Match field step is now managed through form

This commit is contained in:
eeintech 2021-05-06 16:05:58 -04:00
parent f79382d96f
commit e31452a6ad
7 changed files with 385 additions and 549 deletions

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class FileManager:
raw_data ='utf-8')
# Reset stream position to beginning of file
elif ext in ['.xls', '.xlsx']:
elif ext in ['.xls', '.xlsx', '.json', '.yaml', ]:
raw_data =
# Reset stream position to beginning of file

View File

@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ Django forms for interacting with common objects
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from InvenTree.forms import HelperForm
from .files import FileManager
from .models import InvenTreeSetting
@ -21,3 +25,77 @@ class SettingEditForm(HelperForm):
fields = [
class UploadFile(forms.Form):
""" Step 1 of FileManagementFormView """
file = forms.FileField(
help_text=_('Select file to upload'),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Update label and help_text """
# Get file name
name = None
if 'name' in kwargs:
name = kwargs.pop('name')
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if name:
# Update label and help_text with file name
self.fields['file'].label = _(f'{name.title()} File')
self.fields['file'].help_text = _(f'Select {name} file to upload')
def clean_file(self):
Run tabular file validation.
If anything is wrong with the file, it will raise ValidationError
file = self.cleaned_data['file']
# Validate file using FileManager class - will perform initial data validation
# (and raise a ValidationError if there is something wrong with the file)
return file
class MatchField(forms.Form):
""" Step 2 of FileManagementFormView """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Get FileManager
file_manager = None
if 'file_manager' in kwargs:
file_manager = kwargs.pop('file_manager')
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Setup headers
columns = file_manager.columns()
# Find headers choices
headers_choices = [(header, header) for header in file_manager.HEADERS]
# Create column fields
for col in columns:
field_name = col['name']
self.fields[field_name] = forms.ChoiceField(
choices=[('', '-' * 10)] + headers_choices,
if col['guess']:
self.fields[field_name].initial = col['guess']
class MatchItem(forms.Form):
""" Step 3 of FileManagementFormView """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from InvenTree.helpers import str2bool
from . import models
from . import forms
from .files import FileManager
class SettingEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
@ -164,3 +165,283 @@ class MultiStepFormView(SessionWizardView):
context.update({'description': description})
return context
class FileManagementFormView(MultiStepFormView):
""" Setup form wizard to perform the following steps:
1. Upload tabular data file
2. Match headers to InvenTree fields
3. Edit row data and match InvenTree items
name = None
form_list = [
('upload', forms.UploadFile),
('fields', forms.MatchField),
('items', forms.MatchItem),
form_steps_description = [
_("Upload File"),
_("Match Fields"),
_("Match Items"),
media_folder = 'file_upload/'
extra_context_data = {}
def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs)
if self.steps.current == 'fields':
# Get columns and row data
columns = self.file_manager.columns()
rows = self.file_manager.rows()
# Optimize for template
for row in rows:
row_data = row['data']
data = []
for idx, item in enumerate(row_data):
'cell': item,
'idx': idx,
'column': columns[idx]
row['data'] = data
context.update({'rows': rows})
# Load extra context data
for key, items in self.extra_context_data.items():
context.update({key: items})
return context
def getFileManager(self, step=None, form=None):
""" Get FileManager instance from uploaded file """
if self.file_manager:
if step is not None:
# Retrieve stored files from upload step
upload_files ='upload')
if upload_files:
# Get file
file = upload_files.get('upload-file', None)
if file:
self.file_manager = FileManager(file=file,
def get_form_kwargs(self, step=None):
""" Update kwargs to dynamically build forms """
