diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/accent-neutralise/bootstrap-table-accent-neutralise.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/accent-neutralise/bootstrap-table-accent-neutralise.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42c8d2896f --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/accent-neutralise/bootstrap-table-accent-neutralise.js @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @update: zhixin wen + */ + +!($ => { + const diacriticsMap = {} + const defaultAccentsDiacritics = [ + {base: 'A', letters: '\u0041\u24B6\uFF21\u00C0\u00C1\u00C2\u1EA6\u1EA4\u1EAA\u1EA8\u00C3\u0100\u0102\u1EB0\u1EAE\u1EB4\u1EB2\u0226\u01E0\u00C4\u01DE\u1EA2\u00C5\u01FA\u01CD\u0200\u0202\u1EA0\u1EAC\u1EB6\u1E00\u0104\u023A\u2C6F'}, + {base: 'AA',letters: '\uA732'}, + {base: 'AE',letters: '\u00C6\u01FC\u01E2'}, + {base: 'AO',letters: '\uA734'}, + {base: 'AU',letters: '\uA736'}, + {base: 'AV',letters: '\uA738\uA73A'}, + {base: 'AY',letters: '\uA73C'}, + {base: 'B', letters: '\u0042\u24B7\uFF22\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u0243\u0182\u0181'}, + {base: 'C', letters: '\u0043\u24B8\uFF23\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\u00C7\u1E08\u0187\u023B\uA73E'}, + {base: 'D', letters: '\u0044\u24B9\uFF24\u1E0A\u010E\u1E0C\u1E10\u1E12\u1E0E\u0110\u018B\u018A\u0189\uA779'}, + {base: 'DZ',letters: '\u01F1\u01C4'}, + {base: 'Dz',letters: '\u01F2\u01C5'}, + {base: 'E', letters: '\u0045\u24BA\uFF25\u00C8\u00C9\u00CA\u1EC0\u1EBE\u1EC4\u1EC2\u1EBC\u0112\u1E14\u1E16\u0114\u0116\u00CB\u1EBA\u011A\u0204\u0206\u1EB8\u1EC6\u0228\u1E1C\u0118\u1E18\u1E1A\u0190\u018E'}, + {base: 'F', letters: '\u0046\u24BB\uFF26\u1E1E\u0191\uA77B'}, + {base: 'G', letters: '\u0047\u24BC\uFF27\u01F4\u011C\u1E20\u011E\u0120\u01E6\u0122\u01E4\u0193\uA7A0\uA77D\uA77E'}, + {base: 'H', letters: '\u0048\u24BD\uFF28\u0124\u1E22\u1E26\u021E\u1E24\u1E28\u1E2A\u0126\u2C67\u2C75\uA78D'}, + {base: 'I', letters: '\u0049\u24BE\uFF29\u00CC\u00CD\u00CE\u0128\u012A\u012C\u0130\u00CF\u1E2E\u1EC8\u01CF\u0208\u020A\u1ECA\u012E\u1E2C\u0197'}, + {base: 'J', letters: '\u004A\u24BF\uFF2A\u0134\u0248'}, + {base: 'K', letters: '\u004B\u24C0\uFF2B\u1E30\u01E8\u1E32\u0136\u1E34\u0198\u2C69\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA7A2'}, + {base: 'L', letters: '\u004C\u24C1\uFF2C\u013F\u0139\u013D\u1E36\u1E38\u013B\u1E3C\u1E3A\u0141\u023D\u2C62\u2C60\uA748\uA746\uA780'}, + {base: 'LJ',letters: '\u01C7'}, + {base: 'Lj',letters: '\u01C8'}, + {base: 'M', letters: '\u004D\u24C2\uFF2D\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u2C6E\u019C'}, + {base: 'N', letters: '\u004E\u24C3\uFF2E\u01F8\u0143\u00D1\u1E44\u0147\u1E46\u0145\u1E4A\u1E48\u0220\u019D\uA790\uA7A4'}, + {base: 'NJ',letters: '\u01CA'}, + {base: 'Nj',letters: '\u01CB'}, + {base: 'O', letters: '\u004F\u24C4\uFF2F\u00D2\u00D3\u00D4\u1ED2\u1ED0\u1ED6\u1ED4\u00D5\u1E4C\u022C\u1E4E\u014C\u1E50\u1E52\u014E\u022E\u0230\u00D6\u022A\u1ECE\u0150\u01D1\u020C\u020E\u01A0\u1EDC\u1EDA\u1EE0\u1EDE\u1EE2\u1ECC\u1ED8\u01EA\u01EC\u00D8\u01FE\u0186\u019F\uA74A\uA74C'}, + {base: 'OI',letters: '\u01A2'}, + {base: 'OO',letters: '\uA74E'}, + {base: 'OU',letters: '\u0222'}, + {base: 'OE',letters: '\u008C\u0152'}, + {base: 'oe',letters: '\u009C\u0153'}, + {base: 'P', letters: '\u0050\u24C5\uFF30\u1E54\u1E56\u01A4\u2C63\uA750\uA752\uA754'}, + {base: 'Q', letters: '\u0051\u24C6\uFF31\uA756\uA758\u024A'}, + {base: 'R', letters: '\u0052\u24C7\uFF32\u0154\u1E58\u0158\u0210\u0212\u1E5A\u1E5C\u0156\u1E5E\u024C\u2C64\uA75A\uA7A6\uA782'}, + {base: 'S', letters: '\u0053\u24C8\uFF33\u1E9E\u015A\u1E64\u015C\u1E60\u0160\u1E66\u1E62\u1E68\u0218\u015E\u2C7E\uA7A8\uA784'}, + {base: 'T', letters: '\u0054\u24C9\uFF34\u1E6A\u0164\u1E6C\u021A\u0162\u1E70\u1E6E\u0166\u01AC\u01AE\u023E\uA786'}, + {base: 'TZ',letters: '\uA728'}, + {base: 'U', letters: '\u0055\u24CA\uFF35\u00D9\u00DA\u00DB\u0168\u1E78\u016A\u1E7A\u016C\u00DC\u01DB\u01D7\u01D5\u01D9\u1EE6\u016E\u0170\u01D3\u0214\u0216\u01AF\u1EEA\u1EE8\u1EEE\u1EEC\u1EF0\u1EE4\u1E72\u0172\u1E76\u1E74\u0244'}, + {base: 'V', letters: '\u0056\u24CB\uFF36\u1E7C\u1E7E\u01B2\uA75E\u0245'}, + {base: 'VY',letters: '\uA760'}, + {base: 'W', letters: '\u0057\u24CC\uFF37\u1E80\u1E82\u0174\u1E86\u1E84\u1E88\u2C72'}, + {base: 'X', letters: '\u0058\u24CD\uFF38\u1E8A\u1E8C'}, + {base: 'Y', letters: '\u0059\u24CE\uFF39\u1EF2\u00DD\u0176\u1EF8\u0232\u1E8E\u0178\u1EF6\u1EF4\u01B3\u024E\u1EFE'}, + {base: 'Z', letters: '\u005A\u24CF\uFF3A\u0179\u1E90\u017B\u017D\u1E92\u1E94\u01B5\u0224\u2C7F\u2C6B\uA762'}, + {base: 'a', letters: '\u0061\u24D0\uFF41\u1E9A\u00E0\u00E1\u00E2\u1EA7\u1EA5\u1EAB\u1EA9\u00E3\u0101\u0103\u1EB1\u1EAF\u1EB5\u1EB3\u0227\u01E1\u00E4\u01DF\u1EA3\u00E5\u01FB\u01CE\u0201\u0203\u1EA1\u1EAD\u1EB7\u1E01\u0105\u2C65\u0250'}, + {base: 'aa',letters: '\uA733'}, + {base: 'ae',letters: '\u00E6\u01FD\u01E3'}, + {base: 'ao',letters: '\uA735'}, + {base: 'au',letters: '\uA737'}, + {base: 'av',letters: '\uA739\uA73B'}, + {base: 'ay',letters: '\uA73D'}, + {base: 'b', letters: '\u0062\u24D1\uFF42\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u0180\u0183\u0253'}, + {base: 'c', letters: '\u0063\u24D2\uFF43\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\u00E7\u1E09\u0188\u023C\uA73F\u2184'}, + {base: 'd', letters: '\u0064\u24D3\uFF44\u1E0B\u010F\u1E0D\u1E11\u1E13\u1E0F\u0111\u018C\u0256\u0257\uA77A'}, + {base: 'dz',letters: '\u01F3\u01C6'}, + {base: 'e', letters: '\u0065\u24D4\uFF45\u00E8\u00E9\u00EA\u1EC1\u1EBF\u1EC5\u1EC3\u1EBD\u0113\u1E15\u1E17\u0115\u0117\u00EB\u1EBB\u011B\u0205\u0207\u1EB9\u1EC7\u0229\u1E1D\u0119\u1E19\u1E1B\u0247\u025B\u01DD'}, + {base: 'f', letters: '\u0066\u24D5\uFF46\u1E1F\u0192\uA77C'}, + {base: 'g', letters: '\u0067\u24D6\uFF47\u01F5\u011D\u1E21\u011F\u0121\u01E7\u0123\u01E5\u0260\uA7A1\u1D79\uA77F'}, + {base: 'h', letters: '\u0068\u24D7\uFF48\u0125\u1E23\u1E27\u021F\u1E25\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E96\u0127\u2C68\u2C76\u0265'}, + {base: 'hv',letters: '\u0195'}, + {base: 'i', letters: '\u0069\u24D8\uFF49\u00EC\u00ED\u00EE\u0129\u012B\u012D\u00EF\u1E2F\u1EC9\u01D0\u0209\u020B\u1ECB\u012F\u1E2D\u0268\u0131'}, + {base: 'j', letters: '\u006A\u24D9\uFF4A\u0135\u01F0\u0249'}, + {base: 'k', letters: '\u006B\u24DA\uFF4B\u1E31\u01E9\u1E33\u0137\u1E35\u0199\u2C6A\uA741\uA743\uA745\uA7A3'}, + {base: 'l', letters: '\u006C\u24DB\uFF4C\u0140\u013A\u013E\u1E37\u1E39\u013C\u1E3D\u1E3B\u017F\u0142\u019A\u026B\u2C61\uA749\uA781\uA747'}, + {base: 'lj',letters: '\u01C9'}, + {base: 'm', letters: '\u006D\u24DC\uFF4D\u1E3F\u1E41\u1E43\u0271\u026F'}, + {base: 'n', letters: '\u006E\u24DD\uFF4E\u01F9\u0144\u00F1\u1E45\u0148\u1E47\u0146\u1E4B\u1E49\u019E\u0272\u0149\uA791\uA7A5'}, + {base: 'nj',letters: '\u01CC'}, + {base: 'o', letters: '\u006F\u24DE\uFF4F\u00F2\u00F3\u00F4\u1ED3\u1ED1\u1ED7\u1ED5\u00F5\u1E4D\u022D\u1E4F\u014D\u1E51\u1E53\u014F\u022F\u0231\u00F6\u022B\u1ECF\u0151\u01D2\u020D\u020F\u01A1\u1EDD\u1EDB\u1EE1\u1EDF\u1EE3\u1ECD\u1ED9\u01EB\u01ED\u00F8\u01FF\u0254\uA74B\uA74D\u0275'}, + {base: 'oi',letters: '\u01A3'}, + {base: 'ou',letters: '\u0223'}, + {base: 'oo',letters: '\uA74F'}, + {base: 'p',letters: '\u0070\u24DF\uFF50\u1E55\u1E57\u01A5\u1D7D\uA751\uA753\uA755'}, + {base: 'q',letters: '\u0071\u24E0\uFF51\u024B\uA757\uA759'}, + {base: 'r',letters: '\u0072\u24E1\uFF52\u0155\u1E59\u0159\u0211\u0213\u1E5B\u1E5D\u0157\u1E5F\u024D\u027D\uA75B\uA7A7\uA783'}, + {base: 's',letters: '\u0073\u24E2\uFF53\u00DF\u015B\u1E65\u015D\u1E61\u0161\u1E67\u1E63\u1E69\u0219\u015F\u023F\uA7A9\uA785\u1E9B'}, + {base: 't',letters: '\u0074\u24E3\uFF54\u1E6B\u1E97\u0165\u1E6D\u021B\u0163\u1E71\u1E6F\u0167\u01AD\u0288\u2C66\uA787'}, + {base: 'tz',letters: '\uA729'}, + {base: 'u',letters: '\u0075\u24E4\uFF55\u00F9\u00FA\u00FB\u0169\u1E79\u016B\u1E7B\u016D\u00FC\u01DC\u01D8\u01D6\u01DA\u1EE7\u016F\u0171\u01D4\u0215\u0217\u01B0\u1EEB\u1EE9\u1EEF\u1EED\u1EF1\u1EE5\u1E73\u0173\u1E77\u1E75\u0289'}, + {base: 'v',letters: '\u0076\u24E5\uFF56\u1E7D\u1E7F\u028B\uA75F\u028C'}, + {base: 'vy',letters: '\uA761'}, + {base: 'w',letters: '\u0077\u24E6\uFF57\u1E81\u1E83\u0175\u1E87\u1E85\u1E98\u1E89\u2C73'}, + {base: 'x',letters: '\u0078\u24E7\uFF58\u1E8B\u1E8D'}, + {base: 'y',letters: '\u0079\u24E8\uFF59\u1EF3\u00FD\u0177\u1EF9\u0233\u1E8F\u00FF\u1EF7\u1E99\u1EF5\u01B4\u024F\u1EFF'}, + {base: 'z',letters: '\u007A\u24E9\uFF5A\u017A\u1E91\u017C\u017E\u1E93\u1E95\u01B6\u0225\u0240\u2C6C\uA763'} + ] + + const initNeutraliser = () => { + for (const diacritic of defaultAccentsDiacritics) { + const letters = diacritic.letters + for (let i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) { + diacriticsMap[letters[i]] = diacritic.base + } + } + } + + /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */ + const removeDiacritics = str => str.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007E]/g, a => diacriticsMap[a] || a) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + searchAccentNeutralise: false + }) + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + init () { + if (this.options.searchAccentNeutralise) { + initNeutraliser() + } + super.init() + } + + initSearch () { + if (this.options.sidePagination !== 'server') { + let s = this.searchText && this.searchText.toLowerCase() + const f = $.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumns) ? null : this.filterColumns + + // Check filter + this.data = f ? this.options.data.filter((item, i) => { + for (const key in f) { + if (item[key] !== f[key]) { + return false + } + } + return true + }) : this.options.data + + this.data = s ? this.options.data.filter((item, i) => { + for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(item)) { + key = $.isNumeric(key) ? parseInt(key, 10) : key + const column = this.columns[this.fieldsColumnsIndex[key]] + const j = this.header.fields.indexOf(key) + + if (column && column.searchFormatter) { + value = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue(column, + this.header.formatters[j], [value, item, i], value) + } + + const index = this.header.fields.indexOf(key) + if (index !== -1 && this.header.searchables[index] && typeof value === 'string') { + if (this.options.searchAccentNeutralise) { + value = removeDiacritics(value) + s = removeDiacritics(s) + } + if (this.options.strictSearch) { + if ((`${value}`).toLowerCase() === s) { + return true + } + } else { + if ((`${value}`).toLowerCase().includes(s)) { + return true + } + } + } + } + return false + }) : this.data + } + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/accent-neutralise/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/accent-neutralise/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce69cfdb5f --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/accent-neutralise/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Accent Neutralise", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to neutralise the words.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/accent-neutralise", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-accent-neutralise", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/accent-neutralise" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/addrbar/bootstrap-table-addrbar.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/addrbar/bootstrap-table-addrbar.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e33307f565 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/addrbar/bootstrap-table-addrbar.js @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/** + * @author: general + * @website: note.generals.space + * @email: generals.space@gmail.com + * @github: https://github.com/generals-space/bootstrap-table-addrbar + * @update: zhixin wen + */ + +($ => { + /* + * function: 获取浏览器地址栏中的指定参数. + * key: 参数名 + * url: 默认为当前地址栏 + */ + function _GET (key, url = window.location.search) { + /* + * 注意这里正则表达式的书写方法 + * (^|&)key匹配: 直接以key开始或以&key开始的字符串 + * 同理(&|$)表示以&结束或是直接结束的字符串 + * ...当然, 我并不知道这种用法. + */ + const reg = new RegExp(`(^|&)${key}=([^&]*)(&|$)`) + const result = url.substr(1).match(reg) + + if (result) { + return decodeURIComponent(result[2]) + } + return null + } + + /* + * function: 根据给定参数生成url地址 + * var dic = {name: 'genreal', age: 24} + * var url = 'https://www.baidu.com?age=22'; + * _buildUrl(dic, url); + * 将得到"https://www.baidu.com?age=24&name=genreal" + * 哦, 忽略先后顺序吧... + * + * 补充: 可以参考浏览器URLSearchParams对象, 更加方便和强大. + * 考虑到兼容性, 暂时不使用这个工具. + */ + + function _buildUrl (dict, url = window.location.search) { + for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(dict)) { + // 搜索name=general这种形式的字符串(&是分隔符) + const pattern = `${key}=([^&]*)` + const targetStr = `${key}=${val}` + + /* + * 如果目标url中包含了key键, 我们需要将它替换成我们自己的val + * 不然就直接添加好了. + */ + if (url.match(pattern)) { + const tmp = new RegExp(`(${key}=)([^&]*)`, 'gi') + url = url.replace(tmp, targetStr) + } else { + const seperator = url.match('[?]') ? '&' : '?' + url = url + seperator + targetStr + } + } + if (location.hash) { + url += location.hash + } + return url + } + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + init () { + // 拥有addrbar选项并且其值为true的才会继续执行 + if (this.options.addrbar) { + // 标志位, 初始加载后关闭 + this.addrbarInit = true + const _prefix = this.options.addrPrefix || '' + + // 优先级排序: 用户指定值最优先, 未指定时从地址栏获取, 未获取到时采用默认值 + this.options.pageSize = this.options.pageSize || ( + _GET(`${_prefix}limit`) ? parseInt(_GET(`${_prefix}limit`)) : $.BootstrapTable.DEFAULTS.pageSize + ) + this.options.pageNumber = this.options.pageNumber || ( + _GET(`${_prefix}page`) ? parseInt(_GET(`${_prefix}page`)) : $.BootstrapTable.DEFAULTS.pageNumber + ) + this.options.sortOrder = this.options.sortOrder || ( + _GET(`${_prefix}order`) ? _GET(`${_prefix}order`) : $.BootstrapTable.DEFAULTS.sortOrder + ) + this.options.sortName = this.options.sortName || ( + _GET(`${_prefix}sort`) ? _GET(`${_prefix}sort`) : 'id' + ) + this.options.searchText = this.options.searchText || ( + _GET(`${_prefix}search`) ? _GET(`${_prefix}search`) : $.BootstrapTable.DEFAULTS.searchText + ) + + const _onLoadSuccess = this.options.onLoadSuccess + + this.options.onLoadSuccess = data => { + if (this.addrbarInit) { + this.addrbarInit = false + } else { + const params = {} + params[`${_prefix}page`] = this.options.pageNumber, + params[`${_prefix}limit`] = this.options.pageSize, + params[`${_prefix}order`] = this.options.sortOrder, + params[`${_prefix}sort`] = this.options.sortName, + params[`${_prefix}search`] = this.options.searchText + // h5提供的修改浏览器地址栏的方法 + window.history.pushState({}, '', _buildUrl(params)) + } + + if (_onLoadSuccess) { + _onLoadSuccess.call(this, data) + } + } + } + super.init() + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/auto-refresh/bootstrap-table-auto-refresh.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/auto-refresh/bootstrap-table-auto-refresh.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42edf633e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/auto-refresh/bootstrap-table-auto-refresh.js @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/** + * @author: Alec Fenichel + * @webSite: https://fenichelar.com + * @update: zhixin wen + */ + +($ => { + const Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + autoRefresh: false, + autoRefreshInterval: 60, + autoRefreshSilent: true, + autoRefreshStatus: true, + autoRefreshFunction: null + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, { + autoRefresh: Utils.bootstrapVersion === 4 ? 'fa-clock' : 'glyphicon-time icon-time' + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, { + formatAutoRefresh () { + return 'Auto Refresh' + } + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales) + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + init (...args) { + super.init(...args) + + if (this.options.autoRefresh && this.options.autoRefreshStatus) { + this.options.autoRefreshFunction = setInterval(() => { + this.refresh({silent: this.options.autoRefreshSilent}) + }, this.options.autoRefreshInterval * 1000) + } + } + + initToolbar (...args) { + super.initToolbar(...args) + + if (this.options.autoRefresh) { + const $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group') + let $btnAutoRefresh = $btnGroup.find('.auto-refresh') + + if (!$btnAutoRefresh.length) { + $btnAutoRefresh = $(` + + `).appendTo($btnGroup) + + $btnAutoRefresh.on('click', $.proxy(this.toggleAutoRefresh, this)) + } + } + } + + toggleAutoRefresh () { + if (this.options.autoRefresh) { + if (this.options.autoRefreshStatus) { + clearInterval(this.options.autoRefreshFunction) + this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group').find('.auto-refresh').removeClass('active') + } else { + this.options.autoRefreshFunction = setInterval(() => { + this.refresh({silent: this.options.autoRefreshSilent}) + }, this.options.autoRefreshInterval * 1000) + this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group').find('.auto-refresh').addClass('active') + } + this.options.autoRefreshStatus = !this.options.autoRefreshStatus + } + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/auto-refresh/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/auto-refresh/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..182561bc1e --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/auto-refresh/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Auto Refresh", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to automatically refresh the table on an interval.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/auto-refresh", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-auto-refresh", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/auto-refresh" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "fenichaler", + "image": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3437075" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/cookie/bootstrap-table-cookie.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/cookie/bootstrap-table-cookie.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09447880ea --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/cookie/bootstrap-table-cookie.js @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @update zhixin wen + */ + +($ => { + const UtilsCookie = { + cookieIds: { + sortOrder: 'bs.table.sortOrder', + sortName: 'bs.table.sortName', + pageNumber: 'bs.table.pageNumber', + pageList: 'bs.table.pageList', + columns: 'bs.table.columns', + searchText: 'bs.table.searchText', + filterControl: 'bs.table.filterControl', + filterBy: 'bs.table.filterBy' + }, + getCurrentHeader (that) { + let header = that.$header + if (that.options.height) { + header = that.$tableHeader + } + + return header + }, + getCurrentSearchControls (that) { + let searchControls = 'select, input' + if (that.options.height) { + searchControls = 'table select, table input' + } + + return searchControls + }, + cookieEnabled () { + return !!(navigator.cookieEnabled) + }, + inArrayCookiesEnabled (cookieName, cookiesEnabled) { + let index = -1 + + for (let i = 0; i < cookiesEnabled.length; i++) { + if (cookieName.toLowerCase() === cookiesEnabled[i].toLowerCase()) { + index = i + break + } + } + + return index + }, + setCookie (that, cookieName, cookieValue) { + if ((!that.options.cookie) || (!UtilsCookie.cookieEnabled()) || (that.options.cookieIdTable === '')) { + return + } + + if (UtilsCookie.inArrayCookiesEnabled(cookieName, that.options.cookiesEnabled) === -1) { + return + } + + cookieName = `${that.options.cookieIdTable}.${cookieName}` + + switch (that.options.cookieStorage) { + case 'cookieStorage': + document.cookie = [ + cookieName, '=', encodeURIComponent(cookieValue), + `; expires=${UtilsCookie.calculateExpiration(that.options.cookieExpire)}`, + that.options.cookiePath ? `; path=${that.options.cookiePath}` : '', + that.options.cookieDomain ? `; domain=${that.options.cookieDomain}` : '', + that.options.cookieSecure ? '; secure' : '' + ].join('') + break + case 'localStorage': + localStorage.setItem(cookieName, cookieValue) + break + case 'sessionStorage': + sessionStorage.setItem(cookieName, cookieValue) + break + default: + return false + } + + return true + }, + getCookie (that, tableName, cookieName) { + if (!cookieName) { + return null + } + + if (UtilsCookie.inArrayCookiesEnabled(cookieName, that.options.cookiesEnabled) === -1) { + return null + } + + cookieName = `${tableName}.${cookieName}` + + switch (that.options.cookieStorage) { + case 'cookieStorage': + const value = `; ${document.cookie}` + const parts = value.split(`; ${cookieName}=`) + return parts.length === 2 ? decodeURIComponent(parts.pop().split(';').shift()) : null + case 'localStorage': + return localStorage.getItem(cookieName) + case 'sessionStorage': + return sessionStorage.getItem(cookieName) + default: + return null + } + }, + deleteCookie (that, tableName, cookieName) { + cookieName = `${tableName}.${cookieName}` + + switch (that.options.cookieStorage) { + case 'cookieStorage': + document.cookie = [ + encodeURIComponent(cookieName), '=', + '; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', + that.options.cookiePath ? `; path=${that.options.cookiePath}` : '', + that.options.cookieDomain ? `; domain=${that.options.cookieDomain}` : '' + ].join('') + break + case 'localStorage': + localStorage.removeItem(cookieName) + break + case 'sessionStorage': + sessionStorage.removeItem(cookieName) + break + default: + return false + } + return true + }, + calculateExpiration (cookieExpire) { + const time = cookieExpire.replace(/[0-9]*/, '') // s,mi,h,d,m,y + cookieExpire = cookieExpire.replace(/[A-Za-z]{1,2}/, '') // number + + switch (time.toLowerCase()) { + case 's': + cookieExpire = +cookieExpire + break + case 'mi': + cookieExpire *= 60 + break + case 'h': + cookieExpire = cookieExpire * 60 * 60 + break + case 'd': + cookieExpire = cookieExpire * 24 * 60 * 60 + break + case 'm': + cookieExpire = cookieExpire * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 + break + case 'y': + cookieExpire = cookieExpire * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 + break + default: + cookieExpire = undefined + break + } + if (!cookieExpire) { + return '' + } + const d = new Date() + d.setTime(d.getTime() + cookieExpire * 1000) + return d.toGMTString() + }, + initCookieFilters (bootstrapTable) { + setTimeout(() => { + const parsedCookieFilters = JSON.parse(UtilsCookie.getCookie(bootstrapTable, bootstrapTable.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.filterControl)) + + if (!bootstrapTable.options.filterControlValuesLoaded && parsedCookieFilters) { + + const cachedFilters = {} + const header = UtilsCookie.getCurrentHeader(bootstrapTable) + const searchControls = UtilsCookie.getCurrentSearchControls(bootstrapTable) + + const applyCookieFilters = (element, filteredCookies) => { + $(filteredCookies).each((i, cookie) => { + if (cookie.text !== '') { + $(element).val(cookie.text) + cachedFilters[cookie.field] = cookie.text + } + }) + } + + header.find(searchControls).each(function () { + const field = $(this).closest('[data-field]').data('field') + const filteredCookies = parsedCookieFilters.filter(cookie => cookie.field === field) + + applyCookieFilters(this, filteredCookies) + }) + + bootstrapTable.initColumnSearch(cachedFilters) + bootstrapTable.options.filterControlValuesLoaded = true + bootstrapTable.initServer() + } + }, 250) + } + } + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + cookie: false, + cookieExpire: '2h', + cookiePath: null, + cookieDomain: null, + cookieSecure: null, + cookieIdTable: '', + cookiesEnabled: [ + 'bs.table.sortOrder', 'bs.table.sortName', + 'bs.table.pageNumber', 'bs.table.pageList', + 'bs.table.columns', 'bs.table.searchText', + 'bs.table.filterControl', 'bs.table.filterBy' + ], + cookieStorage: 'cookieStorage', // localStorage, sessionStorage + // internal variable + filterControls: [], + filterControlValuesLoaded: false + }) + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('getCookies') + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('deleteCookie') + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.utils, { + setCookie: UtilsCookie.setCookie, + getCookie: UtilsCookie.getCookie + }) + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + init () { + // FilterBy logic + const filterByCookie = JSON.parse(UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.filterBy)) + this.filterColumns = filterByCookie ? filterByCookie : {} + + // FilterControl logic + this.options.filterControls = [] + this.options.filterControlValuesLoaded = false + + this.options.cookiesEnabled = typeof this.options.cookiesEnabled === 'string' ? + this.options.cookiesEnabled.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') + .replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase().split(',') : + this.options.cookiesEnabled + + if (this.options.filterControl) { + const that = this + this.$el.on('column-search.bs.table', (e, field, text) => { + let isNewField = true + + for (let i = 0; i < that.options.filterControls.length; i++) { + if (that.options.filterControls[i].field === field) { + that.options.filterControls[i].text = text + isNewField = false + break + } + } + if (isNewField) { + that.options.filterControls.push({ + field, + text + }) + } + + UtilsCookie.setCookie(that, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.filterControl, JSON.stringify(that.options.filterControls)) + }).on('created-controls.bs.table', UtilsCookie.initCookieFilters(that)) + } + super.init() + } + + initServer (...args) { + if ( + this.options.cookie && + this.options.filterControl && + !this.options.filterControlValuesLoaded + ) { + const cookie = JSON.parse(UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.filterControl)) + if (cookie) { + return + } + } + super.initServer(...args) + } + + initTable (...args) { + super.initTable(...args) + this.initCookie() + } + + onSort (...args) { + super.onSort(...args) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.sortOrder, this.options.sortOrder) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.sortName, this.options.sortName) + } + + onPageNumber (...args) { + super.onPageNumber(...args) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber, this.options.pageNumber) + } + + onPageListChange (...args) { + super.onPageListChange(...args) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageList, this.options.pageSize) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber, this.options.pageNumber) + } + + onPagePre (...args) { + super.onPagePre(...args) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber, this.options.pageNumber) + } + + onPageNext (...args) { + super.onPageNext(...args) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber, this.options.pageNumber) + } + + toggleColumn (...args) { + super.toggleColumn(...args) + + const visibleColumns = [] + + $.each(this.columns, (i, column) => { + if (column.visible) { + visibleColumns.push(column.field) + } + }) + + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.columns, JSON.stringify(visibleColumns)) + } + + selectPage (page) { + super.selectPage(page) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber, page) + } + + onSearch (event) { + super.onSearch(event) + + if ($(event.currentTarget).parent().hasClass('search')) { + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.searchText, this.searchText) + } + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber, this.options.pageNumber) + } + + filterBy (...args) { + super.filterBy(...args) + UtilsCookie.setCookie(this, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.filterBy, JSON.stringify(this.filterColumns)) + } + + initCookie () { + if (!this.options.cookie) { + return + } + + if ((this.options.cookieIdTable === '') || (this.options.cookieExpire === '') || (!UtilsCookie.cookieEnabled())) { + console.error('Configuration error. Please review the cookieIdTable and the cookieExpire property. If the properties are correct, then this browser does not support cookies.') + this.options.cookie = false // Make sure that the cookie extension is disabled + return + } + + const sortOrderCookie = UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.sortOrder) + const sortOrderNameCookie = UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.sortName) + const pageNumberCookie = UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageNumber) + const pageListCookie = UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.pageList) + const columnsCookie = JSON.parse(UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.columns)) + const searchTextCookie = UtilsCookie.getCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds.searchText) + + // sortOrder + this.options.sortOrder = sortOrderCookie ? sortOrderCookie : this.options.sortOrder + // sortName + this.options.sortName = sortOrderNameCookie ? sortOrderNameCookie : this.options.sortName + // pageNumber + this.options.pageNumber = pageNumberCookie ? +pageNumberCookie : this.options.pageNumber + // pageSize + this.options.pageSize = pageListCookie ? pageListCookie === this.options.formatAllRows() ? pageListCookie : +pageListCookie : this.options.pageSize + // searchText + this.options.searchText = searchTextCookie ? searchTextCookie : '' + + if (columnsCookie) { + $.each(this.columns, (i, column) => { + column.visible = $.inArray(column.field, columnsCookie) !== -1 + }) + } + } + + getCookies () { + const bootstrapTable = this + const cookies = {} + $.each(UtilsCookie.cookieIds, (key, value) => { + cookies[key] = UtilsCookie.getCookie(bootstrapTable, bootstrapTable.options.cookieIdTable, value) + if (key === 'columns') { + cookies[key] = JSON.parse(cookies[key]) + } + }) + return cookies + } + + deleteCookie (cookieName) { + if ((cookieName === '') || (!UtilsCookie.cookieEnabled())) { + return + } + + UtilsCookie.deleteCookie(this, this.options.cookieIdTable, UtilsCookie.cookieIds[cookieName]) + } + } + +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/cookie/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/cookie/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6422de402a --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/cookie/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Cookie", + "version": "1.2.1", + "description": "Plugin to use the cookie of the browser.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/cookie", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/cookie.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-cookie", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/cookie" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/copy-rows/bootstrap-table-copy-rows.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/copy-rows/bootstrap-table-copy-rows.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78f62d61d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/copy-rows/bootstrap-table-copy-rows.js @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/** + * @author Homer Glascock + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + + !function ($) { + "use strict"; + + var calculateObjectValue = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue, + sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf; + + var copytext = function (text) { + var textField = document.createElement('textarea'); + $(textField).html(text); + document.body.appendChild(textField); + textField.select(); + + try { + document.execCommand('copy'); + } + catch (e) { + console.log("Oops, unable to copy"); + } + $(textField).remove(); + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + copyBtn: false, + copyWHiddenBtn: false, + copyDelemeter: ", " + }); + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('copyColumnsToClipboard', 'copyColumnsToClipboardWithHidden'); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function () { + + _initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + var that = this, + $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group'); + + if (this.options.clickToSelect || this.options.singleSelect) { + + if (this.options.copyBtn) { + var copybtn = ""; + $btnGroup.append(copybtn); + $btnGroup.find('#copyBtn').click(function () { that.copyColumnsToClipboard(); }); + } + + if (this.options.copyWHiddenBtn) { + var copyhiddenbtn = ""; + $btnGroup.append(copyhiddenbtn); + $btnGroup.find('#copyWHiddenBtn').click(function () { that.copyColumnsToClipboardWithHidden(); }); + } + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.copyColumnsToClipboard = function () { + var that = this, + ret = "", + delimet = this.options.copyDelemeter; + + $.each(that.getSelections(), function (index, row) { + $.each(that.options.columns[0], function (indy, column) { + if (column.field !== "state" && column.field !== "RowNumber" && column.visible) { + if (row[column.field] !== null) { + ret += calculateObjectValue(column, that.header.formatters[indy], [row[column.field], row, index], row[column.field]); + } + ret += delimet; + } + }); + + ret += "\r\n"; + }); + + copytext(ret); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.copyColumnsToClipboardWithHidden = function () { + var that = this, + ret = "", + delimet = this.options.copyDelemeter; + + $.each(that.getSelections(), function (index, row) { + $.each(that.options.columns[0], function (indy, column) { + if (column.field != "state" && column.field !== "RowNumber") { + if (row[column.field] !== null) { + ret += calculateObjectValue(column, that.header.formatters[indy], [row[column.field], row, index], row[column.field]); + } + ret += delimet; + } + }); + + ret += "\r\n"; + }); + + copytext(ret); + }; +}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/copy-rows/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/copy-rows/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4deb78b288 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/copy-rows/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Copy Rows", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Allows pushing of selected column data to the clipboard.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/copy-rows", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/copy-rows.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "copy-rows", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/copy-rows" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "Homer Glascock", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/5546710" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/defer-url/bootstrap-table-defer-url.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/defer-url/bootstrap-table-defer-url.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25d2a17358 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/defer-url/bootstrap-table-defer-url.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/** + * When using server-side processing, the default mode of operation for + * bootstrap-table is to simply throw away any data that currently exists in the + * table and make a request to the server to get the first page of data to + * display. This is fine for an empty table, but if you already have the first + * page of data displayed in the plain HTML, it is a waste of resources. As + * such, you can use data-defer-url instead of data-url to allow you to instruct + * bootstrap-table to not make that initial request, rather it will use the data + * already on the page. + * + * @author: Ruben Suarez + * @webSite: http://rubensa.eu.org + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + +(function($) { + 'use strict'; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + deferUrl : undefined + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function() { + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (this.options.deferUrl) { + this.options.url = this.options.deferUrl; + } + } +})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/defer-url/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/defer-url/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4895fb21d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/defer-url/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "DeferURL", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to defer server side processing.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/defer-url", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/defer-url.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-defer-url", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/defer-url" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "rubensa", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1469340" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/editable/bootstrap-table-editable.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/editable/bootstrap-table-editable.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..134b5546ca --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/editable/bootstrap-table-editable.js @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +/** + * @author zhixin wen + * extensions: https://github.com/vitalets/x-editable + */ + +($ => { + const Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + editable: true, + onEditableInit () { + return false + }, + onEditableSave (field, row, oldValue, $el) { + return false + }, + onEditableShown (field, row, $el, editable) { + return false + }, + onEditableHidden (field, row, $el, reason) { + return false + } + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'editable-init.bs.table': 'onEditableInit', + 'editable-save.bs.table': 'onEditableSave', + 'editable-shown.bs.table': 'onEditableShown', + 'editable-hidden.bs.table': 'onEditableHidden' + }) + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + initTable () { + super.initTable() + + if (!this.options.editable) { + return + } + + $.each(this.columns, (i, column) => { + if (!column.editable) { + return + } + + const editableOptions = {} + const editableDataMarkup = [] + const editableDataPrefix = 'editable-' + const processDataOptions = (key, value) => { + // Replace camel case with dashes. + const dashKey = key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, $1 => `-${$1.toLowerCase()}`) + if (dashKey.indexOf(editableDataPrefix) === 0) { + editableOptions[dashKey.replace(editableDataPrefix, 'data-')] = value + } + } + + $.each(this.options, processDataOptions) + + column.formatter = column.formatter || (value => value) + column._formatter = column._formatter ? column._formatter : column.formatter + column.formatter = (value, row, index) => { + const result = Utils.calculateObjectValue(column, + column._formatter, [value, row, index], value) + + $.each(column, processDataOptions) + + $.each(editableOptions, (key, value) => { + editableDataMarkup.push(` ${key}="${value}"`) + }) + + let _dont_edit_formatter = false + if (column.editable.hasOwnProperty('noeditFormatter')) { + _dont_edit_formatter = column.editable.noeditFormatter(value, row, index) + } + + if (_dont_edit_formatter === false) { + return `` + } + return _dont_edit_formatter + } + }) + } + + initBody (fixedScroll) { + super.initBody(fixedScroll) + + if (!this.options.editable) { + return + } + + $.each(this.columns, (i, column) => { + if (!column.editable) { + return + } + + const data = this.getData() + const $field = this.$body.find(`a[data-name="${column.field}"]`) + + $field.each((i, element) => { + const $element = $(element) + const $tr = $element.closest('tr') + const index = $tr.data('index') + const row = data[index] + + const editableOpts = Utils.calculateObjectValue(column, + column.editable, [index, row, $element], {}) + + $element.editable(editableOpts) + }) + + $field.off('save').on('save', ({currentTarget}, {submitValue}) => { + const $this = $(currentTarget) + const data = this.getData() + const index = $this.parents('tr[data-index]').data('index') + const row = data[index] + const oldValue = row[column.field] + + $this.data('value', submitValue) + row[column.field] = submitValue + this.trigger('editable-save', column.field, row, oldValue, $this) + this.resetFooter() + }) + + $field.off('shown').on('shown', ({currentTarget}, editable) => { + const $this = $(currentTarget) + const data = this.getData() + const index = $this.parents('tr[data-index]').data('index') + const row = data[index] + + this.trigger('editable-shown', column.field, row, $this, editable) + }) + + $field.off('hidden').on('hidden', ({currentTarget}, reason) => { + const $this = $(currentTarget) + const data = this.getData() + const index = $this.parents('tr[data-index]').data('index') + const row = data[index] + + this.trigger('editable-hidden', column.field, row, $this, reason) + }) + }) + this.trigger('editable-init') + } + } + +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/editable/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/editable/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea6106b693 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/editable/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Table Editable", + "version": "1.1.0", + "description": "Use the x-editable to in-place editing your table.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/editable", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/editable.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "x-editable", + "url": "https://github.com/vitalets/x-editable" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "wenzhixin", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/2117018" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/export/bootstrap-table-export.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/export/bootstrap-table-export.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f07479ba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/export/bootstrap-table-export.js @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +/** + * @author zhixin wen + * extensions: https://github.com/hhurz/tableExport.jquery.plugin + */ + +($ => { + const Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils + + const bootstrap = { + 3: { + icons: { + export: 'glyphicon-export icon-share' + }, + html: { + dropmenu: '', + dropitem: '
  • %s
  • ' + } + }, + 4: { + icons: { + export: 'fa-download' + }, + html: { + dropmenu: '', + dropitem: '%s' + } + } + }[Utils.bootstrapVersion] + + const TYPE_NAME = { + json: 'JSON', + xml: 'XML', + png: 'PNG', + csv: 'CSV', + txt: 'TXT', + sql: 'SQL', + doc: 'MS-Word', + excel: 'MS-Excel', + xlsx: 'MS-Excel (OpenXML)', + powerpoint: 'MS-Powerpoint', + pdf: 'PDF' + } + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + showExport: false, + exportDataType: 'basic', // basic, all, selected + exportTypes: ['json', 'xml', 'csv', 'txt', 'sql', 'excel'], + exportOptions: {}, + exportFooter: false + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, { + export: bootstrap.icons.export + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, { + formatExport () { + return 'Export data' + } + }) + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales) + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('exportTable') + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + initToolbar () { + const o = this.options + + this.showToolbar = this.showToolbar || o.showExport + + super.initToolbar() + + if (!this.options.showExport) { + return + } + const $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group') + this.$export = $btnGroup.find('div.export') + + if (this.$export.length) { + this.updateExportButton() + return + } + this.$export = $(` +
    + + ${bootstrap.html.dropmenu} +
    + `).appendTo($btnGroup) + + this.updateExportButton() + + const $menu = this.$export.find('.dropdown-menu') + let exportTypes = o.exportTypes + + if (typeof exportTypes === 'string') { + const types = exportTypes.slice(1, -1).replace(/ /g, '').split(',') + exportTypes = types.map(t => t.slice(1, -1)) + } + for (const type of exportTypes) { + if (TYPE_NAME.hasOwnProperty(type)) { + $menu.append(Utils.sprintf(bootstrap.html.dropitem, type, TYPE_NAME[type])) + } + } + + $menu.find('>li, >a').click(({currentTarget}) => { + const type = $(currentTarget).data('type') + const exportOptions = { + type, + escape: false + } + + this.exportTable(exportOptions) + }) + } + + exportTable (options) { + const o = this.options + const stateField = this.header.stateField + const isCardView = o.cardView + + const doExport = callback => { + if (stateField) { + this.hideColumn(stateField) + } + if (isCardView) { + this.toggleView() + } + + const data = this.getData() + if (o.exportFooter) { + const $footerRow = this.$tableFooter.find('tr').first() + const footerData = {} + const footerHtml = [] + + $.each($footerRow.children(), (index, footerCell) => { + const footerCellHtml = $(footerCell).children('.th-inner').first().html() + footerData[this.columns[index].field] = footerCellHtml === ' ' ? null : footerCellHtml + + // grab footer cell text into cell index-based array + footerHtml.push(footerCellHtml) + }) + + this.append(footerData) + + const $lastTableRow = this.$body.children().last() + + $.each($lastTableRow.children(), (index, lastTableRowCell) => { + $(lastTableRowCell).html(footerHtml[index]) + }) + } + + this.$el.tableExport($.extend({ + onAfterSaveToFile: () => { + if (o.exportFooter) { + this.load(data) + } + + if (stateField) { + this.showColumn(stateField) + } + if (isCardView) { + this.toggleView() + } + + callback() + } + }, o.exportOptions, options)) + } + + if (o.exportDataType === 'all' && o.pagination) { + const eventName = o.sidePagination === 'server' + ? 'post-body.bs.table' : 'page-change.bs.table' + this.$el.one(eventName, () => { + doExport(() => { + this.togglePagination() + }) + }) + this.togglePagination() + } else if (o.exportDataType === 'selected') { + let data = this.getData() + let selectedData = this.getSelections() + if (!selectedData.length) { + return + } + + if (o.sidePagination === 'server') { + data = { + total: o.totalRows, + [this.options.dataField]: data + } + selectedData = { + total: selectedData.length, + [this.options.dataField]: selectedData + } + } + + this.load(selectedData) + doExport(() => { + this.load(data) + }) + } else { + doExport() + } + } + + updateSelected () { + super.updateSelected() + this.updateExportButton() + } + + updateExportButton () { + if (this.options.exportDataType === 'selected') { + this.$export.find('> button') + .prop('disabled', !this.getSelections().length) + } + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/export/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/export/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5714a5fa0a --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/export/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Table Export", + "version": "1.1.0", + "description": "Export your table data to JSON, XML, CSV, TXT, SQL, Word, Excel, PNG, PDF.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/export", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/export.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "tableExport.jquery.plugin", + "url": "https://github.com/hhurz/tableExport.jquery.plugin" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "wenzhixin", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/2117018" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ad2a73b28 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.css @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v2.1.1 + */ + +.no-filter-control { + height: 34px; +} + +.filter-control { + margin: 0 2px 2px 2px; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18db04da06 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.js @@ -0,0 +1,917 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v2.2.0 + */ + +($ => { + const Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils + const UtilsFilterControl = { + getOptionsFromSelectControl (selectControl) { + return selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1).options + }, + + hideUnusedSelectOptions (selectControl, uniqueValues) { + const options = UtilsFilterControl.getOptionsFromSelectControl( + selectControl + ) + + for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { + if (options[i].value !== '') { + if (!uniqueValues.hasOwnProperty(options[i].value)) { + selectControl + .find(Utils.sprintf('option[value=\'%s\']', options[i].value)) + .hide() + } else { + selectControl + .find(Utils.sprintf('option[value=\'%s\']', options[i].value)) + .show() + } + } + } + }, + addOptionToSelectControl (selectControl, _value, text) { + const value = $.trim(_value) + const $selectControl = $(selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1)) + if ( + !UtilsFilterControl.existOptionInSelectControl(selectControl, value) + ) { + $selectControl.append( + $('') + .attr('value', value) + .text( + $('
