Terry MacDonald 7c21c19056 Fixed Profile Matching
Found an underlying problem of using the OutputID for displayIdentifier matching as the outputID changes after each reboot. CHanged the DisplayIdentifier to record the type of the connection to the display, which stays the same even if the OututID changes. Also made the ProfileItem.Equals look for DisplayIdentifier ids and match them even if they are in a different order. This seems to happen some times, and I'm not sure why the NVIDIA driver does it!
2021-09-05 21:00:36 +12:00

962 lines
46 KiB
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using System;
using McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DisplayMagician.InterProcess;
using DisplayMagician.Resources;
using DisplayMagicianShared;
using DisplayMagician.UIForms;
using DisplayMagician.GameLibraries;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Drawing;
using DesktopNotifications;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using NLog.Config;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using DisplayMagicianShared.AMD;
using DisplayMagicianShared.NVIDIA;
using DisplayMagicianShared.Windows;
namespace DisplayMagician {
internal static class Program
internal static string AppDataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "DisplayMagician");
public static string AppStartupPath = Application.StartupPath;
public static string AppIconPath = Path.Combine(Program.AppDataPath, $"Icons");
public static string AppProfilePath = Path.Combine(Program.AppDataPath, $"Profiles");
public static string AppShortcutPath = Path.Combine(Program.AppDataPath, $"Shortcuts");
public static string AppWallpaperPath = Path.Combine(Program.AppDataPath, $"Wallpaper");
public static string AppLogPath = Path.Combine(Program.AppDataPath, $"Logs");
public static string AppDisplayMagicianIconFilename = Path.Combine(AppIconPath, @"DisplayMagician.ico");
public static string AppOriginIconFilename = Path.Combine(AppIconPath, @"Origin.ico");
public static string AppSteamIconFilename = Path.Combine(AppIconPath, @"Steam.ico");
public static string AppUplayIconFilename = Path.Combine(AppIconPath, @"Uplay.ico");
public static string AppEpicIconFilename = Path.Combine(AppIconPath, @"Epic.ico");
public static bool AppToastActivated = false;
public static bool WaitingForGameToExit = false;
public static ProgramSettings AppProgramSettings;
public static MainForm AppMainForm;
private static readonly NLog.Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private static SharedLogger sharedLogger;
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
private static int Main(string[] args)
// This sets the Application User Model ID to "LittleBitBig.DisplayMagician" so that
// Windows 10 recognises the application, and allows features such as Toasts,
// taskbar pinning and similar.
// Register AUMID, COM server, and activator
// Prepare NLog for logging
//NLog.Common.InternalLogger.LogLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Debug;
//NLog.Common.InternalLogger.LogToConsole = true;
//NLog.Common.InternalLogger.LogFile = "C:\\Users\\terry\\AppData\\Local\\DisplayMagician\\Logs\\nlog-internal.txt";
var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration();
// Targets where to log to: File and Console
//string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss");
string AppLogFilename = Path.Combine(Program.AppLogPath, $"DisplayMagician.log");
// Create the Logging Dir if it doesn't exist so that it's avilable for all
// parts of the program to use
if (!Directory.Exists(AppLogPath))
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Program/StartUpNormally exception: Cannot create the Application Log Folder {AppLogPath} - {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
// Load the program settings
AppProgramSettings = ProgramSettings.LoadSettings();
// Rules for mapping loggers to targets
NLog.LogLevel logLevel = null;
switch (AppProgramSettings.LogLevel)
case "Trace":
logLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Trace;
case "Info":
logLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Info;
case "Warn":
logLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Warn;
case "Error":
logLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Error;
case "Debug":
logLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Debug;
logLevel = NLog.LogLevel.Info;
// Create the log file target
var logfile = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget("logfile")
FileName = AppLogFilename,
DeleteOldFileOnStartup = true
// Create a logging rule to use the log file target
var loggingRule = new LoggingRule("LogToFile");
loggingRule.EnableLoggingForLevels(logLevel, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
loggingRule.LoggerNamePattern = "*";
// Create the log console target
var logconsole = new NLog.Targets.ColoredConsoleTarget("logconsole")
Layout = "${date:format=HH\\:MM\\:ss} ${logger} ${message}",
// Create a logging rule to use the log console target
var loggingRule2 = new LoggingRule("LogToConsole");
loggingRule2.EnableLoggingForLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Info, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
