using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using HeliosPlus.InterProcess; using HeliosPlus.Resources; using HeliosPlus.GameLibraries; using HeliosPlus.Shared; using HeliosPlus.UIForms; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; namespace HeliosPlus { public enum SupportedGameLibrary { Unknown, Steam, Uplay } internal static class Program { internal static string ShortcutIconCachePath; internal static Profile GetProfile(string profileName) { // Create an array of display profiles we have var profiles = Profile.GetAllProfiles().ToArray(); // Check if the user supplied a --profile option using the profiles' ID var profileIndex = profiles.Length > 0 ? Array.FindIndex(profiles, p => p.Id.Equals(profileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) : -1; // If the profileID wasn't there, maybe they used the profile name? if (profileIndex == -1) { // Try and lookup the profile in the profiles' Name fields profileIndex = profiles.Length > 0 ? Array.FindIndex(profiles, p => p.Name.StartsWith(profileName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) : -1; } return profiles[profileIndex]; } internal static bool GoProfile(Profile profile) { if (profile.IsActive) { return true; } var instanceStatus = IPCService.GetInstance().Status; try { IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.Busy; var failed = false; if (new SplashForm(() => { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (!profile.Apply()) { failed = true; } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); }, 3, 30).ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel) { if (failed) { throw new Exception(Language.Profile_is_invalid_or_not_possible_to_apply); } return true; } return false; } finally { IPCService.GetInstance().Status = instanceStatus; } } private static void CreateShortcutToExecutable(Profile profile, string executableToRun, string processToMonitor, uint timeout, string executableArguments) { IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User; new ShortcutForm(profile) { ExecutableNameAndPath = executableToRun, ExecutableArguments = executableArguments, ProcessNameToMonitor = processToMonitor, ExecutableTimeout = timeout }.ShowDialog(); } private static void CreateShortcutToSteamGame(Profile profile, string steamGameIdToRun, uint timeout, string executableArguments) { IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User; new ShortcutForm(profile) { GameLibrary = SupportedGameLibrary.Steam, GameAppId = Convert.ToUInt32(steamGameIdToRun), GameTimeout = timeout, GameArguments = executableArguments, }.ShowDialog(); } private static void CreateShortcutToUplayGame(Profile profile, string uplayGameIdToRun, uint timeout, string executableArguments) { IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User; new ShortcutForm(profile) { GameLibrary = SupportedGameLibrary.Uplay, GameAppId = Convert.ToUInt32(uplayGameIdToRun), GameTimeout = timeout, GameArguments = executableArguments, }.ShowDialog(); } private static void EditProfile(Profile profile) { // Get the status of the IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User; var editForm = new EditForm(profile); if (editForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { profile = editForm.Profile; } var profiles = Profile.GetAllProfiles().ToArray(); if (!Profile.SetAllProfiles(profiles)) { throw new Exception(Language.Failed_to_save_profile); } } /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] private static int Main(string[] args) { // Write the Application Name Console.WriteLine($"{Application.ProductName} v{Application.ProductVersion}"); for (int i = 0; i <= Application.ProductName.Length + Application.ProductVersion .Length; i++) { Console.Write("="); } Console.WriteLine("="); Console.WriteLine(@"Copyright © Terry MacDonald 2020-{DateTime.Today.Year}"); Console.WriteLine(@"Based on Helios Display Management - Copyright © Soroush Falahati 2017-2020"); // Figure out where the shortcut's will go ShortcutIconCachePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, @"ShortcutIconCache"); // Create the Shortcut Icon Cache if it doesn't exist so that it's avilable for all the program if (!Directory.Exists(ShortcutIconCachePath)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(ShortcutIconCachePath); } catch { } } var app = new CommandLineApplication(); //app.Name = "HeliosDM+"; //app.Name = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name; app.Description = "This application helps configure your NVIDIA Videocard for multiple displays."; app.ExtendedHelpText = "This application helps configure your NVIDIA Videocard for multiple displays. It has some nifty features such as the " + Environment.NewLine + " ability to temporarily change your screen settings