    ') + .html(text) + .text() + ) + ) + } + }, + sortSelectControl (selectControl) { + const $selectControl = $(selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1)) + const $opts = $selectControl.find('option:gt(0)') + + $opts.sort((a, b) => { + let aa = $(a).text().toLowerCase() + let bb = $(b).text().toLowerCase() + if ($.isNumeric(a) && $.isNumeric(b)) { + // Convert numerical values from string to float. + aa = parseFloat(aa) + bb = parseFloat(bb) + } + return aa > bb ? 1 : aa < bb ? -1 : 0 + }) + + $selectControl.find('option:gt(0)').remove() + $selectControl.append($opts) + }, + existOptionInSelectControl (selectControl, value) { + const options = UtilsFilterControl.getOptionsFromSelectControl( + selectControl + ) + for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { + if (options[i].value === value.toString()) { + // The value is not valid to add + return true + } + } + + // If we get here, the value is valid to add + return false + }, + fixHeaderCSS ({ $tableHeader }) { + $tableHeader.css('height', '77px') + }, + getCurrentHeader ({ $header, options, $tableHeader }) { + let header = $header + if (options.height) { + header = $tableHeader + } + + return header + }, + getCurrentSearchControls ({ options }) { + let searchControls = 'select, input' + if (options.height) { + searchControls = 'table select, table input' + } + + return searchControls + }, + getCursorPosition (el) { + if (Utils.isIEBrowser()) { + if ($(el).is('input[type=text]')) { + let pos = 0 + if ('selectionStart' in el) { + pos = el.selectionStart + } else if ('selection' in document) { + el.focus() + const Sel = document.selection.createRange() + const SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length + Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length) + pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength + } + return pos + } + return -1 + + } + return -1 + }, + setCursorPosition (el) { + $(el).val(el.value) + }, + copyValues (that) { + const header = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentHeader(that) + const searchControls = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentSearchControls(that) + + that.options.valuesFilterControl = [] + + header.find(searchControls).each(function () { + that.options.valuesFilterControl.push({ + field: $(this) + .closest('[data-field]') + .data('field'), + value: $(this).val(), + position: UtilsFilterControl.getCursorPosition($(this).get(0)), + hasFocus: $(this).is(':focus') + }) + }) + }, + setValues (that) { + let field = null + let result = [] + const header = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentHeader(that) + const searchControls = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentSearchControls(that) + + if (that.options.valuesFilterControl.length > 0) { + // Callback to apply after settings fields values + let fieldToFocusCallback = null + header.find(searchControls).each(function (index, ele) { + field = $(this) + .closest('[data-field]') + .data('field') + result = that.options.valuesFilterControl.filter(valueObj => valueObj.field === field) + + if (result.length > 0) { + $(this).val(result[0].value) + if (result[0].hasFocus) { + // set callback if the field had the focus. + fieldToFocusCallback = ((fieldToFocus, carretPosition) => { + // Closure here to capture the field and cursor position + const closedCallback = () => { + fieldToFocus.focus() + UtilsFilterControl.setCursorPosition(fieldToFocus, carretPosition) + } + return closedCallback + })($(this).get(0), result[0].position) + } + } + }) + + // Callback call. + if (fieldToFocusCallback !== null) { + fieldToFocusCallback() + } + } + }, + collectBootstrapCookies () { + const cookies = [] + const foundCookies = document.cookie.match(/(?:bs.table.)(\w*)/g) + + if (foundCookies) { + $.each(foundCookies, (i, _cookie) => { + let cookie = _cookie + if (/./.test(cookie)) { + cookie = cookie.split('.').pop() + } + + if ($.inArray(cookie, cookies) === -1) { + cookies.push(cookie) + } + }) + return cookies + } + }, + escapeID (id) { + return String(id).replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, '\\$1') + }, + isColumnSearchableViaSelect ({ filterControl, searchable }) { + return filterControl && + filterControl.toLowerCase() === 'select' && + searchable + }, + isFilterDataNotGiven ({ filterData }) { + return filterData === undefined || + filterData.toLowerCase() === 'column' + }, + hasSelectControlElement (selectControl) { + return selectControl && selectControl.length > 0 + }, + initFilterSelectControls (that) { + const data = that.data + const itemsPerPage = that.pageTo < that.options.data.length ? that.options.data.length : that.pageTo + const z = that.options.pagination + ? that.options.sidePagination === 'server' + ? that.pageTo + : that.options.totalRows + : that.pageTo + + $.each(that.header.fields, (j, field) => { + const column = that.columns[that.fieldsColumnsIndex[field]] + const selectControl = $(`.bootstrap-table-filter-control-${UtilsFilterControl.escapeID(column.field)}`) + + if ( + UtilsFilterControl.isColumnSearchableViaSelect(column) && + UtilsFilterControl.isFilterDataNotGiven(column) && + UtilsFilterControl.hasSelectControlElement(selectControl) + ) { + if (selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1).options.length === 0) { + // Added the default option + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, '', column.filterControlPlaceholder) + } + + const uniqueValues = {} + for (let i = 0; i < z; i++) { + // Added a new value + const fieldValue = data[i][field] + const formattedValue = Utils.calculateObjectValue(that.header, that.header.formatters[j], [fieldValue, data[i], i], fieldValue) + + uniqueValues[formattedValue] = fieldValue + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (const key in uniqueValues) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, uniqueValues[key], key) + } + + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + + if (that.options.hideUnusedSelectOptions) { + UtilsFilterControl.hideUnusedSelectOptions(selectControl, uniqueValues) + } + } + }) + + that.trigger('created-controls') + }, + getFilterDataMethod (objFilterDataMethod, searchTerm) { + const keys = Object.keys(objFilterDataMethod) + for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + if (keys[i] === searchTerm) { + return objFilterDataMethod[searchTerm] + } + } + return null + }, + createControls (that, header) { + let addedFilterControl = false + let isVisible + let html + + $.each(that.columns, (i, column) => { + isVisible = 'hidden' + html = [] + + if (!column.visible) { + return + } + + if (!column.filterControl) { + html.push('
    ') + } else { + html.push('
    ') + + const nameControl = column.filterControl.toLowerCase() + if (column.searchable && that.options.filterTemplate[nameControl]) { + addedFilterControl = true + isVisible = 'visible' + html.push( + that.options.filterTemplate[nameControl]( + that, + column.field, + isVisible, + column.filterControlPlaceholder + ? column.filterControlPlaceholder + : '', + `filter-control-${i}` + ) + ) + } + } + + $.each(header.children().children(), (i, tr) => { + const $tr = $(tr) + if ($tr.data('field') === column.field) { + $tr.find('.fht-cell').append(html.join('')) + return false + } + }) + + if ( + column.filterData !== undefined && + column.filterData.toLowerCase() !== 'column' + ) { + const filterDataType = UtilsFilterControl.getFilterDataMethod( + /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ + filterDataMethods, + column.filterData.substring(0, column.filterData.indexOf(':')) + ) + let filterDataSource + let selectControl + + if (filterDataType !== null) { + filterDataSource = column.filterData.substring( + column.filterData.indexOf(':') + 1, + column.filterData.length + ) + selectControl = $( + `.bootstrap-table-filter-control-${UtilsFilterControl.escapeID(column.field)}` + ) + + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, '', column.filterControlPlaceholder) + filterDataType(filterDataSource, selectControl) + } else { + throw new SyntaxError( + 'Error. You should use any of these allowed filter data methods: var, json, url.' + + ' Use like this: var: {key: "value"}' + ) + } + + let variableValues + let key + // eslint-disable-next-line default-case + switch (filterDataType) { + case 'url': + $.ajax({ + url: filterDataSource, + dataType: 'json', + success (data) { + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (const key in data) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, data[key]) + } + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + } + }) + break + case 'var': + variableValues = window[filterDataSource] + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (key in variableValues) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key]) + } + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + break + case 'jso': + variableValues = JSON.parse(filterDataSource) + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (key in variableValues) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key]) + } + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + break + } + } + }) + + if (addedFilterControl) { + header.off('keyup', 'input').on('keyup', 'input', (event, obj) => { + // Simulate enter key action from clear button + event.keyCode = obj ? obj.keyCode : event.keyCode + + if (that.options.searchOnEnterKey && event.keyCode !== 13) { + return + } + + if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [37, 38, 39, 40]) > -1) { + return + } + + const $currentTarget = $(event.currentTarget) + + if ($currentTarget.is(':checkbox') || $currentTarget.is(':radio')) { + return + } + + clearTimeout(event.currentTarget.timeoutId || 0) + event.currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + that.onColumnSearch(event) + }, that.options.searchTimeOut) + }) + + header.off('change', 'select').on('change', 'select', event => { + if (that.options.searchOnEnterKey && event.keyCode !== 13) { + return + } + + if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [37, 38, 39, 40]) > -1) { + return + } + + clearTimeout(event.currentTarget.timeoutId || 0) + event.currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + that.onColumnSearch(event) + }, that.options.searchTimeOut) + }) + + header.off('mouseup', 'input').on('mouseup', 'input', function (event) { + const $input = $(this) + const oldValue = $input.val() + + if (oldValue === '') { + return + } + + setTimeout(() => { + const newValue = $input.val() + + if (newValue === '') { + clearTimeout(event.currentTarget.timeoutId || 0) + event.currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + that.onColumnSearch(event) + }, that.options.searchTimeOut) + } + }, 1) + }) + + if (header.find('.date-filter-control').length > 0) { + $.each(that.columns, (i, { filterControl, field, filterDatepickerOptions }) => { + if ( + filterControl !== undefined && + filterControl.toLowerCase() === 'datepicker' + ) { + header + .find( + `.date-filter-control.bootstrap-table-filter-control-${field}` + ) + .datepicker(filterDatepickerOptions) + .on('changeDate', ({ currentTarget }) => { + $(currentTarget).val( + currentTarget.value + ) + // Fired the keyup event + $(currentTarget).keyup() + }) + } + }) + } + } else { + header.find('.filterControl').hide() + } + }, + getDirectionOfSelectOptions (_alignment) { + const alignment = _alignment === undefined ? 'left' : _alignment.toLowerCase() + + switch (alignment) { + case 'left': + return 'ltr' + case 'right': + return 'rtl' + case 'auto': + return 'auto' + default: + return 'ltr' + } + } + } + const filterDataMethods = { + var (filterDataSource, selectControl) { + const variableValues = window[filterDataSource] + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (const key in variableValues) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key]) + } + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + }, + url (filterDataSource, selectControl) { + $.ajax({ + url: filterDataSource, + dataType: 'json', + success (data) { + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (const key in data) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, data[key]) + } + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + } + }) + }, + json (filterDataSource, selectControl) { + const variableValues = JSON.parse(filterDataSource) + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (const key in variableValues) { + UtilsFilterControl.addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key]) + } + UtilsFilterControl.sortSelectControl(selectControl) + } + } + + const bootstrap = { + 3: { + icons: { + clear: 'glyphicon-trash icon-clear' + } + }, + 4: { + icons: { + clear: 'fa-trash icon-clear' + } + } + }[Utils.bootstrapVersion] + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + filterControl: false, + onColumnSearch (field, text) { + return false + }, + onCreatedControls () { + return true + }, + filterShowClear: false, + alignmentSelectControlOptions: undefined, + filterTemplate: { + input (that, field, isVisible, placeholder) { + return Utils.sprintf( + '', + field, + isVisible, + placeholder + ) + }, + select ({ options }, field, isVisible) { + return Utils.sprintf( + '', + field, + isVisible, + UtilsFilterControl.getDirectionOfSelectOptions( + options.alignmentSelectControlOptions + ) + ) + }, + datepicker (that, field, isVisible) { + return Utils.sprintf( + '', + field, + isVisible + ) + } + }, + disableControlWhenSearch: false, + searchOnEnterKey: false, + // internal variables + valuesFilterControl: [] + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.columnDefaults, { + filterControl: undefined, + filterData: undefined, + filterDatepickerOptions: undefined, + filterStrictSearch: false, + filterStartsWithSearch: false, + filterControlPlaceholder: '' + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'column-search.bs.table': 'onColumnSearch', + 'created-controls.bs.table': 'onCreatedControls' + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, { + clear: bootstrap.icons.clear + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, { + formatClearFilters () { + return 'Clear Filters' + } + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales) + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('triggerSearch') + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('clearFilterControl') + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + init () { + // Make sure that the filterControl option is set + if (this.options.filterControl) { + const that = this + + // Make sure that the internal variables are set correctly + this.options.valuesFilterControl = [] + + this.$el + .on('reset-view.bs.table', () => { + // Create controls on $tableHeader if the height is set + if (!that.options.height) { + return + } + + // Avoid recreate the controls + if ( + that.$tableHeader.find('select').length > 0 || + that.$tableHeader.find('input').length > 0 + ) { + return + } + + UtilsFilterControl.createControls(that, that.$tableHeader) + }) + .on('post-header.bs.table', () => { + UtilsFilterControl.setValues(that) + }) + .on('post-body.bs.table', () => { + if (that.options.height) { + UtilsFilterControl.fixHeaderCSS(that) + } + }) + .on('column-switch.bs.table', () => { + UtilsFilterControl.setValues(that) + }) + .on('load-success.bs.table', () => { + that.EnableControls(true) + }) + .on('load-error.bs.table', () => { + that.EnableControls(true) + }) + } + + super.init() + } + + initToolbar () { + this.showToolbar = + this.showToolbar || + (this.options.filterControl && this.options.filterShowClear) + + super.initToolbar() + + if (this.options.filterControl && this.options.filterShowClear) { + const $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group') + let $btnClear = $btnGroup.find('.filter-show-clear') + + if (!$btnClear.length) { + $btnClear = $( + [ + Utils.sprintf( + '' + ].join('') + ).appendTo($btnGroup) + + $btnClear + .off('click') + .on('click', $.proxy(this.clearFilterControl, this)) + } + } + } + + initHeader () { + super.initHeader() + + if (!this.options.filterControl) { + return + } + UtilsFilterControl.createControls(this, this.$header) + } + initBody () { + super.initBody() + + UtilsFilterControl.initFilterSelectControls(this) + } + + initSearch () { + const that = this + const fp = $.isEmptyObject(that.filterColumnsPartial) + ? null + : that.filterColumnsPartial + + if (fp === null || Object.keys(fp).length <= 1) { + super.initSearch() + } + + if (this.options.sidePagination === 'server') { + return + } + + if (fp === null) { + return + } + + // Check partial column filter + that.data = fp + ? that.options.data.filter((item, i) => { + const itemIsExpected = [] + Object.keys(item).forEach((key, index) => { + const thisColumn = that.columns[that.fieldsColumnsIndex[key]] + const fval = (fp[key] || '').toLowerCase() + let value = item[key] + + if (fval === '') { + itemIsExpected.push(true) + } else { + // Fix #142: search use formated data + if (thisColumn && thisColumn.searchFormatter) { + value = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue( + that.header, + that.header.formatters[$.inArray(key, that.header.fields)], + [value, item, i], + value + ) + } + + if ($.inArray(key, that.header.fields) !== -1) { + if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') { + if (thisColumn.filterStrictSearch) { + if (value.toString().toLowerCase() === fval.toString().toLowerCase()) { + itemIsExpected.push(true) + } else { + itemIsExpected.push(false) + } + } else if (thisColumn.filterStartsWithSearch) { + if ((`${value}`).toLowerCase().indexOf(fval) === 0) { + itemIsExpected.push(true) + } else { + itemIsExpected.push(false) + } + } else { + if ((`${value}`).toLowerCase().includes(fval)) { + itemIsExpected.push(true) + } else { + itemIsExpected.push(false) + } + } + } + } + } + }) + + return !itemIsExpected.includes(false) + }) + : that.data + } + + initColumnSearch (filterColumnsDefaults) { + UtilsFilterControl.copyValues(this) + + if (filterColumnsDefaults) { + this.filterColumnsPartial = filterColumnsDefaults + this.updatePagination() + + // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in + for (const filter in filterColumnsDefaults) { + this.trigger('column-search', filter, filterColumnsDefaults[filter]) + } + } + } + + onColumnSearch (event) { + if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [37, 38, 39, 40]) > -1) { + return + } + + UtilsFilterControl.copyValues(this) + const text = $.trim($(event.currentTarget).val()) + const $field = $(event.currentTarget) + .closest('[data-field]') + .data('field') + + if ($.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial)) { + this.filterColumnsPartial = {} + } + if (text) { + this.filterColumnsPartial[$field] = text + } else { + delete this.filterColumnsPartial[$field] + } + + // if the searchText is the same as the previously selected column value, + // bootstrapTable will not try searching again (even though the selected column + // may be different from the previous search). As a work around + // we're manually appending some text to bootrap's searchText field + // to guarantee that it will perform a search again when we call this.onSearch(event) + this.searchText += 'randomText' + + this.options.pageNumber = 1 + this.EnableControls(false) + this.onSearch(event) + this.trigger('column-search', $field, text) + } + + clearFilterControl () { + if (this.options.filterControl && this.options.filterShowClear) { + const that = this + const cookies = UtilsFilterControl.collectBootstrapCookies() + const header = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentHeader(that) + const table = header.closest('table') + const controls = header.find(UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentSearchControls(that)) + const search = that.$toolbar.find('.search input') + let hasValues = false + let timeoutId = 0 + + $.each(that.options.valuesFilterControl, (i, item) => { + hasValues = hasValues ? true : item.value !== '' + item.value = '' + }) + + UtilsFilterControl.setValues(that) + + // clear cookies once the filters are clean + clearTimeout(timeoutId) + timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + if (cookies && cookies.length > 0) { + $.each(cookies, (i, item) => { + if (that.deleteCookie !== undefined) { + that.deleteCookie(item) + } + }) + } + }, that.options.searchTimeOut) + + // If there is not any value in the controls exit this method + if (!hasValues) { + return + } + + // Clear each type of filter if it exists. + // Requires the body to reload each time a type of filter is found because we never know + // which ones are going to be present. + if (controls.length > 0) { + this.filterColumnsPartial = {} + $(controls[0]).trigger( + controls[0].tagName === 'INPUT' ? 'keyup' : 'change', { keyCode: 13 } + ) + } else { + return + } + + if (search.length > 0) { + that.resetSearch() + } + + // use the default sort order if it exists. do nothing if it does not + if ( + that.options.sortName !== table.data('sortName') || + that.options.sortOrder !== table.data('sortOrder') + ) { + const sorter = header.find( + Utils.sprintf( + '[data-field="%s"]', + $(controls[0]) + .closest('table') + .data('sortName') + ) + ) + if (sorter.length > 0) { + that.onSort({ type: 'keypress', currentTarget: sorter }) + $(sorter) + .find('.sortable') + .trigger('click') + } + } + } + } + + triggerSearch () { + const header = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentHeader(this) + const searchControls = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentSearchControls(this) + + header.find(searchControls).each(function () { + const el = $(this) + if (el.is('select')) { + el.change() + } else { + el.keyup() + } + }) + } + + EnableControls (enable) { + if ( + this.options.disableControlWhenSearch && + this.options.sidePagination === 'server' + ) { + const header = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentHeader(this) + const searchControls = UtilsFilterControl.getCurrentSearchControls(this) + + if (!enable) { + header.find(searchControls).prop('disabled', 'disabled') + } else { + header.find(searchControls).removeProp('disabled') + } + } + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b0e31694bb --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/filter-control/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Filter Control", + "version": "2.1.0", + "description": "Plugin to add input/select element on the top of the columns in order to filter the data.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/filter-control", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/filter-control.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-filter-control", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/filter-control" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-columns/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-columns/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69d79006b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-columns/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.css @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.fixed-table-header-columns, +.fixed-table-body-columns { + position: absolute; + background-color: #fff; + box-sizing: border-box; + overflow: hidden; + z-index: 1; +} + +.fixed-table-header-columns { + z-index: 2; +} + +.fixed-table-header-columns .table, +.fixed-table-body-columns .table { + border-right: 1px solid #ddd; +} + +.fixed-table-header-columns .table.table-no-bordered, +.fixed-table-body-columns .table.table-no-bordered { + border-right: 1px solid transparent; +} + +.fixed-table-body-columns table { + position: absolute; + animation: none; +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-columns/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-columns/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e05ec2cca0 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/fixed-columns/bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.js @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/** + * @author zhixin wen + */ + +($ => { + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + fixedColumns: false, + fixedNumber: 1 + }) + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + + fitHeader (...args) { + super.fitHeader(...args) + + if (!this.options.fixedColumns) { + return + } + + if (this.$el.is(':hidden')) { + return + } + + this.$container.find('.fixed-table-header-columns').remove() + this.$fixedHeader = $('
    ') + this.$fixedHeader.append(this.$tableHeader.find('>table').clone(true)) + this.$tableHeader.after(this.$fixedHeader) + + const width = this.getFixedColumnsWidth() + + this.$fixedHeader.css({ + top: 0, + width, + height: this.$tableHeader.outerHeight(true) + }) + + this.initFixedColumnsBody() + + this.$fixedBody.css({ + top: this.$tableHeader.outerHeight(true), + width, + height: this.$tableBody.outerHeight(true) - 1 + }) + + this.initFixedColumnsEvents() + } + + initBody (...args) { + super.initBody(...args) + + if (!this.options.fixedColumns) { + return + } + + if (this.options.showHeader && this.options.height) { + return + } + + this.initFixedColumnsBody() + + this.$fixedBody.css({ + top: 0, + width: this.getFixedColumnsWidth(), + height: this.$tableHeader.outerHeight(true) + this.$tableBody.outerHeight(true) + }) + + this.initFixedColumnsEvents() + } + + initFixedColumnsBody () { + this.$container.find('.fixed-table-body-columns').remove() + this.$fixedBody = $('
    ') + this.$fixedBody.append(this.$tableBody.find('>table').clone(true)) + this.$tableBody.after(this.$fixedBody) + } + + getFixedColumnsWidth () { + const visibleFields = this.getVisibleFields() + let width = 0 + + for (let i = 0; i < this.options.fixedNumber; i++) { + width += this.$header.find(`th[data-field="${visibleFields[i]}"]`).outerWidth(true) + } + + return width + 1 + } + + initFixedColumnsEvents () { + // events + this.$tableBody.off('scroll.fixed-columns').on('scroll.fixed-columns', e => { + this.$fixedBody.find('table').css('top', -$(e.currentTarget).scrollTop()) + }) + + this.$body.find('> tr[data-index]').off('hover').hover(e => { + const index = $(e.currentTarget).data('index') + this.$fixedBody.find(`tr[data-index="${index}"]`) + .css('background-color', $(e.currentTarget).css('background-color')) + }, e => { + const index = $(e.currentTarget).data('index') + const $tr = this.$fixedBody.find(`tr[data-index="${index}"]`) + $tr.attr('style', $tr.attr('style').replace(/background-color:.*;/, '')) + }) + + this.$fixedBody.find('tr[data-index]').off('hover').hover(e => { + const index = $(e.currentTarget).data('index') + this.$body.find(`tr[data-index="${index}"]`) + .css('background-color', $(e.currentTarget).css('background-color')) + }, e => { + const index = $(e.currentTarget).data('index') + const $tr = this.$body.find(`> tr[data-index="${index}"]`) + $tr.attr('style', $tr.attr('style').replace(/background-color:.*;/, '')) + }) + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..449bc73aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.css @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +.bootstrap-table .table > tbody > tr.groupBy { + cursor: pointer; +} + +.bootstrap-table .table > tbody > tr.groupBy.expanded { + +} + +.bootstrap-table .table > tbody > tr.hidden + tr.detail-view { + display: none; +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0118ee2996 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.js @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +/** + * @author: Yura Knoxville + * @version: v1.1.0 + */ + +(function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + var initBodyCaller, + tableGroups; + + // it only does '%s', and return '' when arguments are undefined + var sprintf = function (str) { + var args = arguments, + flag = true, + i = 1; + + str = str.replace(/%s/g, function () { + var arg = args[i++]; + + if (typeof arg === 'undefined') { + flag = false; + return ''; + } + return arg; + }); + return flag ? str : ''; + }; + + var groupBy = function (array , f) { + var groups = {}; + array.forEach(function(o) { + var group = f(o); + groups[group] = groups[group] || []; + groups[group].push(o); + }); + + return groups; + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + groupBy: false, + groupByField: '', + groupByFormatter: undefined + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initSort = BootstrapTable.prototype.initSort, + _initBody = BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody, + _updateSelected = BootstrapTable.prototype.updateSelected; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initSort = function () { + _initSort.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + var that = this; + tableGroups = []; + + if ((this.options.groupBy) && (this.options.groupByField !== '')) { + + if ((this.options.sortName != this.options.groupByField)) { + this.data.sort(function(a, b) { + return a[that.options.groupByField].localeCompare(b[that.options.groupByField]); + }); + } + + var that = this; + var groups = groupBy(that.data, function (item) { + return [item[that.options.groupByField]]; + }); + + var index = 0; + $.each(groups, function(key, value) { + tableGroups.push({ + id: index, + name: key, + data: value + }); + + value.forEach(function(item) { + if (!item._data) { + item._data = {}; + } + + item._data['parent-index'] = index; + }); + + index++; + }); + } + } + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody = function () { + initBodyCaller = true; + + _initBody.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if ((this.options.groupBy) && (this.options.groupByField !== '')) { + var that = this, + checkBox = false, + visibleColumns = 0; + + this.columns.forEach(function(column) { + if (column.checkbox) { + checkBox = true; + } else { + if (column.visible) { + visibleColumns += 1; + } + } + }); + + if (this.options.detailView && !this.options.cardView) { + visibleColumns += 1; + } + + tableGroups.forEach(function(item){ + var html = []; + + html.push(sprintf('', item.id)); + + if (that.options.detailView && !that.options.cardView) { + html.push(''); + } + + if (checkBox) { + html.push('', + '', + '' + ); + } + var formattedValue = item.name; + if (typeof(that.options.groupByFormatter) == "function") { + formattedValue = that.options.groupByFormatter(item.name, item.id, item.data); + } + html.push('', formattedValue, '' + ); + + html.push(''); + + that.$body.find('tr[data-parent-index='+item.id+']:first').before($(html.join(''))); + }); + + this.$selectGroup = []; + this.$body.find('[name="btSelectGroup"]').each(function() { + var self = $(this); + + that.$selectGroup.push({ + group: self, + item: that.$selectItem.filter(function () { + return ($(this).closest('tr').data('parent-index') === + self.closest('tr').data('group-index')); + }) + }); + }); + + this.$container.off('click', '.groupBy') + .on('click', '.groupBy', function() { + $(this).toggleClass('expanded'); + that.$body.find('tr[data-parent-index='+$(this).closest('tr').data('group-index')+']').toggleClass('hidden'); + }); + + this.$container.off('click', '[name="btSelectGroup"]') + .on('click', '[name="btSelectGroup"]', function (event) { + event.stopImmediatePropagation(); + + var self = $(this); + var checked = self.prop('checked'); + that[checked ? 'checkGroup' : 'uncheckGroup']($(this).closest('tr').data('group-index')); + }); + } + + initBodyCaller = false; + this.updateSelected(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.updateSelected = function () { + if (!initBodyCaller) { + _updateSelected.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if ((this.options.groupBy) && (this.options.groupByField !== '')) { + this.$selectGroup.forEach(function (item) { + var checkGroup = item.item.filter(':enabled').length === + item.item.filter(':enabled').filter(':checked').length; + + item.group.prop('checked', checkGroup); + }); + } + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.getGroupSelections = function (index) { + var that = this; + + return $.grep(this.data, function (row) { + return (row[that.header.stateField] && (row._data['parent-index'] === index)); + }); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.checkGroup = function (index) { + this.checkGroup_(index, true); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.uncheckGroup = function (index) { + this.checkGroup_(index, false); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.checkGroup_ = function (index, checked) { + var rows; + var filter = function() { + return ($(this).closest('tr').data('parent-index') === index); + }; + + if (!checked) { + rows = this.getGroupSelections(index); + } + + this.$selectItem.filter(filter).prop('checked', checked); + + this.updateRows(); + this.updateSelected(); + if (checked) { + rows = this.getGroupSelections(index); + } + this.trigger(checked ? 'check-all' : 'uncheck-all', rows); + }; + +})(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b948bbd30 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by-v2/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "name": "Group By V2", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Group the data by field", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/group-by-v2", + "example": "", + "plugins": [], + "author": { + "name": "Knoxvillekm", + "image": "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/11072464" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fce5a9a7b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.css @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +table.treetable tbody tr td { + cursor: default; +} + +table.treetable span { + background-position: center left; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + padding: .2em 0 .2em 1.5em; +} + +table.treetable tr.collapsed span.indenter a { + background-image: url(); + padding-right: 12px; +} + +table.treetable tr.expanded span.indenter a { + background-image: url(); + padding-right: 12px; +} + +table.treetable tr.branch { + background-color: #f9f9f9; +} + +table.treetable tr.selected { + background-color: #3875d7; + color: #fff; +} + +table.treetable tr span.indenter a { + outline: none; /* Expander shows outline after upgrading to 3.0 (#141) */ +} + +table.treetable tr.collapsed.selected span.indenter a { + background-image: url(); +} + +table.treetable tr.expanded.selected span.indenter a { + background-image: url(); +} + +table.treetable tr.accept { + background-color: #a3bce4; + color: #fff +} + +table.treetable tr.collapsed.accept td span.indenter a { + background-image: url(); +} + +table.treetable tr.expanded.accept td span.indenter a { + background-image: url(); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..35c3b61a79 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.js @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v1.1.0 + */ + +!function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + var originalRowAttr, + dataTTId = 'data-tt-id', + dataTTParentId = 'data-tt-parent-id', + obj = {}, + parentId = undefined; + + var getParentRowId = function (that, id) { + var parentRows = that.$body.find('tr').not('[' + 'data-tt-parent-id]'); + + for (var i = 0; i < parentRows.length; i++) { + if (i === id) { + return $(parentRows[i]).attr('data-tt-id'); + } + } + + return undefined; + }; + + var sumData = function (that, data) { + var sumRow = {}; + $.each(data, function (i, row) { + if (!row.IsParent) { + for (var prop in row) { + if (!isNaN(parseFloat(row[prop]))) { + if (that.columns[that.fieldsColumnsIndex[prop]].groupBySumGroup) { + if (sumRow[prop] === undefined) { + sumRow[prop] = 0; + } + sumRow[prop] += +row[prop]; + } + } + } + } + }); + return sumRow; + }; + + var rowAttr = function (row, index) { + //Call the User Defined Function + originalRowAttr.apply([row, index]); + + obj[dataTTId.toString()] = index; + + if (!row.IsParent) { + obj[dataTTParentId.toString()] = parentId === undefined ? index : parentId; + } else { + parentId = index; + delete obj[dataTTParentId.toString()]; + } + + return obj; + }; + + var setObjectKeys = function () { + // From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys + Object.keys = function (o) { + if (o !== Object(o)) { + throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on a non-object'); + } + var k = [], + p; + for (p in o) { + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) { + k.push(p); + } + } + return k; + } + }; + + var getDataArrayFromItem = function (that, item) { + var itemDataArray = []; + for (var i = 0; i < that.options.groupByField.length; i++) { + itemDataArray.push(item[that.options.groupByField[i]]); + } + + return itemDataArray; + }; + + var getNewRow = function (that, result, index) { + var newRow = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < that.options.groupByField.length; i++) { + newRow[that.options.groupByField[i].toString()] = result[index][0][that.options.groupByField[i]]; + } + + newRow.IsParent = true; + + return newRow; + }; + + var groupBy = function (array, f) { + var groups = {}; + $.each(array, function (i, o) { + var group = JSON.stringify(f(o)); + groups[group] = groups[group] || []; + groups[group].push(o); + }); + return Object.keys(groups).map(function (group) { + return groups[group]; + }); + }; + + var makeGrouped = function (that, data) { + var newData = [], + sumRow = {}; + + var result = groupBy(data, function (item) { + return getDataArrayFromItem(that, item); + }); + + for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { + result[i].unshift(getNewRow(that, result, i)); + if (that.options.groupBySumGroup) { + sumRow = sumData(that, result[i]); + if (!$.isEmptyObject(sumRow)) { + result[i].push(sumRow); + } + } + } + + newData = newData.concat.apply(newData, result); + + if (!that.options.loaded && newData.length > 0) { + that.options.loaded = true; + that.options.originalData = that.options.data; + that.options.data = newData; + } + + return newData; + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + groupBy: false, + groupByField: [], + groupBySumGroup: false, + groupByInitExpanded: undefined, //node, 'all' + //internal variables + loaded: false, + originalData: undefined + }); + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('collapseAll', 'expandAll', 'refreshGroupByField'); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.COLUMN_DEFAULTS, { + groupBySumGroup: false + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init, + _initData = BootstrapTable.prototype.initData; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + //Temporal validation + if (!this.options.sortName) { + if ((this.options.groupBy) && (this.options.groupByField.length > 0)) { + var that = this; + + // Compatibility: IE < 9 and old browsers + if (!Object.keys) { + $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.objectKeys(); + } + + //Make sure that the internal variables are set correctly + this.options.loaded = false; + this.options.originalData = undefined; + + originalRowAttr = this.options.rowAttributes; + this.options.rowAttributes = rowAttr; + this.$el.off('post-body.bs.table').on('post-body.bs.table', function () { + that.$el.treetable({ + expandable: true, + onNodeExpand: function () { + if (that.options.height) { + that.resetHeader(); + } + }, + onNodeCollapse: function () { + if (that.options.height) { + that.resetHeader(); + } + } + }, true); + + if (that.options.groupByInitExpanded !== undefined) { + if (typeof that.options.groupByInitExpanded === 'number') { + that.expandNode(that.options.groupByInitExpanded); + } else if (that.options.groupByInitExpanded.toLowerCase() === 'all') { + that.expandAll(); + } + } + }); + } + } + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initData = function (data, type) { + //Temporal validation + if (!this.options.sortName) { + if ((this.options.groupBy) && (this.options.groupByField.length > 0)) { + + this.options.groupByField = typeof this.options.groupByField === 'string' ? + this.options.groupByField.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') + .replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase().split(',') : this.options.groupByField; + + data = makeGrouped(this, data ? data : this.options.data); + } + } + _initData.apply(this, [data, type]); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.expandAll = function () { + this.$el.treetable('expandAll'); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.collapseAll = function () { + this.$el.treetable('collapseAll'); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.expandNode = function (id) { + id = getParentRowId(this, id); + if (id !== undefined) { + this.$el.treetable('expandNode', id); + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.refreshGroupByField = function (groupByFields) { + if (!$.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.compareObjects(this.options.groupByField, groupByFields)) { + this.options.groupByField = groupByFields; + this.load(this.options.originalData); + } + }; +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d6d838808 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/group-by/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Group By", + "version": "1.1.0", + "description": "Plugin to group the data by fields.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/group-by", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-group-by", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/group-by" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/i18n-enhance/bootstrap-table-i18n-enhance.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/i18n-enhance/bootstrap-table-i18n-enhance.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f36d21bbf --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/i18n-enhance/bootstrap-table-i18n-enhance.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/** + * @author: Jewway + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + +!function ($) { + 'use strict'; + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.changeTitle = function (locale) { + $.each(this.options.columns, function (idx, columnList) { + $.each(columnList, function (idx, column) { + if (column.field) { + column.title = locale[column.field]; + } + }); + }); + this.initHeader(); + this.initBody(); + this.initToolbar(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.changeLocale = function (localeId) { + this.options.locale = localeId; + this.initLocale(); + this.initPagination(); + this.initBody(); + this.initToolbar(); + }; + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('changeTitle'); + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('changeLocale'); + +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/i18n-enhance/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/i18n-enhance/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2b018029c --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/i18n-enhance/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "i18n Enhance", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to add i18n API in order to change column's title and table locale.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/i18n-enhance", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/i18n-enhance.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-i18n-enhance", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/i18n-enhance" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "Jewway", + "image": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/3501899" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/key-events/bootstrap-table-key-events.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/key-events/bootstrap-table-key-events.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87ddad1286 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/key-events/bootstrap-table-key-events.js @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v1.0.0 + * + * @update zhixin wen + */ + +!function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + keyEvents: false + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + this.initKeyEvents(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initKeyEvents = function () { + if (this.options.keyEvents) { + var that = this; + + $(document).off('keydown').on('keydown', function (e) { + var $search = that.$toolbar.find('.search input'), + $refresh = that.$toolbar.find('button[name="refresh"]'), + $toggle = that.$toolbar.find('button[name="toggle"]'), + $paginationSwitch = that.$toolbar.find('button[name="paginationSwitch"]'); + + if (document.activeElement === $search.get(0) || !$.contains(document.activeElement ,that.$toolbar.get(0))) { + return true; + } + + switch (e.keyCode) { + case 83: //s + if (!that.options.search) { + return; + } + $search.focus(); + return false; + case 82: //r + if (!that.options.showRefresh) { + return; + } + $refresh.click(); + return false; + case 84: //t + if (!that.options.showToggle) { + return; + } + $toggle.click(); + return false; + case 80: //p + if (!that.options.showPaginationSwitch) { + return; + } + $paginationSwitch.click(); + return false; + case 37: // left + if (!that.options.pagination) { + return; + } + that.prevPage(); + return false; + case 39: // right + if (!that.options.pagination) { + return; + } + that.nextPage(); + return; + } + }); + } + }; +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/key-events/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/key-events/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..966f6f8f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/key-events/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Key Events", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the key events in the bootstrap table.