using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using FARPROC = System.IntPtr; using HMODULE = System.IntPtr; namespace DisplayMagicianShared.NVIDIA { //public delegate IntPtr ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc_Delegate(int size); public enum NVAPI_STATUS : int { // Result Codes NVAPI_OK = 0, //!< Success. Request is completed. NVAPI_ERROR = -1, //!< Generic error NVAPI_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND = -2, //!< NVAPI support library cannot be loaded. NVAPI_NO_IMPLEMENTATION = -3, //!< not implemented in current driver installation NVAPI_API_NOT_INITIALIZED = -4, //!< NvAPI_Initialize has not been called (successfully) NVAPI_INVALID_ARGUMENT = -5, //!< The argument/parameter value is not valid or NULL. NVAPI_NVIDIA_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = -6, //!< No NVIDIA display driver, or NVIDIA GPU driving a display, was found. NVAPI_END_ENUMERATION = -7, //!< No more items to enumerate NVAPI_INVALID_HANDLE = -8, //!< Invalid handle NVAPI_INCOMPATIBLE_STRUCT_VERSION = -9, //!< An argument's structure version is not supported NVAPI_HANDLE_INVALIDATED = -10, //!< The handle is no longer valid (likely due to GPU or display re-configuration) NVAPI_OPENGL_CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT = -11, //!< No NVIDIA OpenGL context is current (but needs to be) NVAPI_INVALID_POINTER = -14, //!< An invalid pointer, usually NULL, was passed as a parameter NVAPI_NO_GL_EXPERT = -12, //!< OpenGL Expert is not supported by the current drivers NVAPI_INSTRUMENTATION_DISABLED = -13, //!< OpenGL Expert is supported, but driver instrumentation is currently disabled NVAPI_NO_GL_NSIGHT = -15, //!< OpenGL does not support Nsight NVAPI_EXPECTED_LOGICAL_GPU_HANDLE = -100, //!< Expected a logical GPU handle for one or more parameters NVAPI_EXPECTED_PHYSICAL_GPU_HANDLE = -101, //!< Expected a physical GPU handle for one or more parameters NVAPI_EXPECTED_DISPLAY_HANDLE = -102, //!< Expected an NV display handle for one or more parameters NVAPI_INVALID_COMBINATION = -103, //!< The combination of parameters is not valid. NVAPI_NOT_SUPPORTED = -104, //!< Requested feature is not supported in the selected GPU NVAPI_PORTID_NOT_FOUND = -105, //!< No port ID was found for the I2C transaction NVAPI_EXPECTED_UNATTACHED_DISPLAY_HANDLE = -106, //!< Expected an unattached display handle as one of the input parameters. NVAPI_INVALID_PERF_LEVEL = -107, //!< Invalid perf level NVAPI_DEVICE_BUSY = -108, //!< Device is busy; request not fulfilled NVAPI_NV_PERSIST_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -109, //!< NV persist file is not found NVAPI_PERSIST_DATA_NOT_FOUND = -110, //!< NV persist data is not found NVAPI_EXPECTED_TV_DISPLAY = -111, //!< Expected a TV output display NVAPI_EXPECTED_TV_DISPLAY_ON_DCONNECTOR = -112, //!< Expected a TV output on the D Connector - HDTV_EIAJ4120. NVAPI_NO_ACTIVE_SLI_TOPOLOGY = -113, //!< SLI is not active on this device. NVAPI_SLI_RENDERING_MODE_NOTALLOWED = -114, //!< Setup of SLI rendering mode is not possible right now. NVAPI_EXPECTED_DIGITAL_FLAT_PANEL = -115, //!< Expected a digital flat panel. NVAPI_ARGUMENT_EXCEED_MAX_SIZE = -116, //!< Argument exceeds the expected size. NVAPI_DEVICE_SWITCHING_NOT_ALLOWED = -117, //!< Inhibit is ON due to one of the flags in NV_GPU_DISPLAY_CHANGE_INHIBIT or SLI active. NVAPI_TESTING_CLOCKS_NOT_SUPPORTED = -118, //!< Testing of clocks is not supported. NVAPI_UNKNOWN_UNDERSCAN_CONFIG = -119, //!< The specified underscan config is from an unknown source (e.g. INF) NVAPI_TIMEOUT_RECONFIGURING_GPU_TOPO = -120, //!< Timeout while reconfiguring GPUs NVAPI_DATA_NOT_FOUND = -121, //!< Requested data was not found NVAPI_EXPECTED_ANALOG_DISPLAY = -122, //!< Expected an analog display NVAPI_NO_VIDLINK = -123, //!< No SLI video bridge is present NVAPI_REQUIRES_REBOOT = -124, //!< NVAPI requires a reboot for the settings to take effect NVAPI_INVALID_HYBRID_MODE = -125, //!< The function is not supported with the current Hybrid mode. NVAPI_MIXED_TARGET_TYPES = -126, //!< The target types are not all the same NVAPI_SYSWOW64_NOT_SUPPORTED = -127, //!< The function is not supported from 32-bit on a 64-bit system. NVAPI_IMPLICIT_SET_GPU_TOPOLOGY_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED = -128, //!< There is no implicit GPU topology active. Use NVAPI_SetHybridMode to change topology. NVAPI_REQUEST_USER_TO_CLOSE_NON_MIGRATABLE_APPS = -129, //!< Prompt the user to close all non-migratable applications. NVAPI_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -130, //!< Could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call. NVAPI_WAS_STILL_DRAWING = -131, //!< The previous operation that is transferring information to or from this surface is incomplete. NVAPI_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -132, //!