using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using WindowsDisplayAPI.DisplayConfig;
using NvAPIWrapper.Mosaic;
using NvAPIWrapper.Native.Interfaces.Mosaic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DisplayMagicianShared.NVIDIA
public class SurroundTopology
public SurroundTopology(GridTopology topology)
Rows = topology.Rows;
Columns = topology.Columns;
Resolution = new Size(topology.Resolution.Width, topology.Resolution.Height);
ColorDepth = topology.Resolution.ColorDepth;
Frequency = topology.Frequency;
Displays =
display =>
Resolution.Width > display.Overlap.HorizontalOverlap &&
Resolution.Height > display.Overlap.VerticalOverlap)
.Select(display => new SurroundTopologyDisplay(display))
ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution = topology.ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution;
ImmersiveGaming = topology.ImmersiveGaming;
BaseMosaicPanoramic = topology.BaseMosaicPanoramic;
DriverReloadAllowed = topology.DriverReloadAllowed;
AcceleratePrimaryDisplay = topology.AcceleratePrimaryDisplay;
public SurroundTopology()
public bool AcceleratePrimaryDisplay { get; set; }
public bool ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution { get; set; }
public bool BaseMosaicPanoramic { get; set; }
public int ColorDepth { get; set; }
public int Columns { get; set; }
public SurroundTopologyDisplay[] Displays { get; set; }
public bool DriverReloadAllowed { get; set; }
public int Frequency { get; set; }
public bool ImmersiveGaming { get; set; }
public Size Resolution { get; set; }
public int Rows { get; set; }
// ReSharper disable once ExcessiveIndentation
public static SurroundTopology FromPathTargetInfo(PathTargetInfo pathTargetInfo)
// We go through the code if only the path belongs to a NVIDIA virtual surround display
// and is not null
if (pathTargetInfo == null)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The PathTargetInfo object supplied was null, so we have to return null back.");
return null;
string EDIDManufactureCode = "";
string friendlyName = "";
//bool devicePathContainsUID5120 = false;
bool isNvidiaEDID = false;
bool isNvidiaDeviceName = false;
//bool isNvidiaDevicePath = false;
EDIDManufactureCode = pathTargetInfo.DisplayTarget.EDIDManufactureCode;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Grabbed EDIDManufactureCode of {EDIDManufactureCode}.");
if (string.Equals(EDIDManufactureCode, "NVS", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The EDIDManufactureCode of {EDIDManufactureCode} matches 'NVS', so this is an NVIDIA surround topology.");
isNvidiaEDID = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The EDIDManufactureCode of {EDIDManufactureCode} does NOT match 'NVS', so this is NOT a NVIDIA surround topology.");
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Exception trying to access EDIDManufactureCode.");
friendlyName = pathTargetInfo.DisplayTarget.FriendlyName;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Grabbed Display FriendlyName of {friendlyName}.");
if (string.Equals(friendlyName, "NV Surround", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The Display FriendlyName of {friendlyName} matches 'NV Surround', so this is an NVIDIA surround topology.");
isNvidiaDeviceName = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The Display FriendlyName of {friendlyName} does NOT match 'NV Surround', so this is NOT a NVIDIA surround topology.");
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Exception trying to access friendlyName.");
devicePathContainsUID5120 = pathTargetInfo.DisplayTarget.DevicePath.ToLower().Contains("&UID5120".ToLower());
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Testing if the Display DevicePath contains UID5120 = {devicePathContainsUID5120}.");
if (devicePathContainsUID5120)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The Device Path contains UID5120, so this is an NVIDIA surround topology.");
isNvidiaDevicePath = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The Device Path does not contains UID5120, so this is an NVIDIA surround topology.");
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Exception trying to access friendlyName.");
// If the checks haven't passed, then we return null
//if (!isNvidiaEDID && !isNvidiaDeviceName && !isNvidiaDevicePath)
if (!isNvidiaEDID && !isNvidiaDeviceName)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: As far as we can tell, this isn't an NVIDIA Surround window, so we're returning null.");
return null;
// Get parent DisplayConfig PathInfo by checking display targets
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Get parent DisplayConfig PathInfo by checking display targets.");
var correspondingWindowsPathInfo =
info =>
targetInfo =>
targetInfo.DisplayTarget == pathTargetInfo.DisplayTarget));
if (correspondingWindowsPathInfo != null)
// Get corresponding NvAPI PathInfo
// If position is same, then the two paths are equal, after all position is whats important in path sources
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Get corresponding NvAPI PathInfo. If position is same, then the two paths are equal, after all position is whats important in path sources");
var correspondingNvidiaPathInfo =
info =>
info.Position.X == correspondingWindowsPathInfo.Position.X &&