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/key-events", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/key-events.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-key-events", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/key-events" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/mobile/bootstrap-table-mobile.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/mobile/bootstrap-table-mobile.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21e2501a84 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/mobile/bootstrap-table-mobile.js @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v1.1.0 + */ + +!function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + var showHideColumns = function (that, checked) { + if (that.options.columnsHidden.length > 0 ) { + $.each(that.columns, function (i, column) { + if (that.options.columnsHidden.indexOf(column.field) !== -1) { + if (column.visible !== checked) { + that.toggleColumn(that.fieldsColumnsIndex[column.field], checked, true); + } + } + }); + } + }; + + var resetView = function (that) { + if (that.options.height || that.options.showFooter) { + setTimeout(function(){ + that.resetView.call(that); + }, 1); + } + }; + + var changeView = function (that, width, height) { + if (that.options.minHeight) { + if ((width <= that.options.minWidth) && (height <= that.options.minHeight)) { + conditionCardView(that); + } else if ((width > that.options.minWidth) && (height > that.options.minHeight)) { + conditionFullView(that); + } + } else { + if (width <= that.options.minWidth) { + conditionCardView(that); + } else if (width > that.options.minWidth) { + conditionFullView(that); + } + } + + resetView(that); + }; + + var conditionCardView = function (that) { + changeTableView(that, false); + showHideColumns(that, false); + }; + + var conditionFullView = function (that) { + changeTableView(that, true); + showHideColumns(that, true); + }; + + var changeTableView = function (that, cardViewState) { + that.options.cardView = cardViewState; + that.toggleView(); + }; + + var debounce = function(func,wait) { + var timeout; + return function() { + var context = this, + args = arguments; + var later = function() { + timeout = null; + func.apply(context,args); + }; + clearTimeout(timeout); + timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); + }; + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + mobileResponsive: false, + minWidth: 562, + minHeight: undefined, + heightThreshold: 100, // just slightly larger than mobile chrome's auto-hiding toolbar + checkOnInit: true, + columnsHidden: [] + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (!this.options.mobileResponsive) { + return; + } + + if (!this.options.minWidth) { + return; + } + + if (this.options.minWidth < 100 && this.options.resizable) { + console.log("The minWidth when the resizable extension is active should be greater or equal than 100"); + this.options.minWidth = 100; + } + + var that = this, + old = { + width: $(window).width(), + height: $(window).height() + }; + + $(window).on('resize orientationchange',debounce(function (evt) { + // reset view if height has only changed by at least the threshold. + var height = $(this).height(), + width = $(this).width(); + + if (Math.abs(old.height - height) > that.options.heightThreshold || old.width != width) { + changeView(that, width, height); + old = { + width: width, + height: height + }; + } + },200)); + + if (this.options.checkOnInit) { + var height = $(window).height(), + width = $(window).width(); + changeView(this, width, height); + old = { + width: width, + height: height + }; + } + }; +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/mobile/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/mobile/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..433eb77fe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/mobile/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Mobile", + "version": "1.1.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the responsive feature.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/mobile", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/mobile.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-mobile", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/mobile" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multi-column-toggle/bootstrap-table-multi-toggle.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multi-column-toggle/bootstrap-table-multi-toggle.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4cb110bd89 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multi-column-toggle/bootstrap-table-multi-toggle.js @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/** + * @author Homer Glascock + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + + !function ($) { + "use strict"; + + var sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf; + + var reInit = function (self) { + self.initHeader(); + self.initSearch(); + self.initPagination(); + self.initBody(); + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + showToggleBtn: false, + multiToggleDefaults: [], //column names go here + }); + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('hideAllColumns', 'showAllColumns'); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function () { + + _initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + var that = this, + $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group'); + + if (typeof this.options.multiToggleDefaults === 'string') { + this.options.multiToggleDefaults = JSON.parse(this.options.multiToggleDefaults); + } + + if (this.options.showToggleBtn && this.options.showColumns) { + var showbtn = "", + hidebtn = ""; + + $btnGroup.append(showbtn + hidebtn); + + $btnGroup.find('#showAllBtn').click(function () { that.showAllColumns(); + $btnGroup.find('#hideAllBtn').toggleClass('hidden'); + $btnGroup.find('#showAllBtn').toggleClass('hidden'); + }); + $btnGroup.find('#hideAllBtn').click(function () { that.hideAllColumns(); + $btnGroup.find('#hideAllBtn').toggleClass('hidden'); + $btnGroup.find('#showAllBtn').toggleClass('hidden'); + }); + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.hideAllColumns = function () { + var that = this, + defaults = that.options.multiToggleDefaults; + + $.each(this.columns, function (index, column) { + //if its one of the defaults dont touch it + if (defaults.indexOf(column.field) == -1 && column.switchable) { + column.visible = false; + var $items = that.$toolbar.find('.keep-open input').prop('disabled', false); + $items.filter(sprintf('[value="%s"]', index)).prop('checked', false); + } + }); + + reInit(that); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.showAllColumns = function () { + var that = this; + $.each(this.columns, function (index, column) { + if (column.switchable) { + column.visible = true; + } + + var $items = that.$toolbar.find('.keep-open input').prop('disabled', false); + $items.filter(sprintf('[value="%s"]', index)).prop('checked', true); + }); + + reInit(that); + + that.toggleColumn(0, that.columns[0].visible, false); + }; + +}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multi-column-toggle/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multi-column-toggle/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e27efdc881 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multi-column-toggle/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Multi Column Toggle", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Allows hiding and showing of multiple columns at once.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multi-column-toggle", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/multi-column-toggle.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "multi-column-toggle", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multi-column-toggle" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "Homer Glascock", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/5546710" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-search/bootstrap-table-multiple-search.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-search/bootstrap-table-multiple-search.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8e264e41f --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-search/bootstrap-table-multiple-search.js @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + +!function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + multipleSearch: false, + delimeter: " " + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initSearch = BootstrapTable.prototype.initSearch; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initSearch = function () { + if (this.options.multipleSearch) { + if (this.searchText === undefined) { + return; + } + var strArray = this.searchText.split(this.options.delimeter), + that = this, + f = $.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumns) ? null : this.filterColumns, + dataFiltered = []; + + if (strArray.length === 1) { + _initSearch.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + } else { + for (var i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) { + var str = strArray[i].trim(); + dataFiltered = str ? $.grep(dataFiltered.length === 0 ? this.options.data : dataFiltered, function (item, i) { + for (var key in item) { + key = $.isNumeric(key) ? parseInt(key, 10) : key; + var value = item[key], + column = that.columns[that.fieldsColumnsIndex[key]], + j = $.inArray(key, that.header.fields); + + // Fix #142: search use formated data + if (column && column.searchFormatter) { + value = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue(column, + that.header.formatters[j], [value, item, i], value); + } + + var index = $.inArray(key, that.header.fields); + if (index !== -1 && that.header.searchables[index] && (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number')) { + if (that.options.strictSearch) { + if ((value + '').toLowerCase() === str) { + return true; + } + } else { + if ((value + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(str) !== -1) { + return true; + } + } + } + } + return false; + }) : this.data; + } + + this.data = dataFiltered; + } + } else { + _initSearch.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + } + }; + +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-search/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-search/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5160d1a98b --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-search/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Multiple Search", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the multiple search.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-search", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-multiple-search", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-search" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81da76b5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row.css @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +.multiple-select-row-selected { + background: lightBlue +} + +.table tbody tr:hover td, +.table tbody tr:hover th { + background-color: transparent; +} + + +.table-striped tbody tr:nth-child(odd):hover td { + background-color: #F9F9F9; +} + +.fixed-table-container tbody .selected td { + background: lightBlue; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..597b28b8f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row.js @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + +!function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + document.onselectstart = function() { + return false; + }; + + var getTableObjectFromCurrentTarget = function (currentTarget) { + currentTarget = $(currentTarget); + return currentTarget.is("table") ? currentTarget : currentTarget.parents().find(".table"); + }; + + var getRow = function (target) { + target = $(target); + return target.parent().parent(); + }; + + var onRowClick = function (e) { + var that = getTableObjectFromCurrentTarget(e.currentTarget); + + if (window.event.ctrlKey) { + toggleRow(e.currentTarget, that, false, false); + } + + if (window.event.button === 0) { + if (!window.event.ctrlKey && !window.event.shiftKey) { + clearAll(that); + toggleRow(e.currentTarget, that, false, false); + } + + if (window.event.shiftKey) { + selectRowsBetweenIndexes([that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowLastSelectedRow.rowIndex, e.currentTarget.rowIndex], that) + } + } + }; + + var onCheckboxChange = function (e) { + var that = getTableObjectFromCurrentTarget(e.currentTarget); + clearAll(that); + toggleRow(getRow(e.currentTarget), that, false, false); + }; + + var toggleRow = function (row, that, clearAll, useShift) { + if (clearAll) { + row = $(row); + that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowLastSelectedRow = undefined; + row.removeClass(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowCssClass); + that.bootstrapTable("uncheck", row.data("index")); + } else { + that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowLastSelectedRow = row; + row = $(row); + if (useShift) { + row.addClass(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowCssClass); + that.bootstrapTable("check", row.data("index")); + } else { + if(row.hasClass(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowCssClass)) { + row.removeClass(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowCssClass) + that.bootstrapTable("uncheck", row.data("index")); + } else { + row.addClass(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowCssClass); + that.bootstrapTable("check", row.data("index")); + } + } + } + }; + + var selectRowsBetweenIndexes = function (indexes, that) { + indexes.sort(function(a, b) { + return a - b; + }); + + for (var i = indexes[0]; i <= indexes[1]; i++) { + toggleRow(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowRows[i-1], that, false, true); + } + }; + + var clearAll = function (that) { + for (var i = 0; i < that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowRows.length; i++) { + toggleRow(that.bootstrapTable("getOptions").multipleSelectRowRows[i], that, true, false); + } + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + multipleSelectRow: false, + multipleSelectRowCssClass: 'multiple-select-row-selected', + //internal variables used by the extension + multipleSelectRowLastSelectedRow: undefined, + multipleSelectRowRows: [] + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init, + _initBody = BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + if (this.options.multipleSelectRow) { + var that = this; + + //Make sure that the internal variables have the correct value + this.options.multipleSelectRowLastSelectedRow = undefined; + this.options.multipleSelectRowRows = []; + + this.$el.on("post-body.bs.table", function (e) { + setTimeout(function () { + that.options.multipleSelectRowRows = that.$body.children(); + that.options.multipleSelectRowRows.click(onRowClick); + that.options.multipleSelectRowRows.find("input[type=checkbox]").change(onCheckboxChange); + }, 1); + }); + } + + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.clearAllMultipleSelectionRow = function () { + clearAll(this); + }; + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('clearAllMultipleSelectionRow'); +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69d4a9effa --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-selection-row/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Multiple Selection Row", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to enable the multiple selection row. You can use the ctrl+click to select one row or use ctrl+shift+click to select a range of rows.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-selection-row", + "example": "", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-multiple-selection-row", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-selection-row" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-sort/bootstrap-table-multiple-sort.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-sort/bootstrap-table-multiple-sort.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13493f87e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-sort/bootstrap-table-multiple-sort.js @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +/** + * @author Nadim Basalamah + * @version: v1.1.0 + * https://github.com/dimbslmh/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-sort/bootstrap-table-multiple-sort.js + * Modification: ErwannNevou + */ + +(function($) { + 'use strict'; + + var isSingleSort = false; + + var showSortModal = function(that) { + var _selector = that.sortModalSelector, + _id = '#' + _selector; + + if (!$(_id).hasClass("modal")) { + var sModal = ' '; + + $('body').append($(sModal)); + + that.$sortModal = $(_id); + var $rows = that.$sortModal.find('tbody > tr'); + + that.$sortModal.off('click', '#add').on('click', '#add', function() { + var total = that.$sortModal.find('.multi-sort-name:first option').length, + current = that.$sortModal.find('tbody tr').length; + + if (current < total) { + current++; + that.addLevel(); + that.setButtonStates(); + } + }); + + that.$sortModal.off('click', '#delete').on('click', '#delete', function() { + var total = that.$sortModal.find('.multi-sort-name:first option').length, + current = that.$sortModal.find('tbody tr').length; + + if (current > 1 && current <= total) { + current--; + that.$sortModal.find('tbody tr:last').remove(); + that.setButtonStates(); + } + }); + + that.$sortModal.off('click', '.btn-primary').on('click', '.btn-primary', function() { + var $rows = that.$sortModal.find('tbody > tr'), + $alert = that.$sortModal.find('div.alert'), + fields = [], + results = []; + + + that.options.sortPriority = $.map($rows, function(row) { + var $row = $(row), + name = $row.find('.multi-sort-name').val(), + order = $row.find('.multi-sort-order').val(); + + fields.push(name); + + return { + sortName: name, + sortOrder: order + }; + }); + + var sorted_fields = fields.sort(); + + for (var i = 0; i < fields.length - 1; i++) { + if (sorted_fields[i + 1] == sorted_fields[i]) { + results.push(sorted_fields[i]); + } + } + + if (results.length > 0) { + if ($alert.length === 0) { + $alert = ''; + $($alert).insertBefore(that.$sortModal.find('.bars')); + } + } else { + if ($alert.length === 1) { + $($alert).remove(); + } + + that.$sortModal.modal('hide'); + that.options.sortName = ''; + + if (that.options.sidePagination === 'server') { + var t = that.options.queryParams; + that.options.queryParams = function(params) { + params.multiSort = that.options.sortPriority; + return t(params); + }; + isSingleSort=false; + that.initServer(that.options.silentSort); + return; + } + that.onMultipleSort(); + + } + }); + + if (that.options.sortPriority === null || that.options.sortPriority.length === 0) { + if (that.options.sortName) { + that.options.sortPriority = [{ + sortName: that.options.sortName, + sortOrder: that.options.sortOrder + }]; + } + } + + if (that.options.sortPriority !== null && that.options.sortPriority.length > 0) { + if ($rows.length < that.options.sortPriority.length && typeof that.options.sortPriority === 'object') { + for (var i = 0; i < that.options.sortPriority.length; i++) { + that.addLevel(i, that.options.sortPriority[i]); + } + } + } else { + that.addLevel(0); + } + + that.setButtonStates(); + } + }; + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('multipleSort'); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + showMultiSort: false, + showMultiSortButton: true, + sortPriority: null, + onMultipleSort: function() { + return false; + } + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, { + sort: 'glyphicon-sort', + plus: 'glyphicon-plus', + minus: 'glyphicon-minus' + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'multiple-sort.bs.table': 'onMultipleSort' + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, { + formatMultipleSort: function() { + return 'Multiple Sort'; + }, + formatAddLevel: function() { + return 'Add Level'; + }, + formatDeleteLevel: function() { + return 'Delete Level'; + }, + formatColumn: function() { + return 'Column'; + }, + formatOrder: function() { + return 'Order'; + }, + formatSortBy: function() { + return 'Sort by'; + }, + formatThenBy: function() { + return 'Then by'; + }, + formatSort: function() { + return 'Sort'; + }, + formatCancel: function() { + return 'Cancel'; + }, + formatDuplicateAlertTitle: function() { + return 'Duplicate(s) detected!'; + }, + formatDuplicateAlertDescription: function() { + return 'Please remove or change any duplicate column.'; + }, + formatSortOrders: function() { + return { + asc: 'Ascending', + desc: 'Descending' + }; + } + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function() { + this.showToolbar = this.showToolbar || this.options.showMultiSort; + var that = this, + sortModalSelector = 'sortModal_' + this.$el.attr('id'), + sortModalId = '#' + sortModalSelector; + this.$sortModal = $(sortModalId); + this.sortModalSelector = sortModalSelector; + + _initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (that.options.sidePagination === 'server' && !isSingleSort && that.options.sortPriority !== null){ + var t = that.options.queryParams; + that.options.queryParams = function(params) { + params.multiSort = that.options.sortPriority; + return t(params); + }; + } + + if (this.options.showMultiSort) { + var $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group').first(), + $multiSortBtn = this.$toolbar.find('div.multi-sort'); + + if (!$multiSortBtn.length && this.options.showMultiSortButton) { + $multiSortBtn = ' '; + + $btnGroup.append($multiSortBtn); + + showSortModal(that); + } + + this.$el.on('sort.bs.table', function() { + isSingleSort = true; + }); + + this.$el.on('multiple-sort.bs.table', function() { + isSingleSort = false; + }); + + this.$el.on('load-success.bs.table', function() { + if (!isSingleSort && that.options.sortPriority !== null && typeof that.options.sortPriority === 'object' && that.options.sidePagination !== 'server') { + that.onMultipleSort(); + } + }); + + this.$el.on('column-switch.bs.table', function(field, checked) { + for (var i = 0; i < that.options.sortPriority.length; i++) { + if (that.options.sortPriority[i].sortName === checked) { + that.options.sortPriority.splice(i, 1); + } + } + + that.assignSortableArrows(); + that.$sortModal.remove(); + showSortModal(that); + }); + + this.$el.on('reset-view.bs.table', function() { + if (!isSingleSort && that.options.sortPriority !== null && typeof that.options.sortPriority === 'object') { + that.assignSortableArrows(); + } + }); + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.multipleSort = function() { + var that = this; + if (!isSingleSort && that.options.sortPriority !== null && typeof that.options.sortPriority === 'object' && that.options.sidePagination !== 'server') { + that.onMultipleSort(); + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.onMultipleSort = function() { + var that = this; + + var cmp = function(x, y) { + return x > y ? 1 : x < y ? -1 : 0; + }; + + var arrayCmp = function(a, b) { + var arr1 = [], + arr2 = []; + + for (var i = 0; i < that.options.sortPriority.length; i++) { + var order = that.options.sortPriority[i].sortOrder === 'desc' ? -1 : 1, + aa = a[that.options.sortPriority[i].sortName], + bb = b[that.options.sortPriority[i].sortName]; + + if (aa === undefined || aa === null) { + aa = ''; + } + if (bb === undefined || bb === null) { + bb = ''; + } + if ($.isNumeric(aa) && $.isNumeric(bb)) { + aa = parseFloat(aa); + bb = parseFloat(bb); + } + if (typeof aa !== 'string') { + aa = aa.toString(); + } + + arr1.push( + order * cmp(aa, bb)); + arr2.push( + order * cmp(bb, aa)); + } + + return cmp(arr1, arr2); + }; + + this.data.sort(function(a, b) { + return arrayCmp(a, b); + }); + + this.initBody(); + this.assignSortableArrows(); + this.trigger('multiple-sort'); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.addLevel = function(index, sortPriority) { + var text = index === 0 ? this.options.formatSortBy() : this.options.formatThenBy(); + + this.$sortModal.find('tbody') + .append($('') + .append($('').text(text)) + .append($('').append($(''))) + ); + + var $multiSortName = this.$sortModal.find('.multi-sort-name').last(), + $multiSortOrder = this.$sortModal.find('.multi-sort-order').last(); + + $.each(this.columns, function(i, column) { + if (column.sortable === false || column.visible === false) { + return true; + } + $multiSortName.append(''); + }); + + $.each(this.options.formatSortOrders(), function(value, order) { + $multiSortOrder.append(''); + }); + + if (sortPriority !== undefined) { + $multiSortName.find('option[value="' + sortPriority.sortName + '"]').attr("selected", true); + $multiSortOrder.find('option[value="' + sortPriority.sortOrder + '"]').attr("selected", true); + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.assignSortableArrows = function() { + var that = this, + headers = that.$header.find('th'); + + for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { + for (var c = 0; c < that.options.sortPriority.length; c++) { + if ($(headers[i]).data('field') === that.options.sortPriority[c].sortName) { + $(headers[i]).find('.sortable').removeClass('desc asc').addClass(that.options.sortPriority[c].sortOrder); + } + } + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.setButtonStates = function() { + var total = this.$sortModal.find('.multi-sort-name:first option').length, + current = this.$sortModal.find('tbody tr').length; + + if (current == total) { + this.$sortModal.find('#add').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); + } + if (current > 1) { + this.$sortModal.find('#delete').removeAttr('disabled'); + } + if (current < total) { + this.$sortModal.find('#add').removeAttr('disabled'); + } + if (current == 1) { + this.$sortModal.find('#delete').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); + } + }; +})(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-sort/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-sort/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..580082a26b --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/multiple-sort/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Multiple Sort", + "version": "1.1.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the multiple sort.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-sort", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-multiple-sort", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/multiple-sort" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "dimbslmh", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/745635" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/natural-sorting/bootstrap-table-natural-sorting.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/natural-sorting/bootstrap-table-natural-sorting.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..30e6521760 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/natural-sorting/bootstrap-table-natural-sorting.js @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/** + * @author: Brian Huisman + * @webSite: http://www.greywyvern.com + * @version: v1.0.0 + * JS functions to allow natural sorting on bootstrap-table columns + * add data-sorter="alphanum" or data-sorter="numericOnly" to any th + * + * @update Dennis Hernández + * @update Duane May + */ + +function alphanum(a, b) { + function chunkify(t) { + var tz = [], + x = 0, + y = -1, + n = 0, + i, + j; + + while (i = (j = t.charAt(x++)).charCodeAt(0)) { + var m = (i === 46 || (i >= 48 && i <= 57)); + if (m !== n) { + tz[++y] = ""; + n = m; + } + tz[y] += j; + } + return tz; + } + + function stringfy(v) { + if (typeof(v) === "number") { + v = "" + v; + } + if (!v) { + v = ""; + } + return v; + } + + var aa = chunkify(stringfy(a)); + var bb = chunkify(stringfy(b)); + + for (x = 0; aa[x] && bb[x]; x++) { + if (aa[x] !== bb[x]) { + var c = Number(aa[x]), + d = Number(bb[x]); + + if (c == aa[x] && d == bb[x]) { + return c - d; + } else { + return (aa[x] > bb[x]) ? 1 : -1; + } + } + } + return aa.length - bb.length; +} + +function numericOnly(a, b) { + function stripNonNumber(s) { + s = s.replace(new RegExp(/[^0-9]/g), ""); + return parseInt(s, 10); + } + + return stripNonNumber(a) - stripNonNumber(b); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/natural-sorting/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/natural-sorting/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06bf4e4ece --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/natural-sorting/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Natural Sorting", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the natural sorting.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/natural-sorting", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-natural-sorting", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/natural-sorting" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "GreyWyvern", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/137631" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/page-jump-to/bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/page-jump-to/bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3db1ade83f --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/page-jump-to/bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.css @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +.jumpto input { + height: 31px; + width: 50px; + margin-left: 5px; + margin-right: 5px; + text-align: center; + display: inline-block; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/page-jump-to/bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/page-jump-to/bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f09d5cd324 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/page-jump-to/bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.js @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/** + * @author Jay + */ + +(function ($) { + 'use strict'; + var sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + showJumpto: false, + exportOptions: {} + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, { + formatJumpto: function () { + return 'GO'; + } + }); + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initPagination = BootstrapTable.prototype.initPagination; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initPagination = function () { + _initPagination.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (this.options.showJumpto) { + var that = this, + $pageGroup = this.$pagination.find('ul.pagination'), + $jumpto = $pageGroup.find('li.jumpto'); + + if (!$jumpto.length) { + $jumpto = $([ + '
  • ', + '', + '', + '
  • '].join('')).appendTo($pageGroup); + + $jumpto.find('button').click(function () { + that.selectPage(parseInt($jumpto.find('input').val())); + }); + } + } + }; +})(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/LICENSE b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..608dadfb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +(The MIT License) + +Copyright (c) 2019 doug-the-guy + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/README.md b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5019431f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +# Bootstrap Table Pipelining + +Use Plugin: [bootstrap-table-pipeline] + +This plugin enables client side data caching for server side requests which will +eliminate the need to issue a new request every page change. This will allow +for a performance balance for a large data set between returning all data at once +(client side paging) and a new server side request (server side paging). + +There are two new options: +- usePipeline: enables this feature +- pipelineSize: the size of each cache window + +The size of the pipeline must be evenly divisible by the current page size. This is +assured by rounding up to the nearest evenly divisible value. For example, if +the pipeline size is 4990 and the current page size is 25, then pipeline size will +be dynamically set to 5000. + +The cache windows are computed based on the pipeline size and the total number of rows +returned by the server side query. For example, with pipeline size 500 and total rows +1300, the cache windows will be: + +[{'lower': 0, 'upper': 499}, {'lower': 500, 'upper': 999}, {'lower': 1000, 'upper': 1499}] + +Using the limit (i.e. the pipelineSize) and offset parameters, the server side request +**MUST** return only the data in the requested cache window **AND** the total number of rows. +To wit, the server side code must use the offset and limit parameters to prepare the response +data. + +On a page change, the new offset is checked if it is within the current cache window. If so, +the requested page data is returned from the cached data set. Otherwise, a new server side +request will be issued for the new cache window. + +The current cached data is only invalidated on these events: + - sorting + - searching + - page size change + - page change moves into a new cache window + +There are two new events: +- cached-data-hit.bs.table: issued when cached data is used on a page change +- cached-data-reset.bs.table: issued when the cached data is invalidated and new server side request is issued + +## Features + +* Created with Bootstrap 4 + +## Usage + +``` +# assumed import of bootstrap and bootstrap-table assets + +... + + + + + + +
    +``` + +## Options + +### usePipeline + +* type: Boolean +* description: Set true to enable pipelining +* default: `false` + +## pipelineSize + +* type: Integer +* description: Size of each cache window. Must be greater than 0 +* default: `1000` + +## Events + +### onCachedDataHit(cached-data-hit.bs.table) + +* Fires when paging was able to use the locally cached data. + +### onCachedDataReset(cached-data-reset.bs.table) + +* Fires when the locally cached data needed to be reset (i.e. on sorting, searching, page size change or paged out of current cache window) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/bootstrap-table-pipeline.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/bootstrap-table-pipeline.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..954ee28aaf --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/bootstrap-table-pipeline.js @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +/** + * @author doug-the-guy + * @version v1.0.0 + * + * Boostrap Table Pipeline + * ----------------------- + * + * This plugin enables client side data caching for server side requests which will + * eliminate the need to issue a new request every page change. This will allow + * for a performance balance for a large data set between returning all data at once + * (client side paging) and a new server side request (server side paging). + * + * There are two new options: + * - usePipeline: enables this feature + * - pipelineSize: the size of each cache window + * + * The size of the pipeline must be evenly divisible by the current page size. This is + * assured by rounding up to the nearest evenly divisible value. For example, if + * the pipeline size is 4990 and the current page size is 25, then pipeline size will + * be dynamically set to 5000. + * + * The cache windows are computed based on the pipeline size and the total number of rows + * returned by the server side query. For example, with pipeline size 500 and total rows + * 1300, the cache windows will be: + * + * [{'lower': 0, 'upper': 499}, {'lower': 500, 'upper': 999}, {'lower': 1000, 'upper': 1499}] + * + * Using the limit (i.e. the pipelineSize) and offset parameters, the server side request + * **MUST** return only the data in the requested cache window **AND** the total number of rows. + * To wit, the server side code must use the offset and limit parameters to prepare the response + * data. + * + * On a page change, the new offset is checked if it is within the current cache window. If so, + * the requested page data is returned from the cached data set. Otherwise, a new server side + * request will be issued for the new cache window. + * + * The current cached data is only invalidated on these events: + * * sorting + * * searching + * * page size change + * * page change moves into a new cache window + * + * There are two new events: + * - cached-data-hit.bs.table: issued when cached data is used on a page change + * - cached-data-reset.bs.table: issued when the cached data is invalidated and a + * new server side request is issued + * + **/ + +(function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + var Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + usePipeline: false, + pipelineSize: 1000, + onCachedDataHit: function(data) { + return false; + }, + onCachedDataReset: function(data){ + return false; + } + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'cached-data-hit.bs.table': 'onCachedDataHit', + 'cached-data-reset.bs.table': 'onCachedDataReset' + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init, + _initServer = BootstrapTable.prototype.initServer, + _onSearch = BootstrapTable.prototype.onSearch, + _onSort = BootstrapTable.prototype.onSort, + _onPageListChange = BootstrapTable.prototype.onPageListChange; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + // needs to be called before initServer() + this.initPipeline(); + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initPipeline = function() { + this.cacheRequestJSON = {}; + this.cacheWindows = []; + this.currWindow = 0; + this.resetCache = true; + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.onSearch = function(event) { + /* force a cache reset on search */ + if (this.options.usePipeline) { + this.resetCache = true; + } + _onSearch.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.onSort = function(event) { + /* force a cache reset on sort */ + if (this.options.usePipeline) { + this.resetCache = true; + } + _onSort.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.onPageListChange = function (event) { + /* rebuild cache window on page size change */ + var target = $(event.currentTarget); + var newPageSize = parseInt(target.text()); + this.options.pipelineSize = this.calculatePipelineSize(this.options.pipelineSize, newPageSize); + this.resetCache = true; + _onPageListChange.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.calculatePipelineSize = function(pipelineSize, pageSize) { + /* calculate pipeline size by rounding up to the nearest value evenly divisible + * by the pageSize */ + if(pageSize == 0) return 0; + return Math.ceil(pipelineSize/pageSize) * pageSize; + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.setCacheWindows = function() { + /* set cache windows based on the total number of rows returned by server side + * request and the pipelineSize */ + this.cacheWindows = []; + var numWindows = this.options.totalRows / this.options.pipelineSize; + for(var i = 0; i <= numWindows; i++){ + var b = i * this.options.pipelineSize; + this.cacheWindows[i] = {'lower': b, 'upper': b + this.options.pipelineSize - 1}; + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.setCurrWindow = function(offset) { + /* set the current cache window index, based on where the current offset falls */ + this.currWindow = 0; + for(var i = 0; i < this.cacheWindows.length; i++){ + if(this.cacheWindows[i].lower <= offset && offset <= this.cacheWindows[i].upper){ + this.currWindow = i; + break; + } + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.drawFromCache = function(offset, limit) { + /* draw rows from the cache using offset and limit */ + var res = $.extend(true, {}, this.cacheRequestJSON); + var drawStart = offset - this.cacheWindows[this.currWindow].lower; + var drawEnd = drawStart + limit; + res.rows = res.rows.slice(drawStart, drawEnd); + return res; + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initServer = function(silent, query, url){ + /* determine if requested data is in cache (on paging) or if + * a new ajax request needs to be issued (sorting, searching, paging + * moving outside of cached data, page size change) + * initial version of this extension will entirely override base initServer + **/ + + var data = {}; + var index = this.header.fields.indexOf(this.options.sortName); + + var params = { + searchText: this.searchText, + sortName: this.options.sortName, + sortOrder: this.options.sortOrder + }; + + var request = null; + + if (this.header.sortNames[index]) { + params.sortName = this.header.sortNames[index]; + } + + if (this.options.pagination && this.options.sidePagination === 'server') { + params.pageSize = this.options.pageSize === this.options.formatAllRows() + ? this.options.totalRows : this.options.pageSize + params.pageNumber = this.options.pageNumber + } + + if (!(url || this.options.url) && !this.options.ajax) { + return; + } + + var useAjax = true; + if (this.options.queryParamsType === 'limit') { + params = { + searchText: params.searchText, + sortName: params.sortName, + sortOrder: params.sortOrder + } + if (this.options.pagination && this.options.sidePagination === 'server') { + params.limit = this.options.pageSize === this.options.formatAllRows() ? this.options.totalRows : this.options.pageSize; + params.offset = (this.options.pageSize === this.options.formatAllRows() ? this.options.totalRows : this.options.pageSize) * (this.options.pageNumber - 1); + if (this.options.usePipeline) { + // if cacheWindows is empty, this is the initial request + if(!this.cacheWindows.length){ + useAjax = true; + params.drawOffset = params.offset; + // cache exists: determine if the page request is entirely within the current cached window + } else { + var w = this.cacheWindows[this.currWindow]; + // case 1: reset cache but stay within current window (e.g. column sort) + // case 2: move outside of the current window (e.g. search or paging) + // since each cache window is aligned with the current page size + // checking if params.offset is outside the current window is sufficient. + // need to requery for preceding or succeeding cache window + // also handle case + if(this.resetCache || (params.offset < w.lower || params.offset > w.upper)){ + useAjax = true; + this.setCurrWindow(params.offset); + // store the relative offset for drawing the page data afterwards + params.drawOffset = params.offset; + // now set params.offset to the lower bound of the new cache window + // the server will return that whole cache window + params.offset = this.cacheWindows[this.currWindow].lower; + // within current cache window + } else { + useAjax = false; + } + } + } else { + if (params.limit === 0) { + delete params.limit; + } + } + } + } + + // force an ajax call - this is on search, sort or page size change + if (this.resetCache) { + useAjax = true; + this.resetCache = false; + } + + if(this.options.usePipeline && useAjax) { + /* in this scenario limit is used on the server to get the cache window + * and drawLimit is used to get the page data afterwards */ + params.drawLimit = params.limit; + params.limit = this.options.pipelineSize; + } + + // cached results can be used + if(!useAjax) { + var res = this.drawFromCache(params.offset, params.limit); + this.load(res); + this.trigger('load-success', res); + this.trigger('cached-data-hit', res); + return; + } + // cached results can't be used + // continue base initServer code + if (!($.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial))) { + params.filter = JSON.stringify(this.filterColumnsPartial, null); + } + + data = Utils.calculateObjectValue(this.options, this.options.queryParams, [params], data); + + $.extend(data, query || {}); + + // false to stop request + if (data === false) { + return; + } + + if (!silent) { + this.$tableLoading.show(); + } + var self = this; + + request = $.extend({}, Utils.calculateObjectValue(null, this.options.ajaxOptions), { + type: this.options.method, + url: url || this.options.url, + data: this.options.contentType === 'application/json' && this.options.method === 'post' + ? JSON.stringify(data) : data, + cache: this.options.cache, + contentType: this.options.contentType, + dataType: this.options.dataType, + success: function(res){ + res = Utils.calculateObjectValue(self.options, self.options.responseHandler, [res], res); + // cache results if using pipelining + if(self.options.usePipeline){ + // store entire request in cache + self.cacheRequestJSON = $.extend(true, {}, res); + // this gets set in load() also but needs to be set before + // setting cacheWindows + self.options.totalRows = res[self.options.totalField]; + // if this is a search, potentially less results will be returned + // so cache windows need to be rebuilt. Otherwise it + // will come out the same + self.setCacheWindows(); + self.setCurrWindow(params.drawOffset); + // just load data for the page + res = self.drawFromCache(params.drawOffset, params.drawLimit); + self.trigger('cached-data-reset', res); + } + self.load(res); + self.trigger('load-success', res); + if (!silent) self.$tableLoading.hide(); + }, + error: function(res){ + var data = []; + if (self.options.sidePagination === 'server') { + data = {}; + data[self.options.totalField] = 0; + data[self.options.dataField] = []; + } + self.load(data); + self.trigger('load-error', res.status, res); + if (!silent) self.$tableLoading.hide(); + } + }); + + if (this.options.ajax) { + Utils.calculateObjectValue(this, this.options.ajax, [request], null); + } else { + if (this._xhr && this._xhr.readyState !== 4) { + this._xhr.abort(); + } + this._xhr = $.ajax(request); + } + } + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push(); + + + +})(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de569c848c --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/pipeline/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "name": "Pipeline", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support a hybrid approach to server/client side paging.", + "url": "", + "example": "#", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-pipeline", + "url": "" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "doug-the-guy", + "image": "" + } +} + diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/print/bootstrap-table-print.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/print/bootstrap-table-print.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1254609fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/print/bootstrap-table-print.js @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +(function ($) { + 'use strict'; + + var sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf; + + function printPageBuilderDefault(table) { + return '' + + '' + + 'Print Table' + + '

