mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
Refactor BuildOrder pages
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
{% extends "build/build_base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load inventree_extras %}
{% block page_title %}
{% inventree_title %} | {% trans "Allocate Parts" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block menubar %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" with tab='allocate' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block heading %}
{% trans "Allocate Stock to Build" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block details %}
{% if build.has_untracked_bom_items %}
{% if build.active %}
<div class='btn-group' role='group'>
<button class='btn btn-success' type='button' id='btn-auto-allocate' title='{% trans "Allocate stock to build" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-magic'></span> {% trans "Auto Allocate" %}
<button class='btn btn-danger' type='button' id='btn-unallocate' title='{% trans "Unallocate stock" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-minus-circle'></span> {% trans "Unallocate Stock" %}
<button class='btn btn-primary' type='button' id='btn-order-parts' title='{% trans "Order required parts" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-shopping-cart'></span> {% trans "Order Parts" %}
{% if build.areUntrackedPartsFullyAllocated %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-success'>
{% trans "Untracked stock has been fully allocated for this Build Order" %}
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-danger'>
{% trans "Untracked stock has not been fully allocated for this Build Order" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' id='allocation-table-untracked'></table>
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-info'>
{% trans "This Build Order does not have any associated untracked BOM items" %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block js_ready %}
{{ block.super }}
var buildInfo = {
pk: {{ build.pk }},
quantity: {{ build.quantity }},
completed: {{ build.completed }},
part: {{ build.part.pk }},
{% if build.has_untracked_bom_items %}
// Load allocation table for un-tracked parts
loadBuildOutputAllocationTable(buildInfo, null);
{% endif %}
function reloadTable() {
{% if build.active %}
$("#btn-auto-allocate").on('click', function() {
"{% url 'build-auto-allocate' build.id %}",
success: reloadTable,
$('#btn-unallocate').on('click', function() {
"{% url 'build-unallocate' build.id %}",
success: reloadTable,
$("#btn-order-parts").click(function() {
launchModalForm("/order/purchase-order/order-parts/", {
data: {
build: {{ build.id }},
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
{% extends "build/build_base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load markdownify %}
{% block menubar %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" with tab='attachments' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block heading %}
{% trans "Attachments" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block details %}
{% include "attachment_table.html" with attachments=build.attachments.all %}
{% endblock %}
{% block js_ready %}
{{ block.super }}
'{% url "api-build-attachment-list" %}',
data: {
build: {{ build.id }},
label: 'attachment',
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
// Callback for creating a new attachment
$('#new-attachment').click(function() {
constructForm('{% url "api-build-attachment-list" %}', {
fields: {
attachment: {},
comment: {},
build: {
value: {{ build.pk }},
hidden: true,
method: 'POST',
onSuccess: reloadAttachmentTable,
title: '{% trans "Add Attachment" %}',
'{% url "api-build-attachment-list" %}',
filters: {
build: {{ build.pk }},
onEdit: function(pk) {
var url = `/api/build/attachment/${pk}/`;
constructForm(url, {
fields: {
comment: {},
onSuccess: reloadAttachmentTable,
title: '{% trans "Edit Attachment" %}',
onDelete: function(pk) {
constructForm(`/api/build/attachment/${pk}/`, {
method: 'DELETE',
confirmMessage: '{% trans "Confirm Delete Operation" %}',
title: '{% trans "Delete Attachment" %}',
onSuccess: reloadAttachmentTable,
{% endblock %}
@ -238,4 +238,10 @@ src="{% static 'img/blank_image.png' %}"
name: 'buildorder',
default: 'details'
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
{% extends "build/build_base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block menubar %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" with tab="children" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block heading %}
{% trans "Child Build Orders" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block details %}
<div id='button-toolbar'>
<div class='button-toolbar container-fluid float-right'>
<div class='filter-list' id='filter-list-sub-build'>
<!-- Empty div for filters -->
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' id='sub-build-table' data-toolbar='#button-toolbar'></table>
{% endblock %}
{% block js_ready %}
{{ block.super }}
loadBuildTable($('#sub-build-table'), {
url: '{% url "api-build-list" %}',
filterTarget: "#filter-list-sub-build",
params: {
ancestor: {{ build.pk }},
{% endblock %}
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
