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using AudioSwitcher.AudioApi.CoreAudio;
using DisplayMagician.GameLibraries;
using DisplayMagician.InterProcess;
using DisplayMagicianShared;
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom;
using Windows.UI.Notifications;
namespace DisplayMagician
public static class ShortcutRepository
#region Class Variables
// Common items to the class
private static List<ShortcutItem> _allShortcuts = new List<ShortcutItem>();
//public static Dictionary<string, bool> _shortcutWarningLookup = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
//public static Dictionary<string, bool> _shortcutErrorLookup = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
private static bool _shortcutsLoaded = false;
// Other constants that are useful
private static string AppShortcutStoragePath = Path.Combine(Program.AppDataPath, $"Shortcuts");
private static string _shortcutStorageJsonFileName = Path.Combine(AppShortcutStoragePath, $"Shortcuts_{Version.ToString(2)}.json");
private static string uuidV4Regex = @"(?im)^[{(]?[0-9A-F]{8}[-]?(?:[0-9A-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9A-F]{12}[)}]?$";
private static CoreAudioController _audioController = null;
private static readonly NLog.Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
#region Class Constructors
static ShortcutRepository()
_audioController = new CoreAudioController();
// Create the Profile Storage Path if it doesn't exist so that it's avilable for all the program
if (!Directory.Exists(AppShortcutStoragePath))
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/ShortcutRepository: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to create the Shortcut storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/ShortcutRepository: DisplayMagician can't create the Shortcut storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/ShortcutRepository: DisplayMagician can't create the Shortcut storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/ShortcutRepository: DisplayMagician can't create the Shortcut storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} as the parent folder isn't there.");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Warn(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/ShortcutRepository: Initialising NVIDIA NvAPIWrapper or CoreAudioController caused an exception.");
// Load the Shortcuts from storage
#region Class Properties
public static List<ShortcutItem> AllShortcuts
if (!_shortcutsLoaded)
// Load the Shortcuts from storage
return _allShortcuts;
/*public static Dictionary<string, bool> ShortcutWarningLookup
if (!_shortcutsLoaded)
// Load the Shortcuts from storage if they need to be
return _shortcutWarningLookup;
public static Dictionary<string, bool> ShortcutErrorLookup
if (!_shortcutsLoaded)
// Load the Shortcuts from storage if they need to be
return _shortcutErrorLookup;
public static int ShortcutCount
if (!_shortcutsLoaded)
// Load the Shortcuts from storage
return _allShortcuts.Count;
#pragma warning disable CS3003 // Type is not CLS-compliant
public static CoreAudioController AudioController
#pragma warning restore CS3003 // Type is not CLS-compliant
return _audioController;
public static Version Version
get => new Version(1, 0, 0);
#region Class Methods
public static bool AddShortcut(ShortcutItem shortcut)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/AddShortcut: Adding shortcut {shortcut.Name} to our shortcut repository");
if (!(shortcut is ShortcutItem))
return false;
// Add the shortcut to the list of shortcuts
//Doublecheck it's been added
if (ContainsShortcut(shortcut))
// Save the shortcuts JSON as it's different
return true;
return false;
public static bool RemoveShortcut(ShortcutItem shortcut)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut: Removing shortcut {shortcut.Name} if it exists in our shortcut repository");
if (!(shortcut is ShortcutItem))
return false;
// Remove the Shortcut Icons from the Cache
List<ShortcutItem> shortcutsToRemove = _allShortcuts.FindAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(shortcut.UUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
foreach (ShortcutItem shortcutToRemove in shortcutsToRemove)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut: Removing shortcut {shortcutToRemove.Name}");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut: Exception removing shortcut {shortcutToRemove.Name}");
// Remove the shortcut from the list.
