mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
* Add basic model for handling generic attachments * Refactor migration * Data migration to convert old files across * Admin updates * Increase comment field max_length * Adjust field name * Remove legacy serializer classes / endpoints * Expose new model to API * Admin site list filters * Remove legacy attachment models - Add new mixin class to designate which models can have attachments * Update data migration - Ensure other apps are at the correct migration state beforehand * Add migrations to remove legacy attachment tables * Fix for "rename_attachment" callback * Refactor model_type field - ContentType does not allow easy API serialization * Set allowed options for admin * Update model verbose names * Fix logic for file upload * Add choices for serializer * Add API filtering * Fix for API filter * Fix for attachment tables in PUI - Still not solved permission issues * Bump API version * Record user when uploading attachment via API * Refactor <AttachmentTable /> for PUI * Display 'file_size' in PUI attachment table * Fix company migrations * Include permission informtion in roles API endpoint * Read user permissions in PUI * Simplify permission checks for <AttachmentTable /> * Automatically clean up old content types * Cleanup PUI * Fix typo in data migration * Add reverse data migration * Update unit tests * Use InMemoryStorage for media files in test mode * Data migration unit test * Fix "model_type" field - It is a required field after all * Add permission check for serializer * Fix permission check for CUI * Fix PUI import * Test python lib against specific branch - Will be reverted once code is merged * Revert STORAGES setting - Might be worth looking into again * Fix part unit test * Fix unit test for sales order * Use 'get_global_setting' * Use 'get_global_setting' * Update setting getter * Unit tests * Tweaks * Revert change to settings.py * More updates for get_global_setting * Relax API query count requirement * remove illegal chars and add unit tests * Fix unit tests * Fix frontend unit tests * settings management updates * Prevent db write under more conditions * Simplify settings code * Pop values before creating filters * Prevent settings write under certain conditions * Add debug msg * Clear db on record import * Refactor permissions checks - Allows extension / customization of permission checks at a later date * Unit test updates * Prevent delete of attachment without correct permissions * Adjust odcker.yaml * Cleanup data migrations * Tweak migration tests for build app * Update data migration - Handle case with missing data * Prevent debug shell in TESTING mode * Update migration dependencies - Ensure all apps are "up to date" before removing legacy tables * add file size test * Update migration tests * Revert some settings caching changes * Fix incorrect logic in migration * Update unit tests * Prevent create on CURRENCY_CODES - Seems to play havoc with bootup sequence * Fix unit test * Some refactoring - Use get_global_setting * Fix typo * Revert change * Add "tags" and "metadata" * Include "tags" field in API serializer * add "metadata" endpoint for attachments
1324 lines
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1324 lines
39 KiB
"""Tasks for automating certain actions and interacting with InvenTree from the CLI."""
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from platform import python_version
from invoke import task
def checkPythonVersion():
"""Check that the installed python version meets minimum requirements.
If the python version is not sufficient, exits with a non-zero exit code.
version = sys.version.split(' ')[0]
valid = True
if sys.version_info.major < REQ_MAJOR:
valid = False
elif sys.version_info.major == REQ_MAJOR and sys.version_info.minor < REQ_MINOR:
valid = False
if not valid:
print(f'The installed python version ({version}) is not supported!')
print(f'InvenTree requires Python {REQ_MAJOR}.{REQ_MINOR} or above')
if __name__ in ['__main__', 'tasks']:
def apps():
"""Returns a list of installed apps."""
return [
def content_excludes(
allow_auth: bool = True,
allow_tokens: bool = True,
allow_plugins: bool = True,
allow_sso: bool = True,
"""Returns a list of content types to exclude from import/export.
allow_tokens (bool): Allow tokens to be exported/importe
allow_plugins (bool): Allow plugin information to be exported/imported
allow_sso (bool): Allow SSO tokens to be exported/imported
excludes = [
# Optionally exclude user auth data
if not allow_auth:
# Optionally exclude user token information
if not allow_tokens:
# Optionally exclude plugin information
if not allow_plugins:
# Optionally exclude SSO application information
if not allow_sso:
return ' '.join([f'--exclude {e}' for e in excludes])
def localDir() -> Path:
"""Returns the directory of *THIS* file.
