# InvenTree environment variables for a postgresql production setup # Location of persistent database data (stored external to the docker containers) # Note: You *must* un-comment this line, and point it to a path on your local machine # e.g. Linux #INVENTREE_EXT_VOLUME=/home/me/inventree-data # e.g. Windows (docker desktop) #INVENTREE_EXT_VOLUME=c:/Users/me/inventree-data # Default web port for the InvenTree server INVENTREE_WEB_PORT=1337 # Ensure debug is false for a production setup INVENTREE_DEBUG=False INVENTREE_LOG_LEVEL=WARNING # InvenTree admin account details # Un-comment (and complete) these lines to auto-create an admin acount #INVENTREE_ADMIN_USER= #INVENTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD= #INVENTREE_ADMIN_EMAIL= # Database configuration options # Note: The example setup is for a PostgreSQL database INVENTREE_DB_ENGINE=postgresql INVENTREE_DB_NAME=inventree INVENTREE_DB_HOST=inventree-db INVENTREE_DB_PORT=5432 # Database credentials - These must be configured before running # Uncomment the lines below, and change from the default values! #INVENTREE_DB_USER=pguser #INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD=pgpassword # Redis cache setup (disabled by default) # Un-comment the following lines to enable Redis cache # Note that you will also have to run docker-compose with the --profile redis command # Refer to settings.py for other cache options #INVENTREE_CACHE_HOST=inventree-cache #INVENTREE_CACHE_PORT=6379 # Options for gunicorn server INVENTREE_GUNICORN_TIMEOUT=90 # Enable custom plugins? INVENTREE_PLUGINS_ENABLED=False # Run migrations automatically? INVENTREE_AUTO_UPDATE=False # Image tag that should be used INVENTREE_TAG=stable COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=inventree-production