int numRemoved = _allShortcuts.RemoveAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(shortcut.UUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (numRemoved == 1)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut: Our shortcut repository does contain a shortcut we were looking for");
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut: Our shortcut repository doesn't contain a shortcut we were looking for");
return false;
throw new ShortcutRepositoryException();
public static bool RemoveShortcut(string shortcutNameOrUuid)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut2: Removing shortcut {shortcutNameOrUuid} if it exists in our shortcut repository");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shortcutNameOrUuid))
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut2: Shortcut to look for was empty or only whitespace");
return false;
List<ShortcutItem> shortcutsToRemove;
int numRemoved;
Match match = Regex.Match(shortcutNameOrUuid, uuidV4Regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
shortcutsToRemove = _allShortcuts.FindAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
numRemoved = _allShortcuts.RemoveAll(item => item.UUID.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
shortcutsToRemove = _allShortcuts.FindAll(item => item.Name.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
numRemoved = _allShortcuts.RemoveAll(item => item.Name.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
// Remove the Shortcut Icons from the Cache
foreach (ShortcutItem shortcutToRemove in shortcutsToRemove)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut2: Removing shortcut {shortcutToRemove.Name}");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut2: Exception removing shortcut {shortcutToRemove.Name}");
if (numRemoved == 1)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut2: Our shortcut repository does contain a shortcut with Name or UUID {shortcutNameOrUuid}");
return true;
else if (numRemoved == 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RemoveShortcut2: Our shortcut repository doesn't contain a shortcut with Name or UUID {shortcutNameOrUuid}");
return false;
throw new ShortcutRepositoryException();
public static bool ContainsShortcut(ShortcutItem shortcut)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut: Checking whether {shortcut.Name} exists in our shortcut repository");
if (!(shortcut is ShortcutItem))
return false;
foreach (ShortcutItem testShortcut in _allShortcuts)
if (testShortcut.UUID.Equals(shortcut.UUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut: {shortcut.Name} does exist in our shortcut repository");
return true;
return false;
public static bool ContainsShortcut(string shortcutNameOrUuid)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut2: Checking whether {shortcutNameOrUuid} exists in our shortcut repository");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shortcutNameOrUuid))
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut2: Shortcut to look for was empty or only whitespace");
return false;
Match match = Regex.Match(shortcutNameOrUuid, uuidV4Regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
foreach (ShortcutItem testShortcut in _allShortcuts)
if (testShortcut.UUID.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut2: Shortcut with UUID {shortcutNameOrUuid} does exist in our shortcut repository");
return true;
foreach (ShortcutItem testShortcut in _allShortcuts)
if (testShortcut.Name.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut2: Shortcut with name {shortcutNameOrUuid} does exist in our shortcut repository");
return true;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/ContainsShortcut2: Shortcut with name {shortcutNameOrUuid} doesn't exist in our shortcut repository");
return false;
public static ShortcutItem GetShortcut(string shortcutNameOrUuid)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/GetShortcut: Finding and returning {shortcutNameOrUuid} if it exists in our shortcut repository");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shortcutNameOrUuid))
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/GetShortcut: Shortcut to get was empty or only whitespace");
return null;
Match match = Regex.Match(shortcutNameOrUuid, uuidV4Regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
foreach (ShortcutItem testShortcut in _allShortcuts)
if (testShortcut.UUID.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/GetShortcut: Returning shortcut with UUID {shortcutNameOrUuid}");
return testShortcut;
foreach (ShortcutItem testShortcut in _allShortcuts)
if (testShortcut.Name.Equals(shortcutNameOrUuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/GetShortcut: Returning shortcut with Name {shortcutNameOrUuid}");
return testShortcut;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/GetShortcut: No shortcut was found to return with UUI or Name {shortcutNameOrUuid}");
return null;
#pragma warning disable CS3001 // Argument type is not CLS-compliant
public static bool RenameShortcutProfile(ProfileItem newProfile)
#pragma warning restore CS3001 // Argument type is not CLS-compliant
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RenameShortcutProfile: Renaming the profile in any shortcuts containing the old profile name");
if (!(newProfile is ProfileItem))
return false;
foreach (ShortcutItem testShortcut in ShortcutRepository.AllShortcuts)
if (testShortcut.ProfileUUID.Equals(newProfile.UUID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && testShortcut.AutoName)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RenameShortcutProfile: Renaming {testShortcut.Name} shortcut's profile to {newProfile.Name} since the original profile has just been renamed.");
testShortcut.ProfileToUse = newProfile;
return true;
private static bool LoadShortcuts()
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Loading shortcuts from {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName} into the Shortcut Repository");
if (File.Exists(_shortcutStorageJsonFileName))
string json = "";
json = File.ReadAllText(_shortcutStorageJsonFileName, Encoding.Unicode);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Tried to read the JSON file {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName} to memory but File.ReadAllTextthrew an exception.");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
#pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value
List<ShortcutItem> shortcuts = new List<ShortcutItem>();
#pragma warning restore IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value
_allShortcuts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ShortcutItem>>(json, new JsonSerializerSettings
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore,
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include,
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Tried to parse the JSON in the {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName} but the JsonConvert threw an exception.");
// Lookup all the Profile Names in the Saved Profiles
// and link the profiles to the Shortcuts as we only
// store the profile names to allow users to uodate profiles
// separately from the shortcuts
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Connecting Shortcut profile names to the real profile objects");
foreach (ShortcutItem updatedShortcut in _allShortcuts)
bool foundProfile = false;
foreach (ProfileItem profile in ProfileRepository.AllProfiles)
if (profile.UUID.Equals(updatedShortcut.ProfileUUID))
// And assign the matching Profile if we find it.
