {displayIdentifier}" ) ;
} * /
return null ;
public List < string > GenerateAllAvailableDisplayIdentifiers ( )
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Getting AMD active adapter count" ) ;
int ADLRet = ADL . ADL_FAIL ;
int NumberOfAdapters = 0 ;
int NumberOfDisplays = 0 ;
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get )
ADL . ADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get ( ref NumberOfAdapters ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Trace ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Number Of Adapters: {NumberOfAdapters.ToString()} " ) ;
if ( NumberOfAdapters > 0 )
// Get OS adpater info from ADL
ADLAdapterInfoArray OSAdapterInfoData ;
OSAdapterInfoData = new ADLAdapterInfoArray ( ) ;
if ( ADL . ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get ! = null )
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
IntPtr AdapterBuffer = IntPtr . Zero ;
int size = Marshal . SizeOf ( OSAdapterInfoData ) ;
AdapterBuffer = Marshal . AllocCoTaskMem ( ( int ) size ) ;
Marshal . StructureToPtr ( OSAdapterInfoData , AdapterBuffer , false ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-13 10:54:19 +00:00
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get )
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get ( AdapterBuffer , size ) ;
if ( ADLRet = = ADL . ADL_SUCCESS )
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
OSAdapterInfoData = ( ADLAdapterInfoArray ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( AdapterBuffer , OSAdapterInfoData . GetType ( ) ) ;
int IsActive = 1 ; // We only want to search for active adapters
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfAdapters ; i + + )
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Check if the adapter is active
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Adapter_Active_Get )
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Adapter_Active_Get ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex , ref IsActive ) ;
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
if ( ADL . ADL_SUCCESS = = ADLRet )
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter is : " + ( 0 = = IsActive ? "DISABLED" : "ENABLED" ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter Index: " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter UDID : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . UDID ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Bus No : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . BusNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Driver No : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DriverNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Function No : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . FunctionNumber . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Vendor ID : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . VendorID . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Adapter Name : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterName ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Display Name : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DisplayName ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Present : " + ( 0 = = OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . Present ? "No" : "Yes" ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Exist : " + ( 0 = = OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . Exist ? "No" : "Yes" ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Driver Path : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DriverPath ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Driver Path X: " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . DriverPathExt ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "PNP String : " + OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . PNPString ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Obtain information about displays
ADLDisplayInfo oneDisplayInfo = new ADLDisplayInfo ( ) ;
if ( null ! = ADL . ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get )
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
IntPtr DisplayBuffer = IntPtr . Zero ;
int j = 0 ;
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2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Force the display detection and get the Display Info. Use 0 as last parameter to NOT force detection
ADLRet = ADL . ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get ( OSAdapterInfoData . ADLAdapterInfo [ i ] . AdapterIndex , ref NumberOfDisplays , out DisplayBuffer , 0 ) ;
if ( ADL . ADL_SUCCESS = = ADLRet )
2021-06-14 08:37:35 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
List < ADLDisplayInfo > DisplayInfoData = new List < ADLDisplayInfo > ( ) ;
2021-06-14 08:37:35 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumberOfDisplays ; j + + )
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// NOTE: the ToInt64 work on 64 bit, need to change to ToInt32 for 32 bit OS
oneDisplayInfo = ( ADLDisplayInfo ) Marshal . PtrToStructure ( new IntPtr ( DisplayBuffer . ToInt64 ( ) + ( j * Marshal . SizeOf ( oneDisplayInfo ) ) ) , oneDisplayInfo . GetType ( ) ) ;
DisplayInfoData . Add ( oneDisplayInfo ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
catch ( Exception ex )
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
Console . WriteLine ( "Exception caused trying to access attached displays" ) ;
continue ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
Console . WriteLine ( "\nTotal Number of Displays supported: " + NumberOfDisplays . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "\nDispID AdpID Type OutType CnctType Connected Mapped InfoValue DisplayName " ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < NumberOfDisplays ; j + + )
int InfoValue = DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayInfoValue ;
string StrConnected = ( 1 = = ( InfoValue & 1 ) ) ? "Yes" : "No " ;
string StrMapped = ( 2 = = ( InfoValue & 2 ) ) ? "Yes" : "No " ;
int AdpID = DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayID . DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex ;
string StrAdpID = ( AdpID < 0 ) ? "--" : AdpID . ToString ( "d2" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayID . DisplayLogicalIndex . ToString ( ) + " " +
StrAdpID + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayType . ToString ( ) + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayOutputType . ToString ( ) + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayConnector . ToString ( ) + " " +
StrConnected + " " +
StrMapped + " " +
InfoValue . ToString ( "x4" ) + " " +
DisplayInfoData [ j ] . DisplayName . ToString ( ) ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "ADL_Display_DisplayInfo_Get() returned error code " + ADLRet . ToString ( ) ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Release the memory for the DisplayInfo structure
if ( IntPtr . Zero ! = DisplayBuffer )
Marshal . FreeCoTaskMem ( DisplayBuffer ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
Console . WriteLine ( "ADL_Adapter_AdapterInfo_Get() returned error code " + ADLRet . ToString ( ) ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
// Release the memory for the AdapterInfo structure
if ( IntPtr . Zero ! = AdapterBuffer )
Marshal . FreeCoTaskMem ( AdapterBuffer ) ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
SharedLogger . logger . Error ( $"ADLWrapper/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: There were no AMD adapters found by AMD ADL." ) ;
return null ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-14 09:42:16 +00:00
/ * foreach ( NvAPIWrapper . GPU . PhysicalGPU myPhysicalGPU in myPhysicalGPUs )
// get a list of all physical outputs attached to the GPUs
NvAPIWrapper . GPU . GPUOutput [ ] myGPUOutputs = myPhysicalGPU . ActiveOutputs ;
foreach ( NvAPIWrapper . GPU . GPUOutput aGPUOutput in myGPUOutputs )
SharedLogger . logger . Debug ( $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: We were able to detect {myGPUOutputs.Length} outputs" ) ;
// Figure out the displaydevice attached to the output
NvAPIWrapper . Display . DisplayDevice aConnectedDisplayDevice = myPhysicalGPU . GetDisplayDeviceByOutput ( aGPUOutput ) ;
// Create an array of all the important display info we need to record
List < string > displayInfo = new List < string > ( ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "NVIDIA" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . ArchitectInformation . ShortName . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Architecture ShortName from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . ArchitectInformation . Revision . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Architecture Revision from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . Board . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Board details from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . Foundry . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Foundry from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . GPUId . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA GPUId from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( myPhysicalGPU . GPUType . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA GPUType from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( aConnectedDisplayDevice . ConnectionType . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA Connection from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( aConnectedDisplayDevice . DisplayId . ToString ( ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SharedLogger . logger . Warn ( ex , $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting NVIDIA DisplayID from video card. Substituting with a # instead" ) ;
displayInfo . Add ( "#" ) ;
// Create a display identifier out of it
string displayIdentifier = String . Join ( "|" , displayInfo ) ;
// Add it to the list of display identifiers so we can return it
displayIdentifiers . Add ( displayIdentifier ) ;
SharedLogger . logger . Debug ( $"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: DisplayIdentifier: {displayIdentifier}" ) ;
} * /
return null ;
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00
2021-06-15 09:55:15 +00:00
2021-06-12 21:44:36 +00:00