# The InvenTree dockerfile provides two build targets: # # production: # - Required files are copied into the image # - Runs InvenTree web server under gunicorn # # dev: # - Expects source directories to be loaded as a run-time volume # - Runs InvenTree web server under django development server # - Monitors source files for any changes, and live-reloads server ARG base_image=python:3.11-alpine3.18 FROM ${base_image} AS inventree_base # Build arguments for this image ARG commit_tag="" ARG commit_hash="" ARG commit_date="" ARG data_dir="data" ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ENV PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK 1 ENV INVOKE_RUN_SHELL="/bin/ash" ENV INVENTREE_DOCKER="true" # InvenTree paths ENV INVENTREE_HOME="/home/inventree" ENV INVENTREE_DATA_DIR="${INVENTREE_HOME}/${data_dir}" ENV INVENTREE_STATIC_ROOT="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/static" ENV INVENTREE_MEDIA_ROOT="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/media" ENV INVENTREE_BACKUP_DIR="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/backup" ENV INVENTREE_PLUGIN_DIR="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/plugins" ENV INVENTREE_BACKEND_DIR="${INVENTREE_HOME}/src/backend" # InvenTree configuration files ENV INVENTREE_CONFIG_FILE="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/config.yaml" ENV INVENTREE_SECRET_KEY_FILE="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/secret_key.txt" ENV INVENTREE_PLUGIN_FILE="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/plugins.txt" # Worker configuration (can be altered by user) ENV INVENTREE_GUNICORN_WORKERS="4" ENV INVENTREE_BACKGROUND_WORKERS="4" # Default web server address:port ENV INVENTREE_WEB_ADDR= ENV INVENTREE_WEB_PORT=8000 LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \ org.label-schema.build-date=${DATE} \ org.label-schema.vendor="inventree" \ org.label-schema.name="inventree/inventree" \ org.label-schema.url="https://hub.docker.com/r/inventree/inventree" \ org.label-schema.vcs-url="https://github.com/inventree/InvenTree.git" \ org.label-schema.vcs-ref=${commit_tag} # Install required system level packages RUN apk add --no-cache \ git gettext py-cryptography \ # Image format support libjpeg libwebp zlib \ # Weasyprint requirements : https://doc.courtbouillon.org/weasyprint/stable/first_steps.html#alpine-3-12 py3-pip py3-pillow py3-cffi py3-brotli pango poppler-utils openldap \ # Postgres client postgresql13-client \ # MySQL / MariaDB client mariadb-client mariadb-connector-c \ && \ # fonts apk --update --upgrade --no-cache add fontconfig ttf-freefont font-noto terminus-font && fc-cache -f EXPOSE 8000 RUN mkdir -p ${INVENTREE_HOME} WORKDIR ${INVENTREE_HOME} COPY contrib/container/requirements.txt base_requirements.txt COPY src/backend/requirements.txt ./ COPY contrib/container/install_build_packages.sh . RUN chmod +x install_build_packages.sh # For ARMv7 architecture, add the piwheels repo (for cryptography library) # Otherwise, we have to build from source, which is difficult # Ref: https://github.com/inventree/InvenTree/pull/4598 RUN if [ `apk --print-arch` = "armv7" ]; then \ printf "[global]\nextra-index-url=https://www.piwheels.org/simple\n" > /etc/pip.conf ; \ fi COPY tasks.py contrib/container/gunicorn.conf.py contrib/container/init.sh ./ RUN chmod +x init.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/ash", "./init.sh"] FROM inventree_base AS prebuild ENV PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH RUN ./install_build_packages.sh --no-cache --virtual .build-deps && \ pip install --user -r base_requirements.txt --no-cache && \ pip install --user --require-hashes -r requirements.txt --no-cache && \ apk --purge del .build-deps # Frontend builder image: FROM prebuild AS frontend RUN apk add --no-cache --update nodejs npm && npm install -g yarn@v1.22.22 --ignore-scripts RUN yarn config set network-timeout 600000 -g COPY src ${INVENTREE_HOME}/src COPY tasks.py ${INVENTREE_HOME}/tasks.py RUN cd ${INVENTREE_HOME} && inv frontend-compile # InvenTree production image: # - Copies required files from local directory # - Starts a gunicorn webserver FROM inventree_base AS production ENV INVENTREE_DEBUG=False # As .git directory is not available in production image, we pass the commit information via ENV ENV INVENTREE_COMMIT_HASH="${commit_hash}" ENV INVENTREE_COMMIT_DATE="${commit_date}" # use dependencies and compiled wheels from the prebuild image ENV PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH COPY --from=prebuild /root/.local /root/.local # Copy source code COPY src/backend/InvenTree ${INVENTREE_BACKEND_DIR}/InvenTree COPY --from=frontend ${INVENTREE_BACKEND_DIR}/InvenTree/web/static/web ${INVENTREE_BACKEND_DIR}/InvenTree/web/static/web # Launch the production server CMD gunicorn -c ./gunicorn.conf.py InvenTree.wsgi -b --chdir ${INVENTREE_BACKEND_DIR}/InvenTree FROM inventree_base AS dev # Vite server (for local frontend development) EXPOSE 5173 # Install packages required for building python packages RUN ./install_build_packages.sh RUN pip install uv==0.1.26 --no-cache-dir && pip install -r base_requirements.txt --no-cache # Install nodejs / npm / yarn RUN apk add --no-cache --update nodejs npm && npm install -g yarn@v1.22.22 --ignore-scripts RUN yarn config set network-timeout 600000 -g # The development image requires the source code to be mounted to /home/inventree/ # So from here, we don't actually "do" anything, apart from some file management ENV INVENTREE_DEBUG=True # Location for python virtual environment # If the INVENTREE_PY_ENV variable is set, the entrypoint script will use it! ENV INVENTREE_PY_ENV="${INVENTREE_DATA_DIR}/env" WORKDIR ${INVENTREE_HOME} # Entrypoint ensures that we are running in the python virtual environment ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/ash", "./contrib/container/init.sh"] # Launch the development server CMD ["invoke", "server", "-a", "${INVENTREE_WEB_ADDR}:${INVENTREE_WEB_PORT}"]