using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using DisplayMagicianShared; using System.ComponentModel; using DisplayMagicianShared.Windows; using System.Threading; namespace DisplayMagicianShared.AMD { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG : IEquatable { public int AdapterDeviceNumber; public int AdapterBusNumber; public int AdapterIndex; public bool IsPrimaryAdapter; public string DisplayName; public int OSDisplayIndex; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG other && this.Equals(other); public bool Equals(AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG other) => AdapterIndex == other.AdapterIndex && AdapterBusNumber == other.AdapterBusNumber && AdapterDeviceNumber == other.AdapterDeviceNumber && IsPrimaryAdapter == other.IsPrimaryAdapter && DisplayName == other.DisplayName && OSDisplayIndex == other.OSDisplayIndex; public override int GetHashCode() { return (AdapterIndex, AdapterBusNumber, AdapterDeviceNumber, IsPrimaryAdapter, DisplayName, OSDisplayIndex).GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG lhs, AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG rhs) => lhs.Equals(rhs); public static bool operator !=(AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG lhs, AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG rhs) => !(lhs == rhs); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG : IEquatable { public ADL_SLS_MAP SLSMap; public List SLSTargets; public List NativeModes; public List NativeModeOffsets; public List BezelModes; public List TransientModes; public List SLSOffsets; public int BezelModePercent; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AMD_SLS_CONFIG other && this.Equals(other); public bool Equals(AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG other) => SLSMap == other.SLSMap && SLSTargets.SequenceEqual(other.SLSTargets) && NativeModes.SequenceEqual(other.NativeModes) && NativeModeOffsets.SequenceEqual(other.NativeModeOffsets) && BezelModes.SequenceEqual(other.BezelModes) && TransientModes.SequenceEqual(other.TransientModes) && SLSOffsets.SequenceEqual(other.SLSOffsets) && BezelModePercent == other.BezelModePercent; public override int GetHashCode() { return (SLSMap, SLSTargets, NativeModes, NativeModeOffsets, BezelModes, TransientModes, SLSOffsets, BezelModePercent).GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG lhs, AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG rhs) => lhs.Equals(rhs); public static bool operator !=(AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG lhs, AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG rhs) => !(lhs == rhs); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct AMD_SLS_CONFIG : IEquatable { public bool IsSlsEnabled; public List SLSMapConfigs; public List SLSEnabledDisplayTargets; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AMD_SLS_CONFIG other && this.Equals(other); public bool Equals(AMD_SLS_CONFIG other) => IsSlsEnabled == other.IsSlsEnabled && SLSMapConfigs.SequenceEqual(other.SLSMapConfigs) && SLSEnabledDisplayTargets.SequenceEqual(other.SLSEnabledDisplayTargets); public override int GetHashCode() { return (IsSlsEnabled, SLSMapConfigs, SLSEnabledDisplayTargets).GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(AMD_SLS_CONFIG lhs, AMD_SLS_CONFIG rhs) => lhs.Equals(rhs); public static bool operator !=(AMD_SLS_CONFIG lhs, AMD_SLS_CONFIG rhs) => !(lhs == rhs); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct AMD_HDR_CONFIG : IEquatable { public int AdapterIndex; public bool HDRSupported; public bool HDREnabled; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AMD_HDR_CONFIG other && this.Equals(other); public bool Equals(AMD_HDR_CONFIG other) => AdapterIndex == other.AdapterIndex && HDRSupported == other.HDRSupported && HDREnabled == other.HDREnabled; public override int GetHashCode() { return (AdapterIndex, HDRSupported, HDREnabled).GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(AMD_HDR_CONFIG lhs, AMD_HDR_CONFIG rhs) => lhs.Equals(rhs); public static bool operator !=(AMD_HDR_CONFIG lhs, AMD_HDR_CONFIG rhs) => !(lhs == rhs); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG : IEquatable { public List AdapterConfigs; public AMD_SLS_CONFIG SlsConfig; public List DisplayMaps; public List DisplayTargets; public Dictionary HdrConfigs; public List DisplayIdentifiers; public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG other && this.Equals(other); public bool Equals(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG other) => AdapterConfigs.SequenceEqual(other.AdapterConfigs) && SlsConfig.Equals(other.SlsConfig) && DisplayMaps.SequenceEqual(other.DisplayMaps) && DisplayTargets.SequenceEqual(other.DisplayTargets) && HdrConfigs.SequenceEqual(other.HdrConfigs) && DisplayIdentifiers.SequenceEqual(other.DisplayIdentifiers); public override int GetHashCode() { return (AdapterConfigs, SlsConfig, DisplayMaps, DisplayTargets, DisplayIdentifiers).GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG lhs, AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG rhs) => lhs.Equals(rhs); public static bool operator !=(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG lhs, AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG rhs) => !(lhs == rhs); } class AMDLibrary : IDisposable { // Static members are 'eagerly initialized', that is, // immediately when class is loaded for the first time. // .NET guarantees thread safety for static initialization private static AMDLibrary _instance = new AMDLibrary(); private static WinLibrary _winLibrary = new WinLibrary(); private bool _initialised = false; // To detect redundant calls private bool _disposed = false; // Instantiate a SafeHandle instance. private SafeHandle _safeHandle = new SafeFileHandle(IntPtr.Zero, true); private IntPtr _adlContextHandle = IntPtr.Zero; static AMDLibrary() { } public AMDLibrary() { try { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: Attempting to load the AMD ADL DLL {ADLImport.ATI_ADL_DLL}"); // Attempt to prelink all of the NVAPI functions Marshal.PrelinkAll(typeof(ADLImport)); SharedLogger.logger.Trace("AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: Intialising AMD ADL2 library interface"); // Second parameter is 1 so that we only the get connected adapters in use now // We set the environment variable as a workaround so that ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfigX2_Get works :( // This is a weird thing that AMD even set in their own code! WTF! Who programmed that as a feature? Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ADL_4KWORKAROUND_CANCEL", "TRUE"); try { ADL_STATUS ADLRet; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Main_Control_Create(ADLImport.ADL_Main_Memory_Alloc, ADLImport.ADL_TRUE, out _adlContextHandle); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { _initialised = true; SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: AMD ADL2 library was initialised successfully"); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: Error intialising AMD ADL2 library. ADL2_Main_Control_Create() returned error code {ADLRet}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace(ex, $"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: Exception intialising AMD ADL2 library. ADL2_Main_Control_Create() caused an exception."); } _winLibrary = WinLibrary.GetLibrary(); } catch (DllNotFoundException ex) { // If we get here then the AMD ADL DLL wasn't found. We can't continue to use it, so we log the error and exit SharedLogger.logger.Info(ex, $"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: Exception trying to load the AMD ADL DLL {ADLImport.ATI_ADL_DLL}. This generally means you don't have the AMD ADL driver installed."); } } ~AMDLibrary() { SharedLogger.logger.Trace("AMDLibrary/~AMDLibrary: Destroying AMD ADL2 library interface"); // If the ADL2 library was initialised, then we need to free it up. if (_initialised) { try { ADLImport.ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy(_adlContextHandle); SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: AMD ADL2 library was destroyed successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace(ex, $"AMDLibrary/AMDLibrary: Exception destroying AMD ADL2 library. ADL2_Main_Control_Destroy() caused an exception."); } } } // Public implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers. public void Dispose() => Dispose(true); // Protected implementation of Dispose pattern. protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { //ADLImport.ADL_Main_Control_Destroy(); // Dispose managed state (managed objects). _safeHandle?.Dispose(); } _disposed = true; } public bool IsInstalled { get { return _initialised; } } public List PCIVendorIDs { get { // A list of all the matching PCI Vendor IDs are per return new List() { "1002" }; } } public static AMDLibrary GetLibrary() { return _instance; } public AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG CreateDefaultConfig() { AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG myDefaultConfig = new AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG(); // Fill in the minimal amount we need to avoid null references // so that we won't break when we save a default config myDefaultConfig.AdapterConfigs = new List(); myDefaultConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs = new List(); myDefaultConfig.SlsConfig.SLSEnabledDisplayTargets = new List(); myDefaultConfig.DisplayMaps = new List(); myDefaultConfig.DisplayTargets = new List(); myDefaultConfig.HdrConfigs = new Dictionary(); myDefaultConfig.DisplayIdentifiers = new List(); return myDefaultConfig; } public AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG GetActiveConfig() { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetActiveConfig: Getting the currently active config"); bool allDisplays = true; return GetAMDDisplayConfig(allDisplays); } private AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG GetAMDDisplayConfig(bool allDisplays = false) { AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG myDisplayConfig = new AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG(); myDisplayConfig.AdapterConfigs = new List(); // We set up the default for this display config as SLS disabled // (We will change this later if it turns out we're using SLS) myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled = false; myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSEnabledDisplayTargets = new List(); if (_initialised) { // Get the Adapter info for ALL adapter and put it in the AdapterBuffer SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: Running ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get to get the information about all AMD Adapters."); int numAdaptersInfo = 0; IntPtr adapterInfoBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADL_STATUS ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get(_adlContextHandle, -1, out numAdaptersInfo, out adapterInfoBuffer); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get returned information about all AMD Adapters."