    Printed on: ' + new Date + '

    ' + + '
    ' + table + "
    "; + } + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + showPrint: false, + printAsFilteredAndSortedOnUI: true, //boolean, when true - print table as sorted and filtered on UI. + //Please note that if true is set, along with explicit predefined print options for filtering and sorting (printFilter, printSortOrder, printSortColumn)- then they will be applied on data already filtered and sorted by UI controls. + //For printing data as filtered and sorted on UI - do not set these 3 options:printFilter, printSortOrder, printSortColumn + + printSortColumn: undefined , //String, set column field name to be sorted by + printSortOrder: 'asc', //String: 'asc' , 'desc' - relevant only if printSortColumn is set + printPageBuilder: function(table){return printPageBuilderDefault(table)} // function, receive html element as string, returns html string for printing. by default delegates to function printPageBuilderDefault(table). used for styling and adding header or footer + }); + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.COLUMN_DEFAULTS, { + printFilter: undefined, //set value to filter by in print page + printIgnore: false, //boolean, set true to ignore this column in the print page + printFormatter:undefined //function(value, row, index), formats the cell value for this column in the printed table. Function behaviour is similar to the 'formatter' column option + + }); + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, { + print: 'glyphicon-print icon-share' + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function () { + this.showToolbar = this.showToolbar || this.options.showPrint; + + _initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (this.options.showPrint) { + var that = this, + $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group'), + $print = $btnGroup.find('button.bs-print'); + + if (!$print.length) { + $print = $([ + ''].join('')).appendTo($btnGroup); + + $print.click(function () { + function formatValue(row, i, column ) { + var value = row[column.field]; + if (typeof column.printFormatter === 'function') { + return column.printFormatter.apply(column, [value, row, i]); + } + else { + return typeof value === 'undefined' ? "-" : value; + } + } + + function buildTable(data, columnsArray) { + var html = ['
    ']; + for (var k = 0; k < columnsArray.length; k++) { + var columns = columnsArray[k]; + html.push(''); + for (var h = 0; h < columns.length; h++) { + if (!columns[h].printIgnore) { + html.push( + '%s', columns[h].title) + ); + } + } + html.push(''); + } + html.push(''); + for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { + html.push(''); + for(var l = 0; l < columnsArray.length; l++) { + var columns = columnsArray[l]; + for(var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) { + if (!columns[j].printIgnore && columns[j].field) { + html.push(''); + } + } + } + html.push(''); + } + html.push('
    ', formatValue(data[i], i, columns[j]), '
    '); + return html.join(''); + } + function sortRows(data,colName,sortOrder) { + if(!colName){ + return data; + } + var reverse = sortOrder != 'asc'; + reverse = -((+reverse) || -1); + return data.sort(function (a, b) { + return reverse * (a[colName].localeCompare(b[colName])); + }); + } + function filterRow(row,filters) { + for (var index = 0; index < filters.length; ++index) { + if(row[filters[index].colName]!=filters[index].value) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + function filterRows(data,filters) { + return data.filter(function (row) { + return filterRow(row,filters) + }); + } + function getColumnFilters(columns) { + return !columns || !columns[0] ? [] : columns[0].filter(function (col) { + return col.printFilter; + }).map(function (col) { + return {colName:col.field, value:col.printFilter}; + }); + } + var doPrint = function (data) { + data=filterRows(data,getColumnFilters(that.options.columns)); + data=sortRows(data,that.options.printSortColumn,that.options.printSortOrder); + var table=buildTable(data,that.options.columns); + var newWin = window.open(""); + newWin.document.write(that.options.printPageBuilder.call(this, table)); + newWin.print(); + newWin.close(); + }; + doPrint(that.options.printAsFilteredAndSortedOnUI? that.getData() : that.options.data.slice(0)); + }); + } + } + }; +})(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/reorder-columns/bootstrap-table-reorder-columns.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/reorder-columns/bootstrap-table-reorder-columns.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e0aa6b14c --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/reorder-columns/bootstrap-table-reorder-columns.js @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +/** + * @author: Dennis Hernández + * @webSite: http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog + * @version: v1.1.0 + */ + +!function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + //From MDN site, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter + var filterFn = function () { + if (!Array.prototype.filter) { + Array.prototype.filter = function(fun/*, thisArg*/) { + 'use strict'; + + if (this === void 0 || this === null) { + throw new TypeError(); + } + + var t = Object(this); + var len = t.length >>> 0; + if (typeof fun !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError(); + } + + var res = []; + var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (i in t) { + var val = t[i]; + + // NOTE: Technically this should Object.defineProperty at + // the next index, as push can be affected by + // properties on Object.prototype and Array.prototype. + // But that method's new, and collisions should be + // rare, so use the more-compatible alternative. + if (fun.call(thisArg, val, i, t)) { + res.push(val); + } + } + } + + return res; + }; + } + }; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + reorderableColumns: false, + maxMovingRows: 10, + onReorderColumn: function (headerFields) { + return false; + }, + dragaccept: null + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'reorder-column.bs.table': 'onReorderColumn' + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader, + _toggleColumn = BootstrapTable.prototype.toggleColumn, + _toggleView = BootstrapTable.prototype.toggleView, + _resetView = BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () { + _initHeader.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (!this.options.reorderableColumns) { + return; + } + + this.makeRowsReorderable(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.toggleColumn = function () { + _toggleColumn.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (!this.options.reorderableColumns) { + return; + } + + this.makeRowsReorderable(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.toggleView = function () { + _toggleView.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (!this.options.reorderableColumns) { + return; + } + + if (this.options.cardView) { + return; + } + + this.makeRowsReorderable(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.resetView = function () { + _resetView.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + + if (!this.options.reorderableColumns) { + return; + } + + this.makeRowsReorderable(); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.makeRowsReorderable = function () { + var that = this; + try { + $(this.$el).dragtable('destroy'); + } catch (e) {} + $(this.$el).dragtable({ + maxMovingRows: that.options.maxMovingRows, + dragaccept: that.options.dragaccept, + clickDelay:200, + beforeStop: function() { + var ths = [], + formatters = [], + columns = [], + columnsHidden = [], + columnIndex = -1, + optionsColumns = []; + that.$header.find('th').each(function (i) { + ths.push($(this).data('field')); + formatters.push($(this).data('formatter')); + }); + + //Exist columns not shown + if (ths.length < that.columns.length) { + columnsHidden = $.grep(that.columns, function (column) { + return !column.visible; + }); + for (var i = 0; i < columnsHidden.length; i++) { + ths.push(columnsHidden[i].field); + formatters.push(columnsHidden[i].formatter); + } + } + + for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { + columnIndex = that.fieldsColumnsIndex[ths[i]]; + if (columnIndex !== -1) { + that.columns[columnIndex].fieldIndex = i; + columns.push(that.columns[columnIndex]); + that.columns.splice(columnIndex, 1); + } + } + + that.columns = that.columns.concat(columns); + + filterFn(); //Support
    '); + } else { + var filterClass = column.filter.class ? ' ' + column.filter.class : ''; + html = $('
    '); + + if (column.searchable) { + enableFilter = true; + isVisible = 'visible' + } + + if (column.filter.template) { + html.append(column.filter.template(that, column, isVisible)); + } else { + var $filter = $(that.options.filterTemplate[column.filter.type.toLowerCase()](that, column, isVisible)); + + switch (column.filter.type) { + case 'input': + var cpLock = true; + $filter.off('compositionstart').on('compositionstart', function (event) { + cpLock = false; + }); + + $filter.off('compositionend').on('compositionend', function (event) { + cpLock = true; + var $input = $(this); + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + that.onColumnSearch(event, column.field, $input.val()); + }, that.options.searchTimeOut); + }); + + $filter.off('keyup').on('keyup', function (event) { + if (cpLock) { + var $input = $(this); + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + that.onColumnSearch(event, column.field, $input.val()); + }, that.options.searchTimeOut); + } + }); + + $filter.off('mouseup').on('mouseup', function (event) { + var $input = $(this), + oldValue = $input.val(); + + if (oldValue === "") { + return; + } + + setTimeout(function () { + var newValue = $input.val(); + + if (newValue === "") { + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + that.onColumnSearch(event, column.field, newValue); + }, that.options.searchTimeOut); + } + }, 1); + }); + break; + case 'select': + $filter.on('select2:select', function (event) { + that.onColumnSearch(event, column.field, $(this).val()); + }); + + $filter.on("select2:unselecting", function (event) { + var $select2 = $(this); + event.preventDefault(); + $select2.val(null).trigger('change'); + that.searchText = undefined; + that.onColumnSearch(event, column.field, $select2.val()); + }); + break; + } + + html.append($filter); + } + } + + $.each(header.children().children(), function (i, tr) { + tr = $(tr); + if (tr.data('field') === column.field) { + tr.find('.fht-cell').append(html); + return false; + } + }); + }); + + if (!enableFilter) { + header.find('.filter').hide(); + } + } + + function initSelect2(that) { + var $header = getCurrentHeader(that); + + $.each(that.columns, function (idx, column) { + if (column.filter && column.filter.type === 'select') { + var $selectEle = $header.find('select[data-filter-field="' + column.field + '"]'); + + if ($selectEle.length > 0 && !$selectEle.data().select2) { + var select2Opts = { + placeholder: "", + allowClear: true, + data: column.filter.data, + dropdownParent: that.$el.closest(".bootstrap-table") + }; + + $selectEle.select2(select2Opts); + } + } + }); + } + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + filter: false, + filterValues: {}, + filterTemplate: { + input: function (instance, column, isVisible) { + return ''; + }, + select: function (instance, column, isVisible) { + return ''; + } + }, + onColumnSearch: function (field, text) { + return false; + } + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.COLUMN_DEFAULTS, { + filter: undefined + }); + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'column-search.bs.table': 'onColumnSearch' + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init, + _initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader, + _initSearch = BootstrapTable.prototype.initSearch; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + //Make sure that the filtercontrol option is set + if (this.options.filter) { + var that = this; + + if (that.options.filterTemplate) { + that.options.filterTemplate = $.extend({}, $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.filterTemplate, that.options.filterTemplate); + } + + if (!$.isEmptyObject(that.options.filterValues)) { + that.filterColumnsPartial = that.options.filterValues; + that.options.filterValues = {}; + } + + this.$el.on('reset-view.bs.table', function () { + //Create controls on $tableHeader if the height is set + if (!that.options.height) { + return; + } + + //Avoid recreate the controls + if (that.$tableHeader.find('select').length > 0 || that.$tableHeader.find('input').length > 0) { + return; + } + + createFilter(that, that.$tableHeader); + }).on('post-header.bs.table', function () { + var timeoutId = 0; + + initSelect2(that); + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + initFilterValues(that); + }, that.options.searchTimeOut - 1000); + }).on('column-switch.bs.table', function (field, checked) { + initFilterValues(that); + }); + } + + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () { + _initHeader.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + if (this.options.filter) { + createFilter(this, this.$header); + } + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initSearch = function () { + var that = this, + filterValues = that.filterColumnsPartial; + + // Filter for client + if (that.options.sidePagination === 'client') { + this.data = $.grep(this.data, function (row, idx) { + for (var field in filterValues) { + var column = that.columns[that.fieldsColumnsIndex[field]], + filterValue = filterValues[field].toLowerCase(), + rowValue = row[field]; + + rowValue = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue( + that.header, + that.header.formatters[$.inArray(field, that.header.fields)], [rowValue, row, idx], rowValue); + + if (column.filterStrictSearch) { + if (!($.inArray(field, that.header.fields) !== -1 && + (typeof rowValue === 'string' || typeof rowValue === 'number') && + rowValue.toString().toLowerCase() === filterValue.toString().toLowerCase())) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (!($.inArray(field, that.header.fields) !== -1 && + (typeof rowValue === 'string' || typeof rowValue === 'number') && + (rowValue + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(filterValue) !== -1)) { + return false; + } + } + } + + return true; + }); + } + + _initSearch.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.onColumnSearch = function (event, field, value) { + if ($.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial)) { + this.filterColumnsPartial = {}; + } + + if (value) { + this.filterColumnsPartial[field] = value; + } else { + delete this.filterColumnsPartial[field]; + } + + this.options.pageNumber = 1; + this.onSearch(event); + this.trigger('column-search', field, value); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.setSelect2Data = function (field, data) { + var that = this, + $header = getCurrentHeader(that), + $selectEle = $header.find('select[data-filter-field=\"' + field + '\"]'); + $selectEle.empty(); + $selectEle.select2({ + data: data, + placeholder: "", + allowClear: true, + dropdownParent: that.$el.closest(".bootstrap-table") + }); + + $.each(this.columns, function (idx, column) { + if (column.field === field) { + column.filter.data = data; + return false; + } + }); + }; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.setFilterValues = function (values) { + this.filterColumnsPartial = values; + }; + + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('setSelect2Data'); + $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('setFilterValues'); + +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/select2-filter/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/select2-filter/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..edbc589c0b --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/select2-filter/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Select2 Filter", + "version": "1.1.0", + "description": "Plugin to add select2 filter on the top of the columns in order to filter the data.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/select2-filter", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/select2-filter.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-select2-filter", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/select2-filter" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "Jewway", + "image": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/3501899" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/bootstrap-table-sticky-header.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/bootstrap-table-sticky-header.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b4c850f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/bootstrap-table-sticky-header.css @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/** + * @author vincent loh + * @update zhixin wen + */ + +.fix-sticky { + position: fixed !important; + overflow: hidden; + z-index: 100; +} + +.fix-sticky table thead { + background: #fff; +} + +.fix-sticky table thead.thead-light { + background: #e9ecef; +} + +.fix-sticky table thead.thead-light { + background: #212529; +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/bootstrap-table-sticky-header.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/bootstrap-table-sticky-header.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf6ba74660 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/bootstrap-table-sticky-header.js @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +/** + * @author vincent loh + * @update J Manuel Corona + * @update zhixin wen + */ + +($ => { + const Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + stickyHeader: false, + stickyHeaderOffsetY: 0 + }) + + const hiddenClass = Utils.bootstrapVersion === 4 ? 'd-none' : 'hidden' + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + initHeader (...args) { + super.initHeader(...args) + + if (!this.options.stickyHeader) { + return + } + + this.$el.before('
    ') + this.$el.before('
    ') + this.$el.after('
    ') + this.$header.addClass('sticky-header') + + // clone header just once, to be used as sticky header + // deep clone header, using source header affects tbody>td width + this.$stickyContainer = this.$tableBody.find('.sticky-header-container') + this.$stickyBegin = this.$tableBody.find('.sticky_anchor_begin') + this.$stickyEnd = this.$tableBody.find('.sticky_anchor_end') + this.$stickyHeader = this.$header.clone(true, true) + + // render sticky on window scroll or resize + $(window).on('resize.sticky-header-table', () => this.renderStickyHeader()) + $(window).on('scroll.sticky-header-table', () => this.renderStickyHeader()) + this.$tableBody.off('scroll').on('scroll', () => this.matchPositionX()) + } + + renderStickyHeader () { + const top = $(window).scrollTop() + // top anchor scroll position, minus header height + const start = this.$stickyBegin.offset().top - this.options.stickyHeaderOffsetY + // bottom anchor scroll position, minus header height, minus sticky height + const end = this.$stickyEnd.offset().top - this.options.stickyHeaderOffsetY - this.$header.height() + // show sticky when top anchor touches header, and when bottom anchor not exceeded + if (top > start && top <= end) { + // ensure clone and source column widths are the same + this.$stickyHeader.find('tr:eq(0)').find('th').each((index, el) => { + $(el).css('min-width', this.$header.find('tr:eq(0)').find('th').eq(index).css('width')) + }) + // match bootstrap table style + this.$stickyContainer.removeClass(hiddenClass).addClass('fix-sticky fixed-table-container') + // stick it in position + this.$stickyContainer.css('top', `${this.options.stickyHeaderOffsetY}px`) + // create scrollable container for header + this.$stickyTable = $('') + this.$stickyTable.addClass(this.options.classes) + // append cloned header to dom + this.$stickyContainer.html(this.$stickyTable.append(this.$stickyHeader)) + // match clone and source header positions when left-right scroll + this.matchPositionX() + } else { + this.$stickyContainer.removeClass('fix-sticky').addClass(hiddenClass) + } + } + + matchPositionX () { + this.$stickyContainer.scrollLeft(this.$tableBody.scrollLeft()) + } + } + +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70ae30ff8b --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/sticky-header/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Sticky Header", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "An extension which provides a sticky header for table columns when scrolling on a long page and / or table. Works for tables with many columns and narrow width with horizontal scrollbars too.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/sticky-header", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/sticky-header.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-sticky-header", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/sticky-header" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "vinzloh", + "image": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/5501845" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/toolbar/bootstrap-table-toolbar.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/toolbar/bootstrap-table-toolbar.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c83c5ebb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/toolbar/bootstrap-table-toolbar.js @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +/** + * @author: aperez + * @version: v2.0.0 + * + * @update Dennis Hernández + * @update zhixin wen + */ + +($ => { + const Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils + + const bootstrap = { + 3: { + icons: { + advancedSearchIcon: 'glyphicon-chevron-down' + }, + html: { + modalHeader: ` + + ` + } + }, + 4: { + icons: { + advancedSearchIcon: 'fa-chevron-down' + }, + html: { + modalHeader: ` + + ` + } + } + }[Utils.bootstrapVersion] + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + advancedSearch: false, + idForm: 'advancedSearch', + actionForm: '', + idTable: undefined, + onColumnAdvancedSearch (field, text) { + return false + } + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, { + advancedSearchIcon: bootstrap.icons.advancedSearchIcon + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, { + 'column-advanced-search.bs.table': 'onColumnAdvancedSearch' + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, { + formatAdvancedSearch () { + return 'Advanced search' + }, + formatAdvancedCloseButton () { + return 'Close' + } + }) + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales) + + $.BootstrapTable = class extends $.BootstrapTable { + initToolbar () { + const o = this.options + + this.showToolbar = this.showToolbar || + (o.search && + o.advancedSearch && + o.idTable) + + super.initToolbar() + + if (!o.search || !o.advancedSearch || !o.idTable) { + return + } + + this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group').append(` + + `) + + this.$toolbar.find('button[name="advancedSearch"]').off('click').on('click', () => this.showAvdSearch()) + } + + showAvdSearch () { + const o = this.options + + if (!$(`#avdSearchModal_${o.idTable}`).hasClass('modal')) { + $('body').append(` + + `) + + let timeoutId = 0 + + $(`#avdSearchModalContent_${o.idTable}`).append(this.createFormAvd().join('')) + + $(`#${o.idForm}`).off('keyup blur', 'input').on('keyup blur', 'input', e => { + if (o.sidePagination === 'server') { + this.onColumnAdvancedSearch(e) + } else { + clearTimeout(timeoutId) + timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + this.onColumnAdvancedSearch(e) + }, o.searchTimeOut) + } + }) + + $(`#btnCloseAvd_${o.idTable}`).click(() => { + $(`#avdSearchModal_${o.idTable}`).modal('hide') + if (o.sidePagination === 'server') { + this.options.pageNumber = 1 + this.updatePagination() + this.trigger('column-advanced-search', this.filterColumnsPartial) + } + }) + + $(`#avdSearchModal_${o.idTable}`).modal() + } else { + $(`#avdSearchModal_${o.idTable}`).modal() + } + } + + createFormAvd () { + const o = this.options + const html = [`
    `] + + for (const column of this.columns) { + if (!column.checkbox && column.visible && column.searchable) { + html.push(` +
    + +
    + +
    + `) + } + } + + html.push('') + + return html + } + + initSearch () { + super.initSearch() + + if (!this.options.advancedSearch || this.options.sidePagination === 'server') { + return + } + + const fp = $.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial) ? null : this.filterColumnsPartial + + this.data = fp ? $.grep(this.data, (item, i) => { + for (const [key, v] of Object.entries(fp)) { + const fval = v.toLowerCase() + let value = item[key] + const index = this.header.fields.indexOf(key) + value = Utils.calculateObjectValue(this.header, + this.header.formatters[index], [value, item, i], value) + + if ( + !(index !== -1 && + (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') && + (`${value}`).toLowerCase().includes(fval)) + ) { + return false + } + } + return true + }) : this.data + } + + onColumnAdvancedSearch (e) { + const text = $.trim($(e.currentTarget).val()) + const $field = $(e.currentTarget)[0].id + + if ($.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial)) { + this.filterColumnsPartial = {} + } + if (text) { + this.filterColumnsPartial[$field] = text + } else { + delete this.filterColumnsPartial[$field] + } + + if (this.options.sidePagination !== 'server') { + this.options.pageNumber = 1 + this.onSearch(e) + this.updatePagination() + this.trigger('column-advanced-search', $field, text) + } + } + } +})(jQuery) diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/toolbar/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/toolbar/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f33ae2c475 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/toolbar/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Toolbar", + "version": "2.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the advanced search.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/toolbar", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/toolbar.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-toolbar", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/toolbar" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "djhvscf", + "image": "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/4496763" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..481ca89cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +.table:not(.table-condensed)>tbody>tr>td.treenode{padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;border-bottom:solid #fff 1px}.table:not(.table-condensed)>tbody>tr:last-child>td.treenode{border-bottom:none}.treenode .text{float:left;display:block;padding-top:6px;padding-bottom:6px}.treenode .vertical,.treenode .vertical.last{float:left;display:block;width:1px;border-left:dashed silver 1px;height:38px;margin-left:8px}.treenode .vertical.last{height:15px}.treenode .space,.treenode .node{float:left;display:block;width:15px;height:5px;margin-top:15px}.treenode .node{border-top:dashed silver 1px} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8ff876d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.js @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/** + * @author: KingYang + * @webSite: https://github.com/kingyang + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ + +! function ($) { + + 'use strict'; + + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + treeShowField: null, + idField: 'id', + parentIdField: 'pid', + treeVerticalcls: 'vertical', + treeVerticalLastcls: 'vertical last', + treeSpacecls: 'space', + treeNodecls: 'node', + treeCellcls: 'treenode', + treeTextcls: 'text', + onTreeFormatter: function (row) { + var that = this, + options = that.options, + level = row._level || 0, + plevel = row._parent && row._parent._level || 0, + paddings = []; + for (var i = 0; i < plevel; i++) { + paddings.push(''); + paddings.push(''); + } + + for (var i = plevel; i < level; i++) { + if (row._last && i === (level - 1)) { + paddings.push(''); + } else { + paddings.push(''); + } + paddings.push(''); + } + return paddings.join(''); + }, onGetNodes: function (row, data) { + var that = this; + var nodes = []; + $.each(data, function (i, item) { + if (row[that.options.idField] === item[that.options.parentIdField]) { + nodes.push(item); + } + }); + return nodes; + }, + onCheckLeaf: function (row, data) { + if (row.isLeaf !== undefined) { + return row.isLeaf; + } + return !row._nodes || !row._nodes.length; + }, onCheckRoot: function (row, data) { + var that = this; + return !row[that.options.parentIdField]; + } + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _initRow = BootstrapTable.prototype.initRow, + _initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () { + var that = this; + _initHeader.apply(that, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + var treeShowField = that.options.treeShowField; + if (treeShowField) { + $.each(this.header.fields, function (i, field) { + if (treeShowField === field) { + that.treeEnable = true; + var _formatter = that.header.formatters[i]; + var _class = [that.options.treeCellcls]; + if (that.header.classes[i]) { + _class.push(that.header.classes[i].split('"')[1] || ''); + } + that.header.classes[i] = ' class="' + _class.join(' ') + '"'; + that.header.formatters[i] = function (value, row, index) { + var colTree = [that.options.onTreeFormatter.apply(that, [row])]; + colTree.push(''); + if (_formatter) { + colTree.push(_formatter.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments))); + } else { + colTree.push(value); + } + colTree.push(''); + return colTree.join(''); + }; + return false; + } + }); + } + }; + + var initNode = function (item, idx, data, parentDom) { + var that = this; + var nodes = that.options.onGetNodes.apply(that, [item, data]); + item._nodes = nodes; + parentDom.append(_initRow.apply(that, [item, idx, data, parentDom])); + var len = nodes.length - 1; + for (var i = 0; i <= len; i++) { + var node = nodes[i]; + node._level = item._level + 1; + node._parent = item; + if (i === len) + node._last = 1; + initNode.apply(that, [node, $.inArray(node, data), data, parentDom]); + } + }; + + + BootstrapTable.prototype.initRow = function (item, idx, data, parentDom) { + var that = this; + if (that.treeEnable) { + if (that.options.onCheckRoot.apply(that, [item, data])) { + if (item._level === undefined) { + item._level = 0; + } + initNode.apply(that, [item, idx, data, parentDom]); + return true; + } + return false; + + } + return _initRow.apply(that, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + +} (jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.less b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.less new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc8ceda3b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/bootstrap-table-tree-column.less @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + .table:not(.table-condensed) > tbody > tr > td.treenode { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + border-bottom: solid #fff 1px; + } + + .table:not(.table-condensed) > tbody > tr:last-child > td.treenode { + border-bottom: none; + } + + .treenode { + .text { + float: left; + display: block; + padding-top: 6px; + padding-bottom: 6px; + } + .vertical, + .vertical.last { + float: left; + display: block; + width: 1px; + border-left: dashed silver 1px; + height: 38px; + margin-left: 8px; + } + .vertical.last { + height: 15px; + } + + .space, + .node { + float: left; + display: block; + width: 15px; + height: 5px; + margin-top: 15px; + } + + .node { + border-top: dashed silver 1px; + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72ddaa5a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "Tree column", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support display tree data column.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/tree-column", + "example": "http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/tree-column.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-reorder-rows", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/tree-column" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "KingYang", + "image": "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1540211" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/icon.png b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7453922fe Binary files /dev/null and b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/tree-column/icon.png differ diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/treegrid/bootstrap-table-treegrid.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/treegrid/bootstrap-table-treegrid.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68ea17e872 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/treegrid/bootstrap-table-treegrid.js @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +/** + * @author: YL + * @version: v1.0.0 + */ +!function ($) { + 'use strict'; + $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { + treeShowField: null, + idField: 'id', + parentIdField: 'pid', + rootParentId: null, + onGetNodes: function (row, data) { + var that = this; + var nodes = []; + $.each(data, function (i, item) { + if (row[that.options.idField] === item[that.options.parentIdField]) { + nodes.push(item); + } + }); + return nodes; + }, + onCheckRoot: function (row, data) { + var that = this; + return that.options.rootParentId === row[that.options.parentIdField] || + !row[that.options.parentIdField]; + } + }); + + var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, + _init = BootstrapTable.prototype.init, + _initRow = BootstrapTable.prototype.initRow, + _initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader, + _rowStyle = null; + + BootstrapTable.prototype.init = function () { + _rowStyle = this.options.rowStyle; + _init.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; + + // td + BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () { + var that = this; + _initHeader.apply(that, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + var treeShowField = that.options.treeShowField; + if (treeShowField) { + $.each(this.header.fields, function (i, field) { + if (treeShowField === field) { + that.treeEnable = true; + return false; + } + }); + } + }; + + var initTr = function (item, idx, data, parentDom) { + var that = this; + var nodes = that.options.onGetNodes.apply(that, [item, data]); + item._nodes = nodes; + parentDom.append(_initRow.apply(that, [item, idx, data, parentDom])); + + // init sub node + var len = nodes.length - 1; + for (var i = 0; i <= len; i++) { + var node = nodes[i]; + node._level = item._level + 1; + node._parent = item; + if (i === len) + node._last = 1; + // jquery.treegrid.js + that.options.rowStyle = function (item, idx) { + var res = _rowStyle.apply(that, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + var id = item[that.options.idField] ? item[that.options.idField] : 0; + var pid = item[that.options.parentIdField] ? item[that.options.parentIdField] : 0; + res.classes = [ + res.classes || '', + 'treegrid-' + id, + 'treegrid-parent-' + pid + ].join(' '); + return res; + }; + initTr.apply(that, [node, $.inArray(node, data), data, parentDom]); + } + }; + + // tr + BootstrapTable.prototype.initRow = function (item, idx, data, parentDom) { + var that = this; + if (that.treeEnable) { + // init root node + if (that.options.onCheckRoot.apply(that, [item, data])) { + if (item._level === undefined) { + item._level = 0; + } + // jquery.treegrid.js + that.options.rowStyle = function (item, idx) { + var res = _rowStyle.apply(that, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + var x = item[that.options.idField] ? item[that.options.idField] : 0; + res.classes = [ + res.classes || '', + 'treegrid-' + x + ].join(' '); + return res; + }; + initTr.apply(that, [item, idx, data, parentDom]); + return true; + } + return false; + } + return _initRow.apply(that, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); + }; +}(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/treegrid/extension.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/treegrid/extension.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c07e1f487 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/bootstrap-table/extensions/treegrid/extension.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "treegrid", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "Plugin to support the jquery treegrid.", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/treegrid", + "example": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table-examples/blob/master/extensions/treegrid.html", + + "plugins": [{ + "name": "bootstrap-table-treegrid", + "url": "https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/treegrid" + }], + + "author": { + "name": "foreveryang321", + "image": "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/5868190" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/.gitignore b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..435cf9adcb --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +/nbproject +/node_modules +/bower_modules \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/CHANGELOG.txt b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/CHANGELOG.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ceae8f5023 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/CHANGELOG.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +== 0.3.0 - 03 February 2015 +* Perfomance optimization +* Bootstrap 3 update +* Add minifiyed js +* Add npm installation +* Add borew installation + +== 0.2.1 - 21 January 2014 +* Add events support + +== 0.1.9 - 18 December 2013 +* Fix table in table bug (thanks liuspcn) + +== 0.1.8 - 16 December 2013 +* Fix support alphanumeric id (you can use "-" symbol in id) + +== 0.1.7 - 15 November 2013 +* Fix isLast method. https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid/issues/4 +* Add isFirst method + +== 0.1.6 - 14 November 2013 +* Add isNode method +* Add getAllNodes method +* Fix isLast method. Throw error if method is not node of tree. + +== 0.1.5 +* Add support alphanumeric id + +== 0.1.4 +* Add treeRow parameter + +== 0.1.3 - 28 August 2013 +* Added bootstrap examples +* Changed expander functionality +* Fixed $.data set and get +* Fixed $.extends settings +* Adding new test + +== 0.1.2 - 26 August 2013 +* Added save state + +== 0.1.0 - 15 August 2013 +* Public release diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/Gruntfile.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/Gruntfile.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3de7d34d08 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/Gruntfile.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +module.exports = function(grunt) { + + // Project configuration. + grunt.initConfig({ + pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), + uglify: { + options: { + banner: '/*! <%= pkg.name %> <%= pkg.version %> */\n' + }, + build: { + src: 'js/jquery.treegrid.js', + dest: 'js/jquery.treegrid.min.js' + } + } + }); + + // Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task. + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); + + // Default task(s). + grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']); + +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/LICENSE b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41cb9c4b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2013 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of +the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS +FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR +COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/README.md b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..002d458a7c --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +TreeGrid plugin for jQuery +========== + +See more information at http://maxazan.github.io/jquery-treegrid + +## Installation + + +### Using npm +``` +npm install jquery-treegrid +``` + +### Using bower +``` +bower install jquery-treegrid +``` + +### From source + +Download [source](https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid/archive/master.zip) from github.com diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/bower.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/bower.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..198877017d --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/bower.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +{ + "name": "jquery-treegrid", + "description": "TreeGrid plugin for jQuery.", + "version": "0.3.0", + "homepage": "http://maxazan.github.io/jquery-treegrid", + "license": "MIT", + "ignore": [ + "examples", + "tests", + "**/.*", + "composer.json", + "index.html", + "params.json", + "style.css", + "test.html", + "treegrid.jquery.json" + ], + "keywords": [ + "jquery", + "javascript", + "plugin", + "bootstrap", + "treegrid", + "treeview" + ], + "dependencies": { + "jquery": ">= 1.9.1", + "jquery.cookie": ">= 1.4.1" + }, + "authors": [ + "Maksym Pomazan" + ] +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/composer.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/composer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..200bf23bd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/composer.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "name": "maxazan/jquery-treegrid", + "description": "jquery treegrid plugin", + "keywords": ["jquery", "grid", "treegrid", "tree"], + "homepage": "http://maxazan.github.io/jquery-treegrid", + "type": "library", + "license": "MIT", + "support": { + "issues": "https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid/issues", + "source": "https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid" + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/css/jquery.treegrid.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/css/jquery.treegrid.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1b9c7aa6a --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/css/jquery.treegrid.css @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +.treegrid-indent {width:16px; height: 16px; display: inline-block; position: relative;} + +.treegrid-expander {width:16px; height: 16px; display: inline-block; position: relative; cursor: pointer;} + +.treegrid-expander-expanded{background-image: url(../img/collapse.png); } +.treegrid-expander-collapsed{background-image: url(../img/expand.png);} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/bootstrap-2.3.2/css/bootstrap-responsive.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/bootstrap-2.3.2/css/bootstrap-responsive.