while you are playing a game, and then change them back once finished."; app.GetFullNameAndVersion(); app.MakeSuggestionsInErrorMessage = true; app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help", inherited:true); app.VersionOption("-v|--version", () => { return string.Format("Version {0}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); }); // This is the SwitchProfile command app.Command("SwitchProfile", (switchProfileCmd) => { //description and help text of the command. switchProfileCmd.Description = "Use this command to temporarily change profiles, and load your favourite game or application."; switchProfileCmd.OnExecute(() => { switchProfileCmd.ShowHelp(); return 1; }); switchProfileCmd.Command("permanent", (switchProfilePermanentSubCmd) => { switchProfilePermanentSubCmd.Description = "Change to a different display profile permanently (until you manually switch back)."; var optionProfile = switchProfilePermanentSubCmd.Option("-p|--profile ", "(required) The Profile Name or Profile ID of the display profile to you want to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired(); optionProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator()); switchProfilePermanentSubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Changing to display profile {optionProfile.Value()}."); SwitchToProfile(GetProfile(optionProfile.Value())); return 0; }); }); switchProfileCmd.Command("exe", (switchProfileExecuteSubCmd) => { switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.Description = "Temporarily change to a different display profile, run an application or game executable, then change back."; var argumentExecutable = switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.Argument("PATH_TO_EXE", "(required) The game exectuable file to run.").IsRequired(); argumentExecutable.Validators.Add(new FileArgumentMustExistValidator()); var optionProfile = switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.Option("-p|--profile ", "(required) The Profile Name or Profile ID of the display profile to you want to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired(); optionProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator()); var optionWaitFor = switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.Option("-w|--waitfor ", "(optional) The application/game to start when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut. Cannot be used with --steam or --uplay options.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); optionWaitFor.Validators.Add(new FileOptionMustExistValidator()); var optionTimeout = switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.Option("-t|--timeout", "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionArguments = switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.Option("-a|--arguments", "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); switchProfileExecuteSubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Changing to display profile {optionProfile.Value()}, running executable {argumentExecutable.Value} then reverting back to this display profile when finished."); SwitchToExecutable( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()), //GetProfile(argProfile.Value), argumentExecutable.Value, optionWaitFor.Value(), Convert.ToUInt32(optionTimeout.Value()), optionArguments.Value() ); return 0; }); }); switchProfileCmd.Command("steam", (switchProfileSteamSubCmd) => { switchProfileSteamSubCmd.Description = "Change to a display profile and run a Steam game, then swap back."; var argumentSteam = switchProfileSteamSubCmd.Argument("STEAM_GAME_ID", "(required) The Steam Game ID.").IsRequired(); argumentSteam.Validators.Add(new SteamArgumentMustExistValidator()); var optionProfile = switchProfileSteamSubCmd.Option("-p|--profile ", "(required) The Profile Name or Profile ID of the display profile to you want to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired(); optionProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator()); var optionTimeout = switchProfileSteamSubCmd.Option("-t|--timeout", "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. ", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionArguments = switchProfileSteamSubCmd.Option("-a|--arguments", "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); switchProfileSteamSubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Changing to display profile {optionProfile.Value()}, running Steam Game ID:{argumentSteam.Value} then reverting back to this display profile when finished."); SwitchToSteamGame( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()), //GetProfile(argProfile.Value), argumentSteam.Value, Convert.ToUInt32(optionTimeout.Value()), optionArguments.Value() ); return 