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synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
Merge branch 'plugin-2037' of https://github.com/matmair/InvenTree into plugin-2037
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
name: App issue
about: Report a bug or issue with the InvenTree app
title: "[APP] Enter bug description"
labels: bug, app
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of the bug or issue
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to ...
2. Select ...
3. ...
**Expected Behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem
**Version Information**
- App platform: *Select iOS or Android*
- App version: *Enter app version*
- Server version: *Enter server version*
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import re
import common.models
@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ def isInvenTreeDevelopmentVersion():
Return True if current InvenTree version is a "development" version
print("is dev?", inventreeVersion())
return inventreeVersion().endswith('dev')
@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.db import transaction
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
from django_filters import rest_framework as rest_filters
from rest_framework import generics
from rest_framework import filters, status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError
@ -243,10 +245,11 @@ class POReceive(generics.CreateAPIView):
pk = self.kwargs.get('pk', None)
if pk is None:
return None
order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(pk=pk)
except (PurchaseOrder.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
raise ValidationError(_("Matching purchase order does not exist"))
return order
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
@ -259,9 +262,14 @@ class POReceive(generics.CreateAPIView):
# Receive the line items
except DjangoValidationError as exc:
# Re-throw a django error as a DRF error
raise ValidationError(detail=serializers.as_serializer_error(exc))
headers = self.get_success_headers(serializer.data)
return Response(serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)
@ -418,16 +418,24 @@ class PurchaseOrder(Order):
barcode = ''
if not self.status == PurchaseOrderStatus.PLACED:
raise ValidationError({"status": _("Lines can only be received against an order marked as 'Placed'")})
raise ValidationError(
"Lines can only be received against an order marked as 'PLACED'"
if not (quantity % 1 == 0):
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity must be an integer")})
raise ValidationError({
"quantity": _("Quantity must be an integer")
if quantity < 0:
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity must be a positive number")})
raise ValidationError({
"quantity": _("Quantity must be a positive number")
quantity = int(quantity)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Invalid quantity provided")})
raise ValidationError({
"quantity": _("Invalid quantity provided")
# Create a new stock item
if line.part and quantity > 0:
@ -401,10 +401,7 @@ class PurchaseOrderReceiveTest(OrderTest):
self.assertEqual(line_1.received, 0)
self.assertEqual(line_2.received, 50)
# Receive two separate line items against this order
valid_data = {
'items': [
'line_item': 1,
@ -419,7 +416,30 @@ class PurchaseOrderReceiveTest(OrderTest):
'location': 1, # Default location
# Before posting "valid" data, we will mark the purchase order as "pending"
# In this case we do expect an error!
order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(pk=1)
order.status = PurchaseOrderStatus.PENDING
response = self.post(
self.assertIn('can only be received against', str(response.data))
# Now, set the PO back to "PLACED" so the items can be received
order.status = PurchaseOrderStatus.PLACED
# Receive two separate line items against this order
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
{% if roles.part.change %}
<li><a href='#' id='part-edit'><span class='fas fa-edit icon-blue'></span> {% trans "Edit part" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if not part.active and roles.part.delete %}
{% if roles.part.delete %}
<li><a href='#' id='part-delete'><span class='fas fa-trash-alt icon-red'></span> {% trans "Delete part" %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
@ -503,12 +503,13 @@
{% endif %}
{% if not part.active and roles.part.delete %}
{% if roles.part.delete %}
$("#part-delete").click(function() {
"{% url 'part-delete' part.id %}",
redirect: {% if part.category %}"{% url 'category-detail' part.category.id %}"{% else %}"{% url 'part-index' %}"{% endif %}
redirect: {% if part.category %}"{% url 'category-detail' part.category.id %}"{% else %}"{% url 'part-index' %}"{% endif %},
no_post: {% if part.active %}true{% else %}false{% endif %},
@ -3,6 +3,16 @@
{% block pre_form_content %}
{% if part.active %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-danger'>
{% blocktrans with full_name=part.full_name %}Part '<strong>{{full_name}}</strong>' cannot be deleted as it is still marked as <strong>active</strong>.
<br>Disable the "Active" part attribute and re-try.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
<div class='alert alert-block alert-danger'>
{% blocktrans with full_name=part.full_name %}Are you sure you want to delete part '<strong>{{full_name}}</strong>'?{% endblocktrans %}
@ -55,4 +65,12 @@
<p>{% blocktrans with count=part.serials.all|length full_name=part.full_name %}There are {{count}} unique parts tracked for '{{full_name}}'. Deleting this part will permanently remove this tracking information.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block form %}
{% if not part.active %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -109,6 +109,17 @@ class StockDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
return super().update(request, *args, **kwargs)
def perform_destroy(self, instance):
Instead of "deleting" the StockItem
(which may take a long time)
we instead schedule it for deletion at a later date.
