Oliver Walters 500da8099b Add forms / views for creating a new build output, and completing the build
- Also some refactoring of how forms are handled and saved
2020-11-02 22:56:26 +11:00

793 lines
26 KiB

{% load i18n %}
{% load inventree_extras %}
function newBuildOrder(options={}) {
/* Launch modal form to create a new BuildOrder.
"{% url 'build-create' %}",
follow: true,
data: || {},
callback: [
field: 'part',
action: function(value) {
`/api/part/${value}/`, {},
success: function(response) {
//enableField('serial_numbers', response.trackable);
function makeBuildOutputActionButtons(output, buildInfo) {
/* Generate action buttons for a build output.
var buildId =;
var outputId =;
var panel = `#allocation-panel-${outputId}`;
function reloadTable() {
// Find the div where the buttons will be displayed
var buildActions = $(panel).find(`#output-actions-${outputId}`);
var html = `<div class='btn-group float-right' role='group'>`;
// Add a button to "auto allocate" against the build
html += makeIconButton(
'fa-magic icon-blue', 'button-output-auto', outputId,
'{% trans "Auto-allocate stock items to this output" %}',
// Add a button to "complete" the particular build output
html += makeIconButton(
'fa-check icon-green', 'button-output-complete', outputId,
'{% trans "Complete build output" %}',
//disabled: true
// Add a button to "cancel" the particular build output (unallocate)
html += makeIconButton(
'fa-minus-circle icon-red', 'button-output-unallocate', outputId,
'{% trans "Unallocate stock from build output" %}',
// Add a button to "delete" the particular build output
html += makeIconButton(
'fa-trash-alt icon-red', 'button-output-delete', outputId,
'{% trans "Delete build output" %}',
// Add a button to "destroy" the particular build output (mark as damaged, scrap)
html += '</div>';
// Add callbacks for the buttons
$(panel).find(`#button-output-auto-${outputId}`).click(function() {
// Launch modal dialog to perform auto-allocation
data: {
output: outputId,
reload: true,
$(panel).find(`#button-output-complete-${outputId}`).click(function() {
success: reloadTable,
data: {
output: outputId,
$(panel).find(`#button-output-unallocate-${outputId}`).click(function() {
success: reloadTable,
data: {
output: outputId,
$(panel).find(`#button-output-delete-${outputId}`).click(function() {
reload: true,
data: {
output: outputId
function loadBuildOutputAllocationTable(buildInfo, output, options={}) {
* Load the "allocation table" for a particular build output.
* Args:
* - buildId: The PK of the Build object
* - partId: The PK of the Part object
* - output: The StockItem object which is the "output" of the build
* - options:
* -- table: The #id of the table (will be auto-calculated if not provided)
var buildId =;
var partId = buildInfo.part;
var outputId = null;
outputId =;
var table = options.table;
if (options.table == null) {
table = `#allocation-table-${outputId}`;
function reloadTable() {
// Reload the entire build allocation table
function requiredQuantity(row) {
// Return the requied quantity for a given row
return row.quantity * output.quantity;
function sumAllocations(row) {
// Calculat total allocations for a given row
if (!row.allocations) {
return 0;
var quantity = 0;
row.allocations.forEach(function(item) {
quantity += item.quantity;
return quantity;
function setupCallbacks() {
// Register button callbacks once table data are loaded
// Callback for 'allocate' button
$(table).find(".button-add").click(function() {
// Primary key of the 'sub_part'
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
// Launch form to allocate new stock against this output
launchModalForm("{% url 'build-item-create' %}", {
success: reloadTable,
data: {
part: pk,
build: buildId,
install_into: outputId,
secondary: [
field: 'stock_item',
label: '{% trans "New Stock Item" %}',
title: '{% trans "Create new Stock Item" %}',
url: '{% url "stock-item-create" %}',
data: {
part: pk,
callback: [
field: 'stock_item',
action: function(value) {
`/api/stock/${value}/`, {},
success: function(response) {
// How many items are actually available for the given stock item?