< The file was not found. NVAPI_TOO_MANY_UNIQUE_STATE_OBJECTS = -133, //!< There are too many unique instances of a particular type of state object. NVAPI_INVALID_CALL = -134, //!< The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter may not be a valid pointer. NVAPI_D3D10_1_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND = -135, //!< d3d10_1.dll cannot be loaded. NVAPI_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND = -136, //!< Couldn't find the function in the loaded DLL. NVAPI_INVALID_USER_PRIVILEGE = -137, //!< The application will require Administrator privileges to access this API. //!< The application can be elevated to a higher permission level by selecting "Run as Administrator". NVAPI_EXPECTED_NON_PRIMARY_DISPLAY_HANDLE = -138, //!< The handle corresponds to GDIPrimary. NVAPI_EXPECTED_COMPUTE_GPU_HANDLE = -139, //!< Setting Physx GPU requires that the GPU is compute-capable. NVAPI_STEREO_NOT_INITIALIZED = -140, //!< The Stereo part of NVAPI failed to initialize completely. Check if the stereo driver is installed. NVAPI_STEREO_REGISTRY_ACCESS_FAILED = -141, //!< Access to stereo-related registry keys or values has failed. NVAPI_STEREO_REGISTRY_PROFILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -142, //!< The given registry profile type is not supported. NVAPI_STEREO_REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -143, //!< The given registry value is not supported. NVAPI_STEREO_NOT_ENABLED = -144, //!< Stereo is not enabled and the function needed it to execute completely. NVAPI_STEREO_NOT_TURNED_ON = -145, //!< Stereo is not turned on and the function needed it to execute completely. NVAPI_STEREO_INVALID_DEVICE_INTERFACE = -146, //!< Invalid device interface. NVAPI_STEREO_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE = -147, //!< Separation percentage or JPEG image capture quality is out of [0-100] range. NVAPI_STEREO_FRUSTUM_ADJUST_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -148, //!< The given frustum adjust mode is not supported. NVAPI_TOPO_NOT_POSSIBLE = -149, //!< The mosaic topology is not possible given the current state of the hardware. NVAPI_MODE_CHANGE_FAILED = -150, //!< An attempt to do a display resolution mode change has failed. NVAPI_D3D11_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND = -151, //!< d3d11.dll/d3d11_beta.dll cannot be loaded. NVAPI_INVALID_ADDRESS = -152, //!< Address is outside of valid range. NVAPI_STRING_TOO_SMALL = -153, //!< The pre-allocated string is too small to hold the result. NVAPI_MATCHING_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = -154, //!< The input does not match any of the available devices. NVAPI_DRIVER_RUNNING = -155, //!< Driver is running. NVAPI_DRIVER_NOTRUNNING = -156, //!< Driver is not running. NVAPI_ERROR_DRIVER_RELOAD_REQUIRED = -157, //!< A driver reload is required to apply these settings. NVAPI_SET_NOT_ALLOWED = -158, //!< Intended setting is not allowed. NVAPI_ADVANCED_DISPLAY_TOPOLOGY_REQUIRED = -159, //!< Information can't be returned due to "advanced display topology". NVAPI_SETTING_NOT_FOUND = -160, //!< Setting is not found. NVAPI_SETTING_SIZE_TOO_LARGE = -161, //!< Setting size is too large. NVAPI_TOO_MANY_SETTINGS_IN_PROFILE = -162, //!< There are too many settings for a profile. NVAPI_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND = -163, //!< Profile is not found. NVAPI_PROFILE_NAME_IN_USE = -164, //!< Profile name is duplicated. NVAPI_PROFILE_NAME_EMPTY = -165, //!< Profile name is empty. NVAPI_EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND = -166, //!< Application not found in the Profile. NVAPI_EXECUTABLE_ALREADY_IN_USE = -167, //!< Application already exists in the other profile. NVAPI_DATATYPE_MISMATCH = -168, //!< Data Type mismatch NVAPI_PROFILE_REMOVED = -169, //!< The profile passed as parameter has been removed and is no longer valid. NVAPI_UNREGISTERED_RESOURCE = -170, //!< An unregistered resource was passed as a parameter. NVAPI_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE = -171, //!< The DisplayId corresponds to a display which is not within the normal outputId range. NVAPI_DISPLAYCONFIG_VALIDATION_FAILED = -172, //!< Display topology is not valid so the driver cannot do a mode set on this configuration. NVAPI_DPMST_CHANGED = -173, //!< Display Port Multi-Stream topology has been changed. NVAPI_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = -174, //!< Input buffer is insufficient to hold the contents. NVAPI_ACCESS_DENIED = -175, //!< No access to the caller. NVAPI_MOSAIC_NOT_ACTIVE = -176, //!< The requested action cannot be performed without Mosaic being enabled. NVAPI_SHARE_RESOURCE_RELOCATED = -177, //!