loggingRule.LoggerNamePattern = "*";
// Apply config
NLog.LogManager.Configuration = config;
// Make DisplayMagicianShared use the same log file by sending it the
// details of the existing NLog logger
sharedLogger = new SharedLogger(logger);
// Start the Log file
logger.Info($"Starting {Application.ProductName} v{Application.ProductVersion}");
// Create the other DM Dir if it doesn't exist so that it's avilable for all
// parts of the program to use
if (!Directory.Exists(AppIconPath))
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally exception: Cannot create the Application Icon Folder {AppLogPath}");
if (!Directory.Exists(AppProfilePath))
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally exception: Cannot create the Application Profile Folder {AppProfilePath}");
if (!Directory.Exists(AppShortcutPath))
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally exception: Cannot create the Application Shortcut Folder {AppShortcutPath}");
if (!Directory.Exists(AppWallpaperPath))
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally exception: Cannot create the Application Wallpaper Folder {AppWallpaperPath}");
// Write the Application Name
Console.WriteLine($"{Application.ProductName} v{Application.ProductVersion}");
for (int i = 0; i <= Application.ProductName.Length + Application.ProductVersion .Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Copyright <20> Terry MacDonald 2020-{DateTime.Today.Year}");
Console.WriteLine(@"Derived from Helios Display Management - Copyright <20> Soroush Falahati 2017-2020");
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
logger.Debug($"Setting up commandline processing configuration");
var app = new CommandLineApplication
AllowArgumentSeparator = true,
UnrecognizedArgumentHandling = UnrecognizedArgumentHandling.StopParsingAndCollect,
app.Description = "This application helps configure your NVIDIA Videocard for multiple displays.";
app.ExtendedHelpText = "This application helps configure your NVIDIA Videocard for multiple displays. It has some nifty features such as the "
+ Environment.NewLine + " ability to temporarily change your screen settings while you are playing a game, and then change them back once finished.";
app.MakeSuggestionsInErrorMessage = true;
app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help", inherited:true);
app.VersionOption("-v|--version", () => {
return string.Format("Version {0}", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version);
CommandOption debug = app.Option("--debug", "Generate a DisplayMagician.log debug-level log file", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
CommandOption trace = app.Option("--trace", "Generate a DisplayMagician.log trace-level log file", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
CommandOption forcedVideoLibrary = app.Option("--force-video-library", "Bypass the normal video detection logic to force a particular video library (AMD, NVIDIA, Windows)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
// This is the RunShortcut command
app.Command(DisplayMagicianStartupAction.RunShortcut.ToString(), (runShortcutCmd) =>
// Set the --trace or --debug options if supplied
if (trace.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Trace, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
else if (debug.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
// Set the --force-video-library option if supplied
if (forcedVideoLibrary.HasValue())
if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("NVIDIA"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("AMD"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("Windows"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
var argumentShortcut = runShortcutCmd.Argument("\"SHORTCUT_UUID\"", "(required) The UUID of the shortcut to run from those stored in the shortcut library.").IsRequired();
argumentShortcut.Validators.Add(new ShortcutMustExistValidator());
//description and help text of the command.
runShortcutCmd.Description = "Use this command to run favourite game or application with a display profile of your choosing.";
runShortcutCmd.OnExecute(() =>
logger.Debug($"RunShortcut commandline command was invoked!");
return 0;
// This is the ChangeProfile command
app.Command(DisplayMagicianStartupAction.ChangeProfile.ToString(), (runProfileCmd) =>
// Set the --trace or --debug options if supplied
if (trace.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Trace, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
else if (debug.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
// Set the --force-video-library option if supplied
if (forcedVideoLibrary.HasValue())
if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("NVIDIA"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("AMD"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("Windows"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
var argumentProfile = runProfileCmd.Argument("\"Profile_UUID\"", "(required) The UUID of the profile to run from those stored in the profile file.").IsRequired();
argumentProfile.Validators.Add(new ProfileMustExistValidator());
//description and help text of the command.