updatedShortcut.ProfileToUse = profile;
foundProfile = true;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Found the profile with UUID {updatedShortcut.ProfileUUID} and linked it to a profile!");
if (!foundProfile)
// We should only get here if there isn't a profile to match to.
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Couldn't find the profile with UUID {updatedShortcut.ProfileUUID} so couldn't link it to a profile! We can't use this shortcut.");
updatedShortcut.ProfileToUse = null;
// Sort the shortcuts alphabetically
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: The {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName} shortcut JSON file exists but is empty! So we're going to treat it as if it didn't exist.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/LoadShortcuts: Couldn't find the {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName} shortcut JSON file that contains the Shortcuts");
_shortcutsLoaded = true;
return true;
public static bool SaveShortcuts()
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: Attempting to save the shortcut repository to the {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName}.");
if (!Directory.Exists(AppShortcutStoragePath))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: Creating the shortcut folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} as it doesn't currently exist.");
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
logger.Fatal(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: DisplayMagician doesn't have permissions to create the Shortcuts storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath}.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
logger.Fatal(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: DisplayMagician can't create the Shortcuts storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} due to an invalid argument.");
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
logger.Fatal(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: DisplayMagician can't create the Shortcuts storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} as the path is too long.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
logger.Fatal(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: DisplayMagician can't create the Shortcuts storage folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} as the parent folder isn't there.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: Shortcut folder {AppShortcutStoragePath} exists.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: Converting the objects to JSON format.");
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_allShortcuts, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include,
DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Populate,
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: Saving the shortcut repository to the {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName}.");
File.WriteAllText(_shortcutStorageJsonFileName, json, Encoding.Unicode);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/SaveShortcuts: Unable to save the shortcut repository to the {_shortcutStorageJsonFileName}.");
return false;
public static void IsValidRefresh()
// We need to refresh the cached answer
// Get the list of connected devices
foreach (ShortcutItem loadedShortcut in AllShortcuts)
// ReSharper disable once CyclomaticComplexity
public static void RunShortcut(ShortcutItem shortcutToUse, NotifyIcon notifyIcon = null)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Running the shortcut {shortcutToUse.Name}.");
// Do some validation to make sure the shortcut is sensible
// And that we have enough to try and action within the shortcut
// including checking the Profile in the shortcut is possible
// (in other words check everything in the shortcut is still valid)
if (!(shortcutToUse is ShortcutItem))
// Check the shortcut is still valid.
if (shortcutToUse.IsValid == ShortcutValidity.Error || shortcutToUse.IsValid == ShortcutValidity.Warning)
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Cannot run the shortcut {shortcutToUse.Name} as it isn't valid");
string errorReasons = String.Join(", ", (from error in shortcutToUse.Errors select error.Message));
$"Unable to run the shortcut '{shortcutToUse.Name}': {errorReasons}",
@"Cannot run the Shortcut",
// Remember the profile we are on now
bool needToChangeProfiles = false;
ProfileItem rollbackProfile = ProfileRepository.CurrentProfile;
if (!rollbackProfile.Equals(shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We need to change to the {shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse} profile.");
needToChangeProfiles = true;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We're already on the {rollbackProfile.Name} profile so no need to change profiles.");
// Tell the IPC Service we are busy right now, and keep the previous status for later
InstanceStatus rollbackInstanceStatus = IPCService.GetInstance().Status;
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.Busy;
// Only change profiles if we have to
if (needToChangeProfiles)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Changing to the {rollbackProfile.Name} profile.");
// Apply the Profile!