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the adapter info about all AMD Adapters. Trying to skip this adapter so something at least works."); return myDisplayConfig; } ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2[] adapterArray = new ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2[numAdaptersInfo]; if (numAdaptersInfo > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayTargetBuffer = adapterInfoBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numAdaptersInfo; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot adapterArray[i] = new ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer adapterArray[i] = (ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(adapterArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(adapterInfoBuffer); } // Now go through each adapter and get the information we need from it for (int adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < numAdaptersInfo; adapterIndex++) { // Skip this adapter if it isn't active ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2 oneAdapter = adapterArray[adapterIndex]; // There is always just one as we asked for a specific one! if (oneAdapter.Exist != ADLImport.ADL_TRUE) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} doesn't exist at present so skipping detection for this adapter."); continue; } // Only skip non-present displays if we want all displays information if (oneAdapter.Present != ADLImport.ADL_TRUE) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} isn't enabled at present so skipping detection for this adapter."); continue; } // Check if the adapter is active // Skip this adapter if it isn't active int adapterActiveStatus = ADLImport.ADL_FALSE; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out adapterActiveStatus); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { if (adapterActiveStatus == ADLImport.ADL_TRUE) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_TRUE - AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is active! We can continue."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_FALSE - AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is NOT active, so skipping."); continue; } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: WARNING - ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to see if AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is active. Trying to skip this adapter so something at least works."); continue; } // Go grab the DisplayMaps and DisplayTargets as that is useful infor for creating screens int numDisplayTargets = 0; int numDisplayMaps = 0; IntPtr displayTargetBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr displayMapBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out numDisplayMaps, out displayMapBuffer, out numDisplayTargets, out displayTargetBuffer, ADLImport.ADL_DISPLAY_DISPLAYMAP_OPTION_GPUINFO); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get returned information about all displaytargets connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); throw new AMDLibraryException($"ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer"); } ADL_DISPLAY_MAP[] displayMapArray = { }; if (numDisplayMaps > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayMapBuffer = displayMapBuffer; displayMapArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_MAP[numDisplayMaps]; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplayMaps; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayMapArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_MAP(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayMapArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_MAP)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayMapBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_MAP)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayMapBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_MAP)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayMapBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayMapBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayMapArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayMapBuffer); // Save the item myDisplayConfig.DisplayMaps = displayMapArray.ToList(); } ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[] displayTargetArray = { }; if (numDisplayTargets > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayTargetBuffer = displayTargetBuffer; //displayTargetArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; displayTargetArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplayTargets; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayTargetArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET(); //displayTargetArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayTargetArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); //displayTargetArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); //currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayTargetBuffer); // Save the item //savedAdapterConfig.DisplayTargets = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; myDisplayConfig.DisplayTargets = displayTargetArray.ToList(); } // Loop through all the displayTargets currently in use foreach (var displayTarget in displayTargetArray) { if (displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex == oneAdapter.AdapterIndex) { // we only want to record the adapters that are currently in use as displayTargets AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG savedAdapterConfig = new AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG(); savedAdapterConfig.AdapterBusNumber = oneAdapter.BusNumber; savedAdapterConfig.AdapterDeviceNumber = oneAdapter.DeviceNumber; savedAdapterConfig.AdapterIndex = oneAdapter.AdapterIndex; savedAdapterConfig.DisplayName = oneAdapter.DisplayName; savedAdapterConfig.OSDisplayIndex = oneAdapter.OSDisplayIndex; // Save the AMD Adapter Config if (!myDisplayConfig.AdapterConfigs.Contains(savedAdapterConfig)) { // Save the new adapter config only if we haven't already myDisplayConfig.AdapterConfigs.Add(savedAdapterConfig); } } } // Prep the SLSMapConfig list myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs = new List(); // If there are more than 1 display targets then eyefinity is possible if (numDisplayTargets > 1) { // Check if SLS is enabled for this adapter! int matchingSLSMapIndex = -1; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_SLSMapIndex_Get(_adlContextHandle, oneAdapter.AdapterIndex, numDisplayTargets, displayTargetArray, out matchingSLSMapIndex); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK && matchingSLSMapIndex != -1) { // We have a matching SLS index! SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} has one or more SLS Maps that could be used with this display configuration! Eyefinity (SLS) could be enabled."); AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG mySLSMapConfig = new AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG(); // We want to get the SLSMapConfig for this matching SLS Map to see if it is actually in use int numSLSTargets = 0; IntPtr slsTargetBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; int numNativeMode = 0; IntPtr nativeModeBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; int numNativeModeOffsets = 0; IntPtr nativeModeOffsetsBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; int numBezelMode = 0; IntPtr bezelModeBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; int numTransientMode = 0; IntPtr transientModeBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; int numSLSOffset = 0; IntPtr slsOffsetBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADL_SLS_MAP slsMap = new ADL_SLS_MAP(); ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfigX2_Get( _adlContextHandle, oneAdapter.AdapterIndex, matchingSLSMapIndex, ref slsMap, out numSLSTargets, out slsTargetBuffer, out numNativeMode, out nativeModeBuffer, out numNativeModeOffsets, out nativeModeOffsetsBuffer, out numBezelMode, out bezelModeBuffer, out numTransientMode, out transientModeBuffer, out numSLSOffset, out slsOffsetBuffer, ADLImport.ADL_DISPLAY_SLSGRID_CAP_OPTION_RELATIVETO_CURRENTANGLE); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfigX2_Get returned information about the SLS Info connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfigX2_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the SLS Info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); continue; } // First check that the number of grid entries is equal to the number // of display targets associated with this adapter & SLS surface. if (numDisplayTargets != (slsMap.Grid.SLSGridColumn * slsMap.Grid.SLSGridRow)) { //Number of display targets returned is not equal to the SLS grid size, so SLS can't be enabled fo this display //myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled = false; // This is already set to false at the start! break; } // Add the slsMap to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.SLSMap = slsMap; // Process the slsTargetBuffer ADL_SLS_TARGET[] slsTargetArray = new ADL_SLS_TARGET[numSLSTargets]; if (numSLSTargets > 0) { IntPtr currentSLSTargetBuffer = slsTargetBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numSLSTargets; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot slsTargetArray[i] = new ADL_SLS_TARGET(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer slsTargetArray[i] = (ADL_SLS_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentSLSTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_SLS_TARGET)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentSLSTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentSLSTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(slsTargetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(slsTargetBuffer); // Add the slsTarget to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.SLSTargets = slsTargetArray.ToList(); } else { // Add the slsTarget to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.SLSTargets = new List(); } // Process the nativeModeBuffer ADL_SLS_MODE[] nativeModeArray = new ADL_SLS_MODE[numNativeMode]; if (numNativeMode > 0) { IntPtr currentNativeModeBuffer = nativeModeBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numNativeMode; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot nativeModeArray[i] = new ADL_SLS_MODE(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer nativeModeArray[i] = (ADL_SLS_MODE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentNativeModeBuffer, typeof(ADL_SLS_MODE)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentNativeModeBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentNativeModeBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(nativeModeArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(nativeModeBuffer); // Add the nativeMode to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.NativeModes = nativeModeArray.ToList(); } else { // Add the slsTarget to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.NativeModes = new List(); } // Process the nativeModeOffsetsBuffer ADL_SLS_OFFSET[] nativeModeOffsetArray = new ADL_SLS_OFFSET[numNativeModeOffsets]; if (numNativeModeOffsets > 0) { IntPtr currentNativeModeOffsetsBuffer = nativeModeOffsetsBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numNativeModeOffsets; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot nativeModeOffsetArray[i] = new ADL_SLS_OFFSET(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer nativeModeOffsetArray[i] = (ADL_SLS_OFFSET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentNativeModeOffsetsBuffer, typeof(ADL_SLS_OFFSET)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentNativeModeOffsetsBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentNativeModeOffsetsBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(nativeModeOffsetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(nativeModeOffsetsBuffer); // Add the nativeModeOffsets to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.NativeModeOffsets = nativeModeOffsetArray.ToList(); } else { // Add the empty list to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.NativeModeOffsets = new List(); } // Process the bezelModeBuffer ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE[] bezelModeArray = new ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE[numBezelMode]; if (numBezelMode > 0) { IntPtr currentBezelModeBuffer = bezelModeBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numBezelMode; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot bezelModeArray[i] = new ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer bezelModeArray[i] = (ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentBezelModeBuffer, typeof(ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentBezelModeBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentBezelModeBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(bezelModeArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(bezelModeBuffer); // Add the bezelModes to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.BezelModes = bezelModeArray.ToList(); } else { // Add the slsTarget to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.BezelModes = new List(); } // Process the transientModeBuffer ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE[] transientModeArray = new ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE[numTransientMode]; if (numTransientMode > 0) { IntPtr currentTransientModeBuffer = transientModeBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numTransientMode; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot transientModeArray[i] = new ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer transientModeArray[i] = (ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentTransientModeBuffer, typeof(ADL_BEZEL_TRANSIENT_MODE)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentTransientModeBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentTransientModeBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(transientModeArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(transientModeBuffer); // Add the transientModes to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.TransientModes = transientModeArray.ToList(); } else { // Add the slsTarget to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.TransientModes = new List(); } // Process the slsOffsetBuffer ADL_SLS_OFFSET[] slsOffsetArray = new ADL_SLS_OFFSET[numSLSOffset]; if (numSLSOffset > 0) { IntPtr currentSLSOffsetBuffer = slsOffsetBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numSLSOffset; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot slsOffsetArray[i] = new ADL_SLS_OFFSET(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer slsOffsetArray[i] = (ADL_SLS_OFFSET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentSLSOffsetBuffer, typeof(ADL_SLS_OFFSET)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentSLSOffsetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentSLSOffsetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(slsOffsetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(slsOffsetBuffer); // Add the slsOffsets to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.SLSOffsets = slsOffsetArray.ToList(); } else { // Add the slsTarget to the config we want to store mySLSMapConfig.SLSOffsets = new List(); } // Now we try to calculate whether SLS is enabled // NFI why they don't just add a ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_GetState function to make this easy for ppl :( // NVIDIA make it easy, why can't you AMD? // Logic cribbed from // Go through each display Target foreach (var displayTarget in displayTargetArray) { // Get the current Display Modes for this adapter/display combination int numDisplayModes; IntPtr displayModeBuffer; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_Modes_Get( _adlContextHandle, oneAdapter.AdapterIndex, displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex, out numDisplayModes, out displayModeBuffer); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_Modes_Get returned information about the display modes used by display #{displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex} connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_Modes_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display modes from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); continue; } ADL_MODE[] displayModeArray = new ADL_MODE[numDisplayModes]; if (numDisplayModes > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayModeBuffer = displayModeBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplayModes; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayModeArray[i] = new ADL_MODE(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayModeArray[i] = (ADL_MODE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayModeBuffer, typeof(ADL_MODE)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayModeBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayModeBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayModeArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayModeBuffer); // Add the slsOffsets to the config we want to store //mySLSMapConfig.SLSOffsets = displayModeArray.ToList(); } // If Eyefinity is enabled for this adapter, then the display mode of an // attached display target will match one of the SLS display modes reported by // ADL_Display_SLSMapConfig_Get(). The match will either be with "native" SLS // modes (which are not bezel-compensated), or with "bezel" SLS modes which are. // // So, simply compare current display mode against all the ones listed for the // SLS native or bezel-compensated modes: if there is a match, then the mode // currently used by this adapter is an Eyefinity/SLS mode, and Eyefinity is enabled. // First check the native SLS mode list // Process the slsOffsetBuffer bool isSlsEnabled = false; bool isBezelCompensatedDisplay = false; foreach (var displayMode