// The dictionary keys sometimes change after returning from NVIDIA Surround, so we need to only focus on comparing the values of the GDISettings.
// Additionally, we had to disable the DEviceKey from the equality testing within the GDI library itself as that waould also change after changing back from NVIDIA surround
// This still allows us to detect when refresh rates change, which will allow DisplayMagician to detect profile differences.
// we have found the new LUID Value for the same adapter
// So we want to store it
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PatchAdapterIDs: We found that saved adapter {savedAdapter.Key} has now been assigned adapter id {currentAdapter.Key} (AdapterName is {savedAdapter.Value})");
// if there isn't a matching adapter, then we just pick the first current one and hope that works!
// (it is highly likely to... its only if the user has multiple graphics cards with some weird config it may break)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PatchAdapterIDs: Uh Oh. Adapter {savedDisplayConfig.DisplayConfigPaths[i].SourceInfo.AdapterId.Value} didn't have a current match! It's possible the adapter was swapped or disabled. Attempting to use adapter {newAdapterValue} instead.");
// if there isn't a matching adapter, then we just pick the first current one and hope that works!
// (it is highly likely to... its only if the user has multiple graphics cards with some weird config it may break)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PatchAdapterIDs: Uh Oh. Adapter {savedDisplayConfig.DisplayConfigModes[i].AdapterId.Value} didn't have a current match! It's possible the adapter was swapped or disabled. Attempting to use adapter {newAdapterValue} instead.");
// if there isn't a matching adapter, then we just pick the first current one and hope that works!
// (it is highly likely to... its only if the user has multiple graphics cards with some weird config it may break)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PatchAdapterIDs: Uh Oh. Adapter {savedDisplayConfig.DisplayHDRStates[i].AdapterId.Value} didn't have a current match! It's possible the adapter was swapped or disabled. Attempting to use adapter {newAdapterValue} instead.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The displays were modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig so we need to get the buffer sizes again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Getting the size of the largest Active Paths and Modes arrays");
// Screen changed in between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, so we need to get buffer sizes again
// as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-querydisplayconfig
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Display Source {sourceInfo.ViewGdiDeviceName} for source {paths[i].SourceInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the source info for source adapter #{paths[i].SourceInfo.AdapterId}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found adapter name {adapterInfo.AdapterDevicePath} for adapter {paths[i].TargetInfo.AdapterId.Value}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query the adapter name for adapter {paths[i].TargetInfo.AdapterId.Value}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - Unabled to get advanced color settings for display {paths[i].TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Attempting to get SDR white levels for adapter {paths[i].TargetInfo.AdapterId.Value}.");
// And then we need to go through the list of modes again and patch the 'cloned' displays with a real display ID so the display layout is right in cloned displays
// We only change the ids that match in InfoType for target displays
// If the display device is attached to the Desktop, or a type of display that is represented by a psudeo mirroring application, then skip this display
// e.g. some sort of software interfaced display that doesn't have a physical plug, or maybe uses USB for communication
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Getting the current Display Settings for {displayDevice.DeviceName}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - Unabled to get current display mode settings from display {displayDevice.DeviceName}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The display {displayDevice.DeviceName} is either not attached to the desktop, or is not a mirroring driver. Skipping this display device as we cannot use it.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Getting the current Display Config path and mode arrays");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The displays were modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig so we need to get the buffer sizes again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Getting the size of the largest Active Paths and Modes arrays");
// Screen changed in between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, so we need to get buffer sizes again
// as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-querydisplayconfig
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Display Source {sourceInfo.ViewGdiDeviceName} for source {path.SourceInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the source info for source adapter #{path.SourceInfo.AdapterId}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the source info for source adapter #{path.SourceInfo.AdapterId}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Connector Instance: {targetInfo.ConnectorInstance} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: EDID Manufacturer ID: {targetInfo.EdidManufactureId} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: EDID Product Code ID: {targetInfo.EdidProductCodeId} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Flags Friendly Name from EDID: {targetInfo.Flags.FriendlyNameFromEdid} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Flags Friendly Name Forced: {targetInfo.Flags.FriendlyNameForced} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Flags EDID ID is Valid: {targetInfo.Flags.EdidIdsValid} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Monitor Device Path: {targetInfo.MonitorDevicePath} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Monitor Friendly Device Name: {targetInfo.MonitorFriendlyDeviceName} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Output Technology: {targetInfo.OutputTechnology} for source {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the target info for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Found Adapter Device Path {adapterInfo.AdapterDevicePath} for source {path.TargetInfo.AdapterId}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the adapter device path for target #{path.TargetInfo.AdapterId}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Preferred Width {targetPreferredInfo.Width} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Preferred Height {targetPreferredInfo.Height} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info Active Size: ({targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.ActiveSize.Cx}x{targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.ActiveSize.Cy} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info Total Size: ({targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.TotalSize.Cx}x{targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.TotalSize.Cy} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info HSync Frequency: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.HSyncFreq} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info VSync Frequency: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.VSyncFreq} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info Pixel Rate: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.PixelRate} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info Scan Line Ordering: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.ScanLineOrdering} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Target Video Signal Info Video Standard: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.VideoStandard} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
