# Project site_url: https://inventree.readthedocs.io site_name: InvenTree Documentation site_description: InvenTree - Open Source Inventory Management site_author: InvenTree # Repository repo_url: https://github.com/inventree/inventree repo_name: inventree/inventree # Theme theme: name: material font: text: Roboto custom_dir: _includes/overrides palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: blue accent: light blue toggle: icon: material/toggle-switch name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: blue accent: light blue toggle: icon: material/toggle-switch-off-outline name: Switch to light mode logo: assets/logo.png favicon: assets/favicon.ico icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/github features: - header.autohide - navigation.expand - navigation.footer - navigation.indexes - navigation.instant # - navigation.sections - navigation.tracking - navigation.tabs - navigation.tabs.sticky - navigation.top - search.highlight - toc.autohide - 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Bare Metal: - Introduction: start/install.md - Installer: start/installer.md - Production: start/bare_prod.md - Development: start/bare_dev.md - Serving Files: start/serving_files.md - Data Backup: start/backup.md - Migrating Data: start/migrate.md - Advanced Topics: start/advanced.md - Parts: - Parts: part/part.md - Creating Parts: part/create.md - Part Views: part/views.md - Tracking: part/trackable.md - Parameters: part/parameter.md - Templates: part/template.md - Tests: part/test.md - Pricing: part/pricing.md - Scheduling: part/scheduling.md - Stocktake: part/stocktake.md - Notifications: part/notification.md - Stock: - Stock Items: stock/stock.md - Stock Status: stock/status.md - Stock Tracking: stock/tracking.md - Adjusting Stock: stock/adjust.md - Stock Expiry: stock/expiry.md - Stock Ownership: stock/owner.md - Test Results: stock/test.md - Build: - Build Orders: build/build.md - Build Outputs: build/output.md - Allocating Stock: build/allocate.md - Example Build Order: build/example.md - Bill of Materials: build/bom.md - Importing BOM Data: build/bom_import.md - Exporting BOM Data: build/bom_export.md - Orders: - Companies: order/company.md - Purchase Orders: order/purchase_order.md - Sales Orders: order/sales_order.md - Return Orders: order/return_order.md - Project Codes: order/project_codes.md - Report: - Templates: report/report.md - Report Types: - Test Reports: report/test.md - Build Order: report/build.md - Purchase Order: report/purchase_order.md - Sales Order: report/sales_order.md - Return Order: report/return_order.md - BOM: report/bom.md - Labels: - Custom Labels: report/labels.md - Part Labels: report/labels/part_labels.md - Stock Labels: report/labels/stock_labels.md - Location Labels: report/labels/location_labels.md - Build Labels: report/labels/build_labels.md - Helper Functions: report/helpers.md - Barcodes: report/barcodes.md - Context Variables: report/context_variables.md - Admin: - Global Settings: settings/global.md - User Settings: settings/user.md - Reference Patterns: settings/reference.md - Admin Interface: settings/admin.md - User Permissions: settings/permissions.md - Single Sign on: settings/SSO.md - Multi Factor Authentication: settings/MFA.md - Export Data: settings/export.md - Import Data: settings/import.md - Error Logs: settings/logs.md - Email: settings/email.md - Background Tasks: settings/tasks.md - App: - InvenTree App: app/app.md - Connect: app/connect.md - Navigation: app/navigation.md - Search: app/search.md - Barcodes: app/barcode.md - Parts: app/part.md - Stock: app/stock.md - Purchase Orders: app/po.md - Settings: app/settings.md - Privacy: app/privacy.md - Translation: app/translation.md - Suggestions: app/issues.md - Extend: - InvenTree API: - Overview: api/api.md - Model Metadata: api/metadata.md - Download Data: api/download.md - Bulk Delete: api/bulk_delete.md - Interactive API: api/browse.md - Python Interface: - Overview: api/python/python.md - Currency Support: api/python/currency.md - Examples: api/python/examples.md - Barcodes: - Overview: barcodes/barcodes.md - Internal Barcodes: barcodes/internal.md - External Barcodes: barcodes/external.md - Custom Barcodes: barcodes/custom.md - Plugins: - Overview: extend/plugins.md - Installation: extend/plugins/install.md - Developing a Plugin: extend/how_to_plugin.md - Model Metadata: extend/plugins/metadata.md - Tags: extend/plugins/tags.md - Plugin Mixins: - Action Mixin: extend/plugins/action.md - API Mixin: extend/plugins/api.md - App Mixin: extend/plugins/app.md - Barcode Mixin: extend/plugins/barcode.md - Event Mixin: extend/plugins/event.md - Label Printing Mixin: extend/plugins/label.md - Locate Mixin: extend/plugins/locate.md - Navigation Mixin: extend/plugins/navigation.md - Panel Mixin: extend/plugins/panel.md - Report Mixin: extend/plugins/report.md - Schedule Mixin: extend/plugins/schedule.md - Settings Mixin: extend/plugins/settings.md - URL Mixin: extend/plugins/urls.md - Validation Mixin: extend/plugins/validation.md - Themes: extend/themes.md - Third-Party: extend/integrate.md # Plugins plugins: - include-markdown: opening_tag: "{!" closing_tag: "!}" - search - git-revision-date-localized - mkdocs-simple-hooks: hooks: on_config: "docs.docs.hooks:on_config" - macros: include_dir: docs/_includes # Extensions markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - meta - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.highlight - pymdownx.superfences # - pymdownx.emoji: # emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji # emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg - toc: permalink: true # Global Variables extra: static_folder_source: ./InvenTree/InvenTree/static/ static_folder_local_default: ./inventree_static/ # Site Analytics # See https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/setup/setting-up-site-analytics/ # analytics: # provider: google # property: UA-143467500-1 version: default: stable provider: mike social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: https://github.com/inventree/inventree name: InvenTree on GitHub - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter link: https://twitter.com/inventreedb name: InvenTree on Twitter - icon: fontawesome/brands/docker link: https://hub.docker.com/r/inventree/inventree name: InvenTree on Docker - icon: fontawesome/brands/reddit name: InvenTree on Reddit link: https://reddit.com/r/inventree use_directory_urls: true strict: true