diff --git a/InvenTree/templates/js/translated/stock.js b/InvenTree/templates/js/translated/stock.js
index a7f7d84595..585cac1310 100644
--- a/InvenTree/templates/js/translated/stock.js
+++ b/InvenTree/templates/js/translated/stock.js
@@ -706,6 +706,264 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
// Ref: https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/issues/3250
grouping = false;
+ var columns = [
+ {
+ checkbox: true,
+ title: '{% trans "Select" %}',
+ searchable: false,
+ switchable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'pk',
+ title: 'ID',
+ visible: false,
+ switchable: false,
+ }
+ ];
+ col = {
+ field: 'part_detail.full_name',
+ title: '{% trans "Part" %}',
+ sortName: 'part__name',
+ visible: params['part_detail'],
+ switchable: params['part_detail'],
+ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
+ var url = `/stock/item/${row.pk}/`;
+ var thumb = row.part_detail.thumbnail;
+ var name = row.part_detail.full_name;
+ html = imageHoverIcon(thumb) + renderLink(name, url);
+ html += makePartIcons(row.part_detail);
+ return html;
+ }
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'part_detail.IPN',
+ title: 'IPN',
+ sortName: 'part__IPN',
+ visible: params['part_detail'],
+ switchable: params['part_detail'],
+ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
+ return row.part_detail.IPN;
+ },
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ columns.push({
+ field: 'part_detail.description',
+ title: '{% trans "Description" %}',
+ visible: params['part_detail'],
+ switchable: params['part_detail'],
+ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
+ return row.part_detail.description;
+ }
+ });
+ col = {
+ field: 'quantity',
+ title: '{% trans "Stock" %}',
+ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
+ var val = parseFloat(value);
+ // If there is a single unit with a serial number, use the serial number
+ if (row.serial && row.quantity == 1) {
+ val = '# ' + row.serial;
+ } else {
+ val = +val.toFixed(5);
+ }
+ var html = renderLink(val, `/stock/item/${row.pk}/`);
+ if (row.is_building) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-tools', '{% trans "Stock item is in production" %}');
+ }
+ if (row.sales_order) {
+ // Stock item has been assigned to a sales order
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-truck', '{% trans "Stock item assigned to sales order" %}');
+ } else if (row.customer) {
+ // StockItem has been assigned to a customer
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-user', '{% trans "Stock item assigned to customer" %}');
+ }
+ if (row.expired) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-calendar-times icon-red', '{% trans "Stock item has expired" %}');
+ } else if (row.stale) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-stopwatch', '{% trans "Stock item will expire soon" %}');
+ }
+ if (row.allocated) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-bookmark', '{% trans "Stock item has been allocated" %}');
+ }
+ if (row.belongs_to) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-box', '{% trans "Stock item has been installed in another item" %}');
+ }
+ // Special stock status codes
+ if (row.status == {{ StockStatus.REJECTED }}) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-times-circle icon-red', '{% trans "Stock item has been rejected" %}');
+ }
+ // LOST
+ else if (row.status == {{ StockStatus.LOST }}) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-question-circle','{% trans "Stock item is lost" %}');
+ }
+ else if (row.status == {{ StockStatus.DESTROYED }}) {
+ html += makeIconBadge('fa-skull-crossbones', '{% trans "Stock item is destroyed" %}');
+ }
+ if (row.quantity <= 0) {
+ html += `{% trans "Depleted" %}`;
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'status',
+ title: '{% trans "Status" %}',
+ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
+ return stockStatusDisplay(value);
+ },
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'batch',
+ title: '{% trans "Batch" %}',
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'location_detail.pathstring',
+ title: '{% trans "Location" %}',
+ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
