""" Build database model definitions """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from datetime import datetime from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.urls import reverse from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import Sum from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator from markdownx.models import MarkdownxField from mptt.models import MPTTModel, TreeForeignKey from InvenTree.status_codes import BuildStatus from InvenTree.fields import InvenTreeURLField from InvenTree.helpers import decimal2string from stock import models as StockModels from part import models as PartModels class Build(MPTTModel): """ A Build object organises the creation of new parts from the component parts. Attributes: part: The part to be built (from component BOM items) title: Brief title describing the build (required) quantity: Number of units to be built parent: Reference to a Build object for which this Build is required sales_order: References to a SalesOrder object for which this Build is required (e.g. the output of this build will be used to fulfil a sales order) take_from: Location to take stock from to make this build (if blank, can take from anywhere) status: Build status code batch: Batch code transferred to build parts (optional) creation_date: Date the build was created (auto) completion_date: Date the build was completed link: External URL for extra information notes: Text notes """ def __str__(self): return "{q} x {part}".format(q=decimal2string(self.quantity), part=str(self.part.full_name)) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('build-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) def clean(self): """ Validation for Build object. """ super().clean() try: if self.part.trackable: if not self.quantity == int(self.quantity): raise ValidationError({ 'quantity': _("Build quantity must be integer value for trackable parts") }) except PartModels.Part.DoesNotExist: pass title = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Build Title'), blank=False, max_length=100, help_text=_('Brief description of the build') ) parent = TreeForeignKey( 'self', on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, blank=True, null=True, related_name='children', verbose_name=_('Parent Build'), help_text=_('Parent build to which this build is allocated'), ) part = models.ForeignKey( 'part.Part', verbose_name=_('Part'), on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='builds', limit_choices_to={ 'is_template': False, 'assembly': True, 'active': True, 'virtual': False, }, help_text=_('Select part to build'), ) sales_order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.SalesOrder', verbose_name=_('Sales Order Reference'), on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='builds', null=True, blank=True, help_text=_('SalesOrder to which this build is allocated') ) take_from = models.ForeignKey( 'stock.StockLocation', verbose_name=_('Source Location'), on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='sourcing_builds', null=True, blank=True, help_text=_('Select location to take stock from for this build (leave blank to take from any stock location)') ) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField( verbose_name=_('Build Quantity'), default=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(1)], help_text=_('Number of parts to build') ) status = models.PositiveIntegerField( verbose_name=_('Build Status'), default=BuildStatus.PENDING, choices=BuildStatus.items(), validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], help_text=_('Build status code') ) batch = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Batch Code'), max_length=100, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Batch code for this build output') ) creation_date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False) completion_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) completed_by = models.ForeignKey( User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='builds_completed' ) link = InvenTreeURLField( verbose_name=_('External Link'), blank=True, help_text=_('Link to external URL') ) notes = MarkdownxField( verbose_name=_('Notes'), blank=True, help_text=_('Extra build notes') ) @property def output_count(self): return self.build_outputs.count() @transaction.atomic def cancelBuild(self, user): """ Mark the Build as CANCELLED - Delete any pending BuildItem objects (but do not remove items from stock) - Set build status to CANCELLED - Save the Build object """ for item in self.allocated_stock.all(): item.delete() # Date of 'completion' is the date the build was cancelled self.completion_date = datetime.now().date() self.completed_by = user self.status = BuildStatus.CANCELLED self.save() def getAutoAllocations(self): """ Return a list of parts which will be allocated using the 'AutoAllocate' function. For each item in the BOM for the attached Part: - If there is a single StockItem, use that StockItem - Take as many parts as available (up to the quantity required for the BOM) - If there are multiple StockItems available, ignore (leave up to the user) Returns: A list object containing the StockItem objects to be allocated (and the quantities) """ allocations = [] for item in self.part.bom_items.all().prefetch_related('sub_part'): # How many parts required for this build? q_required = item.quantity * self.quantity # Grab a list of StockItem objects which are "in stock" stock = StockModels.StockItem.objects.filter(StockModels.StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER) # Filter by part reference stock = stock.filter(part=item.sub_part) # Ensure that the available stock items are in the correct location if self.take_from is not None: # Filter for stock that is located downstream of the designated location stock = stock.filter(location__in=[loc for loc in self.take_from.getUniqueChildren()]) # Only one StockItem to choose from? Default to that one! if len(stock) == 1: stock_item = stock[0] # Check that we have not already allocated this stock-item against this build build_items = BuildItem.objects.filter(build=self, stock_item=stock_item) if len(build_items) > 0: continue # Are there any parts available? if stock_item.quantity > 0: # Only take as many as are available if stock_item.quantity < q_required: q_required = stock_item.quantity allocation = { 'stock_item': stock_item, 'quantity': q_required, } allocations.append(allocation) return allocations @transaction.atomic def unallocateStock(self): """ Deletes all stock allocations for this build. """ BuildItem.objects.filter(build=self.id).delete() @transaction.atomic def autoAllocate(self): """ Run auto-allocation routine to allocate StockItems to this Build. Returns a list of dict objects with keys like: { 'stock_item': item, 'quantity': quantity, } See: getAutoAllocations() """ allocations = self.getAutoAllocations() for item in allocations: # Create a new allocation build_item = BuildItem( build=self, stock_item=item['stock_item'], quantity=item['quantity']) build_item.save() @transaction.atomic def completeBuild(self, location, serial_numbers, user): """ Mark the Build as COMPLETE - Takes allocated items from stock - Delete pending BuildItem objects """ # Complete the build allocation for each BuildItem for build_item in self.allocated_stock.all().prefetch_related('stock_item'): build_item.complete_allocation(user) # Check that the stock-item has been assigned to this build, and remove the builditem from the database if build_item.stock_item.build_order == self: build_item.delete() notes = 'Built {q} on {now}'.format( q=self.quantity, now=str(datetime.now().date()) ) # Generate the build outputs if self.part.trackable and serial_numbers: # Add new serial numbers for serial in serial_numbers: item = StockModels.StockItem.objects.create( part=self.part, build=self, location=location, quantity=1, serial=serial, batch=str(self.batch) if self.batch else '', notes=notes ) item.save() else: # Add stock of the newly created item item = StockModels.StockItem.objects.create( part=self.part, build=self, location=location, quantity=self.quantity, batch=str(self.batch) if self.batch else '', notes=notes ) item.save() # Finally, mark the build as complete self.completion_date = datetime.now().date() self.completed_by = user self.status = BuildStatus.COMPLETE self.save() return True def isFullyAllocated(self): """ Return True if this build has been fully allocated. """ bom_items = self.part.bom_items.all() for item in bom_items: part = item.sub_part if not self.isPartFullyAllocated(part): return False return True def isPartFullyAllocated(self, part): """ Check if a given Part is fully allocated for this Build """ return self.getAllocatedQuantity(part) >= self.getRequiredQuantity(part) def getRequiredQuantity(self, part): """ Calculate the quantity of required to make this build. """ try: item = PartModels.BomItem.objects.get(part=self.part.id, sub_part=part.id) q = item.quantity except PartModels.BomItem.DoesNotExist: q = 0 return q * self.quantity def getAllocatedQuantity(self, part): """ Calculate the total number of currently allocated to this build """ allocated = BuildItem.objects.filter(build=self.id, stock_item__part=part.id).aggregate(q=Coalesce(Sum('quantity'), 0)) return allocated['q'] def getUnallocatedQuantity(self, part): """ Calculate the quantity of which still needs to be allocated to this build. Args: Part - the part to be tested Returns: The remaining allocated quantity """ return max(self.getRequiredQuantity(part) - self.getAllocatedQuantity(part), 0) @property def required_parts(self): """ Returns a dict of parts required to build this part (BOM) """ parts = [] for item in self.part.bom_items.all().prefetch_related('sub_part'): part = { 'part': item.sub_part, 'per_build': item.quantity, 'quantity': item.quantity * self.quantity, 'allocated': self.getAllocatedQuantity(item.sub_part) } parts.append(part) return parts @property def can_build(self): """ Return true if there are enough parts to supply build """ for item in self.required_parts: if item['part'].total_stock < item['quantity']: return False return True @property def is_active(self): """ Is this build active? An active build is either: - PENDING - HOLDING """ return self.status in BuildStatus.ACTIVE_CODES @property def is_complete(self): """ Returns True if the build status is COMPLETE """ return self.status == BuildStatus.COMPLETE class BuildItem(models.Model): """ A BuildItem links multiple StockItem objects to a Build. These are used to allocate part stock to a build. Once the Build is completed, the parts are removed from stock and the BuildItemAllocation objects are removed. Attributes: build: Link to a Build object stock_item: Link to a StockItem object quantity: Number of units allocated """ def get_absolute_url(self): # TODO - Fix! return '/build/item/{pk}/'.format(pk=self.id) # return reverse('build-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) class Meta: unique_together = [ ('build', 'stock_item'), ] def clean(self): """ Check validity of the BuildItem model. The following checks are performed: - StockItem.part must be in the BOM of the Part object referenced by Build - Allocation quantity cannot exceed available quantity """ super(BuildItem, self).clean() errors = {} try: if self.stock_item.part not in self.build.part.required_parts(): errors['stock_item'] = [_("Selected stock item not found in BOM for part '{p}'".format(p=self.build.part.full_name))] if self.quantity > self.stock_item.quantity: errors['quantity'] = [_("Allocated quantity ({n}) must not exceed available quantity ({q})".format( n=self.quantity, q=self.stock_item.quantity ))] if self.stock_item.quantity - self.stock_item.allocation_count() + self.quantity < self.quantity: errors['quantity'] = _('StockItem is over-allocated') if self.quantity <= 0: errors['quantity'] = _('Allocation quantity must be greater than zero') if self.stock_item.serial and not self.quantity == 1: errors['quantity'] = _('Quantity must be 1 for serialized stock') except (StockModels.StockItem.DoesNotExist, PartModels.Part.DoesNotExist): pass if len(errors) > 0: raise ValidationError(errors) def complete_allocation(self, user): item = self.stock_item # Split the allocated stock if there are more available than allocated if item.quantity > self.quantity: item = item.splitStock(self.quantity, None, user) # Update our own reference to the new item self.stock_item = item self.save() # TODO - If the item__part object is not trackable, delete the stock item here item.build_order = self.build item.save() build = models.ForeignKey( Build, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='allocated_stock', help_text=_('Build to allocate parts') ) stock_item = models.ForeignKey( 'stock.StockItem', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='allocations', help_text=_('Stock Item to allocate to build'), limit_choices_to={ 'build_order': None, 'sales_order': None, 'belongs_to': None, } ) quantity = models.DecimalField( decimal_places=5, max_digits=15, default=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], help_text=_('Stock quantity to allocate to build') )