ApplyProfileResult result = Program.ApplyProfile(shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse);
if (result == ApplyProfileResult.Error)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR - Cannot apply '{shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse.Name}' Display Profile");
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Cannot apply '{shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse.Name}' Display Profile");
else if (result == ApplyProfileResult.Cancelled)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR - User cancelled applying '{shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse.Name}' Display Profile");
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: User cancelled applying '{shortcutToUse.ProfileToUse.Name}' Display Profile");
// record the old audio device
bool needToChangeAudioDevice = false;
CoreAudioDevice rollbackAudioDevice = _audioController.DefaultPlaybackDevice;
double rollbackAudioVolume = 50;
if (rollbackAudioDevice != null)
rollbackAudioVolume = _audioController.DefaultPlaybackDevice.Volume;
if (!rollbackAudioDevice.FullName.Equals(shortcutToUse.AudioDevice))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We need to change to the {shortcutToUse.AudioDevice} audio device.");
needToChangeAudioDevice = true;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We're already using the {shortcutToUse.AudioDevice} audio device so no need to change audio devices.");
// Change Audio Device (if one specified)
if (shortcutToUse.ChangeAudioDevice)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Changing to the {shortcutToUse.AudioDevice} audio device.");
IEnumerable<CoreAudioDevice> audioDevices = _audioController.GetPlaybackDevices();
foreach (CoreAudioDevice audioDevice in audioDevices)
if (audioDevice.FullName.Equals(shortcutToUse.AudioDevice))
// use the Audio Device
if (shortcutToUse.SetAudioVolume)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Setting {shortcutToUse.AudioDevice} audio level to {shortcutToUse.AudioVolume}%.");
Task myTask = new Task(() =>
// record the old microphone device
bool needToChangeCaptureDevice = false;
CoreAudioDevice rollbackCaptureDevice = _audioController.DefaultCaptureDevice;
double rollbackCaptureVolume = 50;
if (rollbackCaptureDevice != null)
rollbackCaptureVolume = _audioController.DefaultCaptureDevice.Volume;
if (!rollbackCaptureDevice.FullName.Equals(shortcutToUse.CaptureDevice))
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We need to change to the {shortcutToUse.CaptureDevice} capture (microphone) device.");
needToChangeCaptureDevice = true;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We're already using the {shortcutToUse.CaptureDevice} capture (microphone) device so no need to change capture devices.");
// Change capture Device (if one specified)
if (shortcutToUse.ChangeCaptureDevice)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Changing to the {shortcutToUse.CaptureDevice} capture (microphone) device.");
IEnumerable<CoreAudioDevice> captureDevices = _audioController.GetCaptureDevices();
foreach (CoreAudioDevice captureDevice in captureDevices)
if (captureDevice.FullName.Equals(shortcutToUse.CaptureDevice))
// use the Audio Device
if (shortcutToUse.SetCaptureVolume)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Setting {shortcutToUse.CaptureDevice} audio level to {shortcutToUse.CaptureVolume}%.");
Task myTask = new Task(() =>
// Set the IP Service status back to what it was
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = rollbackInstanceStatus;
// Now run the pre-start applications
List<Process> startProgramsToStop = new List<Process>();
List<StartProgram> startProgramsToStart = shortcutToUse.StartPrograms.Where(program => program.Enabled == true).OrderBy(program => program.Priority).ToList();
if (startProgramsToStart.Count > 0)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Starting {startProgramsToStart.Count} programs before the main game or executable");
foreach (StartProgram processToStart in startProgramsToStart)
// If required, check whether a process is started already
if (processToStart.DontStartIfAlreadyRunning)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Checking if process {processToStart.Executable} is already running");
Process[] alreadyRunningProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(processToStart.Executable));
if (alreadyRunningProcesses.Length > 0)
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Process {processToStart.Executable} is already running, so we won't start another one");
// Start the executable
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Starting process {processToStart.Executable}");
Process process = null;
if (processToStart.ExecutableArgumentsRequired)
process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(processToStart.Executable, processToStart.Arguments);
process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(processToStart.Executable);
// Record t
if (processToStart.CloseOnFinish)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We need to stop {processToStart.Executable} after the main game or executable is closed.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: No need to stop {processToStart.Executable} after the main game or executable is closed, so we'll just leave it running");
catch (Win32Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Win32Exception starting process {processToStart.Executable}. Windows complained about something while trying to create a new process.");
catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Exception starting process {processToStart.Executable}. The object was disposed before we could start the process.");
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Win32Exception starting process {processToStart.Executable}. The file wasn't found by DisplayMagician and so we couldn't start it");
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Exception starting process {processToStart.Executable}. Method call is invalid for the current state.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: No programs to start before the main game or executable");
// Add a status notification icon in the status area
// but only if we are going to wait for a process to finish
string oldNotifyText = "";
bool temporaryNotifyIcon = false;
ContextMenuStrip oldContextMenuStrip = null;
// If we're running the shortcut from the ShortcutLibrary
// then we get given the NotifyIcon through the function
// parameters i.e. if temporaryIcon is false in that case.