info.Position.Y == correspondingWindowsPathInfo.Position.Y &&
info.Resolution.Width == correspondingWindowsPathInfo.Resolution.Width &&
info.Resolution.Height == correspondingWindowsPathInfo.Resolution.Height);
if (correspondingNvidiaPathInfo != null)
// Get corresponding NvAPI PathTargetInfo
// We now assume that there is only one target for a NvAPI PathInfo, in an other word, for now, it is not possible to have a cloned surround display
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Get corresponding NvAPI PathTargetInfo. We now assume that there is only one target for a NvAPI PathInfo, in an other word, for now, it is not possible to have a cloned surround display");
var correspondingNvidiaTargetInfo = correspondingNvidiaPathInfo.TargetsInfo.FirstOrDefault();
if (correspondingNvidiaTargetInfo != null)
// Get corresponding NvAPI Grid Topology
// We also assume that the NVS monitor uses a similar display id to one of real physical monitors
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Get corresponding NvAPI Grid Topology. We also assume that the NVS monitor uses a similar display id to one of real physical monitors");
var correspondingNvidiaTopology =
topology => topology.Displays.Any(display =>
display.DisplayDevice == correspondingNvidiaTargetInfo.DisplayDevice));
if (correspondingNvidiaTopology != null)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Return the new NVIDIA Topology SurroundTopology object");
return new SurroundTopology(correspondingNvidiaTopology);
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: The correspondingNvidiaTopology SurroundTopology object wa null, so nothing to return");
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: Exception trying to get the Grid Topology from the NVIDIA driver.");
// if we get here, then we've failed to get the NVIDIA Grid Topology
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"SurroundTopology/FromPathTargetInfo: We've tried to get the Grid Topology from the NVIDIA driver but we can't!");
return null;
public override string ToString()
return $"SurroundTopology[{Rows}, {Columns}] ({Resolution.Width}, {Resolution.Height}) @ {Frequency}";
// ReSharper disable once ExcessiveIndentation
public GridTopology ToGridTopology()
var gridTopology = new GridTopology(Rows, Columns,
Displays.Select(display => display.ToGridTopologyDisplay()).ToArray())
ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution = ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution,
ImmersiveGaming = ImmersiveGaming,
BaseMosaicPanoramic = BaseMosaicPanoramic,
DriverReloadAllowed = DriverReloadAllowed,
AcceleratePrimaryDisplay = AcceleratePrimaryDisplay
IDisplaySettings bestDisplaySettings = null;
foreach (var displaySetting in gridTopology.GetPossibleDisplaySettings())
if (displaySetting.Width == Resolution.Width &&
displaySetting.Height == Resolution.Height)
if (displaySetting.BitsPerPixel == ColorDepth)
if (displaySetting.Frequency == Frequency)
bestDisplaySettings = displaySetting;
if (bestDisplaySettings == null || displaySetting.Frequency > bestDisplaySettings.Frequency)
bestDisplaySettings = displaySetting;
else if (bestDisplaySettings == null ||
displaySetting.BitsPerPixel > bestDisplaySettings.BitsPerPixel)
bestDisplaySettings = displaySetting;
else if (bestDisplaySettings == null ||
displaySetting.Width * displaySetting.Height >
bestDisplaySettings.Width * bestDisplaySettings.Height)
bestDisplaySettings = displaySetting;
if (bestDisplaySettings != null)
return gridTopology;
// The public override for the Object.Equals
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.Equals(obj as SurroundTopology);
// SurroundTopoligies are equal if their contents (except name) are equal
public bool Equals(SurroundTopology other)
// If parameter is null, return false.
if (other is null)
return false;
// Optimization for a common success case.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
// If run-time types are not exactly the same, return false.
if (this.GetType() != other.GetType())
return false;
// Check whether the Profile Viewport properties are equal
// Two profiles are equal only when they have the same viewport data exactly
if (AcceleratePrimaryDisplay.Equals(other.AcceleratePrimaryDisplay) &&
ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution.Equals(other.ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution) &&
BaseMosaicPanoramic.Equals(other.BaseMosaicPanoramic) &&
ColorDepth.Equals(other.ColorDepth) &&
Columns.Equals(other.Columns) &&
Displays.Length.Equals(other.Displays.Length) &&
DriverReloadAllowed.Equals(other.DriverReloadAllowed) &&
Frequency.Equals(other.Frequency) &&
ImmersiveGaming.Equals(other.ImmersiveGaming) &&
Resolution.Equals(other.Resolution) &&
// If the above all match, then we need to check the Displays matche
if (Displays == null && other.Displays == null)
return true;
else if (Displays != null && other.Displays == null)
return false;
else if (Displays == null && other.Displays != null)
return false;
else if (Displays.SequenceEqual(other.Displays))
return true;
return false;
return false;
// If Equals() returns true for this object compared to another
// then GetHashCode() must return the same value for these objects.