in displayModeArray) { foreach (var nativeMode in nativeModeArray) { if (nativeMode.DisplayMode.XRes == displayMode.XRes && nativeMode.DisplayMode.YRes == displayMode.YRes) { isSlsEnabled = true; break; } } // If no match was found, check the bezel-compensated SLS mode list if (!isSlsEnabled) { foreach (var bezelMode in bezelModeArray) { if (bezelMode.DisplayMode.XRes == displayMode.XRes && bezelMode.DisplayMode.YRes == displayMode.YRes) { isSlsEnabled = true; isBezelCompensatedDisplay = true; break; } } } // Now we check which slot we need to put this display into if (isSlsEnabled) { // SLS is enabled for this display if (!myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSEnabledDisplayTargets.Contains(displayMode)) { myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSEnabledDisplayTargets.Add(displayMode); } // we also update the main IsSLSEnabled so that it is indicated at the top level too myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled = true; SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} has a matching SLS grid set! Eyefinity (SLS) is enabled. Setting IsSlsEnabled to true"); } } } // Only Add the mySLSMapConfig to the displayConfig if SLS is enabled if (myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled) { myDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs.Add(mySLSMapConfig); } } else { // If we get here then there there was no active SLSGrid, meaning Eyefinity is disabled! SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} has no active SLS grids set! Eyefinity (SLS) hasn't even been setup yet. Keeping the default IsSlsEnabled value of false."); } } else { // If we get here then there are less than two displays connected. Eyefinity cannot be enabled in this case! SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: There are less than two displays connected to this adapter so Eyefinity cannot be enabled."); } myDisplayConfig.HdrConfigs = new Dictionary(); // Now we need to get all the displays connected to this adapter so that we can get their HDR state foreach (var displayTarget in displayTargetArray) { // Go through each display and see if HDR is supported int supported = 0; int enabled = 0; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, displayTarget.DisplayID, out supported, out enabled); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { if (supported > 0 && enabled > 0) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get says that display {displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} on adapter {adapterIndex} supports HDR and HDR is enabled."); } else if (supported > 0 && enabled == 0) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get says that display {displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} on adapter {adapterIndex} supports HDR and HDR is NOT enabled."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get says that display {displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} on adapter {adapterIndex} does NOT support HDR."); } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); throw new AMDLibraryException($"ADL2_Display_HDRState_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer"); } AMD_HDR_CONFIG hdrConfig = new AMD_HDR_CONFIG(); hdrConfig.AdapterIndex = displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayPhysicalAdapterIndex; hdrConfig.HDREnabled = enabled > 0 ? true : false; hdrConfig.HDRSupported = supported > 0 ? true : false; // Now add this to the HDR config list. if (!myDisplayConfig.HdrConfigs.ContainsKey(displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex)) { // Save the new display config only if we haven't already myDisplayConfig.HdrConfigs.Add(displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex, hdrConfig); } } } // Add the AMD Display Identifiers myDisplayConfig.DisplayIdentifiers = GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers(); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - Tried to run GetAMDDisplayConfig but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); throw new AMDLibraryException($"Tried to run GetAMDDisplayConfig but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); } // Return the configuration return myDisplayConfig; } public string PrintActiveConfig() { string stringToReturn = ""; // Get the current config AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG displayConfig = GetActiveConfig(); stringToReturn += $"****** AMD VIDEO CARDS *******\n"; if (_initialised) { // Get the number of AMD adapters that the OS knows about int numAdapters = 0; ADL_STATUS ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get(_adlContextHandle, out numAdapters); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get returned the number of AMD Adapters the OS knows about ({numAdapters})."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get number of AMD adapters in the computer."); } // Figure out primary adapter int primaryAdapterIndex = 0; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get(_adlContextHandle, out primaryAdapterIndex); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: The primary adapter has index {primaryAdapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the primary adapter info from all the AMD adapters in the computer."); } // Now go through each adapter and get the information we need from it for (int adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < numAdapters; adapterIndex++) { // Skip this adapter if it isn't active int adapterActiveStatus = ADLImport.ADL_FALSE; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out adapterActiveStatus); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { if (adapterActiveStatus == ADLImport.ADL_TRUE) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_TRUE - AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is active! We can continue."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_FALSE - AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is NOT active, so skipping."); continue; } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: WARNING - ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to see if AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is active. Trying to skip this adapter so something at least works."); continue; } // Get the Adapter info for this adapter and put it in the AdapterBuffer SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Running ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get to get the information about AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}."); int numAdaptersInfo = 0; IntPtr adapterInfoBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out numAdaptersInfo, out adapterInfoBuffer); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get returned information about AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the adapter info from AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}. Trying to skip this adapter so something at least works."); continue; } ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2[] adapterArray = new ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2[numAdaptersInfo]; if (numAdaptersInfo > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayTargetBuffer = adapterInfoBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numAdaptersInfo; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot adapterArray[i] = new ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer adapterArray[i] = (ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(adapterArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(adapterInfoBuffer); } SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: Converted ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get memory buffer into a {adapterArray.Length} long array about AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}."); AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG savedAdapterConfig = new AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG(); ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2 oneAdapter = adapterArray[0]; if (oneAdapter.Exist != 1) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} doesn't exist at present so skipping detection for this adapter."); continue; } // Print out what we need stringToReturn += $"Adapter #{adapterIndex}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Exists: {oneAdapter.Exist}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Present: {oneAdapter.Present}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Name: {oneAdapter.AdapterName}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Name: {oneAdapter.DisplayName}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Driver Path: {oneAdapter.DriverPath}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Driver Path Extension: {oneAdapter.DriverPathExt}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter UDID: {oneAdapter.UDID}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Vendor ID: {oneAdapter.VendorID}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter PNP String: {oneAdapter.PNPString}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter PCI Device Number: {oneAdapter.DeviceNumber}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter PCI Bus Number: {oneAdapter.BusNumber}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Windows OS Display Index: {oneAdapter.OSDisplayIndex}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Connected: {oneAdapter.DisplayConnectedSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Mapped in Windows: {oneAdapter.DisplayMappedSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Is Forcibly Enabled: {oneAdapter.ForcibleSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter GetLock is Set: {oneAdapter.GenLockSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter LDA Display is Set: {oneAdapter.LDADisplaySet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is stretched horizontally across two displays: {oneAdapter.Manner2HStretchSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is stretched vertically across two displays: {oneAdapter.Manner2VStretchSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is a clone of another display: {oneAdapter.MannerCloneSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is an extension of another display: {oneAdapter.MannerExtendedSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is an N Strech across 1 GPU: {oneAdapter.MannerNStretch1GPUSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is an N Strech across more than one GPU: {oneAdapter.MannerNStretchNGPUSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter Display Configuration is a single display: {oneAdapter.MannerSingleSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter timing override: {oneAdapter.ModeTimingOverrideSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter has MultiVPU set: {oneAdapter.MultiVPUSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter has non-local set (it is a remote display): {oneAdapter.NonLocalSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Adapter is a Show Type Projector: {oneAdapter.ShowTypeProjectorSet}\n\n"; } // Now we still try to get the information from each display we need to print int numDisplayTargets = 0; int numDisplayMaps = 0; IntPtr displayTargetBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr displayMapBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get(_adlContextHandle, -1, out numDisplayMaps, out displayMapBuffer, out numDisplayTargets, out displayTargetBuffer, ADLImport.ADL_DISPLAY_DISPLAYMAP_OPTION_GPUINFO); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get returned information about all displaytargets connected to all AMD adapters."); // Free the memory used by the buffer to avoid heap corruption Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayMapBuffer); ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[] displayTargetArray = { }; if (numDisplayTargets > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayTargetBuffer = displayTargetBuffer; //displayTargetArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; displayTargetArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplayTargets; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayTargetArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET(); //displayTargetArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayTargetArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); //displayTargetArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); //currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayTargetBuffer); } foreach (var displayTarget in displayTargetArray) { int forceDetect = 0; int numDisplays; IntPtr displayInfoBuffer; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get(_adlContextHandle, displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex, out numDisplays, out displayInfoBuffer, forceDetect); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { if (displayTarget.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex == -1) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned information about all displaytargets connected to all AMD adapters."); continue; } SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned information about all displaytargets connected to all AMD adapters."); } else if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_ERR_NULL_POINTER || ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned ADL_ERR_NULL_POINTER so skipping getting display info from all AMD adapters."); continue; } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from all AMD adapters in the computer."); } ADL_DISPLAY_INFO[] displayInfoArray = { }; if (numDisplays > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayInfoBuffer = displayInfoBuffer; displayInfoArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_INFO[numDisplays]; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayInfoArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_INFO(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayInfoArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayInfoBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_INFO)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayInfoBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_INFO)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayInfoBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayInfoBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayInfoArray[i])); //currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayInfoBuffer); } // Now we need to get all the displays connected to this adapter so that we can get their HDR state foreach (var displayInfoItem in displayInfoArray) { // Ignore the display if it isn't connected (note: we still need to see if it's actively mapped to windows!) if (!displayInfoItem.DisplayConnectedSet) { continue; } // If the display is not mapped in windows then we only want to skip this display if all alldisplays is false if (!displayInfoItem.DisplayMappedSet) { continue; } stringToReturn += $"\n****** AMD DISPLAY INFO *******\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display #{displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display connected via Adapter #{displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Name: {displayInfoItem.DisplayName}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Manufacturer Name: {displayInfoItem.DisplayManufacturerName}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Type: {displayInfoItem.DisplayType.ToString("G")}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display connector: {displayInfoItem.DisplayConnector.ToString("G")}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display controller index: {displayInfoItem.DisplayControllerIndex}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Connected: {displayInfoItem.DisplayConnectedSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Mapped in Windows: {displayInfoItem.DisplayMappedSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Is Forcibly Enabled: {displayInfoItem.ForcibleSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display GetLock is Set: {displayInfoItem.GenLockSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"LDA Display is Set: {displayInfoItem.LDADisplaySet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is stretched horizontally across two displays: {displayInfoItem.Manner2HStretchSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is stretched vertically across two displays: {displayInfoItem.Manner2VStretchSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is a clone of another display: {displayInfoItem.MannerCloneSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is an extension of another display: {displayInfoItem.MannerExtendedSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is an N Strech across 1 GPU: {displayInfoItem.MannerNStretch1GPUSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is an N Strech across more than one GPU: {displayInfoItem.MannerNStretchNGPUSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display Configuration is a single display: {displayInfoItem.MannerSingleSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display timing override: {displayInfoItem.ModeTimingOverrideSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display has MultiVPU set: {displayInfoItem.MultiVPUSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display has non-local set (it is a remote display): {displayInfoItem.NonLocalSet}\n"; stringToReturn += $"Display is a Show Type Projector: {displayInfoItem.ShowTypeProjectorSet}\n\n"; // Get some more Display Info (if we can!) ADL_DDC_INFO2 ddcInfo; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get(_adlContextHandle, displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex, displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex, out ddcInfo); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get returned information about DDC Information for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} connected to AMD adapter {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex}."); if (ddcInfo.SupportsDDC == 1) { // The display supports DDC and returned some data! SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get returned information about DDC Information for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} connected to AMD adapter {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalAdapterIndex}."); stringToReturn += $"DDC Information: \n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Name: {ddcInfo.DisplayName}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Manufacturer ID: {ddcInfo.ManufacturerID}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Product ID: {ddcInfo.ProductID}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Serial ID: {ddcInfo.SerialID}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display FreeSync Flags: {ddcInfo.FreesyncFlags}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display FreeSync HDR Supported: {ddcInfo.FreeSyncHDRSupported}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display FreeSync HDR Backlight Supported: {ddcInfo.FreeSyncHDRBacklightSupported}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display FreeSync HDR Local Dimming Supported: {ddcInfo.FreeSyncHDRLocalDimmingSupported}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display is Digital Device: {ddcInfo.IsDigitalDevice}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display is HDMI Audio Device: {ddcInfo.IsHDMIAudioDevice}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display is Projector Device: {ddcInfo.IsProjectorDevice}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supported Colourspace: {ddcInfo.SupportedColorSpace}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supported HDR: {ddcInfo.SupportedHDR}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supported Transfer Function: {ddcInfo.SupportedTransferFunction}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supports AI: {ddcInfo.SupportsAI}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supports DDC: {ddcInfo.SupportsDDC}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supports DolbyVision: {ddcInfo.DolbyVisionSupported}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supports CEA861_3: {ddcInfo.CEA861_3Supported}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supports sxvYCC601: {ddcInfo.SupportsxvYCC601}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Supports sxvYCC709: {ddcInfo.SupportsxvYCC709}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Average Luminance Data: {ddcInfo.AvgLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Diffuse Screen Reflectance: {ddcInfo.DiffuseScreenReflectance}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Specular Screen Reflectance: {ddcInfo.SpecularScreenReflectance}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Max Backlight Min Luminance: {ddcInfo.MaxBacklightMinLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Max Backlight Max Luminance: {ddcInfo.MaxBacklightMaxLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Min Luminance: {ddcInfo.MinLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Max Luminance: {ddcInfo.MaxLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Min Backlight Min Luminance: {ddcInfo.MinBacklightMinLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Min Backlight Max Luminance: {ddcInfo.MinBacklightMaxLuminanceData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Min Luminance No Dimming: {ddcInfo.MinLuminanceNoDimmingData}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity Red X: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityRedX}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity Red Y: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityRedY}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity Green X: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityGreenX}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity Green Y: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityGreenY}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity Blue X: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityBlueX}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity Blue Y: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityBlueY}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity White X: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityWhiteX}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Native Chromacity White Y: {ddcInfo.NativeDisplayChromaticityWhiteY}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Packed Pixel Supported: {ddcInfo.PackedPixelSupported}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Panel Pixel Format: {ddcInfo.PanelPixelFormat}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Pixel Format Limited Range: {ddcInfo.PixelFormatLimitedRange}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display PTMCx: {ddcInfo.PTMCx}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display PTMCy: {ddcInfo.PTMCy}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display PTM Refresh Rate: {ddcInfo.PTMRefreshRate}\n"; stringToReturn += $"- Display Serial ID: {ddcInfo.SerialID}\n"; } } } } } stringToReturn += $"\n****** AMD EYEFINITY (SLS) *******\n"; if (displayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled) { stringToReturn += $"AMD Eyefinity is Enabled\n"; if (displayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs.Count > 1) { stringToReturn += $"There are {displayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs.Count} AMD Eyefinity (SLS) configurations in use.\n"; } if (displayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs.Count == 1) { stringToReturn += $"There is 1 AMD Eyefinity (SLS) configurations in use.\n"; } else { stringToReturn += $"There are no AMD Eyefinity (SLS) configurations in use.\n"; } int count = 0; foreach (var slsMap in displayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs) { stringToReturn += $"NOTE: This Eyefinity (SLS) screen will be treated as a single display by Windows.\n"; stringToReturn += $"The AMD Eyefinity (SLS) Grid Topology #{count} is {slsMap.SLSMap.Grid.SLSGridColumn} Columns x {slsMap.SLSMap.Grid.SLSGridRow} Rows\n"; stringToReturn += $"The AMD Eyefinity (SLS) Grid Topology #{count} involves {slsMap.SLSMap.NumSLSTarget} Displays\n"; } } else { stringToReturn += $"AMD Eyefinity (SLS) is Disabled\n"; } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/PrintActiveConfig: ERROR - Tried to run GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); throw new AMDLibraryException($"Tried to run PrintActiveConfig but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); } stringToReturn += $"\n\n"; // Now we also get the Windows CCD Library info, and add it to the above stringToReturn += WinLibrary.GetLibrary().PrintActiveConfig(); return stringToReturn; } public bool SetActiveConfig(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG displayConfig) { if (_initialised) { // Set the initial state of the ADL_STATUS ADL_STATUS ADLRet = 0; // We want to get the current config AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG currentDisplayConfig = GetAMDDisplayConfig(); // set the display locations if (displayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled) { // We need to change to an Eyefinity (SLS) profile, so we need to apply the new SLS Topologies SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: SLS is enabled in the new display configuration, so we need to set it"); foreach (AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG slsMapConfig in displayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs) { // Attempt to turn on this SLS Map Config if it exists in the AMD Radeon driver config database ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_SetState(_adlContextHandle, slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex, slsMapConfig.SLSMap.SLSMapIndex, ADLImport.ADL_TRUE); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_SetState successfully set the SLSMAP with index {slsMapConfig.SLSMap.SLSMapIndex} to TRUE for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_SetState returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to set the SLSMAP with index {slsMapConfig.SLSMap.SLSMapIndex} to TRUE for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); // If we get an error with just tturning it on, then we need to actually try to created a new Eyefinity map and then enable it // If we reach this stage, then the user has discarded the AMD Eyefinity mode in AMD due to a bad UI design, and we need to work around that slight issue. // (BTW that's FAR to easy to do in the AMD Radeon GUI) // NOTE: There is a slight issue with way of doing things. Although we create a much more robust way of working, we also will never ever actually use the Eyefinity config as saved. // Instead, we will always drop through to creating an Eyefinity config each time, the only saving grace being that the AMD Driver is smart enough to notice this and it will reuse the same SLSMapIndex number. // This at least means that we won't keep filling the AMD Driver up with additional EYefinity configs! It will instaed only add one more additional AMD Config if it works this way. int supportedSLSLayoutImageMode; int reasonForNotSupportSLS; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Valid(_adlContextHandle, slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex, slsMapConfig.SLSMap, slsMapConfig.SLSTargets.Count, slsMapConfig.SLSTargets.ToArray(), out supportedSLSLayoutImageMode, out reasonForNotSupportSLS, ADLImport.ADL_DISPLAY_SLSMAPCONFIG_CREATE_OPTION_RELATIVETO_CURRENTANGLE); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Valid successfully validated a new SLSMAP config for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Valid returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to create a new SLSMAP for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); return false; } // Create and apply the new SLSMap int newSlsMapIndex; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Create(_adlContextHandle, slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex, slsMapConfig.SLSMap, slsMapConfig.SLSTargets.Count, slsMapConfig.SLSTargets.ToArray(), slsMapConfig.BezelModePercent, out newSlsMapIndex, ADLImport.ADL_DISPLAY_SLSMAPCONFIG_CREATE_OPTION_RELATIVETO_CURRENTANGLE); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { if (newSlsMapIndex != -1) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Create successfully created the new SLSMAP we just created with index {newSlsMapIndex} to TRUE for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); // At this point we have created a new AMD Eyefinity Config } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Create returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} but the returned SLSMapIndex was -1, which indicates that the new SLSMAP