Used to ensure that the various scripts always run
in the correct directory.
return Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
def managePyDir():
"""Returns the directory of the manage.py file."""
return localDir().joinpath('src', 'backend', 'InvenTree')
def managePyPath():
"""Return the path of the manage.py file."""
return managePyDir().joinpath('manage.py')
def manage(c, cmd, pty: bool = False):
"""Runs a given command against django's "manage.py" script.
c: Command line context.
cmd: Django command to run.
pty (bool, optional): Run an interactive session. Defaults to False.
'cd "{path}" && python3 manage.py {cmd}'.format(path=managePyDir(), cmd=cmd),
def yarn(c, cmd, pty: bool = False):
"""Runs a given command against the yarn package manager.
c: Command line context.
cmd: Yarn command to run.
pty (bool, optional): Run an interactive session. Defaults to False.
path = localDir().joinpath('src').joinpath('frontend')
c.run(f'cd "{path}" && {cmd}', pty=pty)
def node_available(versions: bool = False, bypass_yarn: bool = False):
"""Checks if the frontend environment (ie node and yarn in bash) is available."""
def ret(val, val0=None, val1=None):
if versions:
return val, val0, val1
return val
def check(cmd):
return str(
subprocess.check_output([cmd], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True),
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
yarn_version = check('yarn --version')
node_version = check('node --version')
# Either yarn is available or we don't care about yarn
yarn_passes = bypass_yarn or yarn_version
# Print a warning if node is available but yarn is not
if node_version and not yarn_passes:
'Node is available but yarn is not. Install yarn if you wish to build the frontend.'
# Return the result
return ret(yarn_passes and node_version, node_version, yarn_version)
def check_file_existance(filename: str, overwrite: bool = False):
"""Checks if a file exists and asks the user if it should be overwritten.
filename (str): Name of the file to check.
overwrite (bool, optional): Overwrite the file without asking. Defaults to False.
if Path(filename).is_file() and overwrite is False:
response = input(
'Warning: file already exists. Do you want to overwrite? [y/N]: '
response = str(response).strip().lower()
if response not in ['y', 'yes']:
print('Cancelled export operation')
# Install tasks
@task(help={'uv': 'Use UV (experimental package manager)'})
def plugins(c, uv=False):
"""Installs all plugins as specified in 'plugins.txt'."""
from src.backend.InvenTree.InvenTree.config import get_plugin_file
plugin_file = get_plugin_file()
print(f"Installing plugin packages from '{plugin_file}'")
# Install the plugins
if not uv:
c.run(f"pip3 install --disable-pip-version-check -U -r '{plugin_file}'")
c.run('pip3 install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check uv')
c.run(f"uv pip install -r '{plugin_file}'")
# Collect plugin static files
manage(c, 'collectplugins')
@task(help={'uv': 'Use UV package manager (experimental)'})
def install(c, uv=False):
"""Installs required python packages."""
INSTALL_FILE = 'src/backend/requirements.txt'
print(f"Installing required python packages from '{INSTALL_FILE}'")
if not Path(INSTALL_FILE).is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Requirements file '{INSTALL_FILE}' not found")
# Install required Python packages with PIP
if not uv:
'pip3 install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check -U pip setuptools'
f'pip3 install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check -U --require-hashes -r {INSTALL_FILE}'
'pip3 install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check -U uv setuptools'
c.run(f'uv pip install -U --require-hashes -r {INSTALL_FILE}')
# Run plugins install
plugins(c, uv=uv)
# Compile license information
lic_path = managePyDir().joinpath('InvenTree', 'licenses.txt')
f'pip-licenses --format=json --with-license-file --no-license-path > {lic_path}'
@task(help={'tests': 'Set up test dataset at the end'})
def setup_dev(c, tests=False):
"""Sets up everything needed for the dev environment."""
print("Installing required python packages from 'src/backend/requirements-dev.txt'")
# Install required Python packages with PIP
c.run('pip3 install -U --require-hashes -r src/backend/requirements-dev.txt')
# Install pre-commit hook
print('Installing pre-commit for checks before git commits...')
c.run('pre-commit install')
# Update all the hooks
c.run('pre-commit autoupdate')
print('pre-commit set up is done...')
