"""Tasks for automating certain actions and interacting with InvenTree from the CLI.""" import json import os import pathlib import re import sys from invoke import task def apps(): """Returns a list of installed apps.""" return [ 'build', 'common', 'company', 'label', 'order', 'part', 'report', 'stock', 'users', 'plugin', 'InvenTree', ] def localDir(): """Returns the directory of *THIS* file. Used to ensure that the various scripts always run in the correct directory. """ return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def managePyDir(): """Returns the directory of the manage.py file""" return os.path.join(localDir(), 'InvenTree') def managePyPath(): """Return the path of the manage.py file""" return os.path.join(managePyDir(), 'manage.py') def manage(c, cmd, pty: bool = False): """Runs a given command against django's "manage.py" script. Args: c: Command line context. cmd: Django command to run. pty (bool, optional): Run an interactive session. Defaults to False. """ c.run('cd "{path}" && python3 manage.py {cmd}'.format( path=managePyDir(), cmd=cmd ), pty=pty) @task def plugins(c): """Installs all plugins as specified in 'plugins.txt'""" from InvenTree.InvenTree.config import get_plugin_file plugin_file = get_plugin_file() print(f"Installing plugin packages from '{plugin_file}'") # Install the plugins c.run(f"pip3 install --disable-pip-version-check -U -r '{plugin_file}'") @task(post=[plugins]) def install(c): """Installs required python packages""" print("Installing required python packages from 'requirements.txt'") # Install required Python packages with PIP c.run('pip3 install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check -U -r requirements.txt') @task def setup_dev(c): """Sets up everything needed for the dev enviroment""" print("Installing required python packages from 'requirements.txt'") # Install required Python packages with PIP c.run('pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt') # Install pre-commit hook c.run('pre-commit install') # Update all the hooks c.run('pre-commit autoupdate') @task def shell(c): """Open a python shell with access to the InvenTree database models.""" manage(c, 'shell', pty=True) @task def superuser(c): """Create a superuser/admin account for the database.""" manage(c, 'createsuperuser', pty=True) @task def check(c): """Check validity of django codebase""" manage(c, "check") @task def wait(c): """Wait until the database connection is ready""" return manage(c, "wait_for_db") @task(pre=[wait]) def worker(c): """Run the InvenTree background worker process""" manage(c, 'qcluster', pty=True) @task def rebuild_models(c): """Rebuild database models with MPTT structures""" manage(c, "rebuild_models", pty=True) @task def rebuild_thumbnails(c): """Rebuild missing image thumbnails""" manage(c, "rebuild_thumbnails", pty=True) @task def clean_settings(c): """Clean the setting tables of old settings""" manage(c, "clean_settings") @task(help={'mail': 'mail of the user whos MFA should be disabled'}) def remove_mfa(c, mail=''): """Remove MFA for a user""" if not mail: print('You must provide a users mail') manage(c, f"remove_mfa {mail}") @task(post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails]) def migrate(c): """Performs database migrations. This is a critical step if the database schema have been altered! """ print("Running InvenTree database migrations...") print("========================================") manage(c, "makemigrations") manage(c, "migrate --noinput") manage(c, "migrate --run-syncdb") manage(c, "check") print("========================================") print("InvenTree database migrations completed!") @task def static(c): """Copies required static files to the STATIC_ROOT directory, as per Django requirements.""" manage(c, "prerender") manage(c, "collectstatic --no-input") @task def translate_stats(c): """Collect translation stats. The file generated from this is needed for the UI. """ path = os.path.join('InvenTree', 'script', 'translation_stats.py') c.run(f'python3 {path}') @task(post=[translate_stats, static]) def translate(c): """Rebuild translation source files. (Advanced use only!) Note: This command should not be used on a local install, it is performed as part of the InvenTree translation toolchain. """ # Translate applicable .py / .html / .js files manage(c, "makemessages --all -e py,html,js --no-wrap") manage(c, "compilemessages") @task(pre=[install, migrate, static, clean_settings]) def update(c): """Update InvenTree installation. This command should be invoked after source code has been updated, e.g. downloading new code from GitHub. The following tasks are performed, in order: - install - migrate - translate_stats - static - clean_settings """ # Recompile the translation files (.mo) # We do not run 'invoke translate' here, as that will touch the source (.po) files too! manage(c, 'compilemessages', pty=True) @task def style(c): """Run PEP style checks against InvenTree sourcecode""" print("Running PEP style checks...") c.run('flake8 InvenTree') @task def test(c, database=None): """Run unit-tests for InvenTree codebase.""" # Run sanity check on the django install manage(c, 'check') # Run coverage tests manage(c, 'test', pty=True) @task def coverage(c): """Run code-coverage of the InvenTree codebase, using the 'coverage' code-analysis tools. Generates a code coverage report (available in the htmlcov directory) """ # Run sanity check on the django install manage(c, 'check') # Run coverage tests c.run('coverage run {manage} test {apps}'.format( manage=managePyPath(), apps=' '.join(apps()) )) # Generate coverage report c.run('coverage html') def content_excludes(): """Returns a list of content types to exclude from import/export""" excludes = [ "contenttypes", "auth.permission", "authtoken.token", "error_report.error", "admin.logentry", "django_q.schedule", "django_q.task", "django_q.ormq", "users.owner", "exchange.rate", "exchange.exchangebackend", "common.notificationentry", "user_sessions.session", ] output = "" for e in excludes: output += f"--exclude {e} " return output @task(help={'filename': "Output filename (default = 'data.json')", 'overwrite': "Overwrite existing files without asking first (default False)"}) def export_records(c, filename='data.json', overwrite = False): """Export all database records to a file""" # Get an absolute path to the file if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(localDir(), filename) filename = os.path.abspath(filename) print(f"Exporting database records to file '{filename}'") if os.path.exists(filename) and overwrite is False: response = input("Warning: file already exists. Do you want to overwrite? [y/N]: ") response = str(response).strip().lower() if response not in ['y', 'yes']: print("Cancelled export operation") sys.exit(1) tmpfile = f"{filename}.tmp" cmd = f"dumpdata --indent 2 --output '{tmpfile}' {content_excludes()}" # Dump data to temporary file manage(c, cmd, pty=True) print("Running data post-processing step...") # Post-process the file, to remove any "permissions" specified for a user or group with open(tmpfile, "r") as f_in: data = json.loads(f_in.read()) for entry in data: if "model" in entry: # Clear out any permissions specified for a group if entry["model"] == "auth.group": entry["fields"]["permissions"] = [] # Clear out any permissions specified for a user if entry["model"] == "auth.user": entry["fields"]["user_permissions"] = [] # Write the processed data to file with open(filename, "w") as f_out: f_out.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) print("Data export completed. Removing temporary files") os.remove(tmpfile) @task(help={'filename': 'Input filename', 'clear': 'Clear existing data before import'}, post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails]) def import_records(c, filename='data.json', clear=False): """Import database records from a file""" # Get an absolute path to the supplied filename if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(localDir(), filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): print(f"Error: File '{filename}' does not exist") sys.exit(1) if clear: delete_data(c, force=True) print(f"Importing database records from '{filename}'") # Pre-process the data, to remove any "permissions" specified for a user or group tmpfile = f"{filename}.tmp.json" with open(filename, "r") as f_in: data = json.loads(f_in.read()) for entry in data: if "model" in entry: # Clear out any permissions specified for a group if entry["model"] == "auth.group": entry["fields"]["permissions"] = [] # Clear out any permissions specified for a user if entry["model"] == "auth.user": entry["fields"]["user_permissions"] = [] # Write the processed data to the tmp file with open(tmpfile, "w") as f_out: f_out.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) cmd = f"loaddata '{tmpfile}' -i {content_excludes()}" manage(c, cmd, pty=True) print("Data import completed") @task def delete_data(c, force=False): """Delete all database records! Warning: This will REALLY delete all records in the database!! """ print("Deleting all data from InvenTree database...") if force: manage(c, 'flush --noinput') else: manage(c, 'flush') @task(post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails]) def import_fixtures(c): """Import fixture data into the database. This command imports all existing test fixture data into the database. Warning: - Intended for testing / development only! - Running this command may overwrite existing database data!! - Don't say you were not warned... """ fixtures = [ # Build model 'build', # Common models 'settings', # Company model 'company', 'price_breaks', 'supplier_part', # Order model 'order', # Part model 'bom', 'category', 'params', 'part', 'test_templates', # Stock model 'location', 'stock_tests', 'stock', # Users 'users' ] command = 'loaddata ' + ' '.join(fixtures) manage(c, command, pty=True) @task(help={'address': 'Server address:port (default='}) def server(c, address=""): """Launch a (deveopment) server using Django's in-built webserver. Note: This is *not* sufficient for a production installation. """ manage(c, "runserver {address}".format(address=address), pty=True) @task(post=[translate_stats, static, server]) def test_translations(c): """Add a fictional language to test if each component is ready for translations""" import django from django.conf import settings # setup django base_path = os.getcwd() new_base_path = pathlib.Path('InvenTree').absolute() sys.path.append(str(new_base_path)) os.chdir(new_base_path) os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'InvenTree.settings') django.setup() # Add language print("Add dummy language...") print("========================================") manage(c, "makemessages -e py,html,js --no-wrap -l xx") # change translation print("Fill in dummy translations...") print("========================================") file_path = pathlib.Path(settings.LOCALE_PATHS[0], 'xx', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po') new_file_path = str(file_path) + '_new' # complie regex reg = re.compile( r"[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}" + # match any single letter and number # noqa: W504 r"(?![^{\(\<]*[}\)\>])" + # that is not inside curly brackets, brackets or a tag # noqa: W504 r"(? replace regex matches with x in the read in (multi)string file_new.write(f'msgstr "{reg.sub("x", last_string[7:-2])}"\n') last_string = "" # reset (multi)string elif line.startswith('msgid "'): last_string = last_string + line # a new translatable string starts -> start append file_new.write(line) else: if last_string: last_string = last_string + line # a string is beeing read in -> continue appending file_new.write(line) # change out translation files os.rename(file_path, str(file_path) + '_old') os.rename(new_file_path, file_path) # compile languages print("Compile languages ...") print("========================================") manage(c, "compilemessages") # reset cwd os.chdir(base_path) # set env flag os.environ['TEST_TRANSLATIONS'] = 'True' @task def render_js_files(c): """Render templated javascript files (used for static testing).""" manage(c, "test InvenTree.ci_render_js")