Terry MacDonald 419969ad5f Changed profile detection
Changed Profiles to use new methods for profiles detection provided by the new video card library updates for NVIDIALibrary, AMDLibrary and WinLibrary. This should make DisplayMagician faster as there is less repetition.
2021-10-24 21:29:53 +13:00

1265 lines
55 KiB

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing.IconLib;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using DisplayMagicianShared.AMD;
using DisplayMagicianShared.NVIDIA;
using DisplayMagicianShared.Windows;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace DisplayMagicianShared
// This enum sets the video card mode used within DisplayMagician
// It effectively controls what video card library is used to store profiles on the computer
// We look up the PCI vendor ID for the video cards, and then we look for them in the order from most commonly
// sold video card to the least, followed by the generic 'catch-all' windows mode.
public enum VIDEO_MODE : Int32
AMD = 2,
public enum FORCED_VIDEO_MODE : Int32
AMD = 2,
DETECT = 99,
public enum ApplyProfileResult
public static class ProfileRepository
#region Class Variables
// Common items to the class
private static List<ProfileItem> _allProfiles = new List<ProfileItem>();
public static Dictionary<string, bool> _profileWarningLookup = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
private static bool _profilesLoaded = false;
private static ProfileItem _currentProfile;
private static List<string> _connectedDisplayIdentifiers = new List<string>();
private static bool notifiedEDIDErrorToUser = false;
private static AMDLibrary amdLibrary;
private static NVIDIALibrary nvidiaLibrary;
private static WinLibrary winLibrary;
// Make the default video mode Windows
private static VIDEO_MODE _currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.WINDOWS;
private static FORCED_VIDEO_MODE _forcedVideoMode = FORCED_VIDEO_MODE.DETECT;
// Other constants that are useful
public static string AppDataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "DisplayMagician");
public static string AppIconPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDataPath, $"Icons");
public static string AppDisplayMagicianIconFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppIconPath, @"DisplayMagician.ico");
private static readonly string AppProfileStoragePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDataPath, $"Profiles");
private static readonly string _profileStorageJsonFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppProfileStoragePath, $"DisplayProfiles_2.1.json");
#region Class Constructors
static ProfileRepository()
// Create the Profile Storage Path if it doesn't exist so that it's avilable for all the program
if (!Directory.Exists(AppProfileStoragePath))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: Creating the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath}.");
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: DisplayMagician can't create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: DisplayMagician can't create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: DisplayMagician can't create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath} as the parent folder isn't there.");
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: Exception creating the Profiles storage folder.");
#region Class Properties
public static List<ProfileItem> AllProfiles
if (!_profilesLoaded)
// Load the Profiles from storage if they need to be
return _allProfiles;
public static Dictionary<string, bool> ProfileWarningLookup
if (!_profilesLoaded)
// Load the Profiles from storage if they need to be
return _profileWarningLookup;
public static ProfileItem CurrentProfile
if (_currentProfile == null)
return _currentProfile;
if (value is ProfileItem)
_currentProfile = value;
// And if we have the _originalBitmap we can also save the Bitmap overlay, but only if the ProfileToUse is set
//if (_originalBitmap is Bitmap)
// _shortcutBitmap = ToBitmapOverlay(_originalBitmap, ProfileToUse.ProfileTightestBitmap, 256, 256);
public static int ProfileCount
if (!_profilesLoaded)
// Load the Profiles from storage if they need to be
return _allProfiles.Count;
public static string ProfileStorageFileName
get => _profileStorageJsonFileName;
public static VIDEO_MODE CurrentVideoMode
return _currentVideoMode;
_currentVideoMode = value;
public static FORCED_VIDEO_MODE ForcedVideoMode
return _forcedVideoMode;
_forcedVideoMode = value;
public static List<string> ConnectedDisplayIdentifiers
if (_connectedDisplayIdentifiers.Count == 0)
// Load the Profiles from storage if they need to be
_connectedDisplayIdentifiers = GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers();
return _connectedDisplayIdentifiers;
_connectedDisplayIdentifiers = value;
public static bool ProfilesLoaded {
return _profilesLoaded;
_profilesLoaded = value;
#region Class Methods
public static bool InitialiseRepository(FORCED_VIDEO_MODE forcedVideoMode = FORCED_VIDEO_MODE.DETECT)
if (!SetVideoCardMode(forcedVideoMode))
return false;
if (!_profilesLoaded)
if (!LoadProfiles())
return false;
return true;
public static bool AddProfile(ProfileItem profile)
if (!(profile is ProfileItem))
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/AddProfile: Adding profile {profile.Name} to our profile repository");
// Doublecheck if it already exists
// Because then we just update the one that already exists
if (!ContainsProfile(profile))
// Add the Profile to the list of Profiles
// Generate the Profile Icon ready to be used
// Save the Profiles JSON as it's different
// Refresh the profiles to see whats valid
//Doublecheck it's been added
if (ContainsProfile(profile))
return true;
return false;
public static bool RemoveProfile(ProfileItem profile)
if (!(profile is ProfileItem))
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile: Removing profile {profile.Name} if it exists in our profile repository");
// Remove the Profile Icons from the Cache
List<ProfileItem> ProfilesToRemove = _allProfiles.FindAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(profile.UUID));
foreach (ProfileItem ProfileToRemove in ProfilesToRemove)
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} as the parent folder isn't there.");
// Remove the Profile from the list.
int numRemoved = _allProfiles.RemoveAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(profile.UUID));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new ProfileRepositoryException();
public static bool RemoveProfile(string profileName)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileName))
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile2: Removing profile {profileName} if it exists in our profile repository");
// Remove the Profile Icons from the Cache
List<ProfileItem> ProfilesToRemove = _allProfiles.FindAll(item => item.Name.Equals(profileName));
foreach (ProfileItem ProfileToRemove in ProfilesToRemove)
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile2: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile2: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile2: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile2: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} as the parent folder isn't there.");
// Remove the Profile from the list.
int numRemoved = _allProfiles.RemoveAll(item => item.Name.Equals(profileName));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new ProfileRepositoryException();
public static bool RemoveProfile(uint profileId)
if (profileId == 0)
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile3: Removing profile wih profileId {profileId} if it exists in our profile repository");
// Remove the Profile Icons from the Cache
List<ProfileItem> ProfilesToRemove = _allProfiles.FindAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(profileId));
foreach (ProfileItem ProfileToRemove in ProfilesToRemove)
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile3: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile3: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile3: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/RemoveProfile3: DisplayMagician can't delete the cached Profile Icon {ProfileToRemove.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} as the parent folder isn't there.");
// Remove the Profile from the list.
int numRemoved = _allProfiles.RemoveAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(profileId));
if (numRemoved == 1)
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
return false;
throw new ProfileRepositoryException();
public static bool ContainsProfile(ProfileItem profile)
if (!(profile is ProfileItem))
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile: Checking if our profile repository contains a profile called {profile.Name}");
foreach (ProfileItem testProfile in _allProfiles)
if (testProfile.Equals(profile))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile: Our profile repository does contain a profile called {profile.Name}");
return true;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile: Our profile repository doesn't contain a profile called {profile.Name}");
return false;
public static bool ContainsProfile(string ProfileNameOrId)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProfileNameOrId))
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile2: Checking if our profile repository contains a profile with UUID or Name {ProfileNameOrId}");
if (ProfileItem.IsValidUUID(ProfileNameOrId))
foreach (ProfileItem testProfile in _allProfiles)
if (testProfile.UUID.Equals(ProfileNameOrId))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile2: Our profile repository does contain a profile with UUID {ProfileNameOrId}");
return true;
foreach (ProfileItem testProfile in _allProfiles)
if (testProfile.Name.Equals(ProfileNameOrId))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile2: Our profile repository does contain a profile with Name {ProfileNameOrId}");
return true;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile2: Our profile repository doesn't contain a profile with a UUID or Name {ProfileNameOrId}");
return false;
public static bool ContainsCurrentProfile(out string savedProfileName)
savedProfileName = "";
if (!(_currentProfile is ProfileItem))
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsCurrentProfile: Checking if our profile repository contains the display profile currently in use");