// This means we need to save the state if the temporaryIcon
// is false.
// Conversely, if temporaryIcon is true, then we need
// to create a NotifyIncon as MainForm isn't running to create
// one for us already!
if (notifyIcon == null)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We need to create a temporary system tray icon as we're running from a shortcut");
temporaryNotifyIcon = true;
if (temporaryNotifyIcon)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Create a temporary system tray icon (user clicked a desktop shortcut)");
if (!shortcutToUse.Category.Equals(ShortcutCategory.NoGame))
notifyIcon = new NotifyIcon
Icon = Properties.Resources.DisplayMagician,
Visible = true
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut exception: Trying to {ex.Message}: {ex.StackTrace} - {ex.InnerException}");
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut exception setting NotifyIcon");
// ignored
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Updating existing system tray icon (we're running a shortcut from within the main application window)");
// If we reach here then we're running the shortcut
// from the ShortcutLibrary window, so we need to
// remember what the text was so we can return it to
// normal after we're done!
oldNotifyText = notifyIcon.Text;
oldContextMenuStrip = notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip;
notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip = null;
// Now start the main game, and wait if we have to
if (shortcutToUse.Category.Equals(ShortcutCategory.Application))
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Starting the main executable that we wanted to run, and that we're going to monitor and watch");
// Start the executable
Process process = null;
if (shortcutToUse.ExecutableArgumentsRequired)
process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath, shortcutToUse.ExecutableArguments);
process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath);
catch (Win32Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Win32Exception starting main executable process {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath}. Windows complained about something while trying to create a new process.");
catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Exception starting main executable process {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath}. The object was disposed before we could start the process.");
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Win32Exception starting main executable process {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath}. The file wasn't found by DisplayMagician and so we couldn't start it");
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Exception starting main executable process {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath}. Method call is invalid for the current state.");
// Figure out what we want to look for
string processNameToLookFor;
if (shortcutToUse.ProcessNameToMonitorUsesExecutable)
// If we are monitoring the same executable we started, then lets do get that name ready
processNameToLookFor = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath);
// If we are monitoring a different executable, then lets do get that name ready instead
processNameToLookFor = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(shortcutToUse.DifferentExecutableToMonitor);
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Looking for processes with the name {processNameToLookFor} so that we can monitor them and know when they are closed.");
// Now look for the thing we're supposed to monitor
// and wait until it starts up
List<Process> processesToMonitor = new List<Process>();
for (int secs = 0; secs >= (shortcutToUse.StartTimeout * 1000); secs += 500)
// Look for the processes with the ProcessName we sorted out earlier
processesToMonitor = Process.GetProcessesByName(processNameToLookFor).ToList();
// If we have found one or more processes then we should be good to go
// so let's break
if (processesToMonitor.Count > 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Found {processesToMonitor.Count} '{processNameToLookFor}' processes to monitor");
// Let's wait a little while if we couldn't find
// any processes yet
// make sure we have things to monitor and alert if not
if (processesToMonitor.Count == 0)
logger.Error($"No '{processNameToLookFor}' processes found before waiting timeout. DisplayMagician was unable to find any processes before the {shortcutToUse.StartTimeout} second timeout");
// Store the process to monitor for later
IPCService.GetInstance().HoldProcessId = processesToMonitor.FirstOrDefault()?.Id ?? 0;
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.OnHold;
// Add a status notification icon in the status area
string notificationText = $"DisplayMagician: Running {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath}...";
if (notificationText.Length >= 64)
string thingToRun = shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath.Substring(0, 35);
notifyIcon.Text = $"DisplayMagician: Running {thingToRun}...";
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Creating the Windows Toast to notify the user we're going to wait for the executable {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath} to close.");
// Now we want to tell the user we're running an application!
