Updated the 'Save To Desktop' button in the
ShortcutLibraryForm to use the CreateShortcut
function in the ShortcutItem, and fixed that so
it now uses the IWshRuntimeLibrary to create
a Windows Script Host that will create the
Did a fix for the SHortcutAdaptor doing exceptions
for showing the form before loading all the graphics
but can't really do much about it without adding
background loading to the main form. This is a lot of
work considering we'll be moving from WinForms
to WPF UI in the future.
Also fixed the 'Do you want to save' prompt detection
logic so that it correctly waits until all the loading has
finished before monitoring for users making changes.
Should stop the form incorrectly suggesting you
should save unless they've really made a change.
If a shortcut has Autoname turned on, and if the user
changes the name of the profile, then the shortcut will
be renamed to keep pace with the new profile name.
If autoname is NOT turned on, then the shortcut name
will be kept as is, and the user will need to make any
changes. Please note that HeliosPlus will not make
any changes to any desktop shortcuts saved to the PC.
It will only change the name of the shortcut in the
shortcut library within the App.
Moving to using a ProfileRespository will make it
easier when moving to a WPF style app, and it will
allow some freedom if I want to change the storage
to a database or soemthing different.
Partially completed bitmap work.
Need to implement generic bitmap
resizing to work with small and large
icons, and for different sizes for overlay
The logic I chose for the ShortcutForm controls is
really not suited towards distributed logic. I am
going to have to centralise the logic into a single
function that will evaulate when to enable the
save button.
Created the initial form for the shortcut library
and will now start working on getting the
shortcuts saving to a similar json format as
the display profiles.
Manged to get the ImageListView working directly
from the Bitmap stored in the Profile. This makes
the refresh of the ILV much faster, and makes it way
easier to use it in other UI forms.