foreach (ProfileItem testProfile in _allProfiles)
if (testProfile.Equals(_currentProfile))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsProfile: Our profile repository does contain a profile called {testProfile.Name}");
savedProfileName = testProfile.Name;
return true;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ContainsCurrentProfile: Our profile repository doesn't contain the display profile currently in use");
return false;
public static ProfileItem GetProfile(string ProfileNameOrId)
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/GetProfile: Finding and returning {ProfileNameOrId} if it exists in our profile repository");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProfileNameOrId))
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/GetProfile: Profile to get was empty or only whitespace");
return null;
if (ProfileItem.IsValidUUID(ProfileNameOrId))
foreach (ProfileItem testProfile in _allProfiles)
if (testProfile.UUID.Equals(ProfileNameOrId))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/GetProfile: Returning profile with UUID {ProfileNameOrId}");
return testProfile;
foreach (ProfileItem testProfile in _allProfiles)
if (testProfile.Name.Equals(ProfileNameOrId))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/GetProfile: Returning profile with Name {ProfileNameOrId}");
return testProfile;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/GetProfile: Didn't match any profiles with UUD or Name {ProfileNameOrId}");
return null;
public static bool RenameProfile(ProfileItem profile, string renamedName)
if (!(profile is ProfileItem))
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/RenameProfile: Profile to rename was empty or only whitespace");
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/RenameProfile: Attempting to rename profile {profile.Name} to {renamedName}");
if (!IsValidFilename(renamedName))
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/RenameProfile: The name the user wanted to renamed to profile to is not a valid filename");
return false;
profile.Name = GetValidFilename(renamedName);
// If it's been added to the list of AllProfiles
// then we also need to reproduce the Icons
if (ContainsProfile(profile))
// Save the Profiles JSON as it's different now
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/RenameProfile: The profile was successfully renamed from {profile.Name} to {renamedName}");
return true;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/RenameProfile: The profile was not renamed from {profile.Name} to {renamedName}");
return false;
public static void UpdateActiveProfile()
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/UpdateActiveProfile: Updating the profile currently active (in use now).");
ProfileItem profile;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/UpdateActiveProfile: Attempting to access configuration through NVIDIA, then AMD, then Windows CCD interfaces, in that order.");
if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA)
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/UpdateActiveProfile: NVIDIA NVAPI Driver is installed, so using that for this display profile.");
profile = new ProfileItem
Name = "Current NVIDIA Display Profile",
else if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.AMD)
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/UpdateActiveProfile: NVIDIA is not installed but the AMD ADL Driver IS installed, so using that for this display profile.");
profile = new ProfileItem
Name = "Current AMD Display Profile",
profile = new ProfileItem
Name = "Current Windows Display Profile",
if (_profilesLoaded && _allProfiles.Count > 0)
foreach (ProfileItem loadedProfile in ProfileRepository.AllProfiles)
if (loadedProfile.Equals(profile))
_currentProfile = loadedProfile;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/UpdateActiveProfile: The {loadedProfile.VideoMode.ToString("G")} profile '{loadedProfile.Name}' is currently active (in use now).");
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/UpdateActiveProfile: The current profile is a new profile that doesn't already exist in the Profile Repository.");
_currentProfile = profile;
public static ProfileItem GetActiveProfile()
if (!(_currentProfile is ProfileItem))
return null;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/GetActiveProfile: Retrieving the currently active profile.");
return _currentProfile;
public static bool IsActiveProfile(ProfileItem profile)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/IsActiveProfile: Checking whether the profile {profile.Name} is the currently active profile.");
if (_currentProfile == null)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/IsActiveProfile: The current profile {profile.Name} is null, so can't test it against anything.");
return false;
if (profile == null)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/IsActiveProfile: The requested profile {profile.Name} is null. Not changing anything, and reporting an error");
return false;
if (profile.Equals(_currentProfile))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/IsActiveProfile: The profile {profile.Name} is the currently active profile.");
