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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:19 +00:00
Merge pull request #3 from nuttytree/f/tuya-light-refactor
Major refactor of the Tuya Light Plus component
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
## Dimmer Switches
> ### [Feit Dimmers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SXDFH38/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
> After trying several dimmers I finally decided to standardize on on the Feit dimmers. I bought the first couple of these at Costco for a better price than Amazon but Costco doesn't seem to carry them anymore.
> Things I like about these switches:
> > * Can be flashed using [Tuya-Convert](https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert)
> Things I like about these dimmers:
> > * ~~Can be flashed using [Tuya-Convert](https://github.com/ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert)~~ Unfortunately Feit has started shipping these with updated firmware that does not currently work with Tuya Convert. Hopefully the excellent Tuya Convert team can figure out how to work around the new firmware. Until then I did find this [tutorial](https://community.smartthings.com/t/costco-cheap-feit-smart-dimmer-wifi/208142) on flashing these devices (I have not tried this yet).
> > * Have a solid feel to them
> > * They can be linked via a traveler wire (this works even when flashed with ESPHome and while not mentioned in the documentation you can link more than 2 switches this way)
> Things I don't like about these switches:
> Things I don't like about these dimmers:
> > * Have to click repeatedly to change the brightness (can't hold to change)
> > * All buttons are managed by the Tuya MCU so adding things like double-taps is kind of a hack
@ -65,9 +65,13 @@
> > * The default level is configurable as different levels when my house is in "Day" mode vs "Night" mode (based on a sensor in Home Assistant) and via a service in Home Assistant
> > * Provides an option to auto turn off the light after a period of time
> > * The auto turn off time is configurable to be different when my house is in "Day" mode vs "Night" mode (based on a sensor in Home Assistant) and via a service in Home Assistant
> > * Adds ability to specify a function to call when the switch is double tapped
> > * Adds ability to specify a function to call when the dimmer is double tapped while off
> > * Double tapping while off can be configured to leave the light in an off or on state
> > * Adds ability to specify a function to call when the dimmer is double tapped while on
> > * Allows you to "link" other light(s) in Home Assistant that will be controlled by this dimmer
> Details on using the [tuya_light_plus.h](./custom/tuya_light_plus.h) component can be found [here](TuyaLightPlus.md).
> The following devices are Feit Dimmers:
> > * [Basement Stair Lights](./devices/basement_stair_lights_1.yaml)/[Basement Stair Lights 2](./devices/basement_stair_lights_2.yaml)
> > * [Computer Light](./devices/computer_light.yaml)
@ -83,7 +87,7 @@
## Dimmer Switches as On/Off Switches
> ### [Feit Dimmers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SXDFH38/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
> I tried to find an on/off switch that looked/felt like the Feit dimmers but didn't find anything so I decided to use the Feit dimmers.
> I tried to find an on/off switch that looked/felt like the Feit dimmers but didn't find anything so I decided to use the Feit dimmers as switches.
> #### Fans
> I created a custom [tuya_dimmer_as_binary_fan_output.h](./custom/tuya_dimmer_as_binary_fan_output.h) component that prevents the dimmer from being dimmed (always changes it right back to 100%) and can report the change in on/off status back to a fan component.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# Tuya Light Plus
## Overview
> The custom [tuya_light_plus.h](./custom/tuya_light_plus.h) component extends the standard Tuya Light component. I have only used this with [Feit Dimmers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SXDFH38/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) but it should work with most (if not all) Tuya dimmers and provides the following extra features:
> > * Resets the brightness level back to a default level when turned off so that it always comes on at the same level instead of the level it was at when turned off
> > * The default level is configurable as different levels when my house is in "Day" mode vs "Night" mode (based on a sensor in Home Assistant) and via a service in Home Assistant
> > * Provides an option to auto turn off the light after a period of time
> > * The auto turn off time is configurable to be different when my house is in "Day" mode vs "Night" mode (based on a sensor in Home Assistant) and via a service in Home Assistant
> > * Adds ability to specify a function to call when the dimmer is double tapped while off
> > * Double tapping while off can be configured to leave the light in an off or on state
> > * Adds ability to specify a function to call when the dimmer is double tapped while on
> > * Allows you to "link" other light(s) in Home Assistant that will be controlled by this dimmer
## Setup
> 1. Include the custom component
> > ```yaml
> > esphome:
> > includes:
> > - ../custom/tuya_light_plus.h
> > ```
> 2. Setup Dependencies
> > Like the standard Tuya Light component we need the UART and Tuya components
> > ```yaml
> > uart:
> > rx_pin: GPIO3
> > tx_pin: GPIO1
> > baud_rate: 9600
> >
> > tuya:
> > ```
> 3. Setup the Custom Light Component
> > ```yaml
> > light:
> > - platform: custom
> > lambda: |-
> > # Required - Creates the custom light component.
