temacdonald 7196791298 [WIP] Redeveloping the display profile window
Trying to simplify the display profiles window to
avoid the confusion I had when I started using
the program.
2020-05-10 01:02:07 +12:00

154 lines
4.6 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using WindowsDisplayAPI.DisplayConfig;
using HeliosPlus.Shared.NVIDIA;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
namespace HeliosPlus.Shared.Topology
public class ProfilePathTarget : IEquatable<ProfilePathTarget>
public ProfilePathTarget(PathTargetInfo targetInfo, SurroundTopology surround = null)
DevicePath = targetInfo.DisplayTarget.DevicePath;
var index = DevicePath.IndexOf("{", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
if (index > 0)
DevicePath = DevicePath.Substring(0, index).TrimEnd('#');
FrequencyInMillihertz = targetInfo.FrequencyInMillihertz;
Rotation = targetInfo.Rotation.ToRotation();
Scaling = targetInfo.Scaling.ToScaling();
ScanLineOrdering = targetInfo.ScanLineOrdering.ToScanLineOrdering();
DisplayName = targetInfo.DisplayTarget.FriendlyName;
DisplayName = null;
SurroundTopology = surround ?? SurroundTopology.FromPathTargetInfo(targetInfo);
public ProfilePathTarget()
public string DevicePath { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public ulong FrequencyInMillihertz { get; set; }
public Rotation Rotation { get; set; }
public Scaling Scaling { get; set; }
public ScanLineOrdering ScanLineOrdering { get; set; }
public SurroundTopology SurroundTopology { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Equals(ProfilePathTarget other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
return FrequencyInMillihertz == other.FrequencyInMillihertz &&
Rotation == other.Rotation &&
Scaling == other.Scaling &&
ScanLineOrdering == other.ScanLineOrdering &&
DevicePath == other.DevicePath &&
SurroundTopology == other.SurroundTopology;
public static bool operator ==(ProfilePathTarget left, ProfilePathTarget right)
return Equals(left, right) || left?.Equals(right) == true;
public static bool operator !=(ProfilePathTarget left, ProfilePathTarget right)
return !(left == right);
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != GetType())
return false;
return Equals((ProfilePathTarget) obj);
/// <inheritdoc />
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = FrequencyInMillihertz.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) Rotation;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) Scaling;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) ScanLineOrdering;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DevicePath.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SurroundTopology?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
return hashCode;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override string ToString()
return DisplayName ?? $"PathTarget {DevicePath}";
public PathTargetInfo ToPathTargetInfo()
var targetDevice =
target => target.DevicePath.StartsWith(DevicePath,
if (targetDevice == null)
return null;
return new PathTargetInfo(new PathDisplayTarget(targetDevice.Adapter, targetDevice.TargetId),
FrequencyInMillihertz, ScanLineOrdering.ToDisplayConfigScanLineOrdering(),
Rotation.ToDisplayConfigRotation(), Scaling.ToDisplayConfigScaling());