return true;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/IsActiveProfile: The profile {profile.Name} is the not currently active profile.");
return false;
private static bool LoadProfiles()
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: Loading profiles from {_profileStorageJsonFileName} into the Profile Repository");
if (File.Exists(_profileStorageJsonFileName))
string json = "";
json = File.ReadAllText(_profileStorageJsonFileName, Encoding.Unicode);
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: Tried to read the JSON file {_profileStorageJsonFileName} to memory but File.ReadAllTextthrew an exception.");
// Migrate any previous entries to the latest version of the file format to the latest one
json = MigrateJsonToLatestVersion(json);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
List<string> jsonErrors = new List<string>();
JsonSerializerSettings mySerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error,
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include,
//NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include,
//DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore,
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto,
ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace,
Error = delegate (object sender, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs args)
jsonErrors.Add($"JSON.net Error: {args.ErrorContext.Error.Source}:{args.ErrorContext.Error.StackTrace} - {args.ErrorContext.Error.Message} | InnerException:{args.ErrorContext.Error.InnerException.Source}:{args.ErrorContext.Error.InnerException.StackTrace} - {args.ErrorContext.Error.InnerException.Message}");
args.ErrorContext.Handled = true;
_allProfiles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ProfileItem>>(json, mySerializerSettings);
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: Tried to parse the JSON in the {_profileStorageJsonFileName} but the JsonConvert threw an exception.");
// If we have any JSON.net errors, then we need to records them in the logs
if (jsonErrors.Count > 0)
foreach (string jsonError in jsonErrors)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: {jsonErrors}");
// We need to try and
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: Finding the current profile in the Profile Repository");
// Go through all the profiles and set up the needed structures (such as the Screens list)
// and check if the current profile is used
/*foreach (ProfileItem loadedProfile in _allProfiles)
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: Profile {loadedProfile.Name} is a NVIDIA Profile");
*//*if (ProfileRepository.IsActiveProfile(loadedProfile))
_currentProfile = loadedProfile;*//*
// Sort the profiles alphabetically
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: The {_profileStorageJsonFileName} profile JSON file exists but is empty! So we're going to treat it as if it didn't exist.");
// If we get here, then we don't have any profiles saved!
// So we gotta start from scratch
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/LoadProfiles: Couldn't find the {_profileStorageJsonFileName} profile JSON file that contains the Profiles");
_profilesLoaded = true;
// Update the current active profile
return true;
public static string MigrateJsonToLatestVersion(string json)
bool changedJson = false;
JArray root = new JArray();
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Processing the Profiles json data to migrate any older feature to the latest version.");
root = JArray.Parse(json);
catch(JsonReaderException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: JSONReaderException while trying to process the Profiles json data to migrate any older feature to the latest version.");
catch(Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Exception while trying to process the Profiles json data to migrate any older feature to the latest version.");
// We do the change we wre trying to do
/*// Now we try and add a default NVIDIA Color Settings if there isn't one
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Looking for missing NVIDIA Color Config.");
// Create a default object
myDefaultConfig.ColorConfig.ColorData = new Dictionary<uint, NV_COLOR_DATA_V5>();
JObject defaultColorConfig = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(myDefaultConfig.ColorConfig);
for (int i=0; i < root.Count; i++)
JObject profile = (JObject)root[i];
JObject result = (JObject)profile.SelectToken("NVIDIADisplayConfig.ColorConfig.ColorData");
if (result == null)
JObject NVIDIADisplayConfig = (JObject)profile.SelectToken("NVIDIADisplayConfig");
changedJson = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Patched missing NVIDIA Color Config in profile {profile.SelectToken("Name")} (index {i}).");
// Now we try to patch in a Windows GDI device context into the json if there isnt one
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Looking for missing Windows GDI Device Context.");
// Create a default object
Dictionary<string, GDI_DISPLAY_SETTING> GdiDisplaySettings = new Dictionary<string, GDI_DISPLAY_SETTING>();
JObject defaultGdiDisplaySettings = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(GdiDisplaySettings);