0; }); }); switchProfileCmd.Command("uplay", (switchProfileUplaySubCmd) => { switchProfileUplaySubCmd.Description = "Change to a display profile and run a Uplay game."; var argumentUplay = switchProfileUplaySubCmd.Argument("UPLAY_GAME_ID", "(required) The Uplay Game ID to run for when we're temporarily switching profile and running the Uplay application/game.").IsRequired(); argumentUplay.Validators.Add(new UplayArgumentMustExistValidator()); var optionProfile = switchProfileUplaySubCmd.Option("-p|--profile ", "(required) The Profile Name or Profile ID of the display profile to you want to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired(); optionProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator()); var optionTimeout = switchProfileUplaySubCmd.Option("-t|--timeout", "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionArguments = switchProfileUplaySubCmd.Option("-a|--arguments", "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); switchProfileUplaySubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Changing to display profile {optionProfile.Value()}, running Uplay Game ID:{argumentUplay.Value} then reverting back to this display profile when finished."); SwitchToUplayGame( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()), //GetProfile(argProfile.Value), argumentUplay.Value, Convert.ToUInt32(optionTimeout.Value()), optionArguments.Value() ); return 0; }); }); }); /*// This is the CreateShortcut command app.Command("CreateShortcut", (createShortcutCmd) => { //description and help text of the command. createShortcutCmd.Description = "Use this command to create a new shortcut to your favourite game."; //createShortcutCmd.ExtendedHelpText = "Use this command to create a new shortcut to your favourite game."; var optionProfile = createShortcutCmd.Option("-p|--profile", "The Profile Name or Profile ID of the profile to you want to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired(); optionProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator()); createShortcutCmd.OnExecute(() => { createShortcutCmd.ShowHelp(); return 1; }); createShortcutCmd.Command("exe", (createShortcutExecutableSubCmd) => { createShortcutExecutableSubCmd.Description = "Create a shortcut to run a Game executable."; var argumentExecutable = createShortcutExecutableSubCmd.Argument("executabletorun", "The game exectuable file to run.").IsRequired(); argumentExecutable.Validators.Add(new FileArgumentMustExistValidator()); var optionWaitFor = createShortcutExecutableSubCmd.Option("-w|--waitfor ", "(optional) The application/game to start when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut. Cannot be used with --steam or --uplay options.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); optionWaitFor.Validators.Add(new FileOptionMustExistValidator()); var optionTimeout = createShortcutExecutableSubCmd.Option("-t|--timeout", "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionArguments = createShortcutExecutableSubCmd.Option("-a|--arguments", "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); createShortcutExecutableSubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Creating a Desktop Shortcut to the application or game {argumentExecutable.Value}"); CreateShortcutToExecutable( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()), argumentExecutable.Value, optionWaitFor.Value(), Convert.ToUInt32(optionTimeout.Value()), optionArguments.Value() ); return 0; }); }); createShortcutCmd.Command("steam", (createShortcutSteamSubCmd) => { createShortcutSteamSubCmd.Description = "Create a Steam Game shortcut."; var argumentSteam = createShortcutSteamSubCmd.Argument("steamgameid", "The Steam Game ID.").IsRequired(); argumentSteam.Validators.Add(new SteamArgumentMustExistValidator()); var optionTimeout = createShortcutSteamSubCmd.Option("-t|--timeout", "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionArguments = createShortcutSteamSubCmd.Option("-a|--arguments", "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); createShortcutSteamSubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Creating a Desktop Shortcut to the Steam Game {argumentSteam.Value}"); CreateShortcutToSteamGame( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()), argumentSteam.Value, Convert.ToUInt32(optionTimeout.Value()), optionArguments.Value() ); return 0; }); }); createShortcutCmd.Command("uplay", (createShortcutUplaySubCmd) => { createShortcutUplaySubCmd.Description = "Create a Uplay Game shortcut."; var argumentUplay = createShortcutUplaySubCmd.Argument("uplaygameid", "The Uplay Game ID to run for when we're temporarily switching profile and running the Uplay application/game.").IsRequired(); argumentUplay.Validators.Add(new UplayArgumentMustExistValidator()); var optionTimeout = createShortcutUplaySubCmd.Option("-t|--timeout", "(optional) The time in seconds we should delay starting the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionArguments = createShortcutUplaySubCmd.Option("-a|--arguments", "(optional) Extra arguments to pass to the application/game when we're temporarily switching profile and running the application/game. Also can be used when creating a shortcut.