
661 lines
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Raw Normal View History

{% load i18n %}
{% load inventree_extras %}
* This file contains code for rendering (and managing) HTML forms
* which are served via the django-drf API.
* The django DRF library provides an OPTIONS method for each API endpoint,
* which allows us to introspect the available fields at any given endpoint.
* The OPTIONS method provides the following information for each available field:
* - Field name
* - Field label (translated)
* - Field help text (translated)
* - Field type
* - Read / write status
* - Field required status
* - min_value / max_value
* Return true if the OPTIONS specify that the user
* can perform a GET method at the endpoint.
function canView(OPTIONS) {
if ('actions' in OPTIONS) {
return ('GET' in OPTIONS.actions);
} else {
return false;
* Return true if the OPTIONS specify that the user
* can perform a POST method at the endpoint
function canCreate(OPTIONS) {
if ('actions' in OPTIONS) {
return ('POST' in OPTIONS.actions);
} else {
return false;
* Return true if the OPTIONS specify that the user
* can perform a PUT or PATCH method at the endpoint
function canChange(OPTIONS) {
if ('actions' in OPTIONS) {
return ('PUT' in OPTIONS.actions || 'PATCH' in OPTIONS.actions);
} else {
return false;
* Return true if the OPTIONS specify that the user
* can perform a DELETE method at the endpoint
function canDelete(OPTIONS) {
if ('actions' in OPTIONS) {
return ('DELETE' in OPTIONS.actions);
} else {
return false;
* Get the API endpoint options at the provided URL,
* using a HTTP options request.
function getApiEndpointOptions(url, callback, options={}) {
// Return the ajax request object
url: url,
type: 'OPTIONS',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
accepts: {
json: 'application/json',
success: callback,
error: function(request, status, error) {
// TODO: Handle error
console.log(`ERROR in getApiEndpointOptions at '${url}'`);
* Request API OPTIONS data from the server,
* and construct a modal form based on the response.
* arguments:
* - method: The HTTP method e.g. 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE',
* options:
* - method:
function constructForm(url, method, options={}) {
method = method.toUpperCase();
// Store the method in the options struct
options.method = method;
// Request OPTIONS endpoint from the API
getApiEndpointOptions(url, function(OPTIONS) {
* Determine what "type" of form we want to construct,
* based on the requested action.
* First we must determine if the user has the correct permissions!
switch (method) {
case 'POST':
if (canCreate(OPTIONS)) {
constructCreateForm(url, OPTIONS.actions.POST, options);
} else {
// User does not have permission to POST to the endpoint
console.log('cannot POST');
case 'PUT':
case 'PATCH':
if (canChange(OPTIONS)) {
constructChangeForm(url, OPTIONS.actions.PUT, options);
} else {
// User does not have permission to PUT/PATCH to the endpoint
console.log('cannot edit');
case 'DELETE':
if (canDelete(OPTIONS)) {
} else {
// User does not have permission to DELETE to the endpoint
console.log('cannot delete');
case 'GET':
if (canView(OPTIONS)) {
} else {
// User does not have permission to GET to the endpoint
console.log('cannot view');
console.log(`constructForm() called with invalid method '${method}'`);
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function constructFormBody(url, fields, options={}) {
var html = '';
var allowed_fields = options.fields || null;
var ignored_fields = options.ignore || [];
if (!ignored_fields.includes('pk')) {
if (!ignored_fields.includes('id')) {
// Construct an ordered list of field names
var field_names = [];
if (allowed_fields) {
allowed_fields.forEach(function(name) {
// Only push names which are actually in the set of fields
if (name in fields) {
if (!ignored_fields.includes(name) && !field_names.includes(name)) {
} else {
console.log(`WARNING: '${name}' does not match a valid field name.`);
} else {
for (const name in fields) {
if (!ignored_fields.includes(name) && !field_names.includes(name)) {
// Render selected fields
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for (var idx = 0; idx < field_names.length; idx++) {
var name = field_names[idx];
var field = fields[name];
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// Skip field types which are simply not supported
switch (field.type) {
case 'nested object':
var f = constructField(name, field, options);
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html += f;
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// TODO: Dynamically create the modals,
// so that we can have an infinite number of stacks!
var modal = '#modal-form';
modalEnable(modal, true);
var title = options.title || '{% trans "Form Title" %}';
modalSetTitle(modal, title);
// Insert generated form content
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modalShowSubmitButton(modal, true);
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* Construct a 'creation' (POST) form, to create a new model in the database.
* arguments:
* - fields: The 'actions' object provided by the OPTIONS endpoint
* options:
* -
function constructCreateForm(url, fields, options={}) {
// We should have enough information to create the form!
constructFormBody(url, fields, options);
* Construct a 'change' (PATCH) form, to create a new model in the database.
* arguments:
* - fields: The 'actions' object provided by the OPTIONS endpoint
* options:
* -
function constructChangeForm(url, fields, options={}) {
// Request existing data from the API endpoint
url: url,
type: 'GET',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
accepts: {
json: 'application/json',
success: function(data) {
// Push existing 'value' to each field
for (const field in data) {
if (field in fields) {
fields[field].value = data[field];
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constructFormBody(url, fields, options);
error: function(request, status, error) {
// TODO: Handle error here
console.log(`ERROR in constructChangeForm at '${url}'`);
* Construct a single form 'field' for rendering in a form.