{% extends "build/build_base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block menubar %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" with tab='output' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content_panels %}
{% if not build.is_complete %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
{% trans "Incomplete Build Outputs" %}
<div class='panel-content'>
<div class='btn-group' role='group'>
{% if build.active %}
<button class='btn btn-primary' type='button' id='btn-create-output' title='{% trans "Create new build output" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-plus-circle'></span> {% trans "Create New Output" %}
{% endif %}
{% if build.incomplete_outputs %}
<div class="panel-group" id="build-output-accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
{% for item in build.incomplete_outputs %}
{% include "build/allocation_card.html" with item=item tracked_items=build.has_tracked_bom_items %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-info'>
<b>{% trans "Create a new build output" %}</b><br>
{% trans "No incomplete build outputs remain." %}<br>
{% trans "Create a new build output using the button above" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
{% trans "Completed Build Outputs" %}
<div class='panel-content'>
{% include "stock_table.html" with read_only=True %}
{% endblock %}
{% block js_ready %}
{{ block.super }}
$('#btn-create-output').click(function() {
launchModalForm('{% url "build-output-create" build.id %}',
reload: true,
loadStockTable($("#stock-table"), {
params: {
location_detail: true,
part_detail: true,
build: {{ build.id }},
groupByField: 'location',
buttons: [
url: "{% url 'api-stock-list' %}",
var buildInfo = {
pk: {{ build.pk }},
quantity: {{ build.quantity }},
completed: {{ build.completed }},
part: {{ build.part.pk }},
{% for item in build.incomplete_outputs %}
// Get the build output as a javascript object
inventreeGet('{% url 'api-stock-detail' item.pk %}', {},
success: function(response) {
loadBuildOutputAllocationTable(buildInfo, response);
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
@ -2,142 +2,446 @@
{% load static %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load status_codes %}
{% load status_codes %}
{% load markdownify %}
{% block menubar %}
{% block menubar %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" with tab='details' %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block heading %}
{% block page_content %}
{% trans "Build Details" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block details %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree panel-hidden' id='panel-details'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<h4>{% trans "Build Details" %}</h4>
<table class='table table-striped'>
<col width='25'>
<td><span class='fas fa-info'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Description" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.title }}{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-shapes'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Part" %}</td>
<td><a href="{% url 'part-detail' build.part.id %}?display=build-orders">{{ build.part.full_name }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
<td>{% trans "Quantity" %}</td><td>{{ build.quantity }}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-map-marker-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Stock Source" %}</td>
{% if build.take_from %}
<a href="{% url 'stock-location-detail' build.take_from.id %}">{{ build.take_from }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}
{% else %}
<i>{% trans "Stock can be taken from any available location." %}</i>
{% endif %}
<td><span class='fas fa-map-marker-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Destination" %}</td>
{% if build.destination %}
<a href="{% url 'stock-location-detail' build.destination.id %}">
{{ build.destination }}
</a>{% include "clip.html"%}
{% else %}
<i>{% trans "Destination location not specified" %}</i>
{% endif %}
<td><span class='fas fa-info'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Status" %}</td>
<td>{% build_status_label build.status %}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-spinner'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Progress" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.completed }} / {{ build.quantity }}</td>
{% if build.batch %}
<td><span class='fas fa-layer-group'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Batch" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.batch }}{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.parent %}
<td><span class='fas fa-sitemap'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Parent Build" %}</td>
<td><a href="{% url 'build-detail' build.parent.id %}">{{ build.parent }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.sales_order %}
<td><span class='fas fa-dolly'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Sales Order" %}</td>
<td><a href="{% url 'so-detail' build.sales_order.id %}">{{ build.sales_order }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.link %}
<td><span class='fas fa-link'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "External Link" %}</td>
<td><a href="{{ build.link }}">{{ build.link }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.issued_by %}