// Construct the Windows toast content
ToastContentBuilder tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=runningApplication", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"Running {processNameToLookFor}", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"Waiting for all {processNameToLookFor} windows to exit...");
//.AddButton("Stop", ToastActivationType.Background, "notify=runningGame&action=stop");
ToastContent toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
var doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
var toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show this notification
// Wait an extra few seconds to give the application time to settle down
// if we have things to monitor, then we should start to wait for them
Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for all {processNameToLookFor} windows to exit.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Waiting for application {processNameToLookFor} to exit.");
if (processesToMonitor.Count > 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: {processesToMonitor.Count} '{processNameToLookFor}' processes are still running");
while (true)
processesToMonitor = Process.GetProcessesByName(processNameToLookFor).ToList();
// If we have no more processes left then we're done!
if (processesToMonitor.Count == 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: No more '{processNameToLookFor}' processes are still running");
// Send a message to windows so that it doesn't think
// we're locked and try to kill us
Console.WriteLine($"{processNameToLookFor} has exited.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Executable {processNameToLookFor} has exited.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Creating a Windows Toast to notify the user that the executable {shortcutToUse.ExecutableNameAndPath} has closed.");
// Tell the user that the application has closed
// Construct the toast content
tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=stopDetected", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"{processNameToLookFor} was closed", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"All {processNameToLookFor} processes were shutdown and changes were reverted.");
toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show it
else if (shortcutToUse.Category.Equals(ShortcutCategory.Game))
// If the game is a Steam Game we check for that
if (shortcutToUse.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibrary.Steam))
// We now need to get the SteamGame info
SteamGame steamGameToRun = SteamLibrary.GetSteamGame(shortcutToUse.GameAppId);
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Starting the {steamGameToRun.Name} Steam Game, and then we're going to monitor it to wait for it to close.");
// If the GameAppID matches a Steam game, then lets run it
if (steamGameToRun is SteamGame)
// Prepare to start the steam game using the URI interface
// as used by Steam for it's own desktop shortcuts.
var address = $"steam://rungameid/{steamGameToRun.Id}";
if (shortcutToUse.GameArgumentsRequired)
address += "/" + shortcutToUse.GameArguments;
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut Steam launch address is {address}");
// Start the URI Handler to run Steam
Console.WriteLine($"Starting Steam Game: {steamGameToRun.Name}");
var steamProcess = Process.Start(address);
// Delay 500ms
// Wait for Steam game to update if needed
for (int secs = 0; secs >= (shortcutToUse.StartTimeout * 1000); secs += 500)
if (!steamGameToRun.IsUpdating)
// Delay 500ms
if (steamGameToRun.IsRunning)
logger.Info($"Found the '{steamGameToRun.Name}' process has started");
// Delay 500ms
// Store the Steam Process ID for later
IPCService.GetInstance().HoldProcessId = steamProcess?.Id ?? 0;
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.OnHold;
// Add a status notification icon in the status area
if (steamGameToRun.Name.Length <= 41)
notifyIcon.Text = $"DisplayMagician: Running {steamGameToRun.Name}...";
notifyIcon.Text = $"DisplayMagician: Running {steamGameToRun.Name.Substring(0, 41)}...";
// Now we want to tell the user we're running a game!