< The surface is relocated away from video memory. NVAPI_REQUEST_USER_TO_DISABLE_DWM = -178, //!< The user should disable DWM before calling NvAPI. NVAPI_D3D_DEVICE_LOST = -179, //!< D3D device status is D3DERR_DEVICELOST or D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET - the user has to reset the device. NVAPI_INVALID_CONFIGURATION = -180, //!< The requested action cannot be performed in the current state. NVAPI_STEREO_HANDSHAKE_NOT_DONE = -181, //!< Call failed as stereo handshake not completed. NVAPI_EXECUTABLE_PATH_IS_AMBIGUOUS = -182, //!< The path provided was too short to determine the correct NVDRS_APPLICATION NVAPI_DEFAULT_STEREO_PROFILE_IS_NOT_DEFINED = -183, //!< Default stereo profile is not currently defined NVAPI_DEFAULT_STEREO_PROFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = -184, //!< Default stereo profile does not exist NVAPI_CLUSTER_ALREADY_EXISTS = -185, //!< A cluster is already defined with the given configuration. NVAPI_DPMST_DISPLAY_ID_EXPECTED = -186, //!< The input display id is not that of a multi stream enabled connector or a display device in a multi stream topology NVAPI_INVALID_DISPLAY_ID = -187, //!< The input display id is not valid or the monitor associated to it does not support the current operation NVAPI_STREAM_IS_OUT_OF_SYNC = -188, //!< While playing secure audio stream, stream goes out of sync NVAPI_INCOMPATIBLE_AUDIO_DRIVER = -189, //!< Older audio driver version than required NVAPI_VALUE_ALREADY_SET = -190, //!< Value already set, setting again not allowed. NVAPI_TIMEOUT = -191, //!< Requested operation timed out NVAPI_GPU_WORKSTATION_FEATURE_INCOMPLETE = -192, //!< The requested workstation feature set has incomplete driver internal allocation resources NVAPI_STEREO_INIT_ACTIVATION_NOT_DONE = -193, //!< Call failed because InitActivation was not called. NVAPI_SYNC_NOT_ACTIVE = -194, //!< The requested action cannot be performed without Sync being enabled. NVAPI_SYNC_MASTER_NOT_FOUND = -195, //!< The requested action cannot be performed without Sync Master being enabled. NVAPI_INVALID_SYNC_TOPOLOGY = -196, //!< Invalid displays passed in the NV_GSYNC_DISPLAY pointer. NVAPI_ECID_SIGN_ALGO_UNSUPPORTED = -197, //!< The specified signing algorithm is not supported. Either an incorrect value was entered or the current installed driver/hardware does not support the input value. NVAPI_ECID_KEY_VERIFICATION_FAILED = -198, //!< The encrypted public key verification has failed. NVAPI_FIRMWARE_OUT_OF_DATE = -199, //!< The device's firmware is out of date. NVAPI_FIRMWARE_REVISION_NOT_SUPPORTED = -200, //!< The device's firmware is not supported. NVAPI_LICENSE_CALLER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = -201, //!< The caller is not authorized to modify the License. NVAPI_D3D_DEVICE_NOT_REGISTERED = -202, //!< The user tried to use a deferred context without registering the device first NVAPI_RESOURCE_NOT_ACQUIRED = -203, //!< Head or SourceId was not reserved for the VR Display before doing the Modeset. NVAPI_TIMING_NOT_SUPPORTED = -204, //!< Provided timing is not supported. NVAPI_HDCP_ENCRYPTION_FAILED = -205, //!< HDCP Encryption Failed for the device. Would be applicable when the device is HDCP Capable. NVAPI_PCLK_LIMITATION_FAILED = -206, //!< Provided mode is over sink device pclk limitation. NVAPI_NO_CONNECTOR_FOUND = -207, //!< No connector on GPU found. NVAPI_HDCP_DISABLED = -208, //!< When a non-HDCP capable HMD is connected, we would inform user by this code. NVAPI_API_IN_USE = -209, //!< Atleast an API is still being called NVAPI_NVIDIA_DISPLAY_NOT_FOUND = -210, //!< No display found on Nvidia GPU(s). NVAPI_PRIV_SEC_VIOLATION = -211, //!< Priv security violation, improper access to a secured register. NVAPI_INCORRECT_VENDOR = -212, //!< NVAPI cannot be called by this vendor NVAPI_DISPLAY_IN_USE = -213, //!< DirectMode Display is already in use NVAPI_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG_NON_HDCP_HMD = -214, //!< The Config is having Non-NVidia GPU with Non-HDCP HMD connected NVAPI_MAX_DISPLAY_LIMIT_REACHED = -215, //!< GPU's Max Display Limit has Reached NVAPI_INVALID_DIRECT_MODE_DISPLAY = -216, //!< DirectMode not Enabled on the Display NVAPI_GPU_IN_DEBUG_MODE = -217, //!< GPU is in debug mode, OC is NOT allowed. NVAPI_D3D_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND = -218, //!< No NvAPI context was found for this D3D object NVAPI_STEREO_VERSION_MISMATCH = -219, //!< there is version mismatch between stereo driver and dx driver NVAPI_GPU_NOT_POWERED = -220, //!< GPU is not powered and so the request cannot be completed. NVAPI_ERROR_DRIVER_RELOAD_IN_PROGRESS = -221, //!< The display driver update in progress. NVAPI_WAIT_FOR_HW_RESOURCE = -222, //!< Wait for HW resources allocation NVAPI_REQUIRE_FURTHER_HDCP_ACTION = -223, //!