<td><span class='fas fa-user'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Issued By" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.issued_by }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.responsible %}
<td><span class='fas fa-users'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Responsible" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.responsible }}</td>
{% endif %}
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<div class='panel-content'>
<table class='table table-striped'>
<div class='row'>
<col width='25'>
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<table class='table table-striped'>
<td><span class='fas fa-calendar-alt'></span></td>
<col width='25'>
<td>{% trans "Created" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.creation_date }}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-info'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Description" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.title }}{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-calendar-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Target Date" %}</td>
{% if build.target_date %}
<td><span class='fas fa-shapes'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Part" %}</td>
{{ build.target_date }}{% if build.is_overdue %} <span class='fas fa-calendar-times icon-red'></span>{% endif %}
<td><a href="{% url 'part-detail' build.part.id %}?display=build-orders">{{ build.part.full_name }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% else %}
<td><i>{% trans "No target date set" %}</i></td>
<td>{% trans "Quantity" %}</td><td>{{ build.quantity }}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-map-marker-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Stock Source" %}</td>
{% if build.take_from %}
<a href="{% url 'stock-location-detail' build.take_from.id %}">{{ build.take_from }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}
{% else %}
<i>{% trans "Stock can be taken from any available location." %}</i>
{% endif %}
<td><span class='fas fa-map-marker-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Destination" %}</td>
{% if build.destination %}
<a href="{% url 'stock-location-detail' build.destination.id %}">
{{ build.destination }}
</a>{% include "clip.html"%}
{% else %}
<i>{% trans "Destination location not specified" %}</i>
{% endif %}
<td><span class='fas fa-info'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Status" %}</td>
<td>{% build_status_label build.status %}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-spinner'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Progress" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.completed }} / {{ build.quantity }}</td>
{% if build.batch %}
<td><span class='fas fa-layer-group'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Batch" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.batch }}{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if build.parent %}
<td><span class='fas fa-calendar-alt'></span></td>
<td><span class='fas fa-sitemap'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Completed" %}</td>
<td>{% trans "Parent Build" %}</td>
{% if build.completion_date %}
<td><a href="{% url 'build-detail' build.parent.id %}">{{ build.parent }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
<td>{{ build.completion_date }}{% if build.completed_by %}<span class='badge'>{{ build.completed_by }}</span>{% endif %}</td>
{% else %}
<td><i>{% trans "Build not complete" %}</i></td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if build.sales_order %}
<td><span class='fas fa-dolly'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Sales Order" %}</td>
<td><a href="{% url 'so-detail' build.sales_order.id %}">{{ build.sales_order }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.link %}
<td><span class='fas fa-link'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "External Link" %}</td>
<td><a href="{{ build.link }}">{{ build.link }}</a>{% include "clip.html"%}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.issued_by %}
<td><span class='fas fa-user'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Issued By" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.issued_by }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if build.responsible %}
<td><span class='fas fa-users'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Responsible" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.responsible }}</td>
{% endif %}
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<table class='table table-striped'>
<col width='25'>
<td><span class='fas fa-calendar-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Created" %}</td>
<td>{{ build.creation_date }}</td>
<td><span class='fas fa-calendar-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Target Date" %}</td>
{% if build.target_date %}
{{ build.target_date }}{% if build.is_overdue %} <span class='fas fa-calendar-times icon-red'></span>{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td><i>{% trans "No target date set" %}</i></td>
{% endif %}
<td><span class='fas fa-calendar-alt'></span></td>
<td>{% trans "Completed" %}</td>
{% if build.completion_date %}
<td>{{ build.completion_date }}{% if build.completed_by %}<span class='badge'>{{ build.completed_by }}</span>{% endif %}</td>