public override int GetHashCode()
// Get hash code for the AcceleratePrimaryDisplay field if it is not null.
int hashAcceleratePrimaryDisplay = AcceleratePrimaryDisplay.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution field if it is not null.
int hashApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution = ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashBaseMosaicPanoramic = BaseMosaicPanoramic.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashColorDepth = ColorDepth.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashColumns = Columns.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashDriverReloadAllowed = DriverReloadAllowed.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashFrequency = Frequency.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashImmersiveGaming = ImmersiveGaming.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashResolution = Resolution.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashRows = Rows.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the Displays field if it is not null.
int hashDisplays = Displays.GetHashCode();
//Calculate the hash code for the product.
return hashAcceleratePrimaryDisplay ^ hashApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution ^ hashBaseMosaicPanoramic ^
hashColorDepth ^ hashColumns ^ hashDriverReloadAllowed ^ hashFrequency ^ hashImmersiveGaming ^
hashResolution ^ hashRows ^ hashDisplays;
// Custom comparer for the ProfileViewportTargetDisplay class
class SurroundTopologyComparer : IEqualityComparer
// Products are equal if their names and product numbers are equal.
public bool Equals(SurroundTopology x, SurroundTopology y)
//Check whether the compared objects reference the same data.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
//Check whether any of the compared objects is null.
if (x is null || y is null)
return false;
// Check whether the Profile Viewport properties are equal
// Two profiles are equal only when they have the same viewport data exactly
if (x.AcceleratePrimaryDisplay.Equals(y.AcceleratePrimaryDisplay) &&
x.ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution.Equals(y.ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution) &&
x.BaseMosaicPanoramic.Equals(y.BaseMosaicPanoramic) &&
x.ColorDepth.Equals(y.ColorDepth) &&
x.Columns.Equals(y.Columns) &&
x.Displays.Length.Equals(y.Displays.Length) &&
x.DriverReloadAllowed.Equals(y.DriverReloadAllowed) &&
x.Frequency.Equals(y.Frequency) &&
x.ImmersiveGaming.Equals(y.ImmersiveGaming) &&
x.Resolution.Equals(y.Resolution) &&
// If the above all match, then we need to check the Displays matche
if (x.Displays == null && y.Displays == null)
return true;
else if (x.Displays != null && y.Displays == null)
return false;
else if (x.Displays == null && y.Displays != null)
return false;
else if (x.Displays.SequenceEqual(y.Displays))
return true;
return false;
return false;
// If Equals() returns true for a pair of objects
// then GetHashCode() must return the same value for these objects.
public int GetHashCode(SurroundTopology surroundTopology)
// Check whether the object is null
if (surroundTopology is null) return 0;
// Get hash code for the AcceleratePrimaryDisplay field if it is not null.
int hashAcceleratePrimaryDisplay = surroundTopology.AcceleratePrimaryDisplay.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution field if it is not null.
int hashApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution = surroundTopology.ApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashBaseMosaicPanoramic = surroundTopology.BaseMosaicPanoramic.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashColorDepth = surroundTopology.ColorDepth.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashColumns = surroundTopology.Columns.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashDriverReloadAllowed = surroundTopology.DriverReloadAllowed.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashFrequency = surroundTopology.Frequency.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashImmersiveGaming = surroundTopology.ImmersiveGaming.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashResolution = surroundTopology.Resolution.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the FrequencyInMillihertz field if it is not null.
int hashRows = surroundTopology.Rows.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the Displays field if it is not null.
int hashDisplays = surroundTopology.Displays.GetHashCode();
//Calculate the hash code for the product.
return hashAcceleratePrimaryDisplay ^ hashApplyWithBezelCorrectedResolution ^ hashBaseMosaicPanoramic ^
hashColorDepth ^ hashColumns ^ hashDriverReloadAllowed ^ hashFrequency ^ hashImmersiveGaming ^
hashResolution ^ hashRows ^ hashDisplays;