# Set up test-data if flag is set
if tests:
# Setup / maintenance tasks
def superuser(c):
"""Create a superuser/admin account for the database."""
manage(c, 'createsuperuser', pty=True)
def rebuild_models(c):
"""Rebuild database models with MPTT structures."""
manage(c, 'rebuild_models', pty=True)
def rebuild_thumbnails(c):
"""Rebuild missing image thumbnails."""
manage(c, 'rebuild_thumbnails', pty=True)
def clean_settings(c):
"""Clean the setting tables of old settings."""
manage(c, 'clean_settings')
@task(help={'mail': "mail of the user who's MFA should be disabled"})
def remove_mfa(c, mail=''):
"""Remove MFA for a user."""
if not mail:
print('You must provide a users mail')
manage(c, f'remove_mfa {mail}')
@task(help={'frontend': 'Build the frontend', 'clear': 'Remove existing static files'})
def static(c, frontend=False, clear=True):
"""Copies required static files to the STATIC_ROOT directory, as per Django requirements."""
manage(c, 'prerender')
if frontend and node_available():
print('Collecting static files...')
cmd = 'collectstatic --no-input --verbosity 0'
if clear:
cmd += ' --clear'
manage(c, cmd)
# Collect plugin static files
manage(c, 'collectplugins')
def translate_stats(c):
"""Collect translation stats.
The file generated from this is needed for the UI.
# Recompile the translation files (.mo)
# We do not run 'invoke translate' here, as that will touch the source (.po) files too!
manage(c, 'compilemessages', pty=True)
except Exception:
print('WARNING: Translation files could not be compiled:')
path = Path('src', 'backend', 'InvenTree', 'script', 'translation_stats.py')
c.run(f'python3 {path}')
def translate(c, ignore_static=False, no_frontend=False):
"""Rebuild translation source files. Advanced use only!
Note: This command should not be used on a local install,
it is performed as part of the InvenTree translation toolchain.
# Translate applicable .py / .html / .js files
manage(c, 'makemessages --all -e py,html,js --no-wrap')
manage(c, 'compilemessages')
if not no_frontend and node_available():
# Update static files
if not ignore_static:
'clean': 'Clean up old backup files',
'path': 'Specify path for generated backup files (leave blank for default path)',
def backup(c, clean=False, path=None):
"""Backup the database and media files."""
print('Backing up InvenTree database...')
cmd = '--noinput --compress -v 2'
if path:
cmd += f' -O {path}'
if clean:
cmd += ' --clean'
manage(c, f'dbbackup {cmd}')
print('Backing up InvenTree media files...')
manage(c, f'mediabackup {cmd}')
'path': 'Specify path to locate backup files (leave blank for default path)',
'db_file': 'Specify filename of compressed database archive (leave blank to use most recent backup)',
'media_file': 'Specify filename of compressed media archive (leave blank to use most recent backup)',
'ignore_media': 'Do not import media archive (database restore only)',
'ignore_database': 'Do not import database archive (media restore only)',
def restore(
"""Restore the database and media files."""
base_cmd = '--noinput --uncompress -v 2'
if path:
base_cmd += f' -I {path}'
if ignore_database:
print('Skipping database archive...')
print('Restoring InvenTree database')
cmd = f'dbrestore {base_cmd}'
if db_file:
cmd += f' -i {db_file}'
manage(c, cmd)
if ignore_media:
print('Skipping media restore...')
print('Restoring InvenTree media files')
cmd = f'mediarestore {base_cmd}'
if media_file:
cmd += f' -i {media_file}'
manage(c, cmd)
@task(post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails])
def migrate(c):
"""Performs database migrations.