{% else %}
<td><i>{% trans "Build not complete" %}</i></td>
{% endif %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree panel-hidden' id='panel-children'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
<h4>{% trans "Child Build Orders" %}</h4>
<div class='panel-content'>
<div id='child-button-toolbar'>
<div class='button-toolbar container-fluid float-right'>
<div class='filter-list' id='filter-list-sub-build'>
<!-- Empty div for filters -->
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' id='sub-build-table' data-toolbar='#child-button-toolbar'></table>
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree panel-hidden' id='panel-allocate'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
<h4>{% trans "Allocate Stock to Build" %}</h4>
<div class='panel-content'>
{% if build.has_untracked_bom_items %}
{% if build.active %}
<div class='btn-group' role='group'>
<button class='btn btn-success' type='button' id='btn-auto-allocate' title='{% trans "Allocate stock to build" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-magic'></span> {% trans "Auto Allocate" %}
<button class='btn btn-danger' type='button' id='btn-unallocate' title='{% trans "Unallocate stock" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-minus-circle'></span> {% trans "Unallocate Stock" %}
<button class='btn btn-primary' type='button' id='btn-order-parts' title='{% trans "Order required parts" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-shopping-cart'></span> {% trans "Order Parts" %}
{% if build.areUntrackedPartsFullyAllocated %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-success'>
{% trans "Untracked stock has been fully allocated for this Build Order" %}
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-danger'>
{% trans "Untracked stock has not been fully allocated for this Build Order" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' id='allocation-table-untracked'></table>
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-info'>
{% trans "This Build Order does not have any associated untracked BOM items" %}
{% endif %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree panel-hidden' id='panel-outputs'>
{% if not build.is_complete %}
<div class='panel-heading'>
<h4>{% trans "Incomplete Build Outputs" %}</h4>
<div class='panel-content'>
<div class='btn-group' role='group'>
{% if build.active %}
<button class='btn btn-primary' type='button' id='btn-create-output' title='{% trans "Create new build output" %}'>
<span class='fas fa-plus-circle'></span> {% trans "Create New Output" %}
{% endif %}
{% if build.incomplete_outputs %}
<div class="panel-group" id="build-output-accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
{% for item in build.incomplete_outputs %}
{% include "build/allocation_card.html" with item=item tracked_items=build.has_tracked_bom_items %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-info'>
<b>{% trans "Create a new build output" %}</b><br>
{% trans "No incomplete build outputs remain." %}<br>
{% trans "Create a new build output using the button above" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class='panel-heading'>
{% trans "Completed Build Outputs" %}
<div class='panel-content'>
{% include "stock_table.html" with read_only=True prefix="build-" %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree panel-hidden' id='panel-attachments'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
<h4>{% trans "Attachments" %}</h4>
<div class='panel-content'>
{% include "attachment_table.html" %}
<div class='panel panel-default panel-inventree panel-hidden' id='panel-notes'>
<div class='panel-heading'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<h4>{% trans "Build Notes" %}</h4>
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<div class='btn-group float-right'>
<button type='button' id='edit-notes' title='{% trans "Edit Notes" %}' class='btn btn-small btn-default'>
<span class='fas fa-edit'>
<div class='panel-content'>
{% if build.notes %}
{{ build.notes | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block js_ready %}
{{ block.super }}
$('#btn-create-output').click(function() {
launchModalForm('{% url "build-output-create" build.id %}',
reload: true,
loadStockTable($("#build-stock-table"), {
params: {
location_detail: true,
part_detail: true,
build: {{ build.id }},
groupByField: 'location',
buttons: [
url: "{% url 'api-stock-list' %}",
var buildInfo = {
pk: {{ build.pk }},
quantity: {{ build.quantity }},
completed: {{ build.completed }},
part: {{ build.part.pk }},
{% for item in build.incomplete_outputs %}
// Get the build output as a javascript object
inventreeGet('{% url 'api-stock-detail' item.pk %}', {},
success: function(response) {
loadBuildOutputAllocationTable(buildInfo, response);
{% endfor %}
loadBuildTable($('#sub-build-table'), {
url: '{% url "api-build-list" %}',
filterTarget: "#filter-list-sub-build",
params: {
ancestor: {{ build.pk }},
'{% url "api-build-attachment-list" %}',
data: {
build: {{ build.id }},
label: 'attachment',
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
// Callback for creating a new attachment
$('#new-attachment').click(function() {
constructForm('{% url "api-build-attachment-list" %}', {
fields: {
attachment: {},
comment: {},
build: {