print(f'[STEP] {step}')
# Always retrieve FileManager instance from uploaded file
if step == 'upload':
# Dynamically build upload form
kwargs = {
return kwargs
elif step == 'fields':
if self.file_manager:
# Dynamically build match field form
kwargs = {
'file_manager': self.file_manager
return kwargs
return super().get_form_kwargs()
def getFormTableData(self, form_data):
""" Extract table cell data from form data.
These data are used to maintain state between sessions.
Table data keys are as follows:
col_name_<idx> - Column name at idx as provided in the uploaded file
col_guess_<idx> - Column guess at idx as selected
row_<x>_col<y> - Cell data as provided in the uploaded file
# Store extra context data
self.extra_context_data = {}
# Map the columns
self.column_names = {}
self.column_selections = {}
self.row_data = {}
for item in form_data:
# print(f'{item} | {form_data[item]}')
value = form_data[item]
# Column names as passed as col_name_<idx> where idx is an integer
# Extract the column names
if item.startswith('col_name_'):
col_id = int(item.replace('col_name_', ''))
except ValueError:
self.column_names[value] = col_id
# Extract the column selections (in the 'select fields' view)
if item.startswith('fields-'):
col_name = item.replace('fields-', '')
except ValueError:
self.column_selections[col_name] = value
# Extract the row data
if item.startswith('row_'):
# Item should be of the format row_<r>_col_<c>
s = item.split('_')
if len(s) < 4:
# Ignore row/col IDs which are not correct numeric values
row_id = int(s[1])
col_id = int(s[3])
except ValueError:
if row_id not in self.row_data:
self.row_data[row_id] = {}
self.row_data[row_id][col_id] = value
# self.col_ids = sorted(self.column_names.keys())
# Re-construct the data table
self.rows = []
for row_idx in sorted(self.row_data.keys()):
row = self.row_data[row_idx]
items = []
for col_idx in sorted(row.keys()):
value = row[col_idx]
'index': row_idx,
'data': items,
'errors': {},
# Construct the column data
self.columns = []
# Track any duplicate column selections
duplicates = []
for col in self.column_names:
if col in self.column_selections:
guess = self.column_selections[col]
guess = None
header = ({
'name': self.column_names[col],
'guess': guess
if guess:
n = list(self.column_selections.values()).count(self.column_selections[col])
if n > 1:
header['duplicate'] = True
# Are there any missing columns?
missing_columns = []
# Check that all required fields are present
for col in self.file_manager.REQUIRED_HEADERS:
if col not in self.column_selections.values():
# Check that at least one of the part match field is present
part_match_found = False
for col in self.file_manager.PART_MATCH_HEADERS:
if col in self.column_selections.values():
part_match_found = True
# If not, notify user
if not part_match_found:
for col in self.file_manager.PART_MATCH_HEADERS:
# Store extra context data
self.extra_context_data['missing_columns'] = missing_columns
self.extra_context_data['duplicates'] = duplicates
def checkFieldSelection(self, form):
""" Check field matching """
# Extract form data
valid = len(self.extra_context_data.get('missing_columns', [])) == 0 and not self.extra_context_data.get('duplicates', [])
return valid
def validate(self, step, form):
""" Validate forms """
valid = False
# Process steps
if step == 'upload':
# Validation is done during POST
valid = True
elif step == 'fields':
# Validate user form data
valid = self.checkFieldSelection(form)
if not valid:
form.add_error(None, 'Fields matching failed')
elif step == 'items':
# valid = self.checkPartSelection(form)
# if not valid:
# form.add_error(None, 'Items matching failed')
return valid
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Perform validations before posting data """
wizard_goto_step = self.request.POST.get('wizard_goto_step', None)
form = self.get_form(data=self.request.POST, files=self.request.FILES)
form_valid = self.validate(self.steps.current, form)
if not form_valid and not wizard_goto_step:
# Re-render same step
return self.render(form)
print('\nPosting... ')
return super().post(*args, **kwargs)

