[flake8] ignore = # - W293 - blank lines contain whitespace W293, W605, # - E501 - line too long (82 characters) E501, E722, # - C901 - function is too complex C901, # - N802 - function name should be lowercase (In the future, we should conform to this!) N802, # - N806 - variable should be lowercase N806, N812, exclude = .git,__pycache__,*/migrations/*,*/lib/*,*/bin/*,*/media/*,*/static/*,*ci_*.py* max-complexity = 20 [coverage:run] source = ./InvenTree omit = InvenTree/manage.py InvenTree/setup.py InvenTree/InvenTree/middleware.py InvenTree/InvenTree/utils.py InvenTree/InvenTree/wsgi.py InvenTree/users/apps.py