version: "3.8" # Docker compose recipe for InvenTree production server, with the following containerized processes # - PostgreSQL as the database backend # - gunicorn as the InvenTree web server # - django-q as the InvenTree background worker process # - nginx as a reverse proxy # - redis as the cache manager # --------------------- # READ BEFORE STARTING! # --------------------- # ----------------------------- # Setting environment variables # ----------------------------- # Shared environment variables should be stored in the .env file # Changes made to this file are reflected across all containers! # # IMPORTANT NOTE: # You should not have to change *anything* within the docker-compose.yml file! # Instead, make any changes in the .env file! # The only *mandatory* change is to set the INVENTREE_EXT_VOLUME variable, # which defines the directory (on your local machine) where persistent data are stored. # ------------------------ # InvenTree Image Versions # ------------------------ # By default, this docker-compose script targets the STABLE version of InvenTree, # image: inventree/inventree:stable # # To run the LATEST (development) version of InvenTree, change the target image to: # image: inventree/inventree:latest # # Alternatively, you could target a specific tagged release version with (for example): # image: inventree/inventree:0.5.3 # # NOTE: If you change the target image, ensure it is the same for the following containers: # - inventree-server # - inventree-worker services: # Database service # Use PostgreSQL as the database backend inventree-db: container_name: inventree-db image: postgres:13 expose: - ${INVENTREE_DB_PORT:-5432}/tcp environment: - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdb - POSTGRES_USER=${INVENTREE_DB_USER:?You must provide the 'INVENTREE_DB_USER' variable in the .env file} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD:?You must provide the 'INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD' variable in the .env file} - POSTGRES_DB=${INVENTREE_DB_NAME:?You must provide the 'INVENTREE_DB_NAME' variable in the .env file} volumes: # Map 'data' volume such that postgres database is stored externally - inventree_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ restart: unless-stopped # redis acts as database cache manager inventree-cache: container_name: inventree-cache image: redis:7.0 depends_on: - inventree-db env_file: - .env expose: - ${INVENTREE_CACHE_PORT:-6379} restart: always # InvenTree web server service # Uses gunicorn as the web server inventree-server: container_name: inventree-server # If you wish to specify a particular InvenTree version, do so here image: inventree/inventree:${INVENTREE_TAG:-stable} expose: - 8000 depends_on: - inventree-db - inventree-cache env_file: - .env volumes: # Data volume must map to /home/inventree/data - inventree_data:/home/inventree/data restart: unless-stopped # Background worker process handles long-running or periodic tasks inventree-worker: container_name: inventree-worker # If you wish to specify a particular InvenTree version, do so here image: inventree/inventree:${INVENTREE_TAG:-stable} command: invoke worker depends_on: - inventree-server env_file: - .env volumes: # Data volume must map to /home/inventree/data - inventree_data:/home/inventree/data restart: unless-stopped # nginx acts as a reverse proxy # static files are served directly by nginx # media files are served by nginx, although authentication is redirected to inventree-server # web requests are redirected to gunicorn # NOTE: You will need to provide a working nginx.conf file! inventree-proxy: container_name: inventree-proxy image: nginx:stable depends_on: - inventree-server env_file: - .env ports: # Default web port is 1337 (can be changed in the .env file) - ${INVENTREE_WEB_PORT:-1337}:80 volumes: # Provide nginx configuration file to the container # Refer to the provided example file as a starting point - ./ # nginx proxy needs access to static and media files - inventree_data:/var/www restart: unless-stopped volumes: # Persistent data, stored external to the container(s) inventree_data: driver: local driver_opts: type: none o: bind # This directory specified where InvenTree data are stored "outside" the docker containers device: ${INVENTREE_EXT_VOLUME:?You must specify the 'INVENTREE_EXT_VOLUME' variable in the .env file!}