Terry MacDonald 40b8525dd8 [WIP] Added video card detection
Added ability for ProfileRepository to know what mode it is in when DisplayMagician starts.
2021-08-22 15:42:12 +12:00

571 lines
18 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DisplayMagicianShared.Resources;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Drawing;
using DisplayMagicianShared.Windows;
namespace DisplayMagicianShared.AMD
public class AMDProfileItem : ProfileItem, IComparable
private static List<AMDProfileItem> _allSavedProfiles = new List<AMDProfileItem>();
private ProfileIcon _profileIcon;
private Bitmap _profileBitmap, _profileShortcutBitmap;
private List<string> _profileDisplayIdentifiers = new List<string>();
private List<ScreenPosition> _screens;
private AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG _amdDisplayConfig = new AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG();
private WINDOWS_DISPLAY_CONFIG _windowsDisplayConfig = new WINDOWS_DISPLAY_CONFIG();
private static readonly string uuidV4Regex = @"(?im)^[{(]?[0-9A-F]{8}[-]?(?:[0-9A-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9A-F]{12}[)}]?$";
private string _uuid = "";
private bool _isPossible = false;
private Keys _hotkey = Keys.None;
public AMDProfileItem()
public new static Version Version = new Version(2, 1);
#region Instance Properties
public override bool IsPossible
// Return the cached answer
return _isPossible;
_isPossible = value;
public override bool IsActive
if (this.Equals(ProfileRepository.CurrentProfile))
return true;
return false;
public override string Driver { get; } = "AMD";
public override string Name { get; set; }
//public Topology.Path[] Paths { get; set; } = new Topology.Path[0];
public AMD_DISPLAY_CONFIG AMDDisplayConfig
return _amdDisplayConfig;
_amdDisplayConfig = value;
public WINDOWS_DISPLAY_CONFIG WindowsDisplayConfig
return _windowsDisplayConfig;
_windowsDisplayConfig = value;
public override List<string> ProfileDisplayIdentifiers
if (_profileDisplayIdentifiers.Count == 0)
_profileDisplayIdentifiers = AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers();
return _profileDisplayIdentifiers;
if (value is List<string>)
_profileDisplayIdentifiers = value;
public override List<ScreenPosition> Screens
if (_screens.Count == 0)
_screens = GetScreenPositions();
return _screens;
_screens = value;
public override Bitmap ProfileBitmap
/*if (!ProfileRepository.ProfilesLoaded)
return null;*/
if (_profileBitmap != null)
return _profileBitmap;
_profileBitmap = this.ProfileIcon.ToBitmap(256, 256);
return _profileBitmap;
_profileBitmap = value;
public override Bitmap ProfileTightestBitmap
if (_profileShortcutBitmap != null)
return _profileShortcutBitmap;
_profileShortcutBitmap = this.ProfileIcon.ToTightestBitmap();
return _profileShortcutBitmap;
_profileShortcutBitmap = value;
public override bool IsValid()
if (ProfileIcon is ProfileIcon &&
System.IO.File.Exists(SavedProfileIconCacheFilename) &&
ProfileBitmap is Bitmap &&
ProfileTightestBitmap is Bitmap &&
ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Count > 0)
if (AMDDisplayConfig.AdapterConfigs.Count > 0)
return true;
return false;
return false;
public bool CopyTo(AMDProfileItem profile, bool overwriteId = true)
if (!(profile is AMDProfileItem))
return false;
if (overwriteId == true)
profile.UUID = UUID;
// Copy all our profile data over to the other profile
profile.Name = Name;
profile.AMDDisplayConfig = AMDDisplayConfig;
profile.WindowsDisplayConfig = WindowsDisplayConfig;
profile.ProfileIcon = ProfileIcon;
profile.SavedProfileIconCacheFilename = SavedProfileIconCacheFilename;
profile.ProfileBitmap = ProfileBitmap;
profile.ProfileTightestBitmap = ProfileTightestBitmap;
profile.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers = ProfileDisplayIdentifiers;
//profile.Screens = Screens;
return true;
public override bool PreSave()
// Prepare our profile data for saving
if (_profileDisplayIdentifiers.Count == 0)
_profileDisplayIdentifiers = AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().GetCurrentDisplayIdentifiers();
// Return if it is valid and we should continue
return IsValid();
public override void RefreshPossbility()
// Check whether this profile is possible
if (AMDLibrary.GetLibrary().IsPossibleConfig(_amdDisplayConfig))
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/IsPossibleRefresh: The AMD profile {Name} is possible!");
_isPossible = true;
SharedLogger.logger.Debug($"ProfileRepository/IsPossibleRefresh: The AMD profile {Name} is NOT possible!");
_isPossible = false;
public override bool CreateProfileFromCurrentDisplaySettings()
AMDLibrary amdLibrary = AMDLibrary.GetLibrary();
if (amdLibrary.IsInstalled)
// Create the profile data from the current config
_amdDisplayConfig = amdLibrary.GetActiveConfig();
_windowsDisplayConfig = WinLibrary.GetLibrary().GetActiveConfig();
// Now, since the ActiveProfile has changed, we need to regenerate screen positions
_screens = GetScreenPositions();
return true;
return false;
public override bool PerformPostLoadingTasks()
// First thing we do is to set up the Screens
_screens = GetScreenPositions();
return true;
public override List<ScreenPosition> GetScreenPositions()
// Now we create the screens structure from the AMD profile information
_screens = new List<ScreenPosition>();
if ( _amdDisplayConfig.AdapterConfigs.Count > 0)
foreach ( var adapter in _amdDisplayConfig.AdapterConfigs)
foreach (var display in adapter)
foreach (var mode in display.DisplayModes)
ScreenPosition screen = new ScreenPosition();
screen.Library = "AMD";
screen.Name = display.DisplayName;
screen.DisplayConnector = display.DisplayConnector;
screen.ScreenX = mode.XPos;
screen.ScreenY = mode.YPos;
screen.ScreenWidth = mode.XRes;
screen.ScreenHeight = mode.YRes;
// If we're at the 0,0 coordinate then we're the primary monitor
if (screen.ScreenX == 0 && screen.ScreenY == 0)
screen.IsPrimary = true;
// HDR information
if (display.HDRSupported)
screen.HDRSupported = true;
if (display.HDREnabled)
screen.HDREnabled = true;
screen.HDREnabled = false;
screen.HDRSupported = false;
screen.HDREnabled = false;
// Spanned screen options
if (display.IsEyefinity)
screen.IsSpanned = true;
screen.Colour = Color.FromArgb(200, 237, 28, 36); // represents AMD Red
screen.SpannedName = "AMD Eyefinity";
screen.IsSpanned = false;
screen.Colour = Color.FromArgb(255, 195, 195, 195); // represents normal screen colour
// Figure out features
//screen.Features = mode.ModeValue;
return _screens;
// The public override for the Object.Equals
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.Equals(obj as AMDProfileItem);
// Profiles are equal if their Viewports are equal
public bool Equals(AMDProfileItem other)
// If parameter is null, return false.