runProfileCmd.Description = "Use this command to change to a display profile of your choosing.";
runProfileCmd.OnExecute(() =>
logger.Debug($"ChangeProfile commandline command was invoked!");
return 0;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/Main exception running ApplyProfile(profileToUse)");
return 1;
// This is the CreateProfile command
app.Command(DisplayMagicianStartupAction.CreateProfile.ToString(), (createProfileCmd) =>
// Set the --trace or --debug options if supplied
if (trace.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Trace, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
else if (debug.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
// Set the --force-video-library option if supplied
if (forcedVideoLibrary.HasValue())
if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("NVIDIA"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("AMD"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("Windows"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
//description and help text of the command.
createProfileCmd.Description = "Use this command to go directly to the create display profile screen.";
createProfileCmd.OnExecute(() =>
logger.Debug($"CreateProfile commandline command was invoked!");
Console.WriteLine("Starting up and creating a new Display Profile...");
return 0;
app.OnExecute(() =>
// Set the --trace or --debug options if supplied
if (trace.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to TRACE level as --trace was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Trace, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
else if (debug.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Changing logging level to DEBUG level as --debug was provided on the commandline.");
loggingRule.SetLoggingLevels(NLog.LogLevel.Debug, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal);
// Set the --force-video-library option if supplied
if (forcedVideoLibrary.HasValue())
if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("NVIDIA"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing NVIDIA Video Library as '--force-video-library NVIDIA' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("AMD"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing AMD Video Library as '--force-video-library AMD' was provided on the commandline.");
else if (forcedVideoLibrary.Value().Equals("Windows"))
Console.WriteLine($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Forcing Windows CCD Video Library as '--force-video-library Windows' was provided on the commandline.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
logger.Info($"Leaving DisplayMagician to detect the best Video Library to use.");
logger.Debug($"No commandline command was invoked, so starting up normally");
// Add a workaround to handle the weird way that Windows tell us that DisplayMagician
// was started from a Notification Toast when closed (Windows 10)
// Due to the way that CommandLineUtils library works we need to handle this as
// 'Remaining Arguments'
if (app.RemainingArguments != null && app.RemainingArguments.Count > 0)
foreach (string myArg in app.RemainingArguments)
if (myArg.Equals("-ToastActivated"))
logger.Debug($"We were started by the user clicking on a Windows Toast");
Program.AppToastActivated = true;
logger.Info("Starting Normally...");
return 0;
logger.Debug($"Try to load all the Games in the background to avoid locking the UI");
// Try to load all the games in parallel to this process
Task.Run(() => LoadGamesInBackground());
logger.Debug($"Starting commandline processing");
// This begins the actual execution of the application
catch (CommandParsingException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/Main exception parsing the Commands passed to the program");
Console.WriteLine("Didn't recognise the supplied commandline options: {0}", ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
//Console.WriteLine($"Program/Main commandParsingException: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
// You'll always want to catch this exception, otherwise it will generate a messy and confusing error for the end user.
// the message will usually be something like:
// "Unrecognized command or argument '<invalid-command>'"
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/Main general exception during app.Execute(args)");
Console.WriteLine($"Program/Main exception: Unable to execute application - {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
logger.Debug($"Beginning to shutdown");
logger.Debug($"Clearing all previous windows toast notifications as they aren't needed any longer");
// Remove all the notifications we have set as they don't matter now!
// Shutdown NLog
logger.Debug($"Stopping logging processes");
// Exit with a 0 Errorlevel to indicate everything worked fine!