> > TuyaLight = new TuyaLightPlus();
> > # Required - Sets the Tuya component used to communicate with the light.
> > TuyaLight->set_tuya_parent(tuya_tuya);
> > # Required - Sets the API Server object needed to configure the services in Home Assistant and add the Day/Night sensor listener.
> > TuyaLight->set_api_server(api_apiserver);
> > # Required - Sets the switch datapoint (same as switch_datapoint option in the standard Tuya light component).
> > TuyaLight->set_switch_id(1);
> > # Required - Sets the dimmer datapoint (same as dimmer_datapoint option in the standard Tuya light component).
> > TuyaLight->set_dimmer_id(2);
> > # Optional(default: 0) - Sets the lowest dimmer value allowed (same as min_value option in the standard Tuya light component).
> > TuyaLight->set_min_value(0);
> > # Optional(default: 255) - Sets the highest dimmer value allowed (same as max_value option in the standard Tuya light component).
> > TuyaLight->set_max_value(1000);
> > # Optional(default: "") - Sets the name of the sensor in Home Assistant that tracks day and night mode (This needs to be a Text sensor with Day and Night as the possible values).
> > TuyaLight->set_day_night_sensor("sensor.day_night");
> > # Optional(default: 1) - Sets the default brightness to turn the light on at (valid values are .01 - 1). Note this value will get updated with the Day/Night values below if the Day/Night sensor is set.
> > TuyaLight->set_default_brightness(1);
> > # Optional(default: 1) - Sets the default brightness to turn the light on at during the day (valid values are .01 - 1).
> > TuyaLight->set_day_default_brightness(1);
> > # Optional(default: .03) - Sets the default brightness to turn the light on at during the night (valid values are .01 - 1).
> > TuyaLight->set_night_default_brightness(.03);
> > # Optional(default: 0) - Sets the number of minutes before the light is turned off automatically (0 disables auto off). Note this value will get updated with the Day/Night values below if the Day/Night sensor is set.
> > TuyaLight->set_auto_off_minutes(0);
> > # Optional(default: 0) - Sets the number of minutes before the light is turned off automatically during the day (0 disables auto off during the day).
> > TuyaLight->set_day_auto_off_minutes(0);
> > # Optional(default: 0) - Sets the number of minutes before the light is turned off automatically during the night (0 disables auto off during the night).
> > TuyaLight->set_night_auto_off_minutes(15);
> > # Optional(default: "") - Sets the comma delimited list of lights in Home Assistant that are "linked" to this light and will be controlled by this dimmer.
> > TuyaLight->set_linked_lights("light.some_light,light.some_other_light");
> > # Optional - Adds a function to run when double tapped while off. This can be any valid C++ code similar to a lambda funtion. Multiple functions can be added by calling this method again.
> > TuyaLight->add_double_tap_while_off_callback([]() {
> > ESP_LOGD("tuya_light_plus", "Light was double tapped while off");
> > });
> > # Optional - Adds a function to run when double tapped while on. This can be any valid C++ code similar to a lambda funtion. Multiple functions can be added by calling this method again.