This is a critical step if the database schema have been altered!
print('Running InvenTree database migrations...')
# Run custom management command which wraps migrations in "maintenance mode"
manage(c, 'makemigrations')
manage(c, 'runmigrations', pty=True)
manage(c, 'migrate --run-syncdb')
manage(c, 'remove_stale_contenttypes --include-stale-apps --no-input', pty=True)
print('InvenTree database migrations completed!')
post=[clean_settings, translate_stats],
'skip_backup': 'Skip database backup step (advanced users)',
'frontend': 'Force frontend compilation/download step (ignores INVENTREE_DOCKER)',
'no_frontend': 'Skip frontend compilation/download step',
'skip_static': 'Skip static file collection step',
'uv': 'Use UV (experimental package manager)',
def update(
skip_backup: bool = False,
frontend: bool = False,
no_frontend: bool = False,
skip_static: bool = False,
uv: bool = False,
"""Update InvenTree installation.
This command should be invoked after source code has been updated,
e.g. downloading new code from GitHub.
The following tasks are performed, in order:
- install
- backup (optional)
- migrate
- frontend_compile or frontend_download (optional)
- static (optional)
- clean_settings
- translate_stats
# Ensure required components are installed
install(c, uv=uv)
if not skip_backup:
# Perform database migrations
# Stop here if we are not building/downloading the frontend
# If:
# - INVENTREE_DOCKER is set (by the docker image eg.) and not overridden by `--frontend` flag
# - `--no-frontend` flag is set
if (os.environ.get('INVENTREE_DOCKER', False) and not frontend) or no_frontend:
print('Skipping frontend update!')
frontend = False
no_frontend = True
print('Updating frontend...')
# Decide if we should compile the frontend or try to download it
if node_available(bypass_yarn=True):
if not skip_static:
static(c, frontend=not no_frontend)
# Data tasks
'filename': "Output filename (default = 'data.json')",
'overwrite': 'Overwrite existing files without asking first (default = False)',
'include_permissions': 'Include user and group permissions in the output file (default = False)',
'include_tokens': 'Include API tokens in the output file (default = False)',
'exclude_plugins': 'Exclude plugin data from the output file (default = False)',
'include_sso': 'Include SSO token data in the output file (default = False)',
'retain_temp': 'Retain temporary files (containing permissions) at end of process (default = False)',
def export_records(
"""Export all database records to a file.
Write data to the file defined by filename.
If --overwrite is not set, the user will be prompted about overwriting an existing files.
If --include-permissions is not set, the file defined by filename will have permissions specified for a user or group removed.
If --delete-temp is not set, the temporary file (which includes permissions) will not be deleted. This file is named filename.tmp
For historical reasons, calling this function without any arguments will thus result in two files:
- data.json: does not include permissions
- data.json.tmp: includes permissions
If you want the script to overwrite any existing files without asking, add argument -o / --overwrite.
If you only want one file, add argument - d / --delete-temp.
If you want only one file, with permissions, then additionally add argument -i / --include-permissions
# Get an absolute path to the file
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = localDir().joinpath(filename).resolve()
print(f"Exporting database records to file '{filename}'")
check_file_existance(filename, overwrite)
tmpfile = f'{filename}.tmp'
excludes = content_excludes(
allow_plugins=not exclude_plugins,
cmd = f"dumpdata --natural-foreign --indent 2 --output '{tmpfile}' {excludes}"
# Dump data to temporary file
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
print('Running data post-processing step...')