< operation requires further HDCP action NVAPI_DISPLAY_MUX_TRANSITION_FAILED = -224, //!< Dynamic Mux transition failure NVAPI_INVALID_DSC_VERSION = -225, //!< Invalid DSC version NVAPI_INVALID_DSC_SLICECOUNT = -226, //!< Invalid DSC slice count NVAPI_INVALID_DSC_OUTPUT_BPP = -227, //!< Invalid DSC output BPP NVAPI_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FROM_DRIVER_STORE = -228, //!< There was an error while loading nvapi.dll from the driver store. NVAPI_NO_VULKAN = -229, //!< OpenGL does not export Vulkan fake extensions NVAPI_REQUEST_PENDING = -230, //!< A request for NvTOPPs telemetry CData has already been made and is pending a response. NVAPI_RESOURCE_IN_USE = -231, //!< Operation cannot be performed because the resource is in use. } public enum NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_FLAGS : uint { NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_VALIDATE_ONLY = 0x00000001, NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_SAVE_TO_PERSISTENCE = 0x00000002, NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_DRIVER_RELOAD_ALLOWED = 0x00000004, //!< Driver reload is permitted if necessary NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION = 0x00000008, //!< Refresh OS mode list. NV_FORCE_COMMIT_VIDPN = 0x00000010, //!< Tell OS to avoid optimizing CommitVidPn call during a modeset } public enum NV_ROTATE : uint { NV_ROTATE_0 = 0, NV_ROTATE_90 = 1, NV_ROTATE_180 = 2, NV_ROTATE_270 = 3, NV_ROTATE_IGNORED = 4, } public enum NV_FORMAT : uint { NV_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, //!< unknown. Driver will choose one as following value. NV_FORMAT_P8 = 41, //!< for 8bpp mode NV_FORMAT_R5G6B5 = 23, //!< for 16bpp mode NV_FORMAT_A8R8G8B8 = 21, //!< for 32bpp mode NV_FORMAT_A16B16G16R16F = 113, //!< for 64bpp(floating point) mode. } public enum NV_SCALING : uint { NV_SCALING_DEFAULT = 0, //!< No change // New Scaling Declarations NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_CLOSEST = 1, //!< Balanced - Full Screen NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_NATIVE = 2, //!< Force GPU - Full Screen NV_SCALING_GPU_SCANOUT_TO_NATIVE = 3, //!< Force GPU - Centered\No Scaling NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_ASPECT_SCANOUT_TO_NATIVE = 5, //!< Force GPU - Aspect Ratio NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_ASPECT_SCANOUT_TO_CLOSEST = 6, //!< Balanced - Aspect Ratio NV_SCALING_GPU_SCANOUT_TO_CLOSEST = 7, //!< Balanced - Centered\No Scaling NV_SCALING_GPU_INTEGER_ASPECT_SCALING = 8, //!< Force GPU - Integer Scaling // Legacy Declarations NV_SCALING_MONITOR_SCALING = NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_CLOSEST, NV_SCALING_ADAPTER_SCALING = NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_NATIVE, NV_SCALING_CENTERED = NV_SCALING_GPU_SCANOUT_TO_NATIVE, NV_SCALING_ASPECT_SCALING = NV_SCALING_GPU_SCALING_TO_ASPECT_SCANOUT_TO_NATIVE, NV_SCALING_CUSTOMIZED = 255 //!< For future use } public enum NV_TARGET_VIEW_MODE : uint { NV_VIEW_MODE_STANDARD = 0, NV_VIEW_MODE_CLONE = 1, NV_VIEW_MODE_HSPAN = 2, NV_VIEW_MODE_VSPAN = 3, NV_VIEW_MODE_DUALVIEW = 4, NV_VIEW_MODE_MULTIVIEW = 5, } public enum NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT : uint { NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_NONE = 0, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_NTSCM = 0x00000001, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_NTSCJ = 0x00000002, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_PALM = 0x00000004, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_PALBDGH = 0x00000008, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_PALN = 0x00000010, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_PALNC = 0x00000020, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_576i = 0x00000100, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_480i = 0x00000200, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_ED_480p = 0x00000400, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_ED_576p = 0x00000800, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_720p = 0x00001000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_1080i = 0x00002000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_1080p = 0x00004000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_720p50 = 0x00008000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_1080p24 = 0x00010000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_1080i50 = 0x00020000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_1080p50 = 0x00040000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp30 = 0x00080000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp30_3840 = NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp30, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp25 = 0x00100000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp25_3840 = NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp25, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp24 = 0x00200000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp24_3840 = NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp24, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp24_SMPTE = 0x00400000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp50_3840 = 0x00800000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp60_3840 = 0x00900000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp30_4096 = 0x00A00000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp25_4096 = 0x00B00000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp24_4096 = 0x00C00000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp50_4096 = 0x00D00000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp60_4096 = 0x00E00000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp24_7680 = 0x01000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp25_7680 = 0x02000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp30_7680 = 0x04000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp48_7680 = 0x08000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp50_7680 = 0x09000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp60_7680 = 0x0A000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp100_7680 = 0x0B000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_8Kp120_7680 = 0x0C000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp48_3840 = 0x0D000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp48_4096 = 0x0E000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp100_4096 = 0x0F000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp100_3840 = 0x10000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp120_4096 = 0x11000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp120_3840 = 0x12000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp100_5120 = 0x13000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp120_5120 = 0x14000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp24_5120 = 0x15000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp25_5120 = 0x16000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp30_5120 = 0x17000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp48_5120 = 0x18000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp50_5120 = 0x19000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_4Kp60_5120 = 0x20000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp24_10240 = 0x21000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp25_10240 = 0x22000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp30_10240 = 0x23000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp48_10240 = 0x24000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp50_10240 = 0x25000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp60_10240 = 0x26000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp100_10240 = 0x27000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_UHD_10Kp120_10240 = 0x28000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_SD_OTHER = 0x30000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_ED_OTHER = 0x40000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_HD_OTHER = 0x50000000, NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_ANY = 0x80000000, } public enum NV_GPU_CONNECTOR_TYPE : uint { NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_VGA_15_PIN = 0x00000000, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_TV_COMPOSITE = 0x00000010, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_TV_SVIDEO = 0x00000011, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_TV_HDTV_COMPONENT = 0x00000013, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_TV_SCART = 0x00000014, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_TV_COMPOSITE_SCART_ON_EIAJ4120 = 0x00000016, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_TV_HDTV_EIAJ4120 = 0x00000017, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_PC_POD_HDTV_YPRPB = 0x00000018, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_PC_POD_SVIDEO = 0x00000019, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_PC_POD_COMPOSITE = 0x0000001A, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DVI_I_TV_SVIDEO = 0x00000020, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DVI_I_TV_COMPOSITE = 0x00000021, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DVI_I = 0x00000030, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DVI_D = 0x00000031, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_ADC = 0x00000032, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_LFH_DVI_I_1 = 0x00000038, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_LFH_DVI_I_2 = 0x00000039, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_SPWG = 0x00000040, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_OEM = 0x00000041, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DISPLAYPORT_EXTERNAL = 0x00000046, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DISPLAYPORT_INTERNAL = 0x00000047, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_DISPLAYPORT_MINI_EXT = 0x00000048, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_HDMI_A = 0x00000061, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_HDMI_C_MINI = 0x00000063, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_LFH_DISPLAYPORT_1 = 0x00000064, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_LFH_DISPLAYPORT_2 = 0x00000065, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_VIRTUAL_WFD = 0x00000070, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_USB_C = 0x00000071, NVAPI_GPU_CONNECTOR_UNKNOWN = 0xFFFFFFFF, } public enum NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE : uint { NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_CURRENT = 0, //!< get the current timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_AUTO, //!< the timing the driver will use based the current policy NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_EDID, //!< EDID timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_DMT, //!< VESA DMT timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_DMT_RB, //!< VESA DMT timing with reduced blanking NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_CVT, //!< VESA CVT timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_CVT_RB, //!< VESA CVT timing with reduced blanking NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_GTF, //!< VESA GTF timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_EIA861, //!< EIA 861x pre-defined timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_ANALOG_TV, //!< analog SD/HDTV timing NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_CUST, //!< NV custom timings NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_NV_PREDEFINED, //!< NV pre-defined timing (basically the PsF timings) NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_NV_PSF = NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_NV_PREDEFINED, NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_NV_ASPR, NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_SDI, //!< Override for SDI timing NV_TIMING_OVRRIDE_MAX, } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct DisplayHandle { private readonly IntPtr ptr; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct UnAttachedDisplayHandle { public readonly IntPtr ptr; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct PhysicalGpuHandle { private readonly IntPtr ptr; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct NV_TIMINGEXT { public uint flag; //!< Reserved for NVIDIA hardware-based enhancement, such as double-scan. public ushort rr; //!< Logical refresh rate to present public uint rrx1k; //!< Physical vertical refresh rate in 0.001Hz public uint aspect; //!< Display aspect ratio Hi(aspect):horizontal-aspect, Low(aspect):vertical-aspect public ushort rep; //!< Bit-wise pixel repetition factor: 0x1:no pixel repetition; 0x2:each pixel repeats twice horizontally,.. public uint status; //!< Timing standard [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 40)] public string name; //!< Timing name } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_TIMING { // VESA scan out timing parameters: public ushort HVisible; //!< horizontal visible public ushort HBorder; //!< horizontal border public ushort HFrontPorch; //!< horizontal front porch public ushort HSyncWidth; //!< horizontal sync width public ushort HTotal; //!< horizontal total public byte HSyncPol; //!< horizontal sync polarity: 1-negative, 0-positive public ushort VVisible; //!< vertical visible public ushort VBorder; //!< vertical border public ushort VFrontPorch; //!< vertical front porch public ushort VSyncWidth; //!< vertical sync width public ushort VTotal; //!< vertical total public byte VSyncPol; //!< vertical sync polarity: 1-negative, 0-positive public ushort interlaced; //!< 1-interlaced, 0-progressive public uint pclk; //!< pixel clock in 10 kHz //other timing related extras NV_TIMINGEXT etc; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_POSITION { public int x; public int y; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_RESOLUTION { public uint width; public uint height; public uint colorDepth; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_VIEWPORTF { public float x; //!< x-coordinate of the viewport top-left point public float y; //!< y-coordinate of the viewport top-left point public float w; //!< Width of the viewport public float h; //!