temacdonald 25abab0246 Fixed low-res icons and running shortcuts
The icons were way too low res due to the use
of the built-in windows fileextracticon which only
extracts the 32x32 icon. This was making the list
of games look pretty bad. Fixed it now so it extracts
the PNG where possible. Also adjusted the extraction
so that the files are all extracted when the Shortcut form
is loaded.
    Also fixed the commandline options that result in
a Steam game being run, so that they now work. Also
fixed up the names of the extracted icons and made the
suggested naming of the shortcut more reliable and
less likely to include usable characters.
2020-05-01 22:30:27 +12:00

502 lines
23 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HeliosPlus.Resources;
using HeliosPlus.Shared;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
//using VdfParser;
//using Gameloop.Vdf;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using ValveKeyValue;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.ServiceModel.Configuration;
using HeliosPlus.GameLibraries.SteamAppInfoParser;
using TsudaKageyu;
using System.Drawing.IconLib;
using System.Drawing.IconLib.Exceptions;
namespace HeliosPlus.GameLibraries
public class UplayGame
private static string _uplayExe;
private static string _uplayPath;
private static string _uplayConfigVdfFile;
private static string _registryUplayKey = @"SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Uplay";
private static string _registryAppsKey = $@"{_registryUplayKey}\\Apps";
private string _gameRegistryKey;
private uint _uplayGameId;
private string _uplayGameName;
private string _uplayGamePath;
private string _uplayGameExe;
private string _uplayGameIconPath;
private static List<UplayGame> _allUplayGames;
private struct UplayAppInfo
public uint GameID;
public string GameName;
public List<string> GameExes;
public string GameInstallDir;
public string GameUplayIconPath;
static UplayGame()
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
(send, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
public UplayGame(uint uplayGameId, string uplayGameName, string uplayGamePath, string uplayGameExe, string uplayGameIconPath)
_gameRegistryKey = $@"{_registryAppsKey}\\{uplayGameId}";
_uplayGameId = uplayGameId;
_uplayGameName = uplayGameName;
_uplayGamePath = uplayGamePath;
_uplayGameExe = uplayGameExe;
_uplayGameIconPath = uplayGameIconPath;
// Find the UplayExe location, and the UplayPath for later
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(_registryUplayKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
_uplayExe = (string)key?.GetValue(@"UplayExe", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty;
_uplayExe = _uplayExe.Replace('/', '\\');
_uplayPath = (string)key?.GetValue(@"UplayPath", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty;
_uplayPath = _uplayPath.Replace('/', '\\');
public uint GameId { get => _uplayGameId; }
public static SupportedGameLibrary GameLibrary { get => SupportedGameLibrary.Uplay; }
public string GameIconPath { get => _uplayGameIconPath; }
public bool IsRunning
using (
var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(_gameRegistryKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
if ((int)key?.GetValue(@"Running", 0) == 1)
return true;
return false;
catch (SecurityException e)
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
catch (IOException e)
// Extract some information from this exception, and then
// throw it to the parent method.
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("IOException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
public bool IsUpdating
using (
var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(_gameRegistryKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
if ((int)key?.GetValue(@"Updating", 0) == 1)
return true;
return false;
catch (SecurityException e)
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
catch (IOException e)
// Extract some information from this exception, and then
// throw it to the parent method.
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("IOException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
public string GameName { get => _uplayGameName; }
public static string UplayExe { get => _uplayExe; }
public string GamePath { get => _uplayGamePath; }
public static List<UplayGame> AllGames { get => _allUplayGames; }
public static bool UplayInstalled
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UplayGame._uplayExe) && File.Exists(UplayGame._uplayExe))
return true;
return false;
public static List<UplayGame> GetAllInstalledGames()
List<UplayGame> uplayGameList = new List<UplayGame>();
_allUplayGames = uplayGameList;
// Find the UplayExe location, and the UplayPath for later
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(_registryUplayKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
_uplayExe = (string)key?.GetValue(@"UplayExe", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty;
_uplayExe = _uplayExe.Replace('/', '\\');
_uplayPath = (string)key?.GetValue(@"UplayPath", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty;
_uplayPath = _uplayPath.Replace('/', '\\');
if (_uplayExe == string.Empty || !File.Exists(_uplayExe))
// Uplay isn't installed, so we return an empty list.