# Post-process the file, to remove any "permissions" specified for a user or group
with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f_in:
data = json.loads(f_in.read())
data_out = []
if include_permissions is False:
for entry in data:
model_name = entry.get('model', None)
# Ignore any temporary settings (start with underscore)
if model_name in ['common.inventreesetting', 'common.inventreeusersetting']:
if entry['fields'].get('key', '').startswith('_'):
if model_name == 'auth.group':
entry['fields']['permissions'] = []
if model_name == 'auth.user':
entry['fields']['user_permissions'] = []
# Write the processed data to file
with open(filename, 'w') as f_out:
f_out.write(json.dumps(data_out, indent=2))
print('Data export completed')
if not retain_temp:
print('Removing temporary files')
'filename': 'Input filename',
'clear': 'Clear existing data before import',
'retain_temp': 'Retain temporary files at end of process (default = False)',
post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails],
def import_records(
c, filename='data.json', clear: bool = False, retain_temp: bool = False
"""Import database records from a file."""
# Get an absolute path to the supplied filename
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = localDir().joinpath(filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' does not exist")
if clear:
delete_data(c, force=True)
print(f"Importing database records from '{filename}'")
# We need to load 'auth' data (users / groups) *first*
# This is due to the users.owner model, which has a ContentType foreign key
authfile = f'{filename}.auth.json'
# Pre-process the data, to remove any "permissions" specified for a user or group
datafile = f'{filename}.data.json'
with open(filename, 'r') as f_in:
data = json.loads(f_in.read())
except json.JSONDecodeError as exc:
print(f'Error: Failed to decode JSON file: {exc}')
auth_data = []
load_data = []
for entry in data:
if 'model' in entry:
# Clear out any permissions specified for a group
if entry['model'] == 'auth.group':
entry['fields']['permissions'] = []
# Clear out any permissions specified for a user
if entry['model'] == 'auth.user':
entry['fields']['user_permissions'] = []
# Save auth data for later
if entry['model'].startswith('auth.'):
print('Warning: Invalid entry in data file')
# Write the auth file data
with open(authfile, 'w') as f_out:
f_out.write(json.dumps(auth_data, indent=2))
# Write the processed data to the tmp file
with open(datafile, 'w') as f_out:
f_out.write(json.dumps(load_data, indent=2))
excludes = content_excludes(allow_auth=False)
# Import auth models first
print('Importing user auth data...')
cmd = f"loaddata '{authfile}'"
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
# Import everything else next
print('Importing database records...')
cmd = f"loaddata '{datafile}' -i {excludes}"
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
if not retain_temp:
print('Removing temporary files')
print('Data import completed')
def delete_data(c, force=False):
"""Delete all database records!
Warning: This will REALLY delete all records in the database!!
print('Deleting all data from InvenTree database...')
if force:
manage(c, 'flush --noinput')
manage(c, 'flush')
@task(post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails])
def import_fixtures(c):
"""Import fixture data into the database.
This command imports all existing test fixture data into the database.
- Intended for testing / development only!
- Running this command may overwrite existing database data!!
- Don't say you were not warned...
fixtures = [
# Build model
# Common models
# Company model
# Order model
# Part model
# Stock model
# Users
command = 'loaddata ' + ' '.join(fixtures)
manage(c, command, pty=True)
# Execution tasks
def wait(c):
"""Wait until the database connection is ready."""
return manage(c, 'wait_for_db')
'address': 'Server address:port (default=',
'workers': 'Specify number of worker threads (override config file)',
def gunicorn(c, address='', workers=None):
"""Launch a gunicorn webserver.
Note: This server will not auto-reload in response to code changes.
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
config_file = os.path.join(here, 'contrib', 'container', 'gunicorn.conf.py')
chdir = os.path.join(here, 'src', 'backend', 'InvenTree')
cmd = f'gunicorn -c {config_file} InvenTree.wsgi -b {address} --chdir {chdir}'
if workers:
cmd += f' --workers={workers}'
print('Starting Gunicorn Server:')
c.run(cmd, pty=True)
@task(pre=[wait], help={'address': 'Server address:port (default='})
def server(c, address=''):
"""Launch a (development) server using Django's in-built webserver.