> > TuyaLight->add_double_tap_while_on_callback([]() {
> > ESP_LOGD("tuya_light_plus", "Light was double tapped while on");
> > });
> > # Optional - Adds a function to run when double tapped (both while on and while off). This can be any valid C++ code similar to a lambda funtion. Multiple functions can be added by calling this method again.
> > TuyaLight->add_double_tap_callback([]() {
> > ESP_LOGD("tuya_light_plus", "Light was double tapped");
> > });
> > # Optional(default: true) - If true and 1 or more functions are registered to run when double tap while off then the light will be turned on when double tapped while off, if false the light will remain off after the double tap.
> > TuyaLight->set_double_tap_while_off_stays_on(true);
> > # Required - Registers the custom component with ESPHome
> > App.register_component(TuyaLight);
> > # Required - Returns the configured component to be added as a light
> > return {TuyaLight};
> > lights:
> > - id: tuya_light
> > name: Tuya Light
> > gamma_correct: 1.0
> > default_transition_length: 0s
> > ```
## Operation
> 1. Update from Home Assistant
> > After connecting to Home Assistant 2 services will be created that can be used to update the lights behavior:
> > * esphome.{device_name}_set_auto_off_minutes - This service takes a parameter "minutes" and updates the current minutes to auto turn off the light. Note this value will get updated if the Day/Night sensor is set.
> > * esphome.{device_name}_set_default_brightness - This service takes a parameter "brightness" (valid values .01 - 1) and updates the current default brightness to turn the light on at. Note this value will get updated if the Day/Night sensor is set.
> 2. Update from code on the dimmer
> > The following methods can be called from a lambda function (or other custom code) at anytime to update the settings on the light:
> > * TuyaLight->set_default_brightness(float brightness);
> > * TuyaLight->set_day_default_brightness(float brightness);
> > * TuyaLight->set_night_default_brightness(float brightness);
> > * TuyaLight->set_auto_off_minutes(int minutes);
> > * TuyaLight->set_day_auto_off_minutes(int minutes);
> > * TuyaLight->set_night_auto_off_minutes(int minutes);
> > * TuyaLight->set_double_tap_while_off_stays_on(bool stays_on);
@ -1,41 +1,55 @@
#include "esphome.h"
class TuyaLightPlus : public tuya::TuyaLight, public CustomAPIDevice
using namespace esphome;
class TuyaLightPlus : public Component, public light::LightOutput, public api::CustomAPIDevice
void setup() override;
void loop() override;
void set_dimmer_id(uint8_t dimmer_id) { this->dimmer_id_ = dimmer_id; }
void set_switch_id(uint8_t switch_id) { this->switch_id_ = switch_id; }
void set_tuya_parent(tuya::Tuya *parent) { this->parent_ = parent; }
void set_min_value(uint32_t min_value) { this->min_value_ = min_value; }
void set_max_value(uint32_t max_value) { this->max_value_ = max_value; }
light::LightTraits get_traits() override;
void setup_state(light::LightState *state) override;
void write_state(light::LightState *state) override;
void loop() override;
void set_day_default_brightness(float brightness) { day_default_brightness_ = brightness; }
void set_night_default_brightness(float brightness) { night_default_brightness_ = brightness; }
void set_day_auto_off_minutes(uint32_t minutes) { day_auto_off_time_ = minutes * 60 * 1000; }
void set_night_auto_off_minutes(uint32_t minutes) { night_auto_off_time_ = minutes * 60 * 1000; }
void set_api_server(api::APIServer *api_server) { api_server_ = api_server; };
void set_day_default_brightness(float brightness) { this->day_default_brightness_ = brightness; }
void set_night_default_brightness(float brightness) { this->night_default_brightness_ = brightness; }
void set_day_auto_off_minutes(uint32_t minutes) { this->day_auto_off_time_ = minutes * 60 * 1000; }
void set_night_auto_off_minutes(uint32_t minutes) { this->night_auto_off_time_ = minutes * 60 * 1000; }
void set_api_server(api::APIServer *api_server) { this->api_server_ = api_server; };