< Height of the viewport } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_ADVANCED_TARGET_INFO { public uint version; // Rotation and Scaling public NV_ROTATE rotation; //!< (IN) rotation setting. public NV_SCALING scaling; //!< (IN) scaling setting. // Refresh Rate public uint refreshRate1K; //!< (IN) Non-interlaced Refresh Rate of the mode, multiplied by 1000, 0 = ignored //!< This is the value which driver reports to the OS. // Flags //public uint interlaced:1; //!< (IN) Interlaced mode flag, ignored if refreshRate == 0 //public uint primary:1; //!< (IN) Declares primary display in clone configuration. This is *NOT* GDI Primary. //!< Only one target can be primary per source. If no primary is specified, the first //!< target will automatically be primary. //public uint isPanAndScanTarget:1; //!< Whether on this target Pan and Scan is enabled or has to be enabled. Valid only //!< when the target is part of clone topology. //public uint disableVirtualModeSupport:1; //public uint isPreferredUnscaledTarget:1; //public uint reserved:27; // TV format information public NV_GPU_CONNECTOR_TYPE connector; //!< Specify connector type. For TV only, ignored if tvFormat == NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_NONE public NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT tvFormat; //!< (IN) to choose the last TV format set this value to NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_NONE //!< In case of NvAPI_DISP_GetDisplayConfig(), this field will indicate the currently applied TV format; //!< if no TV format is applied, this field will have NV_DISPLAY_TV_FORMAT_NONE value. //!< In case of NvAPI_DISP_SetDisplayConfig(), this field should only be set in case of TVs; //!< for other displays this field will be ignored and resolution & refresh rate specified in input will be used to apply the TV format. // Backend (raster) timing standard public NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE timingOverride; //!< Ignored if timingOverride == NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_CURRENT public NV_TIMING timing; //!< Scan out timing, valid only if timingOverride == NV_TIMING_OVERRIDE_CUST //!< The value NV_TIMING::NV_TIMINGEXT::rrx1k is obtained from the EDID. The driver may //!< tweak this value for HDTV, stereo, etc., before reporting it to the OS. } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO_V2 { public uint displayId; //!< Display ID NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_ADVANCED_TARGET_INFO[] details; //!< May be NULL if no advanced settings are required public uint targetId; //!< Windows CCD target ID. Must be present only for non-NVIDIA adapter, for NVIDIA adapter this parameter is ignored. } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO_V2 { public uint Version; public uint SourceId; //!< Identifies sourceId used by Windows CCD. This can be optionally set. public uint TargetInfoCount; //!< Number of elements in targetInfo array public NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO_V2[] TargetInfo; public NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE_INFO_V1[] sourceModeInfo; //!< May be NULL if mode info is not important //public uint IsNonNVIDIAAdapter : 1; //!< True for non-NVIDIA adapter. //public uint reserved : 31; //!< Must be 0 //public LUID pOSAdapterID; //!< Used by Non-NVIDIA adapter for pointer to OS Adapter of LUID //!< type, type casted to void *. } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_MODE_INFO_V1 { public NV_RESOLUTION resolution; public NV_FORMAT colorFormat; //!< Ignored at present, must be NV_FORMAT_UNKNOWN (0) public NV_POSITION position; //!< Is all positions are 0 or invalid, displays will be automatically //!< positioned from left to right with GDI Primary at 0,0, and all //!< other displays in the order of the path array. //public NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_SPANNING_ORIENTATION spanningOrientation; //!< Spanning is only supported on XP //public uint bGDIPrimary : 1; //public uint bSLIFocus : 1; //public uint reserved : 30; //!< Must be 0 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO { public uint displayId; //!< Display ID public NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_ADVANCED_TARGET_INFO[] details; //!< May be NULL if no advanced settings are required public uint targetId; //!