failed to create for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_Create returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to create a new SLSMAP for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); return false; } } } } else { // We need to change to a plain, non-Eyefinity (SLS) profile, so we need to disable any SLS Topologies if they are being used SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: SLS is not used in the new display configuration, so we need to set it to disabled if it's configured currently"); if (currentDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled) { // We need to disable the current Eyefinity (SLS) profile to turn it off SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: SLS is enabled in the current display configuration, so we need to turn it off"); foreach (AMD_SLSMAP_CONFIG slsMapConfig in currentDisplayConfig.SlsConfig.SLSMapConfigs) { // Turn off this SLS Map Config ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_SetState(_adlContextHandle, slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex, slsMapConfig.SLSMap.SLSMapIndex, ADLImport.ADL_FALSE); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_SetState successfully disabled the SLSMAP with index {slsMapConfig.SLSMap.SLSMapIndex} for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_SLSMapConfig_SetState returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to set the SLSMAP with index {slsMapConfig.SLSMap.SLSMapIndex} to FALSE for adapter { slsMapConfig.SLSMap.AdapterIndex}."); return false; } } } } // We want to set the AMD HDR settings now // We got through each of the attached displays and set the HDR // Go through each of the HDR configs we have foreach (var hdrConfig in displayConfig.HdrConfigs) { // Try and find the HDR config displays in the list of currently connected displays foreach (var displayInfoItem in currentDisplayConfig.DisplayTargets) { // If we find the HDR config display in the list of currently connected displays then try to set the HDR setting we recorded earlier if (hdrConfig.Key == displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex) { if (hdrConfig.Value.HDREnabled) { ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set(_adlContextHandle, hdrConfig.Value.AdapterIndex, displayInfoItem.DisplayID, 1); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set was able to turn on HDR for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set was NOT able to turn on HDR for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex}."); } } else { ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set(_adlContextHandle, hdrConfig.Value.AdapterIndex, displayInfoItem.DisplayID, 0); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set was able to turn off HDR for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_HDRState_Set was NOT able to turn off HDR for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex}."); } } break; } } } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/SetActiveConfig: ERROR - Tried to run SetActiveConfig but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); throw new AMDLibraryException($"Tried to run SetActiveConfig but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); } return true; } public bool IsActiveConfig(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG displayConfig) { // Get the current windows display configs to compare to the one we loaded bool allDisplays = false; AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG currentWindowsDisplayConfig = GetAMDDisplayConfig(allDisplays); // Check whether the display config is in use now SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsActiveConfig: Checking whether the display configuration is already being used."); if (displayConfig.Equals(currentWindowsDisplayConfig)) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsActiveConfig: The display configuration is already being used (supplied displayConfig Equals currentWindowsDisplayConfig)"); return true; } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsActiveConfig: The display configuration is NOT currently in use (supplied displayConfig Equals currentWindowsDisplayConfig)"); return false; } } public bool IsValidConfig(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG displayConfig) { // We want to check the AMD Eyefinity (SLS) config is valid SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsValidConfig: Testing whether the display configuration is valid"); // if (displayConfig.SlsConfig.IsSlsEnabled) { // At the moment we just assume the config is true so we try to use it return true; } else { // Its not a Mosaic topology, so we just let it pass, as it's windows settings that matter. return true; } } public bool IsPossibleConfig(AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG displayConfig) { // We want to check the AMD profile can be used now SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsPossibleConfig: Testing whether the AMD display configuration is possible to be used now"); // Check the currently available displays (include the ones not active) List currentAllIds = GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers(); // Check that we have all the displayConfig DisplayIdentifiers we need available now if (displayConfig.DisplayIdentifiers.All(value => currentAllIds.Contains(value))) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsPossibleConfig: Success! The AMD display configuration is possible to be used now"); return true; } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/IsPossibleConfig: Uh oh! The AMDdisplay configuration is possible cannot be used now"); return false; } } public List GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers() { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers: Getting the current display identifiers for the displays in use now"); bool allDisplays = false; return GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers(allDisplays); } public List GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers() { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers: Getting all the display identifiers that can possibly be used"); bool allDisplays = true; return GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers(allDisplays); } private List GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers(bool allDisplays = false) { SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Generating unique Display Identifiers"); List displayIdentifiers = new List(); if (_initialised) { // Get the number of AMD adapters that the OS knows about int numAdapters = 0; ADL_STATUS ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get(_adlContextHandle, out numAdapters); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get returned the number of AMD Adapters the OS knows about ({numAdapters})."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get number of AMD adapters in the computer."); throw new AMDLibraryException($"GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get number of AMD adapters in the computer"); } // Figure out primary adapter int primaryAdapterIndex = 0; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get(_adlContextHandle, out primaryAdapterIndex); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get: The primary adapter has index {primaryAdapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_Primary_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the primary adapter info from all the AMD adapters in the computer."); throw new AMDLibraryException($"GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the adapter info from all the AMD adapters in the computer"); } // Now go through each adapter and get the information we need from it for (int adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < numAdapters; adapterIndex++) { // Skip this adapter if it isn't active int adapterActiveStatus = ADLImport.ADL_FALSE; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out adapterActiveStatus); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { if (adapterActiveStatus == ADLImport.ADL_TRUE) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_TRUE - AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is active! We can continue."