The background worker will delete these in the future
class StockAdjust(APIView):
@ -1650,9 +1650,6 @@ def before_delete_stock_item(sender, instance, using, **kwargs):
child.parent = instance.parent
# Rebuild the MPTT tree
class StockItemAttachment(InvenTreeAttachment):
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from InvenTree.api_tester import InvenTreeAPITestCase
from common.models import InvenTreeSetting
from .models import StockItem, StockLocation
from .tasks import delete_old_stock_items
class StockAPITestCase(InvenTreeAPITestCase):
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ class StockAPITestCase(InvenTreeAPITestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -591,6 +593,60 @@ class StocktakeTest(StockAPITestCase):
self.assertContains(response, 'Valid location must be specified', status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
class StockItemDeletionTest(StockAPITestCase):
Tests for stock item deletion via the API
def test_delete(self):
# Check there are no stock items scheduled for deletion
# Create and then delete a bunch of stock items
for idx in range(10):
# Create new StockItem via the API
response = self.post(
'part': 1,
'location': 1,
'quantity': idx,
pk = response.data['pk']
item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=pk)
# Request deletion via the API
reverse('api-stock-detail', kwargs={'pk': pk}),
# There should be 100x StockItem objects marked for deletion
# Perform the actual delete (will take some time)
class StockTestResultTest(StockAPITestCase):
def get_url(self):
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"{% url 'api-part-list' %}",
params: {
search: "{{ query }}",
original_search: "{{ query }}",
checkbox: false,
disableFilters: true,
@ -126,24 +126,10 @@
addItem('category', '{% trans "Part Categories" %}', 'fa-sitemap');
url: "{% url 'api-part-category-list' %}",
queryParams: {
search: "{{ query }}",
columns: [
field: 'name',
title: '{% trans "Name" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return renderLink(value, '/part/category/' + row.pk + '/');
field: 'description',
title: '{% trans "Description" %}',
loadPartCategoryTable($("#table-category"), {
params: {
original_search: "{{ query }}",
addItem('manufacturer-part', '{% trans "Manufacturer Parts" %}', 'fa-toolbox');
@ -153,7 +139,7 @@
"{% url 'api-manufacturer-part-list' %}",
params: {
search: "{{ query }}",
original_search: "{{ query }}",
part_detail: true,
supplier_detail: true,
manufacturer_detail: true
@ -168,7 +154,7 @@
"{% url 'api-supplier-part-list' %}",
params: {
search: "{{ query }}",
original_search: "{{ query }}",
part_detail: true,
supplier_detail: true,
manufacturer_detail: true
@ -186,7 +172,7 @@
loadBuildTable('#table-build-order', {
params: {
search: '{{ query }}',
original_search: '{{ query }}',
@ -197,105 +183,23 @@
addItem('stock', '{% trans "Stock Items" %}', 'fa-boxes');
loadStockTable($('#table-stock'), {
filterKey: 'stocksearch',
url: "{% url 'api-stock-list' %}",
queryParams: {
search: "{{ query }}",
params: {
original_search: "{{ query }}",
part_detail: true,
location_detail: true,
columns: [
field: 'part',
title: "{% trans "Part" %}",
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row) {
var url = `/stock/item/${row.pk}/`;
var thumb = row.part_detail.thumbnail;
var name = row.part_detail.full_name;
html = imageHoverIcon(thumb) + renderLink(name, url);
return html;
location_detail: true
field: 'part_description',
title: '{% trans "Description" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return row.part_detail.description;
field: 'quantity',
title: '{% trans "Stock" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var val = parseFloat(value);
// If there is a single unit with a serial number, use the serial number
if (row.serial && row.quantity == 1) {
val = '# ' + row.serial;
} else {
val = +val.toFixed(5);
var html = renderLink(val, `/stock/item/${row.pk}/`);
return html;
field: 'status',
title: '{% trans "Status" %}',
sortable: 'true',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return stockStatusDisplay(value);
field: 'location_detail.pathstring',
title: '{% trans "Location" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
if (value) {
return renderLink(value, `/stock/location/${row.location}/`);
else {
if (row.customer) {
var text = "{% trans "Shipped to customer" %}";
return renderLink(text, `/company/${row.customer}/assigned-stock/`);
} else {
return '<em>{% trans "No stock location set" %}</em>';
addItem('location', '{% trans "Stock Locations" %}', 'fa-map-marker-alt');
url: "{% url 'api-location-list' %}",
queryParams: {
search: "{{ query }}",
loadStockLocationTable($("#table-location"), {
filterKey: 'locationsearch',
params: {
original_search: "{{ query }}",
columns: [
field: 'name',
title: '{% trans "Name" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return renderLink(row.pathstring, '/stock/location/' + row.pk + '/');
field: 'description',
title: '{% trans "Description" %}',
{% endif %}
@ -307,7 +211,7 @@
loadCompanyTable('#table-manufacturer', "{% url 'api-company-list' %}", {
params: {
search: "{{ query }}",
original_search: "{{ query }}",
is_manufacturer: "true",
@ -317,7 +221,7 @@
loadCompanyTable('#table-supplier', "{% url 'api-company-list' %}", {