value: {{ build.pk }},
hidden: true,
method: 'POST',
onSuccess: reloadAttachmentTable,
title: '{% trans "Add Attachment" %}',
'{% url "api-build-attachment-list" %}',
filters: {
build: {{ build.pk }},
onEdit: function(pk) {
var url = `/api/build/attachment/${pk}/`;
constructForm(url, {
fields: {
comment: {},
onSuccess: reloadAttachmentTable,
title: '{% trans "Edit Attachment" %}',
onDelete: function(pk) {
constructForm(`/api/build/attachment/${pk}/`, {
method: 'DELETE',
confirmMessage: '{% trans "Confirm Delete Operation" %}',
title: '{% trans "Delete Attachment" %}',
onSuccess: reloadAttachmentTable,
$('#edit-notes').click(function() {
constructForm('{% url "api-build-detail" build.pk %}', {
fields: {
notes: {
multiline: true,
title: '{% trans "Edit Notes" %}',
reload: true,
var buildInfo = {
pk: {{ build.pk }},
quantity: {{ build.quantity }},
completed: {{ build.completed }},
part: {{ build.part.pk }},
{% if build.has_untracked_bom_items %}
// Load allocation table for un-tracked parts
loadBuildOutputAllocationTable(buildInfo, null);
{% endif %}
function reloadTable() {
{% if build.active %}
$("#btn-auto-allocate").on('click', function() {
"{% url 'build-auto-allocate' build.id %}",
success: reloadTable,
$('#btn-unallocate').on('click', function() {
"{% url 'build-unallocate' build.id %}",
success: reloadTable,
$("#btn-order-parts").click(function() {
launchModalForm("/order/purchase-order/order-parts/", {
data: {
build: {{ build.id }},
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -9,46 +9,45 @@
<li class='list-group-item {% if tab == "details" %}active{% endif %}' title='{% trans "Build Order Details" %}'>
<li class='list-group-item' title='{% trans "Build Order Details" %}'>
<a href='{% url "build-detail" build.id %}'>
<a href='#' id='select-details' class='nav-toggle'>
<span class='fas fa-info-circle sidebar-icon'></span>
<span class='fas fa-info-circle sidebar-icon'></span>
{% trans "Details" %}
{% trans "Details" %}
{% if build.active %}
{% if build.active %}
<li class='list-group-item' title='{% trans "Allocate Stock" %}'>
<li class='list-group-item {% if tab == "allocate" %}active{% endif %}' title='{% trans "Allocate Stock" %}'>
<a href='#' id='select-allocate' class='nav-toggle'>
<a href='{% url "build-allocate" build.id %}'>
<span class='fas fa-tools sidebar-icon'></span>
<span class='fas fa-tools sidebar-icon'></span>
{% trans "Allocate Stock" %}
{% trans "Allocate Stock" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<li class='list-group-item {% if tab == "output" %}active{% endif %}' title='{% trans "Build Outputs" %}'>
<li class='list-group-item' title='{% trans "Build Outputs" %}'>
<a href='{% url "build-output" build.id %}'>
<a href='#' id='select-outputs' class='nav-toggle'>
<span class='fas fa-box sidebar-icon'></span>
<span class='fas fa-box sidebar-icon'></span>
{% trans "Build Outputs" %}
{% trans "Build Outputs" %}
<li class='list-group-item {% if tab == "children" %}active{% endif %}' title='{% trans "Child Build Orders" %}'>
<li class='list-group-item' title='{% trans "Child Build Orders" %}'>
<a href='{% url "build-children" build.id %}'>
<a href='#' id='select-children' class='nav-toggle'>
<span class='fas fa-sitemap sidebar-icon'></span>
<span class='fas fa-sitemap sidebar-icon'></span>
{% trans "Child Builds" %}
{% trans "Child Builds" %}
<li class='list-group-item {% if tab == "attachments" %}active{% endif %}' title='{% trans "Attachments" %}'>
<li class='list-group-item' title='{% trans "Attachments" %}'>
<a href='{% url "build-attachments" build.id %}'>
<a href='#' id='select-attachments' class='nav-toggle'>
<span class='fas fa-paperclip sidebar-icon'></span>
<span class='fas fa-paperclip sidebar-icon'></span>
{% trans "Attachments" %}
{% trans "Attachments" %}
<li class='list-group-item {% if tab == "notes" %}active{% endif %}' title='{% trans "Build Order Notes" %}'>
<li class='list-group-item' title='{% trans "Build Order Notes" %}'>
<a href='{% url "build-notes" build.id %}'>
<a href='#' id='select-notes' class='nav-toggle'>
<span class='fas fa-clipboard sidebar-icon'></span>
<span class='fas fa-clipboard sidebar-icon'></span>
{% trans "Notes" %}
{% trans "Notes" %}
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
{% extends "build/build_base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load markdownify %}
{% block menubar %}
{% include "build/navbar.html" with tab='notes' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block heading %}
{% trans "Build Notes" %}
{% if roles.build.change and not editing %}
<button title='{% trans "Edit notes" %}' class='btn btn-default' id='edit-notes'><span class='fas fa-edit'></span></button>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block details %}
{% if editing %}
<form method='POST'>
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form }}
<button type="submit" class='btn btn-default'>{% trans "Save" %}</button>
{{ form.media }}
{% else %}
{% if build.notes %}
{{ build.notes | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block js_ready %}
{{ block.super }}
{% if editing %}
{% else %}
$("#edit-notes").click(function() {
location.href = "{% url 'build-notes' build.id %}?edit=1";
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -7,30 +7,23 @@ from django.conf.urls import url, include