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_FALSE - AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is NOT active, so skipping."); continue; } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: WARNING - ADL2_Adapter_Active_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to see if AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex} is active. Trying to skip this adapter so something at least works."); continue; } // Get the Adapter info for this adapter and put it in the AdapterBuffer SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Running ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get to get the information about AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}."); int numAdaptersInfo = 0; IntPtr adapterInfoBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out numAdaptersInfo, out adapterInfoBuffer); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get returned information about AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the adapter info from AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}. Trying to skip this adapter so something at least works."); continue; } ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2[] adapterArray = new ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2[numAdaptersInfo]; if (numAdaptersInfo > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayTargetBuffer = adapterInfoBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < numAdaptersInfo; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot adapterArray[i] = new ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer adapterArray[i] = (ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need //Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(adapterArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(adapterInfoBuffer); } SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Converted ADL2_Adapter_AdapterInfoX4_Get memory buffer into a {adapterArray.Length} long array about AMD Adapter #{adapterIndex}."); AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG savedAdapterConfig = new AMD_ADAPTER_CONFIG(); ADL_ADAPTER_INFOX2 oneAdapter = adapterArray[0]; if (oneAdapter.Exist != 1) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} doesn't exist at present so skipping detection for this adapter."); continue; } // Only skip non-present displays if we want all displays information if (allDisplays && oneAdapter.Present != 1) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: AMD Adapter #{oneAdapter.AdapterIndex.ToString()} isn't enabled at present so skipping detection for this adapter."); continue; } // Now we still try to get the information we need for the Display Identifiers // Go grab the DisplayMaps and DisplayTargets as that is useful infor for creating screens int numDisplayTargets = 0; int numDisplayMaps = 0; IntPtr displayTargetBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr displayMapBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out numDisplayMaps, out displayMapBuffer, out numDisplayTargets, out displayTargetBuffer, ADLImport.ADL_DISPLAY_DISPLAYMAP_OPTION_GPUINFO); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get returned information about all displaytargets connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_DisplayMapConfig_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); continue; } ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[] displayTargetArray = { }; if (numDisplayTargets > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayTargetBuffer = displayTargetBuffer; //displayTargetArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; displayTargetArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET[numDisplayTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplayTargets; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayTargetArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET(); //displayTargetArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayTargetArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); //displayTargetArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayTargetBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_TARGET)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); //currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayTargetBuffer); } int forceDetect = 0; int numDisplays; IntPtr displayInfoBuffer; ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, out numDisplays, out displayInfoBuffer, forceDetect); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned information about all displaytargets connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); } else if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_ERR_NULL_POINTER || ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned ADL_ERR_NULL_POINTER so skipping getting display info from this AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); continue; } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_DisplayInfo_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); } ADL_DISPLAY_INFO[] displayInfoArray = { }; if (numDisplays > 0) { IntPtr currentDisplayInfoBuffer = displayInfoBuffer; displayInfoArray = new ADL_DISPLAY_INFO[numDisplays]; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) { // build a structure in the array slot displayInfoArray[i] = new ADL_DISPLAY_INFO(); // fill the array slot structure with the data from the buffer displayInfoArray[i] = (ADL_DISPLAY_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentDisplayInfoBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_INFO)); // destroy the bit of memory we no longer need Marshal.DestroyStructure(currentDisplayInfoBuffer, typeof(ADL_DISPLAY_INFO)); // advance the buffer forwards to the next object currentDisplayInfoBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayInfoBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayInfoArray[i])); //currentDisplayTargetBuffer = (IntPtr)((long)currentDisplayTargetBuffer + Marshal.SizeOf(displayTargetArray[i])); } // Free the memory used by the buffer Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(displayInfoBuffer); } // Now we need to get all the displays connected to this adapter so that we can get their HDR state foreach (var displayInfoItem in displayInfoArray) { // Ignore the display if it isn't connected (note: we still need to see if it's actively mapped to windows!) if (!displayInfoItem.DisplayConnectedSet) { continue; } // If the display is not mapped in windows then we only want to skip this display if all alldisplays is false if (!displayInfoItem.DisplayMappedSet && !allDisplays) { continue; } // Create an array of all the important display info we need to create the display identifier List displayInfo = new List(); displayInfo.Add("AMD"); try { displayInfo.Add(oneAdapter.DeviceNumber.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Adapter Device Number from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } try { displayInfo.Add(oneAdapter.AdapterName); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Adapter Name from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } try { displayInfo.Add(displayInfoItem.DisplayConnector.ToString("G")); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting Display Connector from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } // Get some more Display Info (if we can!) ADL_DDC_INFO2 ddcInfo = new ADL_DDC_INFO2(); ADLRet = ADLImport.ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get(_adlContextHandle, adapterIndex, displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex, out ddcInfo); if (ADLRet == ADL_STATUS.ADL_OK) { SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get returned information about DDC Information for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); if (ddcInfo.SupportsDDC == 1) { // The display supports DDC and returned some data! SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get returned information about DDC Information for display {displayInfoItem.DisplayID.DisplayLogicalIndex} connected to AMD adapter {adapterIndex}."); try { displayInfo.Add(ddcInfo.ManufacturerID.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display EDID Manufacturer Code from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } try { displayInfo.Add(ddcInfo.ProductID.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display EDID Product Code from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } try { displayInfo.Add(ddcInfo.DisplayName.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display Name from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } } else { // The display does NOT support DDC and nothing was returned! We need to find the information some other way! try { displayInfo.Add(displayInfoItem.DisplayManufacturerName.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display Manufacturer Name 2 from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } try { displayInfo.Add(displayInfoItem.DisplayName.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display Name 2 from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetAMDDisplayConfig: ERROR - ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get returned ADL_STATUS {ADLRet} when trying to get the display target info from AMD adapter {adapterIndex} in the computer."); // ADL2_Display_DDCInfo2_Get had a problem and nothing was returned! We need to find the information some other way! try { displayInfo.Add(displayInfoItem.DisplayManufacturerName.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display Manufacturer Name 2 from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } try { displayInfo.Add(displayInfoItem.DisplayName.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: Exception getting AMD Display Name 2 from video card. Substituting with a # instead"); displayInfo.Add("#"); } } // Create a display identifier out of it string displayIdentifier = String.Join("|", displayInfo); // Add it to the list of display identifiers so we can return it // but only add it if it doesn't already exist. Otherwise we get duplicates :/ if (!displayIdentifiers.Contains(displayIdentifier)) { displayIdentifiers.Add(displayIdentifier); SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/GenerateProfileDisplayIdentifiers: DisplayIdentifier: {displayIdentifier}"); } } } } else { SharedLogger.logger.Error($"AMDLibrary/GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers: ERROR - Tried to run GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); throw new AMDLibraryException($"Tried to run GetSomeDisplayIdentifiers but the AMD ADL library isn't initialised!"); } // Sort the display identifiers displayIdentifiers.Sort(); return displayIdentifiers; } } [global::System.Serializable] public class AMDLibraryException : Exception { public AMDLibraryException() { } public AMDLibraryException(string message) : base(message) { } public AMDLibraryException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } protected AMDLibraryException( System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } } }