mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
remove old StockAdjust view
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ stock_urls = [
url(r'^track/', include(stock_tracking_urls)),
url(r'^adjust/?', views.StockAdjust.as_view(), name='stock-adjust'),
url(r'^export-options/?', views.StockExportOptions.as_view(), name='stock-export-options'),
url(r'^export/?', views.StockExport.as_view(), name='stock-export'),
@ -749,343 +749,6 @@ class StockItemUninstall(AjaxView, FormMixin):
return context
class StockAdjust(AjaxView, FormMixin):
""" View for enacting simple stock adjustments:
- Take items from stock
- Add items to stock
- Count items
- Move stock
- Delete stock items
ajax_template_name = 'stock/stock_adjust.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Adjust Stock')
form_class = StockForms.AdjustStockForm
stock_items = []
role_required = 'stock.change'
def get_GET_items(self):
""" Return list of stock items initally requested using GET.
Items can be retrieved by:
a) List of stock ID - stock[]=1,2,3,4,5
b) Parent part - part=3
c) Parent location - location=78
d) Single item - item=2
# Start with all 'in stock' items
items = StockItem.objects.filter(StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER)
# Client provides a list of individual stock items
if 'stock[]' in self.request.GET:
items = items.filter(id__in=self.request.GET.getlist('stock[]'))
# Client provides a PART reference
elif 'part' in self.request.GET:
items = items.filter(part=self.request.GET.get('part'))
# Client provides a LOCATION reference
elif 'location' in self.request.GET:
items = items.filter(location=self.request.GET.get('location'))
# Client provides a single StockItem lookup
elif 'item' in self.request.GET:
items = [StockItem.objects.get(id=self.request.GET.get('item'))]
# Unsupported query (no items)
items = []
for item in items:
# Initialize quantity to zero for addition/removal
if self.stock_action in ['take', 'add']:
item.new_quantity = 0
# Initialize quantity at full amount for counting or moving
item.new_quantity = item.quantity
return items
def get_POST_items(self):
""" Return list of stock items sent back by client on a POST request """
items = []
for item in self.request.POST:
if item.startswith('stock-id-'):
pk = item.replace('stock-id-', '')
q = self.request.POST[item]
stock_item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=pk)
except StockItem.DoesNotExist:
stock_item.new_quantity = q
return items
def get_stock_action_titles(self):
# Choose form title and action column based on the action
titles = {
'move': [_('Move Stock Items'), _('Move')],
'count': [_('Count Stock Items'), _('Count')],
'take': [_('Remove From Stock'), _('Take')],
'add': [_('Add Stock Items'), _('Add')],
'delete': [_('Delete Stock Items'), _('Delete')],
self.ajax_form_title = titles[self.stock_action][0]
self.stock_action_title = titles[self.stock_action][1]
def get_context_data(self):
context = super().get_context_data()
context['stock_items'] = self.stock_items
context['stock_action'] = self.stock_action.strip().lower()
context['stock_action_title'] = self.stock_action_title
# Quantity column will be read-only in some circumstances
context['edit_quantity'] = not self.stock_action == 'delete'
return context
def get_form(self):
form = super().get_form()
if not self.stock_action == 'move':
return form
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = request
# Action
self.stock_action = request.GET.get('action', '').lower()
# Pick a default action...
if self.stock_action not in ['move', 'count', 'take', 'add', 'delete']:
self.stock_action = 'count'
# Save list of items!
self.stock_items = self.get_GET_items()
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, self.get_form())
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = request
self.stock_action = request.POST.get('stock_action', 'invalid').strip().lower()
# Update list of stock items
self.stock_items = self.get_POST_items()
form = self.get_form()
valid = form.is_valid()
for item in self.stock_items:
item.new_quantity = Decimal(item.new_quantity)
except ValueError:
item.error = _('Must enter integer value')
valid = False
if item.new_quantity < 0:
item.error = _('Quantity must be positive')
valid = False
if self.stock_action in ['move', 'take']:
if item.new_quantity > item.quantity:
item.error = _('Quantity must not exceed {x}').format(x=item.quantity)
valid = False
confirmed = str2bool(request.POST.get('confirm'))
if not confirmed:
valid = False
form.add_error('confirm', _('Confirm stock adjustment'))
data = {
'form_valid': valid,
if valid:
result = self.do_action(note=form.cleaned_data['note'])
data['success'] = result
# Special case - Single Stock Item
# If we deplete the stock item, we MUST redirect to a new view
single_item = len(self.stock_items) == 1
if result and single_item:
# Was the entire stock taken?
item = self.stock_items[0]
if item.quantity == 0:
# Instruct the form to redirect
data['url'] = reverse('stock-index')
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, data=data, context=self.get_context_data())
def do_action(self, note=None):
""" Perform stock adjustment action """
if self.stock_action == 'move':
destination = None
set_default_loc = str2bool(self.request.POST.get('set_loc', False))
destination = StockLocation.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('destination'))
except StockLocation.DoesNotExist:
except ValueError:
return self.do_move(destination, set_default_loc, note=note)
elif self.stock_action == 'add':
return self.do_add(note=note)
elif self.stock_action == 'take':
return self.do_take(note=note)
elif self.stock_action == 'count':
return self.do_count(note=note)
elif self.stock_action == 'delete':
return self.do_delete(note=note)
return _('No action performed')
def do_add(self, note=None):
count = 0
for item in self.stock_items:
if item.new_quantity <= 0:
item.add_stock(item.new_quantity, self.request.user, notes=note)
count += 1
return _('Added stock to {n} items').format(n=count)
def do_take(self, note=None):
count = 0
for item in self.stock_items:
if item.new_quantity <= 0:
item.take_stock(item.new_quantity, self.request.user, notes=note)
count += 1
return _('Removed stock from {n} items').format(n=count)
def do_count(self, note=None):
count = 0
for item in self.stock_items:
item.stocktake(item.new_quantity, self.request.user, notes=note)
count += 1
return _("Counted stock for {n} items".format(n=count))
def do_move(self, destination, set_loc=None, note=None):
""" Perform actual stock movement """
count = 0
for item in self.stock_items:
# Avoid moving zero quantity
if item.new_quantity <= 0:
# If we wish to set the destination location to the default one
if set_loc:
item.part.default_location = destination
# Do not move to the same location (unless the quantity is different)
if destination == item.location and item.new_quantity == item.quantity:
item.move(destination, note, self.request.user, quantity=item.new_quantity)
count += 1
# Is ownership control enabled?
stock_ownership_control = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL')
if stock_ownership_control:
# Fetch destination owner
destination_owner = destination.owner
if destination_owner:
# Update owner
item.owner = destination_owner
if count == 0:
return _('No items were moved')
return _('Moved {n} items to {dest}').format(
def do_delete(self):
""" Delete multiple stock items """
count = 0
# note = self.request.POST['note']
for item in self.stock_items:
# TODO - In the future, StockItems should not be 'deleted'
# TODO - Instead, they should be marked as "inactive"
count += 1
return _("Deleted {n} stock items").format(n=count)
class StockItemEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing details of a single StockItem
Reference in New Issue
Block a user