Oliver Walters 978ea7cc0b Typo fix
2021-02-04 23:11:19 +11:00

361 lines
12 KiB

# Generated by Django 2.2.10 on 2020-04-13 06:42
import sys
import os
from rapidfuzz import fuzz
from django.db import migrations, connection
from django.db.utils import OperationalError, ProgrammingError
When this migration is tested by CI, it cannot accept user input.
So a simplified version of the migration is implemented.
TESTING = 'test' in sys.argv
def clear():
if not TESTING:
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
def reverse_association(apps, schema_editor):
This is the 'reverse' operation of the manufacturer reversal.
This operation is easier:
For each SupplierPart object, copy the name of the 'manufacturer' field
into the 'manufacturer_name' field.
cursor = connection.cursor()
response = cursor.execute('select id, "MPN" from part_supplierpart;')
supplier_parts = cursor.fetchall()
# Exit if there are no SupplierPart objects
# This crucial otherwise the unit test suite fails!
if len(supplier_parts) == 0:
print("Reversing migration for manufacturer association")
for (index, row) in enumerate(supplier_parts):
supplier_part_id, MPN = row
print(f"Checking SupplierPart [{supplier_part_id}]:")
# Grab the manufacturer ID from the part
response = cursor.execute(f"SELECT manufacturer_id FROM part_supplierpart WHERE id={supplier_part_id};")
manufacturer_id = None
row = cursor.fetchone()
if len(row) > 0:
manufacturer_id = int(row[0])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if manufacturer_id is None:
print(" - Manufacturer ID not set: Skipping")
print(" - Manufacturer ID: [{id}]".format(id=manufacturer_id))
# Now extract the "name" for the manufacturer
response = cursor.execute(f"SELECT name from company_company where id={manufacturer_id};")
row = cursor.fetchone()
name = row[0]
print(" - Manufacturer name: '{name}'".format(name=name))
response = cursor.execute("UPDATE part_supplierpart SET manufacturer_name='{name}' WHERE id={ID};".format(name=name, ID=supplier_part_id))
def associate_manufacturers(apps, schema_editor):
This migration is the "middle step" in migration of the "manufacturer" field for the SupplierPart model.
Previously the "manufacturer" field was a simple text field with the manufacturer name.
This is quite insufficient.
The new "manufacturer" field is a link to Company object which has the "is_manufacturer" parameter set to True
This migration requires user interaction to create new "manufacturer" Company objects,
based on the text value in the "manufacturer_name" field (which was created in the previous migration).
It uses fuzzy pattern matching to help the user out as much as possible.
def get_manufacturer_name(part_id):
Once the pythonic representation of the model has removed the 'manufacturer_name' field,
it is NOT ACCESSIBLE by calling SupplierPart.manufacturer_name.
However, as long as the migrations are applied in order, then the table DOES have a field called 'manufacturer_name'.
So, we just need to request it using dirty SQL.
query = "SELECT manufacturer_name from part_supplierpart where id={ID};".format(ID=part_id)
cursor = connection.cursor()
response = cursor.execute(query)
row = cursor.fetchone()
if len(row) > 0:
return row[0]
return ''
cursor = connection.cursor()
response = cursor.execute(f'select id, "MPN" from part_supplierpart;')
supplier_parts = cursor.fetchall()
# Exit if there are no SupplierPart objects
# This crucial otherwise the unit test suite fails!
if len(supplier_parts) == 0:
# Link a 'manufacturer_name' to a 'Company'
links = {}
# Map company names to company objects
companies = {}
# Iterate through each company object
response = cursor.execute("select id, name from company_company;")
results = cursor.fetchall()
for index, row in enumerate(results):
pk, name = row
companies[name] = pk
def link_part(part_id, name):
""" Attempt to link Part to an existing Company """
# Matches a company name directly
if name in companies.keys():
print(" - Part[{pk}]: '{n}' maps to existing manufacturer".format(pk=part_id, n=name))
manufacturer_id = companies[name]
query = f"update part_supplierpart set manufacturer_id={manufacturer_id} where id={part_id};"
result = cursor.execute(query)
return True
# Have we already mapped this
if name in links.keys():
print(" - Part[{pk}]: Mapped '{n}' - manufacturer <{c}>".format(pk=part_id, n=name, c=links[name]))
manufacturer_id = links[name]
query = f"update part_supplierpart set manufacturer_id={manufacturer_id} where id={part_id};"
result = cursor.execute(query)
return True
# Mapping not possible
return False
def create_manufacturer(part_id, input_name, company_name):
""" Create a new manufacturer """
Company = apps.get_model('company', 'company')
manufacturer = Company.objects.create(
# Map both names to the same company
links[input_name] =
links[company_name] =
companies[company_name] =
print(" - Part[{pk}]: Created new manufacturer: '{name}'".format(pk=part_id, name=company_name))
# Update SupplierPart object in the database
cursor.execute(f"update part_supplierpart set manufacturer_id={} where id={part_id};")
def find_matches(text, threshold=65):
Attempt to match a 'name' to an existing Company.
A list of potential matches will be returned.
matches = []
for name in companies.keys():
# Case-insensitive matching
ratio = fuzz.partial_ratio(name.lower(), text.lower())
if ratio > threshold:
matches.append({'name': name, 'match': ratio})
if len(matches) > 0:
return [match['name'] for match in sorted(matches, key=lambda item: item['match'], reverse=True)]
return []
def map_part_to_manufacturer(part_id, idx, total):
cursor = connection.cursor()
name = get_manufacturer_name(part_id)
# Skip empty names
if not name or len(name) == 0:
print(" - Part[{pk}]: No manufacturer_name provided, skipping".format(pk=part_id))
# Can be linked to an existing manufacturer
if link_part(part_id, name):
# Find a list of potential matches
matches = find_matches(name)
# Present a list of options
if not TESTING:
print("Checking part [{pk}] ({idx} of {total})".format(pk=part_id, idx=idx+1, total=total))
if not TESTING:
print("Manufacturer name: '{n}'".format(n=name))
print("Select an option from the list below:")
print("0) - Create new manufacturer '{n}'".format(n=name))
for i, m in enumerate(matches[:10]):
print("{i}) - Use manufacturer '{opt}'".format(i=i+1, opt=m))
print("OR - Type a new custom manufacturer name")
while True:
# When running unit tests, simply select the name of the part
response = '0'
response = str(input("> ")).strip()
# Attempt to parse user response as an integer
n = int(response)
# Option 0) is to create a new manufacturer with the current name
if n == 0:
create_manufacturer(part_id, name, name)
# Options 1) - n) select an existing manufacturer
n = n - 1
if n < len(matches):
# Get the company which matches the selected options
company_name = matches[n]
company_id = companies[company_name]
# Ensure the company is designated as a manufacturer
cursor.execute(f"update company_company set is_manufacturer=true where id={company_id};")
# Link the company to the part
cursor.execute(f"update part_supplierpart set manufacturer_id={company_id} where id={part_id};")
# Link the name to the company
links[name] = company_id
links[company_name] = company_id
print(" - Part[{pk}]: Linked '{n}' to manufacturer '{m}'".format(pk=part_id, n=name, m=company_name))
print("Please select a valid option")
except ValueError:
# User has typed in a custom name!
if not response or len(response) == 0:
# Response cannot be empty!
print("Please select an option")
# Double-check if the typed name corresponds to an existing item
elif response in companies.keys():
link_part(part, companies[response])
elif response in links.keys():
link_part(part, links[response])
# No match, create a new manufacturer
create_manufacturer(part_id, name, response)
if not TESTING:
print("The SupplierPart model needs to be migrated,")
print("as the new 'manufacturer' field maps to a 'Company' reference.")
print("The existing 'manufacturer_name' field will be used to match")
print("against possible companies.")
print("This process requires user input.")
print("Note: This process MUST be completed to migrate the database.")
input("Press <ENTER> to continue.")
# Extract all SupplierPart objects from the database
cursor = connection.cursor()
response = cursor.execute('select id, "MPN", "SKU", manufacturer_id, manufacturer_name from part_supplierpart;')
results = cursor.fetchall()
part_count = len(results)
# Create a unique set of manufacturer names
for index, row in enumerate(results):
pk, MPN, SKU, manufacturer_id, manufacturer_name = row
if manufacturer_id is not None:
print(f" - SupplierPart <{pk}> already has a manufacturer associated (skipping)")
map_part_to_manufacturer(pk, index, part_count)
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
atomic = False
dependencies = [
('company', '0018_supplierpart_manufacturer'),
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(associate_manufacturers, reverse_code=reverse_association)