if (other is null)
return false;
// Optimization for a common success case.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
// If run-time types are not exactly the same, return false.
if (this.GetType() != other.GetType())
return false;
// If the AMDDisplayConfig's do not equal each other
if (!AMDDisplayConfig.Equals(other.AMDDisplayConfig))
return false;
// If the WindowsDisplayConfig's equal each other
if (!WindowsDisplayConfig.Equals(other.WindowsDisplayConfig))
return false;
// Check if the profile identifiers are not the same, then return false
int foundDICount = 0;
foreach (string profileDI in ProfileDisplayIdentifiers)
if (other.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Contains(profileDI))
if (foundDICount != other.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Count)
return false;
foundDICount = 0;
foreach (string profileDI in other.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers)
if (ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Contains(profileDI))
if (foundDICount != ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Count)
return false;
// Check whether the profiles' properties are equal
// We need to exclude the name as the name is solely for saving to disk
// and displaying to the user.
// Two profiles are equal only when they have the same viewport data
// The data may be in different orders each run, so we need to compare them one by one
int foundPathsCount = 0;
int foundOtherPathsCount = 0;
// TODO: Make this work in AMD land
/*foreach (Topology.Path profilePath in Paths)
if (other.Paths.Contains(profilePath))
foreach (Topology.Path otherPath in other.Paths)
if (Paths.Contains(otherPath))
if (foundPathsCount == foundOtherPathsCount)
return true;
return false;
// If Equals() returns true for this object compared to another
// then GetHashCode() must return the same value for these objects.
/*public override int GetHashCode()
// Get hash code for the Viewports field if it is not null.
int hashPaths = Paths == null ? 0 : Paths.GetHashCode();
//Calculate the hash code for the product.
return hashPaths;
public override int GetHashCode()
// Get hash code for the ProfileDisplayIdentifiers field if it is not null.
int hashIds = ProfileDisplayIdentifiers == null ? 0 : ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.GetHashCode();
// Get AMD Profile Data too
int hashProfileAMDData = AMDDisplayConfig.GetHashCode();
// Get AMD Profile Data too
int hashProfileWindowsData = WindowsDisplayConfig.GetHashCode();
// Calculate the hash code for the product.
return (hashIds, hashProfileAMDData, hashProfileWindowsData).GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
return (Name ?? Language.UN_TITLED_PROFILE);
// Custom Equality comparer for the Profile class
// Allows us to use 'Contains'
class AMDProfileComparer : IEqualityComparer<AMDProfileItem>
public bool Equals(AMDProfileItem x, AMDProfileItem y)
//Check whether the compared objects reference the same data.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
//Check whether any of the compared objects is null.
if (x is null || y is null)
return false;
// Check if the profile identifiers are not the same, then return false
int foundDICount = 0;
foreach (string profileDI in x.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers)
if (y.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Contains(profileDI))
if (foundDICount != x.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Count)
return false;
foundDICount = 0;
foreach (string profileDI in y.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers)
if (x.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Contains(profileDI))
if (foundDICount != y.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.Count)
return false;
// Now we need to check the AMD Display Configs themselves
if (!x.AMDDisplayConfig.Equals(y.AMDDisplayConfig))
return false;
// Now we need to check the AMD Display Configs themselves
if (!x.WindowsDisplayConfig.Equals(y.WindowsDisplayConfig))
return false;
return true;
// Modified the GetHashCode to compare the displayidentifier
public int GetHashCode(AMDProfileItem profile)
// Check whether the object is null
if (profile is null) return 0;
// Get hash code for the ProfileDisplayIdentifiers field if it is not null.
int hashIds = profile.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers == null ? 0 : profile.ProfileDisplayIdentifiers.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the AMD Display Config
int hashProfileAMDData = profile.AMDDisplayConfig.GetHashCode();
// Get hash code for the Windows Display Config
int hashProfileWinData = profile.WindowsDisplayConfig.GetHashCode();
//Calculate the hash code for the product.
return (hashIds, hashProfileAMDData, hashProfileWinData).GetHashCode();