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JSON serializers for Part app
import imghdr
from decimal import Decimal
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
from rest_framework import serializers
from sql_util.utils import SubqueryCount, SubquerySum
from djmoney.contrib.django_rest_framework import MoneyField
from InvenTree.serializers import (InvenTreeAttachmentSerializerField,
from InvenTree.status_codes import BuildStatus, PurchaseOrderStatus
from stock.models import StockItem
from .models import (BomItem, Part, PartAttachment, PartCategory,
PartParameter, PartParameterTemplate, PartSellPriceBreak,
PartStar, PartTestTemplate, PartCategoryParameterTemplate,
class CategorySerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for PartCategory """
url = serializers.CharField(source='get_absolute_url', read_only=True)
parts = serializers.IntegerField(source='item_count', read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = PartCategory
fields = [
class PartAttachmentSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
Serializer for the PartAttachment class
attachment = InvenTreeAttachmentSerializerField(required=True)
class Meta:
model = PartAttachment
fields = [
read_only_fields = [
class PartTestTemplateSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
Serializer for the PartTestTemplate class
key = serializers.CharField(read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = PartTestTemplate
fields = [
class PartSalePriceSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
Serializer for sale prices for Part model.
quantity = serializers.FloatField()
price = serializers.CharField()
class Meta:
model = PartSellPriceBreak
fields = [
class PartInternalPriceSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
Serializer for internal prices for Part model.
quantity = serializers.FloatField()
price = serializers.CharField()
class Meta:
model = PartInternalPriceBreak
fields = [
class PartThumbSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
Serializer for the 'image' field of the Part model.
Used to serve and display existing Part images.
image = serializers.URLField(read_only=True)
count = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)
class PartThumbSerializerUpdate(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for updating Part thumbnail """
def validate_image(self, value):
Check that file is an image.
validate = imghdr.what(value)
if not validate:
raise serializers.ValidationError("File is not an image")
return value
image = InvenTreeAttachmentSerializerField(required=True)
class Meta:
model = Part
fields = [
class PartBriefSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for Part (brief detail) """
thumbnail = serializers.CharField(source='get_thumbnail_url', read_only=True)
stock = serializers.FloatField(source='total_stock')
class Meta:
model = Part
fields = [
class PartSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for complete detail information of a part.
Used when displaying all details of a single component.
def get_api_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('api-part-list')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Custom initialization method for PartSerializer,
so that we can optionally pass extra fields based on the query.
self.starred_parts = kwargs.pop('starred_parts', [])
category_detail = kwargs.pop('category_detail', False)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if category_detail is not True:
def prefetch_queryset(queryset):
Prefetch related database tables,
to reduce database hits.
return queryset.prefetch_related(
def annotate_queryset(queryset):
Add some extra annotations to the queryset,
performing database queries as efficiently as possible,
to reduce database trips.
# Annotate with the total 'in stock' quantity
queryset = queryset.annotate(
SubquerySum('stock_items__quantity', filter=StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER),
# Annotate with the total number of stock items
queryset = queryset.annotate(
# Filter to limit builds to "active"
build_filter = Q(
# Annotate with the total 'building' quantity
queryset = queryset.annotate(
SubquerySum('builds__quantity', filter=build_filter),
# Filter to limit orders to "open"
order_filter = Q(
# Annotate with the total 'on order' quantity
queryset = queryset.annotate(
SubquerySum('supplier_parts__purchase_order_line_items__quantity', filter=order_filter),
) - Coalesce(
SubquerySum('supplier_parts__purchase_order_line_items__received', filter=order_filter),
# Annotate with the number of 'suppliers'
queryset = queryset.annotate(
return queryset
def get_starred(self, part):
Return "true" if the part is starred by the current user.
return part in self.starred_parts
# Extra detail for the category
category_detail = CategorySerializer(source='category', many=False, read_only=True)
# Calculated fields
in_stock = serializers.FloatField(read_only=True)
ordering = serializers.FloatField(read_only=True)
building = serializers.FloatField(read_only=True)
stock_item_count = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)
suppliers = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)
image = InvenTreeImageSerializerField(required=False, allow_null=True)
thumbnail = serializers.CharField(source='get_thumbnail_url', read_only=True)
starred = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
# PrimaryKeyRelated fields (Note: enforcing field type here results in much faster queries, somehow...)
category = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=PartCategory.objects.all())
# TODO - Include annotation for the following fields:
# allocated_stock = serializers.FloatField(source='allocation_count', read_only=True)
# bom_items = serializers.IntegerField(source='bom_count', read_only=True)
# used_in = serializers.IntegerField(source='used_in_count', read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = Part
partial = True
fields = [
# 'allocated_stock',
# 'bom_items',
# 'used_in',
class PartStarSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for a PartStar object """
partname = serializers.CharField(source='part.full_name', read_only=True)
username = serializers.CharField(source='user.username', read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = PartStar
fields = [
class BomItemSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for BomItem object """
price_range = serializers.CharField(read_only=True)
quantity = serializers.FloatField()
part = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=Part.objects.filter(assembly=True))
part_detail = PartBriefSerializer(source='part', many=False, read_only=True)
sub_part = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=Part.objects.filter(component=True))
sub_part_detail = PartBriefSerializer(source='sub_part', many=False, read_only=True)
validated = serializers.BooleanField(read_only=True, source='is_line_valid')
purchase_price_min = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=6, read_only=True)
purchase_price_max = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=6, read_only=True)
purchase_price_avg = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
purchase_price_range = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# part_detail and sub_part_detail serializers are only included if requested.
# This saves a bunch of database requests
part_detail = kwargs.pop('part_detail', False)
sub_part_detail = kwargs.pop('sub_part_detail', False)
super(BomItemSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if part_detail is not True:
if sub_part_detail is not True:
def setup_eager_loading(queryset):
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('part')
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('part__category')
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('part__stock_items')
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('sub_part')
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('sub_part__category')
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('sub_part__stock_items')
queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('sub_part__supplier_parts__pricebreaks')
return queryset
def get_purchase_price_range(self, obj):
""" Return purchase price range """
purchase_price_min = obj.purchase_price_min
except AttributeError:
return None
purchase_price_max = obj.purchase_price_max
except AttributeError:
return None
if purchase_price_min and not purchase_price_max:
# Get price range
purchase_price_range = str(purchase_price_max)
elif not purchase_price_min and purchase_price_max:
# Get price range
purchase_price_range = str(purchase_price_max)
elif purchase_price_min and purchase_price_max:
# Get price range
if purchase_price_min >= purchase_price_max:
# If min > max: use min only
purchase_price_range = str(purchase_price_min)
purchase_price_range = str(purchase_price_min) + " - " + str(purchase_price_max)
purchase_price_range = '-'
return purchase_price_range
def get_purchase_price_avg(self, obj):
""" Return purchase price average """
purchase_price_avg = obj.purchase_price_avg
except AttributeError:
return None
if purchase_price_avg:
# Get string representation of price average
purchase_price_avg = str(purchase_price_avg)
purchase_price_avg = '-'
return purchase_price_avg
class Meta:
model = BomItem
fields = [
class PartParameterSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" JSON serializers for the PartParameter model """
class Meta:
model = PartParameter
fields = [
class PartParameterTemplateSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" JSON serializer for the PartParameterTemplate model """
class Meta:
model = PartParameterTemplate
fields = [
class CategoryParameterTemplateSerializer(InvenTreeModelSerializer):
""" Serializer for PartCategoryParameterTemplate """
parameter_template = PartParameterTemplateSerializer(many=False,
class Meta:
model = PartCategoryParameterTemplate
fields = [