Pulled out the the library list mgmt from SteamGame
and put it in a new SteamLibrary class. This means I
can replicate the learnings from the ShortcutRepo
amd Profile Repo, and can save separate JSON files
in the future if I so desire.
There is a little bit outstanding to make the SteamGame
Properties to be writeable as well as readable, otherwise
the SteamGame.CopyTo function won't work.
Updated the 'Save To Desktop' button in the
ShortcutLibraryForm to use the CreateShortcut
function in the ShortcutItem, and fixed that so
it now uses the IWshRuntimeLibrary to create
a Windows Script Host that will create the
Moving to using a ProfileRespository will make it
easier when moving to a WPF style app, and it will
allow some freedom if I want to change the storage
to a database or soemthing different.