return 0;
private static void CreateProfile()
logger.Debug($"Program/CreateProfile: Starting");
// Start the IPC Service to
if (!IPCService.StartService())
throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_open_a_named_pipe_for_Inter_process_communication);
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User;
// Run the program with directly showing CreateProfile form
Application.Run(new DisplayProfileForm());
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Program/CreateProfile exception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/CreateProfile top level exception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
private static void StartUpApplication()
logger.Debug($"Program/StartUpApplication: Starting");
// Start the IPC Service to
if (!IPCService.StartService())
throw new Exception(Language.Can_not_open_a_named_pipe_for_Inter_process_communication);
// Create the Shortcut Icon Cache if it doesn't exist so that it's avilable for all the program
if (!Directory.Exists(AppIconPath))
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Program/StartUpNormally exception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally exception while trying to create directory {AppIconPath}");
// Save a copy of the DisplayMagician Icon, and all the game library ones in preparation for future use
if (!File.Exists(AppDisplayMagicianIconFilename))
Icon heliosIcon = (Icon)Properties.Resources.DisplayMagician;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(AppDisplayMagicianIconFilename, FileMode.Create))
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Program/StartUpNormally exception 2: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally exception create Icon files for future use in {AppIconPath}");
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.User;
// Run the program with normal startup
AppMainForm = new MainForm();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Program/StartUpNormally exception 3: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/StartUpNormally top level exception: {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
// ReSharper disable once CyclomaticComplexity
private static void RunShortcut(string shortcutUUID)
logger.Debug($"Program/RunShortcut: Starting");
ShortcutItem shortcutToRun = null;
// Check there is only one version of this application so we won't
// mess with another monitoring session
if (
client =>
client.Status == InstanceStatus.Busy ||
client.Status == InstanceStatus.OnHold))
throw new Exception(
// Match the ShortcutName to the actual shortcut listed in the shortcut library
// And error if we can't find it.
if (ShortcutRepository.ContainsShortcut(shortcutUUID))
// make sure we trim the "" if there are any
shortcutUUID = shortcutUUID.Trim('"');
shortcutToRun = ShortcutRepository.GetShortcut(shortcutUUID);
throw new Exception(Language.Cannot_find_shortcut_in_library);
if (shortcutToRun is ShortcutItem)
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.Busy;
public static bool IsValidFilename(string testName)
string strTheseAreInvalidFileNameChars = new string(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars());
Regex regInvalidFileName = new Regex("[" + Regex.Escape(strTheseAreInvalidFileNameChars) + "]");
if (regInvalidFileName.IsMatch(testName)) { return false; };
return true;
public static void RunProfile(string profileName)
logger.Trace($"Program/RunProfile: Starting");
// Lookup the profile
ProfileItem profileToUse = ProfileRepository.AllProfiles.Where(p => p.UUID.Equals(profileName)).First();
logger.Trace($"Program/RunProfile: Found profile called {profileName} and now starting to apply the profile");
public static bool LoadGamesInBackground()
logger.Debug($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Starting");
// Now lets prepare loading all the Steam games we have installed
Action loadSteamGamesAction = new Action(() =>
// Check if Steam is installed
GameLibrary steamLibrary = SteamLibrary.GetLibrary();
if (steamLibrary.IsGameLibraryInstalled)
// Load Steam library games
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loading Installed Steam Games");
if (!steamLibrary.LoadInstalledGames())
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Cannot load installed Steam Games!");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loaded all Installed Steam Games (found {steamLibrary.InstalledGameCount})");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Steam not installed.");
Console.WriteLine("Steam not installed.");
// Now lets prepare loading all the Uplay games we have installed
Action loadUplayGamesAction = new Action(() =>
// Check if Uplay is installed
GameLibrary uplayLibrary = UplayLibrary.GetLibrary();
if (uplayLibrary.IsGameLibraryInstalled)
// Load Uplay library games
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loading Installed Uplay Games");
if (!uplayLibrary.LoadInstalledGames())
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Cannot load installed Uplay Games!");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loaded all Installed Uplay Games (found {uplayLibrary.InstalledGameCount})");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Uplay not installed.");
Console.WriteLine("Uplay not installed.");
// Now lets prepare loading all the Origin games we have installed
Action loadOriginGamesAction = new Action(() =>
// Check if Origin is installed
GameLibrary originLibrary = OriginLibrary.GetLibrary();
if (originLibrary.IsGameLibraryInstalled)
// Load Origin library games
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loading Installed Origin Games");
