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Functionality for Bill of Material (BOM) management.
Primarily BOM upload tools.
from rapidfuzz import fuzz
import tablib
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from InvenTree.helpers import DownloadFile, GetExportFormats
from .admin import BomItemResource
from .models import BomItem
from company.models import ManufacturerPart, SupplierPart
def IsValidBOMFormat(fmt):
""" Test if a file format specifier is in the valid list of BOM file formats """
return fmt.strip().lower() in GetExportFormats()
def MakeBomTemplate(fmt):
""" Generate a Bill of Materials upload template file (for user download) """
fmt = fmt.strip().lower()
if not IsValidBOMFormat(fmt):
fmt = 'csv'
# Create an "empty" queryset, essentially.
# This will then export just the row headers!
query = BomItem.objects.filter(pk=None)
dataset = BomItemResource().export(
data = dataset.export(fmt)
filename = 'InvenTree_BOM_Template.' + fmt
return DownloadFile(data, filename)
def ExportBom(part, fmt='csv', cascade=False, max_levels=None, parameter_data=False, stock_data=False, supplier_data=False, manufacturer_data=False):
""" Export a BOM (Bill of Materials) for a given part.
fmt: File format (default = 'csv')
cascade: If True, multi-level BOM output is supported. Otherwise, a flat top-level-only BOM is exported.
if not IsValidBOMFormat(fmt):
fmt = 'csv'
bom_items = []
uids = []
def add_items(items, level):
# Add items at a given layer
for item in items:
item.level = str(int(level))
# Avoid circular BOM references
if item.pk in uids:
if item.sub_part.assembly:
if max_levels is None or level < max_levels:
add_items(item.sub_part.bom_items.all().order_by('id'), level + 1)
if cascade:
# Cascading (multi-level) BOM
# Start with the top level
items_to_process = part.bom_items.all().order_by('id')
add_items(items_to_process, 1)
# No cascading needed - just the top-level items
bom_items = [item for item in part.bom_items.all().order_by('id')]
dataset = BomItemResource().export(queryset=bom_items, cascade=cascade)
def add_columns_to_dataset(columns, column_size):
for header, column_dict in columns.items():
# Construct column tuple
col = tuple(column_dict.get(c_idx, '') for c_idx in range(column_size))
# Add column to dataset
dataset.append_col(col, header=header)
except AttributeError:
if parameter_data:
If requested, add extra columns for each PartParameter associated with each line item
parameter_cols = {}
for b_idx, bom_item in enumerate(bom_items):
# Get part parameters
parameters = bom_item.sub_part.get_parameters()
# Add parameters to columns
if parameters:
for parameter in parameters:
name = parameter.template.name
value = parameter.data
parameter_cols[name].update({b_idx: value})
except KeyError:
parameter_cols[name] = {b_idx: value}
# Add parameter columns to dataset
parameter_cols_ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(parameter_cols.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
add_columns_to_dataset(parameter_cols_ordered, len(bom_items))
if stock_data:
If requested, add extra columns for stock data associated with each line item
stock_headers = [
_('Default Location'),
_('Available Stock'),
stock_cols = {}
for b_idx, bom_item in enumerate(bom_items):
stock_data = []
# Get part default location
except AttributeError:
# Get part current stock
for s_idx, header in enumerate(stock_headers):
stock_cols[header].update({b_idx: stock_data[s_idx]})
except KeyError:
stock_cols[header] = {b_idx: stock_data[s_idx]}
# Add stock columns to dataset
add_columns_to_dataset(stock_cols, len(bom_items))
if manufacturer_data and supplier_data:
If requested, add extra columns for each SupplierPart and ManufacturerPart associated with each line item
# Expand dataset with manufacturer parts
manufacturer_headers = [
supplier_headers = [
manufacturer_cols = {}
for b_idx, bom_item in enumerate(bom_items):
# Get part instance
b_part = bom_item.sub_part
# Filter manufacturer parts
manufacturer_parts = ManufacturerPart.objects.filter(part__pk=b_part.pk)
manufacturer_parts = manufacturer_parts.prefetch_related('supplier_parts')
# Process manufacturer part
for manufacturer_idx, manufacturer_part in enumerate(manufacturer_parts):
if manufacturer_part:
manufacturer_name = manufacturer_part.manufacturer.name
manufacturer_name = ''
manufacturer_mpn = manufacturer_part.MPN
# Generate column names for this manufacturer
k_man = manufacturer_headers[0] + "_" + str(manufacturer_idx)
k_mpn = manufacturer_headers[1] + "_" + str(manufacturer_idx)
manufacturer_cols[k_man].update({b_idx: manufacturer_name})
manufacturer_cols[k_mpn].update({b_idx: manufacturer_mpn})
except KeyError:
manufacturer_cols[k_man] = {b_idx: manufacturer_name}
manufacturer_cols[k_mpn] = {b_idx: manufacturer_mpn}
# Process supplier parts
for supplier_idx, supplier_part in enumerate(manufacturer_part.supplier_parts.all()):
if supplier_part.supplier:
supplier_name = supplier_part.supplier.name
supplier_name = ''
supplier_sku = supplier_part.SKU
# Generate column names for this supplier
k_sup = str(supplier_headers[0]) + "_" + str(manufacturer_idx) + "_" + str(supplier_idx)
k_sku = str(supplier_headers[1]) + "_" + str(manufacturer_idx) + "_" + str(supplier_idx)
manufacturer_cols[k_sup].update({b_idx: supplier_name})
manufacturer_cols[k_sku].update({b_idx: supplier_sku})
except KeyError:
manufacturer_cols[k_sup] = {b_idx: supplier_name}
manufacturer_cols[k_sku] = {b_idx: supplier_sku}