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0bba15b36 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/bootstrap-2.3.2/css/bootstrap-responsive.css @@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@ +/*! + * Bootstrap Responsive v2.3.2 + * + * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc + * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Designed and built with all the love in the world by @mdo and @fat. + */ + +.clearfix { + *zoom: 1; +} + +.clearfix:before, +.clearfix:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; +} + +.clearfix:after { + clear: both; +} + +.hide-text { + font: 0/0 a; + color: transparent; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + border: 0; +} + +.input-block-level { + display: block; + width: 100%; + min-height: 30px; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +@-ms-viewport { + width: device-width; +} + +.hidden { + display: none; + visibility: hidden; +} + +.visible-phone { + display: none !important; +} + +.visible-tablet { + display: none !important; +} + +.hidden-desktop { + display: none !important; +} + +.visible-desktop { + display: inherit !important; +} + +@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { + .hidden-desktop { + display: inherit !important; + } + .visible-desktop { + display: none !important ; + } + .visible-tablet { + display: inherit !important; + } + .hidden-tablet { + display: none !important; + } +} + +@media (max-width: 767px) { + .hidden-desktop { + display: inherit !important; + } + .visible-desktop { + display: none !important; + } + .visible-phone { + display: inherit !important; + } + .hidden-phone { + display: none !important; + } +} + +.visible-print { + display: none !important; +} + +@media print { + .visible-print { + display: inherit !important; + } + .hidden-print { + display: none !important; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 1200px) { + .row { + margin-left: -30px; + *zoom: 1; + } + .row:before, + .row:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; + } + .row:after { + clear: both; + } + [class*="span"] { + float: left; + min-height: 1px; + margin-left: 30px; + } + .container, + .navbar-static-top .container, + .navbar-fixed-top .container, + .navbar-fixed-bottom .container { + width: 1170px; + } + .span12 { + width: 1170px; + } + .span11 { + width: 1070px; + } + .span10 { + width: 970px; + } + .span9 { + width: 870px; + } + .span8 { + width: 770px; + } + .span7 { + width: 670px; + } + .span6 { + width: 570px; + } + .span5 { + width: 470px; + } + .span4 { + width: 370px; + } + .span3 { + width: 270px; + } + .span2 { + width: 170px; + } + .span1 { + width: 70px; + } + .offset12 { + margin-left: 1230px; + } + .offset11 { + margin-left: 1130px; + } + .offset10 { + margin-left: 1030px; + } + .offset9 { + margin-left: 930px; + } + .offset8 { + margin-left: 830px; + } + .offset7 { + margin-left: 730px; + } + .offset6 { + margin-left: 630px; + } + .offset5 { + margin-left: 530px; + } + .offset4 { + margin-left: 430px; + } + .offset3 { + margin-left: 330px; + } + .offset2 { + margin-left: 230px; + } + .offset1 { + margin-left: 130px; + } + .row-fluid { + width: 100%; + *zoom: 1; + } + .row-fluid:before, + .row-fluid:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; + } + .row-fluid:after { + clear: both; + } + .row-fluid [class*="span"] { + display: block; + float: left; + width: 100%; + min-height: 30px; + margin-left: 2.564102564102564%; + *margin-left: 2.5109110747408616%; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + } + .row-fluid [class*="span"]:first-child { + margin-left: 0; + } + .row-fluid .controls-row [class*="span"] + [class*="span"] { + margin-left: 2.564102564102564%; + } + .row-fluid .span12 { + width: 100%; + 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input.span8, + textarea.span8, + .uneditable-input.span8 { + width: 756px; + } + input.span7, + textarea.span7, + .uneditable-input.span7 { + width: 656px; + } + input.span6, + textarea.span6, + .uneditable-input.span6 { + width: 556px; + } + input.span5, + textarea.span5, + .uneditable-input.span5 { + width: 456px; + } + input.span4, + textarea.span4, + .uneditable-input.span4 { + width: 356px; + } + input.span3, + textarea.span3, + .uneditable-input.span3 { + width: 256px; + } + input.span2, + textarea.span2, + .uneditable-input.span2 { + width: 156px; + } + input.span1, + textarea.span1, + .uneditable-input.span1 { + width: 56px; + } + .thumbnails { + margin-left: -30px; + } + .thumbnails > li { + margin-left: 30px; + } + .row-fluid .thumbnails { + margin-left: 0; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { + .row { + margin-left: -20px; + *zoom: 1; + } + .row:before, + .row:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; + } + .row:after { + clear: both; + } + [class*="span"] { + float: left; + min-height: 1px; + margin-left: 20px; + } + .container, + .navbar-static-top .container, + .navbar-fixed-top .container, + .navbar-fixed-bottom .container { + width: 724px; + } + .span12 { + width: 724px; + } + .span11 { + width: 662px; + } + .span10 { + width: 600px; + } + .span9 { + width: 538px; + } + .span8 { + width: 476px; + } + .span7 { + width: 414px; + } + .span6 { + width: 352px; + } + .span5 { + width: 290px; + } + .span4 { + width: 228px; + } + .span3 { + width: 166px; + } + .span2 { + width: 104px; + } + .span1 { + width: 42px; + } + .offset12 { + margin-left: 764px; + } + .offset11 { + margin-left: 702px; + } + .offset10 { + margin-left: 640px; + } + .offset9 { + margin-left: 578px; + } + .offset8 { + margin-left: 516px; + } + .offset7 { + margin-left: 454px; + } + .offset6 { + margin-left: 392px; + } + .offset5 { + margin-left: 330px; + } + .offset4 { + margin-left: 268px; + } + .offset3 { + margin-left: 206px; + } + .offset2 { + margin-left: 144px; + } + .offset1 { + margin-left: 82px; + } + .row-fluid { + width: 100%; + *zoom: 1; + } + .row-fluid:before, + .row-fluid:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; + } + .row-fluid:after { + clear: both; + } + .row-fluid [class*="span"] { + display: block; + float: left; + width: 100%; + min-height: 30px; + margin-left: 2.7624309392265194%; + *margin-left: 2.709239449864817%; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + } + .row-fluid [class*="span"]:first-child { + margin-left: 0; + } + .row-fluid .controls-row [class*="span"] + [class*="span"] { + margin-left: 2.7624309392265194%; + } + .row-fluid .span12 { + width: 100%; + *width: 99.94680851063829%; + } + .row-fluid .span11 { + width: 91.43646408839778%; + *width: 91.38327259903608%; + } + .row-fluid .span10 { + width: 82.87292817679558%; + *width: 82.81973668743387%; + } + .row-fluid .span9 { + width: 74.30939226519337%; + *width: 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96.8549429881274%; + } + .row-fluid .offset11:first-child { + margin-left: 94.1988950276243%; + *margin-left: 94.09251204890089%; + } + .row-fluid .offset10 { + margin-left: 88.39779005524862%; + *margin-left: 88.2914070765252%; + } + .row-fluid .offset10:first-child { + margin-left: 85.6353591160221%; + *margin-left: 85.52897613729868%; + } + .row-fluid .offset9 { + margin-left: 79.8342541436464%; + *margin-left: 79.72787116492299%; + } + .row-fluid .offset9:first-child { + margin-left: 77.07182320441989%; + *margin-left: 76.96544022569647%; + } + .row-fluid .offset8 { + margin-left: 71.2707182320442%; + *margin-left: 71.16433525332079%; + } + .row-fluid .offset8:first-child { + margin-left: 68.50828729281768%; + *margin-left: 68.40190431409427%; + } + .row-fluid .offset7 { + margin-left: 62.70718232044199%; + *margin-left: 62.600799341718584%; + } + .row-fluid .offset7:first-child { + margin-left: 59.94475138121547%; + *margin-left: 59.838368402492065%; + } + .row-fluid .offset6 { + margin-left: 54.14364640883978%; + *margin-left: 54.037263430116376%; + } + .row-fluid .offset6:first-child { + margin-left: 51.38121546961326%; + *margin-left: 51.27483249088986%; + } + .row-fluid .offset5 { + margin-left: 45.58011049723757%; + *margin-left: 45.47372751851417%; + } + .row-fluid .offset5:first-child { + margin-left: 42.81767955801105%; + *margin-left: 42.71129657928765%; + } + .row-fluid .offset4 { + margin-left: 37.01657458563536%; + *margin-left: 36.91019160691196%; + } + .row-fluid .offset4:first-child { + margin-left: 34.25414364640884%; + *margin-left: 34.14776066768544%; + } + .row-fluid .offset3 { + margin-left: 28.45303867403315%; + *margin-left: 28.346655695309746%; + } + .row-fluid .offset3:first-child { + margin-left: 25.69060773480663%; + *margin-left: 25.584224756083227%; + } + .row-fluid .offset2 { + margin-left: 19.88950276243094%; + *margin-left: 19.783119783707537%; + } + .row-fluid .offset2:first-child { + margin-left: 17.12707182320442%; + *margin-left: 17.02068884448102%; + } + .row-fluid .offset1 { + margin-left: 11.32596685082873%; + *margin-left: 11.219583872105325%; + } + .row-fluid .offset1:first-child { + margin-left: 8.56353591160221%; + *margin-left: 8.457152932878806%; + } + input, + textarea, + .uneditable-input { + margin-left: 0; + } + .controls-row [class*="span"] + [class*="span"] { + margin-left: 20px; + } + input.span12, + textarea.span12, + .uneditable-input.span12 { + width: 710px; + } + input.span11, + textarea.span11, + .uneditable-input.span11 { + width: 648px; + } + input.span10, + textarea.span10, + .uneditable-input.span10 { + width: 586px; + } + input.span9, + textarea.span9, + .uneditable-input.span9 { + width: 524px; + } + input.span8, + textarea.span8, + .uneditable-input.span8 { + width: 462px; + } + input.span7, + textarea.span7, + .uneditable-input.span7 { + width: 400px; + } + input.span6, + textarea.span6, + .uneditable-input.span6 { + width: 338px; + } + input.span5, + textarea.span5, + .uneditable-input.span5 { + width: 276px; + } + input.span4, + textarea.span4, + .uneditable-input.span4 { + width: 214px; + } + input.span3, + textarea.span3, + .uneditable-input.span3 { + width: 152px; + } + input.span2, + textarea.span2, + .uneditable-input.span2 { + width: 90px; + } + input.span1, + textarea.span1, + .uneditable-input.span1 { + width: 28px; + } +} + +@media (max-width: 767px) { + body { + padding-right: 20px; + padding-left: 20px; + } + .navbar-fixed-top, + .navbar-fixed-bottom, + .navbar-static-top { + margin-right: -20px; + margin-left: -20px; + } + .container-fluid { + padding: 0; + } + .dl-horizontal dt { + float: none; + width: auto; + clear: none; + text-align: left; + } + .dl-horizontal dd { + margin-left: 0; + } + .container { + width: auto; + } + .row-fluid { + width: 100%; + } + .row, + .thumbnails { + margin-left: 0; + } + .thumbnails > li { + float: none; + margin-left: 0; + } + [class*="span"], + .uneditable-input[class*="span"], + .row-fluid 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20px; + width: auto; + margin: 0; + } + .modal.fade { + top: -100px; + } + .modal.fade.in { + top: 20px; + } +} + +@media (max-width: 480px) { + .nav-collapse { + -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); + } + .page-header h1 small { + display: block; + line-height: 20px; + } + input[type="checkbox"], + input[type="radio"] { + border: 1px solid #ccc; + } + .form-horizontal .control-label { + float: none; + width: auto; + padding-top: 0; + text-align: left; + } + .form-horizontal .controls { + margin-left: 0; + } + .form-horizontal .control-list { + padding-top: 0; + } + .form-horizontal .form-actions { + padding-right: 10px; + padding-left: 10px; + } + .media .pull-left, + .media .pull-right { + display: block; + float: none; + margin-bottom: 10px; + } + .media-object { + margin-right: 0; + margin-left: 0; + } + .modal { + top: 10px; + right: 10px; + left: 10px; + } + .modal-header .close { + padding: 10px; + margin: -10px; + } + .carousel-caption { + position: static; + } +} + +@media (max-width: 979px) { + body { + padding-top: 0; + } + .navbar-fixed-top, + .navbar-fixed-bottom { + position: static; + } + .navbar-fixed-top { + margin-bottom: 20px; + } + .navbar-fixed-bottom { + margin-top: 20px; + } + .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-inner, + .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-inner { + padding: 5px; + } + .navbar .container { + width: auto; + padding: 0; + } + .navbar .brand { + padding-right: 10px; + padding-left: 10px; + margin: 0 0 0 -5px; + } + .nav-collapse { + clear: both; + } + .nav-collapse .nav { + float: none; + margin: 0 0 10px; + } + .nav-collapse .nav > li { + float: none; + } + .nav-collapse .nav > li > a { + margin-bottom: 2px; + } + .nav-collapse .nav > .divider-vertical { + display: none; + } + .nav-collapse .nav .nav-header { + color: #777777; + text-shadow: none; + } + .nav-collapse .nav > li > a, + .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a { + padding: 9px 15px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #777777; + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + -moz-border-radius: 3px; + 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+select[readonly], +textarea[readonly] { + cursor: not-allowed; + background-color: #eeeeee; +} + +input[type="radio"][disabled], +input[type="checkbox"][disabled], +input[type="radio"][readonly], +input[type="checkbox"][readonly] { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.control-group.warning .control-label, +.control-group.warning .help-block, +.control-group.warning .help-inline { + color: #c09853; +} + +.control-group.warning .checkbox, +.control-group.warning .radio, +.control-group.warning input, +.control-group.warning select, +.control-group.warning textarea { + color: #c09853; +} + +.control-group.warning input, +.control-group.warning select, +.control-group.warning textarea { + border-color: #c09853; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); +} + +.control-group.warning input:focus, +.control-group.warning select:focus, +.control-group.warning textarea:focus { + border-color: #a47e3c; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #dbc59e; + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #dbc59e; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #dbc59e; +} + +.control-group.warning .input-prepend .add-on, +.control-group.warning .input-append .add-on { + color: #c09853; + background-color: #fcf8e3; + border-color: #c09853; +} + +.control-group.error .control-label, +.control-group.error .help-block, +.control-group.error .help-inline { + color: #b94a48; +} + +.control-group.error .checkbox, +.control-group.error .radio, +.control-group.error input, +.control-group.error select, +.control-group.error textarea { + color: #b94a48; +} + +.control-group.error input, +.control-group.error select, +.control-group.error textarea { + border-color: #b94a48; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); +} + +.control-group.error input:focus, +.control-group.error select:focus, +.control-group.error textarea:focus { + border-color: #953b39; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #d59392; + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #d59392; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #d59392; +} + +.control-group.error .input-prepend .add-on, +.control-group.error .input-append .add-on { + color: #b94a48; + background-color: #f2dede; + border-color: #b94a48; +} + +.control-group.success .control-label, +.control-group.success .help-block, +.control-group.success .help-inline { + color: #468847; +} + +.control-group.success .checkbox, +.control-group.success .radio, +.control-group.success input, +.control-group.success select, +.control-group.success textarea { + color: #468847; +} + +.control-group.success input, +.control-group.success select, +.control-group.success textarea { + 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+.control-group.info textarea { + color: #3a87ad; +} + +.control-group.info input, +.control-group.info select, +.control-group.info textarea { + border-color: #3a87ad; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); +} + +.control-group.info input:focus, +.control-group.info select:focus, +.control-group.info textarea:focus { + border-color: #2d6987; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #7ab5d3; + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #7ab5d3; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #7ab5d3; +} + +.control-group.info .input-prepend .add-on, +.control-group.info .input-append .add-on { + color: #3a87ad; + background-color: #d9edf7; + border-color: #3a87ad; +} + +input:focus:invalid, +textarea:focus:invalid, +select:focus:invalid { + color: #b94a48; + border-color: #ee5f5b; +} + 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.btn-group .btn:last-child, +.input-append select + .btn-group .btn:last-child, +.input-append .uneditable-input + .btn-group .btn:last-child { + -webkit-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; +} + +.input-append .add-on, +.input-append .btn, +.input-append .btn-group { + margin-left: -1px; +} + +.input-append .add-on:last-child, +.input-append .btn:last-child, +.input-append .btn-group:last-child > .dropdown-toggle { + -webkit-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; +} + +.input-prepend.input-append input, +.input-prepend.input-append select, +.input-prepend.input-append .uneditable-input { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; +} + +.input-prepend.input-append input + .btn-group .btn, +.input-prepend.input-append select + .btn-group .btn, +.input-prepend.input-append .uneditable-input + .btn-group .btn { + -webkit-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; +} + +.input-prepend.input-append .add-on:first-child, +.input-prepend.input-append .btn:first-child { + margin-right: -1px; + -webkit-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; + -moz-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; + border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; +} + +.input-prepend.input-append .add-on:last-child, +.input-prepend.input-append .btn:last-child { + margin-left: -1px; + -webkit-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; + border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; +} + +.input-prepend.input-append .btn-group:first-child { + margin-left: 0; +} + +input.search-query { + padding-right: 14px; + padding-right: 4px \9; + padding-left: 14px; + padding-left: 4px \9; + /* IE7-8 doesn't have border-radius, so don't indent the padding */ + + margin-bottom: 0; + -webkit-border-radius: 15px; + -moz-border-radius: 15px; + border-radius: 15px; +} + +/* Allow for input prepend/append in search forms */ + +.form-search .input-append .search-query, +.form-search .input-prepend .search-query { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; +} + +.form-search .input-append .search-query { + -webkit-border-radius: 14px 0 0 14px; + -moz-border-radius: 14px 0 0 14px; + border-radius: 14px 0 0 14px; +} + +.form-search .input-append .btn { + -webkit-border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0; + border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0; +} + +.form-search .input-prepend .search-query { + -webkit-border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0; + border-radius: 0 14px 14px 0; +} + +.form-search .input-prepend .btn { + -webkit-border-radius: 14px 0 0 14px; + -moz-border-radius: 14px 0 0 14px; + border-radius: 14px 0 0 14px; +} + +.form-search input, +.form-inline input, +.form-horizontal input, +.form-search textarea, +.form-inline textarea, +.form-horizontal textarea, +.form-search select, +.form-inline select, +.form-horizontal select, +.form-search .help-inline, +.form-inline 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input[type="radio"], +.form-search .checkbox input[type="checkbox"], +.form-inline .radio input[type="radio"], +.form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { + float: left; + margin-right: 3px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.control-group { + margin-bottom: 10px; +} + +legend + .control-group { + margin-top: 20px; + -webkit-margin-top-collapse: separate; +} + +.form-horizontal .control-group { + margin-bottom: 20px; + *zoom: 1; +} + +.form-horizontal .control-group:before, +.form-horizontal .control-group:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; +} + +.form-horizontal .control-group:after { + clear: both; +} + +.form-horizontal .control-label { + float: left; + width: 160px; + padding-top: 5px; + text-align: right; +} + +.form-horizontal .controls { + *display: inline-block; + *padding-left: 20px; + margin-left: 180px; + *margin-left: 0; +} + +.form-horizontal .controls:first-child { + *padding-left: 180px; +} + +.form-horizontal .help-block { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + 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tr:first-child td { + border-top: 0; +} + +.table tbody + tbody { + border-top: 2px solid #dddddd; +} + +.table .table { + background-color: #ffffff; +} + +.table-condensed th, +.table-condensed td { + padding: 4px 5px; +} + +.table-bordered { + border: 1px solid #dddddd; + border-collapse: separate; + *border-collapse: collapse; + border-left: 0; + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + -moz-border-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; +} + +.table-bordered th, +.table-bordered td { + border-left: 1px solid #dddddd; +} + +.table-bordered caption + thead tr:first-child th, +.table-bordered caption + tbody tr:first-child th, +.table-bordered caption + tbody tr:first-child td, +.table-bordered colgroup + thead tr:first-child th, +.table-bordered colgroup + tbody tr:first-child th, +.table-bordered colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td, +.table-bordered thead:first-child tr:first-child th, +.table-bordered tbody:first-child tr:first-child th, +.table-bordered tbody:first-child tr:first-child td { + 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td[class*="span"], +.row-fluid table th[class*="span"] { + display: table-cell; + float: none; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span1, +.table th.span1 { + float: none; + width: 44px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span2, +.table th.span2 { + float: none; + width: 124px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span3, +.table th.span3 { + float: none; + width: 204px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span4, +.table th.span4 { + float: none; + width: 284px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span5, +.table th.span5 { + float: none; + width: 364px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span6, +.table th.span6 { + float: none; + width: 444px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span7, +.table th.span7 { + float: none; + width: 524px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span8, +.table th.span8 { + float: none; + width: 604px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span9, +.table th.span9 { + float: none; + width: 684px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span10, +.table th.span10 { + float: none; + width: 764px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span11, +.table th.span11 { + float: none; + width: 844px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table td.span12, +.table th.span12 { + float: none; + width: 924px; + margin-left: 0; +} + +.table tbody tr.success > td { + background-color: #dff0d8; +} + +.table tbody tr.error > td { + background-color: #f2dede; +} + +.table tbody tr.warning > td { + background-color: #fcf8e3; +} + +.table tbody tr.info > td { + background-color: #d9edf7; +} + +.table-hover tbody tr.success:hover > td { + background-color: #d0e9c6; +} + +.table-hover tbody tr.error:hover > td { + background-color: #ebcccc; +} + +.table-hover tbody tr.warning:hover > td { + background-color: #faf2cc; +} + +.table-hover tbody tr.info:hover > td { + background-color: #c4e3f3; +} + +[class^="icon-"], +[class*=" icon-"] { + display: inline-block; + width: 14px; + height: 14px; + margin-top: 1px; + *margin-right: .3em; + line-height: 14px; + vertical-align: text-top; + background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings.png"); + background-position: 14px 14px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +/* White icons with optional class, or on hover/focus/active states of certain elements */ + +.icon-white, +.nav-pills > .active > a > [class^="icon-"], +.nav-pills > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"], +.nav-list > .active > a > [class^="icon-"], +.nav-list > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"], +.navbar-inverse .nav > .active > a > [class^="icon-"], +.navbar-inverse .nav > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"], +.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover > [class^="icon-"], +.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus > [class^="icon-"], +.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover > [class*=" icon-"], +.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus > [class*=" icon-"], +.dropdown-menu > .active > a > [class^="icon-"], +.dropdown-menu > .active > a > [class*=" icon-"], +.dropdown-submenu:hover > a > [class^="icon-"], +.dropdown-submenu:focus > a > [class^="icon-"], +.dropdown-submenu:hover > a > [class*=" icon-"], +.dropdown-submenu:focus > a > [class*=" icon-"] { + background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png"); +} + +.icon-glass { + background-position: 0 0; +} + +.icon-music { + background-position: -24px 0; +} + +.icon-search { + background-position: -48px 0; +} + +.icon-envelope { + background-position: -72px 0; +} + +.icon-heart { + background-position: -96px 0; +} + +.icon-star { + background-position: -120px 0; +} + +.icon-star-empty { + background-position: -144px 0; +} + +.icon-user { + background-position: -168px 0; +} + +.icon-film { + background-position: -192px 0; +} + +.icon-th-large { + background-position: -216px 0; +} + +.icon-th { + background-position: -240px 0; +} + +.icon-th-list { + background-position: -264px 0; +} + +.icon-ok { + background-position: -288px 0; +} + +.icon-remove { + background-position: -312px 0; +} + +.icon-zoom-in { + background-position: -336px 0; +} + +.icon-zoom-out { + background-position: -360px 0; +} + +.icon-off { + background-position: -384px 0; +} + 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0; + left: 0; + z-index: 990; +} + +.pull-right > .dropdown-menu { + right: 0; + left: auto; +} + +.dropup .caret, +.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown .caret { + border-top: 0; + border-bottom: 4px solid #000000; + content: ""; +} + +.dropup .dropdown-menu, +.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown .dropdown-menu { + top: auto; + bottom: 100%; + margin-bottom: 1px; +} + +.dropdown-submenu { + position: relative; +} + +.dropdown-submenu > .dropdown-menu { + top: 0; + left: 100%; + margin-top: -6px; + margin-left: -1px; + -webkit-border-radius: 0 6px 6px 6px; + -moz-border-radius: 0 6px 6px 6px; + border-radius: 0 6px 6px 6px; +} + +.dropdown-submenu:hover > .dropdown-menu { + display: block; +} + +.dropup .dropdown-submenu > .dropdown-menu { + top: auto; + bottom: 0; + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: -2px; + -webkit-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 0; + -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 0; + border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 0; +} + +.dropdown-submenu > a:after { + display: block; + float: right; + width: 0; + height: 0; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-right: -10px; + border-color: transparent; + border-left-color: #cccccc; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 5px 0 5px 5px; + content: " "; +} + +.dropdown-submenu:hover > a:after { + border-left-color: #ffffff; +} + +.dropdown-submenu.pull-left { + float: none; +} + +.dropdown-submenu.pull-left > .dropdown-menu { + left: -100%; + margin-left: 10px; + -webkit-border-radius: 6px 0 6px 6px; + -moz-border-radius: 6px 0 6px 6px; + border-radius: 6px 0 6px 6px; +} + +.dropdown .dropdown-menu .nav-header { + padding-right: 20px; + padding-left: 20px; +} + +.typeahead { + z-index: 1051; + margin-top: 2px; + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + -moz-border-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; +} + +.well { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 19px; + margin-bottom: 20px; + background-color: #f5f5f5; + border: 1px solid #e3e3e3; + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + -moz-border-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); + 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rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#fff2f2f2', endColorstr='#ffe5e5e5', GradientType=0); + filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled=false); + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.075); + -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.075); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.075); +} + +.navbar .btn-navbar:hover, +.navbar .btn-navbar:focus, +.navbar .btn-navbar:active, +.navbar .btn-navbar.active, +.navbar .btn-navbar.disabled, +.navbar .btn-navbar[disabled] { + color: #ffffff; + background-color: #e5e5e5; + *background-color: #d9d9d9; +} + +.navbar .btn-navbar:active, +.navbar .btn-navbar.active { + background-color: #cccccc \9; +} + +.navbar .btn-navbar .icon-bar { + display: block; + width: 18px; + height: 2px; + background-color: 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{ + right: 0; + left: auto; +} + +.navbar .pull-right > li > .dropdown-menu:before, +.navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu.pull-right:before { + right: 12px; + left: auto; +} + +.navbar .pull-right > li > .dropdown-menu:after, +.navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu.pull-right:after { + right: 13px; + left: auto; +} + +.navbar .pull-right > li > .dropdown-menu .dropdown-menu, +.navbar .nav > li > .dropdown-menu.pull-right .dropdown-menu { + right: 100%; + left: auto; + margin-right: -1px; + margin-left: 0; + -webkit-border-radius: 6px 0 6px 6px; + -moz-border-radius: 6px 0 6px 6px; + border-radius: 6px 0 6px 6px; +} + +.navbar-inverse .navbar-inner { + background-color: #1b1b1b; + background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #222222, #111111); + background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#222222), to(#111111)); + background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #222222, #111111); + background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #222222, #111111); + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #222222, #111111); + background-repeat: repeat-x; + border-color: #252525; + filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ff222222', endColorstr='#ff111111', GradientType=0); +} + +.navbar-inverse .brand, +.navbar-inverse .nav > li > a { + color: #999999; + text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); +} + +.navbar-inverse .brand:hover, +.navbar-inverse .nav > li > a:hover, +.navbar-inverse .brand:focus, +.navbar-inverse .nav > li > a:focus { + color: #ffffff; +} + +.navbar-inverse .brand { + color: #999999; +} + +.navbar-inverse .navbar-text { + color: #999999; +} + +.navbar-inverse .nav > li > a:focus, +.navbar-inverse .nav > li > a:hover { + color: #ffffff; + background-color: transparent; +} + +.navbar-inverse .nav .active > a, +.navbar-inverse .nav .active > a:hover, +.navbar-inverse .nav .active > a:focus { + color: #ffffff; + background-color: #111111; +} + +.navbar-inverse .navbar-link { + color: #999999; +} + +.navbar-inverse 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obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ========================================================== */ + + +!function ($) { + + "use strict"; // jshint ;_; + + + /* CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (http://www.modernizr.com/) + * ======================================================= */ + + $(function () { + + $.support.transition = (function () { + + var transitionEnd = (function () { + + var el = document.createElement('bootstrap') + , transEndEventNames = { + 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd' + , 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend' + , 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend' + , 'transition' : 'transitionend' + } + , name + + for (name in transEndEventNames){ + if (el.style[name] !== undefined) { + return transEndEventNames[name] + } + } + + }()) + + return transitionEnd && { + end: transitionEnd + } + + })() + + }) + +}(window.jQuery);/* ========================================================== + * bootstrap-alert.js v2.3.2 + * http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#alerts + * ========================================================== + * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ========================================================== */ + + +!function ($) { + + "use strict"; // jshint ;_; + + + /* ALERT CLASS DEFINITION + * ====================== */ + + var dismiss = '[data-dismiss="alert"]' + , Alert = function (el) { + $(el).on('click', dismiss, this.close) + } + + Alert.prototype.close = function (e) { + var $this = $(this) + , selector = $this.attr('data-target') + , $parent + + if (!selector) { + selector = $this.attr('href') + selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') //strip for ie7 + } + + $parent = $(selector) + + e && e.preventDefault() + + $parent.length || ($parent = $this.hasClass('alert') ? $this : $this.parent()) + + $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('close')) + + if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return + + $parent.removeClass('in') + + function removeElement() { + $parent + .trigger('closed') + .remove() + } + + $.support.transition && $parent.hasClass('fade') ? + $parent.on($.support.transition.end, removeElement) : + removeElement() + } + + + /* ALERT PLUGIN DEFINITION + * ======================= */ + + var old = $.fn.alert + + $.fn.alert = function (option) { + return this.each(function () { + var $this = $(this) + , data = $this.data('alert') + if (!data) $this.data('alert', (data = new Alert(this))) + if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this) + }) + } + + $.fn.alert.Constructor = Alert + + + /* ALERT NO CONFLICT + * ================= */ + + $.fn.alert.noConflict = function () { + $.fn.alert = old + return this + } + + + /* ALERT DATA-API + * ============== */ + + $(document).on('click.alert.data-api', dismiss, Alert.prototype.close) + +}(window.jQuery);/* ============================================================ + * bootstrap-button.js v2.3.2 + * http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#buttons + * ============================================================ + * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ============================================================ */ + + +!function ($) { + + "use strict"; // jshint ;_; + + + /* BUTTON PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION + * ============================== */ + + var Button = function (element, options) { + this.$element = $(element) + this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.button.defaults, options) + } + + Button.prototype.setState = function (state) { + var d = 'disabled' + , $el = this.$element + , data = $el.data() + , val = $el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html' + + state = state + 'Text' + data.resetText || $el.data('resetText', $el[val]()) + + $el[val](data[state] || this.options[state]) + + // push to event loop to allow forms to submit + setTimeout(function () { + state == 'loadingText' ? + $el.addClass(d).attr(d, d) : + $el.removeClass(d).removeAttr(d) + }, 0) + } + + Button.prototype.toggle = function () { + var $parent = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons-radio"]') + + $parent && $parent + .find('.active') + .removeClass('active') + + this.$element.toggleClass('active') + } + + + /* BUTTON PLUGIN DEFINITION + * ======================== */ + + var old = $.fn.button + + $.fn.button = function (option) { + return this.each(function () { + var $this = $(this) + , data = $this.data('button') + , options = typeof option == 'object' && option + if (!data) $this.data('button', (data = new Button(this, options))) + if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle() + else if (option) data.setState(option) + }) + } + + $.fn.button.defaults = { + loadingText: 'loading...' + } + + $.fn.button.Constructor = Button + + + /* BUTTON NO CONFLICT + * ================== */ + + $.fn.button.noConflict = function () { + $.fn.button = old + return this + } + + + /* BUTTON DATA-API + * =============== */ + + $(document).on('click.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^=button]', function (e) { + var $btn = $(e.target) + if (!$btn.hasClass('btn')) $btn = $btn.closest('.btn') + $btn.button('toggle') + }) + +}(window.jQuery);/* ========================================================== + * bootstrap-carousel.js v2.3.2 + * http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#carousel + * ========================================================== + * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ========================================================== */ + + +!function ($) { + + "use strict"; // jshint ;_; + + + /* CAROUSEL CLASS DEFINITION + * ========================= */ + + var Carousel = function (element, options) { + this.$element = $(element) + this.$indicators = this.$element.find('.carousel-indicators') + this.options = options + this.options.pause == 'hover' && this.$element + .on('mouseenter', $.proxy(this.pause, this)) + .on('mouseleave', $.proxy(this.cycle, this)) + } + + Carousel.prototype = { + + cycle: function (e) { + if (!e) this.paused = false + if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval); + this.options.interval + && !this.paused + && (this.interval = setInterval($.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval)) + return this + } + + , getActiveIndex: function () { + this.$active = this.$element.find('.item.active') + this.$items = this.$active.parent().children() + return this.$items.index(this.$active) + } + + , to: function (pos) { + var activeIndex = this.getActiveIndex() + , that = this + + if (pos > (this.$items.length - 1) || pos < 0) return + + if (this.sliding) { + return this.$element.one('slid', function () { + that.to(pos) + }) + } + + if (activeIndex == pos) { + return this.pause().cycle() + } + + return this.slide(pos > activeIndex ? 'next' : 'prev', $(this.$items[pos])) + } + + , pause: function (e) { + if (!e) this.paused = true + if (this.$element.find('.next, .prev').length && $.support.transition.end) { + this.$element.trigger($.support.transition.end) + this.cycle(true) + } + clearInterval(this.interval) + this.interval = null + return this + } + + , next: function () { + if (this.sliding) return + return this.slide('next') + } + + , prev: function () { + if (this.sliding) return + return this.slide('prev') + } + + , slide: function (type, next) { + var $active = this.$element.find('.item.active') + , $next = next || $active[type]() + , isCycling = this.interval + , direction = type == 'next' ? 'left' : 'right' + , fallback = type == 'next' ? 'first' : 'last' + , that = this + , e + + this.sliding = true + + isCycling && this.pause() + + $next = $next.length ? $next : this.$element.find('.item')[fallback]() + + e = $.Event('slide', { + relatedTarget: $next[0] + , direction: direction + }) + + if ($next.hasClass('active')) return + + if (this.$indicators.length) { + this.$indicators.find('.active').removeClass('active') + this.$element.one('slid', function () { + var $nextIndicator = $(that.$indicators.children()[that.getActiveIndex()]) + $nextIndicator && $nextIndicator.addClass('active') + }) + } + + if ($.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('slide')) { + this.$element.trigger(e) + if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return + $next.addClass(type) + $next[0].offsetWidth // force reflow + $active.addClass(direction) + $next.addClass(direction) + this.$element.one($.support.transition.end, function () { + $next.removeClass([type, direction].join(' ')).addClass('active') + $active.removeClass(['active', direction].join(' ')) + that.sliding = false + setTimeout(function () { that.$element.trigger('slid') }, 0) + }) + } else { + this.$element.trigger(e) + if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return + $active.removeClass('active') + $next.addClass('active') + this.sliding = false + this.$element.trigger('slid') + } + + isCycling && this.cycle() + + return this + } + + } + + + /* CAROUSEL PLUGIN DEFINITION + * ========================== */ + + var old = $.fn.carousel + + $.fn.carousel = function (option) { + return this.each(function () { + var $this = $(this) + , data = $this.data('carousel') + , options = $.extend({}, $.fn.carousel.defaults, typeof option == 'object' && option) + , action = typeof option == 'string' ? option : options.slide + if (!data) $this.data('carousel', (data = new Carousel(this, options))) + if (typeof option == 'number') data.to(option) + else if (action) data[action]() + else if (options.interval) data.pause().cycle() + }) + } + + $.fn.carousel.defaults = { + interval: 5000 + , pause: 'hover' + } + + $.fn.carousel.Constructor = Carousel + + + /* CAROUSEL NO CONFLICT + * ==================== */ + + $.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () { + $.fn.carousel = old + return this + } + + /* CAROUSEL DATA-API + * ================= */ + + $(document).on('click.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide], [data-slide-to]', function (e) { + var $this = $(this), href + , $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) //strip for ie7 + , options = $.extend({}, $target.data(), $this.data()) + , slideIndex + + $target.carousel(options) + + if (slideIndex = $this.attr('data-slide-to')) { + $target.data('carousel').pause().to(slideIndex).cycle() + } + + e.preventDefault() + }) + +}(window.jQuery);/* ============================================================= + * bootstrap-collapse.js v2.3.2 + * http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#collapse + * ============================================================= + * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ============================================================ */ + + +!function ($) { + + "use strict"; // jshint ;_; + + + /* COLLAPSE PUBLIC CLASS DEFINITION + * ================================ */ + + var Collapse = function (element, options) { + this.$element = $(element) + this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.collapse.defaults, options) + + if (this.options.parent) { + this.$parent = $(this.options.parent) + } + + this.options.toggle && this.toggle() + } + + Collapse.prototype = { + + constructor: Collapse + + , dimension: function () { + var hasWidth = this.$element.hasClass('width') + return hasWidth ? 'width' : 'height' + } + + , show: function () { + var dimension + , scroll + , actives + , hasData + + if (this.transitioning || this.$element.hasClass('in')) return + + dimension = this.dimension() + scroll = $.camelCase(['scroll', dimension].join('-')) + actives = this.$parent && this.$parent.find('> .accordion-group > .in') + + if (actives && actives.length) { + hasData = actives.data('collapse') + if (hasData && hasData.transitioning) return + actives.collapse('hide') + hasData || actives.data('collapse', null) + } + + this.$element[dimension](0) + this.transition('addClass', $.Event('show'), 'shown') + $.support.transition && this.$element[dimension](this.$element[0][scroll]) + } + + , hide: function () { + var dimension + if (this.transitioning || !this.$element.hasClass('in')) return + dimension = this.dimension() + this.reset(this.$element[dimension]()) + this.transition('removeClass', $.Event('hide'), 'hidden') + this.$element[dimension](0) + } + + , reset: function (size) { + var dimension = this.dimension() + + this.$element + .removeClass('collapse') + [dimension](size || 'auto') + [0].offsetWidth + + this.$element[size !== null ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('collapse') + + return this + } + + , transition: function (method, startEvent, completeEvent) { + var that = this + , complete = function () { + if (startEvent.type == 'show') that.reset() + that.transitioning = 0 + that.$element.trigger(completeEvent) + } + + this.$element.trigger(startEvent) + + if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return + + this.transitioning = 1 + + this.$element[method]('in') + + $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('collapse') ? + this.$element.one($.support.transition.end, complete) : + complete() + } + + , toggle: function () { + this[this.$element.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']() + } + + } + + + /* COLLAPSE PLUGIN DEFINITION + * ========================== */ + + var old = $.fn.collapse + + $.fn.collapse = function (option) { + return this.each(function () { + var $this = $(this) + , data = $this.data('collapse') + , options = $.extend({}, $.fn.collapse.defaults, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option) + if (!data) $this.data('collapse', (data = new Collapse(this, options))) + if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]() + }) + } + + $.fn.collapse.defaults = { + toggle: true + } + + $.fn.collapse.Constructor = Collapse + + + /* COLLAPSE NO CONFLICT + * ==================== */ + + $.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () { + $.fn.collapse = old + return this + } + + + /* COLLAPSE DATA-API + * ================= */ + + $(document).on('click.collapse.data-api', '[data-toggle=collapse]', function (e) { + var $this = $(this), href + , target = $this.attr('data-target') + || e.preventDefault() + || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') //strip for ie7 + , option = $(target).data('collapse') ? 'toggle' : $this.data() + $this[$(target).hasClass('in') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('collapsed') + $(target).collapse(option) + }) + +}(window.jQuery);/* ============================================================ + * bootstrap-dropdown.js v2.3.2 + * http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#dropdowns + * ============================================================ + * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ============================================================ */ + + +!function ($) { + + "use strict"; // jshint ;_; + + + /* DROPDOWN CLASS DEFINITION + * ========================= */ + + var toggle = '[data-toggle=dropdown]' + , Dropdown = function (element) { + var $el = $(element).on('click.dropdown.data-api', this.toggle) + $('html').on('click.dropdown.data-api', function () { + $el.parent().removeClass('open') + }) + } + + Dropdown.prototype = { + + constructor: Dropdown + + , toggle: function (e) { + var $this = $(this) + , $parent + , isActive + + if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return + + $parent = getParent($this) + + isActive = $parent.hasClass('open') + + clearMenus() + + if (!isActive) { + if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { + // if mobile we we use a backdrop because click events don't delegate + $('
    + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root nodeAdditional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    + +