// Construct the Windows toast content
ToastContentBuilder tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=runningSteamGame", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"Running {shortcutToUse.GameName}", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"Waiting for the Steam Game {shortcutToUse.GameName} to exit...");
//.AddButton("Stop", ToastActivationType.Background, "notify=runningGame&action=stop");
ToastContent toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
var doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
var toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show this notification
// Wait 5 seconds for the game process to spawn
// Wait for the game to exit
Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for {steamGameToRun.Name} to exit.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Waiting for Steam Game {steamGameToRun.Name} to exit.");
while (true)
if (!steamGameToRun.IsRunning)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Steam Game {steamGameToRun.Name} is no longer running (IsRunning is false).");
// Send a message to windows so that it doesn't think
// we're locked and try to kill us
Console.WriteLine($"{steamGameToRun.Name} has exited.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Steam Game {steamGameToRun.Name} has exited.");
// Tell the user that the Steam Game has closed
// Construct the toast content
tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=stopDetected", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"{shortcutToUse.GameName} was closed", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"{shortcutToUse.GameName} game was shutdown and changes were reverted.");
toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show it
// If the game is a Uplay Game we check for that
else if (shortcutToUse.GameLibrary.Equals(SupportedGameLibrary.Uplay))
// We now need to get the Uplay Game info
UplayGame uplayGameToRun = UplayLibrary.GetUplayGame(shortcutToUse.GameAppId);
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Starting the {uplayGameToRun.Name} Uplay Game, and then we're going to monitor it to wait for it to close.");
// If the GameAppID matches a Uplay game, then lets run it
if (uplayGameToRun is UplayGame)
// Prepare to start the Uplay game using the URI interface
// as used by Uplay for it's own desktop shortcuts.
var address = $"uplay://launch/{uplayGameToRun.Id}";
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Uplay launch address is {address}");
if (shortcutToUse.GameArgumentsRequired)
address += "/" + shortcutToUse.GameArguments;
address += "/0";
// Now we want to tell the user we're starting upc.exe
// Construct the Windows toast content
ToastContentBuilder tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=startingUplay", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"Starting Uplay", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"Waiting for Uplay to start (and update if needed)...");
//.AddButton("Stop", ToastActivationType.Background, "notify=runningGame&action=stop");
ToastContent toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
var doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
var toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show this notification
// Start the URI Handler to run Uplay
Console.WriteLine($"Starting Uplay Game: {uplayGameToRun.Name}");
logger.Info($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Starting Uplay Game: {uplayGameToRun.Name}");
Process uplayStartProcess = Process.Start(address);
// Wait for Uplay to start
List<Process> uplayProcesses = null;
for (int secs = 0; secs >= (shortcutToUse.StartTimeout * 1000); secs += 500)
// Look for the processes with the ProcessName we sorted out earlier
uplayProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName("upc").ToList();
// If we have found one or more processes then we should be good to go
// so let's break
if (uplayProcesses.Count > 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Found {uplayProcesses.Count} 'upc' processes have started");
// Let's wait a little while if we couldn't find
// any processes yet
// Delay 5secs
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Pausing for 5 seconds to let the Uplay process start the game.");
// Now we know the Uplay app is running then
// we wait until the Uplay game is running (*allows for uplay update)
for (int secs = 0; secs >= (shortcutToUse.StartTimeout * 1000); secs += 500)
if (uplayGameToRun.IsRunning)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Found the '{uplayGameToRun.Name}' process has started");
// Delay 500ms
// Store the Uplay Process ID for later
IPCService.GetInstance().HoldProcessId = uplayStartProcess?.Id ?? 0;
IPCService.GetInstance().Status = InstanceStatus.OnHold;
// Add a status notification icon in the status area
if (uplayGameToRun.Name.Length <= 41)
notifyIcon.Text = $"DisplayMagician: Running {uplayGameToRun.Name}...";
notifyIcon.Text = $"DisplayMagician: Running {uplayGameToRun.Name.Substring(0, 41)}...";
// Now we want to tell the user we're running a game!