if (!originLibrary.LoadInstalledGames())
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Cannot load installed Origin Games!");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loaded all Installed Origin Games (found {originLibrary.InstalledGameCount})");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Origin not installed.");
Console.WriteLine("Origin not installed.");
// Now lets prepare loading all the Epic games we have installed
Action loadEpicGamesAction = new Action(() =>
// Check if Epic is installed
GameLibrary epicLibrary = OriginLibrary.GetLibrary();
if (epicLibrary.IsGameLibraryInstalled)
// Load Origin library games
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loading Installed Epic Games");
if (!epicLibrary.LoadInstalledGames())
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Cannot load installed Epic Games!");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loaded all Installed Epic Games (found {epicLibrary.InstalledGameCount})");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Epic not installed.");
Console.WriteLine("Epic not installed.");
// Now lets prepare loading all the GOG games we have installed
Action loadGogGamesAction = new Action(() =>
// Check if GOG is installed
GameLibrary gogLibrary = GogLibrary.GetLibrary();
if (gogLibrary.IsGameLibraryInstalled)
// Load Origin library games
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loading Installed GOG Games");
if (!gogLibrary.LoadInstalledGames())
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Cannot load installed GOG Games!");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Loaded all Installed GOG Games (found {gogLibrary.InstalledGameCount})");
logger.Info($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: GOG not installed.");
Console.WriteLine("GOG not installed.");
// Store all the actions in a array so we can wait on them later
List<Action> loadGamesActions = new List<Action>();
logger.Debug($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Running game loading actions.");
// Go through and start all the actions, making sure we only have one threat per action to avoid thread issues
int threads = loadGamesActions.Count;
ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = threads };
Parallel.Invoke(options, loadGamesActions.ToArray());
logger.Debug($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: All game loading tasks finished");
catch (AggregateException ae)
logger.Error(ae, $"Program/LoadGamesInBackground exception during loadGamesActions");
// Produce a single array of Games we can reference later
GameLibrary.AllInstalledGamesInAllLibraries = SteamLibrary.GetLibrary().AllInstalledGames;
// Create Game Bitmaps from the Games so the rest of the program is faster later
// Get the bitmap out of the IconPath
// IconPath can be an ICO, or an EXE
foreach (var game in GameLibrary.AllInstalledGamesInAllLibraries)
Bitmap bm = null;
/*ArrayList filesToSearchForIcon = new ArrayList();
if (game.IconPath != game.ExePath)
bm = ImageUtils.GetMeABitmapFromFile(filesToSearchForIcon);*/
// We only want the icon location that the GameLibrary told us to use
// Note: This may be an icon file, or an exe file.
// This function tries to get a 256x256 Vista sized bitmap from the file
logger.Trace($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Attempting to get game bitmaps from {game.Name}.");
bm = ImageUtils.GetMeABitmapFromFile(game.IconPath);
if (bm != null && bm.GetType() == typeof(Bitmap))
logger.Trace($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Got game bitmaps from {game.Name}.");
logger.Trace($"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Couldn't get game bitmaps from {game.Name} for some reason.");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Program/LoadGamesInBackground: Exception building game bitmaps for {game.Name} during load");
if (bm == null)
if (game.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibraryType.Steam))
bm = Properties.Resources.Steam;
else if (game.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibraryType.Uplay))
bm = Properties.Resources.Uplay;
else if (game.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibraryType.Origin))
bm = Properties.Resources.Origin;
else if (game.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibraryType.Epic))
bm = Properties.Resources.Epic;
else if (game.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibraryType.GOG))
bm = Properties.Resources.GOG;
bm = Properties.Resources.DisplayMagician.ToBitmap();
game.GameBitmap = bm;
return true;
public static string HotkeyToString(Keys hotkey)
string parsedHotkey = String.Empty;
KeysConverter kc = new KeysConverter();
// Lets parse the hotkey to create the text we need
parsedHotkey = kc.ConvertToString(hotkey);
// Control also shows as Ctrl+ControlKey, so we trim the +ControlKeu
if (parsedHotkey.Contains("+ControlKey"))
parsedHotkey = parsedHotkey.Replace("+ControlKey", "");
// Shift also shows as Shift+ShiftKey, so we trim the +ShiftKeu
if (parsedHotkey.Contains("+ShiftKey"))
parsedHotkey = parsedHotkey.Replace("+ShiftKey", "");
// Alt also shows as Alt+Menu, so we trim the +Menu
if (parsedHotkey.Contains("+Menu"))
parsedHotkey = parsedHotkey.Replace("+Menu", "");
return parsedHotkey;
public class LoadingInstalledGamesException : Exception
public LoadingInstalledGamesException()
{ }
public LoadingInstalledGamesException(string message) : base(message)
{ }
public LoadingInstalledGamesException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
{ }
public LoadingInstalledGamesException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
{ }