Note: This is *not* sufficient for a production installation.
manage(c, 'runserver {address}'.format(address=address), pty=True)
def worker(c):
"""Run the InvenTree background worker process."""
manage(c, 'qcluster', pty=True)
# Testing tasks
def render_js_files(c):
"""Render templated javascript files (used for static testing)."""
manage(c, 'test InvenTree.ci_render_js')
@task(post=[translate_stats, static, server])
def test_translations(c):
"""Add a fictional language to test if each component is ready for translations."""
import django
from django.conf import settings
# setup django
base_path = Path.cwd()
new_base_path = pathlib.Path('InvenTree').resolve()
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'InvenTree.settings')
# Add language
print('Add dummy language...')
manage(c, 'makemessages -e py,html,js --no-wrap -l xx')
# change translation
print('Fill in dummy translations...')
file_path = pathlib.Path(settings.LOCALE_PATHS[0], 'xx', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
new_file_path = str(file_path) + '_new'
# compile regex
reg = re.compile(
r'[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}' # match any single letter and number # noqa: W504
+ r'(?![^{\(\<]*[}\)\>])' # that is not inside curly brackets, brackets or a tag # noqa: W504
+ r'(?<![^\%][^\(][)][a-z])' # that is not a specially formatted variable with singles # noqa: W504
+ r'(?![^\\][\n])' # that is not a newline
last_string = ''
# loop through input file lines
with open(file_path, 'rt') as file_org:
with open(new_file_path, 'wt') as file_new:
for line in file_org:
if line.startswith('msgstr "'):
# write output -> replace regex matches with x in the read in (multi)string
file_new.write(f'msgstr "{reg.sub("x", last_string[7:-2])}"\n')
last_string = '' # reset (multi)string
elif line.startswith('msgid "'):
last_string = (
last_string + line
) # a new translatable string starts -> start append
if last_string:
last_string = (
last_string + line
) # a string is being read in -> continue appending
# change out translation files
file_path.rename(str(file_path) + '_old')
# compile languages
print('Compile languages ...')
manage(c, 'compilemessages')
# reset cwd
# set env flag
os.environ['TEST_TRANSLATIONS'] = 'True'
'disable_pty': 'Disable PTY',
'runtest': 'Specify which tests to run, in format <module>.<file>.<class>.<method>',
'migrations': 'Run migration unit tests',
'report': 'Display a report of slow tests',
'coverage': 'Run code coverage analysis (requires coverage package)',
'cui': 'Do not run CUI tests',
def test(
"""Run unit-tests for InvenTree codebase.
To run only certain test, use the argument --runtest.
This can filter all the way down to:
test --runtest=company.test_api
will run tests in the company/test_api.py file.
# Run sanity check on the django install
manage(c, 'check')
pty = not disable_pty
_apps = ' '.join(apps())
cmd = 'test'
if runtest:
# Specific tests to run
cmd += f' {runtest}'
# Run all tests
cmd += f' {_apps}'
if report:
cmd += ' --slowreport'
if migrations:
cmd += ' --tag migration_test'
cmd += ' --exclude-tag migration_test'
if cui:
cmd += ' --exclude-tag=cui'
if coverage:
# Run tests within coverage environment, and generate report
c.run(f'coverage run {managePyPath()} {cmd}')
c.run('coverage xml -i')
# Run simple test runner, without coverage
manage(c, cmd, pty=pty)
@task(help={'dev': 'Set up development environment at the end'})
def setup_test(c, ignore_update=False, dev=False, path='inventree-demo-dataset'):
"""Setup a testing environment."""
from src.backend.InvenTree.InvenTree.config import get_media_dir
if not ignore_update:
# Remove old data directory
if os.path.exists(path):
print('Removing old data ...')
c.run(f'rm {path} -r')
# Get test data
print('Cloning demo dataset ...')
c.run(f'git clone https://github.com/inventree/demo-dataset {path} -v --depth=1')
# Make sure migrations are done - might have just deleted sqlite database
if not ignore_update:
# Load data
print('Loading database records ...')
import_records(c, filename=f'{path}/inventree_data.json', clear=True)
# Copy media files
print('Copying media files ...')
src = Path(path).joinpath('media').resolve()
dst = get_media_dir()
print(f'Copying media files - "{src}" to "{dst}"')
shutil.copytree(src, dst, dirs_exist_ok=True)
print('Done setting up test environment...')