var available = response.quantity - response.allocated;
var field = getFieldByName('#modal-form', 'quantity');
// Allocation quantity initial value
var initial = field.attr('value');
if (available < initial) {
// Callback for 'build' button
$(table).find('.button-build').click(function() {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
// Extract row data from the table
var idx = $(this).closest('tr').attr('data-index');
var row = $(table).bootstrapTable('getData')[idx];
// Launch form to create a new build order
launchModalForm('{% url "build-create" %}', {
follow: true,
data: {
part: pk,
parent: buildId,
quantity: requiredQuantity(row) - sumAllocations(row),
// Callback for 'unallocate' button
$(table).find('.button-unallocate').click(function() {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
success: reloadTable,
data: {
output: outputId,
part: pk,
// Load table of BOM items
url: "{% url 'api-bom-list' %}",
queryParams: {
part: partId,
sub_part_detail: true,
formatNoMatches: function() {
return '{% trans "No BOM items found" %}';
name: 'build-allocation',
uniqueId: 'sub_part',
onPostBody: setupCallbacks,
onLoadSuccess: function(tableData) {
// Once the BOM data are loaded, request allocation data for this build output
build: buildId,
output: outputId,
success: function(data) {
// Iterate through the returned data, and group by the part they point to
var allocations = {};
// Total number of line items
var totalLines = tableData.length;
// Total number of "completely allocated" lines
var allocatedLines = 0;
data.forEach(function(item) {
// Group BuildItem objects by part
var part = item.part;
var key = parseInt(part);
if (!(key in allocations)) {
allocations[key] = new Array();
// Now update the allocations for each row in the table
for (var key in allocations) {
// Select the associated row in the table
var tableRow = $(table).bootstrapTable('getRowByUniqueId', key);
if (!tableRow) {
// Set the allocation list for that row
tableRow.allocations = allocations[key];
// Calculate the total allocated quantity
var allocatedQuantity = sumAllocations(tableRow);
// Is this line item fully allocated?
if (allocatedQuantity >= (tableRow.quantity * output.quantity)) {
allocatedLines += 1;
// Push the updated row back into the main table
$(table).bootstrapTable('updateByUniqueId', key, tableRow, true);
// Update the total progress for this build output
var buildProgress = $(`#allocation-panel-${outputId}`).find($(`#output-progress-${outputId}`));
var progress = makeProgressBar(
// Update the available actions for this build output
makeBuildOutputActionButtons(output, buildInfo);
sortable: true,
showColumns: false,
detailViewByClick: true,
detailView: true,
detailFilter: function(index, row) {
return row.allocations != null;
detailFormatter: function(index, row, element) {
// Contruct an 'inner table' which shows which stock items have been allocated
var subTableId = `allocation-table-${}`;
var html = `<div class='sub-table'><table class='table table-condensed table-striped' id='${subTableId}'></table></div>`;
var lineItem = row;
var subTable = $(`#${subTableId}`);
data: row.allocations,
showHeader: true,
columns: [
width: '50%',
field: 'quantity',
title: '{% trans "Assigned Stock" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var text = '';
var url = '';
if (row.serial && row.quantity == 1) {
text = `{% trans "Serial Number" %}: ${row.serial}`;
} else {
text = `{% trans "Quantity" %}: ${row.quantity}`;
{% if build.status == BuildStatus.COMPLETE %}
url = `/stock/item/${}/`;
{% else %}
url = `/stock/item/${row.stock_item}/`;
{% endif %}
return renderLink(text, url);
field: 'location',
title: '{% trans "Location" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
if (row.stock_item_detail.location) {
var text = row.stock_item_detail.location_name;
var url = `/stock/location/${row.stock_item_detail.location}/`;
return renderLink(text, url);
} else {
return '<i>{% trans "No location set" %}</i>';
field: 'actions',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
/* Actions available for a particular stock item allocation:
* - Edit the allocation quantity
* - Delete the allocation
var pk =;
var html = `<div class='btn-group float-right' role='group'>`;
html += makeIconButton('fa-edit icon-blue', 'button-allocation-edit', pk, '{% trans "Edit stock allocation" %}');
html += makeIconButton('fa-trash-alt icon-red', 'button-allocation-delete', pk, '{% trans "Delete stock allocation" %}');
html += `</div>`;
return html;
// Assign button callbacks to the newly created allocation buttons
subTable.find('.button-allocation-edit').click(function() {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
launchModalForm(`/build/item/${pk}/edit/`, {
success: reloadTable,
subTable.find('.button-allocation-delete').click(function() {
var pk = $(this).attr('pk');
launchModalForm(`/build/item/${pk}/delete/`, {
success: reloadTable,
columns: [
field: 'pk',
visible: false,
field: 'sub_part_detail.full_name',
title: '{% trans "Required Part" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var url = `/part/${row.sub_part}/`;
var thumb = row.sub_part_detail.thumbnail;
var name = row.sub_part_detail.full_name;
var html = imageHoverIcon(thumb) + renderLink(name, url);
html += makePartIcons(row.sub_part_detail);
return html;
field: 'reference',
title: '{% trans "Reference" %}',
sortable: true,
field: 'quantity',
title: '{% trans "Quantity Per" %}',
sortable: true,
field: 'sub_part_detail.stock',
title: '{% trans "Available" %}',
field: 'allocated',
title: '{% trans "Allocated" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var allocated = 0;
if (row.allocations) {
row.allocations.forEach(function(item) {
allocated += item.quantity;
var required = requiredQuantity(row);
return makeProgressBar(allocated, required);
sorter: function(valA, valB, rowA, rowB) {
var aA = sumAllocations(rowA);
var aB = sumAllocations(rowB);
var qA = rowA.quantity;
var qB = rowB.quantity;
qA *= output.quantity;
qB *= output.quantity;
// Handle the case where both numerators are zero
if ((aA == 0) && (aB == 0)) {
return (qA > qB) ? 1 : -1;
// Handle the case where either denominator is zero
if ((qA == 0) || (qB == 0)) {
return 1;
var progressA = parseFloat(aA) / qA;
var progressB = parseFloat(aB) / qB;
// Handle the case where both ratios are equal
if (progressA == progressB) {
return (qA < qB) ? 1 : -1;
return (progressA < progressB) ? 1 : -1;
field: 'actions',
title: '{% trans "Actions" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
// Generate action buttons for this build output
var html = `<div class='btn-group float-right' role='group'>`;
if (sumAllocations(row) < requiredQuantity(row)) {
if (row.sub_part_detail.assembly) {
html += makeIconButton('fa-tools icon-blue', 'button-build', row.sub_part, '{% trans "Build stock" %}');
if (row.sub_part_detail.purchaseable) {
html += makeIconButton('fa-shopping-cart icon-blue', 'button-buy', row.sub_part, '{% trans "Order stock" %}', {disabled: true});
html += makeIconButton('fa-sign-in-alt icon-green', 'button-add', row.sub_part, '{% trans "Allocate stock" %}');
html += makeIconButton(
'fa-minus-circle icon-red', 'button-unallocate', row.sub_part,
'{% trans "Unallocate stock" %}',
disabled: row.allocations == null
html += '</div>';
return html;
function loadBuildTable(table, options) {
// Display a table of Build objects
var params = options.params || {};
var filters = {};
if (!options.disableFilters) {
for (var key in params) {
filters[key] = params[key];
setupFilterList("build", table);
method: 'get',
formatNoMatches: function() {
return '{% trans "No builds matching query" %}';
url: options.url,
queryParams: filters,
groupBy: false,
name: 'builds',
original: params,
columns: [
field: 'pk',
title: 'ID',
visible: false,
switchable: false,
field: 'reference',
title: '{% trans "Build" %}',
sortable: true,
switchable: false,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var prefix = "{% settings_value 'BUILDORDER_REFERENCE_PREFIX' %}";
if (prefix) {
value = `${prefix}${value}`;
return renderLink(value, '/build/' + + '/');
field: 'title',
title: '{% trans "Description" %}',
sortable: true,
field: 'part',
title: '{% trans "Part" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var name = row.part_detail.full_name;
return imageHoverIcon(row.part_detail.thumbnail) + renderLink(name, '/part/' + row.part + '/');
field: 'quantity',
title: '{% trans "Quantity" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return makeProgressBar(
style: 'max',
field: 'status',
title: '{% trans "Status" %}',
sortable: true,
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return buildStatusDisplay(value);
field: 'creation_date',
title: '{% trans "Created" %}',
sortable: true,
field: 'completion_date',
title: '{% trans "Completed" %}',
sortable: true,
function updateAllocationTotal(id, count, required) {
count = parseFloat(count);
var el = $("#allocation-panel-" + id);
el.removeClass('part-allocation-pass part-allocation-underallocated part-allocation-overallocated');
if (count < required) {
} else if (count > required) {
} else {
function loadAllocationTable(table, part_id, part, url, required, button) {
// Load the allocation table
url: url,
sortable: false,
formatNoMatches: function() { return '{% trans "No parts allocated for" %} ' + part; },
columns: [
field: 'stock_item_detail',
title: '{% trans "Stock Item" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return '' + parseFloat(value.quantity) + ' x ' + value.part_name + ' @ ' + value.location_name;
field: 'stock_item_detail.quantity',
title: '{% trans "Available" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
return parseFloat(value);
field: 'quantity',
title: '{% trans "Allocated" %}',
formatter: function(value, row, index, field) {
var html = parseFloat(value);
var bEdit = "<button class='btn item-edit-button btn-sm' type='button' title='{% trans "Edit stock allocation" %}' url='/build/item/" + + "/edit/'><span class='fas fa-edit'></span></button>";
var bDel = "<button class='btn item-del-button btn-sm' type='button' title='{% trans "Delete stock allocation" %}' url='/build/item/" + + "/delete/'><span class='fas fa-trash-alt icon-red'></span></button>";
html += "<div class='btn-group' style='float: right;'>" + bEdit + bDel + "</div>";
return html;
// Callback for 'new-item' button {
launchModalForm(button.attr('url'), {
success: function() {
table.on('', function(data) {
// Extract table data
var results = table.bootstrapTable('getData');
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
count += parseFloat(results[i].quantity);
updateAllocationTotal(part_id, count, required);
// Button callbacks for editing and deleting the allocations
table.on('click', '.item-edit-button', function() {
var button = $(this);
launchModalForm(button.attr('url'), {
success: function() {
table.on('click', '.item-del-button', function() {
var button = $(this);
launchModalForm(button.attr('url'), {
success: function() {