Oliver b9fd263899
Docker improvements ()
* Simplified dockerfile

- Changed from alpine to python:slim
- Removed some database libs (because we *connect* to a db, not host it)

* - Add gettext as required package
- Only create inventree user as part of production build (leave admin access for dev build)

* Tweaks for

* Fix user permissions (drop to inventree user)

* Drop to the 'inventree' user level as part of

- As we have mounted volumes at 'run time' we need to ensure that the inventree user has correct permissions!
- Ref:

* Adjust user setup

- Only drop to non-root user as part of "production" build
- Mounted external volumes make it tricky when in the dev build
- Might want to revisit this later on

* More dockerfile changes

- reduce required system packages

* Add new docker github workflow

* Print some more debug


* Add gnupg to base requirements

* Improve debug output during testing

* Refactoring updates for label printing API

- Update weasyprint version to 55.0
- Generate labels as pdf files
- Provide filename to label printing plugin
- Additional unit testing
- Improve extraction of some hidden debug data during TESTING
- Fix a spelling mistake (notifaction -> notification)

* Working on github action

* More testing

* Add requirement for pdf2image

* Fix label printing plugin and update unit testing

* Add required packages for CI

* Move docker files to the top level directory

- This allows us to build the production image directly from soure
- Don't need to re-download the source code from github
- Note: The docker install guide will need to be updated!

* Fix for docker ci file

* Print GIT SHA

* Bake git information into the production image

* Add some exta docstrings to dockerfile

* Simplify version check script

* Extract git commit info

* Extract docker tag from

* Newline

* More work on the docker workflow

* Dockerfile fixes

- Directory / path issues

* Dockerfile fixes

- Directory / path issues

* Ignore certain steps on a pull request

* Add poppler-utils to CI

* Consolidate version check into existing CI file

* Don't run docker workflow on pull request

* Pass docker image tag through to the build

Also check .j2k files

* Add supervisord.conf example file back in

* Remove --no-cache-dir option from pip install
2022-05-29 09:40:37 +10:00

105 lines
4.2 KiB

version: "3.8"
# Docker compose recipe for InvenTree development server
# - Runs PostgreSQL as the database backend
# - Uses built-in django webserver
# - Runs the InvenTree background worker process
# - Serves media and static content directly from Django webserver
# The InvenTree development image does not clone source code from git.
# Instead, it runs from source code on your local machine.
# The django server will auto-detect any code changes and reload the server.
# If you have cloned the InvenTree git repo, and not made any changes to this file,
# then the default setup in this file should work straight out of the box, without modification
# Database service
# Use PostgreSQL as the database backend
# Note: This can be changed to a different backend if required
container_name: inventree-dev-db
image: postgres:13
- ${INVENTREE_DB_PORT:-5432}/tcp
- PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/dev/pgdb
- POSTGRES_USER=${INVENTREE_DB_USER:?You must provide the 'INVENTREE_DB_USER' variable in the .env file}
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD:?You must provide the 'INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD' variable in the .env file}
- POSTGRES_DB=${INVENTREE_DB_NAME:?You must provide the 'INVENTREE_DB_NAME' variable in the .env file}
# Map 'data' volume such that postgres database is stored externally
- inventree_src:/var/lib/postgresql/data
restart: unless-stopped
# InvenTree web server services
# Uses gunicorn as the web server
container_name: inventree-dev-server
- inventree-dev-db
context: .
target: dev
# Cache the built image to be used by the inventree-dev-worker process
image: inventree-dev-image
# Expose web server on port 8000
- 8000:8000
# Note: If using the inventree-dev-proxy container (see below),
# comment out the "ports" directive (above) and uncomment the "expose" directive
# - 8000
# Ensure you specify the location of the 'src' directory at the end of this file
- inventree_src:/home/inventree
- .env
restart: unless-stopped
# Background worker process handles long-running or periodic tasks
container_name: inventree-dev-worker
image: inventree-dev-image
command: invoke worker
- inventree-dev-server
# Ensure you specify the location of the 'src' directory at the end of this file
- inventree_src:/home/inventree
- .env
restart: unless-stopped
### Optional: Serve static and media files using nginx
### Uncomment the following lines to enable nginx proxy for testing
### Note: If enabling the proxy, change "ports" to "expose" for the inventree-dev-server container (above)
# container_name: inventree-dev-proxy
# image: nginx:stable
# depends_on:
# - inventree-dev-server
# ports:
# # Change "8000" to the port that you want InvenTree web server to be available on
# - 8000:80
# volumes:
# # Provide ./ file to the container
# # Refer to the provided example file as a starting point
# - ./
# # nginx proxy needs access to static and media files
# - inventree_src:/var/www
# restart: unless-stopped
# Persistent data, stored external to the container(s)
driver: local
type: none
o: bind
# This directory specified where InvenTree source code is stored "outside" the docker containers
# By default, this directory is one level above the "docker" directory