params: {
search: "{{ query }}",
original_search: "{{ query }}",
is_supplier: "true",
@ -326,7 +230,7 @@
loadPurchaseOrderTable('#table-purchase-order', {
params: {
search: '{{ query }}',
original_search: '{{ query }}',
@ -337,7 +241,7 @@
loadCompanyTable('#table-customer', "{% url 'api-company-list' %}", {
params: {
search: "{{ query }}",
original_search: "{{ query }}",
is_customer: "true",
@ -346,7 +250,7 @@
loadSalesOrderTable('#table-sales-orders', {
params: {
search: '{{ query }}',
original_search: '{{ query }}',
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function inventreeDocReady() {
success: function(data) {
var transformed = $.map(data.results, function(el) {
return {
label: el.name,
label: el.full_name,
id: el.pk,
thumbnail: el.thumbnail
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ function loadBomTable(table, options) {
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row) {
var url = `/part/${row.sub_part_detail.pk}/?display=stock`;
var url = `/part/${row.sub_part_detail.pk}/?display=part-stock`;
var text = value;
if (value == null || value <= 0) {
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ function loadCompanyTable(table, url, options={}) {
field: 'parts_supplied',
title: '{% trans "Parts Supplied" %}',
formatter: function(value, row) {
return renderLink(value, `/company/${row.pk}/parts/`);
return renderLink(value, `/company/${row.pk}/?display=supplier-parts`);
} else if (options.pagetype == 'manufacturers') {
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ function loadCompanyTable(table, url, options={}) {
field: 'parts_manufactured',
title: '{% trans "Parts Manufactured" %}',
formatter: function(value, row) {
return renderLink(value, `/company/${row.pk}/parts/`);
return renderLink(value, `/company/${row.pk}/?display=manufacturer-parts`);
@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ function loadManufacturerPartTable(table, url, options) {
method: 'get',
original: params,
queryParams: filters,
sidePagination: 'server',
name: 'manufacturerparts',
groupBy: false,
formatNoMatches: function() {
@ -724,6 +725,7 @@ function loadSupplierPartTable(table, url, options) {
url: url,
method: 'get',
original: params,
sidePagination: 'server',
queryParams: filters,
name: 'supplierparts',
groupBy: false,
@ -94,7 +94,12 @@ function partFields(options={}) {
default_location: {
default_supplier: {},
default_supplier: {
filters: {
part_detail: true,
supplier_detail: true,
default_expiry: {
icon: 'fa-calendar-alt',
@ -315,6 +320,9 @@ function editPart(pk) {
edit: true
// Filter supplied parts by the Part ID
fields.default_supplier.filters.part = pk;
var groups = partGroups({});
constructForm(url, {
@ -338,6 +346,9 @@ function duplicatePart(pk, options={}) {
duplicate: pk,
// Remove "default_supplier" field
delete fields['default_supplier'];
// If we are making a "variant" part
if (options.variant) {
@ -528,7 +539,7 @@ function loadPartVariantTable(table, partId, options={}) {
field: 'in_stock',
title: '{% trans "Stock" %}',
formatter: function(value, row) {
return renderLink(value, `/part/${row.pk}/?display=stock`);
return renderLink(value, `/part/${row.pk}/?display=part-stock`);
@ -934,7 +945,7 @@ function loadPartTable(table, url, options={}) {
title: '{% trans "Stock" %}',
searchable: false,
formatter: function(value, row) {
var link = 'stock';
var link = '?display=part-stock';
if (value) {
// There IS stock available for this part
@ -947,17 +958,17 @@ function loadPartTable(table, url, options={}) {
} else if (row.on_order) {
// There is no stock available, but stock is on order
value = `0<span class='label label-right label-primary'>{% trans "On Order" %}: ${row.on_order}</span>`;
link = 'orders';
link = '?display=purchase-orders';
} else if (row.building) {
// There is no stock available, but stock is being built
value = `0<span class='label label-right label-info'>{% trans "Building" %}: ${row.building}</span>`;
link = 'builds';
link = '?display=build-orders';
} else {
// There is no stock available
value = `0<span class='label label-right label-danger'>{% trans "No Stock" %}</span>`;
return renderLink(value, `/part/${row.pk}/${link}/`);
return renderLink(value, `/part/${row.pk}/${link}`);
@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ function loadStockTable(table, options) {
return '-';
var link = `/supplier-part/${row.supplier_part}/?display=stock`;
var link = `/supplier-part/${row.supplier_part}/?display=part-stock`;
var text = '';
@ -182,6 +182,15 @@ function convertQueryParameters(params, filters) {
delete params['sortable'];
// If "original_search" parameter is provided, add it to the "search"
if ('original_search' in params) {
var search = params['search'] || '';
params['search'] = search + ' ' + params['original_search'];
delete params['original_search'];
return params;
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ However, powerful business logic works in the background to ensure that stock tr
# Docker

InvenTree is [available via Docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/inventree/inventree). Read the [docker guide](https://inventree.readthedocs.io/en/latest/start/docker/) for full details.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user