return uplayGameList;
//Icon _uplayIcon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(_uplayExe);
//IconExtractor uplayIconExtractor = new IconExtractor(_uplayExe);
//Icon _uplayIcon = uplayIconExtractor.GetIcon(0);
MultiIcon _uplayIcon = new MultiIcon();
List<uint> uplayAppIdsInstalled = new List<uint>();
// Now look for what games app id's are actually installed on this computer
using (RegistryKey uplayAppsKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(_registryAppsKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
if (uplayAppsKey != null)
// Loop through the subKeys as they are the Uplay Game IDs
foreach (string uplayGameKeyName in uplayAppsKey.GetSubKeyNames())
uint uplayAppId = 0;
if (uint.TryParse(uplayGameKeyName, out uplayAppId))
string uplayGameKeyFullName = $"{_registryAppsKey}\\{uplayGameKeyName}";
using (RegistryKey uplayGameKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(uplayGameKeyFullName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree))
// If the Installed Value is set to 1, then the game is installed
// We want to keep track of that for later
if ((int)uplayGameKey.GetValue(@"Installed", 0) == 1)
// Add this Uplay App ID to the list we're keeping for later
// Now we parse the uplay appinfo.vdf to get access to things like:
// - The game name
// - THe game installation dir
// - Sometimes the game icon
// - Sometimes the game executable name (from which we can get the icon)
Dictionary<uint, UplayAppInfo> uplayAppInfo = new Dictionary<uint, UplayAppInfo>();
string appInfoVdfFile = Path.Combine(_uplayPath, "appcache", "appinfo.vdf");
var newAppInfo = new AppInfo();
Console.WriteLine($"{newAppInfo.Apps.Count} apps");
// Chec through all the apps we've extracted
foreach (var app in newAppInfo.Apps)
// We only care about the appIDs we have listed as actual games
// (The AppIds include all other DLC and Uplay specific stuff too)
if (uplayAppIdsInstalled.Contains(app.AppID))
UplayAppInfo uplayGameAppInfo = new UplayAppInfo();
uplayGameAppInfo.GameID = app.AppID;
uplayGameAppInfo.GameExes = new List<string>();
foreach (KVObject data in app.Data)
//Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Data.Name: {data.Name}");
if (data.Name == "common")
foreach (KVObject common in data.Children)
//Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Common {common.Name}: {common.Value}");
if (common.Name == "name")
Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Common {common.Name}: {common.Value}");
uplayGameAppInfo.GameName = common.Value.ToString();
else if (common.Name == "clienticon")
Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Common {common.Name}: {common.Value}");
uplayGameAppInfo.GameUplayIconPath = Path.Combine(_uplayPath, @"uplay", @"games", String.Concat(common.Value, @".ico"));
else if (common.Name == "type")
Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Common {common.Name}: {common.Value}");
else if (data.Name == "config")
foreach (KVObject config in data.Children)
//Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Config {config.Name}: {config.Value}");
if (config.Name == "installdir")
Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Config {config.Name}: {config.Value}");
uplayGameAppInfo.GameInstallDir = config.Value.ToString();
else if (config.Name == "launch")
foreach (KVObject launch in config.Children)
foreach (KVObject launch_num in launch.Children)
if (launch_num.Name == "executable")
Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Config - Launch {launch.Name} - {launch_num.Name}: {launch_num.Value}");
uplayAppInfo.Add(app.AppID, uplayGameAppInfo);
catch (ArgumentException e)
//we just want to ignore it if we try to add it twice....
Console.WriteLine($"App: {app.AppID} - Token: {app.Token}");
// Now we access the config.vdf that lives in the Uplay Config file, as that lists all
// the UplayLibraries. We need to find out where they areso we can interrogate them
_uplayConfigVdfFile = Path.Combine(_uplayPath, "config", "config.vdf");
string uplayConfigVdfText = File.ReadAllText(_uplayConfigVdfFile, Encoding.UTF8);
List<string> uplayLibrariesPaths = new List<string>();
// Now we have to parse the config.vdf looking for the location of the UplayLibraries
// We look for lines similar to this: "BaseInstallFolder_1" "E:\\UplayLibrary"
// There may be multiple so we need to check the whole file
Regex uplayLibrariesRegex = new Regex(@"""BaseInstallFolder_\d+""\s+""(.*)""", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Try to match all lines against the Regex.
