substitutions: platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev log_level: none wifi_ssid: !secret wifi_ssid wifi_password: !secret wifi_password esphome: name: ${device_id} platform: ${platform} board: ${board} arduino_version: latest build_path: ../build/${device_id} includes: - ../custom/scripture_of_the_day.h packages: wifi: !include wifi/wifi_dhcp.yaml logger: !include logger/logger.yaml custom_component: - lambda: |- Scripture = new ScriptureOfTheDay(); Scripture->set_http_request(http_cmp); Scripture->set_display(the_display); Scripture->set_deep_sleep(deep_sleep_cmp); Scripture->set_sntp(sntp_cmp); Scripture->set_fonts(verse_font, reference_font); return {Scripture}; # Setting run duration to 30s, if we aren't done by then something went wrong so we shutdown to save battery # Setting a default sleep time of 15min that will only apply if we forced a shutdown after the 30s run duration deep_sleep: id: deep_sleep_cmp run_duration: 30s sleep_duration: 15min display: - platform: waveshare_epaper id: the_display cs_pin: 15 dc_pin: 27 busy_pin: 25 reset_pin: 26 update_interval: 600s model: 7.50inV2 lambda: |- Scripture->display_scripture(); font: - file: "c:/windows/fonts/segoeprb.ttf" id: verse_font size: 35 glyphs: "~!&-;:\"',.?’—“”0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - file: "c:/windows/fonts/segoeprb.ttf" id: reference_font size: 30 glyphs: "-:0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" http_request: id: http_cmp spi: clk_pin: 13 mosi_pin: 14 time: - platform: sntp id: sntp_cmp timezone: America/Chicago