substitutions: device_id: coffee_maker device_name: Coffee Maker platform: ESP8266 board: nodemcuv2 ip_address: !secret coffee_maker_ip ota_pwd: !secret coffee_maker_ota_pwd api_pwd: !secret coffee_maker_api_pwd ap_wifi_pwd: !secret coffee_maker_ap_wifi_pwd esphome: <<: !include common/esphome.yaml <<: !include common/common.yaml <<: !include common/logger/logger_none.yaml binary_sensor: - !include common/binary_sensor/status.yaml - platform: gpio id: power_light pin: number: D5 mode: INPUT inverted: True filters: - delayed_on: 50ms - delayed_off: 50ms - platform: gpio id: bold_light pin: number: D6 mode: INPUT inverted: True filters: - delayed_on: 50ms - delayed_off: 50ms interval: - interval: 1s then: - lambda: |- // Coffee tastes better if allowed to "bloom" (wet the coffee and then let it sit for 30 seconds to release any trapped CO2 before completing brewing) // This logic automates this process regardless of how the coffee maker was turned on static int brewStage = 0; // 0=Off, 1=Pre-Wet, 2=Bloom, 3=Brew static unsigned long brewStageChange = 0; static bool isBoldBrew = false; // Coffee maker was off but now is on so it is in the pre-wet stage if (id(power_switch).state && brewStage == 0) { brewStage = 1; //Pre-Wet brewStageChange = millis() + 75000; isBoldBrew = id(bold_switch).state; } // Coffee should be wet now so turn off and let it bloom else if (id(power_switch).state && brewStage == 1 && millis() >= brewStageChange) { id(power_switch).turn_off(); brewStage = 2; //Bloom brewStageChange = millis() + 45000; } // Coffee has bloomed so turn back on to finish brewing else if (!id(power_switch).state && brewStage == 2 && millis() >= brewStageChange) { if (isBoldBrew && !id(bold_switch).state) { id(bold_switch).turn_on(); } id(power_switch).turn_on(); brewStage = 3; //Brew } // Manually powered off during Pre-Wet stage else if (!id(power_switch).state && brewStage == 1) { brewStage = 0; } // Manualy powered on during Bloom stage else if (id(power_switch).state && brewStage == 2) { brewStage = 3; } // Done brewing else if (!id(power_switch).state && brewStage == 3) { brewStage = 0; } sensor: - !include common/sensor/uptime.yaml - !include common/sensor/wifi.yaml switch: - !include common/switch/restart.yaml - platform: template id: power_switch name: "Coffee Maker" icon: mdi:coffee lambda: 'return id(power_light).state;' turn_on_action: then: - lambda: |- if (!id(power_light).state) { id(power_switch_physical).turn_on(); delay(200); id(power_switch_physical).turn_off(); delay(100); } turn_off_action: then: - lambda: |- if (id(power_light).state) { id(power_switch_physical).turn_on(); delay(200); id(power_switch_physical).turn_off(); delay(100); } - platform: gpio id: power_switch_physical pin: D0 inverted: true - platform: template id: bold_switch name: "Coffee Maker Bold Setting" icon: mdi:coffee lambda: 'return id(bold_light).state;' turn_on_action: then: - lambda: |- if (!id(bold_light).state) { id(bold_switch_physical).turn_on(); delay(200); id(bold_switch_physical).turn_off(); delay(100); } turn_off_action: then: - lambda: |- if (id(bold_light).state) { id(bold_switch_physical).turn_on(); delay(200); id(bold_switch_physical).turn_off(); delay(100); } - platform: gpio id: bold_switch_physical pin: D1 inverted: true text_sensor: - !include common/text_sensor/version.yaml - !include common/text_sensor/wifi.yaml