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ from InvenTree.forms import HelperForm
from InvenTree.fields import RoundingDecimalFormField
from InvenTree.fields import DatePickerFormField
from common.files import FileManager
import part.models
from stock.models import StockLocation
@ -286,30 +284,3 @@ class EditSalesOrderAllocationForm(HelperForm):
class UploadFile(forms.Form):
""" Step 1 """
file = forms.FileField(
label=_('Order File'),
help_text=_('Select order file to upload'),
def clean_file(self):
file = self.cleaned_data['file']
# Validate file using FileManager class - will perform initial data validation
# (and raise a ValidationError if there is something wrong with the file)
return file
class MatchField(forms.Form):
""" Step 2 """
class MatchPart(forms.Form):
""" Step 3 """

View File

@ -15,12 +15,17 @@
{% endif %}
{% if duplicates and duplicates|length > 0 %}
<div class='alert alert-danger alert-block' role='alert'>
{% trans "Duplicate selections found, see below. Fix them then retry submitting." %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock form_alert %}
{% block form_buttons_top %}
{% comment %} {% if wizard.steps.prev %}
{% if wizard.steps.prev %}
<button name="wizard_goto_step" type="submit" value="{{ wizard.steps.prev }}" class="save btn btn-default">{% trans "Previous Step" %}</button>
{% endif %} {% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
<button type="submit" class="save btn btn-default">{% trans "Submit Selections" %}</button>
{% endblock form_buttons_top %}
@ -29,7 +34,7 @@
<th>{% trans "File Fields" %}</th>
{% for col in columns %}
{% for col in form %}
<input type='hidden' name='col_name_{{ forloop.counter0 }}' value='{{ }}'/>
@ -46,17 +51,22 @@
<td>{% trans "Match Fields" %}</td>
{% for col in columns %}
{% for col in form %}
<select class='select' id='id_col_{{ forloop.counter0 }}' name='col_guess_{{ forloop.counter0 }}'>
{{ col }}
{% comment %} <select class='select' id='id_col_{{ forloop.counter0 }}' name='col_guess_{{ forloop.counter0 }}'>
<option value=''>---------</option>
{% for req in headers %}
<option value='{{ req }}'{% if req == col.guess %}selected='selected'{% endif %}>{{ req }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% if col.duplicate %}
<p class='help-inline'>{% trans "Duplicate column selection" %}</p>
</select> {% endcomment %}
{% for duplicate in duplicates %}
{% if duplicate == %}
<div class='alert alert-danger alert-block text-center' role='alert' style='padding:2px; margin-top:6px; margin-bottom:2px'>
<b>{% trans "Duplicate selection" %}</b>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

View File

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
{% endblock form_alert %}
{% block form_buttons_top %}
{% comment %} {% if wizard.steps.prev %}
{% if wizard.steps.prev %}
<button name="wizard_goto_step" type="submit" value="{{ wizard.steps.prev }}" class="save btn btn-default">{% trans "Previous Step" %}</button>
{% endif %} {% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
<button type="submit" class="save btn btn-default">{% trans "Submit Selections" %}</button>
{% endblock form_buttons_top %}