* arguments:
* - name: The 'name' of the field
* - parameters: The field parameters supplied by the DRF OPTIONS method
* options:
* -
* The function constructs a fieldset which mostly replicates django "crispy" forms:
* - Field name
* - Field <input> (depends on specified field type)
* - Field description (help text)
* - Field errors
function constructField(name, parameters, options={}) {
var field_name = `id_${name}`;
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var form_classes = 'form-group';
if (parameters.errors) {
form_classes += ' has-error';
var html = `<div id='div_${field_name}' class='${form_classes}'>`;
// Add a label
html += constructLabel(name, parameters);
html += `<div class='controls'>`;
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html += constructInput(name, parameters, options);
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if (parameters.errors) {
html += constructErrorMessage(name, parameters, options);
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if (parameters.help_text) {
html += constructHelpText(name, parameters, options);
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html += `</div>`; // controls
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html += `</div>`; // form-group
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return html;
* Construct a 'label' div
* arguments:
* - name: The name of the field
* - required: Is this a required field?
function constructLabel(name, parameters) {
var label_classes = 'control-label';
if (parameters.required) {
label_classes += ' requiredField';
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var html = `<label class='${label_classes}' for='id_${name}'>`;
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if (parameters.label) {
html += `${parameters.label}`;
} else {
html += `${name}`;
if (parameters.required) {
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html += `<span class='asteriskField'>*</span>`;
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html += `</label>`;
return html;
* Construct a form input based on the field parameters
* arguments:
* - name: The name of the field
* - parameters: Field parameters returned by the OPTIONS method
function constructInput(name, parameters, options={}) {
var html = '';
var func = null;
switch (parameters.type) {
case 'boolean':
func = constructCheckboxInput;
case 'string':
func = constructTextInput;
case 'url':
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func = constructTextInput;
case 'email':
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func = constructTextInput;
case 'integer':
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func = constructNumberInput;
case 'float':
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func = constructNumberInput;
case 'decimal':
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func = constructNumberInput;
case 'choice':
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func = constructChoiceInput;
case 'related field':
func = constructRelatedFieldInput;
// Unsupported field type!
if (func != null) {
html = func(name, parameters, options);
} else {
console.log(`WARNING: Unhandled form field type: '${parameters.type}'`);
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return html;
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// Construct a set of default input options which apply to all input types
function constructInputOptions(name, classes, type, parameters) {
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var opts = [];
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// Read only?
if (parameters.read_only) {
if (parameters.value) {
// Existing value?
} else if (parameters.default) {
// Otherwise, a defualt value?
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// Maximum input length
if (parameters.max_length) {
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// Minimum input length
if (parameters.min_length) {
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// Maximum value
if (parameters.max_value != null) {
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// Minimum value
if (parameters.min_value != null) {
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// Field is required?
if (parameters.required) {
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// Placeholder?
if (parameters.placeholder) {
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return `<input ${opts.join(' ')}>`;
// Construct a "checkbox" input
function constructCheckboxInput(name, parameters, options={}) {
return constructInputOptions(
// Construct a "text" input
function constructTextInput(name, parameters, options={}) {
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var classes = '';
var type = '';
switch (parameters.type) {
classes = 'textinput textInput form-control';
type = 'text';
case 'url':
classes = 'urlinput form-control';
type = 'url';
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case 'email':
classes = 'emailinput form-control';
type = 'email';
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return constructInputOptions(
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// Construct a "number" field
function constructNumberInput(name, parameters, options={}) {
return constructInputOptions(
'numberinput form-control',
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// Construct a "choice" input
function constructChoiceInput(name, parameters, options={}) {
var html = `<select id='id_${name}' class='select form-control' name='${name}'>`;
var choices = parameters.choices || [];
// TODO: Select the selected value!
for (var idx = 0; idx < choices.length; idx++) {
var choice = choices[idx];
var selected = '';
if (parameters.value && parameters.value == choice.value) {
selected = ` selected=''`;
html += `<option value='${choice.value}'${selected}>`;
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html += `${choice.display_name}`;
html += `</option>`;
html += `</select>`;
return html;
* Construct a "related field" input.
* This will create a "select" input which will then, (after form is loaded),
* be converted into a select2 input.
* This will then be served custom data from the API (as required)...
function constructRelatedFieldInput(name, parameters, options={}) {
var html = `<select id='id_${name}' class='select form-control' name='${name}'></select>`;
// Don't load any options - they will be filled via an AJAX request
return html;
* Construct a 'help text' div based on the field parameters
* arguments:
* - name: The name of the field
* - parameters: Field parameters returned by the OPTIONS method
function constructHelpText(name, parameters, options={}) {
var html = `<div id='hint_id_${name}' class='help-block'>${parameters.help_text}</div>`;
return html;
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* Construct an 'error message' div for the field
* arguments:
* - name: The name of the field
* - parameters: Field parameters returned by the OPTIONS method
function constructErrorMessage(name, parameters, options={}) {
var errors_html = '';
for (var idx = 0; idx < parameters.errors.length; idx++) {
var err = parameters.errors[idx];
var html = '';
html += `<span id='error_${idx+1}_id_${name}' class='help-block'>`;
html += `<strong>${err}</strong>`;
html += `</span>`;
errors_html += html;
return errors_html;