substitutions: device_id: pool_pumps device_name: Pool Pumps platform: ESP8266 board: modwifi ip_address: !secret pool_pumps_ip ota_pwd: !secret pool_pumps_ota_pwd api_pwd: !secret pool_pumps_api_pwd ap_wifi_pwd: !secret pool_pumps_ap_wifi_pwd packages: device_base: !include ../packages/device_base.yaml external_components: - source: github://cbpowell/ESPSense components: [ espsense ] espsense: plugs: - name: Pool Pump power_sensor: pool_pump_power current_sensor: pool_pump_current voltage_sensor: voltage - name: Pool Cleaner power_sensor: pool_cleaner_power current_sensor: pool_cleaner_current voltage_sensor: voltage i2c: sda: GPIO12 scl: GPIO14 sensor: - platform: ade7953 voltage: name: ${device_name} Voltage id: voltage filters: - multiply: 2 current_a: name: Pool Cleaner Current id: pool_cleaner_current filters: - lambda: |- // Filter the initial high current spike when the motor starts to prevent tripping the on_value_range logic static float last_cleaner_current = 0.0; if (isnan(x)) { return {}; } if (last_cleaner_current <= 7 && x > 7) { last_cleaner_current = x; return {}; } return last_cleaner_current = x < .1 ? 0.0 : x; on_value_range: above: 7 then: - switch.turn_off: pool_cleaner current_b: name: Pool Pump Current id: pool_pump_current filters: - lambda: |- // Filter the initial high current spike when the motor starts to prevent tripping the on_value_range logic static float last_pump_current = 0.0; if (isnan(x)) { return {}; } if (last_pump_current <= 8 && x > 8) { last_pump_current = x; return {}; } return last_pump_current = x < .1 ? 0.0 : x; on_value_range: above: 8 then: - switch.turn_off: pool_pump active_power_a: name: Pool Cleaner Power id: pool_cleaner_power filters: - lambda: "return x < .1 ? 0 : x * 2;" active_power_b: name: Pool Pump Power id: pool_pump_power filters: - lambda: "return abs(x) < .1 ? 0 : abs(x) * 2;" update_interval: 2s - platform: ntc sensor: temp_resistance_reading name: ${device_name} Temperature unit_of_measurement: "°C" accuracy_decimals: 1 icon: "mdi:thermometer" calibration: b_constant: 3350 reference_resistance: 10kOhm reference_temperature: 0°C - platform: resistance id: temp_resistance_reading sensor: temp_analog_reading configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 32kOhm - platform: adc id: temp_analog_reading pin: A0 - platform: template name: "Pool Mode Id" id: pool_mode_id internal: true - platform: total_daily_energy name: "Pool Pump Total Daily Energy" power_id: pool_pump_power state_class: "measurement" - platform: total_daily_energy name: "Pool Cleaner Total Daily Energy" power_id: pool_cleaner_power state_class: "measurement" status_led: pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: yes switch: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 name: "Pool Pump" id: pool_pump icon: mdi:pump on_turn_off: then: - switch.turn_off: pool_cleaner - platform: gpio pin: GPIO15 name: "Pool Cleaner" id: pool_cleaner icon: mdi:robot-vacuum on_turn_on: then: - switch.turn_on: pool_pump text_sensor: - platform: homeassistant name: "Pool Mode Text" entity_id: input_select.pool_mode on_value: then: - sensor.template.publish: id: pool_mode_id state: !lambda 'return x == "Off" ? 0 : x == "Normal" ? 1 : x == "Continuous Without Heat" ? 2 : x == "Continuous With Heat" ? 3 : id(pool_mode_id).state;' time: - platform: homeassistant id: the_time on_time: seconds: 0 minutes: 0,15,30,45 then: lambda: |- if (id(pool_mode_id).state == 0) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_off"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); id(pool_cleaner).turn_off(); id(pool_pump).turn_off(); } else if (id(pool_mode_id).state == 1) { auto now = id(the_time).now(); int hour = now.hour; int minute = now.minute; if (hour == 3 && minute == 45) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_off"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); id(pool_cleaner).turn_off(); id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } else if (hour >= 4 && hour <= 5) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_off"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); if (id(pool_pump).state) { id(pool_cleaner).turn_on(); } else { id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } } else if (hour == 6) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_on"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); id(pool_cleaner).turn_off(); id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } else if (hour >= 7 && hour <= 20 && (minute == 0 || minute == 30)) { id(pool_pump).turn_off(); } else if (hour >= 8 && hour <= 20 && (minute == 15 || minute == 45)) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_on"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); id(pool_cleaner).turn_off(); id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } else if (hour == 21 && minute == 0) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_off"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); id(pool_cleaner).turn_off(); id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } else { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_off"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); id(pool_cleaner).turn_off(); id(pool_pump).turn_off(); } } else if (id(pool_mode_id).state == 2) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_off"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); if (id(pool_pump).state) { id(pool_cleaner).turn_on(); } else { id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } } else if (id(pool_mode_id).state == 3) { auto ha_service = new api::HomeAssistantServiceCallAction<>(api_apiserver, false); ha_service->set_service("switch.turn_on"); ha_service->add_data("entity_id", "switch.pool_heater"); ha_service->play(); if (id(pool_pump).state) { id(pool_cleaner).turn_on(); } else { id(pool_pump).turn_on(); } }