# Add manufacturer columns to dataset
add_columns_to_dataset(manufacturer_cols, len(bom_items))
elif manufacturer_data:
If requested, add extra columns for each ManufacturerPart associated with each line item
# Expand dataset with manufacturer parts
manufacturer_headers = [
manufacturer_cols = {}
for b_idx, bom_item in enumerate(bom_items):
# Get part instance
b_part = bom_item.sub_part
# Filter supplier parts
manufacturer_parts = ManufacturerPart.objects.filter(part__pk=b_part.pk)
for idx, manufacturer_part in enumerate(manufacturer_parts):
if manufacturer_part:
manufacturer_name = manufacturer_part.manufacturer.name
manufacturer_name = ''
manufacturer_mpn = manufacturer_part.MPN
# Add manufacturer data to the manufacturer columns
# Generate column names for this manufacturer
k_man = manufacturer_headers[0] + "_" + str(idx)
k_mpn = manufacturer_headers[1] + "_" + str(idx)
manufacturer_cols[k_man].update({b_idx: manufacturer_name})
manufacturer_cols[k_mpn].update({b_idx: manufacturer_mpn})
except KeyError:
manufacturer_cols[k_man] = {b_idx: manufacturer_name}
manufacturer_cols[k_mpn] = {b_idx: manufacturer_mpn}
# Add manufacturer columns to dataset
add_columns_to_dataset(manufacturer_cols, len(bom_items))
elif supplier_data:
If requested, add extra columns for each SupplierPart associated with each line item
# Expand dataset with manufacturer parts
manufacturer_headers = [
manufacturer_cols = {}
for b_idx, bom_item in enumerate(bom_items):
# Get part instance
b_part = bom_item.sub_part
# Filter supplier parts
supplier_parts = SupplierPart.objects.filter(part__pk=b_part.pk)
for idx, supplier_part in enumerate(supplier_parts):
if supplier_part.supplier:
supplier_name = supplier_part.supplier.name
supplier_name = ''
supplier_sku = supplier_part.SKU
# Add manufacturer data to the manufacturer columns
# Generate column names for this supplier
k_sup = manufacturer_headers[0] + "_" + str(idx)
k_sku = manufacturer_headers[1] + "_" + str(idx)
manufacturer_cols[k_sup].update({b_idx: supplier_name})
manufacturer_cols[k_sku].update({b_idx: supplier_sku})
except KeyError:
manufacturer_cols[k_sup] = {b_idx: supplier_name}
manufacturer_cols[k_sku] = {b_idx: supplier_sku}
# Add manufacturer columns to dataset
add_columns_to_dataset(manufacturer_cols, len(bom_items))
data = dataset.export(fmt)
filename = '{n}_BOM.{fmt}'.format(n=part.full_name, fmt=fmt)
return DownloadFile(data, filename)
class BomUploadManager:
""" Class for managing an uploaded BOM file """
# Fields which are absolutely necessary for valid upload
# Fields which are used for part matching (only one of them is needed)
# Fields which would be helpful but are not required
def __init__(self, bom_file):
""" Initialize the BomUpload class with a user-uploaded file object """
def process(self, bom_file):
""" Process a BOM file """
self.data = None
ext = os.path.splitext(bom_file.name)[-1].lower()
if ext in ['.csv', '.tsv', ]:
# These file formats need string decoding
raw_data = bom_file.read().decode('utf-8')
elif ext in ['.xls', '.xlsx']:
raw_data = bom_file.read()
raise ValidationError({'bom_file': _('Unsupported file format: {f}').format(f=ext)})
self.data = tablib.Dataset().load(raw_data)
except tablib.UnsupportedFormat:
raise ValidationError({'bom_file': _('Error reading BOM file (invalid data)')})
except tablib.core.InvalidDimensions:
raise ValidationError({'bom_file': _('Error reading BOM file (incorrect row size)')})
def guess_header(self, header, threshold=80):
""" Try to match a header (from the file) to a list of known headers
header - Header name to look for
threshold - Match threshold for fuzzy search
# Try for an exact match
for h in self.HEADERS:
if h == header:
return h
# Try for a case-insensitive match
for h in self.HEADERS:
if h.lower() == header.lower():
return h
# Try for a case-insensitive match with space replacement
for h in self.HEADERS:
if h.lower() == header.lower().replace(' ', '_'):
return h
# Finally, look for a close match using fuzzy matching
matches = []
for h in self.HEADERS:
ratio = fuzz.partial_ratio(header, h)
if ratio > threshold:
matches.append({'header': h, 'match': ratio})
if len(matches) > 0:
matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda item: item['match'], reverse=True)
return matches[0]['header']
return None
def columns(self):
""" Return a list of headers for the thingy """
headers = []
for header in self.data.headers:
'name': header,
'guess': self.guess_header(header)
return headers
def col_count(self):
if self.data is None:
return 0
return len(self.data.headers)
def row_count(self):
""" Return the number of rows in the file. """
if self.data is None:
return 0
return len(self.data)
def rows(self):
""" Return a list of all rows """
rows = []
for i in range(self.row_count()):
data = [item for item in self.get_row_data(i)]
# Is the row completely empty? Skip!
empty = True
for idx, item in enumerate(data):
if len(str(item).strip()) > 0:
empty = False
# Excel import casts number-looking-items into floats, which is annoying
if item == int(item) and not str(item) == str(int(item)):
data[idx] = int(item)
except ValueError:
# Skip empty rows
if empty:
row = {
'data': data,
'index': i
return rows
def get_row_data(self, index):
""" Retrieve row data at a particular index """
if self.data is None or index >= len(self.data):
return None
return self.data[index]
def get_row_dict(self, index):
""" Retrieve a dict object representing the data row at a particular offset """
if self.data is None or index >= len(self.data):
return None
return self.data.dict[index]