diff --git a/HeliosDisplayManagement/Program.cs b/HeliosDisplayManagement/Program.cs
index 467e817..1de3f2b 100644
--- a/HeliosDisplayManagement/Program.cs
+++ b/HeliosDisplayManagement/Program.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
-//using System.CommandLine;
-//using System.CommandLine.Invocation;
-using System.CommandLine.DragonFruit;
+using System.CommandLine;
+using System.CommandLine.Invocation;
+//using System.CommandLine.DragonFruit;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
@@ -102,89 +103,161 @@ namespace HeliosDisplayManagement
- [STAThread]
/// The main entry point for the application.
- /// (required) The startup action to perform: None (Do nothing), SwitchProfile (Change to another profile and optionally run an application/game), CreateShortcut (Create a Desktop Shortcut), EditProfile (Edit a profile)
- /// (required) UUID string that selects the profile to use.
- /// (optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.
- /// (optional) The application/game to start when we're switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.
- /// (optional) The process name to wait for when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.
- /// (optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.
- /// (optional) The Steam AppID wait for when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.
- private static void Main(
- HeliosStartupAction action,
- string profileId = null,
- string arguments = null,
- string execute = null,
- string processName = null,
- uint processTimeout = 30u,
- uint steamId = 0u)
+ [STAThread]
+ private static int Main(string[] args)
+ var cmd = new RootCommand();
+ cmd.Description = "This is an application and things.";
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] {"--action", "-a"},
+ getDefaultValue :() => HeliosStartupAction.None,
+ description: "(required) The startup action to perform: None (Do nothing), SwitchProfile (Change to another profile and optionally run an application/game), CreateShortcut (Create a Desktop Shortcut), EditProfile (Edit a profile)"
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--profile-id", "-p" },
+ description: "(required) UUID string that selects the profile to use."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--arguments" },
+ description: "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--execute", "-e" },
+ description: "(optional) The application/game to start when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--waitfor", "-w" },
+ description: "(optional) The process name to wait for when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--timeout", "-t" },
+ description: "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--steam", "-s" },
+ description: "(optional)The Steam AppID to run for when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ /*cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--uplay" },
+ description: "(optional)The Uplay ID to run when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--epic" },
+ description: "(optional)The Epic ID to run when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );
+ cmd.Add(new Option(
+ aliases: new string[] { "--origin" },
+ description: "(optional)The Origin ID to run when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut."
+ )
+ );*/
- // Save these in CommandLineOptions for easy access from other parts of the application
- CommandLineOptions.Action = action;
- CommandLineOptions.ProfileId = profileId;
- CommandLineOptions.ExecuteArguments = arguments;
- CommandLineOptions.ExecuteFilename = execute;
- CommandLineOptions.ExecuteProcessName = processName;
- CommandLineOptions.ExecuteProcessTimeout = processTimeout;
- CommandLineOptions.ExecuteSteamApp = steamId;
- Application.EnableVisualStyles();
- Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
- ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
- try
+ cmd.Handler = CommandHandler.Create((action, profileId, arguments, execute, waitfor, timeout, steam) =>
- if (!IPCService.StartService())
+ // Validate combinations of Command line options
+ // If a profileId is supplied then we need an action other than None
+ if (action == HeliosStartupAction.None && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(profileId))
- throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_open_a_named_pipe_for_Inter_process_communication);
+ Console.WriteLine("Error - If you supply a Profile ID or Name then you must also provide an Action.");
+ return 1;
- var profiles = Profile.GetAllProfiles().ToArray();
- var profileIndex = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CommandLineOptions.ProfileId) &&
- profiles.Length > 0
- ? Array.FindIndex(profiles,
- p =>
- p.Id.Equals(null,
- StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
- : -1;
+ //var help = new System.CommandLine.Help.HelpBuilder(invocationContext.Console);
+ //Console.WriteLine(help);
- switch (CommandLineOptions.Action)
+ // Save these in CommandLineOptions for easy access from other parts of the application
+ CommandLineOptions.Action = action;
+ CommandLineOptions.ProfileId = profileId;
+ CommandLineOptions.ExecuteArguments = arguments;
+ CommandLineOptions.ExecuteFilename = execute;
+ CommandLineOptions.ExecuteProcessName = waitfor;
+ CommandLineOptions.ExecuteProcessTimeout = timeout;
+ CommandLineOptions.ExecuteSteamApp = steam;
+ Application.EnableVisualStyles();
+ Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
+ ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
+ try
- case HeliosStartupAction.SwitchProfile:
- SwitchProfile(profiles, profileIndex);
+ if (!IPCService.StartService())
+ {
+ throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_open_a_named_pipe_for_Inter_process_communication);
+ }
- break;
- case HeliosStartupAction.EditProfile:
- EditProfile(profiles, profileIndex);
+ // Create an array of profiles
+ var profiles = Profile.GetAllProfiles().ToArray();
+ // Show the user the profiles if they want to look
+ foreach (Profile profile in profiles)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Found Profile: {profile.Name} (ID:{profile.Id})");
+ }
+ // Try and lookup the profileId in the profileIndex
+ var profileIndex = profiles.Length > 0 ? Array.FindIndex(profiles, p => p.Id.Equals(CommandLineOptions.ProfileId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) : -1;
+ // If the profileID wasn't there, maybe they used the profile name?
+ if (profileIndex == -1)
+ {
+ profileIndex = profiles.Length > 0 ? Array.FindIndex(profiles, p => p.Name.Equals(CommandLineOptions.ProfileId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) : -1;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine($"Using Profile: {profiles[profileIndex].Name} (ID:{profiles[profileIndex].Id})");
- break;
- case HeliosStartupAction.CreateShortcut:
- CreateShortcut(profiles, profileIndex);
- break;
- default:
- IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User;
- Application.Run(new MainForm());
+ switch (CommandLineOptions.Action)
+ {
+ case HeliosStartupAction.SwitchProfile:
+ SwitchProfile(profiles, profileIndex);
+ break;
+ case HeliosStartupAction.EditProfile:
+ EditProfile(profiles, profileIndex);
+ break;
+ case HeliosStartupAction.CreateShortcut:
+ CreateShortcut(profiles, profileIndex);
+ break;
+ default:
+ IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User;
+ Application.Run(new MainForm());
+ break;
+ }
- break;
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show(
+ string.Format(Language.Operation_Failed, e.Message),
+ Language.Fatal_Error,
+ MessageBoxButtons.OK,
+ MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ var result = cmd.InvokeAsync(args).Result;
+ return result;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- MessageBox.Show(
- string.Format(Language.Operation_Failed, e.Message),
- Language.Fatal_Error,
- MessageBoxButtons.OK,
- MessageBoxIcon.Error);
- }
// ReSharper disable once CyclomaticComplexity
private static void SwitchProfile(IReadOnlyList profiles, int profileIndex)