void set_day_night_sensor(const std::string day_night_sensor);
void set_linked_lights(const std::string linked_lights);
void add_double_tap_off_callback(const std::function<void()> &func);
void add_double_tap_on_callback(const std::function<void()> &func);
void set_double_tap_on_stays_on(bool stays_on) { double_tap_on_stays_on_ = stays_on; }
void add_double_tap_while_on_callback(const std::function<void()> &func);
void add_double_tap_while_off_callback(const std::function<void()> &func);
void set_double_tap_while_off_stays_on(bool stays_on) { this->double_tap_while_off_stays_on_ = stays_on; }
void add_double_tap_callback(const std::function<void()> &func);
void set_default_brightness(float brightness);
void set_auto_off_minutes(int minutes) { current_auto_off_time_ = minutes * 60 * 1000; }
void set_auto_off_minutes(int minutes) { this->current_auto_off_time_ = minutes * 60 * 1000; }
float tuya_level_to_brightness(uint32_t level) { return float(level) / max_value_; }
uint32_t brightness_to_tuya_level(float brightness) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(brightness * max_value_); }
bool is_on() { return state_->current_values.is_on(); }
float brightness_pct() { return static_cast<uint32_t>(state_->current_values.get_brightness() * 100); }
float tuya_level_to_brightness(uint32_t level) { return static_cast<float>(level) / static_cast<float>(this->max_value_); }
uint32_t brightness_to_tuya_level(float brightness) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(brightness * this->max_value_); }
float brightness_pct() { return static_cast<uint32_t>(this->state_->current_values.get_brightness() * 100); }
void on_day_night_changed(std::string state);
void handle_tuya_datapoint(esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint);
void handle_tuya_datapoint(tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint);
void set_tuya_state(bool state);
void set_tuya_level(uint32_t level);
void update_tuya_level();
void update_current_state(bool state);
void update_current_brightness(float brightness);
void update_linked_lights();
void set_default_auto_off_time(int time) { default_auto_off_time_ = time; current_auto_off_time_ = time; }
void set_default_auto_off_time(int time) { this->default_auto_off_time_ = time; this->current_auto_off_time_ = time; }
tuya::Tuya *parent_;
optional<uint8_t> dimmer_id_{};
optional<uint8_t> switch_id_{};
uint32_t min_value_ = 0;
uint32_t max_value_ = 255;
light::LightState *state_{nullptr};
float day_default_brightness_ = 1;
float night_default_brightness_ = .03;
@ -48,92 +62,116 @@ class TuyaLightPlus : public tuya::TuyaLight, public CustomAPIDevice
api::APIServer *api_server_;
api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<> *linked_lights_turn_on_action_;
api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<> *linked_lights_turn_off_action_;
bool has_double_tap_off_ = false;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> double_tap_off_callbacks_;
bool has_double_tap_on_ = false;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> double_tap_on_callbacks_;
bool double_tap_on_stays_on_ = true;
bool has_double_tap_while_on_ = false;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> double_tap_while_on_callbacks_;
bool has_double_tap_while_off_ = false;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> double_tap_while_off_callbacks_;
bool double_tap_while_off_stays_on_ = true;
bool tuya_state_;
unsigned long state_changed_at_;
bool is_software_state_change_;
bool is_reported_state_change_;
unsigned long double_tap_off_timeout_;
bool was_double_tapped_off_;
unsigned long double_tap_on_timeout_;
bool was_double_tapped_on_;
unsigned long double_tap_while_on_timeout_;
bool was_double_tapped_while_on_;
unsigned long double_tap_while_off_timeout_;
bool was_double_tapped_while_off_;
void TuyaLightPlus::setup()
parent_->register_listener(*switch_id_, [this](esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint) { handle_tuya_datapoint(datapoint); });
