""" Part database model definitions """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.urls import reverse from django.conf import settings from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import Sum from django.db.models import prefetch_related_objects from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete from django.dispatch import receiver from markdownx.models import MarkdownxField from django_cleanup import cleanup from mptt.models import TreeForeignKey from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import hashlib from InvenTree import helpers from InvenTree import validators from InvenTree.models import InvenTreeTree from InvenTree.fields import InvenTreeURLField from InvenTree.helpers import decimal2string from InvenTree.status_codes import BuildStatus, StockStatus, OrderStatus from company.models import SupplierPart class PartCategory(InvenTreeTree): """ PartCategory provides hierarchical organization of Part objects. Attributes: name: Name of this category parent: Parent category default_location: Default storage location for parts in this category or child categories default_keywords: Default keywords for parts created in this category """ default_location = TreeForeignKey( 'stock.StockLocation', related_name="default_categories", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text=_('Default location for parts in this category') ) default_keywords = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=250, help_text=_('Default keywords for parts in this category')) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('category-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) class Meta: verbose_name = "Part Category" verbose_name_plural = "Part Categories" def get_parts(self, cascade=True): """ Return a queryset for all parts under this category. args: cascade - If True, also look under subcategories (default = True) """ if cascade: """ Select any parts which exist in this category or any child categories """ query = Part.objects.filter(category__in=self.getUniqueChildren(include_self=True)) else: query = Part.objects.filter(category=self.pk) return query @property def item_count(self): return self.partcount() def partcount(self, cascade=True, active=False): """ Return the total part count under this category (including children of child categories) """ query = self.get_parts(cascade=cascade) if active: query = query.filter(active=True) return query.count() @property def has_parts(self): """ True if there are any parts in this category """ return self.partcount() > 0 @receiver(pre_delete, sender=PartCategory, dispatch_uid='partcategory_delete_log') def before_delete_part_category(sender, instance, using, **kwargs): """ Receives before_delete signal for PartCategory object Before deleting, update child Part and PartCategory objects: - For each child category, set the parent to the parent of *this* category - For each part, set the 'category' to the parent of *this* category """ # Update each part in this category to point to the parent category for part in instance.parts.all(): part.category = instance.parent part.save() # Update each child category for child in instance.children.all(): child.parent = instance.parent child.save() def rename_part_image(instance, filename): """ Function for renaming a part image file Args: instance: Instance of a Part object filename: Name of original uploaded file Returns: Cleaned filename in format part__img """ base = 'part_images' fname = os.path.basename(filename) return os.path.join(base, fname) def match_part_names(match, threshold=80, reverse=True, compare_length=False): """ Return a list of parts whose name matches the search term using fuzzy search. Args: match: Term to match against threshold: Match percentage that must be exceeded (default = 65) reverse: Ordering for search results (default = True - highest match is first) compare_length: Include string length checks Returns: A sorted dict where each element contains the following key:value pairs: - 'part' : The matched part - 'ratio' : The matched ratio """ match = str(match).strip().lower() if len(match) == 0: return [] parts = Part.objects.all() matches = [] for part in parts: compare = str(part.name).strip().lower() if len(compare) == 0: continue ratio = fuzz.partial_token_sort_ratio(compare, match) if compare_length: # Also employ primitive length comparison # TODO - Improve this somewhat... l_min = min(len(match), len(compare)) l_max = max(len(match), len(compare)) ratio *= (l_min / l_max) if ratio >= threshold: matches.append({ 'part': part, 'ratio': ratio }) matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda item: item['ratio'], reverse=reverse) return matches @cleanup.ignore class Part(models.Model): """ The Part object represents an abstract part, the 'concept' of an actual entity. An actual physical instance of a Part is a StockItem which is treated separately. Parts can be used to create other parts (as part of a Bill of Materials or BOM). Attributes: name: Brief name for this part variant: Optional variant number for this part - Must be unique for the part name category: The PartCategory to which this part belongs description: Longer form description of the part keywords: Optional keywords for improving part search results IPN: Internal part number (optional) revision: Part revision is_template: If True, this part is a 'template' part and cannot be instantiated as a StockItem URL: Link to an external page with more information about this part (e.g. internal Wiki) image: Image of this part default_location: Where the item is normally stored (may be null) default_supplier: The default SupplierPart which should be used to procure and stock this part minimum_stock: Minimum preferred quantity to keep in stock units: Units of measure for this part (default='pcs') salable: Can this part be sold to customers? assembly: Can this part be build from other parts? component: Can this part be used to make other parts? purchaseable: Can this part be purchased from suppliers? trackable: Trackable parts can have unique serial numbers assigned, etc, etc active: Is this part active? Parts are deactivated instead of being deleted virtual: Is this part "virtual"? e.g. a software product or similar notes: Additional notes field for this part """ class Meta: verbose_name = "Part" verbose_name_plural = "Parts" def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overrides the save() function for the Part model. If the part image has been updated, then check if the "old" (previous) image is still used by another part. If not, it is considered "orphaned" and will be deleted. """ if self.pk: previous = Part.objects.get(pk=self.pk) if previous.image and not self.image == previous.image: # Are there any (other) parts which reference the image? n_refs = Part.objects.filter(image=previous.image).exclude(pk=self.pk).count() if n_refs == 0: previous.image.delete(save=False) super().save(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return "{n} - {d}".format(n=self.full_name, d=self.description) @property def full_name(self): """ Format a 'full name' for this Part. - IPN (if not null) - Part name - Part variant (if not null) Elements are joined by the | character """ elements = [] if self.IPN: elements.append(self.IPN) elements.append(self.name) if self.revision: elements.append(self.revision) return ' | '.join(elements) def set_category(self, category): # Ignore if the category is already the same if self.category == category: return self.category = category self.save() def get_absolute_url(self): """ Return the web URL for viewing this part """ return reverse('part-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) def get_image_url(self): """ Return the URL of the image for this part """ if self.image: return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_URL, str(self.image.url)) else: return os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, 'img/blank_image.png') def validate_unique(self, exclude=None): """ Validate that a part is 'unique'. Uniqueness is checked across the following (case insensitive) fields: * Name * IPN * Revision e.g. there can exist multiple parts with the same name, but only if they have a different revision or internal part number. """ super().validate_unique(exclude) # Part name uniqueness should be case insensitive try: parts = Part.objects.exclude(id=self.id).filter( name__iexact=self.name, IPN__iexact=self.IPN, revision__iexact=self.revision) if parts.exists(): msg = _("Part must be unique for name, IPN and revision") raise ValidationError({ "name": msg, "IPN": msg, "revision": msg, }) except Part.DoesNotExist: pass def clean(self): """ Perform cleaning operations for the Part model """ if self.is_template and self.variant_of is not None: raise ValidationError({ 'is_template': _("Part cannot be a template part if it is a variant of another part"), 'variant_of': _("Part cannot be a variant of another part if it is already a template"), }) name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=False, help_text=_('Part name'), validators=[validators.validate_part_name] ) is_template = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text=_('Is this part a template part?')) variant_of = models.ForeignKey('part.Part', related_name='variants', null=True, blank=True, limit_choices_to={ 'is_template': True, 'active': True, }, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text=_('Is this part a variant of another part?')) description = models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=False, help_text=_('Part description')) keywords = models.CharField(max_length=250, blank=True, help_text=_('Part keywords to improve visibility in search results')) category = TreeForeignKey(PartCategory, related_name='parts', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, help_text=_('Part category')) IPN = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, help_text=_('Internal Part Number'), validators=[validators.validate_part_ipn]) revision = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, help_text=_('Part revision or version number')) URL = InvenTreeURLField(blank=True, help_text=_('Link to extenal URL')) image = models.ImageField(upload_to=rename_part_image, max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) default_location = TreeForeignKey('stock.StockLocation', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Where is this item normally stored?'), related_name='default_parts') def get_default_location(self): """ Get the default location for a Part (may be None). If the Part does not specify a default location, look at the Category this part is in. The PartCategory object may also specify a default stock location """ if self.default_location: return self.default_location elif self.category: # Traverse up the category tree until we find a default location cats = self.category.get_ancestors(ascending=True, include_self=True) for cat in cats: if cat.default_location: return cat.default_location # Default case - no default category found return None def get_default_supplier(self): """ Get the default supplier part