View File

@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ from stock.models import StockItem, StockLocation
from part.models import Part
from common.models import InvenTreeSetting
from common.views import MultiStepFormView
from common.files import FileManager
from common.views import FileManagementFormView
from . import forms as order_forms
@ -567,14 +566,10 @@ class SalesOrderShip(AjaxUpdateView):
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, data, context)
class PurchaseOrderUpload(MultiStepFormView):
class PurchaseOrderUpload(FileManagementFormView):
''' PurchaseOrder: Upload file, match to fields and parts (using multi-Step form) '''
form_list = [
('upload', order_forms.UploadFile),
('fields', order_forms.MatchField),
('parts', order_forms.MatchPart),
name = 'order'
form_steps_template = [
@ -583,16 +578,8 @@ class PurchaseOrderUpload(MultiStepFormView):
form_steps_description = [
_("Upload File"),
_("Match Fields"),
_("Match Parts"),
_("Match Supplier Parts"),
media_folder = 'order_uploads/'
# Used for data table
headers = None
rows = None
columns = None
missing_columns = None
allowed_parts = None
def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs)
@ -601,499 +588,8 @@ class PurchaseOrderUpload(MultiStepFormView):
context.update({'order': order})
if self.headers:
context.update({'headers': self.headers})
# print(f'{self.headers}')
if self.columns:
context.update({'columns': self.columns})
# print(f'{self.columns}')
if self.rows:
for row in self.rows:
row_data = row['data']
data = []
for idx, item in enumerate(row_data):
'cell': item,
'idx': idx,
'column': self.columns[idx]
row['data'] = data
context.update({'rows': self.rows})
# print(f'{self.rows}')
if self.missing_columns:
context.update({'missing_columns': self.missing_columns})
return context
def getTableDataFromForm(self, form_data):
""" Extract table cell data from form data.
These data are used to maintain state between sessions.
Table data keys are as follows:
col_name_<idx> - Column name at idx as provided in the uploaded file
col_guess_<idx> - Column guess at idx as selected
row_<x>_col<y> - Cell data as provided in the uploaded file
# Map the columns
self.column_names = {}
self.column_selections = {}
self.row_data = {}
for item in form_data:
value = form_data[item]
# Column names as passed as col_name_<idx> where idx is an integer
# Extract the column names
if item.startswith('col_name_'):
col_id = int(item.replace('col_name_', ''))
except ValueError:
col_name = value
self.column_names[col_id] = col_name
# Extract the column selections (in the 'select fields' view)
if item.startswith('col_guess_'):
col_id = int(item.replace('col_guess_', ''))
except ValueError:
col_name = value
self.column_selections[col_id] = value
# Extract the row data
if item.startswith('row_'):
# Item should be of the format row_<r>_col_<c>
s = item.split('_')
if len(s) < 4:
# Ignore row/col IDs which are not correct numeric values
row_id = int(s[1])
col_id = int(s[3])
except ValueError:
if row_id not in self.row_data:
self.row_data[row_id] = {}
self.row_data[row_id][col_id] = value
self.col_ids = sorted(self.column_names.keys())
# Re-construct the data table
self.rows = []
for row_idx in sorted(self.row_data.keys()):
row = self.row_data[row_idx]
items = []
for col_idx in sorted(row.keys()):
value = row[col_idx]
'index': row_idx,
'data': items,
'errors': {},
# Construct the column data
self.columns = []
# Track any duplicate column selections
self.duplicates = False
for col in self.col_ids:
if col in self.column_selections:
guess = self.column_selections[col]
guess = None
header = ({
'name': self.column_names[col],
'guess': guess
if guess:
n = list(self.column_selections.values()).count(self.column_selections[col])
if n > 1:
header['duplicate'] = True
self.duplicates = True
# Are there any missing columns?
self.missing_columns = []
# Check that all required fields are present
for col in self.file_manager.REQUIRED_HEADERS:
if col not in self.column_selections.values():
# Check that at least one of the part match field is present
part_match_found = False
for col in self.file_manager.PART_MATCH_HEADERS:
if col in self.column_selections.values():
part_match_found = True
# If not, notify user
if not part_match_found:
for col in self.file_manager.PART_MATCH_HEADERS:
def getColumnIndex(self, name):
""" Return the index of the column with the given name.
It named column is not found, return -1
idx = list(self.column_selections.values()).index(name)
except ValueError:
idx = -1
return idx
def preFillSelections(self):
""" Once data columns have been selected, attempt to pre-select the proper data from the database.
This function is called once the field selection has been validated.
The pre-fill data are then passed through to the part selection form.
# Fields prefixed with "Part_" can be used to do "smart matching" against Part objects in the database
q_idx = self.getColumnIndex('Quantity')
s_idx = self.getColumnIndex('Supplier_SKU')
# m_idx = self.getColumnIndex('Manufacturer_MPN')
# p_idx = self.getColumnIndex('Unit_Price')
# e_idx = self.getColumnIndex('Extended_Price')
for row in self.rows:
# Initially use a quantity of zero
quantity = Decimal(0)
# Initially we do not have a part to reference
exact_match_part = None
# A list of potential Part matches
part_options = self.allowed_parts
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "quantity"
if q_idx >= 0:
q_val = row['data'][q_idx]
if q_val:
# Delete commas
q_val = q_val.replace(',','')
# Attempt to extract a valid quantity from the field
quantity = Decimal(q_val)
except (ValueError, InvalidOperation):
# Store the 'quantity' value
row['quantity'] = quantity
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Supplier SKU"
if s_idx >= 0:
sku = row['data'][s_idx]
# Attempt SupplierPart lookup based on SKU value
exact_match_part = SupplierPart.objects.get(SKU__contains=sku)