+ return locationDetail(row);
+ }
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'stocktake_date',
+ title: '{% trans "Stocktake" %}',
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'expiry_date',
+ title: '{% trans "Expiry Date" %}',
+ visible: global_settings.STOCK_ENABLE_EXPIRY,
+ switchable: global_settings.STOCK_ENABLE_EXPIRY,
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ col = {
+ field: 'updated',
+ title: '{% trans "Last Updated" %}',
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ columns.push({
+ field: 'purchase_order',
+ title: '{% trans "Purchase Order" %}',
+ formatter: function(value, row) {
+ if (!value) {
+ return '-';
+ }
+ var link = `/order/purchase-order/${row.purchase_order}/`;
+ var text = `${row.purchase_order}`;
+ if (row.purchase_order_reference) {
+ var prefix = global_settings.PURCHASEORDER_REFERENCE_PREFIX;
+ text = prefix + row.purchase_order_reference;
+ }
+ return renderLink(text, link);
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'supplier_part',
+ title: '{% trans "Supplier Part" %}',
+ visible: params['supplier_part_detail'] || false,
+ switchable: params['supplier_part_detail'] || false,
+ formatter: function(value, row) {
+ if (!value) {
+ return '-';
+ }
+ var link = `/supplier-part/${row.supplier_part}/?display=stock`;
+ var text = '';
+ if (row.supplier_part_detail) {
+ text = `${row.supplier_part_detail.SKU}`;
+ } else {
+ text = `{% trans "Supplier part not specified" %}`;
+ }
+ return renderLink(text, link);
+ }
+ });
+ col = {
+ field: 'purchase_price_string',
+ title: '{% trans "Purchase Price" %}',
+ };
+ if (!options.params.ordering) {
+ col['sortable'] = true;
+ };
+ columns.push(col);
+ columns.push({
+ field: 'packaging',
+ title: '{% trans "Packaging" %}',
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'notes',
+ title: '{% trans "Notes" %}',
+ });
method: 'get',
formatNoMatches: function() {
@@ -717,6 +975,7 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
name: 'stock',
original: original,
showColumns: true,
+ columns: columns,
{% if False %}
groupByField: options.groupByField || 'part',
groupBy: grouping,
@@ -734,8 +993,7 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
html += makePartIcons(row.part_detail);
return html;
- }
- else if (field == 'part_detail.IPN') {
+ } else if (field == 'part_detail.IPN') {
var ipn = row.part_detail.IPN;
if (ipn) {
@@ -743,11 +1001,9 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
} else {
return '-';
- }
- else if (field == 'part_detail.description') {
+ } else if (field == 'part_detail.description') {
return row.part_detail.description;
- }
- else if (field == 'packaging') {
+ } else if (field == 'packaging') {
var packaging = [];
data.forEach(function(item) {
@@ -769,8 +1025,7 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
} else {
return "-";
- }
- else if (field == 'quantity') {
+ } else if (field == 'quantity') {
var stock = 0;
var items = 0;
@@ -874,225 +1129,11 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
} else {
return '-';
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return '';
{% endif %}
- columns: [
- {
- checkbox: true,
- title: '{% trans "Select" %}',
- searchable: false,
- switchable: false,
- },
- {
- field: 'pk',
- title: 'ID',
- visible: false,
- switchable: false,
- },
- {
- field: 'part_detail.full_name',
- title: '{% trans "Part" %}',
- sortName: 'part__name',
- sortable: true,
- visible: params['part_detail'],
- switchable: params['part_detail'],
- formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
- var url = `/stock/item/${row.pk}/`;
- var thumb = row.part_detail.thumbnail;
- var name = row.part_detail.full_name;
- html = imageHoverIcon(thumb) + renderLink(name, url);
- html += makePartIcons(row.part_detail);
- return html;
- }
- },
- {
- field: 'part_detail.IPN',
- title: 'IPN',
- sortName: 'part__IPN',
- sortable: true,
- visible: params['part_detail'],
- switchable: params['part_detail'],
- formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
- return row.part_detail.IPN;
- },
- },
- {
- field: 'part_detail.description',
- title: '{% trans "Description" %}',
- visible: params['part_detail'],
- switchable: params['part_detail'],
- formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
- return row.part_detail.description;
- }
- },
- {
- field: 'quantity',
- title: '{% trans "Stock" %}',
- sortable: true,
- formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
- var val = parseFloat(value);
- // If there is a single unit with a serial number, use the serial number
- if (row.serial && row.quantity == 1) {
- val = '# ' + row.serial;
- } else {
- val = +val.toFixed(5);
- }
- var html = renderLink(val, `/stock/item/${row.pk}/`);
- if (row.is_building) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-tools', '{% trans "Stock item is in production" %}');
- }
- if (row.sales_order) {
- // Stock item has been assigned to a sales order
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-truck', '{% trans "Stock item assigned to sales order" %}');
- } else if (row.customer) {
- // StockItem has been assigned to a customer
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-user', '{% trans "Stock item assigned to customer" %}');
- }
- if (row.expired) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-calendar-times icon-red', '{% trans "Stock item has expired" %}');
- } else if (row.stale) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-stopwatch', '{% trans "Stock item will expire soon" %}');
- }
- if (row.allocated) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-bookmark', '{% trans "Stock item has been allocated" %}');
- }
- if (row.belongs_to) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-box', '{% trans "Stock item has been installed in another item" %}');
- }
- // Special stock status codes
- if (row.status == {{ StockStatus.REJECTED }}) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-times-circle icon-red', '{% trans "Stock item has been rejected" %}');
- }
- // LOST
- else if (row.status == {{ StockStatus.LOST }}) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-question-circle','{% trans "Stock item is lost" %}');
- }
- else if (row.status == {{ StockStatus.DESTROYED }}) {
- html += makeIconBadge('fa-skull-crossbones', '{% trans "Stock item is destroyed" %}');
- }
- if (row.quantity <= 0) {
- html += `{% trans "Depleted" %}`;
- }
- return html;
- }
- },
- {
- field: 'status',
- title: '{% trans "Status" %}',
- sortable: 'true',
- formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
- return stockStatusDisplay(value);
- },
- },
- {
- field: 'batch',
- title: '{% trans "Batch" %}',
- sortable: true,
- },
- {
- field: 'location_detail.pathstring',
- title: '{% trans "Location" %}',
- sortable: true,
- formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
- return locationDetail(row);
- }
- },
- {
- field: 'stocktake_date',
- title: '{% trans "Stocktake" %}',
- sortable: true,
- },
- {
- field: 'expiry_date',
- title: '{% trans "Expiry Date" %}',
- sortable: true,
- visible: global_settings.STOCK_ENABLE_EXPIRY,
- switchable: global_settings.STOCK_ENABLE_EXPIRY,
- },
- {
- field: 'updated',
- title: '{% trans "Last Updated" %}',
- sortable: true,
- },
- {
- field: 'purchase_order',
- title: '{% trans "Purchase Order" %}',
- formatter: function(value, row) {
- if (!value) {
- return '-';
- }
- var link = `/order/purchase-order/${row.purchase_order}/`;
- var text = `${row.purchase_order}`;
- if (row.purchase_order_reference) {
- var prefix = global_settings.PURCHASEORDER_REFERENCE_PREFIX;
- text = prefix + row.purchase_order_reference;
- }
- return renderLink(text, link);
- }
- },
- {
- field: 'supplier_part',
- title: '{% trans "Supplier Part" %}',
- visible: params['supplier_part_detail'] || false,
- switchable: params['supplier_part_detail'] || false,
- formatter: function(value, row) {
- if (!value) {
- return '-';
- }
- var link = `/supplier-part/${row.supplier_part}/?display=stock`;
- var text = '';
- if (row.supplier_part_detail) {
- text = `${row.supplier_part_detail.SKU}`;
- } else {
- text = `{% trans "Supplier part not specified" %}`;
- }
- return renderLink(text, link);
- }
- },
- {
- field: 'purchase_price_string',
- title: '{% trans "Purchase Price" %}',
- sortable: true,
- },
- {
- field: 'packaging',
- title: '{% trans "Packaging" %}',
- },
- {
- field: 'notes',
- title: '{% trans "Notes" %}',
- }
- ],