    + +
    +<!doctype html>
    +  <head>
    +    <meta charset="utf-8">
    +    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
    +    <title>Jquery-treegrid basic example</title>
    +    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript">
    +      $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid();
    +      });
    +    </script>
    +  </head>
    +  <body>
    +      <table class="tree">
    +        <tr class="treegrid-1">
    +          <td>Root node</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
    +          <td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +      </table>	  
    +  </body>
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-2.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-2.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6feee1dd16 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-2.html @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ + + + + + + + + + + TreeGrid for Bootstrap 2.3.x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + +

    TreeGrid Bootstrap 2.3.2 examples

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1Additional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    Root node 2Additional info
    Node 2-1Additional info
    Node 2-2Additional info
    Node 2-2-1Additional info


    + +
    <link href="bootstrap-2.3.2/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap2.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +    $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid();
    +    });

    Bootstrap grid example
    + table-bordered table-striped table-condensed
    + with custom expander

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1Additional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    Root node 2Additional info
    Node 2-1Additional info
    Node 2-2Additional info
    Node 2-2-1Additional info


    + +
    <link href="bootstrap-2.3.2/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap2.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +    $(document).ready(function() {
    +                $('.tree').treegrid({
    +                    expanderExpandedClass: 'icon-minus-sign',
    +                    expanderCollapsedClass: 'icon-plus-sign'
    +                });
    +    });
    + + + + + + diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-3.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-3.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9faf397511 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-3.html @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ + + + + + + + + + + TreeGrid for Bootstrap 3.0.x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + +

    TreeGrid Bootstrap 3 examples

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1Additional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    Root node 2Additional info
    Node 2-1Additional info
    Node 2-2Additional info
    Node 2-2-1Additional info


    + +
    <link href="bootstrap-3.0.0/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +    $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid();
    +    });

    Bootstrap TreeGrid example
    + table-bordered table-striped table-condensed
    + custom expander

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1Additional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    Root node 2Additional info
    Node 2-1Additional info
    Node 2-2Additional info
    Node 2-2-1Additional info
    + +


    <link href="bootstrap-3.0.0/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +    $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid({
    +                    expanderExpandedClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus',
    +                    expanderCollapsedClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus'
    +                });
    +    });
    + + + + + + diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-resize.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-resize.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..26f10539b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-bootstrap-resize.html @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ + + + + + + + + + + TreeGrid for Bootstrap 3.0.x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + +

    TreeGrid Bootstrap 3 resize examples

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1
    Node 1-1
    Node 1-2
    Node 1-2-1
    Root node 2
    Node 2-1
    Node 2-2
    Node 2-2-1


    + +
    <link href="bootstrap-3.0.0/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +    $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid();
    +    });

    Bootstrap TreeGrid example
    + table-bordered table-striped table-condensed
    + custom expander

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1
    Node 1-1
    Node 1-2
    Node 1-2-1
    Root node 2
    Node 2-1
    Node 2-2
    Node 2-2-1
    + +


    <link href="bootstrap-3.0.0/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +    $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid({
    +                    expanderExpandedClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus',
    +                    expanderCollapsedClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus'
    +                });
    +    });
    + + + + + + diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-column.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-column.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..163a254c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-column.html @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + + + + + + TreeGrid example with tree in 2nd column + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +

    TreeGrid example with tree in 2nd column

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root nodeAdditional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    + +


    + +
    +<!doctype html>
    +  <head>
    +    <meta charset="utf-8">
    +    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
    +    <title>Jquery-treegrid basic example</title>
    +    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript">
    +      $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid({
    +          treeColumn: 1
    +        });
    +      });
    +    </script>
    +  </head>
    +  <body>
    +      <table class="tree">
    +        <tr class="treegrid-1">
    +          <td>Root node</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
    +          <td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +      </table>	  
    +  </body>
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-events.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-events.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e31ea545a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-events.html @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ + + + + + + TreeGrid events example + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +

    TreeGrid events example

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root nodeAdditional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    + +


    + +
    +<!doctype html>
    +  <head>
    +    <meta charset="utf-8">
    +    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
    +    <title>Jquery-treegrid basic example</title>
    +    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript">
    +      $(document).ready(function() {
    +            $('.tree').treegrid({
    +            onChange: function() {
    +                alert("Changed: "+$(this).attr("id"));
    +            }, 
    +            onCollapse: function() {
    +                alert("Collapsed: "+$(this).attr("id"));
    +            }, 
    +            onExpand: function() {
    +                alert("Expanded "+$(this).attr("id"));
    +            }});
    +            $('#node-1').on("change", function() {
    +                alert("Event from " + $(this).attr("id"));
    +            });            
    +      });
    +    </script>
    +  </head>
    +  <body>
    +      <table class="tree">
    +        <tr class="treegrid-1">
    +          <td>Root node</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
    +          <td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +      </table>	  
    +  </body>
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-huge.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-huge.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a63fe56ce --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-huge.html @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ + + + + + + Jquery-treegrid basic example + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +

    TreeGrid Big data example

    + +
    + +


    + +
    +<!doctype html>
    +  <head>
    +    <meta charset="utf-8">
    +    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
    +    <title>Jquery-treegrid basic example</title>
    +    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript">
    +      $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid();
    +      });
    +    </script>
    +  </head>
    +  <body>
    +      <table class="tree">
    +        <tr class="treegrid-1">
    +          <td>Root node</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
    +          <td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +      </table>	  
    +  </body>
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-save-state.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-save-state.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06fa2538c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/examples/example-save-state.html @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ + + + + + + Jquery-treegrid save state example + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +

    TreeGrid save state example


    You can reload page. The tree state is saved.

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root node 1Additional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    Root node 2Additional info
    Node 2-1Additional info
    Node 2-2Additional info
    Node 2-2-1Additional info
    + +


    + +
    +<!doctype html>
    +  <head>
    +    <meta charset="utf-8">
    +    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
    +    <title>Jquery-treegrid basic example</title>
    +    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +    <script type="text/javascript">
    +      $(document).ready(function() {
    +        $('.tree').treegrid({
    +          'initialState': 'collapsed',
    +          'saveState': true,
    +        });
    +      });
    +    </script>
    +  </head>
    +  <body>
    +      <table class="tree">
    +        <tr class="treegrid-1">
    +          <td>Root node 1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
    +          <td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
    +          <td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-5">
    +          <td>Root node 2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-6 treegrid-parent-5">
    +          <td>Node 2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-7 treegrid-parent-5">
    +          <td>Node 2-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>
    +        <tr class="treegrid-8 treegrid-parent-7">
    +          <td>Node 2-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +        </tr>        
    +      </table>		  
    +  </body>
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/collapse.png b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/collapse.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76577a57a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/collapse.png differ diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/expand.png b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/expand.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cfb42a4512 Binary files /dev/null and b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/expand.png differ diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/file.png b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/file.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..813f712f72 Binary files /dev/null and b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/file.png differ diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/folder.png b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/folder.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..784e8fa482 Binary files /dev/null and b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/img/folder.png differ diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/index.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e5a050e2af --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,478 @@ + + + + + + + Treegrid jquery plugin + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + + +

    TreeGrid jQuery plugin



    • Create TreeGrid from HTML table
    • +
    • Simple and flexible javascript
    • +
    • Compatible with bootstrap
    • +
    • Ability to save the state of the tree
    • +
    • Events support
    • + +



    Step 1. Initialize plugin

    +<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
    +<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.treegrid.js"></script>
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.treegrid.css">
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +  $('.tree').treegrid();

    Step 2. Make table

    +<table class="tree">
    +	<tr class="treegrid-1">
    +		<td>Root node</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +	</tr>
    +	<tr class="treegrid-2 treegrid-parent-1">
    +		<td>Node 1-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +	</tr>
    +	<tr class="treegrid-3 treegrid-parent-1">
    +		<td>Node 1-2</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +	</tr>
    +	<tr class="treegrid-4 treegrid-parent-3">
    +		<td>Node 1-2-1</td><td>Additional info</td>
    +	</tr>

    Step 3. See result

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Root nodeAdditional info
    Node 1-1Additional info
    Node 1-2Additional info
    Node 1-2-1Additional info
    + +

    Other examples


    Basic example


    Tree on 2nd column example


    Save state example


    TreeGrid for bootstrap 2.x


    TreeGrid for bootstrap 3.x


    TreeGrid for bootstrap 3.x resize demo


    Events examples


    Big data example

    + + +

    Configuration Settings



    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
    treeColumnNumeric0Number of column using for tree
    initialStateStringexpandedInitial state of tree
    + 'expanded' - all nodes will be expanded
    + 'collapsed' - all nodes will be collapsed
    saveStateBooleanfalseIf true you can reload page and tree state was saved
    saveStateMethodStringcookie + 'cookie' - save state to cookie
    + 'hash' - save state to hash
    saveStateNameStringtree-grid-state + Name of cookie or hash to save state. +
    expanderTemplateString<span class="treegrid-expander"></span>HTML Element when you click on that will be collapse/expand branches
    expanderExpandedClassStringtreegrid-expander-expandedClass using for expander element when it expanded
    expanderCollapsedClassStringtreegrid-expander-collapsedClass using for expander element when it collapsed
    indentTemplateString<span class="treegrid-indent"></span>HTML Element that will be placed as padding, depending on the depth of nesting node
    onCollapseFunctionnullFunction, which will be executed when one of node will be collapsed
    onExpandFunctionnullFunction, which will be executed when one of node will be expanded
    onChangeFunctionnullFunction, which will be executed when one of node will be expanded or collapsed
    + +

    Public methods

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Method nameDescriptionExample
    getRootNodesReturns the root branches +
    // Expand all root nodes
    getNodeIdReturn the id of node +
    +  // Do something with node 2
    getParentNodeIdReturn the id of parent node or null if node is root +
    +  // Do something if parent node Id is 2
    getAllNodesReturn the all nodes of tree +
    // Find all nodes
    +  $('#tree-1').treegrid('getAllNodes').each(function() {
    +    if ($(this).treegrid("isLast")) {
    +      //Do something with all last nodes
    +    }
    +  });
    getParentNodeReturn the parent node or null if node is root +
    // Expand parent node
    getChildNodesReturn the child nodes or null if node is leaf +
    // Expand child nodes
    getDepthReturns the depth of nested branch +
    // Expand all nodes 2nd nesting
    +  if ($(this).treegrid('getDepth')<2){
    +	$(this).treegrid('expand');
    +  }
    isNodereturn true if element is node +
    +  $('#tree-1').find('tr').each(function() {
    +    if ($(this).treegrid("isNode")) {
    +      //Do something
    +    }
    +  });
    isLeafIs there a node leaf +
    // hide all files
    +  if ($(this).treegrid('isLeaf')){
    +	$(this).hide();
    +  }
    isLastReturn true if node is last in branch +
    // hide all last elements
    +  if ($(this).treegrid('isLast')){
    +	$(this).hide();
    +  }
    isFirstReturn true if node is first in branch +
    // hide all last elements
    +  if ($(this).treegrid('isFirst')){
    +	$(this).hide();
    +  }
    isExpandedIs node expanded +
    +  // Do something if node expanded
    isCollapsedIs node collapsed +
    +  // Do something if node collapsed
    isOneOfParentsCollapsedIs at least one of the parent nodes is collapsed +
    +  // Do something if one of parent collapsed
    expandExpand node +
    collapseCollapse node +
    expandRecursiveExpand nodes recursively +
    collapseRecursiveCollapse nodes recursively +
    expandAllExpand all nodes +
    collapseAllCollapse all nodes +
    toggleCollapse node if it expanded and expand when collapsed +
    renderRedraw the node and all its children +


    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Event nameDescriptionExample
    collapseWill fire when node collapsed +
    //Alert when node in treegrid with class "tree" collapsed
    +$('.tree').treegrid('getRootNodes').on('collapse', function(){
    +   alert(this);
    expandWill fire when node expanded +
    //Alert when node with id "node1" expanded
    +$('#node1').on('expand', function(){
    +   alert(this);
    changeWill fire when node changed. Expanded or collapsed +
    //Alert when node in treegrid with class "tree" changed. 
    +$('.tree').treegrid('getRootNodes').on('change', function(){
    +   alert(this);