for this part (may be None). - If the part specifies a default_supplier, return that - If there is only one supplier part available, return that - Else, return None """ if self.default_supplier: return self.default_supplier if self.supplier_count == 1: return self.supplier_parts.first() # Default to None if there are multiple suppliers to choose from return None default_supplier = models.ForeignKey(SupplierPart, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Default supplier part'), related_name='default_parts') minimum_stock = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], help_text=_('Minimum allowed stock level')) units = models.CharField(max_length=20, default="", blank=True, help_text=_('Stock keeping units for this part')) assembly = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='Assembly', help_text=_('Can this part be built from other parts?')) component = models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name='Component', help_text=_('Can this part be used to build other parts?')) trackable = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text=_('Does this part have tracking for unique items?')) purchaseable = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text=_('Can this part be purchased from external suppliers?')) salable = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text=_("Can this part be sold to customers?")) active = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text=_('Is this part active?')) virtual = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text=_('Is this a virtual part, such as a software product or license?')) notes = MarkdownxField(blank=True, help_text=_('Part notes - supports Markdown formatting')) bom_checksum = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, help_text=_('Stored BOM checksum')) bom_checked_by = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='boms_checked') bom_checked_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) def format_barcode(self): """ Return a JSON string for formatting a barcode for this Part object """ return helpers.MakeBarcode( "Part", self.id, reverse('api-part-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}), { 'name': self.name, } ) @property def category_path(self): if self.category: return self.category.pathstring return '' @property def available_stock(self): """ Return the total available stock. - This subtracts stock which is already allocated to builds """ total = self.total_stock total -= self.allocation_count return max(total, 0) @property def quantity_to_order(self): """ Return the quantity needing to be ordered for this part. """ required = -1 * self.net_stock return max(required, 0) @property def net_stock(self): """ Return the 'net' stock. It takes into account: - Stock on hand (total_stock) - Stock on order (on_order) - Stock allocated (allocation_count) This number (unlike 'available_stock') can be negative. """ return self.total_stock - self.allocation_count + self.on_order def isStarredBy(self, user): """ Return True if this part has been starred by a particular user """ try: PartStar.objects.get(part=self, user=user) return True except PartStar.DoesNotExist: return False def need_to_restock(self): """ Return True if this part needs to be restocked (either by purchasing or building). If the allocated_stock exceeds the total_stock, then we need to restock. """ return (self.total_stock + self.on_order - self.allocation_count) < self.minimum_stock @property def can_build(self): """ Return the number of units that can be build with available stock """ # If this part does NOT have a BOM, result is simply the currently available stock if not self.has_bom: return 0 total = None # Calculate the minimum number of parts that can be built using each sub-part for item in self.bom_items.all().prefetch_related('sub_part__stock_items'): stock = item.sub_part.available_stock n = int(stock / item.quantity) if total is None or n < total: total = n return max(total, 0) @property def active_builds(self): """ Return a list of outstanding builds. Builds marked as 'complete' or 'cancelled' are ignored """ return self.builds.filter(status__in=BuildStatus.ACTIVE_CODES) @property def inactive_builds(self): """ Return a list of inactive builds """ return self.builds.exclude(status__in=BuildStatus.ACTIVE_CODES) @property def quantity_being_built(self): """ Return the current number of parts currently being built """ return sum([b.quantity for b in self.active_builds]) @property def build_allocation(self): """ Return list of builds to which this part is allocated """ builds = [] for item in self.used_in.all().prefetch_related('part__builds'): active = item.part.active_builds for build in active: b = {} b['build'] = build b['quantity'] = item.quantity * build.quantity builds.append(b) prefetch_related_objects(builds, 'build_items') return builds @property def allocated_build_count(self): """ Return the total number of this part that are allocated for builds """ return sum([a['quantity'] for a in self.build_allocation]) @property def allocation_count(self): """ Return true if any of this part is allocated: - To another build - To a customer order """ return sum([ self.allocated_build_count, ]) @property def stock_entries(self): """ Return all 'in stock' items. To be in stock: - customer is None - belongs_to is None """ return self.stock_items.filter(customer=None, belongs_to=None) @property def total_stock(self): """ Return the total stock quantity for this part. Part may be stored in multiple locations """ if self.is_template: total = sum([variant.total_stock for variant in self.variants.all()]) else: total = self.stock_entries.filter(status__in=StockStatus.AVAILABLE_CODES).aggregate(total=Sum('quantity'))['total'] if total: return total else: return 0 @property def has_bom(self): return self.bom_count > 0 @property def bom_count(self): """ Return the number of items contained in the BOM for this part """ return self.bom_items.count() @property def used_in_count(self): """ Return the number of part BOMs that this part appears in """ return self.used_in.count() def get_bom_hash(self): """ Return a checksum hash for the BOM for this part. Used to determine if the BOM has changed (and needs to be signed off!) The hash is calculated by hashing each line item in the BOM. returns a string representation of a hash object which can be compared with a stored value """ hash = hashlib.md5(str(self.id).encode()) for item in self.bom_items.all().prefetch_related('sub_part'): hash.update(str(item.get_item_hash()).encode()) return str(hash.digest()) @property def is_bom_valid(self): """ Check if the BOM is 'valid' - if the calculated checksum matches the stored value """ return self.get_bom_hash() == self.bom_checksum @transaction.atomic def validate_bom(self, user): """ Validate the BOM (mark the BOM as validated by the given User. - Calculates and stores the hash for the BOM - Saves the current date and the checking user """ # Validate each line item too for item in self.bom_items.all(): item.validate_hash() self.bom_checksum = self.get_bom_hash() self.bom_checked_by = user self.bom_checked_date = datetime.now().date() self.save() @transaction.atomic def clear_bom(self): """ Clear the BOM items for the part (delete all BOM lines). """ self.bom_items.all().delete() def required_parts(self): """ Return a list of parts required to make this part (list of BOM items) """ parts = [] for bom in self.bom_items.all().select_related('sub_part'): parts.append(bom.sub_part) return parts def get_allowed_bom_items(self): """ Return a list of parts which can be added to a BOM for this part. - Exclude parts which are not 'component' parts - Exclude parts which this part is in the BOM for """ parts = Part.objects.filter(component=True).exclude(id=self.id) parts = parts.exclude(id__in=[part.id for part in self.used_in.all()]) return parts @property def supplier_count(self): """ Return the number of supplier parts available for this part """ return self.supplier_parts.count() @property def has_pricing_info(self): """ Return true if there is pricing information for this part """ return self.get_price_range() is not None @property def has_complete_bom_pricing(self): """ Return true if there is pricing information for each item in the BOM. """ for item in self.bom_items.all().select_related('sub_part'): if not item.sub_part.has_pricing_info: return False return True def get_price_info(self, quantity=1, buy=True, bom=True): """ Return a simplified pricing string for this part Args: quantity: Number of units to calculate price for buy: Include supplier pricing (default = True) bom: Include BOM pricing (default = True) """ price_range = self.get_price_range(quantity, buy, bom) if price_range is None: return None min_price, max_price = price_range if min_price == max_price: return min_price return "{a} - {b}".format(a=min_price, b=max_price) def get_supplier_price_range(self, quantity=1): min_price = None max_price = None for supplier in self.supplier_parts.all(): price = supplier.get_price(quantity) if price is None: continue if min_price is None or price < min_price: min_price = price if max_price is None or price > max_price: max_price = price if min_price is None or max_price is None: return None return (min_price, max_price) def get_bom_price_range(self, quantity=1): """ Return the price range of the BOM for this part. Adds the minimum price for all components in the BOM. Note: If the BOM contains items without pricing information, these items cannot be included in the BOM! """ min_price = None max_price = None for item in self.bom_items.all().select_related('sub_part'): prices = item.sub_part.get_price_range(quantity * item.quantity) if prices is None: continue low, high = prices if min_price is None: min_price = 0 if max_price is None: max_price = 0 min_price += low max_price += high if min_price is None or max_price is None: return None return (min_price, max_price) def get_price_range(self, quantity=1, buy=True, bom=True): """ Return the price range for this part. This price can be either: - Supplier price (if purchased from suppliers) - BOM price (if built from other parts) Returns: Minimum of the supplier price or BOM price. If no pricing available, returns None """ buy_price_range = self.get_supplier_price_range(quantity) if buy else None bom_price_range = self.get_bom_price_range(quantity) if bom else None if buy_price_range is None: return bom_price_range elif bom_price_range is None: return buy_price_range else: return ( min(buy_price_range[0], bom_price_range[0]), max(buy_price_range[1], bom_price_range[1]) ) def deepCopy(self, other, **kwargs): """ Duplicates non-field data from another part. Does not alter the normal fields of this part, but can be used to copy other data linked by ForeignKey refernce. Keyword Args: image: If True, copies Part image (default = True) bom: If True, copies BOM data (default = False) """ # Copy the part image if kwargs.get('image', True): if other.image: # Reference the other image from this Part self.image = other.image # Copy the BOM data if kwargs.get('bom', False): for item in other.bom_items.all(): # Point the item to THIS part. # Set the pk to None so a new entry is created. item.part = self item.pk = None item.save() # Copy the fields that aren't available in the duplicate form self.salable = other.salable self.assembly = other.assembly self.component = other.component self.purchaseable = other.purchaseable self.trackable = other.trackable self.virtual = other.virtual self.save() @property def attachment_count(self): """ Count the number of attachments for this part. If the part is a variant of a template part, include the number of attachments for the template part. """ n = self.attachments.count() if self.variant_of: n += self.variant_of.attachments.count() return n def purchase_orders(self): """ Return a list of purchase orders which reference this part """ orders = [] for part in self.supplier_parts.all().prefetch_related('purchase_order_line_items'): for order in part.purchase_orders(): if order not in orders: orders.append(order) return orders def open_purchase_orders(self): """ Return a list of open purchase orders against this part """ return [order for order in self.purchase_orders() if order.status in OrderStatus.OPEN] def closed_purchase_orders(self): """ Return a list of closed purchase orders against this part """ return [order for order in self.purchase_orders() if order.status not in OrderStatus.OPEN] @property def on_order(self): """ Return the total number of items on order for this part. """ return sum([part.on_order() for part in self.supplier_parts.all().prefetch_related('purchase_order_line_items')]) def get_parameters(self): """ Return all parameters for this part, ordered by name """ return self.parameters.order_by('template__name') def attach_file(instance, filename): """ Function for storing a file for a PartAttachment Args: instance: Instance of a PartAttachment object filename: name of uploaded file Returns: path to store file, format: 'part_file__filename' """ # Construct a path to store a file attachment return os.path.join('part_files', str(instance.part.id), filename) class PartAttachment(models.Model): """ A PartAttachment links a file to a part Parts can have multiple files such as datasheets, etc Attributes: part: Link to a Part object attachment: File comment: String descriptor for the attachment """ part = models.ForeignKey(Part, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='attachments') attachment = models.FileField(upload_to=attach_file, help_text=_('Select file to attach')) comment = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text=_('File comment')) @property def basename(self): return os.path.basename(self.attachment.name) class PartStar(models.Model): """ A PartStar object creates a relationship between a User and a Part. It is used to designate a Part as 'starred' (or favourited) for a given User, so that the user can track a list of their favourite parts. Attributes: part: Link to a Part object user: Link to a User object """ part = models.ForeignKey(Part, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='starred_users') user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='starred_parts') class Meta: unique_together = ['part', 'user'] class PartParameterTemplate(models.Model): """ A PartParameterTemplate provides a template for key:value pairs for extra parameters fields/values to be added to a Part. This allows users to arbitrarily assign data fields to a Part beyond the built-in attributes. Attributes: name: The name (key) of the Parameter [string] units: The units of the Parameter [string] """ def __str__(self): s = str(self.name) if self.units: s += " ({units})".format(units=self.units) return s def validate_unique(self, exclude=None): """ Ensure that PartParameterTemplates cannot be created with the same name. This test should be case-insensitive (which the unique caveat does not cover). """ super().validate_unique(exclude) try: others = PartParameterTemplate.objects.filter(name__iexact=self.name).exclude(pk=self.pk) if others.exists(): msg = _("Parameter template name must be unique") raise ValidationError({"name": msg}) except PartParameterTemplate.DoesNotExist: pass name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text=_('Parameter Name'), unique=True) units = models.CharField(max_length=25, help_text=_('Parameter Units'), blank=True) class PartParameter(models.Model): """ A PartParameter is a specific instance of a PartParameterTemplate. It assigns a particular parameter pair to a part. Attributes: part: Reference to a single Part object template: Reference to a single PartParameterTemplate object data: The data (value) of the Parameter [string] """ def __str__(self): # String representation of a PartParameter (used in the admin interface) return "{part} : {param} = {data}{units}".format( part=str(self.part.full_name), param=str(self.template.name), data=str(self.data), units=str(self.template.units) ) class Meta: # Prevent multiple instances of a parameter for a single part unique_together = ('part', 'template') part = models.ForeignKey(Part, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='parameters', help_text=_('Parent Part')) template = models.ForeignKey(PartParameterTemplate, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='instances', help_text=_('Parameter Template')) data = models.CharField(max_length=500, help_text=_('Parameter Value')) class BomItem(models.Model): """ A BomItem links a part to its component items. A part can have a BOM (bill of materials) which defines which parts are required (and in what quatity) to make it. Attributes: part: Link to the parent part (the part that will be produced) sub_part: Link to the child part (the part that will be consumed) quantity: Number of 'sub_parts' consumed to produce one 'part' reference: BOM reference field (e.g. part designators) overage: Estimated losses for a Build. Can be expressed as absolute value (e.g. '7') or a percentage (e.g. '2%') note: Note field for this BOM item checksum: Validation checksum for the particular BOM line item """ def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('bom-item-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) # A link to the parent part # Each part will get a reverse lookup field 'bom_items' part = models.ForeignKey(Part, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='bom_items', help_text=_('Select parent part'), limit_choices_to={ 'assembly': True, 'is_template': False, }) # A link to the child item (sub-part) # Each part will get a reverse lookup field 'used_in' sub_part = models.ForeignKey(Part, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='used_in', help_text=_('Select part to be used in BOM'), limit_choices_to={ 'component': True, 'is_template': False, }) # Quantity required quantity = models.DecimalField(default=1.0, max_digits=15, decimal_places=5, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], help_text=_('BOM quantity for this BOM item')) overage = models.CharField(max_length=24, blank=True, validators=[validators.validate_overage], help_text=_('Estimated build wastage quantity (absolute or percentage)') ) reference = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True, help_text=_('BOM item reference')) # Note attached to this BOM line item note = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True, help_text=_('BOM item notes')) checksum = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, help_text=_('BOM line checksum')) def get_item_hash(self): """ Calculate the checksum hash of this BOM line item: The hash is calculated from the following fields: - Part.full_name (if the part name changes, the BOM checksum is invalidated) - Quantity - Reference field - Note field """ # Seed the hash with the ID of this BOM item hash = hashlib.md5(str(self.id).encode()) # Update the hash based on line information hash.update(str(self.sub_part.id).encode()) hash.update(str(self.sub_part.full_name).encode()) hash.update(str(self.quantity).encode()) hash.update(str(self.note).encode()) hash.update(str(self.reference).encode()) return str(hash.digest()) def validate_hash(self, valid=True): """ Mark this item as 'valid' (store the checksum hash). Args: valid: If true, validate the hash, otherwise invalidate it (default = True) """ if valid: self.checksum = str(self.get_item_hash()) else: self.checksum = '' self.save() @property def is_line_valid(self): """ Check if this line item has been validated by the user """ # Ensure an empty checksum returns False if len(self.checksum) == 0: return False return self.get_item_hash() == self.checksum def clean(self): """ Check validity of the BomItem model. Performs model checks beyond simple field validation. - A part cannot refer to itself in its BOM - A part cannot refer to a part which refers to it """ # A part cannot refer to itself in its BOM try: if self.sub_part is not None and self.part is not None: if self.part == self.sub_part: raise ValidationError({'sub_part': _('Part cannot be added to its own Bill of Materials')}) # TODO - Make sure that there is no recusion # Test for simple recursion for item in self.sub_part.bom_items.all(): if self.part == item.sub_part: raise ValidationError({'sub_part': _("Part '{p1}' is used in BOM for '{p2}' (recursive)".format(p1=str(self.part), p2=str(self.sub_part)))}) except Part.DoesNotExist: # A blank Part will be caught elsewhere pass class Meta: verbose_name = "BOM Item" # Prevent duplication of parent/child rows unique_together = ('part', 'sub_part') def __str__(self): return "{n} x {child} to make {parent}".format( parent=self.part.full_name, child=self.sub_part.full_name, n=helpers.decimal2string(self.quantity)) def get_overage_quantity(self, quantity): """ Calculate overage quantity """ # Most of the time overage string will be empty if len(self.overage) == 0: return 0 overage = str(self.overage).strip() # Is the overage an integer value? try: ovg = int(overage) if ovg < 0: ovg = 0 return ovg except ValueError: pass # Is the overage a percentage? if overage.endswith('%'): overage = overage[:-1].strip() try: percent = float(overage) / 100.0 if percent > 1: percent = 1 if percent < 0: percent = 0 # Must be represented as a decimal percent = Decimal(percent) return int(percent * quantity) except ValueError: pass # Default = No overage return 0 def get_required_quantity(self, build_quantity): """ Calculate the required part quantity, based on the supplier build_quantity. Includes overage estimate in the returned value. Args: build_quantity: Number of parts to build Returns: Quantity required for this build (including overage) """ # Base quantity requirement base_quantity = self.quantity * build_quantity return base_quantity + self.get_overage_quantity(base_quantity) @property def price_range(self): """ Return the price-range for this BOM item. """ prange = self.sub_part.get_price_range(self.quantity) if prange is None: return prange pmin, pmax = prange if pmin == pmax: return decimal2string(pmin) # Convert to better string representation pmin = decimal2string(pmin) pmax = decimal2string(pmax) return "{pmin} to {pmax}".format(pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax)