""" Order model definitions """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import Q, F, Sum from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from markdownx.models import MarkdownxField from djmoney.models.fields import MoneyField from users import models as UserModels from part import models as PartModels from stock import models as stock_models from company.models import Company, SupplierPart from InvenTree.fields import RoundingDecimalField from InvenTree.helpers import decimal2string, increment, getSetting from InvenTree.status_codes import PurchaseOrderStatus, SalesOrderStatus, StockStatus from InvenTree.models import InvenTreeAttachment class Order(models.Model): """ Abstract model for an order. Instances of this class: - PuchaseOrder Attributes: reference: Unique order number / reference / code description: Long form description (required) notes: Extra note field (optional) creation_date: Automatic date of order creation created_by: User who created this order (automatically captured) issue_date: Date the order was issued complete_date: Date the order was completed responsible: User (or group) responsible for managing the order """ @classmethod def getNextOrderNumber(cls): """ Try to predict the next order-number """ if cls.objects.count() == 0: return None # We will assume that the latest pk has the highest PO number order = cls.objects.last() ref = order.reference if not ref: return None tries = set() tries.add(ref) while 1: new_ref = increment(ref) if new_ref in tries: # We are in a looping situation - simply return the original one return ref # Check that the new ref does not exist in the database if cls.objects.filter(reference=new_ref).exists(): tries.add(new_ref) new_ref = increment(new_ref) else: break return new_ref def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.creation_date: self.creation_date = datetime.now().date() super().save(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: abstract = True reference = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=64, blank=False, help_text=_('Order reference')) description = models.CharField(max_length=250, help_text=_('Order description')) link = models.URLField(blank=True, help_text=_('Link to external page')) creation_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='+' ) responsible = models.ForeignKey( UserModels.Owner, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('User or group responsible for this order'), verbose_name=_('Responsible'), related_name='+', ) notes = MarkdownxField(blank=True, help_text=_('Order notes')) class PurchaseOrder(Order): """ A PurchaseOrder represents goods shipped inwards from an external supplier. Attributes: supplier: Reference to the company supplying the goods in the order supplier_reference: Optional field for supplier order reference code received_by: User that received the goods target_date: Expected delivery target date for PurchaseOrder completion (optional) """ OVERDUE_FILTER = Q(status__in=PurchaseOrderStatus.OPEN) & ~Q(target_date=None) & Q(target_date__lte=datetime.now().date()) @staticmethod def filterByDate(queryset, min_date, max_date): """ Filter by 'minimum and maximum date range' - Specified as min_date, max_date - Both must be specified for filter to be applied - Determine which "interesting" orders exist bewteen these dates To be "interesting": - A "received" order where the received date lies within the date range - A "pending" order where the target date lies within the date range - TODO: An "overdue" order where the target date is in the past """ date_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' # ISO format date string # Ensure that both dates are valid try: min_date = datetime.strptime(str(min_date), date_fmt).date() max_date = datetime.strptime(str(max_date), date_fmt).date() except (ValueError, TypeError): # Date processing error, return queryset unchanged return queryset # Construct a queryset for "received" orders within the range received = Q(status=PurchaseOrderStatus.COMPLETE) & Q(complete_date__gte=min_date) & Q(complete_date__lte=max_date) # Construct a queryset for "pending" orders within the range pending = Q(status__in=PurchaseOrderStatus.OPEN) & ~Q(target_date=None) & Q(target_date__gte=min_date) & Q(target_date__lte=max_date) # TODO - Construct a queryset for "overdue" orders within the range queryset = queryset.filter(received | pending) return queryset def __str__(self): prefix = getSetting('PURCHASEORDER_REFERENCE_PREFIX') return f"{prefix}{self.reference} - {self.supplier.name}" status = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=PurchaseOrderStatus.PENDING, choices=PurchaseOrderStatus.items(), help_text=_('Purchase order status')) supplier = models.ForeignKey( Company, on_delete=models.CASCADE, limit_choices_to={ 'is_supplier': True, }, related_name='purchase_orders', help_text=_('Company from which the items are being ordered') ) supplier_reference = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, help_text=_("Supplier order reference code")) received_by = models.ForeignKey( User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='+' ) issue_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Issue Date'), help_text=_('Date order was issued') ) target_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Target Delivery Date'), help_text=_('Expected date for order delivery. Order will be overdue after this date.'), ) complete_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Completion Date'), help_text=_('Date order was completed') ) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('po-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) @transaction.atomic def add_line_item(self, supplier_part, quantity, group=True, reference=''): """ Add a new line item to this purchase order. This function will check that: * The supplier part matches the supplier specified for this purchase order * The quantity is greater than zero Args: supplier_part - The supplier_part to add quantity - The number of items to add group - If True, this new quantity will be added to an existing line item for the same supplier_part (if it exists) """ try: quantity = int(quantity) if quantity <= 0: raise ValidationError({ 'quantity': _("Quantity must be greater than zero")}) except ValueError: raise ValidationError({'quantity': _("Invalid quantity provided")}) if not supplier_part.supplier == self.supplier: raise ValidationError({'supplier': _("Part supplier must match PO supplier")}) if group: # Check if there is already a matching line item (for this PO) matches = self.lines.filter(part=supplier_part) if matches.count() > 0: line = matches.first() line.quantity += quantity line.save() return line = PurchaseOrderLineItem( order=self, part=supplier_part, quantity=quantity, reference=reference) line.save() @transaction.atomic def place_order(self): """ Marks the PurchaseOrder as PLACED. Order must be currently PENDING. """ if self.status == PurchaseOrderStatus.PENDING: self.status = PurchaseOrderStatus.PLACED self.issue_date = datetime.now().date() self.save() @transaction.atomic def complete_order(self): """ Marks the PurchaseOrder as COMPLETE. Order must be currently PLACED. """ if self.status == PurchaseOrderStatus.PLACED: self.status = PurchaseOrderStatus.COMPLETE self.complete_date = datetime.now().date() self.save() @property def is_overdue(self): """ Returns True if this PurchaseOrder is "overdue" Makes use of the OVERDUE_FILTER to avoid code duplication. """ query = PurchaseOrder.objects.filter(pk=self.pk) query = query.filter(PurchaseOrder.OVERDUE_FILTER) return query.exists() def can_cancel(self): """ A PurchaseOrder can only be cancelled under the following circumstances: """ return self.status in [ PurchaseOrderStatus.PLACED, PurchaseOrderStatus.PENDING ] def cancel_order(self): """ Marks the PurchaseOrder as CANCELLED. """ if self.can_cancel(): self.status = PurchaseOrderStatus.CANCELLED self.save() def pending_line_items(self): """ Return a list of pending line items for this order. Any line item where 'received' < 'quantity' will be returned. """ return self.lines.filter(quantity__gt=F('received')) @property def is_complete(self): """ Return True if all line items have been received """ return self.pending_line_items().count() == 0 @transaction.atomic def receive_line_item(self, line, location, quantity, user, status=StockStatus.OK): """ Receive a line item (or partial line item) against this PO """ if not self.status == PurchaseOrderStatus.PLACED: raise ValidationError({"status": _("Lines can only be received against an order marked as 'Placed'")}) try: quantity = int(quantity) if quantity <= 0: raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity must be greater than zero")}) except ValueError: raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Invalid quantity provided")}) # Create a new stock item if line.part: stock = stock_models.StockItem( part=line.part.part, supplier_part=line.part, location=location, quantity=quantity, purchase_order=self, status=status ) stock.save() text = _("Received items") note = f"{_('Received')} {quantity} {_('items against order')} {str(self)}" # Add a new transaction note to the newly created stock item stock.addTransactionNote(text, user, note) # Update the number of parts received against the particular line item line.received += quantity line.save() # Has this order been completed? if len(self.pending_line_items()) == 0: self.received_by = user self.complete_order() # This will save the model class SalesOrder(Order): """ A SalesOrder represents a list of goods shipped outwards to a customer. Attributes: customer: Reference to the company receiving the goods in the order customer_reference: Optional field for customer order reference code target_date: Target date for SalesOrder completion (optional) """ OVERDUE_FILTER = Q(status__in=SalesOrderStatus.OPEN) & ~Q(target_date=None) & Q(target_date__lte=datetime.now().date()) @staticmethod def filterByDate(queryset, min_date, max_date): """ Filter by "minimum and maximum date range" - Specified as min_date, max_date - Both must be specified for filter to be applied - Determine which "interesting" orders exist between these dates To be "interesting": - A "completed" order where the completion date lies within the date range - A "pending" order where the target date lies within the date range - TODO: An "overdue" order where the target date is in the past """ date_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' # ISO format date string # Ensure that both dates are valid try: min_date = datetime.strptime(str(min_date), date_fmt).date() max_date = datetime.strptime(str(max_date), date_fmt).date() except (ValueError, TypeError): # Date processing error, return queryset unchanged return queryset # Construct a queryset for "completed" orders within the range completed = Q(status__in=SalesOrderStatus.COMPLETE) & Q(shipment_date__gte=min_date) & Q(shipment_date__lte=max_date) # Construct a queryset for "pending" orders within the range pending = Q(status__in=SalesOrderStatus.OPEN) & ~Q(target_date=None) & Q(target_date__gte=min_date) & Q(target_date__lte=max_date) # TODO: Construct a queryset for "overdue" orders within the range queryset = queryset.filter(completed | pending) return queryset def __str__(self): prefix = getSetting('SALESORDER_REFERENCE_PREFIX') return f"{prefix}{self.reference} - {self.customer.name}" def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('so-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) customer = models.ForeignKey( Company, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, limit_choices_to={'is_customer': True}, related_name='sales_orders', help_text=_("Company to which the items are being sold"), ) status = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=SalesOrderStatus.PENDING, choices=SalesOrderStatus.items(), help_text=_('Purchase order status')) customer_reference = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True, help_text=_("Customer order reference code")) target_date = models.DateField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Target completion date'), help_text=_('Target date for order completion. Order will be overdue after this date.') ) shipment_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) shipped_by = models.ForeignKey( User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='+' ) @property def is_overdue(self): """ Returns true if this SalesOrder is "overdue": Makes use of the OVERDUE_FILTER to avoid code duplication. """ query = SalesOrder.objects.filter(pk=self.pk) query = query.filter(SalesOrder.OVERDUE_FILTER) return query.exists() @property def is_pending(self): return self.status == SalesOrderStatus.PENDING def is_fully_allocated(self): """ Return True if all line items are fully allocated """ for line in self.lines.all(): if not line.is_fully_allocated(): return False return True def is_over_allocated(self): """ Return true if any lines in the order are over-allocated """ for line in self.lines.all(): if line.is_over_allocated(): return True return False @transaction.atomic def ship_order(self, user): """ Mark this order as 'shipped' """ # The order can only be 'shipped' if the current status is PENDING if not self.status == SalesOrderStatus.PENDING: raise ValidationError({'status': _("SalesOrder cannot be shipped as it is not currently pending")}) # Complete the allocation for each allocated StockItem for line in self.lines.all(): for allocation in line.allocations.all(): allocation.complete_allocation(user) # Remove the allocation from the database once it has been 'fulfilled' if allocation.item.sales_order == self: allocation.delete() else: raise ValidationError("Could not complete order - allocation item not fulfilled") # Ensure the order status is marked as "Shipped" self.status = SalesOrderStatus.SHIPPED self.shipment_date = datetime.now().date() self.shipped_by = user self.save() return True def can_cancel(self): """ Return True if this order can be cancelled """ if not self.status == SalesOrderStatus.PENDING: return False return True @transaction.atomic def cancel_order(self): """ Cancel this order (only if it is "pending") - Mark the order as 'cancelled' - Delete any StockItems which have been allocated """ if not self.can_cancel(): return False self.status = SalesOrderStatus.CANCELLED self.save() for line in self.lines.all(): for allocation in line.allocations.all(): allocation.delete() return True class PurchaseOrderAttachment(InvenTreeAttachment): """ Model for storing file attachments against a PurchaseOrder object """ def getSubdir(self): return os.path.join("po_files", str(self.order.id)) order = models.ForeignKey(PurchaseOrder, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="attachments") class SalesOrderAttachment(InvenTreeAttachment): """ Model for storing file attachments against a SalesOrder object """ def getSubdir(self): return os.path.join("so_files", str(self.order.id)) order = models.ForeignKey(SalesOrder, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='attachments') class OrderLineItem(models.Model): """ Abstract model for an order line item Attributes: quantity: Number of items note: Annotation for the item """ class Meta: abstract = True quantity = RoundingDecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=5, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], default=1, help_text=_('Item quantity')) reference = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, help_text=_('Line item reference')) notes = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True, help_text=_('Line item notes')) class PurchaseOrderLineItem(OrderLineItem): """ Model for a purchase order line item. Attributes: order: Reference to a PurchaseOrder object """ class Meta: unique_together = ( ('order', 'part') ) def __str__(self): return "{n} x {part} from {supplier} (for {po})".format( n=decimal2string(self.quantity), part=self.part.SKU if self.part else 'unknown part', supplier=self.order.supplier.name, po=self.order) order = models.ForeignKey( PurchaseOrder, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lines', help_text=_('Purchase Order') ) def get_base_part(self): """ Return the base-part for the line item """ return self.part.part # TODO - Function callback for when the SupplierPart is deleted? part = models.ForeignKey( SupplierPart, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='purchase_order_line_items', help_text=_("Supplier part"), ) received = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=5, max_digits=15, default=0, help_text=_('Number of items received')) purchase_price = MoneyField( max_digits=19, decimal_places=4, default_currency='USD', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Purchase Price'), help_text=_('Unit purchase price'), ) def remaining(self): """ Calculate the number of items remaining to be received """ r = self.quantity - self.received return max(r, 0) class SalesOrderLineItem(OrderLineItem): """ Model for a single LineItem in a SalesOrder Attributes: order: Link to the SalesOrder that this line item belongs to part: Link to a Part object (may be null) """ order = models.ForeignKey(SalesOrder, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lines', help_text=_('Sales Order')) part = models.ForeignKey('part.Part', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='sales_order_line_items', null=True, help_text=_('Part'), limit_choices_to={'salable': True}) class Meta: unique_together = [ ] def fulfilled_quantity(self): """ Return the total stock quantity fulfilled against this line item. """ query = self.order.stock_items.filter(part=self.part).aggregate(fulfilled=Coalesce(Sum('quantity'), Decimal(0))) return query['fulfilled'] def allocated_quantity(self): """ Return the total stock quantity allocated to this LineItem. This is a summation of the quantity of each attached StockItem """ query = self.allocations.aggregate(allocated=Coalesce(Sum('quantity'), Decimal(0))) return query['allocated'] def is_fully_allocated(self): """ Return True if this line item is fully allocated """ if self.order.status == SalesOrderStatus.SHIPPED: return self.fulfilled_quantity() >= self.quantity return self.allocated_quantity() >= self.quantity def is_over_allocated(self): """ Return True if this line item is over allocated """ return self.allocated_quantity() > self.quantity class SalesOrderAllocation(models.Model): """ This model is used to 'allocate' stock items to a SalesOrder. Items that are "allocated" to a SalesOrder are not yet "attached" to the order, but they will be once the order is fulfilled. Attributes: line: SalesOrderLineItem reference item: StockItem reference quantity: Quantity to take from the StockItem """ class Meta: unique_together = [ # Cannot allocate any given StockItem to the same line more than once ('line', 'item'), ] def clean(self): """ Validate the SalesOrderAllocation object: - Cannot allocate stock to a line item without a part reference - The referenced part must match the part associated with the line item - Allocated quantity cannot exceed the quantity of the stock item - Allocation quantity must be "1" if the StockItem is serialized - Allocation quantity cannot be zero """ super().clean() errors = {} try: if not self.item: raise ValidationError({'item': _('Stock item has not been assigned')}) except stock_models.StockItem.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({'item': _('Stock item has not been assigned')}) try: if not self.line.part == self.item.part: errors['item'] = _('Cannot allocate stock item to a line with a different part') except PartModels.Part.DoesNotExist: errors['line'] = _('Cannot allocate stock to a line without a part') if self.quantity > self.item.quantity: errors['quantity'] = _('Allocation quantity cannot exceed stock quantity') # TODO: The logic here needs improving. Do we need to subtract our own amount, or something? if self.item.quantity - self.item.allocation_count() + self.quantity < self.quantity: errors['quantity'] = _('StockItem is over-allocated') if self.quantity <= 0: errors['quantity'] = _('Allocation quantity must be greater than zero') if self.item.serial and not self.quantity == 1: errors['quantity'] = _('Quantity must be 1 for serialized stock item') if len(errors) > 0: raise ValidationError(errors) line = models.ForeignKey(SalesOrderLineItem, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='allocations') item = models.ForeignKey( 'stock.StockItem', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='sales_order_allocations', limit_choices_to={ 'part__salable': True, 'belongs_to': None, 'sales_order': None, }, help_text=_('Select stock item to allocate') ) quantity = RoundingDecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=5, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], default=1, help_text=_('Enter stock allocation quantity')) def get_serial(self): return self.item.serial def get_location(self): return self.item.location.id if self.item.location else None def get_location_path(self): if self.item.location: return self.item.location.pathstring else: return "" def complete_allocation(self, user): """ Complete this allocation (called when the parent SalesOrder is marked as "shipped"): - Determine if the referenced StockItem needs to be "split" (if allocated quantity != stock quantity) - Mark the StockItem as belonging to the Customer (this will remove it from stock) """ order = self.line.order item = self.item.allocateToCustomer( order.customer, quantity=self.quantity, order=order, user=user ) # Update our own reference to the StockItem # (It may have changed if the stock was split) self.item = item self.save()