< Windows CCD target ID. Must be present only for non-NVIDIA adapter, for NVIDIA adapter this parameter is ignored. } class NVImport { public const uint NV_MAX_HEADS = 4; public const uint NV_MAX_VID_PROFILES = 4; public const uint NV_MAX_VID_STREAMS = 4; public const uint NV_ADVANCED_DISPLAY_HEADS = 4; public const uint NV_GENERIC_STRING_MAX = 4096; public const uint NV_LONG_STRING_MAX = 256; public const uint NV_MAX_ACPI_IDS = 16; public const uint NV_MAX_AUDIO_DEVICES = 16; public const uint NV_MAX_AVAILABLE_CPU_TOPOLOGIES = 256; public const uint NV_MAX_AVAILABLE_SLI_GROUPS = 256; public const uint NV_MAX_AVAILABLE_DISPLAY_HEADS = 2; public const uint NV_MAX_DISPLAYS = NV_PHYSICAL_GPUS * NV_ADVANCED_DISPLAY_HEADS; public const uint NV_MAX_GPU_PER_TOPOLOGY = 8; public const uint NV_MAX_GPU_TOPOLOGIES = NV_MAX_PHYSICAL_GPUS; public const uint NV_MAX_HEADS_PER_GPU = 32; public const uint NV_MAX_LOGICAL_GPUS = 64; public const uint NV_MAX_PHYSICAL_BRIDGES = 100; public const uint NV_MAX_PHYSICAL_GPUS = 64; public const uint NV_MAX_VIEW_MODES = 8; public const uint NV_PHYSICAL_GPUS = 32; public const uint NV_SHORT_STRING_MAX = 64; public const uint NV_SYSTEM_HWBC_INVALID_ID = 0xffffffff; public const uint NV_SYSTEM_MAX_DISPLAYS = NV_MAX_PHYSICAL_GPUS * NV_MAX_HEADS; public const uint NV_SYSTEM_MAX_HWBCS = 128; #region Internal Constant /// Nvapi64_FileName public const string NVAPI_DLL = "nvapi64.dll"; /// Kernel32_FileName public const string Kernel32_FileName = "kernel32.dll"; #endregion Internal Constant #region DLLImport [DllImport(Kernel32_FileName)] public static extern HMODULE GetModuleHandle(string moduleName); // This function initializes the NvAPI library (if not already initialized) but always increments the ref-counter. // This must be called before calling other NvAPI_ functions. Note: It is now mandatory to call NvAPI_Initialize before calling any other NvAPI. NvAPI_Unload should be called to unload the NVAPI Library. [DllImport(NVAPI_DLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern NVAPI_STATUS NvAPI_Initialize(); //DESCRIPTION: Decrements the ref-counter and when it reaches ZERO, unloads NVAPI library.This must be called in pairs with NvAPI_Initialize. // If the client wants unload functionality, it is recommended to always call NvAPI_Initialize and NvAPI_Unload in pairs. // Unloading NvAPI library is not supported when the library is in a resource locked state. // Some functions in the NvAPI library initiates an operation or allocates certain resources and there are corresponding functions available, to complete the operation or free the allocated resources. // All such function pairs are designed to prevent unloading NvAPI library. For example, if NvAPI_Unload is called after NvAPI_XXX which locks a resource, it fails with NVAPI_ERROR. // Developers need to call the corresponding NvAPI_YYY to unlock the resources, before calling NvAPI_Unload again. [DllImport(NVAPI_DLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern NVAPI_STATUS NvAPI_Unload(); // This is used to get a string containing the NVAPI version [DllImport(NVAPI_DLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern NVAPI_STATUS NvAPI_GetInterfaceVersionStringEx(out string description); // NVAPI SESSION HANDLING FUNCTIONS // This is used to get a session handle to use to maintain state across multiple NVAPI calls [DllImport(NVAPI_DLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern NVAPI_STATUS NvAPI_DRS_CreateSession(out IntPtr session); // This is used to destroy a session handle to used to maintain state across multiple NVAPI calls [DllImport(NVAPI_DLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern NVAPI_STATUS NvAPI_DRS_DestorySession(IntPtr session); // This API lets caller retrieve the current global display configuration. // USAGE: The caller might have to call this three times to fetch all the required configuration details as follows: // First Pass: Caller should Call NvAPI_DISP_GetDisplayConfig() with pathInfo set to NULL to fetch pathInfoCount. // Second Pass: Allocate memory for pathInfo with respect to the number of pathInfoCount(from First Pass) to fetch targetInfoCount. If sourceModeInfo is needed allocate memory or it can be initialized to NULL. // Third Pass(Optional, only required if target information is required): Allocate memory for targetInfo with respect to number of targetInfoCount(from Second Pass). [DllImport(NVAPI_DLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern NVAPI_STATUS NvAPI_DISP_GetDisplayConfig(ref ulong pathInfoCount, out NV_DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO_V2 pathInfo); #endregion DLLImport /*public static ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc_Delegate ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc = ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc_Function; /// Build in memory allocation function /// input size /// return the memory buffer public static IntPtr ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc_Function(int size) { //Console.WriteLine($"\nCallback called with param: {size}"); IntPtr result = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size); return result; }*/ } }