const char* host = "ESP-OTA"; // Used for MDNS resolution const char* ssid = "ssid"; const char* password = "password"; #include <WebOTA.h> long start = 0; long max_seconds = 30; long i = 2; // Start at 2 long found = 0; // Number of primtes we've found int LED_PIN = 16; bool is_prime(long num) { // Only have to check for divisible for the sqrt(number) int upper = sqrt(num); // Check if the number is evenly divisible (start at 2 going up) for (long cnum = 2; cnum <= upper; cnum++) { long mod = num % cnum; // Remainder // If the remainer is 0 it's evenly divisible if (mod == 0) { return false; } } // If you get this far it's prime return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); start = millis(); init_wifi(ssid, password, host); // Defaults to 8080 and "/webota" //webota.init(80, "/update"); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); bool prime = is_prime(i); // Check if the number we're on is prime if (prime) { Serial.print(i); Serial.println(" is prime "); found++; } int running_seconds = (millis() - start) / 1000; if (max_seconds > 0 && (running_seconds >= max_seconds)) { Serial.print("Found "); Serial.print(found); Serial.print(" primes in "); Serial.print(max_seconds); Serial.println(" seconds"); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); webota.delay(15000); i = 2; found = 0; start = millis(); } i++; webota.handle(); }