this->parent_->register_listener(*this->switch_id_, [this](tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint) { this->handle_tuya_datapoint(datapoint); });
parent_->register_listener(*dimmer_id_, [this](esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint) { handle_tuya_datapoint(datapoint); });
this->parent_->register_listener(*this->dimmer_id_, [this](tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint) { this->handle_tuya_datapoint(datapoint); });
register_service(&TuyaLightPlus::set_auto_off_minutes, "set_auto_off_minutes", {"minutes"});
this->register_service(&TuyaLightPlus::set_auto_off_minutes, "set_auto_off_minutes", {"minutes"});
register_service(&TuyaLightPlus::set_default_brightness, "set_default_brightness", {"brightness"});
this->register_service(&TuyaLightPlus::set_default_brightness, "set_default_brightness", {"brightness"});
void TuyaLightPlus::loop()
light::LightTraits TuyaLightPlus::get_traits() {
auto traits = light::LightTraits();
return traits;
void TuyaLightPlus::setup_state(light::LightState *state)
if (double_tap_off_timeout_ != 0 && millis() > double_tap_off_timeout_)
double_tap_off_timeout_ = 0;
if (was_double_tapped_off_)
was_double_tapped_off_ = false;
for (auto &callback : this->double_tap_off_callbacks_)
if (double_tap_on_timeout_ != 0 && millis() > double_tap_on_timeout_)
if (!is_on())
is_software_state_change_ = true;
double_tap_on_timeout_ = 0;
if (was_double_tapped_on_)
was_double_tapped_on_ = false;
for (auto &callback : this->double_tap_on_callbacks_)
if (current_auto_off_time_ != 0 && is_on() && millis() >= state_changed_at_ + current_auto_off_time_)
this->state_ = state;
this->tuya_state_ = this->state_->current_values.is_on();
void TuyaLightPlus::write_state(light::LightState *state)
if (!is_reported_state_change_) {
is_software_state_change_ = true;
float brightness;
if (brightness == 0.0f)
else if (this->tuya_state_)
// The light is already on so just set the brightness
is_reported_state_change_ = false;
// If the light is currently off only turn it on, we will set the brightness in the datapoint handler
void TuyaLightPlus::loop()
// Double tap while on timed out
if (this->double_tap_while_on_timeout_ != 0 && millis() > this->double_tap_while_on_timeout_)
ESP_LOGD("loop", "Double tap while on timed out");
this->double_tap_while_on_timeout_ = 0;
// Handle double tap while on callbacks
if (this->was_double_tapped_while_on_)
ESP_LOGD("loop", "Handle double tap while on callbacks");
this->was_double_tapped_while_on_ = false;
for (auto &callback : this->double_tap_while_on_callbacks_)
// Double tap while off timed out, turn the light on
if (this->double_tap_while_off_timeout_ != 0 && millis() > this->double_tap_while_off_timeout_)
ESP_LOGD("loop", "Double tap while off timed out");
this->double_tap_while_off_timeout_ = 0;
// Handle double tap while off callbacks
if (this->was_double_tapped_while_off_)
ESP_LOGD("loop", "Handle double tap while off callbacks");
this->was_double_tapped_while_off_ = false;
for (auto &callback : this->double_tap_while_off_callbacks_)
// Handle auto turn off
if (this->current_auto_off_time_ != 0 && this->tuya_state_ && millis() >= this->state_changed_at_ + this->current_auto_off_time_)
ESP_LOGD("loop", "auto turn off");
void TuyaLightPlus::set_day_night_sensor(const std::string day_night_sensor)
if (day_night_sensor != "")
subscribe_homeassistant_state(&TuyaLightPlus::on_day_night_changed, day_night_sensor);
this->subscribe_homeassistant_state(&TuyaLightPlus::on_day_night_changed, day_night_sensor);
@ -141,198 +179,205 @@ void TuyaLightPlus::set_linked_lights(const std::string linked_lights)
if (linked_lights != "")
has_linked_lights_ = true;
this->has_linked_lights_ = true;
linked_lights_turn_on_action_ = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_server_, false);
linked_lights_turn_on_action_->add_data("entity_id", linked_lights);
linked_lights_turn_on_action_->add_variable("brightness_pct", [=]() { return brightness_pct(); });
linked_lights_turn_on_action_->add_data_template("brightness_pct", "{{ brightness_pct }}");