stringToReturn+=$"****** Interrogating Target Preferred Mode for Display {path.TargetInfo.Id} *******\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Preferred Width {targetPreferredInfo.Width} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Preferred Height {targetPreferredInfo.Height} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info Active Size: ({targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.ActiveSize.Cx}x{targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.ActiveSize.Cy}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info Total Size: ({targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.TotalSize.Cx}x{targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.TotalSize.Cy}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info HSync Frequency: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.HSyncFreq}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info VSync Frequency: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.VSyncFreq}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info Pixel Rate: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.PixelRate}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info Scan Line Ordering: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.ScanLineOrdering}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Target Video Signal Info Video Standard: {targetPreferredInfo.TargetMode.TargetVideoSignalInfo.VideoStandard}\n";
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the preferred target name for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Virtual Resolution is Disabled: {targetBaseTypeInfo.BaseOutputTechnology} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
stringToReturn+=$"****** Interrogating Target Base Type for Display {path.TargetInfo.Id} *******\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Base Output Technology: {targetBaseTypeInfo.BaseOutputTechnology}\n";
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the target base type for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Base Output Technology: {supportVirtResInfo.IsMonitorVirtualResolutionDisabled} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
stringToReturn+=$"****** Interrogating Target Supporting virtual resolution for Display {path.TargetInfo.Id} *******\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Virtual Resolution is Disabled: {supportVirtResInfo.IsMonitorVirtualResolutionDisabled}\n";
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to find out the virtual resolution support for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Advanced Color Supported: {colorInfo.AdvancedColorSupported} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Advanced Color Enabled: {colorInfo.AdvancedColorEnabled} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Advanced Color Force Disabled: {colorInfo.AdvancedColorForceDisabled} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Bits per Color Channel: {colorInfo.BitsPerColorChannel} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Color Encoding: {colorInfo.ColorEncoding} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found Wide Color Enforced: {colorInfo.WideColorEnforced} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
stringToReturn+=$"****** Interrogating Advanced Color Info for Display {path.TargetInfo.Id} *******\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Advanced Color Supported: {colorInfo.AdvancedColorSupported}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Advanced Color Enabled: {colorInfo.AdvancedColorEnabled}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Advanced Color Force Disabled: {colorInfo.AdvancedColorForceDisabled}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Bits per Color Channel: {colorInfo.BitsPerColorChannel}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Color Encoding: {colorInfo.ColorEncoding}\n";
stringToReturn+=$" Wide Color Enforced: {colorInfo.WideColorEnforced}\n";
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to find out the virtual resolution support for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Found SDR White Level: {whiteLevelInfo.SDRWhiteLevel} for target {path.TargetInfo.Id}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to find out the SDL white level for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
// If the display device is attached to the Desktop, or a type of display that is represented by a psudeo mirroring application, then skip this display
// e.g. some sort of software interfaced display that doesn't have a physical plug, or maybe uses USB for communication
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Getting the current Display Settings for {displayDevice.DeviceName}");
stringToReturn+=$" Display Device Settings for attached Display {displayDevice.DeviceName} :\n";
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - Unabled to get current display mode settings from display {displayDevice.DeviceName}.");
stringToReturn+=$" No display settings found.\n\n";
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The display {displayDevice.DeviceName} is either not attached to the desktop, or is not a mirroring driver. Skipping this display device as we cannot use it.");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: The combination of parameters and flags specified is invalid. Display configuration not applied. So trying again without SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION as that works on some computers.");
// Try it again, because in some systems it doesn't work at the first try
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. Successfully set the display configuration to the settings supplied!");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. The combination of parameters and flags specified is invalid. Display configuration not applied. So trying again without any specific data other than the topology as that works on some computers.");
// Try it again, because in some systems it doesn't work at the 2nd try! This is a fallback mode just to get something on the screen!