except (ValueError, SupplierPart.DoesNotExist, SupplierPart.MultipleObjectsReturned):
exact_match_part = None
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Manufacturer MPN"
# if m_idx >= 0:
# row['part_mpn'] = row['data'][m_idx]
# try:
# # Attempt ManufacturerPart lookup based on MPN value
# exact_match_part = ManufacturerPart.objects.get(MPN=row['part_mpn'])
# except (ValueError, ManufacturerPart.DoesNotExist):
# exact_match_part = None
# Supply list of part options for each row, sorted by how closely they match the part name
row['part_options'] = part_options
# Unless found, the 'part_match' is blank
row['part_match'] = None
if exact_match_part:
# If there is an exact match based on SKU or MPN, use that
row['part_match'] = exact_match_part
def updatePartSelectionColumns(self, form):
# for idx, row in enumerate(self.rows):
# print(f'{idx} | {row}\n\n')
def getFileManager(self, form=None):
""" Create FileManager instance from upload file """
if self.file_manager:
if self.steps.current == 'upload':
# Get file from form data
order_file = form.cleaned_data['file']
self.file_manager = FileManager(file=order_file, name='order')
# Retrieve stored files from upload step
upload_files ='upload')
# Get file
order_file = upload_files.get('upload-file', None)
if order_file:
self.file_manager = FileManager(file=order_file, name='order')
def setupFieldSelection(self, form):
""" Setup fields form """
# Get FileManager
# Setup headers
# Set headers
self.headers = self.file_manager.HEADERS
# Set columns and rows
self.columns = self.file_manager.columns()
self.rows = self.file_manager.rows()
def handleFieldSelection(self, form):
""" Process field matching """
# Retrieve FileManager instance from uploaded file
# Update headers
if self.file_manager:
return False
# Extract form data
valid = len(self.missing_columns) == 0 and not self.duplicates
return valid
def getRowByIndex(self, idx):
for row in self.rows:
if row['index'] == idx:
return row
return None
def handlePartSelection(self, form):
# Retrieve FileManager instance from uploaded file
# Extract form data
# Keep track of the parts that have been selected
parts = {}
# Extract other data (part selections, etc)
for key, value in
# Extract quantity from each row
if key.startswith('quantity_'):
row_id = int(key.replace('quantity_', ''))
row = self.getRowByIndex(row_id)
if row is None:
q = Decimal(1)
q = Decimal(value)
if q < 0:
row['errors']['quantity'] = _('Quantity must be greater than zero')
if 'part' in row.keys():
if row['part'].trackable:
# Trackable parts must use integer quantities
if not q == int(q):
row['errors']['quantity'] = _('Quantity must be integer value for trackable parts')
except (ValueError, InvalidOperation):
row['errors']['quantity'] = _('Enter a valid quantity')
row['quantity'] = q
except ValueError:
# Extract part from each row
if key.startswith('part_'):
row_id = int(key.replace('part_', ''))
row = self.getRowByIndex(row_id)
if row is None:
except ValueError:
# Row ID non integer value
part_id = int(value)
part = Part.objects.get(id=part_id)
except ValueError:
row['errors']['part'] = _('Select valid part')
except Part.DoesNotExist:
row['errors']['part'] = _('Select valid part')
# Keep track of how many of each part we have seen
if part_id in parts:
parts[part_id]['quantity'] += 1
row['errors']['part'] = _('Duplicate part selected')
parts[part_id] = {
'part': part,
'quantity': 1,
row['part'] = part
if part.trackable:
# For trackable parts, ensure the quantity is an integer value!
if 'quantity' in row.keys():
q = row['quantity']
if not q == int(q):
row['errors']['quantity'] = _('Quantity must be integer value for trackable parts')
# Extract other fields which do not require further validation
for field in ['reference', 'notes']:
if key.startswith(field + '_'):
row_id = int(key.replace(field + '_', ''))
row = self.getRowByIndex(row_id)
if row:
row[field] = value
# Are there any errors after form handling?
valid = True
for row in self.rows:
# Has a part been selected for the given row?
part = row.get('part', None)
if part is None:
row['errors']['part'] = _('Select a part')
# Has a quantity been specified?
if row.get('quantity', None) is None:
row['errors']['quantity'] = _('Specify quantity')
errors = row.get('errors', [])
if len(errors) > 0:
valid = False
return valid
def get_form_step_data(self, form):
""" Process form data after it has been posted """
# print(f'{self.steps.current=}\n{}')
# Retrieve FileManager instance from uploaded file
# print(f'{self.file_manager=}')
# Process steps
if self.steps.current == 'upload':
elif self.steps.current == 'fields':
self.allowed_parts = SupplierPart.objects.all()
self.rows = self.file_manager.rows()
# self.updatePartSelectionColumns(form)
# elif self.steps.current == 'parts':
# self.handlePartSelection(form)
def validate(self, step, form):
""" Validate forms """
valid = False
# Process steps
if step == 'upload':
# Validation is done during POST
valid = True
elif step == 'fields':
# Validate user form data
valid = self.handleFieldSelection(form)
if not valid:
form.add_error(None, 'Fields matching failed')
# Reload headers
self.headers = self.file_manager.HEADERS
elif step == 'parts':
valid = self.handlePartSelection(form)
# if not valid:
# pass
return valid
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Perform validations before posting data """
wizard_goto_step = self.request.POST.get('wizard_goto_step', None)
form = self.get_form(data=self.request.POST, files=self.request.FILES)
print(f'\nCurrent step = {self.steps.current}')
form_valid = self.validate(self.steps.current, form)
if not form_valid and not wizard_goto_step:
# Re-render same step
return self.render(form)
print('\nPosting... ')
return super().post(*args, **kwargs)
def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('po-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.kwargs['pk']}))