this->linked_lights_turn_on_action_ = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(this->api_server_, false);
this->linked_lights_turn_on_action_->add_data("entity_id", linked_lights);
this->linked_lights_turn_on_action_->add_variable("brightness_pct", [=]() { return this->brightness_pct(); });
this->linked_lights_turn_on_action_->add_data_template("brightness_pct", "{{ brightness_pct }}");
linked_lights_turn_off_action_ = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_server_, false);
linked_lights_turn_off_action_->add_data("entity_id", linked_lights);
this->linked_lights_turn_off_action_ = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(this->api_server_, false);
this->linked_lights_turn_off_action_->add_data("entity_id", linked_lights);
void TuyaLightPlus::add_double_tap_off_callback(const std::function<void()> &func)
void TuyaLightPlus::add_double_tap_while_on_callback(const std::function<void()> &func)
has_double_tap_off_ = true;
this->has_double_tap_while_on_ = true;
void TuyaLightPlus::add_double_tap_on_callback(const std::function<void()> &func)
void TuyaLightPlus::add_double_tap_while_off_callback(const std::function<void()> &func)
has_double_tap_on_ = true;
this->has_double_tap_while_off_ = true;
void TuyaLightPlus::add_double_tap_callback(const std::function<void()> &func)
void TuyaLightPlus::set_default_brightness(float brightness)
default_brightness_ = brightness > 1 ? 1 : brightness;
this->default_brightness_ = brightness > 1 ? 1 : brightness;
// If the light is off update the brightness in the state and publish so regardless of how the light is turned on the brightness will be the default
if (!this->tuya_state_)
this->state_->remote_values = this->state_->current_values;
void TuyaLightPlus::on_day_night_changed(std::string state)
if (state == "Day")
else if (state == "Night")
void TuyaLightPlus::handle_tuya_datapoint(esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint)
void TuyaLightPlus::handle_tuya_datapoint(tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint)
if (datapoint.id == *switch_id_)
ESP_LOGD("handle_tuya_datapoint", "Start");
if (datapoint.id == *this->switch_id_)
bool new_state = datapoint.value_bool;
if (!is_software_state_change_)
ESP_LOGD("handle_tuya_datapoint", "Datapoint state value: %s", ONOFF(datapoint.value_bool));
// Light turned on
if (datapoint.value_bool)
if (has_double_tap_off_)
// Turned on with the physical button
if (!this->tuya_state_)
if (is_on() and !new_state)
if (this->has_double_tap_while_on_)
double_tap_off_timeout_ = millis() + 400;
else if (new_state && double_tap_off_timeout_ >= millis())
new_state = false;
double_tap_off_timeout_ = 0;
was_double_tapped_off_ = true;
if (has_double_tap_on_)
if (!is_on() && new_state)
if (double_tap_on_timeout_ == 0)
// We are in a double tap while on timeout period so this is a double tap
if (this->double_tap_while_on_timeout_ != 0)
new_state = false;
double_tap_on_timeout_ = millis() + 400;
// Double tap while on always stays off otherwise it results in weird flashing behavior
this->double_tap_while_on_timeout_ = 0;
this->was_double_tapped_while_on_ = true;
if (this->has_double_tap_while_off_)
// We are not in a double tap while off timeout period
if (this->double_tap_while_off_timeout_ == 0)
// Turn the light back off and wait to see if we get a double tap
this->double_tap_while_off_timeout_ = millis() + DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT;
// We are in a double tap while off timeout period so this is a double tap
double_tap_on_timeout_ = 0;
if (!double_tap_on_stays_on_)
this->double_tap_while_off_timeout_ = 0;
this->was_double_tapped_while_off_ = true;
// If double tap while off triggers an event but does not turn on the light then turn it back off
if (!this->double_tap_while_off_stays_on_)
new_state = false;
was_double_tapped_on_ = true;
// We got through all the double tap logic and the light is still on so update the Tuya state
this->tuya_state_ = true;
// Set the brightness to the correct level (it currently is at 0)