from . import views
from . import views
build_detail_urls = [
build_detail_urls = [
url(r'^allocate/', views.BuildAllocate.as_view(), name='build-allocate'),
url(r'^cancel/', views.BuildCancel.as_view(), name='build-cancel'),
url(r'^cancel/', views.BuildCancel.as_view(), name='build-cancel'),
url(r'^delete/', views.BuildDelete.as_view(), name='build-delete'),
url(r'^delete/', views.BuildDelete.as_view(), name='build-delete'),
url(r'^create-output/', views.BuildOutputCreate.as_view(), name='build-output-create'),
url(r'^create-output/', views.BuildOutputCreate.as_view(), name='build-output-create'),
url(r'^delete-output/', views.BuildOutputDelete.as_view(), name='build-output-delete'),
url(r'^delete-output/', views.BuildOutputDelete.as_view(), name='build-output-delete'),
url(r'^complete-output/?', views.BuildOutputComplete.as_view(), name='build-output-complete'),
url(r'^complete-output/', views.BuildOutputComplete.as_view(), name='build-output-complete'),
url(r'^auto-allocate/?', views.BuildAutoAllocate.as_view(), name='build-auto-allocate'),
url(r'^auto-allocate/', views.BuildAutoAllocate.as_view(), name='build-auto-allocate'),
url(r'^unallocate/', views.BuildUnallocate.as_view(), name='build-unallocate'),
url(r'^unallocate/', views.BuildUnallocate.as_view(), name='build-unallocate'),
url(r'^complete/', views.BuildComplete.as_view(), name='build-complete'),
url(r'^complete/', views.BuildComplete.as_view(), name='build-complete'),
url(r'^notes/', views.BuildNotes.as_view(), name='build-notes'),
url(r'^children/', views.BuildDetail.as_view(template_name='build/build_children.html'), name='build-children'),
url(r'^attachments/', views.BuildDetail.as_view(template_name='build/attachments.html'), name='build-attachments'),
url(r'^output/', views.BuildDetail.as_view(template_name='build/build_output.html'), name='build-output'),
url(r'^.*$', views.BuildDetail.as_view(), name='build-detail'),
url(r'^.*$', views.BuildDetail.as_view(), name='build-detail'),
build_urls = [
build_urls = [
url(r'item/', include([
url(r'item/', include([
url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/', include([
url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/', include([
url('^edit/?', views.BuildItemEdit.as_view(), name='build-item-edit'),
url('^edit/', views.BuildItemEdit.as_view(), name='build-item-edit'),
url('^delete/?', views.BuildItemDelete.as_view(), name='build-item-delete'),
url('^delete/', views.BuildItemDelete.as_view(), name='build-item-delete'),
url('^new/', views.BuildItemCreate.as_view(), name='build-item-create'),
url('^new/', views.BuildItemCreate.as_view(), name='build-item-create'),
@ -593,31 +593,6 @@ class BuildOutputComplete(AjaxUpdateView):
class BuildNotes(InvenTreeRoleMixin, UpdateView):
""" View for editing the 'notes' field of a Build object.
context_object_name = 'build'
template_name = 'build/notes.html'
model = Build
# Override the default permission role for this View
role_required = 'build.view'
fields = ['notes']
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse('build-notes', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id})
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
ctx['editing'] = str2bool(self.request.GET.get('edit', ''))
return ctx
class BuildDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
class BuildDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
""" Detail view of a single Build object. """
""" Detail view of a single Build object. """
@ -635,36 +610,15 @@ class BuildDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
ctx['BuildStatus'] = BuildStatus
ctx['BuildStatus'] = BuildStatus
ctx['sub_build_count'] = build.sub_build_count()
ctx['sub_build_count'] = build.sub_build_count()
return ctx
class BuildAllocate(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
""" View for allocating parts to a Build """
model = Build
context_object_name = 'build'
template_name = 'build/allocate.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Provide extra context information for the Build allocation page """
context = super(DetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
build = self.get_object()
part = build.part
part = build.part
bom_items = build.bom_items
bom_items = build.bom_items
context['part'] = part
ctx['part'] = part
context['bom_items'] = bom_items
ctx['bom_items'] = bom_items
context['has_tracked_bom_items'] = build.has_tracked_bom_items()
ctx['has_tracked_bom_items'] = build.has_tracked_bom_items()
context['has_untracked_bom_items'] = build.has_untracked_bom_items()
ctx['has_untracked_bom_items'] = build.has_untracked_bom_items()
context['BuildStatus'] = BuildStatus
context['bom_price'] = build.part.get_price_info(build.quantity, buy=False)
return ctx
if str2bool(self.request.GET.get('edit', None)):
context['editing'] = True
return context
class BuildDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
class BuildDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ function attachNavCallbacks(options={}) {
activatePanel(panelName, options);
activatePanel(panelName, options);
var panelClass = options.name || 'unknown';
var panelClass = options.name || 'unknown';
/* Look for a default panel to initialize
/* Look for a default panel to initialize
Reference in New Issue
Block a user