    Unit Tests

    + +
    + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.cookie.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.cookie.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5505f5e25c --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.cookie.js @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/*! + * jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3.1 + * https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie + * + * Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl + * Released under the MIT license + */ +(function (factory) { + if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { + // AMD. Register as anonymous module. + define(['jquery'], factory); + } else { + // Browser globals. + factory(jQuery); + } +}(function ($) { + + var pluses = /\+/g; + + function decode(s) { + if (config.raw) { + return s; + } + return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' ')); + } + + function decodeAndParse(s) { + if (s.indexOf('"') === 0) { + // This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape... + s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); + } + + s = decode(s); + + try { + return config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s; + } catch(e) {} + } + + var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) { + + // Write + if (value !== undefined) { + options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options); + + if (typeof options.expires === 'number') { + var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date(); + t.setDate(t.getDate() + days); + } + + value = config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value); + + return (document.cookie = [ + config.raw ? key : encodeURIComponent(key), + '=', + config.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value), + options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE + options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '', + options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', + options.secure ? '; secure' : '' + ].join('')); + } + + // Read + var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); + var result = key ? undefined : {}; + for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) { + var parts = cookies[i].split('='); + var name = decode(parts.shift()); + var cookie = parts.join('='); + + if (key && key === name) { + result = decodeAndParse(cookie); + break; + } + + if (!key) { + result[name] = decodeAndParse(cookie); + } + } + + return result; + }; + + config.defaults = {}; + + $.removeCookie = function (key, options) { + if ($.cookie(key) !== undefined) { + // Must not alter options, thus extending a fresh object... + $.cookie(key, '', $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 })); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + +})); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap2.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap2.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..409bd83c76 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap2.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +$.extend($.fn.treegrid.defaults, { + expanderTemplate: '', + expanderExpandedClass: 'icon-chevron-down', + expanderCollapsedClass: 'icon-chevron-right' +}); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac4a835205 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.bootstrap3.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +$.extend($.fn.treegrid.defaults, { + expanderExpandedClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down', + expanderCollapsedClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right' +}); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b513ebb06 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.js @@ -0,0 +1,626 @@ +/* + * jQuery treegrid Plugin 0.3.0 + * https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid + * + * Copyright 2013, Pomazan Max + * Licensed under the MIT licenses. + */ +(function($) { + + var methods = { + /** + * Initialize tree + * + * @param {Object} options + * @returns {Object[]} + */ + initTree: function(options) { + var settings = $.extend({}, this.treegrid.defaults, options); + return this.each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('setTreeContainer', $(this)); + $this.treegrid('setSettings', settings); + settings.getRootNodes.apply(this, [$(this)]).treegrid('initNode', settings); + $this.treegrid('getRootNodes').treegrid('render'); + }); + }, + /** + * Initialize node + * + * @param {Object} settings + * @returns {Object[]} + */ + initNode: function(settings) { + return this.each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('setTreeContainer', settings.getTreeGridContainer.apply(this)); + $this.treegrid('getChildNodes').treegrid('initNode', settings); + $this.treegrid('initExpander').treegrid('initIndent').treegrid('initEvents').treegrid('initState').treegrid('initChangeEvent').treegrid("initSettingsEvents"); + }); + }, + initChangeEvent: function() { + var $this = $(this); + //Save state on change + $this.on("change", function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('render'); + if ($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveState')) { + $this.treegrid('saveState'); + } + }); + return $this; + }, + /** + * Initialize node events + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + initEvents: function() { + var $this = $(this); + //Default behavior on collapse + $this.on("collapse", function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.removeClass('treegrid-expanded'); + $this.addClass('treegrid-collapsed'); + }); + //Default behavior on expand + $this.on("expand", function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.removeClass('treegrid-collapsed'); + $this.addClass('treegrid-expanded'); + }); + + return $this; + }, + /** + * Initialize events from settings + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + initSettingsEvents: function() { + var $this = $(this); + //Save state on change + $this.on("change", function() { + var $this = $(this); + if (typeof($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'onChange')) === "function") { + $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'onChange').apply($this); + } + }); + //Default behavior on collapse + $this.on("collapse", function() { + var $this = $(this); + if (typeof($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'onCollapse')) === "function") { + $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'onCollapse').apply($this); + } + }); + //Default behavior on expand + $this.on("expand", function() { + var $this = $(this); + if (typeof($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'onExpand')) === "function") { + $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'onExpand').apply($this); + } + + }); + + return $this; + }, + /** + * Initialize expander for node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + initExpander: function() { + var $this = $(this); + var cell = $this.find('td').get($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'treeColumn')); + var tpl = $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'expanderTemplate'); + var expander = $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'getExpander').apply(this); + if (expander) { + expander.remove(); + } + $(tpl).prependTo(cell).click(function() { + $($(this).closest('tr')).treegrid('toggle'); + }); + return $this; + }, + /** + * Initialize indent for node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + initIndent: function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.find('.treegrid-indent').remove(); + var tpl = $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'indentTemplate'); + var expander = $this.find('.treegrid-expander'); + var depth = $this.treegrid('getDepth'); + for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { + $(tpl).insertBefore(expander); + } + return $this; + }, + /** + * Initialise state of node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + initState: function() { + var $this = $(this); + if ($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveState') && !$this.treegrid('isFirstInit')) { + $this.treegrid('restoreState'); + } else { + if ($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'initialState') === "expanded") { + $this.treegrid('expand'); + } else { + $this.treegrid('collapse'); + } + } + return $this; + }, + /** + * Return true if this tree was never been initialised + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isFirstInit: function() { + var tree = $(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer'); + if (tree.data('first_init') === undefined) { + tree.data('first_init', $.cookie(tree.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveStateName')) === undefined); + } + return tree.data('first_init'); + }, + /** + * Save state of current node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + saveState: function() { + var $this = $(this); + if ($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveStateMethod') === 'cookie') { + + var stateArrayString = $.cookie($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveStateName')) || ''; + var stateArray = (stateArrayString === '' ? [] : stateArrayString.split(',')); + var nodeId = $this.treegrid('getNodeId'); + + if ($this.treegrid('isExpanded')) { + if ($.inArray(nodeId, stateArray) === -1) { + stateArray.push(nodeId); + } + } else if ($this.treegrid('isCollapsed')) { + if ($.inArray(nodeId, stateArray) !== -1) { + stateArray.splice($.inArray(nodeId, stateArray), 1); + } + } + $.cookie($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveStateName'), stateArray.join(',')); + } + return $this; + }, + /** + * Restore state of current node. + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + restoreState: function() { + var $this = $(this); + if ($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveStateMethod') === 'cookie') { + var stateArray = $.cookie($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'saveStateName')).split(','); + if ($.inArray($this.treegrid('getNodeId'), stateArray) !== -1) { + $this.treegrid('expand'); + } else { + $this.treegrid('collapse'); + } + + } + return $this; + }, + /** + * Method return setting by name + * + * @param {type} name + * @returns {unresolved} + */ + getSetting: function(name) { + if (!$(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer')) { + return null; + } + return $(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer').data('settings')[name]; + }, + /** + * Add new settings + * + * @param {Object} settings + */ + setSettings: function(settings) { + $(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer').data('settings', settings); + }, + /** + * Return tree container + * + * @returns {HtmlElement} + */ + getTreeContainer: function() { + return $(this).data('treegrid'); + }, + /** + * Set tree container + * + * @param {HtmlE;ement} container + */ + setTreeContainer: function(container) { + return $(this).data('treegrid', container); + }, + /** + * Method return all root nodes of tree. + * + * Start init all child nodes from it. + * + * @returns {Array} + */ + getRootNodes: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getRootNodes').apply(this, [$(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer')]); + }, + /** + * Method return all nodes of tree. + * + * @returns {Array} + */ + getAllNodes: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getAllNodes').apply(this, [$(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer')]); + }, + /** + * Mthod return true if element is Node + * + * @returns {String} + */ + isNode: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getNodeId') !== null; + }, + /** + * Mthod return id of node + * + * @returns {String} + */ + getNodeId: function() { + if ($(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getNodeId') === null) { + return null; + } else { + return $(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getNodeId').apply(this); + } + }, + /** + * Method return parent id of node or null if root node + * + * @returns {String} + */ + getParentNodeId: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getParentNodeId').apply(this); + }, + /** + * Method return parent node or null if root node + * + * @returns {Object[]} + */ + getParentNode: function() { + if ($(this).treegrid('getParentNodeId') === null) { + return null; + } else { + return $(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getNodeById').apply(this, [$(this).treegrid('getParentNodeId'), $(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer')]); + } + }, + /** + * Method return array of child nodes or null if node is leaf + * + * @returns {Object[]} + */ + getChildNodes: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getSetting', 'getChildNodes').apply(this, [$(this).treegrid('getNodeId'), $(this).treegrid('getTreeContainer')]); + }, + /** + * Method return depth of tree. + * + * This method is needs for calculate indent + * + * @returns {Number} + */ + getDepth: function() { + if ($(this).treegrid('getParentNode') === null) { + return 0; + } + return $(this).treegrid('getParentNode').treegrid('getDepth') + 1; + }, + /** + * Method return true if node is root + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isRoot: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getDepth') === 0; + }, + /** + * Method return true if node has no child nodes + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isLeaf: function() { + return $(this).treegrid('getChildNodes').length === 0; + }, + /** + * Method return true if node last in branch + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isLast: function() { + if ($(this).treegrid('isNode')) { + var parentNode = $(this).treegrid('getParentNode'); + if (parentNode === null) { + if ($(this).treegrid('getNodeId') === $(this).treegrid('getRootNodes').last().treegrid('getNodeId')) { + return true; + } + } else { + if ($(this).treegrid('getNodeId') === parentNode.treegrid('getChildNodes').last().treegrid('getNodeId')) { + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + }, + /** + * Method return true if node first in branch + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isFirst: function() { + if ($(this).treegrid('isNode')) { + var parentNode = $(this).treegrid('getParentNode'); + if (parentNode === null) { + if ($(this).treegrid('getNodeId') === $(this).treegrid('getRootNodes').first().treegrid('getNodeId')) { + return true; + } + } else { + if ($(this).treegrid('getNodeId') === parentNode.treegrid('getChildNodes').first().treegrid('getNodeId')) { + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + }, + /** + * Return true if node expanded + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isExpanded: function() { + return $(this).hasClass('treegrid-expanded'); + }, + /** + * Return true if node collapsed + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isCollapsed: function() { + return $(this).hasClass('treegrid-collapsed'); + }, + /** + * Return true if at least one of parent node is collapsed + * + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isOneOfParentsCollapsed: function() { + var $this = $(this); + if ($this.treegrid('isRoot')) { + return false; + } else { + if ($this.treegrid('getParentNode').treegrid('isCollapsed')) { + return true; + } else { + return $this.treegrid('getParentNode').treegrid('isOneOfParentsCollapsed'); + } + } + }, + /** + * Expand node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + expand: function() { + if (!this.treegrid('isLeaf') && !this.treegrid("isExpanded")) { + this.trigger("expand"); + this.trigger("change"); + return this; + } + return this; + }, + /** + * Expand all nodes + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + expandAll: function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('getRootNodes').treegrid('expandRecursive'); + return $this; + }, + /** + * Expand current node and all child nodes begin from current + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + expandRecursive: function() { + return $(this).each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('expand'); + if (!$this.treegrid('isLeaf')) { + $this.treegrid('getChildNodes').treegrid('expandRecursive'); + } + }); + }, + /** + * Collapse node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + collapse: function() { + return $(this).each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + if (!$this.treegrid('isLeaf') && !$this.treegrid("isCollapsed")) { + $this.trigger("collapse"); + $this.trigger("change"); + } + }); + }, + /** + * Collapse all nodes + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + collapseAll: function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('getRootNodes').treegrid('collapseRecursive'); + return $this; + }, + /** + * Collapse current node and all child nodes begin from current + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + collapseRecursive: function() { + return $(this).each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + $this.treegrid('collapse'); + if (!$this.treegrid('isLeaf')) { + $this.treegrid('getChildNodes').treegrid('collapseRecursive'); + } + }); + }, + /** + * Expand if collapsed, Collapse if expanded + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + toggle: function() { + var $this = $(this); + if ($this.treegrid('isExpanded')) { + $this.treegrid('collapse'); + } else { + $this.treegrid('expand'); + } + return $this; + }, + /** + * Rendering node + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + render: function() { + return $(this).each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + //if parent colapsed we hidden + if ($this.treegrid('isOneOfParentsCollapsed')) { + $this.hide(); + } else { + $this.show(); + } + if (!$this.treegrid('isLeaf')) { + $this.treegrid('renderExpander'); + $this.treegrid('getChildNodes').treegrid('render'); + } + }); + }, + /** + * Rendering expander depends on node state + * + * @returns {Node} + */ + renderExpander: function() { + return $(this).each(function() { + var $this = $(this); + var expander = $this.treegrid('getSetting', 'getExpander').apply(this); + if (expander) { + + if (!$this.treegrid('isCollapsed')) { + expander.removeClass($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'expanderCollapsedClass')); + expander.addClass($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'expanderExpandedClass')); + } else { + expander.removeClass($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'expanderExpandedClass')); + expander.addClass($this.treegrid('getSetting', 'expanderCollapsedClass')); + } + } else { + $this.treegrid('initExpander'); + $this.treegrid('renderExpander'); + } + }); + } + }; + $.fn.treegrid = function(method) { + if (methods[method]) { + return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); + } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { + return methods.initTree.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + $.error('Method with name ' + method + ' does not exists for jQuery.treegrid'); + } + }; + /** + * Plugin's default options + */ + $.fn.treegrid.defaults = { + initialState: 'expanded', + saveState: false, + saveStateMethod: 'cookie', + saveStateName: 'tree-grid-state', + expanderTemplate: '', + indentTemplate: '', + expanderExpandedClass: 'treegrid-expander-expanded', + expanderCollapsedClass: 'treegrid-expander-collapsed', + treeColumn: 0, + getExpander: function() { + return $(this).find('.treegrid-expander'); + }, + getNodeId: function() { + var template = /treegrid-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/; + if (template.test($(this).attr('class'))) { + return template.exec($(this).attr('class'))[1]; + } + return null; + }, + getParentNodeId: function() { + var template = /treegrid-parent-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/; + if (template.test($(this).attr('class'))) { + return template.exec($(this).attr('class'))[1]; + } + return null; + }, + getNodeById: function(id, treegridContainer) { + var templateClass = "treegrid-" + id; + return treegridContainer.find('tr.' + templateClass); + }, + getChildNodes: function(id, treegridContainer) { + var templateClass = "treegrid-parent-" + id; + return treegridContainer.find('tr.' + templateClass); + }, + getTreeGridContainer: function() { + return $(this).closest('table'); + }, + getRootNodes: function(treegridContainer) { + var result = $.grep(treegridContainer.find('tr'), function(element) { + var classNames = $(element).attr('class'); + var templateClass = /treegrid-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/; + var templateParentClass = /treegrid-parent-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/; + return templateClass.test(classNames) && !templateParentClass.test(classNames); + }); + return $(result); + }, + getAllNodes: function(treegridContainer) { + var result = $.grep(treegridContainer.find('tr'), function(element) { + var classNames = $(element).attr('class'); + var templateClass = /treegrid-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/; + return templateClass.test(classNames); + }); + return $(result); + }, + //Events + onCollapse: null, + onExpand: null, + onChange: null + + }; +})(jQuery); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.min.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b7566f323 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/js/jquery.treegrid.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/*! jquery-treegrid 0.3.0 */ +!function(a){var b={initTree:function(b){var c=a.extend({},this.treegrid.defaults,b);return this.each(function(){var b=a(this);b.treegrid("setTreeContainer",a(this)),b.treegrid("setSettings",c),c.getRootNodes.apply(this,[a(this)]).treegrid("initNode",c),b.treegrid("getRootNodes").treegrid("render")})},initNode:function(b){return this.each(function(){var c=a(this);c.treegrid("setTreeContainer",b.getTreeGridContainer.apply(this)),c.treegrid("getChildNodes").treegrid("initNode",b),c.treegrid("initExpander").treegrid("initIndent").treegrid("initEvents").treegrid("initState").treegrid("initChangeEvent").treegrid("initSettingsEvents")})},initChangeEvent:function(){var b=a(this);return b.on("change",function(){var b=a(this);b.treegrid("render"),b.treegrid("getSetting","saveState")&&b.treegrid("saveState")}),b},initEvents:function(){var b=a(this);return b.on("collapse",function(){var b=a(this);b.removeClass("treegrid-expanded"),b.addClass("treegrid-collapsed")}),b.on("expand",function(){var b=a(this);b.removeClass("treegrid-collapsed"),b.addClass("treegrid-expanded")}),b},initSettingsEvents:function(){var b=a(this);return b.on("change",function(){var b=a(this);"function"==typeof b.treegrid("getSetting","onChange")&&b.treegrid("getSetting","onChange").apply(b)}),b.on("collapse",function(){var b=a(this);"function"==typeof b.treegrid("getSetting","onCollapse")&&b.treegrid("getSetting","onCollapse").apply(b)}),b.on("expand",function(){var b=a(this);"function"==typeof b.treegrid("getSetting","onExpand")&&b.treegrid("getSetting","onExpand").apply(b)}),b},initExpander:function(){var b=a(this),c=b.find("td").get(b.treegrid("getSetting","treeColumn")),d=b.treegrid("getSetting","expanderTemplate"),e=b.treegrid("getSetting","getExpander").apply(this);return e&&e.remove(),a(d).prependTo(c).click(function(){a(a(this).closest("tr")).treegrid("toggle")}),b},initIndent:function(){var b=a(this);b.find(".treegrid-indent").remove();for(var c=b.treegrid("getSetting","indentTemplate"),d=b.find(".treegrid-expander"),e=b.treegrid("getDepth"),f=0;e>f;f++)a(c).insertBefore(d);return b},initState:function(){var b=a(this);return b.treegrid(b.treegrid("getSetting","saveState")&&!b.treegrid("isFirstInit")?"restoreState":"expanded"===b.treegrid("getSetting","initialState")?"expand":"collapse"),b},isFirstInit:function(){var b=a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer");return void 0===b.data("first_init")&&b.data("first_init",void 0===a.cookie(b.treegrid("getSetting","saveStateName"))),b.data("first_init")},saveState:function(){var b=a(this);if("cookie"===b.treegrid("getSetting","saveStateMethod")){var c=a.cookie(b.treegrid("getSetting","saveStateName"))||"",d=""===c?[]:c.split(","),e=b.treegrid("getNodeId");b.treegrid("isExpanded")?-1===a.inArray(e,d)&&d.push(e):b.treegrid("isCollapsed")&&-1!==a.inArray(e,d)&&d.splice(a.inArray(e,d),1),a.cookie(b.treegrid("getSetting","saveStateName"),d.join(","))}return b},restoreState:function(){var b=a(this);if("cookie"===b.treegrid("getSetting","saveStateMethod")){var c=a.cookie(b.treegrid("getSetting","saveStateName")).split(",");b.treegrid(-1!==a.inArray(b.treegrid("getNodeId"),c)?"expand":"collapse")}return b},getSetting:function(b){return a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer")?a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer").data("settings")[b]:null},setSettings:function(b){a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer").data("settings",b)},getTreeContainer:function(){return a(this).data("treegrid")},setTreeContainer:function(b){return a(this).data("treegrid",b)},getRootNodes:function(){return a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getRootNodes").apply(this,[a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer")])},getAllNodes:function(){return a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getAllNodes").apply(this,[a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer")])},isNode:function(){return null!==a(this).treegrid("getNodeId")},getNodeId:function(){return null===a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getNodeId")?null:a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getNodeId").apply(this)},getParentNodeId:function(){return a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getParentNodeId").apply(this)},getParentNode:function(){return null===a(this).treegrid("getParentNodeId")?null:a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getNodeById").apply(this,[a(this).treegrid("getParentNodeId"),a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer")])},getChildNodes:function(){return a(this).treegrid("getSetting","getChildNodes").apply(this,[a(this).treegrid("getNodeId"),a(this).treegrid("getTreeContainer")])},getDepth:function(){return null===a(this).treegrid("getParentNode")?0:a(this).treegrid("getParentNode").treegrid("getDepth")+1},isRoot:function(){return 0===a(this).treegrid("getDepth")},isLeaf:function(){return 0===a(this).treegrid("getChildNodes").length},isLast:function(){if(a(this).treegrid("isNode")){var b=a(this).treegrid("getParentNode");if(null===b){if(a(this).treegrid("getNodeId")===a(this).treegrid("getRootNodes").last().treegrid("getNodeId"))return!0}else if(a(this).treegrid("getNodeId")===b.treegrid("getChildNodes").last().treegrid("getNodeId"))return!0}return!1},isFirst:function(){if(a(this).treegrid("isNode")){var b=a(this).treegrid("getParentNode");if(null===b){if(a(this).treegrid("getNodeId")===a(this).treegrid("getRootNodes").first().treegrid("getNodeId"))return!0}else if(a(this).treegrid("getNodeId")===b.treegrid("getChildNodes").first().treegrid("getNodeId"))return!0}return!1},isExpanded:function(){return a(this).hasClass("treegrid-expanded")},isCollapsed:function(){return a(this).hasClass("treegrid-collapsed")},isOneOfParentsCollapsed:function(){var b=a(this);return b.treegrid("isRoot")?!1:b.treegrid("getParentNode").treegrid("isCollapsed")?!0:b.treegrid("getParentNode").treegrid("isOneOfParentsCollapsed")},expand:function(){return this.treegrid("isLeaf")||this.treegrid("isExpanded")?this:(this.trigger("expand"),this.trigger("change"),this)},expandAll:function(){var b=a(this);return b.treegrid("getRootNodes").treegrid("expandRecursive"),b},expandRecursive:function(){return a(this).each(function(){var b=a(this);b.treegrid("expand"),b.treegrid("isLeaf")||b.treegrid("getChildNodes").treegrid("expandRecursive")})},collapse:function(){return a(this).each(function(){var b=a(this);b.treegrid("isLeaf")||b.treegrid("isCollapsed")||(b.trigger("collapse"),b.trigger("change"))})},collapseAll:function(){var b=a(this);return b.treegrid("getRootNodes").treegrid("collapseRecursive"),b},collapseRecursive:function(){return a(this).each(function(){var b=a(this);b.treegrid("collapse"),b.treegrid("isLeaf")||b.treegrid("getChildNodes").treegrid("collapseRecursive")})},toggle:function(){var b=a(this);return b.treegrid(b.treegrid("isExpanded")?"collapse":"expand"),b},render:function(){return a(this).each(function(){var b=a(this);b.treegrid("isOneOfParentsCollapsed")?b.hide():b.show(),b.treegrid("isLeaf")||(b.treegrid("renderExpander"),b.treegrid("getChildNodes").treegrid("render"))})},renderExpander:function(){return a(this).each(function(){var b=a(this),c=b.treegrid("getSetting","getExpander").apply(this);c?b.treegrid("isCollapsed")?(c.removeClass(b.treegrid("getSetting","expanderExpandedClass")),c.addClass(b.treegrid("getSetting","expanderCollapsedClass"))):(c.removeClass(b.treegrid("getSetting","expanderCollapsedClass")),c.addClass(b.treegrid("getSetting","expanderExpandedClass"))):(b.treegrid("initExpander"),b.treegrid("renderExpander"))})}};a.fn.treegrid=function(c){return b[c]?b[c].apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1)):"object"!=typeof c&&c?void a.error("Method with name "+c+" does not exists for jQuery.treegrid"):b.initTree.apply(this,arguments)},a.fn.treegrid.defaults={initialState:"expanded",saveState:!1,saveStateMethod:"cookie",saveStateName:"tree-grid-state",expanderTemplate:'',indentTemplate:'',expanderExpandedClass:"treegrid-expander-expanded",expanderCollapsedClass:"treegrid-expander-collapsed",treeColumn:0,getExpander:function(){return a(this).find(".treegrid-expander")},getNodeId:function(){var b=/treegrid-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/;return b.test(a(this).attr("class"))?b.exec(a(this).attr("class"))[1]:null},getParentNodeId:function(){var b=/treegrid-parent-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/;return b.test(a(this).attr("class"))?b.exec(a(this).attr("class"))[1]:null},getNodeById:function(a,b){var c="treegrid-"+a;return b.find("tr."+c)},getChildNodes:function(a,b){var c="treegrid-parent-"+a;return b.find("tr."+c)},getTreeGridContainer:function(){return a(this).closest("table")},getRootNodes:function(b){var c=a.grep(b.find("tr"),function(b){var c=a(b).attr("class"),d=/treegrid-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/,e=/treegrid-parent-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/;return d.test(c)&&!e.test(c)});return a(c)},getAllNodes:function(b){var c=a.grep(b.find("tr"),function(b){var c=a(b).attr("class"),d=/treegrid-([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/;return d.test(c)});return a(c)},onCollapse:null,onExpand:null,onChange:null}}(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/package.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd605d17f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +{ + "name": "jquery-treegrid", + "version": "0.3.0", + "description": "jQuery TreeGrid plugin", + "main": "index.js", + "directories": { + "example": "examples", + "test": "tests" + }, + "scripts": { + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" + }, + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid.git" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "grunt": "~0.4.5", + "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.10.0", + "grunt-contrib-nodeunit": "~0.4.1", + "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.5.0" + }, + "keywords": [ + "treegrid", + "table", + "grid", + "ui" + ], + "author": "Maksym Pomazan", + "license": "MIT", + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid/issues" + }, + "homepage": "https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid" +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/params.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/params.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..021abfcd30 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/params.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"name":"Jquery-treegrid","tagline":"TreeGrid plugin for jQuery","body":"### Welcome to GitHub Pages.\r\nThis automatic page generator is the easiest way to create beautiful pages for all of your projects. Author your page content here using GitHub Flavored Markdown, select a template crafted by a designer, and publish. After your page is generated, you can check out the new branch:\r\n\r\n```\r\n$ cd your_repo_root/repo_name\r\n$ git fetch origin\r\n$ git checkout gh-pages\r\n```\r\n\r\nIf you're using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync your repository and you'll see the new branch.\r\n\r\n### Designer Templates\r\nWe've crafted some handsome templates for you to use. Go ahead and continue to layouts to browse through them. You can easily go back to edit your page before publishing. After publishing your page, you can revisit the page generator and switch to another theme. Your Page content will be preserved if it remained markdown format.\r\n\r\n### Rather Drive Stick?\r\nIf you prefer to not use the automatic generator, push a branch named `gh-pages` to your repository to create a page manually. In addition to supporting regular HTML content, GitHub Pages support Jekyll, a simple, blog aware static site generator written by our own Tom Preston-Werner. Jekyll makes it easy to create site-wide headers and footers without having to copy them across every page. It also offers intelligent blog support and other advanced templating features.\r\n\r\n### Authors and Contributors\r\nYou can @mention a GitHub username to generate a link to their profile. The resulting `` element will link to the contributor's GitHub Profile. For example: In 2007, Chris Wanstrath (@defunkt), PJ Hyett (@pjhyett), and Tom Preston-Werner (@mojombo) founded GitHub.\r\n\r\n### Support or Contact\r\nHaving trouble with Pages? Check out the documentation at http://help.github.com/pages or contact support@github.com and we’ll help you sort it out.\r\n","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/styles.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/styles.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62f1203084 --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/styles.css @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300italic,700italic,300,700); + +body { + padding:50px; + font:14px/1.5 Lato, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + color:#777; + font-weight:300; +} + +h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { + color:#222; + margin:0 0 20px; +} + +p, ul, ol, table, pre, dl { + margin:0 0 20px; +} + +h1, h2, h3 { + line-height:1.1; +} + +h1 { + font-size:28px; +} + +h2 { + color:#393939; +} + +h3, h4, h5, h6 { + color:#494949; +} + +a { + color:#39c; + font-weight:400; + text-decoration:none; +} + +a small { + font-size:11px; + color:#777; + margin-top:-0.6em; + display:block; +} + +.wrapper { + width:860px; + margin:0 auto; +} + +blockquote { + border-left:1px solid #e5e5e5; + margin:0; + padding:0 0 0 20px; + font-style:italic; +} + +code, pre { + font-family:Monaco, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Lucida Console, Terminal; + color:#333; + font-size:12px; +} + +pre { + padding:8px 15px; + background: #f8f8f8; + border-radius:5px; + border:1px solid #e5e5e5; + overflow-x: auto; +} + +table { + width:100%; + border-collapse:collapse; +} + +th, td { + text-align:left; + padding:5px 10px; + border-bottom:1px solid #e5e5e5; +} + +dt { + color:#444; + font-weight:700; +} + +th { + color:#444; +} + +img { + max-width:100%; +} + + +ul.download { + list-style:none; + height:40px; + + padding:0; + + background: #eee; + background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%, #dddddd 100%); + background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#f8f8f8), color-stop(100%,#dddddd)); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%); + background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%); + background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%); + background: linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%); + + border-radius:5px; + border:1px solid #d2d2d2; + box-shadow:inset #fff 0 1px 0, inset rgba(0,0,0,0.03) 0 -1px 0; + width:270px; +} + +ul.download li { + width:89px; + float:left; + border-right:1px solid #d2d2d2; + height:40px; +} + +ul.download a { + line-height:1; + font-size:11px; + color:#999; + display:block; + text-align:center; + padding-top:6px; + height:40px; +} + +strong { + color:#222; + font-weight:700; +} + +header ul li + li { + width:88px; + border-left:1px solid #fff; +} + +header ul li + li + li { + border-right:none; + width:89px; +} + +header ul a strong { + font-size:14px; + display:block; + color:#222; +} + +section { + width:500px; + float:right; + padding-bottom:50px; +} + +small { + font-size:11px; +} + +hr { + border:0; + background:#e5e5e5; + height:1px; + margin:0 0 20px; +} + +footer { + width:270px; + float:left; + position:fixed; + bottom:50px; +} + +@media print, screen and (max-width: 960px) { + + div.wrapper { + width:auto; + margin:0; + } + + header, section, footer { + float:none; + position:static; + width:auto; + } + + header { + padding-right:320px; + } + + section { + border:1px solid #e5e5e5; + border-width:1px 0; + padding:20px 0; + margin:0 0 20px; + } + + header a small { + display:inline; + } + + header ul { + position:absolute; + right:50px; + top:52px; + } +} + +@media print, screen and (max-width: 720px) { + body { + word-wrap:break-word; + } + + header { + padding:0; + } + + header ul, header p.view { + position:static; + } + + pre, code { + word-wrap:normal; + } +} + +@media print, screen and (max-width: 480px) { + body { + padding:15px; + } + + header ul { + display:none; + } +} + +@media print { + body { + padding:0.4in; + font-size:12pt; + color:#444; + } +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/test.html b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/test.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..140b629e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/test.html @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ + + + + + jQuery TreeGrid Unit tests + + + + +
    + + + + +
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    + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/qunit-1.12.0.css b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/qunit-1.12.0.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ba3f9a30b --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/qunit-1.12.0.css @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +/** + * QUnit v1.12.0 - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework + * + * http://qunitjs.com + * + * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors + * Released under the MIT license. + * http://jquery.org/license + */ + +/** Font Family and Sizes */ + +#qunit-tests, #qunit-header, #qunit-banner, #qunit-testrunner-toolbar, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult { + font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue", Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; +} + +#qunit-testrunner-toolbar, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult, #qunit-tests li { font-size: small; } +#qunit-tests { font-size: smaller; } + + +/** Resets */ + +#qunit-tests, #qunit-header, #qunit-banner, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult, #qunit-modulefilter { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + + +/** Header */ + +#qunit-header { + padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1em; + + color: #8699a4; + background-color: #0d3349; + + font-size: 1.5em; + line-height: 1em; + font-weight: normal; + + border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; + -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; +} + +#qunit-header a { + text-decoration: none; + color: #c2ccd1; +} + +#qunit-header a:hover, +#qunit-header a:focus { + color: #fff; +} + +#qunit-testrunner-toolbar label { + display: inline-block; + padding: 0 .5em 0 .1em; +} + +#qunit-banner { + height: 5px; +} + +#qunit-testrunner-toolbar { + padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 2em; + color: #5E740B; + background-color: #eee; + overflow: hidden; +} + +#qunit-userAgent { + padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 2.5em; + background-color: #2b81af; + color: #fff; + text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 2px 2px 1px; +} + +#qunit-modulefilter-container { + float: right; +} + +/** Tests: Pass/Fail */ + +#qunit-tests { + list-style-position: inside; +} + +#qunit-tests li { + padding: 0.4em 0.5em 0.4em 2.5em; + border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; + list-style-position: inside; +} + +#qunit-tests.hidepass li.pass, #qunit-tests.hidepass li.running { + display: none; +} + +#qunit-tests li strong { + cursor: pointer; +} + +#qunit-tests li a { + padding: 0.5em; + color: #c2ccd1; + text-decoration: none; +} +#qunit-tests li a:hover, +#qunit-tests li a:focus { + color: #000; +} + +#qunit-tests li .runtime { + float: right; + font-size: smaller; +} + +.qunit-assert-list { + margin-top: 0.5em; + padding: 0.5em; + + background-color: #fff; + + border-radius: 5px; + -moz-border-radius: 5px; + -webkit-border-radius: 5px; +} + +.qunit-collapsed { + display: none; +} + +#qunit-tests table { + border-collapse: collapse; + margin-top: .2em; +} + +#qunit-tests th { + text-align: right; + vertical-align: top; + padding: 0 .5em 0 0; +} + +#qunit-tests td { + vertical-align: top; +} + +#qunit-tests pre { + margin: 0; + white-space: pre-wrap; + word-wrap: break-word; +} + +#qunit-tests del { + background-color: #e0f2be; + color: #374e0c; + text-decoration: none; +} + +#qunit-tests ins { + background-color: #ffcaca; + color: #500; + text-decoration: none; +} + +/*** Test Counts */ + +#qunit-tests b.counts { color: black; } +#qunit-tests b.passed { color: #5E740B; } +#qunit-tests b.failed { color: #710909; } + +#qunit-tests li li { + padding: 5px; + background-color: #fff; + border-bottom: none; + list-style-position: inside; +} + +/*** Passing Styles */ + +#qunit-tests li li.pass { + color: #3c510c; + background-color: #fff; + border-left: 10px solid #C6E746; +} + +#qunit-tests .pass { color: #528CE0; background-color: #D2E0E6; } +#qunit-tests .pass .test-name { color: #366097; } + +#qunit-tests .pass .test-actual, +#qunit-tests .pass .test-expected { color: #999999; } + +#qunit-banner.qunit-pass { background-color: #C6E746; } + +/*** Failing Styles */ + +#qunit-tests li li.fail { + color: #710909; + background-color: #fff; + border-left: 10px solid #EE5757; + white-space: pre; +} + +#qunit-tests > li:last-child { + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; +} + +#qunit-tests .fail { color: #000000; background-color: #EE5757; } +#qunit-tests .fail .test-name, +#qunit-tests .fail .module-name { color: #000000; } + +#qunit-tests .fail .test-actual { color: #EE5757; } +#qunit-tests .fail .test-expected { color: green; } + +#qunit-banner.qunit-fail { background-color: #EE5757; } + + +/** Result */ + +#qunit-testresult { + padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 2.5em; + + color: #2b81af; + background-color: #D2E0E6; + + border-bottom: 1px solid white; +} +#qunit-testresult .module-name { + font-weight: bold; +} + +/** Fixture */ + +#qunit-fixture { + position: absolute; + top: -10000px; + left: -10000px; + width: 1000px; + height: 1000px; +} diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/qunit-1.12.0.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/qunit-1.12.0.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84c73907de --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/qunit-1.12.0.js @@ -0,0 +1,2212 @@ +/** + * QUnit v1.12.0 - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework + * + * http://qunitjs.com + * + * Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors + * Released under the MIT license. + * https://jquery.org/license/ + */ + +(function( window ) { + +var QUnit, + assert, + config, + onErrorFnPrev, + testId = 0, + fileName = (sourceFromStacktrace( 0 ) || "" ).replace(/(:\d+)+\)?/, "").replace(/.+\//, ""), + toString = Object.prototype.toString, + hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, + // Keep a local reference to Date (GH-283) + Date = window.Date, + setTimeout = window.setTimeout, + defined = { + setTimeout: typeof window.setTimeout !== "undefined", + sessionStorage: (function() { + var x = "qunit-test-string"; + try { + sessionStorage.setItem( x, x ); + sessionStorage.removeItem( x ); + return true; + } catch( e ) { + return false; + } + }()) + }, + /** + * Provides a normalized error string, correcting an issue + * with IE 7 (and prior) where Error.prototype.toString is + * not properly implemented + * + * Based on http://es5.github.com/#x15.11.4.4 + * + * @param {String|Error} error + * @return {String} error message + */ + errorString = function( error ) { + var name, message, + errorString = error.toString(); + if ( errorString.substring( 0, 7 ) === "[object" ) { + name = error.name ? error.name.toString() : "Error"; + message = error.message ? error.message.toString() : ""; + if ( name && message ) { + return name + ": " + message; + } else if ( name ) { + return name; + } else if ( message ) { + return message; + } else { + return "Error"; + } + } else { + return errorString; + } + }, + /** + * Makes a clone of an object using only Array or Object as base, + * and copies over the own enumerable properties. + * + * @param {Object} obj + * @return {Object} New object with only the own properties (recursively). + */ + objectValues = function( obj ) { + // Grunt 0.3.x uses an older version of jshint that still has jshint/jshint#392. + /*jshint newcap: false */ + var key, val, + vals = QUnit.is( "array", obj ) ? [] : {}; + for ( key in obj ) { + if ( hasOwn.call( obj, key ) ) { + val = obj[key]; + vals[key] = val === Object(val) ? objectValues(val) : val; + } + } + return vals; + }; + +function Test( settings ) { + extend( this, settings ); + this.assertions = []; + this.testNumber = ++Test.count; +} + +Test.count = 0; + +Test.prototype = { + init: function() { + var a, b, li, + tests = id( "qunit-tests" ); + + if ( tests ) { + b = document.createElement( "strong" ); + b.innerHTML = this.nameHtml; + + // `a` initialized at top of scope + a = document.createElement( "a" ); + a.innerHTML = "Rerun"; + a.href = QUnit.url({ testNumber: this.testNumber }); + + li = document.createElement( "li" ); + li.appendChild( b ); + li.appendChild( a ); + li.className = "running"; + li.id = this.id = "qunit-test-output" + testId++; + + tests.appendChild( li ); + } + }, + setup: function() { + if ( + // Emit moduleStart when we're switching from one module to another + this.module !== config.previousModule || + // They could be equal (both undefined) but if the previousModule property doesn't + // yet exist it means this is the first test in a suite that isn't wrapped in a + // module, in which case we'll just emit a moduleStart event for 'undefined'. + // Without this, reporters can get testStart before moduleStart which is a problem. + !hasOwn.call( config, "previousModule" ) + ) { + if ( hasOwn.call( config, "previousModule" ) ) { + runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleDone", QUnit, { + name: config.previousModule, + failed: config.moduleStats.bad, + passed: config.moduleStats.all - config.moduleStats.bad, + total: config.moduleStats.all + }); + } + config.previousModule = this.module; + config.moduleStats = { all: 0, bad: 0 }; + runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleStart", QUnit, { + name: this.module + }); + } + + config.current = this; + + this.testEnvironment = extend({ + setup: function() {}, + teardown: function() {} + }, this.moduleTestEnvironment ); + + this.started = +new Date(); + runLoggingCallbacks( "testStart", QUnit, { + name: this.testName, + module: this.module + }); + + /*jshint camelcase:false */ + + + /** + * Expose the current test environment. + * + * @deprecated since 1.12.0: Use QUnit.config.current.testEnvironment instead. + */ + QUnit.current_testEnvironment = this.testEnvironment; + + /*jshint camelcase:true */ + + if ( !config.pollution ) { + saveGlobal(); + } + if ( config.notrycatch ) { + this.testEnvironment.setup.call( this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); + return; + } + try { + this.testEnvironment.setup.call( this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); + } catch( e ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Setup failed on " + this.testName + ": " + ( e.message || e ), extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) ); + } + }, + run: function() { + config.current = this; + + var running = id( "qunit-testresult" ); + + if ( running ) { + running.innerHTML = "Running:
    " + this.nameHtml; + } + + if ( this.async ) { + QUnit.stop(); + } + + this.callbackStarted = +new Date(); + + if ( config.notrycatch ) { + this.callback.call( this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); + this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; + return; + } + + try { + this.callback.call( this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); + this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; + } catch( e ) { + this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; + + QUnit.pushFailure( "Died on test #" + (this.assertions.length + 1) + " " + this.stack + ": " + ( e.message || e ), extractStacktrace( e, 0 ) ); + // else next test will carry the responsibility + saveGlobal(); + + // Restart the tests if they're blocking + if ( config.blocking ) { + QUnit.start(); + } + } + }, + teardown: function() { + config.current = this; + if ( config.notrycatch ) { + if ( typeof this.callbackRuntime === "undefined" ) { + this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; + } + this.testEnvironment.teardown.call( this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); + return; + } else { + try { + this.testEnvironment.teardown.call( this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); + } catch( e ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Teardown failed on " + this.testName + ": " + ( e.message || e ), extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) ); + } + } + checkPollution(); + }, + finish: function() { + config.current = this; + if ( config.requireExpects && this.expected === null ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected number of assertions to be defined, but expect() was not called.", this.stack ); + } else if ( this.expected !== null && this.expected !== this.assertions.length ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected " + this.expected + " assertions, but " + this.assertions.length + " were run", this.stack ); + } else if ( this.expected === null && !this.assertions.length ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected at least one assertion, but none were run - call expect(0) to accept zero assertions.", this.stack ); + } + + var i, assertion, a, b, time, li, ol, + test = this, + good = 0, + bad = 0, + tests = id( "qunit-tests" ); + + this.runtime = +new Date() - this.started; + config.stats.all += this.assertions.length; + config.moduleStats.all += this.assertions.length; + + if ( tests ) { + ol = document.createElement( "ol" ); + ol.className = "qunit-assert-list"; + + for ( i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) { + assertion = this.assertions[i]; + + li = document.createElement( "li" ); + li.className = assertion.result ? "pass" : "fail"; + li.innerHTML = assertion.message || ( assertion.result ? "okay" : "failed" ); + ol.appendChild( li ); + + if ( assertion.result ) { + good++; + } else { + bad++; + config.stats.bad++; + config.moduleStats.bad++; + } + } + + // store result when possible + if ( QUnit.config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage ) { + if ( bad ) { + sessionStorage.setItem( "qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName, bad ); + } else { + sessionStorage.removeItem( "qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName ); + } + } + + if ( bad === 0 ) { + addClass( ol, "qunit-collapsed" ); + } + + // `b` initialized at top of scope + b = document.createElement( "strong" ); + b.innerHTML = this.nameHtml + " (" + bad + ", " + good + ", " + this.assertions.length + ")"; + + addEvent(b, "click", function() { + var next = b.parentNode.lastChild, + collapsed = hasClass( next, "qunit-collapsed" ); + ( collapsed ? removeClass : addClass )( next, "qunit-collapsed" ); + }); + + addEvent(b, "dblclick", function( e ) { + var target = e && e.target ? e.target : window.event.srcElement; + if ( target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "span" || target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "b" ) { + target = target.parentNode; + } + if ( window.location && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "strong" ) { + window.location = QUnit.url({ testNumber: test.testNumber }); + } + }); + + // `time` initialized at top of scope + time = document.createElement( "span" ); + time.className = "runtime"; + time.innerHTML = this.runtime + " ms"; + + // `li` initialized at top of scope + li = id( this.id ); + li.className = bad ? "fail" : "pass"; + li.removeChild( li.firstChild ); + a = li.firstChild; + li.appendChild( b ); + li.appendChild( a ); + li.appendChild( time ); + li.appendChild( ol ); + + } else { + for ( i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) { + if ( !this.assertions[i].result ) { + bad++; + config.stats.bad++; + config.moduleStats.bad++; + } + } + } + + runLoggingCallbacks( "testDone", QUnit, { + name: this.testName, + module: this.module, + failed: bad, + passed: this.assertions.length - bad, + total: this.assertions.length, + duration: this.runtime + }); + + QUnit.reset(); + + config.current = undefined; + }, + + queue: function() { + var bad, + test = this; + + synchronize(function() { + test.init(); + }); + function run() { + // each of these can by async + synchronize(function() { + test.setup(); + }); + synchronize(function() { + test.run(); + }); + synchronize(function() { + test.teardown(); + }); + synchronize(function() { + test.finish(); + }); + } + + // `bad` initialized at top of scope + // defer when previous test run passed, if storage is available + bad = QUnit.config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage && + +sessionStorage.getItem( "qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName ); + + if ( bad ) { + run(); + } else { + synchronize( run, true ); + } + } +}; + +// Root QUnit object. +// `QUnit` initialized at top of scope +QUnit = { + + // call on start of module test to prepend name to all tests + module: function( name, testEnvironment ) { + config.currentModule = name; + config.currentModuleTestEnvironment = testEnvironment; + config.modules[name] = true; + }, + + asyncTest: function( testName, expected, callback ) { + if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { + callback = expected; + expected = null; + } + + QUnit.test( testName, expected, callback, true ); + }, + + test: function( testName, expected, callback, async ) { + var test, + nameHtml = "" + escapeText( testName ) + ""; + + if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { + callback = expected; + expected = null; + } + + if ( config.currentModule ) { + nameHtml = "" + escapeText( config.currentModule ) + ": " + nameHtml; + } + + test = new Test({ + nameHtml: nameHtml, + testName: testName, + expected: expected, + async: async, + callback: callback, + module: config.currentModule, + moduleTestEnvironment: config.currentModuleTestEnvironment, + stack: sourceFromStacktrace( 2 ) + }); + + if ( !validTest( test ) ) { + return; + } + + test.queue(); + }, + + // Specify the number of expected assertions to guarantee that failed test (no assertions are run at all) don't slip through. + expect: function( asserts ) { + if (arguments.length === 1) { + config.current.expected = asserts; + } else { + return config.current.expected; + } + }, + + start: function( count ) { + // QUnit hasn't been initialized yet. + // Note: RequireJS (et al) may delay onLoad + if ( config.semaphore === undefined ) { + QUnit.begin(function() { + // This is triggered at the top of QUnit.load, push start() to the event loop, to allow QUnit.load to finish first + setTimeout(function() { + QUnit.start( count ); + }); + }); + return; + } + + config.semaphore -= count || 1; + // don't start until equal number of stop-calls + if ( config.semaphore > 0 ) { + return; + } + // ignore if start is called more often then stop + if ( config.semaphore < 0 ) { + config.semaphore = 0; + QUnit.pushFailure( "Called start() while already started (QUnit.config.semaphore was 0 already)", null, sourceFromStacktrace(2) ); + return; + } + // A slight delay, to avoid any current callbacks + if ( defined.setTimeout ) { + setTimeout(function() { + if ( config.semaphore > 0 ) { + return; + } + if ( config.timeout ) { + clearTimeout( config.timeout ); + } + + config.blocking = false; + process( true ); + }, 13); + } else { + config.blocking = false; + process( true ); + } + }, + + stop: function( count ) { + config.semaphore += count || 1; + config.blocking = true; + + if ( config.testTimeout && defined.setTimeout ) { + clearTimeout( config.timeout ); + config.timeout = setTimeout(function() { + QUnit.ok( false, "Test timed out" ); + config.semaphore = 1; + QUnit.start(); + }, config.testTimeout ); + } + } +}; + +// `assert` initialized at top of scope +// Assert helpers +// All of these must either call QUnit.push() or manually do: +// - runLoggingCallbacks( "log", .. ); +// - config.current.assertions.push({ .. }); +// We attach it to the QUnit object *after* we expose the public API, +// otherwise `assert` will become a global variable in browsers (#341). +assert = { + /** + * Asserts rough true-ish result. + * @name ok + * @function + * @example ok( "asdfasdf".length > 5, "There must be at least 5 chars" ); + */ + ok: function( result, msg ) { + if ( !config.current ) { + throw new Error( "ok() assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace(2) ); + } + result = !!result; + msg = msg || (result ? "okay" : "failed" ); + + var source, + details = { + module: config.current.module, + name: config.current.testName, + result: result, + message: msg + }; + + msg = "" + escapeText( msg ) + ""; + + if ( !result ) { + source = sourceFromStacktrace( 2 ); + if ( source ) { + details.source = source; + msg += "
    " + escapeText( source ) + "
    "; + } + } + runLoggingCallbacks( "log", QUnit, details ); + config.current.assertions.push({ + result: result, + message: msg + }); + }, + + /** + * Assert that the first two arguments are equal, with an optional message. + * Prints out both actual and expected values. + * @name equal + * @function + * @example equal( format( "Received {0} bytes.", 2), "Received 2 bytes.", "format() replaces {0} with next argument" ); + */ + equal: function( actual, expected, message ) { + /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ + QUnit.push( expected == actual, actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name notEqual + * @function + */ + notEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ + QUnit.push( expected != actual, actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name propEqual + * @function + */ + propEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + actual = objectValues(actual); + expected = objectValues(expected); + QUnit.push( QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name notPropEqual + * @function + */ + notPropEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + actual = objectValues(actual); + expected = objectValues(expected); + QUnit.push( !QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name deepEqual + * @function + */ + deepEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + QUnit.push( QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name notDeepEqual + * @function + */ + notDeepEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + QUnit.push( !QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name strictEqual + * @function + */ + strictEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + QUnit.push( expected === actual, actual, expected, message ); + }, + + /** + * @name notStrictEqual + * @function + */ + notStrictEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { + QUnit.push( expected !== actual, actual, expected, message ); + }, + + "throws": function( block, expected, message ) { + var actual, + expectedOutput = expected, + ok = false; + + // 'expected' is optional + if ( typeof expected === "string" ) { + message = expected; + expected = null; + } + + config.current.ignoreGlobalErrors = true; + try { + block.call( config.current.testEnvironment ); + } catch (e) { + actual = e; + } + config.current.ignoreGlobalErrors = false; + + if ( actual ) { + // we don't want to validate thrown error + if ( !expected ) { + ok = true; + expectedOutput = null; + // expected is a regexp + } else if ( QUnit.objectType( expected ) === "regexp" ) { + ok = expected.test( errorString( actual ) ); + // expected is a constructor + } else if ( actual instanceof expected ) { + ok = true; + // expected is a validation function which returns true is validation passed + } else if ( expected.call( {}, actual ) === true ) { + expectedOutput = null; + ok = true; + } + + QUnit.push( ok, actual, expectedOutput, message ); + } else { + QUnit.pushFailure( message, null, "No exception was thrown." ); + } + } +}; + +/** + * @deprecated since 1.8.0 + * Kept assertion helpers in root for backwards compatibility. + */ +extend( QUnit, assert ); + +/** + * @deprecated since 1.9.0 + * Kept root "raises()" for backwards compatibility. + * (Note that we don't introduce assert.raises). + */ +QUnit.raises = assert[ "throws" ]; + +/** + * @deprecated since 1.0.0, replaced with error pushes since 1.3.0 + * Kept to avoid TypeErrors for undefined methods. + */ +QUnit.equals = function() { + QUnit.push( false, false, false, "QUnit.equals has been deprecated since 2009 (e88049a0), use QUnit.equal instead" ); +}; +QUnit.same = function() { + QUnit.push( false, false, false, "QUnit.same has been deprecated since 2009 (e88049a0), use QUnit.deepEqual instead" ); +}; + +// We want access to the constructor's prototype +(function() { + function F() {} + F.prototype = QUnit; + QUnit = new F(); + // Make F QUnit's constructor so that we can add to the prototype later + QUnit.constructor = F; +}()); + +/** + * Config object: Maintain internal state + * Later exposed as QUnit.config + * `config` initialized at top of scope + */ +config = { + // The queue of tests to run + queue: [], + + // block until document ready + blocking: true, + + // when enabled, show only failing tests + // gets persisted through sessionStorage and can be changed in UI via checkbox + hidepassed: false, + + // by default, run previously failed tests first + // very useful in combination with "Hide passed tests" checked + reorder: true, + + // by default, modify document.title when suite is done + altertitle: true, + + // when enabled, all tests must call expect() + requireExpects: false, + + // add checkboxes that are persisted in the query-string + // when enabled, the id is set to `true` as a `QUnit.config` property + urlConfig: [ + { + id: "noglobals", + label: "Check for Globals", + tooltip: "Enabling this will test if any test introduces new properties on the `window` object. Stored as query-strings." + }, + { + id: "notrycatch", + label: "No try-catch", + tooltip: "Enabling this will run tests outside of a try-catch block. Makes debugging exceptions in IE reasonable. Stored as query-strings." + } + ], + + // Set of all modules. + modules: {}, + + // logging callback queues + begin: [], + done: [], + log: [], + testStart: [], + testDone: [], + moduleStart: [], + moduleDone: [] +}; + +// Export global variables, unless an 'exports' object exists, +// in that case we assume we're in CommonJS (dealt with on the bottom of the script) +if ( typeof exports === "undefined" ) { + extend( window, QUnit.constructor.prototype ); + + // Expose QUnit object + window.QUnit = QUnit; +} + +// Initialize more QUnit.config and QUnit.urlParams +(function() { + var i, + location = window.location || { search: "", protocol: "file:" }, + params = location.search.slice( 1 ).split( "&" ), + length = params.length, + urlParams = {}, + current; + + if ( params[ 0 ] ) { + for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { + current = params[ i ].split( "=" ); + current[ 0 ] = decodeURIComponent( current[ 0 ] ); + // allow just a key to turn on a flag, e.g., test.html?noglobals + current[ 1 ] = current[ 1 ] ? decodeURIComponent( current[ 1 ] ) : true; + urlParams[ current[ 0 ] ] = current[ 1 ]; + } + } + + QUnit.urlParams = urlParams; + + // String search anywhere in moduleName+testName + config.filter = urlParams.filter; + + // Exact match of the module name + config.module = urlParams.module; + + config.testNumber = parseInt( urlParams.testNumber, 10 ) || null; + + // Figure out if we're running the tests from a server or not + QUnit.isLocal = location.protocol === "file:"; +}()); + +// Extend QUnit object, +// these after set here because they should not be exposed as global functions +extend( QUnit, { + assert: assert, + + config: config, + + // Initialize the configuration options + init: function() { + extend( config, { + stats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, + moduleStats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, + started: +new Date(), + updateRate: 1000, + blocking: false, + autostart: true, + autorun: false, + filter: "", + queue: [], + semaphore: 1 + }); + + var tests, banner, result, + qunit = id( "qunit" ); + + if ( qunit ) { + qunit.innerHTML = + "

    " + escapeText( document.title ) + "

    " + + "

    " + + "
    " + + "

    " + + "
      "; + } + + tests = id( "qunit-tests" ); + banner = id( "qunit-banner" ); + result = id( "qunit-testresult" ); + + if ( tests ) { + tests.innerHTML = ""; + } + + if ( banner ) { + banner.className = ""; + } + + if ( result ) { + result.parentNode.removeChild( result ); + } + + if ( tests ) { + result = document.createElement( "p" ); + result.id = "qunit-testresult"; + result.className = "result"; + tests.parentNode.insertBefore( result, tests ); + result.innerHTML = "Running...
       "; + } + }, + + // Resets the test setup. Useful for tests that modify the DOM. + /* + DEPRECATED: Use multiple tests instead of resetting inside a test. + Use testStart or testDone for custom cleanup. + This method will throw an error in 2.0, and will be removed in 2.1 + */ + reset: function() { + var fixture = id( "qunit-fixture" ); + if ( fixture ) { + fixture.innerHTML = config.fixture; + } + }, + + // Trigger an event on an element. + // @example triggerEvent( document.body, "click" ); + triggerEvent: function( elem, type, event ) { + if ( document.createEvent ) { + event = document.createEvent( "MouseEvents" ); + event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); + + elem.dispatchEvent( event ); + } else if ( elem.fireEvent ) { + elem.fireEvent( "on" + type ); + } + }, + + // Safe object type checking + is: function( type, obj ) { + return QUnit.objectType( obj ) === type; + }, + + objectType: function( obj ) { + if ( typeof obj === "undefined" ) { + return "undefined"; + // consider: typeof null === object + } + if ( obj === null ) { + return "null"; + } + + var match = toString.call( obj ).match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/), + type = match && match[1] || ""; + + switch ( type ) { + case "Number": + if ( isNaN(obj) ) { + return "nan"; + } + return "number"; + case "String": + case "Boolean": + case "Array": + case "Date": + case "RegExp": + case "Function": + return type.toLowerCase(); + } + if ( typeof obj === "object" ) { + return "object"; + } + return undefined; + }, + + push: function( result, actual, expected, message ) { + if ( !config.current ) { + throw new Error( "assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace() ); + } + + var output, source, + details = { + module: config.current.module, + name: config.current.testName, + result: result, + message: message, + actual: actual, + expected: expected + }; + + message = escapeText( message ) || ( result ? "okay" : "failed" ); + message = "" + message + ""; + output = message; + + if ( !result ) { + expected = escapeText( QUnit.jsDump.parse(expected) ); + actual = escapeText( QUnit.jsDump.parse(actual) ); + output += ""; + + if ( actual !== expected ) { + output += ""; + output += ""; + } + + source = sourceFromStacktrace(); + + if ( source ) { + details.source = source; + output += ""; + } + + output += "
      " + expected + "
      " + actual + "
      " + QUnit.diff( expected, actual ) + "
      " + escapeText( source ) + "
      "; + } + + runLoggingCallbacks( "log", QUnit, details ); + + config.current.assertions.push({ + result: !!result, + message: output + }); + }, + + pushFailure: function( message, source, actual ) { + if ( !config.current ) { + throw new Error( "pushFailure() assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace(2) ); + } + + var output, + details = { + module: config.current.module, + name: config.current.testName, + result: false, + message: message + }; + + message = escapeText( message ) || "error"; + message = "" + message + ""; + output = message; + + output += ""; + + if ( actual ) { + output += ""; + } + + if ( source ) { + details.source = source; + output += ""; + } + + output += "
      " + escapeText( actual ) + "
      " + escapeText( source ) + "
      "; + + runLoggingCallbacks( "log", QUnit, details ); + + config.current.assertions.push({ + result: false, + message: output + }); + }, + + url: function( params ) { + params = extend( extend( {}, QUnit.urlParams ), params ); + var key, + querystring = "?"; + + for ( key in params ) { + if ( hasOwn.call( params, key ) ) { + querystring += encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + + encodeURIComponent( params[ key ] ) + "&"; + } + } + return window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + + window.location.pathname + querystring.slice( 0, -1 ); + }, + + extend: extend, + id: id, + addEvent: addEvent, + addClass: addClass, + hasClass: hasClass, + removeClass: removeClass + // load, equiv, jsDump, diff: Attached later +}); + +/** + * @deprecated: Created for backwards compatibility with test runner that set the hook function + * into QUnit.{hook}, instead of invoking it and passing the hook function. + * QUnit.constructor is set to the empty F() above so that we can add to it's prototype here. + * Doing this allows us to tell if the following methods have been overwritten on the actual + * QUnit object. + */ +extend( QUnit.constructor.prototype, { + + // Logging callbacks; all receive a single argument with the listed properties + // run test/logs.html for any related changes + begin: registerLoggingCallback( "begin" ), + + // done: { failed, passed, total, runtime } + done: registerLoggingCallback( "done" ), + + // log: { result, actual, expected, message } + log: registerLoggingCallback( "log" ), + + // testStart: { name } + testStart: registerLoggingCallback( "testStart" ), + + // testDone: { name, failed, passed, total, duration } + testDone: registerLoggingCallback( "testDone" ), + + // moduleStart: { name } + moduleStart: registerLoggingCallback( "moduleStart" ), + + // moduleDone: { name, failed, passed, total } + moduleDone: registerLoggingCallback( "moduleDone" ) +}); + +if ( typeof document === "undefined" || document.readyState === "complete" ) { + config.autorun = true; +} + +QUnit.load = function() { + runLoggingCallbacks( "begin", QUnit, {} ); + + // Initialize the config, saving the execution queue + var banner, filter, i, label, len, main, ol, toolbar, userAgent, val, + urlConfigCheckboxesContainer, urlConfigCheckboxes, moduleFilter, + numModules = 0, + moduleNames = [], + moduleFilterHtml = "", + urlConfigHtml = "", + oldconfig = extend( {}, config ); + + QUnit.init(); + extend(config, oldconfig); + + config.blocking = false; + + len = config.urlConfig.length; + + for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { + val = config.urlConfig[i]; + if ( typeof val === "string" ) { + val = { + id: val, + label: val, + tooltip: "[no tooltip available]" + }; + } + config[ val.id ] = QUnit.urlParams[ val.id ]; + urlConfigHtml += ""; + } + for ( i in config.modules ) { + if ( config.modules.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) { + moduleNames.push(i); + } + } + numModules = moduleNames.length; + moduleNames.sort( function( a, b ) { + return a.localeCompare( b ); + }); + moduleFilterHtml += ""; + + // `userAgent` initialized at top of scope + userAgent = id( "qunit-userAgent" ); + if ( userAgent ) { + userAgent.innerHTML = navigator.userAgent; + } + + // `banner` initialized at top of scope + banner = id( "qunit-header" ); + if ( banner ) { + banner.innerHTML = "
      " + banner.innerHTML + " "; + } + + // `toolbar` initialized at top of scope + toolbar = id( "qunit-testrunner-toolbar" ); + if ( toolbar ) { + // `filter` initialized at top of scope + filter = document.createElement( "input" ); + filter.type = "checkbox"; + filter.id = "qunit-filter-pass"; + + addEvent( filter, "click", function() { + var tmp, + ol = document.getElementById( "qunit-tests" ); + + if ( filter.checked ) { + ol.className = ol.className + " hidepass"; + } else { + tmp = " " + ol.className.replace( /[\n\t\r]/g, " " ) + " "; + ol.className = tmp.replace( / hidepass /, " " ); + } + if ( defined.sessionStorage ) { + if (filter.checked) { + sessionStorage.setItem( "qunit-filter-passed-tests", "true" ); + } else { + sessionStorage.removeItem( "qunit-filter-passed-tests" ); + } + } + }); + + if ( config.hidepassed || defined.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem( "qunit-filter-passed-tests" ) ) { + filter.checked = true; + // `ol` initialized at top of scope + ol = document.getElementById( "qunit-tests" ); + ol.className = ol.className + " hidepass"; + } + toolbar.appendChild( filter ); + + // `label` initialized at top of scope + label = document.createElement( "label" ); + label.setAttribute( "for", "qunit-filter-pass" ); + label.setAttribute( "title", "Only show tests and assertions that fail. Stored in sessionStorage." ); + label.innerHTML = "Hide passed tests"; + toolbar.appendChild( label ); + + urlConfigCheckboxesContainer = document.createElement("span"); + urlConfigCheckboxesContainer.innerHTML = urlConfigHtml; + urlConfigCheckboxes = urlConfigCheckboxesContainer.getElementsByTagName("input"); + // For oldIE support: + // * Add handlers to the individual elements instead of the container + // * Use "click" instead of "change" + // * Fallback from event.target to event.srcElement + addEvents( urlConfigCheckboxes, "click", function( event ) { + var params = {}, + target = event.target || event.srcElement; + params[ target.name ] = target.checked ? true : undefined; + window.location = QUnit.url( params ); + }); + toolbar.appendChild( urlConfigCheckboxesContainer ); + + if (numModules > 1) { + moduleFilter = document.createElement( "span" ); + moduleFilter.setAttribute( "id", "qunit-modulefilter-container" ); + moduleFilter.innerHTML = moduleFilterHtml; + addEvent( moduleFilter.lastChild, "change", function() { + var selectBox = moduleFilter.getElementsByTagName("select")[0], + selectedModule = decodeURIComponent(selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex].value); + + window.location = QUnit.url({ + module: ( selectedModule === "" ) ? undefined : selectedModule, + // Remove any existing filters + filter: undefined, + testNumber: undefined + }); + }); + toolbar.appendChild(moduleFilter); + } + } + + // `main` initialized at top of scope + main = id( "qunit-fixture" ); + if ( main ) { + config.fixture = main.innerHTML; + } + + if ( config.autostart ) { + QUnit.start(); + } +}; + +addEvent( window, "load", QUnit.load ); + +// `onErrorFnPrev` initialized at top of scope +// Preserve other handlers +onErrorFnPrev = window.onerror; + +// Cover uncaught exceptions +// Returning true will suppress the default browser handler, +// returning false will let it run. +window.onerror = function ( error, filePath, linerNr ) { + var ret = false; + if ( onErrorFnPrev ) { + ret = onErrorFnPrev( error, filePath, linerNr ); + } + + // Treat return value as window.onerror itself does, + // Only do our handling if not suppressed. + if ( ret !== true ) { + if ( QUnit.config.current ) { + if ( QUnit.config.current.ignoreGlobalErrors ) { + return true; + } + QUnit.pushFailure( error, filePath + ":" + linerNr ); + } else { + QUnit.test( "global failure", extend( function() { + QUnit.pushFailure( error, filePath + ":" + linerNr ); + }, { validTest: validTest } ) ); + } + return false; + } + + return ret; +}; + +function done() { + config.autorun = true; + + // Log the last module results + if ( config.currentModule ) { + runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleDone", QUnit, { + name: config.currentModule, + failed: config.moduleStats.bad, + passed: config.moduleStats.all - config.moduleStats.bad, + total: config.moduleStats.all + }); + } + delete config.previousModule; + + var i, key, + banner = id( "qunit-banner" ), + tests = id( "qunit-tests" ), + runtime = +new Date() - config.started, + passed = config.stats.all - config.stats.bad, + html = [ + "Tests completed in ", + runtime, + " milliseconds.
      ", + "", + passed, + " assertions of ", + config.stats.all, + " passed, ", + config.stats.bad, + " failed." + ].join( "" ); + + if ( banner ) { + banner.className = ( config.stats.bad ? "qunit-fail" : "qunit-pass" ); + } + + if ( tests ) { + id( "qunit-testresult" ).innerHTML = html; + } + + if ( config.altertitle && typeof document !== "undefined" && document.title ) { + // show ✖ for good, ✔ for bad suite result in title + // use escape sequences in case file gets loaded with non-utf-8-charset + document.title = [ + ( config.stats.bad ? "\u2716" : "\u2714" ), + document.title.replace( /^[\u2714\u2716] /i, "" ) + ].join( " " ); + } + + // clear own sessionStorage items if all tests passed + if ( config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage && config.stats.bad === 0 ) { + // `key` & `i` initialized at top of scope + for ( i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++ ) { + key = sessionStorage.key( i++ ); + if ( key.indexOf( "qunit-test-" ) === 0 ) { + sessionStorage.removeItem( key ); + } + } + } + + // scroll back to top to show results + if ( window.scrollTo ) { + window.scrollTo(0, 0); + } + + runLoggingCallbacks( "done", QUnit, { + failed: config.stats.bad, + passed: passed, + total: config.stats.all, + runtime: runtime + }); +} + +/** @return Boolean: true if this test should be ran */ +function validTest( test ) { + var include, + filter = config.filter && config.filter.toLowerCase(), + module = config.module && config.module.toLowerCase(), + fullName = (test.module + ": " + test.testName).toLowerCase(); + + // Internally-generated tests are always valid + if ( test.callback && test.callback.validTest === validTest ) { + delete test.callback.validTest; + return true; + } + + if ( config.testNumber ) { + return test.testNumber === config.testNumber; + } + + if ( module && ( !test.module || test.module.toLowerCase() !== module ) ) { + return false; + } + + if ( !filter ) { + return true; + } + + include = filter.charAt( 0 ) !== "!"; + if ( !include ) { + filter = filter.slice( 1 ); + } + + // If the filter matches, we need to honour include + if ( fullName.indexOf( filter ) !== -1 ) { + return include; + } + + // Otherwise, do the opposite + return !include; +} + +// so far supports only Firefox, Chrome and Opera (buggy), Safari (for real exceptions) +// Later Safari and IE10 are supposed to support error.stack as well +// See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/Stack +function extractStacktrace( e, offset ) { + offset = offset === undefined ? 3 : offset; + + var stack, include, i; + + if ( e.stacktrace ) { + // Opera + return e.stacktrace.split( "\n" )[ offset + 3 ]; + } else if ( e.stack ) { + // Firefox, Chrome + stack = e.stack.split( "\n" ); + if (/^error$/i.test( stack[0] ) ) { + stack.shift(); + } + if ( fileName ) { + include = []; + for ( i = offset; i < stack.length; i++ ) { + if ( stack[ i ].indexOf( fileName ) !== -1 ) { + break; + } + include.push( stack[ i ] ); + } + if ( include.length ) { + return include.join( "\n" ); + } + } + return stack[ offset ]; + } else if ( e.sourceURL ) { + // Safari, PhantomJS + // hopefully one day Safari provides actual stacktraces + // exclude useless self-reference for generated Error objects + if ( /qunit.js$/.test( e.sourceURL ) ) { + return; + } + // for actual exceptions, this is useful + return e.sourceURL + ":" + e.line; + } +} +function sourceFromStacktrace( offset ) { + try { + throw new Error(); + } catch ( e ) { + return extractStacktrace( e, offset ); + } +} + +/** + * Escape text for attribute or text content. + */ +function escapeText( s ) { + if ( !s ) { + return ""; + } + s = s + ""; + // Both single quotes and double quotes (for attributes) + return s.replace( /['"<>&]/g, function( s ) { + switch( s ) { + case "'": + return "'"; + case "\"": + return """; + case "<": + return "<"; + case ">": + return ">"; + case "&": + return "&"; + } + }); +} + +function synchronize( callback, last ) { + config.queue.push( callback ); + + if ( config.autorun && !config.blocking ) { + process( last ); + } +} + +function process( last ) { + function next() { + process( last ); + } + var start = new Date().getTime(); + config.depth = config.depth ? config.depth + 1 : 1; + + while ( config.queue.length && !config.blocking ) { + if ( !defined.setTimeout || config.updateRate <= 0 || ( ( new Date().getTime() - start ) < config.updateRate ) ) { + config.queue.shift()(); + } else { + setTimeout( next, 13 ); + break; + } + } + config.depth--; + if ( last && !config.blocking && !config.queue.length && config.depth === 0 ) { + done(); + } +} + +function saveGlobal() { + config.pollution = []; + + if ( config.noglobals ) { + for ( var key in window ) { + if ( hasOwn.call( window, key ) ) { + // in Opera sometimes DOM element ids show up here, ignore them + if ( /^qunit-test-output/.test( key ) ) { + continue; + } + config.pollution.push( key ); + } + } + } +} + +function checkPollution() { + var newGlobals, + deletedGlobals, + old = config.pollution; + + saveGlobal(); + + newGlobals = diff( config.pollution, old ); + if ( newGlobals.length > 0 ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Introduced global variable(s): " + newGlobals.join(", ") ); + } + + deletedGlobals = diff( old, config.pollution ); + if ( deletedGlobals.length > 0 ) { + QUnit.pushFailure( "Deleted global variable(s): " + deletedGlobals.join(", ") ); + } +} + +// returns a new Array with the elements that are in a but not in b +function diff( a, b ) { + var i, j, + result = a.slice(); + + for ( i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) { + for ( j = 0; j < b.length; j++ ) { + if ( result[i] === b[j] ) { + result.splice( i, 1 ); + i--; + break; + } + } + } + return result; +} + +function extend( a, b ) { + for ( var prop in b ) { + if ( hasOwn.call( b, prop ) ) { + // Avoid "Member not found" error in IE8 caused by messing with window.constructor + if ( !( prop === "constructor" && a === window ) ) { + if ( b[ prop ] === undefined ) { + delete a[ prop ]; + } else { + a[ prop ] = b[ prop ]; + } + } + } + } + + return a; +} + +/** + * @param {HTMLElement} elem + * @param {string} type + * @param {Function} fn + */ +function addEvent( elem, type, fn ) { + // Standards-based browsers + if ( elem.addEventListener ) { + elem.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); + // IE + } else { + elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, fn ); + } +} + +/** + * @param {Array|NodeList} elems + * @param {string} type + * @param {Function} fn + */ +function addEvents( elems, type, fn ) { + var i = elems.length; + while ( i-- ) { + addEvent( elems[i], type, fn ); + } +} + +function hasClass( elem, name ) { + return (" " + elem.className + " ").indexOf(" " + name + " ") > -1; +} + +function addClass( elem, name ) { + if ( !hasClass( elem, name ) ) { + elem.className += (elem.className ? " " : "") + name; + } +} + +function removeClass( elem, name ) { + var set = " " + elem.className + " "; + // Class name may appear multiple times + while ( set.indexOf(" " + name + " ") > -1 ) { + set = set.replace(" " + name + " " , " "); + } + // If possible, trim it for prettiness, but not necessarily + elem.className = typeof set.trim === "function" ? set.trim() : set.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); +} + +function id( name ) { + return !!( typeof document !== "undefined" && document && document.getElementById ) && + document.getElementById( name ); +} + +function registerLoggingCallback( key ) { + return function( callback ) { + config[key].push( callback ); + }; +} + +// Supports deprecated method of completely overwriting logging callbacks +function runLoggingCallbacks( key, scope, args ) { + var i, callbacks; + if ( QUnit.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { + QUnit[ key ].call(scope, args ); + } else { + callbacks = config[ key ]; + for ( i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++ ) { + callbacks[ i ].call( scope, args ); + } + } +} + +// Test for equality any JavaScript type. +// Author: Philippe Rathé +QUnit.equiv = (function() { + + // Call the o related callback with the given arguments. + function bindCallbacks( o, callbacks, args ) { + var prop = QUnit.objectType( o ); + if ( prop ) { + if ( QUnit.objectType( callbacks[ prop ] ) === "function" ) { + return callbacks[ prop ].apply( callbacks, args ); + } else { + return callbacks[ prop ]; // or undefined + } + } + } + + // the real equiv function + var innerEquiv, + // stack to decide between skip/abort functions + callers = [], + // stack to avoiding loops from circular referencing + parents = [], + parentsB = [], + + getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf || function ( obj ) { + /*jshint camelcase:false */ + return obj.__proto__; + }, + callbacks = (function () { + + // for string, boolean, number and null + function useStrictEquality( b, a ) { + /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ + if ( b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor ) { + // to catch short annotation VS 'new' annotation of a + // declaration + // e.g. var i = 1; + // var j = new Number(1); + return a == b; + } else { + return a === b; + } + } + + return { + "string": useStrictEquality, + "boolean": useStrictEquality, + "number": useStrictEquality, + "null": useStrictEquality, + "undefined": useStrictEquality, + + "nan": function( b ) { + return isNaN( b ); + }, + + "date": function( b, a ) { + return QUnit.objectType( b ) === "date" && a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); + }, + + "regexp": function( b, a ) { + return QUnit.objectType( b ) === "regexp" && + // the regex itself + a.source === b.source && + // and its modifiers + a.global === b.global && + // (gmi) ... + a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase && + a.multiline === b.multiline && + a.sticky === b.sticky; + }, + + // - skip when the property is a method of an instance (OOP) + // - abort otherwise, + // initial === would have catch identical references anyway + "function": function() { + var caller = callers[callers.length - 1]; + return caller !== Object && typeof caller !== "undefined"; + }, + + "array": function( b, a ) { + var i, j, len, loop, aCircular, bCircular; + + // b could be an object literal here + if ( QUnit.objectType( b ) !== "array" ) { + return false; + } + + len = a.length; + if ( len !== b.length ) { + // safe and faster + return false; + } + + // track reference to avoid circular references + parents.push( a ); + parentsB.push( b ); + for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { + loop = false; + for ( j = 0; j < parents.length; j++ ) { + aCircular = parents[j] === a[i]; + bCircular = parentsB[j] === b[i]; + if ( aCircular || bCircular ) { + if ( a[i] === b[i] || aCircular && bCircular ) { + loop = true; + } else { + parents.pop(); + parentsB.pop(); + return false; + } + } + } + if ( !loop && !innerEquiv(a[i], b[i]) ) { + parents.pop(); + parentsB.pop(); + return false; + } + } + parents.pop(); + parentsB.pop(); + return true; + }, + + "object": function( b, a ) { + /*jshint forin:false */ + var i, j, loop, aCircular, bCircular, + // Default to true + eq = true, + aProperties = [], + bProperties = []; + + // comparing constructors is more strict than using + // instanceof + if ( a.constructor !== b.constructor ) { + // Allow objects with no prototype to be equivalent to + // objects with Object as their constructor. + if ( !(( getProto(a) === null && getProto(b) === Object.prototype ) || + ( getProto(b) === null && getProto(a) === Object.prototype ) ) ) { + return false; + } + } + + // stack constructor before traversing properties + callers.push( a.constructor ); + + // track reference to avoid circular references + parents.push( a ); + parentsB.push( b ); + + // be strict: don't ensure hasOwnProperty and go deep + for ( i in a ) { + loop = false; + for ( j = 0; j < parents.length; j++ ) { + aCircular = parents[j] === a[i]; + bCircular = parentsB[j] === b[i]; + if ( aCircular || bCircular ) { + if ( a[i] === b[i] || aCircular && bCircular ) { + loop = true; + } else { + eq = false; + break; + } + } + } + aProperties.push(i); + if ( !loop && !innerEquiv(a[i], b[i]) ) { + eq = false; + break; + } + } + + parents.pop(); + parentsB.pop(); + callers.pop(); // unstack, we are done + + for ( i in b ) { + bProperties.push( i ); // collect b's properties + } + + // Ensures identical properties name + return eq && innerEquiv( aProperties.sort(), bProperties.sort() ); + } + }; + }()); + + innerEquiv = function() { // can take multiple arguments + var args = [].slice.apply( arguments ); + if ( args.length < 2 ) { + return true; // end transition + } + + return (function( a, b ) { + if ( a === b ) { + return true; // catch the most you can + } else if ( a === null || b === null || typeof a === "undefined" || + typeof b === "undefined" || + QUnit.objectType(a) !== QUnit.objectType(b) ) { + return false; // don't lose time with error prone cases + } else { + return bindCallbacks(a, callbacks, [ b, a ]); + } + + // apply transition with (1..n) arguments + }( args[0], args[1] ) && innerEquiv.apply( this, args.splice(1, args.length - 1 )) ); + }; + + return innerEquiv; +}()); + +/** + * jsDump Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | + * http://flesler.blogspot.com Licensed under BSD + * (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) Date: 5/15/2008 + * + * @projectDescription Advanced and extensible data dumping for Javascript. + * @version 1.0.0 + * @author Ariel Flesler + * @link {http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/05/jsdump-pretty-dump-of-any-javascript.html} + */ +QUnit.jsDump = (function() { + function quote( str ) { + return "\"" + str.toString().replace( /"/g, "\\\"" ) + "\""; + } + function literal( o ) { + return o + ""; + } + function join( pre, arr, post ) { + var s = jsDump.separator(), + base = jsDump.indent(), + inner = jsDump.indent(1); + if ( arr.join ) { + arr = arr.join( "," + s + inner ); + } + if ( !arr ) { + return pre + post; + } + return [ pre, inner + arr, base + post ].join(s); + } + function array( arr, stack ) { + var i = arr.length, ret = new Array(i); + this.up(); + while ( i-- ) { + ret[i] = this.parse( arr[i] , undefined , stack); + } + this.down(); + return join( "[", ret, "]" ); + } + + var reName = /^function (\w+)/, + jsDump = { + // type is used mostly internally, you can fix a (custom)type in advance + parse: function( obj, type, stack ) { + stack = stack || [ ]; + var inStack, res, + parser = this.parsers[ type || this.typeOf(obj) ]; + + type = typeof parser; + inStack = inArray( obj, stack ); + + if ( inStack !== -1 ) { + return "recursion(" + (inStack - stack.length) + ")"; + } + if ( type === "function" ) { + stack.push( obj ); + res = parser.call( this, obj, stack ); + stack.pop(); + return res; + } + return ( type === "string" ) ? parser : this.parsers.error; + }, + typeOf: function( obj ) { + var type; + if ( obj === null ) { + type = "null"; + } else if ( typeof obj === "undefined" ) { + type = "undefined"; + } else if ( QUnit.is( "regexp", obj) ) { + type = "regexp"; + } else if ( QUnit.is( "date", obj) ) { + type = "date"; + } else if ( QUnit.is( "function", obj) ) { + type = "function"; + } else if ( typeof obj.setInterval !== undefined && typeof obj.document !== "undefined" && typeof obj.nodeType === "undefined" ) { + type = "window"; + } else if ( obj.nodeType === 9 ) { + type = "document"; + } else if ( obj.nodeType ) { + type = "node"; + } else if ( + // native arrays + toString.call( obj ) === "[object Array]" || + // NodeList objects + ( typeof obj.length === "number" && typeof obj.item !== "undefined" && ( obj.length ? obj.item(0) === obj[0] : ( obj.item( 0 ) === null && typeof obj[0] === "undefined" ) ) ) + ) { + type = "array"; + } else if ( obj.constructor === Error.prototype.constructor ) { + type = "error"; + } else { + type = typeof obj; + } + return type; + }, + separator: function() { + return this.multiline ? this.HTML ? "
      " : "\n" : this.HTML ? " " : " "; + }, + // extra can be a number, shortcut for increasing-calling-decreasing + indent: function( extra ) { + if ( !this.multiline ) { + return ""; + } + var chr = this.indentChar; + if ( this.HTML ) { + chr = chr.replace( /\t/g, " " ).replace( / /g, " " ); + } + return new Array( this.depth + ( extra || 0 ) ).join(chr); + }, + up: function( a ) { + this.depth += a || 1; + }, + down: function( a ) { + this.depth -= a || 1; + }, + setParser: function( name, parser ) { + this.parsers[name] = parser; + }, + // The next 3 are exposed so you can use them + quote: quote, + literal: literal, + join: join, + // + depth: 1, + // This is the list of parsers, to modify them, use jsDump.setParser + parsers: { + window: "[Window]", + document: "[Document]", + error: function(error) { + return "Error(\"" + error.message + "\")"; + }, + unknown: "[Unknown]", + "null": "null", + "undefined": "undefined", + "function": function( fn ) { + var ret = "function", + // functions never have name in IE + name = "name" in fn ? fn.name : (reName.exec(fn) || [])[1]; + + if ( name ) { + ret += " " + name; + } + ret += "( "; + + ret = [ ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse( fn, "functionArgs" ), "){" ].join( "" ); + return join( ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse(fn,"functionCode" ), "}" ); + }, + array: array, + nodelist: array, + "arguments": array, + object: function( map, stack ) { + /*jshint forin:false */ + var ret = [ ], keys, key, val, i; + QUnit.jsDump.up(); + keys = []; + for ( key in map ) { + keys.push( key ); + } + keys.sort(); + for ( i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { + key = keys[ i ]; + val = map[ key ]; + ret.push( QUnit.jsDump.parse( key, "key" ) + ": " + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, undefined, stack ) ); + } + QUnit.jsDump.down(); + return join( "{", ret, "}" ); + }, + node: function( node ) { + var len, i, val, + open = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? "<" : "<", + close = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? ">" : ">", + tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), + ret = open + tag, + attrs = node.attributes; + + if ( attrs ) { + for ( i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++ ) { + val = attrs[i].nodeValue; + // IE6 includes all attributes in .attributes, even ones not explicitly set. + // Those have values like undefined, null, 0, false, "" or "inherit". + if ( val && val !== "inherit" ) { + ret += " " + attrs[i].nodeName + "=" + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, "attribute" ); + } + } + } + ret += close; + + // Show content of TextNode or CDATASection + if ( node.nodeType === 3 || node.nodeType === 4 ) { + ret += node.nodeValue; + } + + return ret + open + "/" + tag + close; + }, + // function calls it internally, it's the arguments part of the function + functionArgs: function( fn ) { + var args, + l = fn.length; + + if ( !l ) { + return ""; + } + + args = new Array(l); + while ( l-- ) { + // 97 is 'a' + args[l] = String.fromCharCode(97+l); + } + return " " + args.join( ", " ) + " "; + }, + // object calls it internally, the key part of an item in a map + key: quote, + // function calls it internally, it's the content of the function + functionCode: "[code]", + // node calls it internally, it's an html attribute value + attribute: quote, + string: quote, + date: quote, + regexp: literal, + number: literal, + "boolean": literal + }, + // if true, entities are escaped ( <, >, \t, space and \n ) + HTML: false, + // indentation unit + indentChar: " ", + // if true, items in a collection, are separated by a \n, else just a space. + multiline: true + }; + + return jsDump; +}()); + +// from jquery.js +function inArray( elem, array ) { + if ( array.indexOf ) { + return array.indexOf( elem ); + } + + for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) { + if ( array[ i ] === elem ) { + return i; + } + } + + return -1; +} + +/* + * Javascript Diff Algorithm + * By John Resig (http://ejohn.org/) + * Modified by Chu Alan "sprite" + * + * Released under the MIT license. + * + * More Info: + * http://ejohn.org/projects/javascript-diff-algorithm/ + * + * Usage: QUnit.diff(expected, actual) + * + * QUnit.diff( "the quick brown fox jumped over", "the quick fox jumps over" ) == "the quick brown fox jumped jumps over" + */ +QUnit.diff = (function() { + /*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true */ + function diff( o, n ) { + var i, + ns = {}, + os = {}; + + for ( i = 0; i < n.length; i++ ) { + if ( !hasOwn.call( ns, n[i] ) ) { + ns[ n[i] ] = { + rows: [], + o: null + }; + } + ns[ n[i] ].rows.push( i ); + } + + for ( i = 0; i < o.length; i++ ) { + if ( !hasOwn.call( os, o[i] ) ) { + os[ o[i] ] = { + rows: [], + n: null + }; + } + os[ o[i] ].rows.push( i ); + } + + for ( i in ns ) { + if ( hasOwn.call( ns, i ) ) { + if ( ns[i].rows.length === 1 && hasOwn.call( os, i ) && os[i].rows.length === 1 ) { + n[ ns[i].rows[0] ] = { + text: n[ ns[i].rows[0] ], + row: os[i].rows[0] + }; + o[ os[i].rows[0] ] = { + text: o[ os[i].rows[0] ], + row: ns[i].rows[0] + }; + } + } + } + + for ( i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++ ) { + if ( n[i].text != null && n[ i + 1 ].text == null && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && o[ n[i].row + 1 ].text == null && + n[ i + 1 ] == o[ n[i].row + 1 ] ) { + + n[ i + 1 ] = { + text: n[ i + 1 ], + row: n[i].row + 1 + }; + o[ n[i].row + 1 ] = { + text: o[ n[i].row + 1 ], + row: i + 1 + }; + } + } + + for ( i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { + if ( n[i].text != null && n[ i - 1 ].text == null && n[i].row > 0 && o[ n[i].row - 1 ].text == null && + n[ i - 1 ] == o[ n[i].row - 1 ]) { + + n[ i - 1 ] = { + text: n[ i - 1 ], + row: n[i].row - 1 + }; + o[ n[i].row - 1 ] = { + text: o[ n[i].row - 1 ], + row: i - 1 + }; + } + } + + return { + o: o, + n: n + }; + } + + return function( o, n ) { + o = o.replace( /\s+$/, "" ); + n = n.replace( /\s+$/, "" ); + + var i, pre, + str = "", + out = diff( o === "" ? [] : o.split(/\s+/), n === "" ? [] : n.split(/\s+/) ), + oSpace = o.match(/\s+/g), + nSpace = n.match(/\s+/g); + + if ( oSpace == null ) { + oSpace = [ " " ]; + } + else { + oSpace.push( " " ); + } + + if ( nSpace == null ) { + nSpace = [ " " ]; + } + else { + nSpace.push( " " ); + } + + if ( out.n.length === 0 ) { + for ( i = 0; i < out.o.length; i++ ) { + str += "" + out.o[i] + oSpace[i] + ""; + } + } + else { + if ( out.n[0].text == null ) { + for ( n = 0; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++ ) { + str += "" + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + ""; + } + } + + for ( i = 0; i < out.n.length; i++ ) { + if (out.n[i].text == null) { + str += "" + out.n[i] + nSpace[i] + ""; + } + else { + // `pre` initialized at top of scope + pre = ""; + + for ( n = out.n[i].row + 1; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++ ) { + pre += "" + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + ""; + } + str += " " + out.n[i].text + nSpace[i] + pre; + } + } + } + + return str; + }; +}()); + +// for CommonJS environments, export everything +if ( typeof exports !== "undefined" ) { + extend( exports, QUnit.constructor.prototype ); +} + +// get at whatever the global object is, like window in browsers +}( (function() {return this;}.call()) )); diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/tests.js b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/tests.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8c13b11ca --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/tests/tests.js @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +test("getRootNodes()", function() { + var rootNodes = $('#tree-1').treegrid('getRootNodes'); + ok(rootNodes.length === 2, "Length need to be 2"); + equal($(rootNodes.get(0)).attr('id'), 'node-1', 'Test node 1'); + equal($(rootNodes.get(1)).attr('id'), 'node-2', 'Test node 2'); + var rootNodes2 = $('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getRootNodes'); + equal(rootNodes.length, rootNodes2.length, "Length need to be equal"); +}); + +test("isolated options", function() { + ok($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getSetting', 'initialState') !== $('#tnode-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getSetting', 'initialState'), "need to be not equal"); +}); + +test("treeColumn test", function() { + ok($($('#node-1-1-2').find('td').get(1)).find('.treegrid-expander').length === 0, "0"); + ok($($('#node-1-1-2').find('td').get(0)).find('.treegrid-expander').length === 1, "1"); + ok($($('#tnode-1-1-2').find('td').get(0)).find('.treegrid-expander').length === 0, "0"); + ok($($('#tnode-1-1-2').find('td').get(1)).find('.treegrid-expander').length === 1, "1"); +}); + +test("getNodeId()", function() { + equal($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getNodeId'), 10, "Return 10"); + equal($('#node-1-1-2').treegrid('getNodeId'), 9, "Return 9"); +}); + +test("getParentNodeId()", function() { + equal($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getParentNodeId'), 9, "Return 9"); + equal($('#node-1-1-2').treegrid('getParentNodeId'), 2, "Return 2"); + equal($('#node-1-1-2').treegrid('getParentNodeId'), $('#node-1-1').treegrid('getNodeId'), "Equal id"); +}); + +test("getParentNode()", function() { + equal($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getParentNode').treegrid('getNodeId'), 9, "Return 9"); + equal($('#node-1').treegrid('getParentNode'), null, "Return null"); +}); + +test("getChildNodes()", function() { + equal($('#node-1').treegrid('getChildNodes').length, 5, "Return 5"); + equal($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getChildNodes').length, [], "Return []"); +}); + +test("getDepth()", function() { + equal($('#node-1').treegrid('getDepth'), 0, "Return 0"); + equal($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getDepth'), 3, "Return 3"); +}); + +test("isLeaf()", function() { + ok($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('isLeaf') === true, "true"); + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isLeaf') === false, "false"); +}); + +test("isLast()", function() { + //Test root nodes + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isLast') === false, "Not Last!"); + ok($('#node-2').treegrid('isLast') === true, "Last!"); + //Test nodes with branch + ok($('#node-1-4').treegrid('isLast') === false, "Not Last test!"); + ok($('#node-1-5').treegrid('isLast') === true, "Last test!"); + ok($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('isLast') === true, "Last test!"); + ok($('#node-1-2').treegrid('isLast') === false, "Not Last test!"); +}); + +test("isFirst()", function() { + //Test root nodes + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isFirst') === true, "First!"); + ok($('#node-2').treegrid('isFirst') === false, "Not first!"); + //Test nodes with branch + ok($('#node-1-1').treegrid('isFirst') === true, "First!"); + ok($('#node-1-4').treegrid('isFirst') === false, "Not first!"); + ok($('#node-1-1-2-1').treegrid('isFirst') === true, "First!"); + ok($('#node-1-2').treegrid('isFirst') === false, "Not First!"); +}); + +test("isRoot()", function() { + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isRoot') === true, "Root test!"); + ok($('#node-1-2').treegrid('isRoot') === false, "Not Root test!"); + ok($('#node-2').treegrid('isRoot') === true, "Other root test!"); +}); + +test("expand(), collapse(), isExpanded(), isCollapsed()", function() { + $('#node-1').treegrid('expand'); + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === true, "Expanded"); + ok($('#node-1').hasClass('treegrid-expanded'), "Expanded class"); + $('#node-1').treegrid('collapse'); + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isCollapsed') === true, "Collapsed"); + ok($('#node-1').hasClass('treegrid-collapsed'), "Collapsed class"); + $('#node-1').find('.treegrid-expander').click(); + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === true, "Expanded after click simulate"); + $('#node-1').treegrid('collapse'); + ok($('#node-1-1').is(':visible') === false, "hidden child node 1-1"); + ok($('#node-1-1-2').is(':visible') === false, "hidden child node 1-1-2"); + ok($('#node-1-1-2-1').is(':visible') === false, "hidden child node 1-1-2-1"); +}); + +test("expandAll()", function() { + $('#tree-1').treegrid('expandAll'); + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === true, "Expanded"); + ok($('#node-1-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === true, "Expanded 1-1"); + ok($('#node-1-1-2').treegrid('isExpanded') === true, "Expanded 1-1-2"); +}); + +test("collapseAll()", function() { + $('#tree-1').treegrid('collapseAll'); + ok($('#node-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === false, "Collapsed"); + ok($('#node-1-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === false, "Collapsed 1-1"); + ok($('#node-1-1-2').treegrid('isExpanded') === false, "Collapsed 1-1-2"); + $('#node-1-1-2').treegrid('expandAll'); + ok($('#node-1-1').treegrid('isExpanded') === true, "Expanded 1-1"); +}); + +test("Save state (cookie method)", function() { + ok($.cookie(saveStateName) !== undefined, "Cookie set"); + $.cookie(saveStateName, '1,5'); + $('#tnode-1').treegrid('restoreState'); + $('#tnode-1-3').treegrid('restoreState'); + ok($('#tnode-1').treegrid('isExpanded'), "tnode-1 expanded"); + ok($('#tnode-1-3').treegrid('isExpanded'), "tnode-1-3 expanded"); + $.cookie(saveStateName, '2'); + $('#tnode-1').treegrid('restoreState'); + $('#tnode-1-3').treegrid('restoreState'); + $('#tnode-1-1').treegrid('restoreState'); + ok($('#tnode-1').treegrid('isCollapsed'), "tnode-1 collapsed"); + ok($('#tnode-1-3').treegrid('isCollapsed'), "tnode-1-3 collpased"); + ok($('#tnode-1-1').treegrid('isExpanded'), "tnode-1-1 expanded"); +}); + +test("Alphanumeric id", function() { + equal($('#anode-1').treegrid('getDepth'), 0, "Return 0"); + equal($('#anode-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getDepth'), 3, "Return 3"); + equal($('#anode-1').treegrid('getChildNodes').length, 4, "Return 4"); + equal($('#anode-1-1-2-1').treegrid('getChildNodes').length, [], "Return []"); +}); + +test("getAllNodes", function() { + equal($('#tree-1').treegrid('getAllNodes').length, 12, "12"); +}); + +test("isNode", function() { + ok($('#tree-head-1').treegrid("isNode") === false, 'Head is not node'); + ok($('#tree-summary-1').treegrid("isNode") === false, 'Summary is not node'); + ok($('#node-1-1').treegrid("isNode") === true, 'Node is node'); +}); + +test("getLast from getAllNodes", function() { + $('#tree-1').treegrid('getAllNodes').each(function() { + if ($(this).treegrid("isLast")) { + ok($.inArray($(this).treegrid('getNodeId'), [11, 7, 9, 10, 6, 8])); + } + }); +}); + +test("getLast from tr.each", function() { + $('#tree-1').find('tr').each(function() { + if ($(this).treegrid("isNode") && $(this).treegrid("isLast")) { + ok($.inArray($(this).treegrid('getNodeId'), [11, 7, 9, 10, 6, 8])); + } + }); +}); + +test("Event collapse/expand", function() { + var count = 0; + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("collapse"); + $('#tree-4').treegrid("getAllNodes").one("collapse", function(event) { + count++; + }); + $('#tree-4').treegrid("getAllNodes").one("expand", function(event) { + count++; + }); + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("expand"); + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("collapse"); + equal(count, 2); +}); + +test("Event change", function() { + var count = 0; + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("collapse"); + var func=function(event) { + count++; + }; + $('#tree-4').treegrid("getAllNodes").on("change", func); + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("expand"); + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("collapse"); + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("expand"); + $('#tree-4').find('#anode-1').treegrid("collapse"); + $('#tree-4').treegrid("getAllNodes").off("change", func); + + equal(count, 4); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/treegrid.jquery.json b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/treegrid.jquery.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bac922ecfd --- /dev/null +++ b/InvenTree/InvenTree/static/treegrid/treegrid.jquery.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "name": "treegrid", + "description": "jquery plugin for showing a HTML table as tree", + "keywords": [ + "treegrid", + "tree", + "grid", + "explorer", + "file", + "table", + "tree", + "ui" + ], + "version": "0.3.0", + "title": "TreeGrid plugin for jQuery", + "author": { + "name": "Pomazan Max" + }, + "maintainers": [ + { + "name": "Pomazan Max" + } + ], + "licenses": [ + { + "type": "MIT", + "url": "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT" + } + ], + "bugs": "https://github.com/maxazan/jquery-treegrid/issues", + "homepage": "http://maxazan.github.io/jquery-treegrid/", + "docs": "http://maxazan.github.io/jquery-treegrid/", + "demo": "http://maxazan.github.io/jquery-treegrid/", + "dependencies": { + "jquery": ">=1.10.0" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/InvenTree/part/templates/part/bom.html b/InvenTree/part/templates/part/bom.html index b35a0f1b5a..21d01d7501 100644 --- a/InvenTree/part/templates/part/bom.html +++ b/InvenTree/part/templates/part/bom.html @@ -50,8 +50,23 @@
      + {% endblock %} +{% block js_load %} +{{ block.super }} + + + + + + + + +{% endblock %} + + {% block js_ready %} {{ block.super }} diff --git a/InvenTree/templates/base.html b/InvenTree/templates/base.html index 1c869a8ca4..ca2ab83f36 100644 --- a/InvenTree/templates/base.html +++ b/InvenTree/templates/base.html @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ + diff --git a/InvenTree/templates/js/bom.html b/InvenTree/templates/js/bom.html index 518df74d61..ceb8977c04 100644 --- a/InvenTree/templates/js/bom.html +++ b/InvenTree/templates/js/bom.html @@ -127,11 +127,10 @@ function loadBomTable(table, options) { */ } - // Part column cols.push( { - field: 'sub_part_detail.full_name', + field: 'sub_part', title: '{% trans "Part" %}', sortable: true, formatter: function(value, row, index, field) { @@ -150,6 +149,7 @@ function loadBomTable(table, options) { } ); + // Part description cols.push( { @@ -236,26 +236,31 @@ function loadBomTable(table, options) { cols.push({ formatter: function(value, row, index, field) { - var bValidate = ""; - var bValid = ""; + if (row.part == options.parent_id) { - var bEdit = ""; - var bDelt = ""; - - var html = "
      "; - - html += bEdit; - html += bDelt; - - if (!row.validated) { - html += bValidate; + var bValidate = ""; + var bValid = ""; + + var bEdit = ""; + var bDelt = ""; + + var html = "
      "; + + html += bEdit; + html += bDelt; + + if (!row.validated) { + html += bValidate; + } else { + html += bValid; + } + + html += "
      "; + + return html; } else { - html += bValid; + return ''; } - - html += "
      "; - - return html; } }); } @@ -274,8 +279,37 @@ function loadBomTable(table, options) { if (options.sub_part_detail) { params.sub_part_detail = true; } + + function requestSubItems(part_pk) { + + inventreeGet( + options.bom_url, + { + part: part_pk, + sub_part_detail: true, + }, + { + success: function(response) { + for (var idx = 0; idx < response.length; idx++) { + response[idx].parentId = part_pk; + } + + table.bootstrapTable('append', response); + }, + error: function() { + console.log('Error requesting BOM for part=' + part_pk); + } + } + ) + } table.bootstrapTable({ + treeEnable: true, + rootParentId: options.parent_id, + idField: 'sub_part', + uniqueId: 'pk', + parentIdField: 'part', + treeShowField: 'sub_part', sortable: true, search: true, rowStyle: function(row, index) { @@ -291,7 +325,36 @@ function loadBomTable(table, options) { return params; }, columns: cols, - url: options.bom_url + url: options.bom_url, + onPostBody: function() { + table.treegrid({ + treeColumn: 0, + onExpand: function() { + } + }); + }, + onLoadSuccess: function() { + + var data = table.bootstrapTable('getData'); + + for (var idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) { + var row = data[idx]; + + // If a row already has a parent ID set, it's already been updated! + if (row.parentId) { + continue; + } + + // Set the parent ID of the top-level rows + row.parentId = options.parent_id; + + table.bootstrapTable('updateRow', idx, row, true); + + if (row.sub_part_detail.assembly) { + requestSubItems(row.sub_part); + } + } + }, }); // In editing mode, attached editables to the appropriate table elements