is_software_state_change_ = false;
if (new_state != is_on())
// Light turned off
is_reported_state_change_ = true;
// Turned off with physical button
if (this->tuya_state_)
if (has_double_tap_while_on_)
// Start the double tap while on timeout
this->double_tap_while_on_timeout_ = millis() + DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT;
// Update the Tuya state
this->tuya_state_ = false;
// Set the Tuya level to 0 to prevent flashes during double taps
// Set the current brightness to the default so that it will turn on at the default brightness
// Update the current values state
else if (datapoint.id == *this->dimmer_id_)
ESP_LOGD("handle_tuya_datapoint", "Datapoint level value: %u", datapoint.value_uint);
// Only react to dimmer level changes if the light is on
else if (datapoint.id == *dimmer_id_)
// Update state changed at time
this->state_changed_at_ = millis();
// If the remote values do not reflect the current values update and publish the values
if (this->state_->current_values != this->state_->remote_values)
is_reported_state_change_ = true;
this->state_->remote_values = this->state_->current_values;
// Update any linked lights
ESP_LOGD("handle_tuya_datapoint", "Finish");
void TuyaLightPlus::set_tuya_state(bool state)
is_software_state_change_ = true;
esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint{};
datapoint.id = *switch_id_;
datapoint.type = esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapointType::BOOLEAN;
ESP_LOGD("set_tuya_state", "Current state: %s", ONOFF(this->tuya_state_));
this->tuya_state_ = state;
tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint{};
datapoint.id = *this->switch_id_;
datapoint.type = tuya::TuyaDatapointType::BOOLEAN;
datapoint.value_bool = state;
ESP_LOGD("set_tuya_state", "New state: %s", ONOFF(this->tuya_state_));
void TuyaLightPlus::set_tuya_level(uint32_t level)
esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint{};
datapoint.id = *dimmer_id_;
datapoint.type = esphome::tuya::TuyaDatapointType::INTEGER;
datapoint.value_uint = std::max(level, min_value_);
void TuyaLightPlus::update_tuya_level()
if (!is_on())
if (double_tap_off_timeout_ != 0)
else if (has_double_tap_on_ && double_tap_on_timeout_ == 0)
void TuyaLightPlus::update_current_state(bool state)
state_changed_at_ = millis();
auto call = state_->make_call();
current_auto_off_time_ = default_auto_off_time_;
void TuyaLightPlus::update_current_brightness(float brightness)
auto call = state_->make_call();
if (is_on())
tuya::TuyaDatapoint datapoint{};
datapoint.id = *this->dimmer_id_;
datapoint.type = tuya::TuyaDatapointType::INTEGER;
datapoint.value_uint = std::max(level, this->min_value_);
void TuyaLightPlus::update_linked_lights()
if (has_linked_lights_)
if (this->has_linked_lights_)
if (is_on())
if (this->state_->current_values.is_on())
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: "light.basement_stair_lights_2"
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: "light.basement_stair_lights"
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "30"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
- lambda: |-
TuyaLight->add_double_tap_on_callback([]() { TuyaLight->set_auto_off_minutes(0); });
TuyaLight->add_double_tap_while_on_callback([]() { TuyaLight->set_auto_off_minutes(0); });
feit_dimmer: !include ../packages/feit_dimmer.yaml
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ substitutions:
day_auto_off_minutes: "0"
night_auto_off_minutes: "15"
linked_lights: ""
double_tap_on_stays_on: "true"
double_tap_while_off_stays_on: "true"
- id: startup
@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ packages:
<<: !include ../components/logger/logger_no_serial.yaml
# We need this dummy light to get the base tuya_light code pulled in to the build folder
- platform: "tuya"
id: dummy_light
switch_datapoint: 255
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
TuyaLight = new TuyaLightPlus();
@ -35,7 +31,7 @@ light:
return {TuyaLight};
Reference in New Issue
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