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); createShortcutUplaySubCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Creating a Desktop Shortcut to the Uplay Game {argumentUplay.Value}"); CreateShortcutToUplayGame( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()), argumentUplay.Value, Convert.ToUInt32(optionTimeout.Value()), optionArguments.Value() ); return 0; }); }); });*/ // This is the EditProfile command app.Command("EditProfile", (editProfileCmd) => { //description and help text of the command. editProfileCmd.Description = "Use this command to edit a HeliosDMPlus profile."; var optionProfile = editProfileCmd.Option("-p|--profile", "The Profile Name or Profile ID of the profile to you want to use.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue).IsRequired(); optionProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator()); editProfileCmd.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Editing profile {optionProfile.Value()}"); EditProfile( GetProfile(optionProfile.Value()) ); return 0; }); }); app.OnExecute(() => { Console.WriteLine("Starting Normally..."); StartUpNormally(); return 0; }); try { // This begins the actual execution of the application app.Execute(args); } catch (CommandParsingException ex) { // You'll always want to catch this exception, otherwise it will generate a messy and confusing error for the end user. // the message will usually be something like: // "Unrecognized command or argument ''" Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to execute application: {0}", ex.Message); } return 0; //return app.Execute(args); } private static void StartUpNormally() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; try { // Start the IPC Service to if (!IPCService.StartService()) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_open_a_named_pipe_for_Inter_process_communication); } IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User; Application.Run(new MainForm()); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show( string.Format(Language.Operation_Failed, e.Message), Language.Fatal_Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } private static void SwitchToExecutable(Profile profile, string executableToRun, string processToMonitor, uint timeout, string executableArguments) { var rollbackProfile = Profile.GetCurrent(string.Empty); if (!profile.IsPossible) { throw new Exception(Language.Selected_profile_is_not_possible); } if ( IPCClient.QueryAll() .Any( client => client.Status == InstanceStatus.Busy || client.Status == InstanceStatus.OnHold)) { throw new Exception( Language .Another_instance_of_this_program_is_in_working_state_Please_close_other_instances_before_trying_to_switch_profile); } if (!GoProfile(profile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(executableToRun, executableArguments); var processes = new System.Diagnostics.Process[0]; var ticks = 0; while (ticks < timeout * 1000) { processes = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(processToMonitor); if (processes.Length > 0) { break; } Thread.Sleep(300); ticks += 300; } if (processes.Length == 0) { processes = new[] { process }; } IPCService.GetInstance().HoldProcessId = processes.FirstOrDefault()?.Id ?? 0; IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.OnHold; NotifyIcon notify = null; try { notify = new NotifyIcon { Icon = Properties.Resources.Icon, Text = string.Format( Language.Waiting_for_the_0_to_terminate, processes[0].ProcessName), Visible = true }; Application.DoEvents(); } catch { // ignored } foreach (var p in processes) { try { p.WaitForExit(); } catch { // ignored } } if (notify != null) { notify.Visible = false; notify.Dispose(); Application.DoEvents(); } IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.Busy; if (!rollbackProfile.IsActive) { if (!GoProfile(rollbackProfile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } } } private static void SwitchToSteamGame(Profile profile, string steamGameIdToRun, uint timeout, string steamGameArguments) { // Convert the steamGameIdToRun string to a uint for Steam Games uint steamGameIdUint = 0; if (!uint.TryParse(steamGameIdToRun, out steamGameIdUint)) { throw new Exception("ERROR - Couldn't convert the string steamGameIdToRun parameter to steamGameIdUint in SwitchToSteamGame!"); } var rollbackProfile = Profile.GetCurrent(string.Empty); if (!profile.IsPossible) { throw new Exception(Language.Selected_profile_is_not_possible); } if ( IPCClient.QueryAll() .Any( client => client.Status == InstanceStatus.Busy || client.Status == InstanceStatus.OnHold)) { throw new Exception( Language .Another_instance_of_this_program_is_in_working_state_Please_close_other_instances_before_trying_to_switch_profile); } List allSteamGames = SteamGame.GetAllInstalledGames(); SteamGame steamGameToRun = null; foreach (SteamGame steamGameToCheck in allSteamGames) { if (steamGameToCheck.GameId == steamGameIdUint) { steamGameToRun = steamGameToCheck; break; } } if (!SteamGame.SteamInstalled) { throw new Exception(Language.Steam_is_not_installed); } if (!GoProfile(profile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } var address = $"steam://rungameid/{steamGameToRun.GameId}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(steamGameArguments)) { address += "/" + steamGameArguments; } var steamProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(address); // Wait for steam game to update and then run var ticks = 0; while (ticks < timeout * 1000) { if (steamGameToRun.IsRunning) { break; } Thread.Sleep(300); if (!steamGameToRun.IsUpdating) { ticks += 300; } } IPCService.GetInstance().HoldProcessId = steamProcess?.Id ?? 0; IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.OnHold; NotifyIcon notify = null; try { notify = new NotifyIcon { Icon = Properties.Resources.Icon, Text = string.Format( Language.Waiting_for_the_0_to_terminate, steamGameToRun.GameName), Visible = true }; Application.DoEvents(); } catch { // ignored } // Wait for the game to exit if (steamGameToRun.IsRunning) { while (true) { if (!steamGameToRun.IsRunning) { break; } Thread.Sleep(300); } } if (notify != null) { notify.Visible = false; notify.Dispose(); Application.DoEvents(); } IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.Busy; if (!rollbackProfile.IsActive) { if (!GoProfile(rollbackProfile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } } } private static void SwitchToUplayGame(Profile profile, string uplayGameIdToRun, uint timeout, string uplayGameArguments) { var rollbackProfile = Profile.GetCurrent(string.Empty); if (!profile.IsPossible) { throw new Exception(Language.Selected_profile_is_not_possible); } if ( IPCClient.QueryAll() .Any( client => client.Status == InstanceStatus.Busy || client.Status == InstanceStatus.OnHold)) { throw new Exception( Language .Another_instance_of_this_program_is_in_working_state_Please_close_other_instances_before_trying_to_switch_profile); } /*var steamGame = new SteamGame(Convert.ToUInt32(uplayGameIdToRun)); if (!SteamGame.SteamInstalled) { throw new Exception(Language.Steam_is_not_installed); } if (!File.Exists(SteamGame.SteamExe)) { throw new Exception(Language.Steam_executable_file_not_found); } if (!steamGame.IsInstalled) { throw new Exception(Language.Steam_game_is_not_installed); } if (!GoProfile(profile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } var address = $"uplay://rungameid/{steamGame.AppId}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uplayGameArguments)) { address += "/" + uplayGameArguments; } var steamProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(address); // Wait for steam game to update and then run var ticks = 0; while (ticks < timeout * 1000) { if (steamGame.IsRunning) { break; } Thread.Sleep(300); if (!steamGame.IsUpdating) { ticks += 300; } } IPCService.GetInstance().HoldProcessId = steamProcess?.Id ?? 0; IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.OnHold; NotifyIcon notify = null; try { notify = new NotifyIcon { Icon = Properties.Resources.Icon, Text = string.Format( Language.Waiting_for_the_0_to_terminate, steamGame.Name), Visible = true }; Application.DoEvents(); } catch { // ignored } // Wait for the game to exit if (steamGame.IsRunning) { while (true) { if (!steamGame.IsRunning) { break; } Thread.Sleep(300); } } if (notify != null) { notify.Visible = false; notify.Dispose(); Application.DoEvents(); } IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.Busy; if (!rollbackProfile.IsActive) { if (!GoProfile(rollbackProfile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } }*/ } // ReSharper disable once CyclomaticComplexity private static void SwitchToProfile(Profile profile) { var rollbackProfile = Profile.GetCurrent(string.Empty); if ( IPCClient.QueryAll() .Any( client => client.Status == InstanceStatus.Busy || client.Status == InstanceStatus.OnHold)) { throw new Exception( Language .Another_instance_of_this_program_is_in_working_state_Please_close_other_instances_before_trying_to_switch_profile); } if (!GoProfile(profile)) { throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_change_active_profile); } } } }