for (int i = 0; i < root.Count; i++)
JObject profile = (JObject)root[i];
JObject result = (JObject)profile.SelectToken("WindowsDisplayConfig.GdiDisplaySettings");
if (result == null)
JObject WindowsDisplayConfig = (JObject)profile.SelectToken("WindowsDisplayConfig");
WindowsDisplayConfig.Add("GdiDisplaySettings", defaultGdiDisplaySettings);
changedJson = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Patched missing Windows GDI Device Context in profile {profile.SelectToken("Name")} (index {i}).");
// Now we try to convert the individual sourceids into a list of source ids to cope with cloned devices
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Looking for missing Windows GDI Device Context.");
// Create a default object
List<uint> WinDisplaySourcesList = new List<uint>();
//JObject WinDisplaySources = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(WinDisplaySourcesList);
for (int i = 0; i < root.Count; i++)
JObject profile = (JObject)root[i];
JObject WindowsDisplaySources = (JObject)profile.SelectToken("WindowsDisplayConfig.DisplaySources");
Dictionary<string, List<uint>> existingDisplaySources = WindowsDisplaySources.ToObject<Dictionary<string, List<uint>>>();
catch (Exception ex)
JObject WindowsDisplaySources = (JObject)profile.SelectToken("WindowsDisplayConfig.DisplaySources");
//foreach (var displaySource in WindowsDisplaySources.ToObject<Dictionary<string,uint>>())
Dictionary<string, uint> existingDisplaySources = WindowsDisplaySources.ToObject<Dictionary<string, uint>>();
Dictionary<string, List<uint>> newDisplaySources = new Dictionary<string, List<uint>>();
foreach (var sourceName in existingDisplaySources.Keys)
List<uint> newList = new List<uint>();
newDisplaySources[sourceName] = newList;
JObject newSourcesDict = JObject.FromObject(newDisplaySources);
JToken WindowsDisplayConfig = (JToken)profile.SelectToken("WindowsDisplayConfig.DisplaySources");
changedJson = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Patched missing Windows GDI Device Context in profile {profile.SelectToken("Name")} (index {i}).");
} */
catch (JsonReaderException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: JSONReaderException while trying to process the Profiles json data to migrate any older feature to the latest version.");
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/MigrateJsonToLatestVersion: Exception while trying to process the Profiles json data to migrate any older feature to the latest version.");
// Now write the changed json to the json string but only if we've changed something
if (changedJson)
json = root.ToString(Formatting.Indented);
return json;
public static bool SaveProfiles()
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: Attempting to save the profiles repository to the {AppProfileStoragePath}.");
if (!Directory.Exists(AppProfileStoragePath))
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: DisplayMagician can't create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: DisplayMagician can't create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Fatal(ex, $"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: DisplayMagician can't create the Profiles storage folder {AppProfileStoragePath} as the parent folder isn't there.");
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: Profiles folder {AppProfileStoragePath} exists.");
List<string> jsonErrors = new List<string>();
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: Converting the objects to JSON format.");
JsonSerializerSettings mySerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include,
//NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include,
//DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore,
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto,
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error,
ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace,
Error = delegate (object sender, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs args)
jsonErrors.Add($"JSON.net Error: {args.ErrorContext.Error.Source}:{args.ErrorContext.Error.StackTrace} - {args.ErrorContext.Error.Message} | InnerException:{args.ErrorContext.Error.InnerException.Source}:{args.ErrorContext.Error.InnerException.StackTrace} - {args.ErrorContext.Error.InnerException.Message}");
args.ErrorContext.Handled = true;
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_allProfiles, Formatting.Indented, mySerializerSettings);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: Saving the profile repository to the {_profileStorageJsonFileName}.");
File.WriteAllText(_profileStorageJsonFileName, json, Encoding.Unicode);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Error(ex, $"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: Unable to save the profile repository to the {_profileStorageJsonFileName}.");
// If we have any JSON.net errors, then we need to records them in the logs
if (jsonErrors.Count > 0)
foreach (string jsonError in jsonErrors)
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/SaveProfiles: {jsonErrors}");
return false;
private static void SaveProfileIconToCache(ProfileItem profile)
// Work out the name of the Profile we'll save.
profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppProfileStoragePath, string.Concat(@"profile-", profile.UUID, @".ico"));
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/SaveProfileIconToCache: Attempting to save the profile icon {profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} to the {AppProfileStoragePath} folder");
MultiIcon ProfileIcon;
ProfileIcon = profile.ProfileIcon.ToIcon();
ProfileIcon.Save(profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename, MultiIconFormat.ICO);
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex,$"ProfileRepository/SaveProfileIconToCache: Exception saving the profile icon {profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} to the {AppProfileStoragePath} folder. Using the default DisplayMagician icon instead");
// If we fail to create an icon based on the Profile, then we use the standard DisplayMagician profile one.
// Which is created on program startup.
File.Copy(AppDisplayMagicianIconFilename, profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename);
public static void IsPossibleRefresh()
// We need to refresh the cached answer
// Get the list of connected devices
ConnectedDisplayIdentifiers = GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers();
if (_profilesLoaded && _allProfiles.Count > 0)
foreach (ProfileItem loadedProfile in AllProfiles)
public static List<string> GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers()
if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA && NVIDIALibrary.GetLibrary().IsInstalled)
return NVIDIALibrary.GetLibrary().GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers();
else if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.AMD && AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().IsInstalled)
return AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers();
return WinLibrary.GetLibrary().GetAllConnectedDisplayIdentifiers();
public static List<string> GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers()
if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA && NVIDIALibrary.GetLibrary().IsInstalled)
return NVIDIALibrary.GetLibrary().GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers();
else if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.AMD && AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().IsInstalled)
return AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers();
return WinLibrary.GetLibrary().GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers();
public static bool IsValidFilename(string testName)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/IsValidFilename: Checking whether {testName} is a valid filename");
string strTheseAreInvalidFileNameChars = new string(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars());
Regex regInvalidFileName = new Regex("[" + Regex.Escape(strTheseAreInvalidFileNameChars) + "]");
if (regInvalidFileName.IsMatch(testName)) {
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/IsValidFilename: {testName} is a valid filename");
return false;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/IsValidFilename: {testName} isn't a valid filename as it contains one of these characters [" + Regex.Escape(strTheseAreInvalidFileNameChars) + "]");
return true;
public static string GetValidFilename(string uncheckedFilename)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/GetValidFilename: Modifying filename {uncheckedFilename} to be a valid filename for this filesystem");
string invalid = new string(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) + new string(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars());
foreach (char c in invalid)
uncheckedFilename = uncheckedFilename.Replace(c.ToString(), "");
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/GetValidFilename: Modified filename {uncheckedFilename} so it is a valid filename for this filesystem");
return uncheckedFilename;
// ApplyProfile lives here so that the UI works.
public static ApplyProfileResult ApplyProfile(ProfileItem profile)
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"Program/ApplyProfile: Starting");
// We try to time the profile display swap
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
bool wasDisplayChangeSuccessful = true;
if (profile == null)
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ApplyProfile: The supplied profile is null! Can't be used.");
return ApplyProfileResult.Error;
// We start the timer just before we attempt the display change
// We try to swap profiles. The profiles have checking logic in them
if (!(profile.SetActive()))
SharedLogger.logger.Error($"ProfileRepository/ApplyProfile: Error applying the {profile.VideoMode.ToString("G")} Profile!");
return ApplyProfileResult.Error;
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"ProfileRepository/ApplyProfile: Successfully applied the {profile.VideoMode.ToString("G")} Profile!");
return ApplyProfileResult.Successful;
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ApplyProfile: Failed to complete changing the Windows Display layout");
wasDisplayChangeSuccessful = false;
return ApplyProfileResult.Error;
// If the applying path info worked, then we attempt to set the desktop background if needed
if (profile.WallpaperMode.Equals(Wallpaper.Mode.Apply) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.WallpaperBitmapFilename))
if (Wallpaper.Set(profile.WallpaperBitmapFilename, profile.WallpaperStyle))
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"Program/ApplyProfile: We attempted to set the desktop wallpaper to {profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} using {profile.WallpaperStyle} style for profile {profile.Name}, and it worked!");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"Program/ApplyProfile: We attempted to set the desktop wallpaper to {profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename} using {profile.WallpaperStyle} style for profile {profile.Name}, and it failed :(");
else if (profile.WallpaperMode.Equals(Wallpaper.Mode.Clear))
if (Wallpaper.Clear())
SharedLogger.logger.Trace($"Program/ApplyProfile: We attempted to clear the desktop wallpaper and it worked!");
SharedLogger.logger.Warn($"Program/ApplyProfile: We attempted to clear the desktop wallpaper and it failed :(");
// We stop the stop watch
// Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;
string result = "failed";
if (wasDisplayChangeSuccessful)
result = "was successful";
// Display the TimeSpan time and result.
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ApplyProfile: Display change attempt took {ts.Minutes}:{ts.Seconds}.{ts.Milliseconds} and {result}.");
return ApplyProfileResult.Successful;
public static bool SetVideoCardMode(FORCED_VIDEO_MODE forcedVideoMode = FORCED_VIDEO_MODE.DETECT)
_forcedVideoMode = forcedVideoMode;
// This sets the order in which the different modes have been chosen.
// NVIDIA Video cards are the most common, so go first
if (_forcedVideoMode == FORCED_VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA)
// We force the video mode to be NVIDIA
_currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA;
else if (forcedVideoMode == FORCED_VIDEO_MODE.AMD)
// We force the video mode to be AMD
_currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.AMD;
else if (forcedVideoMode == FORCED_VIDEO_MODE.WINDOWS)
// We force the video mode to be WINDOWS
_currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.WINDOWS;
// We do normal video library detection based on the video card!
// Figure out the Video Cards and see what mode we want
// Get a list of all the PCI Vendor IDs
List<string> videoCardVendors = WinLibrary.GetLibrary().GetCurrentPCIVideoCardVendors();
if (NVIDIALibrary.GetLibrary().IsInstalled && NVIDIALibrary.GetLibrary().PCIVendorIDs.All(value => videoCardVendors.Contains(value)))
// We detected a NVIDIA video card in the computer
_currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA;
else if (AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().IsInstalled && AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().PCIVendorIDs.All(value => videoCardVendors.Contains(value)))
// We detected an AMD video card in the computer
_currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.AMD;
// We fallback to the built-in Windows CCD drivers
_currentVideoMode = VIDEO_MODE.WINDOWS;
if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.NVIDIA)
// Initialise the the NVIDIA NvAPI Library
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: Initialising the NVIDIA NVAPI library.");
nvidiaLibrary = new NVIDIALibrary();
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: Initialising NVIDIA NVAPI caused an exception.");
return false;
else if (_currentVideoMode == VIDEO_MODE.AMD)
// Initialise the the AMD ADL Library
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: Initialising the AMD ADL library.");
amdLibrary = new AMDLibrary();
catch (Exception ex)
SharedLogger.logger.Warn(ex, $"ProfileRepository/ProfileRepository: Initialising AMD ADL caused an exception.");
return false;
return true;
public class ProfileRepositoryException : Exception
public ProfileRepositoryException() { }
public ProfileRepositoryException(string message) : base(message) { }
public ProfileRepositoryException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
protected ProfileRepositoryException(
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }
public class ApplyTopologyException : Exception
public ApplyTopologyException()
{ }
public ApplyTopologyException(string message) : base(message)
{ }
public ApplyTopologyException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
{ }
public ApplyTopologyException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
{ }