Match uplayLibrariesMatches = uplayLibrariesRegex.Match(uplayConfigVdfText);
// If at least one of them matched!
if (uplayLibrariesMatches.Success)
// Loop throug the results and add to an array
for (int i = 1; i < uplayLibrariesMatches.Groups.Count; i++)
string uplayLibraryPath = Regex.Unescape(uplayLibrariesMatches.Groups[i].Value);
Console.WriteLine($"Found uplay library: {uplayLibraryPath}");
// Now we go off and find the details for the games in each Uplay Library
foreach (string uplayLibraryPath in uplayLibrariesPaths)
// Work out the path to the appmanifests for this uplayLibrary
string uplayLibraryAppManifestPath = Path.Combine(uplayLibraryPath, @"uplayapps");
// Get the names of the App Manifests for the games installed in this UplayLibrary
string[] uplayLibraryAppManifestFilenames = Directory.GetFiles(uplayLibraryAppManifestPath, "appmanifest_*.acf");
// Go through each app and extract it's details
foreach (string uplayLibraryAppManifestFilename in uplayLibraryAppManifestFilenames)
// Read in the contents of the file
string uplayLibraryAppManifestText = File.ReadAllText(uplayLibraryAppManifestFilename);
// Grab the appid from the file
Regex appidRegex = new Regex(@"""appid""\s+""(\d+)""", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Match appidMatches = appidRegex.Match(uplayLibraryAppManifestText);
if (appidMatches.Success)
uint uplayGameId = 0;
if (uint.TryParse(appidMatches.Groups[1].Value, out uplayGameId))
// Check if this game is one that was installed
if (uplayAppInfo.ContainsKey(uplayGameId))
// This game is an installed game! so we start to populate it with data!
string uplayGameExe = "";
string uplayGameName = uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameName;
// Construct the full path to the game dir from the appInfo and libraryAppManifest data
string uplayGameInstallDir = Path.Combine(uplayLibraryPath, @"uplayapps", @"common", uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameInstallDir);
// Next, we need to get the Icons we want to use, and make sure it's the latest one.
string uplayGameIconPath = "";
// First of all, we attempt to use the Icon that Uplay has cached, if it's available, as that will be updated to the latest
if (File.Exists(uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameUplayIconPath))
uplayGameIconPath = uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameUplayIconPath;
// If there isn't an icon for us to use, then we need to extract one from the Game Executables
else if (uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameExes.Count > 0)
foreach (string gameExe in uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameExes)
uplayGameExe = Path.Combine(uplayGameInstallDir, gameExe);
// If the game executable exists, then we can proceed
if (File.Exists(uplayGameExe))
// Now we need to get the Icon from the app if possible if it's not in the games folder
uplayGameIconPath = uplayGameExe;
// The absolute worst case means we don't have an icon to use. SO we use the Uplay one.
// And we have to make do with a Uplay Icon
uplayGameIconPath = _uplayPath;
// And finally we try to populate the 'where', to see what gets run
// And so we can extract the process name
if (uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameExes.Count > 0)
foreach (string gameExe in uplayAppInfo[uplayGameId].GameExes)
uplayGameExe = Path.Combine(uplayGameInstallDir, gameExe);
// If the game executable exists, then we can proceed
if (File.Exists(uplayGameExe))
// And we add the Game to the list of games we have!
uplayGameList.Add(new UplayGame(uplayGameId, uplayGameName, uplayGameInstallDir, uplayGameExe, uplayGameIconPath));
catch (SecurityException e)
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("SecurityException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("UnauthorizedAccessException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("ObjectDisposedException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
catch (IOException e)
// Extract some information from this exception, and then
// throw it to the parent method.
if (e.Source != null)
Console.WriteLine("IOException source: {0} - Message: {1}", e.Source, e.Message);
return uplayGameList;
public override string ToString()
var name = _uplayGameName;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
name = Language.Unknown;
if (IsRunning)
return name + " " + Language.Running;
if (IsUpdating)
return name + " " + Language.Updating;
/*if (IsInstalled)
return name + " " + Language.Installed;
return name + " " + Language.Not_Installed;