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. Successfully set the display configuration to the settings supplied!");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. The combination of parameters and flags specified is invalid. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. The system is not running a graphics driver that was written according to the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM). The function is only supported on a system with a WDDM driver running. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. The caller does not have access to the console session. This error occurs if the calling process does not have access to the current desktop or is running on a remote session. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. An unspecified error occurred. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. The function could not find a workable solution for the source and target modes that the caller did not specify. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry 2. SetDisplayConfig couldn't set the display configuration using the settings supplied. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. The system is not running a graphics driver that was written according to the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM). The function is only supported on a system with a WDDM driver running. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. The caller does not have access to the console session. This error occurs if the calling process does not have access to the current desktop or is running on a remote session. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. An unspecified error occurred. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. The function could not find a workable solution for the source and target modes that the caller did not specify. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Retry. SetDisplayConfig couldn't set the display configuration using the settings supplied. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: The system is not running a graphics driver that was written according to the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM). The function is only supported on a system with a WDDM driver running. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: The caller does not have access to the console session. This error occurs if the calling process does not have access to the current desktop or is running on a remote session. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: The function could not find a workable solution for the source and target modes that the caller did not specify. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: SetDisplayConfig couldn't set the display configuration using the settings supplied. Display configuration not applied.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: Waiting 0.5 seconds to let the display change take place before adjusting the Windows CCD HDR settings");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: HDR is available for use on Display {myHDRstate.Id}, and we want it set to {myHDRstate.AdvancedColorInfo.BitsPerColorChannel} but is currently {colorInfo.AdvancedColorEnabled}.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: SUCCESS! Set HDR successfully to {myHDRstate.AdvancedColorInfo.AdvancedColorEnabled} on Display {myHDRstate.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to set the HDR settings for display #{myHDRstate.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to find out if HDR is supported for display #{myHDRstate.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The settings change was unsuccessful because the system is DualView capable. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: An invalid set of flags was passed in. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The graphics mode is not supported. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: An invalid parameter was passed in. This can include an invalid flag or combination of flags. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The display driver failed to apply the specified graphics mode. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Unable to write new settings to the registry. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: The computer must be restarted for the graphics mode to work. Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetWindowsDisplayConfig: Display {displayDeviceKey} not updated to use the new mode.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/IsActiveConfig: The display configuration is already being used (supplied displayConfig Equals currentWindowsDisplayConfig");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/IsActiveConfig: The display configuration is NOT currently in use (supplied displayConfig Equals currentWindowsDisplayConfig");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/PatchAdapterIDs: ERROR - Saved adapter {savedAdapterName} is not available right now! This display configuration won't work!");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/PatchAdapterIDs: All teh adapters that the display configuration uses are still avilable to use now!");
// Now we go through the Paths to update the LUIDs as per Soroush's suggestion
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/IsPossibleConfig: Attemptong to patch the saved display configuration's adapter IDs so that it will still work (these change at each boot)");
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers: Generating the unique Display Identifiers for the currently active configuration");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: The displays were modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig so we need to get the buffer sizes again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Getting the size of the largest Active Paths and Modes arrays");
// Screen changed in between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, so we need to get buffer sizes again
// as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-querydisplayconfig
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Getting the current Display Config path and mode arrays");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Skipping path due to TargetAvailable not existing in display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the target info for display #{path.SourceInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the target info for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the target info for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Windows Display Adapter Device Path from video card. Substituting with a # instead");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Windows Display Connector Instance from video card. Substituting with a # instead");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Windows Display EDID Manufacturer Code from video card. Substituting with a # instead");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Windows Display EDID Product Code from video card. Substituting with a # instead");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Windows Path Target Info Id from video card. Substituting with a # instead");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Windows Display Target Friendly name from video card. Substituting with a # instead");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Getting the current Display Config path and mode arrays");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: The displays were modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig so we need to get the buffer sizes again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: Getting the size of the largest Active Paths and Modes arrays");
// Screen changed in between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, so we need to get buffer sizes again
// as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-querydisplayconfig
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: ERROR - GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the maximum path and mode sizes again");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: ERROR - The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"The displays were still modified between GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes and QueryDisplayConfig, even though we tried twice. Something is wrong.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays again.");
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: ERROR - QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays");
thrownewWinLibraryException($"QueryDisplayConfig returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to query all available displays.");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: Skipping path due to TargetAvailable not existing in display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: WARNING - DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo returned WIN32STATUS {err} when trying to get the target info for display #{path.TargetInfo.Id}");
// The AdapterDevicePath is something like "\\\\?\\PCI#VEN_10DE&DEV_2482&SUBSYS_408E1458&REV_A1#4&2283f625&0&0019#{5b45201d-f2f2-4f3b-85bb-30ff1f953599}"
// We only want the vendor ID
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: The AdapterDevicePath for this path is :{adapterInfo.AdapterDevicePath}");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"WinLibrary/GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors: Exception getting PCI Vendor ID from Display Adapter {path.SourceInfo.AdapterId}.");