# Set up development setup if flag is set
if dev:
'filename': "Output filename (default = 'schema.yml')",
'overwrite': 'Overwrite existing files without asking first (default = off/False)',
def schema(c, filename='schema.yml', overwrite=False, ignore_warnings=False):
"""Export current API schema."""
check_file_existance(filename, overwrite)
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
print(f"Exporting schema file to '{filename}'")
cmd = f'spectacular --file {filename} --validate --color'
if not ignore_warnings:
cmd += ' --fail-on-warn'
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
assert os.path.exists(filename)
print('Schema export completed:', filename)
def version(c):
"""Show the current version of InvenTree."""
import src.backend.InvenTree.InvenTree.version as InvenTreeVersion
from src.backend.InvenTree.InvenTree.config import (
# Gather frontend version information
_, node, yarn = node_available(versions=True)
InvenTree - inventree.org
The Open-Source Inventory Management System\n
Installation paths:
Base {localDir()}
Config {get_config_file()}
Media {get_media_dir()}
Static {get_static_dir()}
Python {python_version()}
Django {InvenTreeVersion.inventreeDjangoVersion()}
InvenTree {InvenTreeVersion.inventreeVersion()}
API {InvenTreeVersion.inventreeApiVersion()}
Node {node if node else 'N/A'}
Yarn {yarn if yarn else 'N/A'}
Commit hash:{InvenTreeVersion.inventreeCommitHash()}
Commit date:{InvenTreeVersion.inventreeCommitDate()}"""
if len(sys.argv) == 1 and sys.argv[0].startswith('/opt/inventree/env/lib/python'):
You are probably running the package installer / single-line installer. Please mentioned that in any bug reports!
Use '--list' for a list of available commands
Use '--help' for help on a specific command"""
def frontend_check(c):
"""Check if frontend is available."""
def frontend_compile(c):
"""Generate react frontend.
c: Context variable
print('Compiling frontend code...')
def frontend_install(c):
"""Install frontend requirements.
c: Context variable
print('Installing frontend dependencies')
yarn(c, 'yarn install')
def frontend_trans(c):
"""Compile frontend translations.
c: Context variable
print('Compiling frontend translations')
yarn(c, 'yarn run extract')
yarn(c, 'yarn run compile')
def frontend_build(c):
"""Build frontend.
c: Context variable
print('Building frontend')
yarn(c, 'yarn run build --emptyOutDir')
def frontend_dev(c):
"""Start frontend development server.
c: Context variable
print('Starting frontend development server')
yarn(c, 'yarn run compile')
yarn(c, 'yarn run dev')
'ref': 'git ref, default: current git ref',
'tag': 'git tag to look for release',
'file': 'destination to frontend-build.zip file',
'repo': 'GitHub repository, default: InvenTree/inventree',
'extract': 'Also extract and place at the correct destination, default: True',
'clean': 'Delete old files from InvenTree/web/static/web first, default: True',
def frontend_download(
"""Download a pre-build frontend from GitHub if you dont want to install nodejs on your machine.
There are 3 possibilities to install the frontend:
1. invoke frontend-download --ref 01f2aa5f746a36706e9a5e588c4242b7bf1996d5
if ref is omitted, it tries to auto detect the current git ref via `git rev-parse HEAD`.
Note: GitHub doesn't allow workflow artifacts to be downloaded from anonymous users, so
this will output a link where you can download the frontend with a signed in browser
and then continue with option 3
2. invoke frontend-download --tag 0.13.0
Downloads the frontend build from the releases.
3. invoke frontend-download --file /home/vscode/Downloads/frontend-build.zip
This will extract your zip file and place the contents at the correct destination
import functools
import subprocess
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from zipfile import ZipFile
import requests
print('Downloading frontend...')
# globals
default_headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'}
# helper functions
def find_resource(resource, key, value):
for obj in resource:
if obj[key] == value:
return obj
return None
def handle_extract(file):
# if no extract is requested, exit here
if not extract:
dest_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'src/backend' / 'InvenTree/web/static/web'
# if clean, delete static/web directory
if clean:
shutil.rmtree(dest_path, ignore_errors=True)
print(f'Cleaned directory: {dest_path}')
# unzip build to static folder
with ZipFile(file, 'r') as zip_ref:
print(f'Unzipped downloaded frontend build to: {dest_path}')
def handle_download(url):
# download frontend-build.zip to temporary file
with requests.get(
url, headers=default_headers, stream=True, allow_redirects=True
) as response, NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.zip') as dst:
# auto decode the gzipped raw data
response.raw.read = functools.partial(
response.raw.read, decode_content=True
with open(dst.name, 'wb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, f)
print(f'Downloaded frontend build to temporary file: {dst.name}')
# if zip file is specified, try to extract it directly
if file:
# check arguments
if ref is not None and tag is not None:
print('[ERROR] Do not set ref and tag.')
if ref is None and tag is None:
ref = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], encoding='utf-8'
except Exception:
print("[ERROR] Cannot get current ref via 'git rev-parse HEAD'")
if ref is None and tag is None:
print('[ERROR] Either ref or tag needs to be set.')
if tag:
tag = tag.lstrip('v')
except Exception as e:
if not isinstance(e, requests.HTTPError):
raise e
f"""[ERROR] An Error occurred. Unable to download frontend build, release or build does not exist,
try downloading the frontend-build.zip yourself via: https://github.com/{repo}/releases
Then try continuing by running: invoke frontend-download --file <path-to-downloaded-zip-file>"""
if ref:
# get workflow run from all workflow runs on that particular ref
workflow_runs = requests.get(
if not (qc_run := find_resource(workflow_runs['workflow_runs'], 'name', 'QC')):
print('[ERROR] Cannot find any workflow runs for current sha')
f"Found workflow {qc_run['name']} (run {qc_run['run_number']}-{qc_run['run_attempt']})"
# get frontend-build artifact from all artifacts available for this workflow run
artifacts = requests.get(
qc_run['artifacts_url'], headers=default_headers
if not (
frontend_artifact := find_resource(
artifacts['artifacts'], 'name', 'frontend-build'
print('[ERROR] Cannot find frontend-build.zip attachment for current sha')
f"Found artifact {frontend_artifact['name']} with id {frontend_artifact['id']} ({frontend_artifact['size_in_bytes'] / 1e6:.2f}MB)."
GitHub doesn't allow artifact downloads from anonymous users. Either download the following file
via your signed in browser, or consider using a point release download via invoke frontend-download --tag <git-tag>
Download: https://github.com/{repo}/suites/{qc_run['check_suite_id']}/artifacts/{frontend_artifact['id']} manually and
continue by running: invoke frontend-download --file <path-to-downloaded-zip-file>"""
'address': 'Host and port to run the server on (default: localhost:8080)',
'compile_schema': 'Compile the schema documentation first (default: False)',
def docs_server(c, address='localhost:8080', compile_schema=False):
"""Start a local mkdocs server to view the documentation."""
if compile_schema:
# Build the schema docs first
schema(c, ignore_warnings=True, overwrite=True, filename='docs/schema.yml')
c.run('python docs/extract_schema.py docs/schema.yml')
c.run(f'mkdocs serve -a {address} -f docs/mkdocs.yml')