// Construct the Windows toast content
tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=runningUplayGame", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"Running {shortcutToUse.GameName}", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"Waiting for the Uplay Game {shortcutToUse.GameName} to exit...");
//.AddButton("Stop", ToastActivationType.Background, "notify=runningGame&action=stop");
toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show this notification
// Wait 5 seconds for the game process to spawn
// Wait for the game to exit
Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for {uplayGameToRun.Name} to exit.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: waiting for Uplay Game {uplayGameToRun.Name} to exit.");
while (true)
if (!uplayGameToRun.IsRunning)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Uplay Game {uplayGameToRun.Name} is no longer running (IsRunning is false).");
// Send a message to windows so that it doesn't think
// we're locked and try to kill us
Console.WriteLine($"{uplayGameToRun.Name} has exited.");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Uplay Game {uplayGameToRun.Name} has exited.");
// Tell the user that the Uplay Game has closed
// Construct the toast content
tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=stopDetected", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText($"{shortcutToUse.GameName} was closed", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddText($"{shortcutToUse.GameName} game was shutdown and changes were reverted.");
toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
toast = new ToastNotification(doc);
// Remove any other Notifications from us
// And then show it
// Remove the status notification icon from the status area
// once we've exited the game, but only if its a game or app
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Changing the system tray icon message back to what it was.");
if (temporaryNotifyIcon)
if (!shortcutToUse.Category.Equals(ShortcutCategory.NoGame))
if (notifyIcon != null)
notifyIcon.Visible = false;
// If we're running the shortcut from the ShortcutLibrary
// then we want to reset the NotifyIcon back
notifyIcon.Text = oldNotifyText;
notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip = oldContextMenuStrip;
// Only replace the notification if we're minimised
if (Program.AppProgramSettings.MinimiseOnStart)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We're minimised, so we also need to update the Windows notification content");
// Remind the user that DisplayMagician is running the in background
// Construct the toast content
ToastContentBuilder tcBuilder = new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddToastActivationInfo("notify=minimiseStart&action=open", ToastActivationType.Foreground)
.AddText("DisplayMagician is minimised", hintMaxLines: 1)
.AddButton("Open", ToastActivationType.Background, "notify=minimiseStart&action=open");
ToastContent toastContent = tcBuilder.Content;
// Make sure to use Windows.Data.Xml.Dom
var doc = new XmlDocument();
// And create the toast notification
var toast = new ToastNotification(doc)
SuppressPopup = true
// And then show it
// Stop the pre-started startPrograms that we'd started earlier
if (startProgramsToStop.Count > 0)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: We started {startProgramsToStart.Count} programs before the main executable or game, and now we want to stop {startProgramsToStop.Count } of them");
// Stop the programs in the reverse order we started them
foreach (Process processToStop in startProgramsToStop.Reverse<Process>())
Console.WriteLine($"Stopping process {processToStop.StartInfo.FileName}");
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Stopping process {processToStop.StartInfo.FileName}");
// Stop the program
if (!processToStop.HasExited)
Console.WriteLine($"- Process {processToStop.StartInfo.FileName} wouldn't stop cleanly. Forcing program close.");
logger.Warn($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Process {processToStop.StartInfo.FileName} wouldn't stop cleanly. Forcing program close.");
catch (Win32Exception ex) {
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Couldn't access the wait status for a process we're trying to stop.");
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Couldn't kill the process as there is no process associated with the Process object.");
catch (SystemException ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Couldn't WaitForExit the process as there is no process associated with the Process object (or cannot get the ID from the process handle).");
catch (AggregateException ae) {
logger.Error(ae, $"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Got an AggregateException.");
// Change Audio Device back (if one specified)
if (needToChangeAudioDevice)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Reverting default audio back to {rollbackAudioDevice.Name} audio device");
// use the Audio Device
if (shortcutToUse.SetAudioVolume)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Reverting default audio volume back to {shortcutToUse.SetAudioVolume}% volume");
Task myTask = new Task(() =>
// Change Capture Device back (if one specified)
if (needToChangeCaptureDevice)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Reverting default capture (microphone) device back to {rollbackCaptureDevice.Name} capture device");
// use the Audio Device
if (shortcutToUse.SetCaptureVolume)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Reverting default capture (microphone) volume back to {shortcutToUse.SetAudioVolume}% volume");
Task myTask = new Task(() =>
// Change back to the original profile only if it is different
if (needToChangeProfiles)
logger.Debug($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Rolling back display profile to {rollbackProfile.Name}");
ApplyProfileResult result = Program.ApplyProfile(rollbackProfile);
if (result == ApplyProfileResult.Error)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR - Cannot revert back to '{rollbackProfile.Name}' Display Profile");
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: Error rolling back display profile to {rollbackProfile.Name}");
else if (result == ApplyProfileResult.Cancelled)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR - User cancelled revert back to '{rollbackProfile.Name}' Display Profile");
logger.Error($"ShortcutRepository/RunShortcut: User cancelled rolling back display profile to {rollbackProfile.Name}");
public class ShortcutRepositoryException : Exception
public ShortcutRepositoryException() { }
public ShortcutRepositoryException(string message) : base(message) { }
public ShortcutRepositoryException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
protected ShortcutRepositoryException(
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }