# Database backend selection - Configure backend database settings # Ref: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/settings/#std:setting-DATABASES # Specify database parameters below as they appear in the Django docs database: # Example configuration - sqlite (default) ENGINE: django.db.backends.sqlite3 NAME: '../inventree_default_db.sqlite3' # For more complex database installations, further parameters are required # Refer to the django documentation for full list of options # Example Configuration - MySQL #ENGINE: django.db.backends.mysql #NAME: inventree #USER: inventree_username #PASSWORD: inventree_password #HOST: '' #PORT: '' # Select default system language (default is 'en-us') language: en-us # Set debug to False to run in production mode debug: True # Allowed hosts (see ALLOWED_HOSTS in Django settings documentation) # A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. # Default behaviour is to allow all hosts (THIS IS NOT SECURE!) allowed_hosts: - '*' # Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings (see https://github.com/ottoyiu/django-cors-headers) # Following parameters are cors: # CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL - If True, the whitelist will not be used and all origins will be accepted. allow_all: True # CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST - A list of origins that are authorized to make cross-site HTTP requests. Defaults to [] # whitelist: # - https://example.com # - https://sub.example.com # MEDIA_ROOT is the local filesystem location for storing uploaded files # By default, it is stored in a directory named 'inventree_media' local to the InvenTree directory # This should be changed for a production installation media_root: '../inventree_media' # STATIC_ROOT is the local filesystem location for storing static files # By default it is stored in a directory named 'inventree_static' local to the InvenTree directory static_root: '../inventree_static' # Optional URL schemes to allow in URL fields # By default, only the following schemes are allowed: ['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps'] # Uncomment the lines below to allow extra schemes #extra_url_schemes: # - mailto # - git # - ssh # Logging options # If debug mode is enabled, set log_queries to True to show aggregate database queries in the debug console log_queries: False # Backup options # Set the backup_dir parameter to store backup files in a specific location # If unspecified, the local user's temp directory will be used #backup_dir: '/home/inventree/backup/' # Sentry.io integration # If you have a sentry.io account, it can be used to log server errors # Ensure sentry_sdk is installed by running 'pip install sentry-sdk' sentry: enabled: False # dsn: add-your-sentry-dsn-here # LaTeX report rendering # InvenTree uses the django-tex plugin to enable LaTeX report rendering # Ref: https://pypi.org/project/django-tex/ latex: # Select the LaTeX interpreter to use for PDF rendering # Note: The intepreter needs to be installed on the system! # e.g. to install pdflatex: apt-get texlive-latex-base interpreter: pdflatex # Extra options to pass through to the LaTeX interpreter options: ''